Wednesday, 2016-12-14

mnaseryeah my patch review failed because of it but ihingst was mentioned that patch would fix t00:00
mnaseraccidentally touched my touchpad there, lol.00:00
mnaserit was mentioned that patch would fix it00:00
clarkbthat moment when you click save on a gerrit comment just as backups happen00:01
mnaseri think that's what happened00:01
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mnaserwhen its trying to manually install r10k, it fails00:01
mnaserit basically means gem install r10k on a centos 7 server is broken00:02
mnaserthis is a r10k depedency, im not good with ruby's gemfile configs .. .. but i believe this is the cause00:03
clarkbya I will admit that gems/rake/etc are all msotly a foreign language to me00:04
clarkbso its like trying to ride public transit in europe when I interact with them00:04
mnaserso it seems that the new gettext-setup release broke things00:04
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Allow package-installs to parse DIB_PYTHON_VERSION
openstackgerritMerged openstack/diskimage-builder: Update sysctl-write-value to do conflict checking
mnaseri dont know if anyone want to comment/post on that issue :>00:05
jeblairwell, i don't know the proper emoticon for a github pileon comment00:07
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* fungi finds most european public transit quite navigable, but maybe that's just me00:07
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Move pip-and-virtualenv source install to 10-
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fungijeblair: "Me, too!"00:08
fungior the shorter: "AOL!"00:08
mnasereveryone here to post a +1 in 5...4...3...00:09
* fungi notes that "AOL!" as an interjection has an entry in the jargon file00:09
fungia see-also from "September that never ended"00:10
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Disable centos6 testing
clarkbfungi: ya its navigable you just have to figure out what a few of the words mean and how the diagrams go together00:11
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clarkbits different but parseable with effor00:12
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mnaserok looks like it's already looked after from puppet-openstack folks :>00:13
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openstackgerritSagi Shnaidman proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: DONT REVIEW: test
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Add install-types as pip-and-virtualenv dep
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/diskimage-builder: Move pip-and-virtualenv source install to 10-
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openstackgerritRuijing proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Enable multinode connectivity for networking-odl    reuse DEVSTACK_GATE_NEUTRON_DVR to set up internal vxlan for br-ex
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jheskethfungi: I'm going to retire liberty branches as per tonyb's email this afternoon unless you have any objections00:44
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fungijhesketh: thanks for taking care of that--no objections whatsoever!00:46
jheskethof course :-)00:46
fungiand apparently in gerrit 2.13 or maybe 2.14, branch deletion becomes a separate permission we can delegate (finally!)00:46
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/puppet-openstack_infra_spec_helper: Pin fast_gettext to work on CentOS7 ruby
clarkbok if I have done that right then that should fix our fast_gettext issues00:49
clarkbjeblair: want me to go ahead and set a depends on for you on your nodepool back to master change/00:49
jeblairclarkb: ++thx00:50
* jeblair follows clarkb through the transit system00:50
clarkbactually I don't think the openstackci puppet module gemfile will work with cross repo depends00:50
clarkbso we may just need to approve ^ if it passes then recheck jeblair's change and hope it fixes00:51
clarkbkind of like deciding to take a trasnfer in hopes that it gets you were you want to go00:51
jeblairclarkb: we can always go around to the other platform to turn around... but only if we get off at a station where you can do that without going through the turnstiles...?00:51
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Allow package-installs to parse DIB_PYTHON_VERSION
jeblairclarkb: but actually, why wouldn't crd work?00:52
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jeblairi thought the puppetopenstackci test was all about that00:52
clarkbjeblair: because the gemfile says install it from
clarkbin puppet-openstackci00:53
jeblairirony of ironies00:54
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clarkbso ya my suggestion would be to merge that, recheck, and revert if it doesn't work00:56
jeblairclarkb: test seemed to install gettext $oldversion.  +300:56
clarkbotherwise I will spend more time trying to figure out how to setup a ruby env to test locally than it would take to do ^00:56
clarkbjeblair: cool00:56
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/diskimage-builder: Add install-types as pip-and-virtualenv dep
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-openstack_infra_spec_helper: Pin fast_gettext to work on CentOS7 ruby
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jeblairclarkb: rechecked 41046101:06
jeblairmnaser: ^ maybe you want to recheck now that 410478 has merged?01:07
mnaserjeblair thanks!01:08
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Implement Experimental Infra jobs for Puppet 4 testing
EmilienMmordred, clarkb ^ really wip but I'll make progress from here01:09
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Implement Experimental Infra jobs for Puppet 4 testing
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Allow package-installs to parse DIB_PYTHON_VERSION
openstackgerritMerged openstack/diskimage-builder: Disable centos6 testing
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Added Gem Mirror to Infra
clarkbjeblair: jenkins is happy on 410461 now. Will let you approve when ready01:17
jeblairclarkb: i think maybe tomorrow morning at this point01:17
jeblairunless anyone else wants to babysit it01:18
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clarkbI am switching to dinner mode now soshouldnt01:19
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openstackgerritYAMAMOTO Takashi proposed openstack-infra/project-config: neutron-vpnaas: Remove gate-neutron-vpnaas-dsvm-functional-ubuntu-xenial
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clarkbis^ the first undo xenialification change?01:26
openstackgerritRichard Jones proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Remove Horizon integrated test suite
jeblairdo we have to move the spec out of implemented?01:28
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clarkbjeblair: I hope not01:34
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/diskimage-builder: Allow package-installs to parse DIB_PYTHON_VERSION
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hongbinianw: ping02:31
hongbinianw: if you have a chance, could you revisit this patch ? Your comment about dependency is addressed and it got +1 from Kuryr PTL02:32
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tonybjhesketh: How far through the liberty EOL are you?02:35
jheskethtonyb: haven't begun02:35
tonybjhesketh: okay.02:35
jheskethtonyb: any reason?02:36
tonybjhesketh: I'm going to take zaqar from the list, so please re-fetch that list before you do start02:36
tonybjhesketh: I'm removing them as they have a tag final release chnage in the releases repo and I'd like to land that first02:36
jheskethtonyb: looks like the gist you linked me to might be at a sha... perhaps re-link me once you've updated it to make sure I have the right version please02:36
tonybjhesketh: do tou have one or tywo sha's in the URL?02:37
jheskethtonyb: 202:37
jhesketheither way, a new link for confidence would be appreciated02:37
tonybjhesketh: I'd expect that the first SHA is the same and the secon chnages02:38
tonybjhesketh: but is the link I meant to send the first time02:39
jheskethtonyb: yep02:39
tonybjhesketh: which shoudl always be the current HEAD of the master branch for the gist02:39
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Implement Experimental Infra jobs for Puppet 4 testing
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Implement Experimental Infra jobs for Puppet 4 testing
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openstackgerritMike Kolesnik proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add non voting networking-odl job
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openstackgerritTomasz Trębski proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Make python35 voting
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Update warnings plugin
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Fix pip-and-virtualenv to work with python3
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Remove files from undercloud to save space
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jamielennoxjhesketh, ianw: any tips for how to kill a stalled job in zuul 2.5?06:28
jamielennoxrestarting the server is painful06:28
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ianwjamielennox: umm, log into the host and kill anything running under ssh (except yourself :)06:28
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ianwthat should at least just fail the job06:29
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jamielennoxianw: the launcher host?06:32
ianwjamielennox: the testing host.  but maybe i'm misunderstanding how it's stalled06:32
jamielennoxianw: yea, that's kind of the thing i couldn't tell how, it was in zuul show running-jobs and it wasn't able to enqueue it again but it wasn't running anywhere06:33
jamielennoxit seems to have timed out now, i just was hoping there was a forceful way to dequeue it from the pipeline06:34
ianwjamielennox: ahh, yeah not sure06:34
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jamielennoxi end up with06:38
jamielennoxzuul show running-jobs06:38
jamielennox| Job Name |  Worker |  Start Time | Result |06:38
jamielennox| tox_py27 | Unknown | Unknown ago |  None  |06:38
jamielennoxand there's really nothing that says why, or any way to kill it06:39
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jheskethjamielennox: I'm not sure how zuul would go if you kill the runner itself.. I suspect the scheduler wouldn't notice and the job would be stuck (might be wrong though)06:42
jheskethjamielennox: if you can find the ansible sub-process that'd be the one to kill06:42
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jamielennoxjhesketh: so there's no ansible processes running06:44
jamielennoxthe only possible thing i've found is if i kill all available nodepool servers it can sometimes prompt it06:48
jheskethjamielennox: so you have a stalled job with no ansible process.. is it a reoccuring problem?06:48
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jamielennoxjhesketh: yes, but honestly there's so many moving parts at the moment that i'm not going to say it's repeatable or anything serious06:49
jheskethjamielennox: and you're running master?06:50
jheskethany hints in the launcher debug logs?06:50
jamielennoxso yea, i killed all nodepool listeners06:50
jamielennoxand it reported back that the job failed in 8 seconds06:51
jamielennox20 minutes later06:51
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jheskethjamielennox: did the job have logs?06:51
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jamielennoxif you view-source the formatting is better06:52
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jheskethhmm it's not clear why killing the nodepool listeners unblocked it, but have you looked into the git errors there?06:55
jamielennoxthat's the current process i'm looking into06:55
jamielennoxi'm not sure yet how exposing the zuul git repos over http works when they are not bare repos06:55
openstackgerritDobroslaw Zybort proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add tox check for monasca-log-api
clarkbjamielennox: iirc nothing about git repo hosting requires they be bare06:58
jamielennoxclarkb: so i was reading from:
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jamielennoxwhen using git-http-backend like that when i do a git clone against the URL with LogLevel debug i get 404s07:01
jamielennoxand it looks like the git-http-backend is trying to find bare data07:01
jamielennoxso maybe the zuul-cloner is doing something different, i haven't seen that yet07:01
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clarkbzuul cloner doesnt clone from the mergers it only fetches the required refs07:02
clarkbwhich works fine with not bare repos07:02
jamielennoxah, now that might be where we are having problems07:02
clarkb(and I think not bare would worl fine too if noy actively being modified)07:02
jamielennox(which may/may not be why the job is hanging)07:03
jamielennoxso zuul-cloner takes a --zuul-url as well as a regular url07:03
clarkbthe issues arise from races between cloning and changes to what HEAD is and the like07:03
AJaegerclarkb: regarding This is stopping testing because of no openswan. There's another job that tests strongswan. So, that looks fine07:03
jamielennoxthat works so long as those are public and unchanging07:03
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jamielennoxbut we have multiple sources hooked up to zuul, so assuming that the base url is or anything else doesn't really work07:04
clarkbyes I suggested to jlk that a mirror makes sense for other reasons in addition to solving this earlier today07:04
AJaegerianw, jhesketh, yolanda: Could you put and as trusty/py34 cleanups on your review queue, please? And also a change to get rid of custom py27:
clarkbother idea was to update z-c map to specify a specific source and ignore base url for those07:05
clarkbthat would require a z-c change as thats not current behavior07:06
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jheskethAJaeger: sure, but my queue is backed up so not sure when I'll get to them sorry07:06
AJaegerjhesketh: no worries - thanks.07:07
jamielennoxclarkb: ah ok, so jlk's already discovered this - i'll have a further talk with him tomorrow07:07
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/diskimage-builder: Catch errors in DIB_INIT_SYSTEM export
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/diskimage-builder: Fix pip-and-virtualenv to work with python3
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Julien-ztehi, can zuul monitor some type of dedicated file changes, such as *.rst and trigger some jobs. like file-paths of gerrit plugin in Jenkins07:18
AJaegerJulien-zte: yes, it does07:19
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Julien-zteit's great07:19
AJaegerJulien-zte: check zuul/layout.yaml in project-config and search for "files:"07:19
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Julien-zteI don't find some examples07:19
Julien-zteok, I will do it07:20
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AJaegerDid you read the zuul docs?07:20
Julien-zteyes, from , no usefule docs07:20
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yolandahi, good morning07:24
yolandaAJaeger, i'll take a look07:24
AJaegerthanks, yolanda07:24
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toabctlif I want todo a search on pipy while running a job in the CI, which pypi url should I use?07:25
toabctlI guess not
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Julien-ztethanks Ajaeger07:26
Julien-zteI make a mistrake, find it in triggers not in jobs07:26
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AJaegertoabctl: I'm not understanding what you want to do. Good morning to you!07:27
toabctlAJaeger, a script runs when calling tox -elint and the script has "xmlrpc_client.ServerProxy('')"07:28
toabctlAJaeger, good morning :)07:28
toabctlAJaeger, is that ok ? or should I somehow use a local pypi mirror when running this in the openstack infrastructure?07:28
AJaegertoabctl: we have local mirrors on regions, let me find where we sat that...07:29
AJaegertoabctl: see project-config file nodepool/scripts/ - we write a pip.conf that contains the mirror to use. Can you parse that pip.conf?07:30
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Cleanup py34 for nodepool, zuul
AJaegertoabctl: "grep '^index-url' /etc/pip.conf' - and take the first one ?07:31
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toabctlAJaeger, that should work. thanks!07:32
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Python34 cleanup:
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AJaegeryolanda: could review as well, please?07:33
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Python34/trusty cleanup
openstackgerritClint 'SpamapS' Byrum proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Remove TestScheduler.test_nonexistent_job
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Skip security role gate for branches <= Mitaka
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Remove Horizon integrated test suite
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openstackgerritJames Page proposed openstack-infra/project-config: snaps: Add OpenStack Snap package repos
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openstackgerritLuka Peschke proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Moved cloudkitty-dsvm job from experimental to gate pipeline
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openstackgerritLuka Peschke proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Moved cloudkitty-dsvm job from experimental to gate pipeline
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Make python35 voting
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: neutron-vpnaas: Remove gate-neutron-vpnaas-dsvm-functional-ubuntu-xenial
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Remove multinode grenade in Cinder's stable/mitaka
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add tempest gate for Almanach
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Make the pxe_ipmitool-virtualbmc-src job voting
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: [Manila] Make grenade job voting
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add new charm CloudKitty
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: [magnum][rally] Enable heat plugin
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openstackgerritSreeram Vancheeswaran proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Request to add new project os-brick-dpm
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openstackgerritOksana Voshchana proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: TEST for multinode grenade devstack
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openstackgerritSreeram Vancheeswaran proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Request to add new project os-brick-dpm
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savihouHello Everyone, hope I didn't miss anything, is there any chance applying tempest configuration using [[post-extra|\$TEMPEST_CONFIG]] in local.conf was deprecated ?09:19
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savihouPlease dismiss my question, found mail.09:22
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openstackgerritmathieu bultel proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Implement major upgrade for Newton to Ocata
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sshnaidmyolanda, hi, did you have a chance to look at ?09:28
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yolandahi sshnaidm , sorry. I 'll take a look now09:29
sshnaidmyolanda, thanks09:29
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yolandalooks fine to me09:29
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sshnaidmyolanda, so extras will be always cloned together with quickstart, right?09:36
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sshnaidmyolanda, thanks!09:37
openstackgerritSagi Shnaidman proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Always clone quickstart extras with quickstart
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openstackgerritMarkos Chandras proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: elements: dib-python: Add python2 as the default version for openSUSE
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openstackgerritLucas Alvares Gomes proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Make ...ironic-pxe_ipmitool-pyghmi-src-ubuntu-xenial voting
openstackgerritLucas Alvares Gomes proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Enable python-jobs for pyghmi
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oansonttx, hi, are you in?09:56
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openstackgerritOksana Voshchana proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: TEST for multinode grenade devstack
ttxoanson: yes10:04
oansonttx, Hi. I wanted to verify Dragonflow has a room in the PTG10:04
oansonI saw it was added to the list, but the mail I sent to faq@... was not replied (or I missed it)10:04
ttxyes, as mentioned on
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oansonGreat. Thanks!10:04
ttxoanson: np!10:04
openstackgerritmathieu bultel proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Implement major upgrade for Newton to Ocata
openstackgerritOksana Voshchana proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: TEST for multinode grenade devstack
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d0ugalIs py35 replacing the py34 checks?10:05
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d0ugalI have noticed some projects have dropped py34, but py35 is still non-voting.10:05
AJaegerd0ugal: see
AJaegerd0ugal: please make py35 voting10:06
d0ugalAJaeger: will do, thanks!10:07
d0ugalrakhmerov: ^10:07
d0ugaljaosorior: ^10:07
rakhmerovok, thanks10:08
openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack-infra/project-config: novajoin: Make py35 job voting
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Use test-setup for monasca-analytics
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openstackgerritDougal Matthews proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Make the py35 jobs voting on Mistral
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openstackgerritDougal Matthews proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Make py35 voting on tripleoclient and tripleo-common
dirkdoes anyone understand what "POST_FAILURE" means?10:15
dirkwe get that pretty consistently with glance on this review, I begin to suspect its something with the review rather than infra..10:16
jaosoriord0ugal: I'm doing it for the rest of the tripleo projects as well (os-collect-config, os-refresh-config...etc)10:17
d0ugaljaosorior: cool, thanks - I'll stop :)10:18
d0ugaljaosorior: I just done tripleo-common/tripleoclient10:18
abregmanhi. question on nodepool - does it take into account the available resources when spawning up VMs?10:18
openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Make py35 jobs voting for tripleo jobs
AJaegerdirk: POST_FAILURE means that ansible failed after the job succeed10:19
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AJaegerOften a CI problem10:19
AJaegermmh, it could happen that the node get killed somehow.10:20
openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack-infra/project-config: novajoin: Make py35 job voting
AJaegerdirk: you could recheck and check the streaming output10:20
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abregmanhi. question on nodepool - does it take into account the available resources when spawning up VMs?10:20
AJaegerd0ugal, jaosorior : Thanks!10:20
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dirkAJaeger: are there logs available after that happened?10:21
AJaegerabregman: AFAIK only limit is number of machines10:21
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AJaegerdirk: let's chat directly, will come to your office in a few...10:21
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abregmanAJaeger: I mean, if you want to create a VM and you don't have enough resources atm, what would happen? will it fail or there is a use of some sort of queue?10:22
abregmandoes it inspect the provider's resources usage?10:23
AJaegerabregman: AFAIK you should define the limit (= number of VMs to use maximal) in such a way that this does not happen ;)10:23
AJaegerabregman: but I'm not an expert, better ask later again10:23
abregmanAJaeger: oh :/10:23
abregmanAJaeger: thanks!10:23
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openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack-infra/project-config: novajoin: Make py35 job voting
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openstackgerritAndrea Frittoli proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add identity v3 test accounts job
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strigaziHi all, in magnum, in the post_hook, I want to get the dns_nameserver and I do it with networkmanager. For that I need the physical device. Is GUEST_INTERFACE_DEFAULT the correct variable to get it from?10:29
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openstackgerritCarlos Camacho proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Test do not merge
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nileshsawantHello All, can someone please help me for creating Third party CI11:40
nileshsawantam facing issue for ruuunig cmd :  nodepool image-upload all dpc11:40
nileshsawantit is faling11:40
nileshsawantam not getting anything in /var/log/nodepool/image/image.log11:41
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nileshsawantwhich logs to refer ?11:41
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AJaegernileshsawant: best ask on #openstack-third-party-ci11:42
nileshsawantokay thanks11:44
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openstackgerritSagi Shnaidman proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: DONT REVIEW: test
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openstackgerritTomasz Trębski proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Drop Java Implemention codebase
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openstackgerritTomasz Trębski proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Drop Java Implemention codebase
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openstackgerritRodrigo Duarte proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add a job to run federated identity tests
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openstackgerritJulia Varlamova proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add Keystone multinode Grenade job
openstackgerritRicardo Carrillo Cruz proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Ansibly the start of fresh logging
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openstackgerritSagi Shnaidman proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: DONT REVIEW: test
kfox1111question. can you reboot a node in a gate job?12:43
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openstackgerritRicardo Carrillo Cruz proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Ansibly the setup of stack user
openstackgerritRicardo Carrillo Cruz proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Ansibly the setup of the tempest user
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openstackgerritTomasz Trębski proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Drop Java Implemention codebase
openstackgerritOksana Voshchana proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: TEST for multinode grenade devstack
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openstackgerritTomasz Trębski proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Monasca Gate Setup for ORM+PostgreSQL
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/release-tools: Handle non-python libraries in
yuvalHey, does anyone knows a way to update a project directory (Karbor) cached on a gate? Our current cached repo is causing issues because of gitattributes update13:01
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openstackgerritSagi Shnaidman proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Kill dstat to prevent hanging of job
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openstackgerritAndrea Frittoli proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add e-r query for bug/1646779
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AJaegeryuval: please explain the problem some more13:26
yuvalAJaeger: we made a change to gitattributes to make sure rst files use LF and not CRLF. Seems like one filed stayed CRLF, causing 'git checkout master' to be dirty since git automatically converts it to LF13:28
yuvalAJaeger: now, it seems like that rogue state is being cached in gate13:29
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yuvalAJaeger: so fetching the latest commit and checkout fails13:29
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andreafAJaeger: hi - thanks for your review on - I've got a question13:31
andreafAJaeger: why is the devstack-periodic-master-jobs job-group not needed? I thought that's what generates the periodic jobs13:31
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yuvalAJaeger: you can see that here:
sreeram_vRequest your review + approval on this one
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dhellmannif folks are seeing release note build failures, it's because now that the liberty stable branches are gone we need to remove the liberty pages for release notes13:33
dhellmannwe should probably update the EOL procedures to include that step.13:33
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kfox1111can you safely reboot in a gate job?13:36
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Implement Experimental Infra jobs for Puppet 4 testing
EmilienMclarkb: I might need your help on to add the logic that deploy puppet4 in the nodes, not sure how you want to do it13:43
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AJaegerandreaf: are you using a periodic job?13:51
AJaegeryuval: where's the change with the gitattributes? Do you ahve a link?13:52
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AJaegerandreaf: missed that you add it to periodic queue - that is worth to mention in commit message. I'll comment13:53
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AJaegerdhellmann: so, those liberty pages will be removed from our webserver completely now. Is that really desired?13:55
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dhellmannAJaeger : no idea. probably not?13:55
dhellmannit is possible to generate a static version of the page, rather than deleting it entirely13:56
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dhellmannalthough that will be harder now that the branches are removed13:56
AJaegerdhellmann: soon we will remove stale pages with every update. So, the liberty.html file will be removed.13:56
dhellmannthere's the "how do I fix every broken build" question and the "what do we want to do for long term publishing of release notes question"13:57
AJaeger... removed automatically from docs.o.o13:57
dhellmannI was only focused on the first today13:57
AJaegerdhellmann: ah ;) I was focused on the second :)13:57
dhellmannif we have eol tags, we can manually recreate the missing pages one project at a time13:57
dhellmannor maybe I can teach reno to scan from tags, I don't know13:57
dhellmannthe data we need is still present in the repositories, it's just not there in a way reno can find it today13:58
AJaegerdhellmann: sorry, can't help further on this one right now. Thanks for the heads-up.13:58
dhellmannAJaeger : ack, I'll give it some thought13:58
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dmsimardWas there any changes to locales on the images recently ? Seeing some obnoxious amount of spam since this week afaict
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pabelangerAJaeger: abregman: nodepool has no queue option, it simply launches VMs. So, if your cloud is lacking resources, nodepool will schedule the launch but the VM will fail to be created, the process repeats until the VM is able to boot correctly14:01
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pabelangerdmsimard: diskimage-builder will remove non en_US locales at build time, looks like a new package install is looking for the originals14:04
dmsimardpabelanger: perhaps related to 7.3 release14:05
dmsimardpabelanger: is dib building off of 7.3 since monday ?14:05
pabelangerlikely, currently centos-7 DIBs are broken14:05
pabelangerneed to ping somebody for that14:06
dmsimardis that from the ceph storage sig ?14:06
dmsimardamoralej|lunch, EmilienM: ^ is the hammer EOL/hammer on 7.3 issue ?14:07
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pabelangerdmsimard: what is ceph storage sig?14:07
amoralejthat's from epel14:07
dmsimardlooks like 0.80 is ceph firefly, not hammer.. so nevermind14:07
dmsimardyuck, epel ?14:08
pabelangeryes, needed for devstack14:08
pabelangerovs for example14:08
dmsimardwhat for ?14:08
openstackgerritJan Klare proposed openstack-infra/project-config: move unmaintained chef cookbooks to openstack-attic
dmsimardeh, carrying RDO repository might be safer but that's a topic for another time14:08
amoralejanyway, if you install ceph storage sig repo, it will be installed from there as it has higher nvr14:09
pabelangerdmsimard: which repo?14:09
pabelangeramoralej: which URL is that?14:09
amoralejthere are repo rpms to install the repo files14:09
dmsimardor the centos-release-ceph-hammer rpm14:09
amoralejbut if posible move to jewel instead of hammer14:10
dmsimardHOWEVER, hammer is slated for EOL shortly so probably use ceph-jewel instead..14:10
dmsimardwhy are ceph deps preinstalled, though ?14:10
pabelangernot installed, we cache it14:10
pabelangerfor devstack14:10
dmsimardTIL devstack tests a ceph implementation14:11
amoralejTIL epel ships packages for ceph14:11
dmsimardamoralej: outdated ones at that14:11
amoralejthey should be removed from EPEL as there are newer ones in storage sig14:12
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dmsimardpabelanger: so, two things: 1) RDO carries OVS for each shipped release (that would be openvswitch-2.5.0-2.el7.x86_64.rpm for newton, for example), that's in (in common)14:13
pabelangernow I need to remember how we enable epel714:13
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abregman|mtgpabelanger: so if I have two builds and for each build, nodepool fails to create VMs, how it handles it? will it simply try to recreate without any order?14:13
dmsimardpabelanger: 2) A better source for Ceph (compared to epel) would be the CentOS ceph storage SIG which carries both hammer (soon EOL) and jewel14:13
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amoralejremember that if you install hammer repo, you still may have issues with 7.3, so my advise is to go with jewel, which is what we test in newton and master14:14
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pabelangerdmsimard: I'll have to wait for clarkb to comment, he knows the epel dependencies better14:14
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dmsimardpabelanger: sure, should we document this somewhere better than irc ?14:15
pabelangerabregman|mtg: on the next loop, they both should be launched, which ever one is created first on the cloud wins14:15
abregman|mtgpabelanger: too bad :(14:15
pabelangerabregman|mtg: how so?14:16
abregman|mtgpabelanger: well I want the one that got in first to get VMs before the later change14:16
abregman|mtgpabelanger: so some sort of queue in nodepool I guess14:16
kfox1111anyone know if its safe to reboot the node in a gate job?14:16
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clarkbkfox1111: it is not, this is now documented at
pabelangerkfox1111: no, nodepool will assume the node went offline and restart the job14:19
clarkbpabelanger: we enable epel in order to cache packages for devstack14:19
clarkbrdo is where weget ovs14:19
DizietI have a problem with the 2min timeout on  When cloning openstack-nova, my client spends more than 2mins pratting about looking for nonexistent files etc., and then the connection gets dropped.14:20
pabelangerclarkb: right, was digging into a package list, looks like ceph is broken in epel. And Red Hat folks seem to recommend no using epel, something about zero testing also14:20
clarkbI wantto say westopped caching packages on debuntu due to mirroring. If we feel we have propermirroring of centos repos we can likely do the same thereto work around thia14:20
abregman|mtgpabelanger: perhaps I didn't describe it properly. I'm asking what happens if you run several builds/jobs and you don't have enough resources on your cloud/provider. so what will nodepool do in such case? does it make sure that the first build/change gets the resources before everyone else?14:21
clarkbpabelanger: that seems like a sadargument14:21
DizietIt actually seems to take it about 2m48s14:21
clarkbour package repo isbroken but not our fault you shouldnt use that repo for that particular package?14:21
DizietIs it intented that it is impossible to clone openstack-nova on a slow computer ?14:21
clarkbDiziet: no I think this is the first we have heard ofit14:22
pabelangerclarkb: ya, maybe we stop caching devstack too. I'd be okay to try that for a few days, see the impact14:22
DizietI guess you have to be using -q etc. or you may get some progress output.14:22
pabelangerhowever, I can't see how devstack is working today on centos-714:22
pabelangersince ceph fails to resolve14:22
clarkbit may not bethe centos devstack jobs have always been in a sad state because they get less care and feeding14:23
clarkband I am not sure it votes anywhere as a result14:24
clarkbor that we hve devstack jobs on centos with ceph enabled14:24
pabelangerabregman|mtg: nodepool only launches the VMs in the cloud, it is up to zuul to decide which jobs gets to run them.  So, if you have limited resources in the cloud, each node that comes online, zuul will first allocate it to jobs in the pipeline with the higher priority. In our case, that is gate14:24
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abregman|mtgpabelanger: but who inspects the resources in the tenant to make sure the job can run. is zuul? nodepool? no one?14:25
abregman|mtgis it*14:25
clarkb(fwiw it can launch whatever nova can launch which uncludes VMs containers and baremetal)14:25
pabelangerclarkb: maybe we disable caching for rpms only?14:25
clarkbpabelanger: I thought we already did it for debs14:25
DizietHrm, stracing it, my `git clone' process seems to be sitting on the cpu.14:25
pabelangerclarkb: looking at cache-devstack/extra-data.d/55-cache-devstack-repos I see debs, rpms and ebuilds14:26
clarkbDiziet: and this is git clone
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pabelangerclarkb: I'd be okay for skipping rpm, to start14:26
DizietNo, via the git protocol.    git clone -q --mirror git:// nova </dev/null >log 2>&114:26
abregman|mtgpabelanger: so zuul decides to run job1 -> nodepool launches VMs -> fails. in the same time zuul runs job2 -> nodepool launches VMs -> also fails. now what? nodepool simply keeps trying to relaunch the VMs? every second? minute? for both jobs?14:27
clarkbpabelanger: I would needto check git logs but I seem to recall we changed our packge caching recently14:27
pabelangerabregman|mtg: nobody inspects, once the node is online in the cloud, is it then passed to zuul to be used14:27
abregman|mtgpabelanger: k. so zuul runs the job only after getting a node from nodepool?14:27
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pabelangerabregman|mtg: correct14:28
abregman|mtgpabelanger: awesome. thank you :)14:28
Dizietclarkb: I think the root cause is the enormous number of refs in that repo.14:28
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DizietOn a system where I successfully cloned it:14:28
Dizietchiark:nova> git show-ref |wc -l14:28
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DizietThe git client spends too long thinking about all those refs.14:29
clarkbyes its our biggest repo14:29
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DizietWould it be possible to increase the timeout ?14:29
clarkbshouldbe possible, guessing its our haproxy in front of git daemondoing it14:29
DizietI think (barring trying to get an improvement to the git client and then waiting for everyone to have the new client) that's probably a useful improvement.14:29
Dizietclarkb: Quite possibly.14:29
DizietMy tcpdump suggests the timeout is exactly 2 minutes.14:30
Diziet14:10:54.655379 IP > Flags [.], ack 8767084, win 8530, options [nop,nop,TS val 3022124612 ecr 3602466320], length 014:30
Diziet14:12:54.488119 IP > Flags [F.], seq 8767084, ack 64, win 15, options [nop,nop,TS val 3602586164 ecr 3022124612], length 014:30
pabelangerclarkb: yes, that change was only for bindep, we didn't update devstack caching14:30
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clarkbDiziet: is where we configure haproxy14:31
clarkbpabelanger: oh gotcha bcause devstack is its own package listing mechanism14:31
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clarkbin that case I think we can just stop doing devstack for debs and rpms amd watch it14:31
Diziet'timeout' => [ ... 'client 2m', 'server 2m', ...14:32
Dizietclarkb: So err I should send a patch to that file ?14:32
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clarkbDiziet: yup14:32
DizietI wouldn't be in a position to test it of course...14:33
AJaegeryuval: I see - never heard about this before and need to defer to others on that.14:33
DizietBut, sure.14:33
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clarkbDiziet: just make sure you mention in commit message the timeout is too low for cloning nova with less cpu14:34
DizietRight, silldo.14:35
DizietI mean, willdo.14:35
DizietWhere should I send the patch ?14:35
clarkbDiziet: you can do git clone git:// to get an idea for how much time you need14:35
clarkbfiller: same as any other opemstack project, to gerrit (you can use git review to make this easy)14:36
dmsimardclarkb: so Ceph is the only thing retrieved from EPEL ?14:37
DizietYM openstack not opemstack :-).14:37
pabelangerclarkb: ++, let me get a patch up14:37
clarkbdmsimard: no, everything in devstacks package lists are fetched, some willbe found in epel14:37
clarkbDiziet: ya sorry, early morning phone typing14:37
* Diziet <- already had lunch14:38
dmsimardclarkb: I'd be curious to disable EPEL and see what breaks, if anything14:38
DizietI may still need more coffee though.14:38
dmsimardespecially since RDO will be enabled (to get OVS amongst other things)14:38
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dmsimardEPEL is wildly unreliable and can do stupid things like bump two major version of a package just like that14:38
Dizietclarkb: Was that instruction to use gerrit directed at me ?  I haven't every submitted anything to any gerrit before, so I would appreciate a pointer or two.  I read and looked at (which I don't think covers this).14:40
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clarkbDiziet: it was, let me find our central doc14:42
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clarkbDiziet: note you dont need the clastuff for that repo iirc14:42
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openstackgerritJan Klare proposed openstack-infra/project-config: retire unmaintained cookbook projects and end project gating
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clarkbDiziet: I am also happy to push a patch when at a real computer if that is easier. Let me know how long it takes that machine to do the clone directly from backend so we know how big a bump we need. But also happy to help with gerrit if you eant to get it set up and push yourself. Either way14:45
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Stop caching devstack packages
DizietI think, if you're willing, I would prefer you to submit it to gerrit.  Should I email you the output of git-format-patch ?14:46
Dizietclarkb: ^14:46
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yuvalAJaeger: thanks :)14:46
DizietI'm just writing the commit message now.14:46
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AJaegeryuval: best ask here in the channel for help. I hope clarkb or fungi can help...14:47
clarkbDiziet: or put it in a paste service and share here14:47
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pabelangerclarkb: fungi: ^ for your eyes, 410788. Currently un-tested, going to see if I can get a local build going again to validate it14:47
clarkbI believe git amwill accept from any old file14:47
fungiyuval: AJaeger: help with what?14:48
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yuvalHey clarkb, fungi, maybe you can assist. Is there a way to update a project directory (Karbor) cached on a gate? Our current cached repo is causing issues because the last commit has gitattributes updated to ensure newlines are LF, while there is a rogue file with CRLF. As a consequence, karbor's dir cached on the gate is modified, and checking out any other branch is not possible14:49
yuvalclarkb: fungi: you can see that here:
yuvalI tried reverting gitattributes back, but it doesn't matter as the directory is already on master with modifications made automatically by git (because of the gitattributes change)14:50
yuvalMaybe there is a way to update Karbor's dir cached on the gate, or removing it and letting devstack-gate reclone14:51
dhellmannAJaeger : deals with EOL branches in reno14:52
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openstackgerritSaverio Proto proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Support sysv init system used by Debian Wheezy
fungiyuval: so when devstack-gate clones karbor right now, git is instructing it to modify files in the work tree and leave those modifications staged?14:54
fungiyuval: do you have a pointer to the change you merged which got it into this state?14:54
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clarkbif there is no easy non admin fix we can force merge a revert of ^14:55
yuvalfungi: sorry,
fungiyeah, that may be a faster solution for now14:55
yuvalfungi: right now devstack-gate seems to find karbor dir on the gate, so it doesn't clone it14:56
yuvalI tried removing the gitattributes rule causing the issue, but git refuses to checkout anything, because it is in a modified state over an older master with that issue14:57
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fungidevstack-gate clones from a cached copy baked into the filesystem of our test instance images at /opt/git/openstack/karbor into /opt/stack/new/karbor and then updates its git remote to and pulls any outstanding changes from there14:57
clarkbdmsimard: regardless of how versions bump I would expect any rpm repo to properly suplort downloading a package14:58
clarkbdmsimard: and failure to do that is a bug no?14:58
yuvalthe cached copy is in the problematic state14:58
fungiafter that it fetches a precomputer git ref from one of our zuul mergers and attempts to checkout that ref14:58
fungier, precomputed14:58
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dmsimardclarkb: it's a good question and not one I have an answer for14:58
dmsimard--download-only shouldn't care about installed (or not) packages14:59
fungiyuval: if you can't update as a straight fastforward from an earlier version of the branch (such as the copy we've cached), then i'd say the problem is the got configuration not the cache14:59
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dmsimardclarkb: perhaps dnf (future yum with backwards compat) doesn't have that issue but I have no idea.14:59
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fungiyuval: we can force merge a revert of that .gitattributes change to get things back into working order again14:59
yuvalfungi: but the problematic git configuration is in the cached copy, making any checkout impossible15:00
fungiif devstack-gate is having trouble using existing clones of the repo, then anyone else who already cloned it before this is having similar issues15:00
fungiwe should try to undo it15:00
fungidevstack-gate is merely emulating developer workflows for testing modifications to services under devstack, after all15:01
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yuvalfungi: I agree that this is a problem for anyone who cloned or checked out that commit15:01
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Use interface_ip instead of internal logic
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Plumb ipv6-preferred into force-ipv4 setting
yuvalfungi: if we could force merge or even delete the directory in the cache, which as far as I understand, will be updated when that flow will run again15:02
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Plumb ipv6-preferred into force-ipv4 setting
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Use interface_ip instead of internal logic
fungiwe can't do anything directly to the cached git repos. they're baked into worker images that get refreshed and uploaded to glance in numerous service providers daily15:03
yuvalfungi: are they updated by recloning or by pullin? (first will work, second will probably fail)15:05
fungipulling, like pretty much every developer would do15:05
fungirecloning is extremely wasteful, so we avoid it for the same reason anyone would15:06
clarkbwe can force a reclone by removing the repo from the dib builder caches though15:06
clarkbbut otherwise it will be anupdate like anyone else15:06
fungiright, but it still won't change on the test nodes until new images get created and uploaded15:07
yuvalsounds to me like that pull will fail15:07
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yuvalwell, if we remove it, devstack-gate will just clone karbor until the new images will be created15:07
openstackgerritJan Klare proposed openstack-infra/project-config: retire unmaintained cookbook projects and end project gating
fungiyuval: clarkb wasn't talking about removing it to get devstack-gate to reclone it15:08
yuval(not familiar with dib builder)15:08
fungihe was talking about removing it from the cache used by our image build process15:08
yuvalI see15:08
fungi(a cache which is used by the process which creates the on-disk cache, so a second-order cache basically)15:08
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fungito prevent teh same problem which is clogging devstack-gate from also clogging our image update process15:09
jklareAJaeger still around?15:09
openstackgerritJan Klare proposed openstack-infra/project-config: retire unmaintained cookbook projects and end project gating
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fungiyuval: so if we merged a revert of bypassing gate jobs, you don't think that would get things back on track?15:13
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fungialternatively, maybe devstack-gate should do a reset --hard before checking out $ZUUL_REF to undo any staged changes created by application of git attributes15:15
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yuvalfungi: I already merged a remove or rst from gitattribtues, and that didn't help, because the cached repo has unstaged changes15:15
yuvalfungi: that solution sounds good15:15
fungibecause that strikes me as the bigger issue, that updating .gitattributes can wedge it in the first place15:16
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AJaegerjklare: yes15:16
yuvalfungi: maybe git is making the crlf -> lf conversion after the reset as well15:17
openstackgerritSagi Shnaidman proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Kill dstat to prevent hanging of job
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yuvalfungi: seems so :(15:19
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Git reset before checkout
fungiyuval: there ^ i think15:20
AJaegerdhellmann: thanks - but now you forced us to review the whole stack;) And I won't have time for that right now...15:20
fungiyuval: try to depends-on that with a karbor change and see if the dsvm jobs start passing15:21
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yuvalfungi: I already merged the revert and submitted a patch based on it, if I understand you correctly15:23
yuvalfungi: that didn't help15:23
fungiyuval: i was talking about my "Git reset before checkout" change to devstack-gate there15:24
AJaegeryuval: "Depends-On: I..." of 410810 - see
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Stop json-encoding the nodepool metadata
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Record nodeinfo as ansible facts and inventory
yuvalAJaeger: fungi: will do. By the way: 'git checkout -f ...' works15:25
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Stop json-encoding the nodepool metadata
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Record nodeinfo as ansible facts and inventory
fungiyuval: that could be a cleaner alternative to my proposed change (fewer git calls)15:26
fungii didn't think about that option15:26
yuvalfungi: trying to think about unwanted consequences of such change15:26
openstackgerritIhar Hrachyshka proposed openstack-infra/project-config: neutron: switch experimental centos job to single node
dhellmannAJaeger : yes, reno doesn't have branches yet so there was no where else to put the patch15:27
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Increase git daemon haproxy timeout
AJaegerdhellmann: hope dims and ttx can review as well...15:27
clarkbDiziet: ^ I had to amend it to add the gerrit change id, otherwise that is as provided15:27
fungiyuval: well, we already git reset --hard right after the checkout there anyway15:27
dimsAJaeger : y, am trying :)15:28
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AJaegerdims: Sorry, no time today ;(15:29
dimsack AJaeger15:29
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yuvalfungi: the checkout itself is failing, before the git reset --hard15:30
yuvalfungi: btw, if the component responsible for updating the images (daily?) is using pull/checkout, it needs to handle that as well15:31
fungiyuval: right, i was merely saying that discarding before or during checkout is perfectly safe since we discard immediately after as well15:31
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Git checkout more forcefully
fungiupdated to use -f ^15:31
fungiyuval: and yes it's possible the source repos element in diskimage-builder already does but i'm digging in to confirm that now15:32
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Dizietclarkb: Thanks!  I will keep an eye on that.  Please ping me here or by email if more is needed from me.15:33
openstackgerritMerged openstack/diskimage-builder: elements: dib-python: Add python2 as the default version for openSUSE
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yuvalfungi: thanks, sorry for the inconvenience :(15:35
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fungiyuval: clarkb: looks like we're safe in dib because it's just using fetch heads and tags, no pull or checkout
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fungialso does a reset --hard FETCH_HEAD15:37
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clarkbfungi: cool15:38
fungianyway, all the actions it takes look like they should ignore/discard local changes in the work tree if there are any15:38
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fungiyuval: no apologies needed. you helped us find a corner-case bug in devstack-gate15:39
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Convert glance parts of task test to requests_mock
pabelangerfungi: clarkb: just tested locally, image built properly15:42
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pabelangerclarkb: fungi: so, interesting fact, pretty sure download-pkgs script for ubuntu-xenial is broken today15:49
openstackgerritAndrea Frittoli proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add identity v3 test accounts job
pabelangerit is old, but you can see it fails to download15:49
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pabelangerstill fails on nb01.o.o15:50
clarkbpabelanger: ah ya so I think the problem there is we ended up with all packages on one line15:51
clarkbwhen we intended to do them one by one to allow errors to happen (hence the || true)15:51
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pabelangertrusty is working15:51
pabelangerand only 1 branch in precise15:51
clarkbya its because the packages listed are no longer in xenial15:51
clarkblike stud15:51
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clarkbso if we wanted to fix that we'd make the packages file put one package per line15:51
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clarkbor somehow tell apt-get to ignore missing15:52
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clarkboh wait we already tell it to ignore missing15:52
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clarkbI think if we fixed openjdk-7-jre-headless to use the meta package for whatever java is current then we'd largely fix it15:54
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* clarkb digs up devstack to push a patch for completeness even if we don't end up using it15:54
pabelangerYa, I keep meaning to poke at bindep support for devstack too15:54
yuvalfungi: that seems to solve the issue, karbor's test seems to run (still did not complete)15:55
yuvalfungi: thanks!15:55
mordredyuval: yay!15:55
fungiyuval: awesome, hopefully we'll get it merged in short order and prevent anyone else shooting themselves in teh foot that way15:55
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mordredclarkb, pabelanger: think it would be worth jiggering that element to _actually_ do package per line?15:55
yuvalfungi: just wondering if --force will not mask any other problems we might encounter15:56
mordredpkgs.write(" ".join(branch_data['debs']) + "\n")15:56
fungiyuval: well, we're using reset --hard right after, so all it's going to mask is issues which would prevent checkout after clone15:56
mordredwe do not, in fact, do one package per line - but it would be trivial to make it do so15:56
pabelangermordred: maybe, but we are also considering:
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mordredpabelanger: oh! I'd love to try that15:57
pabelangersame :)15:58
mordredfungi: ^^15:58
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clarkbalso ^ will fix it if we go back to caching15:59
clarkbeven without package per line15:59
pabelangerclarkb: +116:00
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Emit packages to cache one per line
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Emit packages to cache one per line
mordredthat's just for completeness16:01
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yuvalfungi: clarkb: I have to go for today, thanks for the help :)16:03
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pabelangermordred: jeblair: clarkb: fungi: anybody want to pull the trigger on switching back to master for nodepool?  Able to support the effort16:03
fungiyuval: thanks for bringing it to our attention and helping us come up with a solution16:03
pabelangeralso want to restart nodepool-builder to pick up latest fixes16:04
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clarkbpabelanger: I expect jeblair too as soon as he is around16:04
clarkb(which is why I haven't added it to my list)16:04
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clarkbdid manage to fix the centos gettext ruby version issues though16:04
fungipabelanger: i went ahead and approved the change at least16:04
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fungipabelanger: so it should be in place as soon as you're ready to do the restart16:05
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mordredclarkb: wow. you fixed centos gettext ruby version issues. that seems like a morning16:07
clarkbmordred: it was yesterday evening. I wrote ruby16:07
* mordred hands clarkb a morning beer16:07
clarkbnot very much ruby but I think it counts16:07
mordredclarkb: did you put vertical bars around a variable?16:08
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Switch nodepool and builder to master branch
fungihave to fence in those variables so they don't escape16:13
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clarkbmordred: I did not16:13
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kfox1111fungi: can you reboot a vm from witin a job?16:14
clarkbkfox1111: you cannot16:14
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clarkb documents this16:15
kfox1111what about for the slave in a 2 node job?16:16
fungiclarkb: per your suggestion on 408284 i can implement that in a followup change if you still think it's a good idea, but right now it sort of protects puppet from crashing apache and taking down other unrelated vhosts if that module isn't loaded for some reason16:16
clarkbkfox1111: non primary nodes you should eb able to16:17
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kfox1111I'd like to simulate a power failure to see if things recover properly.16:17
fungikfox1111: it may work for a subnode right now, but there's a good chance that's not a case we've accounted for in the zuul v3 design16:17
clarkbkfox1111: for that wouldn't it be easier to just kill processes?16:17
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kfox1111clarkb: its a very complicated system. loop back volumes, docker containers, ip network namespaaces, etc.16:18
kfox1111not sure I can adiquately always unwind to a pure power on state without a reboot.16:18
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fungioh, so you want to test the boot process, rather than merely loss of service?16:18
kfox1111fungi: any chance that can be added to the v3 design? :)16:18
kfox1111fungi: so...16:19
silehtAJaeger, yolanda, fungi have been merged yesterday and I still don't see the new jobs, I can't figure why, can you take a look ?16:19
kfox1111I stand up a working openstack cloud in a vm with kolla-kubernetes.16:19
kfox1111I want to then reboot the node, and see if the system comes back up and continues to work.16:19
fungikfox1111: given how in v3 there are no multi-node constructs handled directly by nodepool and are instead assembled by zuul, so i'm not sure what the impact might be of one of them going offline16:19
mordredkfox1111, fungi: in v3 rebooting test should should be trivial16:19
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fungimordred: oh, cool so we actually designed around the possibility of rebooting all nodes for a job in zuul v3?16:20
mordredthe ansible driving the tests will be on the zuul launcher - so as long as you add a wait_for into the playbook, it should "just work"16:20
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mordredfungi: I do not believe we explicitly designed for it - but the design does account for it16:20
fungiaha. i didn't consider that but you're right that makes it far cleaner to support16:20
kfox1111when's v3 landing?16:21
mordredkfox1111: as soon as it's ready16:21
kfox1111(should I start with existing gate, or wait for v3?)16:21
fungiprobably q1/q2 2017 but no clear timeline16:21
mordredkfox1111: (not very likely before march)16:21
fungii would start with the subnode option for now16:21
kfox1111k. thx.16:21
mordredI agree16:21
fungigreat strides to zuul v3 are being made daily, but it's a long road16:21
mordredand now a long and winding road is playing in my head16:22
kfox1111will zuul v3 support 3+ node jobs?16:23
pabelanger37 node jobs!16:23
clarkbkfox1111: it will support arbitrary numbers up to some limit likely determiend by size of clouds16:23
clarkbkfox1111: that said current system does too just less flexibily16:23
clarkbyou can have 3 node job today as long as you have working 2 node job16:23
kfox1111looking forward to that. :)16:23
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kfox1111clarkb: oh, really? sweet.16:24
kfox1111I've got a working 2 node job16:24
clarkbyes neutron and tripleo are doing it now iirc16:24
kfox1111and would like to do 3. would make things way easier in some ways.16:24
pabelangerclarkb: it would be interesting experiment to do multi-node jobs across clouds.  Even to see if work once16:24
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clarkbpabelanger: I worry that the networking would get unhappy16:24
kfox1111clarkb: thanks. I'll look at ttripleo/neutron for examples. :)16:24
mmandelHi, my change set needs one more +2 and a W+1 to get merged, then a dependent change can get merged.  Can someone please take a look at it?16:24
pabelangerclarkb: indeed16:24
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clarkbpabelanger: overlays between san jose and gra1 could be :(16:25
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Redirect to HTTPS for
fungikfox1111: worth keeping in mind it still makes sense to optimize for the smallest number of nodes because every additional node means more chance of outside factors killing your jobs16:25
fungirandom breakage in clouds is 3x as likely to tank a three-node job run as a single-node16:26
AJaegersileht: argh, regex is wrong change "^(?!stable/(?:liberty|mitaka|newton))$" to "^(?!stable/(?:liberty|mitaka|newton)).*$"16:27
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clarkbmmandel: does that work on mitaka and newton too?16:28
silehtAJaeger, thx ! I will fix that16:28
bswartzfungi: if single node job as 50% chance of failure, then 3 node job has 88% chance of failure -- not exactly 3x16:28
clarkbI guess the mitaka and newton jobs ran16:28
openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack-infra/project-config: oslo.messaging: fix regex typo
kfox1111fungi: +1.16:28
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kfox1111fungi: but I can do far more tests with far fewer resources with 3 nodes, then doing permutations on 2 nodes.16:29
kfox1111so much less runtime means much less chance of random breakage affecting things.16:29
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Stop json-encoding the nodepool metadata
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Record nodeinfo as ansible facts and inventory
openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack-infra/project-config: oslo.messaging: fix regex typo
fungikfox1111: yeah, i suppose that's a good point too. shorter runtime reduces some risk from random incident16:30
silehtAJaeger, it's ready: (I wrote a better commitmsg)16:30
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Record nodeinfo as ansible facts and inventory
fungibswartz: oh, right, 1-.5^3 obviously a 150% chance of failure makes no sense! ;)16:31
clarkbfungi: kfox1111 at least with other jobs our runtime stayed pretty consistent going from 1 to 2 nodes16:31
clarkbso not sure we have seen actual cases of reducing runtime simply by throwing nodes at the problem16:31
clarkb(a big part of that is the fixed overhead of doing setup)16:31
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Stop json-encoding the nodepool metadata
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Record nodeinfo as ansible facts and inventory
AJaegerfungi, clarkb : Could you +2A sileht'S 410846? Sorry, that regex slipped through review ;(16:33
clarkbAJaeger: looking16:33
AJaegerthanks, clarkb16:35
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mmandelclarkb: I don't think we need it there. it could go in newton, but doesn't need to16:37
openstackgerritMikhail S Medvedev proposed openstack-infra/puppet-diskimage_builder: Make vhd-util optional
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clarkbmmandel: it is going into mitaka and newton in that change as is16:38
clarkbmmandel: which is why I asked, but the test logs for them seemed happy enough so I approved16:39
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clarkbmmandel: maybe keep an eye out for stable branch issues related to novnc and we can update if necessary16:39
mmandelclarkb: ok, thank you16:39
clarkbdhellmann: jhesketh fungi so is now the time where we can stop running all the liberty bitrot jobs?16:40
clarkbtempest, devstack-gate, periodic jobs, et al could all likely use the cleanup. Happy to work on that if we are ready for it16:40
fungiclarkb: yep, and can probably also clean up some lingering juno references as well16:40
fungithought i spotted some recently16:41
clarkbjuno, thats an older code not sure if it checks out16:41
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: WIP: Use thread local data in ZK API
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clarkboh wow ya, /me pulls on yaml helmet and digs in16:42
openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: TEST: List active jobs in postci
clarkbfungi: first one I dig into is networking-odl and they continue to have valid stable/icehouse and stable/juno
clarkbneither has been updated in 2 years16:43
clarkbarmax: ^ who can we talk to about that?16:44
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armaxyamahata_: ^16:44
pabelangerrestarting nodepool-builder on nb0116:44
armaxclarkb: he should be your go-to person16:44
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clarkbarmax: thanks16:45
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fungiit might also be sane to come to some policy decision in the future that we can remove jobs for non-master branches which have seen no updates in at least a year16:45
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: WIP: Use thread local data in ZK API
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clarkbfungi: in this case its jobs for newer branches and tehy are excluding the old16:47
clarkbbut not having updates in 2 years makes me think it should just be tagged and the zuul config cleaned up16:47
bswartzwhy do change IDs always start with I?16:48
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clarkbbswartz: beacuse thats how gerrit defines them16:48
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bswartzclarkb: so gerrit made the decision and we just inherit it?16:48
clarkbbswartz: print "Change-Id: I'"$id"'" from your commit message hook16:49
fungiwell, it's a "Gerrit Change ID"16:49
clarkbbswartz: the I is literally hard coded there16:49
fungiso it makes sense that if we're using change ids with gerrit, we use the change id format gerrit expects16:50
bswartzk it just seemed like an arbitrary choice16:50
fungiit's not so much that we inherit them from anywhere, it's the format gerrit wants them in16:50
mordredI believe it's a choice to make it easy to distinguish them from git commit shas16:50
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mordredas git commit shas won't ever start with I16:50
pabelangerand nb02.o.o builder restarted too16:50
clarkbmordred: they should've use G for Gerrit >_>16:50
fungiit's an arbitrary/nonstandard git commit header line gerrit has defined for use in its system16:50
mordredclarkb: well, it was reitveld before it was gerrit - so maybe it should have used R :)16:51
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fungimighth have made more sense to call the header Gerrit-Id: instead16:51
mordredif we're going to go down the road of choices gerrit could have made differently ...16:51
* mordred dons hazmat suit16:51
bswartzclarkb: G would cause problems if we switch from hexadecimal to septadecimal numbers16:52
pabelangerfungi: have time to comment on If we go that route, it will fix our centos-7 DIBs. Currently failing to build because of a package conflict in epel716:52
fungibswartz: on the other hand, g could also get retconned to "google id" which i'm sure would make them plenty happy16:53
mordredooh neat. I got a fun devstack fail:16:53
mordred2016-12-14 15:58:26.866 | cp: cannot stat '/opt/stack/new/nova/etc/nova/policy.json': No such file or directory16:53
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: governance.o.o: add redirect for badges
mordredsdague: ^^ know off the top of your head what I'm breaking?16:53
sdaguewell, that file isn't needed any more16:53
dhellmannclarkb : removing those jobs seems to make sense to me. What's our standard practice?16:53
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sdaguemordred: where is this fail?16:54
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mordredsdague: neat - so, this is a job doing stable/liberty16:54
mordredsdague: gate-shade-dsvm-functional-keystone216:54
clarkbnetworking-cisco also has ancient juno branch16:54
fungipabelanger: would probably make sense to give some of the qa team a heads up on 41078816:54
sdaguemordred: hmmm... on stable/liberty that file should still be there16:54
clarkbdhellmann: I think we just go through the jjb and zuul config and remove the now redundant rules and jobs that won't run16:54
mordredsdague: I'm guessing I should maybe start working on reworking that job to not be stable/liberty though16:54
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clarkb(or shouldn't run)16:54
sdaguemordred: though is stable/liberty still a thing for devstack?16:54
clarkbsdague: mordred no liberty is gone now16:55
clarkbas of last night?16:55
mordredsdague: not sure - the reason that job is is so that I can have a devstack that has only keystone v2 and no keystone v316:55
* mordred goes to figure out new approach to that problem16:55
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pabelangerfungi: sure, I can do that now16:56
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Juno Spring Cleaning
clarkbdhellmann: fungi ^ thats a step 0 to clean up some of the older branch stuff. Next kilo16:56
dhellmannclarkb : I meant in terms of timing. We still have some projects with liberty branches, don't we?16:56
clarkbdhellmann: we still have projects with icehouse branches...16:57
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clarkbdhellmann: I think for anything we call "openstack" we say too bad have a nice day16:57
clarkbdhellmann: for the others fungi and I were discussing informally what we might want to do16:57
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mordredstevemar: any chance you know if I can tell devstack to not install the keystone v3 routes?16:57
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dhellmannclarkb : I support cleaning up. It's probably a good idea to advertise it a bit to make sure projects aren't surprised. But yeah, I don't think we need to keep those old jobs.16:59
stevemarmordred: i think theres a flag for that16:59
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stevemarmordred: line 57 here: ? but that might still install v3 routes17:00
pabelanger#status log nb01.o.o and nb02.o.o builders restarted and running from master again. nodepool.o.o did not restart, but /opt/nodepool is pointing to master branch17:00
openstackstatuspabelanger: finished logging17:00
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/project-config: tripleo/scenarios: exclude some stable branches
mordredstevemar: quick glance through current devstack leads me to believe that I may not havea choice about installing v3 routes- so I might just have to have both and force v2 codepaths through client config17:00
mordredstevemar: the glance code seems to hardcode the v3 endpoint17:00
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stevemarmordred: wut17:01
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clarkbdhellmann: one thing that helps is we know that devstack won't work with it anymore so anything trying to pair devstack with eol'd branches can just be removed17:01
clarkbdhellmann: mordred's thing is an example of this :) so we know it works that way17:02
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mordredstevemar: lib/glance:    iniset $GLANCE_CACHE_CONF DEFAULT auth_url $KEYSTONE_AUTH_URI/v317:02
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clarkbharlowja: anvil is your thing? you have a couple of jjb TODOs that say chagne this later for origin files with kilo in their names17:02
clarkbs/you have/anvil has/17:02
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: oslo.messaging: fix regex typo
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Enable keystone-v2 for shade keystone-v2 job
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mordredclarkb, stevemar: I think that ^^ should fix the shade gate from the liberty thing17:05
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stevemarmordred: as long as it only affects the keystone2 job, lgtm17:08
mordredstevemar: yah - should only be for that job - we definitely want to test v3 in the other places17:08
mordredyou know ... we _could_ combine that job and the nova-net job17:09
mordredclarkb: ^^ thoughts on whether combining keystone-v2 and nova-net devstack configs into a single job is good or bad?17:09
stevemarmordred: make a 'old stuff' job17:09
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Kilo spring cleaning
clarkbthere is the kilo cleanup17:10
clarkbI think I need breakfast before I start worrying about liberty17:10
fungii see you're using southern hemisphere spring17:10
fungihow global of you17:10
clarkb~/src/openstack-infra/project-config (stable-cleanup)$ git grep liberty | wc -l says 28617:11
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Collapse keystone2 and nova-net shade jobs
mordredclarkb, fungi, pabelanger: ^^ there is a follow up patch that collapses the two jobs into one17:15
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openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: WIP: Remove ZK lock variables
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pabelangermordred: comment left, gate needs update17:19
mordredpabelanger: thanks!17:19
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Collapse keystone2 and nova-net shade jobs
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openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: WIP: Remove ZK lock variables
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Default libvirt_cpu_mode to none when using qemu
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yamahata_clarkb: we can remove icehouse and juno support for networking-odl17:23
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fungithanks yamahata_!17:26
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openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: WIP: Remove ZK lock variables
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Be explicit about not using ipv6 on rackspace
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Collapse keystone2 and nova-net shade jobs
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JayFI have found a weird thing. A job that passed, but is returning failure:
rosmaitaJayF: that's literally ironic! :)17:47
JayFLast lines say "task exit code: 0" "Job complete result: FAILURE"17:47
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JayFand afict no failures in the job itself, console output for the pep8 looks clean17:48
JayFrosmaita: HA17:48
clarkbJayF: check the ansible log to see if any of the publishing tasks failed17:48
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JayFit looks almost like it died in the middle of ansible running
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JayFunless I'm misreading the logs,  Idon't use a lot of ansible17:49
mordredrosmaita: :)17:50
jeblairJayF: well, that log gets truncated at 'copy console log' because that's where it gets copied itself17:50
JayFjeblair: oh, that makes sense. AFAIK no failures in that log then17:50
jeblairJayF: i'll look on the launcher to see if there are more details17:50
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JayFYeah; I mean, I can always recheck17:51
JayFbut I try to dig into this stuff and not just blindly recheck things, especially on more interesting failures :)17:51
jeblairbut it's curious, isn't it :)17:51
jeblairJayF: i'm pretty sure that the failure showing up in the *console log* means it happened before then though17:52
JayFoh, that's a good point17:52
JayFthe actual pep8 test passed cleanly, and I couldn't find anything angry in the console log17:52
jeblair2016-12-14 17:05:57,317 WARNING zuul.NodeWorker.ubuntu-xenial-infracloud-chocolate-6172649: Ansible timeout exceeded17:53
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jeblairJayF: there it is17:53
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jeblairi guess it's not especially discoverable when that happens :(17:54
JayFjeblair: that's not a log I have access to, right?17:54
jeblairJayF: nope, that's from the launcher17:54
mordredjeblair: maybe we should inject an error log statement into the post playbook when that happens?17:54
jeblairmordred: yeah, set an extra flag like success for timeout?17:55
mordredjeblair: I can make that patch if you have other things you're doing17:55
jeblairmordred: ++ thx17:55
JayFDoes that mean you're going to make it succeed in this case instead? OR just print a log I'd have access to read?17:56
jeblairJayF: print a log17:56
jeblairmordred: it looks like ansible finished, but did not exit -- the recap showed up17:56
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mordredjeblair: oh lovely17:57
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jeblairit looks like we read stdout as long as it's open, then waitpid.  so either stdout never closed, or wait never returned.  weird.17:58
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openstackgerritSagi Shnaidman proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: DONT REVIEW: test
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Be explicit about not using ipv6 on rackspace
jeblairJayF: thanks for pointing this out... we'll at least get a log line in there... and we know there's a weird ansible thing we should keep an eye out for18:01
JayFNo problem, when I see the gate fail I always try to dig in18:01
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JayFThat's the first thing I learned working in OpenStack as part of being a good citizen, and now that I actually know howtf to do it, I try to, lol18:01
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Add a log message when ansible times out
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mordredjeblair: what about something like that ^^ (also, jlk if you're around, can you double-check my ansible when syntax?)18:03
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openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for stable/liberty reno failures bug 1649982
openstackbug 1649982 in reno "reno doesn't check for an -eol tag when a stable branch is deleted" [Wishlist,Fix committed] - Assigned to Doug Hellmann (doug-hellmann)18:06
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JayFmriedem: would that be this failure, perhaps/18:06
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mriedemJayF: yes18:07
JayFmriedem: nope, but it makes me suspicious as to if my failure is related to eol18:07
mriedemit is18:07
JayFmriedem: aha, I'm not sure that e-r would catch this patch18:07
mriedemit will18:07
mriedemsee the logstash link in the bug report18:07
JayFoh yeah, I see it now18:07
mriedemit hits a bunch of projects18:08
JayFAwesome, thanks for answering my question before I even asked it18:08
JayFI was about to head over here to ask about that failure18:08
mriedemdoug is releasing the fix right now18:08
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mriedemyou may want to make the same workaround fix that nova did18:08
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openstackgerritDavidPurcell proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add patrole projects.
harlowjaclarkb ya anvil sorta my thing, though i'm pretty sure i'm just gonna EOL it18:09
harlowjasince yahoo isn't using it anymore, and i'm getting godaddy off of it (to kolla)18:10
JayFmriedem: not seeing any commits that look relevant in the nova repo, do you have a link?18:10
harlowjaso i'll probably EOL it clarkb instead of doing much work on it18:10
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harlowjacray was using it to, but haven't heard from them in forever18:10
clarkbharlowja: ok can you clean that up please then?18:11
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for stable/liberty reno failures bug 1649982
openstackbug 1649982 in reno "reno doesn't check for an -eol tag when a stable branch is deleted" [Wishlist,Fix committed] - Assigned to Doug Hellmann (doug-hellmann)18:17
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jeblairmordred, pabelanger: did we restart all the launchers after 408194 or just zlstatic01?18:18
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mordredjeblair: I do not know the answer to that ... pabelanger ^^ ?18:19
mordredjeblair: I _think_ just zlstatic0118:19
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riccardo_hi community, where can I find the openstack-infra/project-config repository to add a project to the CI?
JayFmriedem: perfect; thanks!18:20
jeblairmordred: yeah, zl01 says nov 2318:20
jeblairlet's not restart them18:20
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Fix watchdog timeout fix
jeblairmordred: ^ noticed that when reviewing your change18:21
mordredjeblair: oh good18:21
riccardo_mordred: thank you very much! :-)18:21
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mordredjeblair: purty18:22
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jeblairmordred: i kind of want a watch-hog timer.18:23
pabelangerjeblair: I am unsure. I believe fungi did the restart of zlstatic0118:23
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jeblairpabelanger, fungi: we should land and
mordredjeblair: while I've got your attention ... and should fix a broken gate if you have a sec18:26
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pabelangerjeblair: +2, so fungi can review18:27
jeblairmordred: i might -1 for s/legacy/cobwebs/ as stevemar suggests :)18:28
mordredjeblair: :)18:28
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openstackgerritJohn L. Villalovos proposed openstack-infra/project-config: ironic.yaml: Remove stable/liberty specific checks
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openstackgerritDavidPurcell proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add patrole projects.
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Wrap zuul_log in pre HTML tag
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openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: TEST: Drop redirects and pipes from postci call
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pabelangerand that is enough glean for me today18:47
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Enable keystone-v2 for shade keystone-v2 job
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Collapse keystone2 and nova-net shade jobs
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pabelangerfungi: I left a note in openstack-qa about 410788, no objects currently18:52
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JayFclarkb: I *think* this is the feature in IPA you need for your TLS-everything project. Once it lands it we'd just need to add ipa-insecure=1 to IRONIC_EXTRA_PXE_PARAMS in devstack.18:57
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clarkbJayF: cool, once thats done you can depends on the devstack change that just hard enables tls-proxy and if that passes you can add tls-proxy to your jobs. Happy to help with that18:59
clarkbJayF: also need to get it working on CentOS, I think EmilienM was going to look into that18:59
clarkbbut once thats done I think we are down to a few functional jobs that need to be taught to use https and we are ready to just turn it on in ocata as default19:00
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JayFYeah, and we can probably add/remove that ipa-insecure bit based on the tls-proxy enabling setting (wherever it is)19:00
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JayFI'll look into it once that lands.19:00
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard: Specify python2 for tox venv
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fungisorry, was afk to run a couple of lunch errands. catching back up now19:16
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fungiJayF: jeblair: mordred: hah, the first thing i looked at in that job's console log was the last two timestamps. 16:35 task exit code 0, 17:44 job complete result failure. gap like that almost always means there was a timeout somewhere19:19
pabelangerbeen a while since I've seen a backlog in the gate pipeline19:19
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Kilo spring cleaning
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Juno Spring Cleaning
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Liberty spring cleaning
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clarkbdhellmann: fungi ok ^ is a first pass at cleaning up what we can clean up safely I think19:20
fungijeblair: i only restarted zlstatic01 after 408194 merged because i got the impression that was irrelevant to single-use nodes anyway19:20
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Change 'stories' icon to a book
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul: Add a log message when ansible times out
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul: Fix watchdog timeout fix
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Stop caching devstack packages
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openstackgerritEric Harney proposed openstack-infra/bindep: get_pkg_version: Fix py3 bytes/str errors
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openstackgerritClint 'SpamapS' Byrum proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Remove now-unused ZuulTestCase.resetGearmanServer
clarkbbefore we forget, should we plan a coordinated switch off of in favor of for review.o.o?19:41
clarkbI should be around all week and next week for that19:41
fungiyeah, seems like a fine idea to me19:43
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clarkbtomorrow afternnon is the least good part of me (wife's birthday tomorrow) but otherwise open to whenever19:45
fungioh, let's not sign you up for any scheduled work on her birthday19:46
* fungi doesn't want to get on her bad side19:46
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openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add tripleo-repos project
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Remove the ability for nodepoold to launch a builder
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EmilienMclarkb: /me back from lunch - so I talked with ianw and it's still unclear to us what is not working correctly, have you seen his comment on ?19:56
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clarkbEmilienM: I haven't, ianw's comment?19:56
EmilienMclarkb: yes19:57
clarkbwhich one? the one I am reading doesn't seem to address ssl19:58
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clarkbI do think the earlier issue with epel does illustrate an issue that is completely ignored here19:59
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clarkband that is its ok for upstreams to completely break the distro because we are just using teh distro wrong19:59
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clarkbwhile at the same time not correcting that usage20:00
clarkbwhich maybe is what ian meant by people are not doign the proejct level work20:01
clarkbpeople that are familar with debuntu do do that work for debuntu20:01
clarkbwe try to cache ceph because devstack tells us to. we cache it from epel because that is where the package lives. If that is wrong people that care about centos should fix it20:02
fungiEmilienM: the other thing that probably could still stand addressing is what mtreinish mentioned in last week's tc meeting... the reason the devstack centos7 job is passing somewhat regularly is that a lot of features and tests have been disabled to make that possible. ideally we should have some degree of parity there20:02
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EmilienMfungi: do we have tracked the features/tests that are disabled, reported bug upstream somewhere?20:04
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EmilienMclarkb: on another topic: - I'll need your help when you have time to deploy puppet4 somewhere (using puppetlabs repo eventually)20:05
clarkbEmilienM: again this is the issue. Its impossible for the small handful of people here to keep up with it all. The individuals that are interested in making this work need to have more ownership/responsibility20:05
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clarkbWe can and do do a ton of work to make centos/fedora viable and do host some things on centos as well20:05
clarkbbut when it comes to "why does apache not work like it does everywhere else" I am going to go do other tings20:05
fungiEmilienM: i don't know as far as what's been reported. odds are those features/tests were disabled by whoever was doing the work to get that job running and i have no idea who that is20:05
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EmilienMclarkb: I'll check with ianw when he's around. I thought Ian was working on this topic but I might be wrong20:06
clarkb(and I did send amil asking for help on that particular case)20:06
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EmilienMI agree it's a lot of work and we're running with resources constraints... this one is not easy to solve20:08
ianwEmilienM: working on what? :)20:09
EmilienMianw: hey good morning20:10
EmilienMianw: making devstack jobs working on centos720:10
EmilienMianw: it seems that 1) there are some issues when ssl is enabled in httpd 2) some projects have to ignore some features / tests20:10
fungi#2 shouldn't be surprising, but for the purposes of eventually making claims that we're testing/supporting it as well as ubuntu we likely would benefit from some sort of gap analysis there20:12
fungisome of the comments left on the proposed governance change seemed to make the assumption that having devstack "running" successfully on centos was a binary proposition, when it's really not at all20:14
EmilienMno, my idea was not to force projects to have centos7 projects20:14
ianwyeah, i'm not sure i said "everything works" though maybe it was taken that way.  what i meant was "everything i test works, but there's not barriers to contribution for fixing it", which i still think is true20:15
EmilienMthe idea was just about recognition that ubuntu and centos7 are the favorite plaftorms to test OpenStack20:15
ianwi've never really tried SSL, but if we need it, i can look into it20:15
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clarkbianw: yes I would agree with that. The barriers are really low. Just need people that are willing and able to jump in20:15
ianwjust nobody asked yet :)20:15
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clarkbianw: I asked on the mailing list , maybe I should've poked more direclty20:15
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clarkbianw: tl;dr is that devstack + tls-proxy does not work on centos 7 because apache is acting different htan ubuntu trusty, xenial, and fedora20:16
openstackgerritAleksey Zvyagintsev proposed openstack-infra/project-config: RefStack: add coverage job
clarkbianw: seems to be related to stop/start/restart of apache service20:16
clarkbvs reload20:16
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ianwclarkb: ok, yeah i think actually we merged something to do with apache restart/reload not that long ago.  it's probably sensible for me to turn on ssl for the devstack platform jobs ... i'll take that as an action item20:17
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ianwEmilienM: i'll do some investigation and update ->
openstackLaunchpad bug 1650006 in devstack "Get SSL working on Centos7" [Undecided,New]20:20
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Kill dstat to prevent hanging of job
EmilienMianw: thanks a lot :)20:21
clarkbianw: mtreinish and I are hoping to maybe turn on tls-proxy by default in devstack this cycle. Ironic almost has their necessary bits to support it and a few functional test setups need to be more intelligent about using https too, but other than that I think centos7 support is the big hurdle20:21
clarkbhopefully we get there20:22
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kfox1111are there any known gate issues right now?20:30
clarkbI think just the docs one with the badges20:31
kfox1111hmm. k.20:31
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fungianybody have any concerns about this three-character change to devstack-gate to solve for an unusual git behavior karbor managed to hang themselves with earlier?
clarkbfungi: thanks for reminding me to look at that20:38
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fungiyuval reported that his depends-on that from karbor got devstack-gate jobs passing for them again20:39
clarkband the jobs we test against still work20:39
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fungithe very next line in the script is a git reset --hard, so i don't think we possibly discard anything which could end up getting used anyway20:40
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fungijeblair: any guess as to whether we need to take similar precautions in zuul-cloner?20:42
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sdaguefungi: +A, that seems safe enough20:42
Cibohello can anybody please tell what should variable NODEPOOL_CLOUD mean? in CI?20:43
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fungithanks, sdague. apparently they wedged themselves good by merging a .gitattributes file which asserted conditions not present in their branches20:44
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pabelangerCibo: it is the name of the cloud in nodepool20:44
Cibobut what should I set this variable to if I am using local domastick clod?20:45
fungiCibo: we're lacking a little context. i see that envvar gets used by devstack-gate, kolla, puppet-openstack-integration and tripleo-ci20:46
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fungiCibo: under normal circumstances you should never even need to know about the existence of that variable outside a nodepool-managed ci system20:46
fungiif any projects are baking assumptions about the existence of that variable into developer scripts without having sensible fallbacks when it's unset, that seems like a bug20:48
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pabelangerya, I'd be surprised to see a project use them outside of the gate20:49
openstackgerritPeter Stachowski proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Pip install as 10- incompatible with 05-heat-cfntools
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Cibothe problem is that I have local CI20:52
Ciboand sometimes I get "Testing ICMP connectivity to"20:53
Cibothat fails =(20:53
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clarkbthat check should be updated to use when not running on nodepool hosts20:54
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Cibocan just do some workaround?20:57
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EmilienMclarkb, fungi: we're dealing with a CI outage in puppet-ceph and need your review on - thanks a lot20:57
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Enable n-novnc service
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kfox1111so, the dns resolution suddenly broke that we figured out the other day20:57
kfox1111did something change?20:57
kfox1111seeing it on at least two clouds.20:58
fungiCibo: looking at it seems to be checking that you can reach the pypi service configured in your /etc/pip.conf file20:58
fungiCibo: odds are you have that set to one of our mirrors20:58
mordredand/or, that you're running the configure_mirror script but do not have mirrors nor have variables describing what they should be called - I'd remove the configure_mirror script if you're running20:59
kfox1111did the ubuntu images get updated or something?20:59
mordredkfox1111: they get updated nightly20:59
kfox1111hmm. k.20:59
Cibolike set hm I first time hear about that20:59
mordredkfox1111: but it's also possible when you figured out the fix the other day that it only worked on one of the clouds20:59
kfox1111mordred: no, it landed on lots of clouds at the time.20:59
mordredkfox1111: and you just now happen to have hit one of the others?20:59
mordredok. cool21:00
kfox1111its possible these sets didn't though.21:00
kfox1111usually it was rax or osc but now its more internap/infracloud21:00
kfox1111trying to isolate now.21:00
kfox1111just curious if anything was known changed with regurad to ubuntu config.21:00
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Ansibly fix_etc_hosts
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Ansibly BASE folder creation
jeblairfungi: wait -- 410810 is to fix a thing where git is *changing* the contents of a repo after checking it out?21:01
clarkbjeblair: yarp21:01
jeblaircan we consider not doing *that* instead? :)21:02
fungiCibo: looking at our network_sanity_check function, i think it's a bug that we directly check connectivity to $NODEPOOL_MIRROR_HOST down on lines 138/139 even if that variable isn't set (and without setting an appropriate fallback behavior either)21:02
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pabelangeryay, after 2 days we built a centos-7 dib21:02
clarkbits a big footgun feature in git imo21:02
jeblairi kind of have this affinity for testing the things actually in the repo21:02
fungijeblair: we could try to prevent projects from adding .gitattributes files21:02
pabelangerkfox1111: got a log of the failure?21:02
Cibocan I sat it by hand?21:02
Cibocan you please give a GOOD replacement?21:03
kfox1111pabelanger: several. :)21:03
Cibofungi: ??? please?21:03
jeblairi definitely think openstack should adopt a 'no .gitattributes' policy, just because of the likely wide range of opinions on whether that's a good idea :)21:03
fungiCibo: i'll write a patch to try to fix it in devstack-gate21:03
jeblairbut separately, i think we should endeavor to avoid allowing it to alter tests21:03
Cibothe problem is that I do not have match time21:04
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pabelangerkfox1111: dns settings look good on an infracloud-vanilla node21:07
ianwpabelanger: hmm, i guess i need to update the build checker script21:07
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pabelangerwe are using local unbound server21:07
Cibowhat should I asign during to $NODEPOOL_REGION $NODEPOOL_CLOUD during call of devstack gate wrap?21:07
rm_worki forget, is this also the devstack channel?21:07
pabelangerianw: hoping to finally move that in to statsd soon21:07
rm_workrunning into an issue that JUST appeared like a couple hours ago: stacking on centos7, qemu-kvm package seems to have broken deps all the sudden21:08
pabelangerkfox1111: we do a good job checking DNS before we pass the node to zuul, so must be intermittent problem21:08
ianwrm_work: #openstack-qa , but i think that's a known issue21:08
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Only check connectivity to mirrors when defined
fungiCibo: is what i think you need to fix that21:09
fungiCibo: in short, don't assign anything to that variable, stop trying to run network tests against a nonexistent system21:09
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jeblairfungi: i think i would have review 410810 with a -1 and a suggestion that karbor simply fix the files in their repo21:11
fungijeblair: well, fixing the files in their repo would require manual cleanup on our part21:11
jeblairfungi: shouldn't a change to fix those files be self-testing and correcting?21:11
fungidevstack-gate allowed them to merge the change adding that file, but once that file appeared in the on-disk cache of their repo it could no longer checkout a new ref in them21:12
fungii suppose instead of using checkout -f we could try to do something to in-place apply changes implied by .gitattributes instead?21:12
egluteHello Infra! I could use some assistance. I am trying to follow directions and it appears I do not have the power. We are moving openstack-defcore to openstack-interop21:13
jeblairfungi: how did merge then?21:15
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jeblairfungi: ah, it's non-voting21:16
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Add ARA callback and reporting
fungioh, wait, do they not have any voting dsvm jobs?21:16
jeblairapparently not21:16
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jeblairfungi: that's the failing run they ignored for the change that added .gitattributes.21:18
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jeblairi'm going to propose a revert in devstack-gate21:18
fungiplease do, i'll approve it21:18
jeblairoh it hasn't landed21:18
fungioh, i'll abandon then21:19
jeblairi -2d it21:19
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jeblairdouble not merged21:20
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Ansibly the start of fresh logging
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Ansibly the setup of stack user
fungigotta run another errand, brb21:22
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Ansibly the setup of the tempest user
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mordredjeblair, fungi: should we insititute some sort of check at the zuul level to prevent landing changes to .gitattributes files?21:22
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eglutemordred fungi who here handles IRC related issues? I could use some help!21:24
clarkbyou can do it in gerrit iirc21:24
jeblairmordred: i don't know.  this has given me a lot to think about.  and what we might want to do for openstack is not necessarily what everyone using zuul might want....21:24
jeblaireglute: i might be able to help21:24
eglutejeblair that would be great!21:24
egluteI tried doing
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eglutei set the guard, but the next line didn't work21:25
jeblaireglute: let me catch up -- does the new channel (#openstack-interop exist and is it set up with accessbot in project-config?)21:25
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jeblairer, sorry, those parens were all wrong21:25
jeblairbut you get the idea :)21:25
egluteyes,the channel exists21:26
egluteand i believe the bot was setup21:26
mordredkfox1111: have you considered using --dns= option to docker?
jeblaireglute: yeah, openstack is in there, so that should all be good21:27
eglutejeblair yes, the logging is on as well21:27
jeblaireglute: so basically i need to do the stuff starting with guard and on then, yeah?21:27
jeblaireglute: cool, i will execute that in just a moment21:28
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eglutejeblair thank you, appreciate it!!21:28
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openstackgerritAdam Gandelman proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Re-enable test_nonvoting_job
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/shade: Replace swift capabilities call with REST
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openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: TEST: extra testenv-client logging
jeblaireglute: okay, that's done -- how long ago did you set the topic and ask people to move?21:36
eglutewe had a message on moving for several weeks now21:36
eglutethis particular one today21:37
eglutethank you jeblair!!!21:37
jeblaireglute: then probably it's safe to kick everyone out of the defcore channel to make sure the people still there don't talk in it21:37
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jeblair(that seems especially bad since it's now a channel no one else can join)21:37
jeblaireglute: so i'll go ahead and do that now, with a message reminding people why i'm doing it21:38
eglutejeblair agreed! thank you for your help!21:38
palendaeI have a change ( failing when reno tries to build off of origin/liberty; is there something to be done to the reno configuration to prevent this?21:38
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palendaeNew clones locally don't have an origin/liberty ref anymore, presumably because it was EOLed today21:39
clarkbpalendae: its a known reno issue dhellmann is working on a fix21:39
palendaeclarkb: Thanks!21:39
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clarkbthere is a bug for it somewhere if you dig around21:39
clarkbwell somewhere being renos bug tracker but ya21:39
palendaeI'll look around to reference it, thanks!21:40
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openstackgerritDirk Mueller proposed openstack-dev/pbr: Remove discover from test-requirements
palendae - says it's fixed in reno 1.9.021:41
openstackLaunchpad bug 1649982 in reno "reno doesn't check for an -eol tag when a stable branch is deleted" [Wishlist,Fix committed] - Assigned to Doug Hellmann (doug-hellmann)21:41
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openstackgerritDirk Mueller proposed openstack-dev/pbr: Add Constraints support
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eglutethanks again jeblair!!21:45
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jeblaireglute: no problem.  all done now.  you might want to set a topic in #openstack-interop21:46
eglutethank you, will do!21:46
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dhellmannpalendae, clarkb : we're waiting for the constraints update to allow reno 1.9.0 to be used
palendaedhellmann: Cool, I figured as much based on that bug21:47
eglutejeblair looks like i am not authorized for that channel21:47
eglutejeblair tried setting topic, and failed.21:48
EmilienMhey infra, any chance to have a review on please?21:49
clarkblooks like it failed cross testing cinder in the gate, but things ahead of it may reset and resetart the testing21:49
jeblaireglute: oh i thought you were an op21:49
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/shade: Honor image_api_version when doing version discovery
eglutejeblair it looks like i am but then i get denied21:49
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/shade: Change fixtures to use https
eglutejeblair odd, just tried and it worked again21:50
jeblaireglute: ah, i think you are an op, but not in chanserv's access list (which means you would lose operator status if you rejoined).  i'll add you to that list.21:50
eglutejeblair thank you!21:50
clarkbEmilienM: I respodned to your question, will let you decide if y ouwant to update or not21:51
EmilienMclarkb: ok, looking thx21:51
EmilienMclarkb: ok, I prefer to be more specific per scenario, so the current patch is ok I think21:52
jeblaireglute: okay, you're set there too, so you can control chanserv on that channel21:54
eglutethank you jeblair!21:54
kfox1111mordred: I don't control docker.21:54
kfox1111k8s does.21:54
jeblairinfra-root: it looks like accessbot has not set acls as expected on at least some channels (#openstack-interop for one)21:54
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mordredjeblair: boo21:55
mordredkfox1111: ok. I will learn some things about that21:55
clarkbjeblair: maybe it is suffering the channel join limit too?21:55
kfox1111mordred: yeah. there's a few layers here.21:55
jeblairclarkb: hrm, i don't think it joins any channels...21:55
kfox1111deploying k8s with kubeadm.21:55
clarkbjeblair: oh right it can just talk to chanserv21:56
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kfox1111which sets up the nodes for us. but then hides even more details. :/21:56
jeblairyeah.  i mean, maybe chanserv got tired of talking to it21:56
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kfox1111hm.m. seeing it on osic now too.21:56
kfox1111and it was working fine there before for sure.21:56
pleia2also could have joined during a netsplit from services, or silently failed to connect or something21:56
pleia2I don't think we have much (any?) fault tolerance for that21:57
jeblairclarkb, pleia2: it appears to be joining without a nick, which ircd is unhappy about.21:57
jeblairbased on the log entries21:57
pleia2I don't even know how that can be a thing21:57
jeblairno, also, no timestamps so i don't have a lot of context21:57
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kfox1111hmm.. this looks interesting:21:58
jeblairlooks like maybe the last 8 times it ran21:58
jeblairwhenever those were21:58
kfox1111its restarted, then I don't see it in a netstat...21:58
kfox1111maybe its crashing now.21:58
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openstackgerritBrian Haley proposed openstack-infra/project-config: neutron/tempest: make tempest dvr-multinode voting
jeblairthat's from the config file21:59
mordredkfox1111: somethingsomething skydns something forwarding resolver ?22:00
pabelangerkfox1111: what is the contents of
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mordredmorning jhesketh !22:01
jeblairwhat is a "statusbot_accessbot_nick"?22:01
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pleia2a reminder that we're terrible at naming things?22:02
jeblairi believe it's an error introduced in the twitterification of the statusbot22:02
pleia2that's entirely possible, when that went live there were a couple confusing changes22:03
jeblairfix in progress22:03
mordredkfox1111: "If you don’t want this, or if you want a different DNS config for pods, you can use the kubelet’s --resolv-conf flag. Setting it to “” means that pods will not inherit DNS. Setting it to a valid file path means that kubelet will use this file instead of /etc/resolv.conf for DNS inheritance.22:03
mordredkfox1111: but I'm guessing you're not controlling the kubelet yourself, but instead kubeadm does?22:04
kfox1111mordred: I might be able to override kubelets value.22:04
kfox1111but to what?22:04
kfox1111all I have in /etc/resolv.conf is which won't work.22:04
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kfox1111is there a place I can read out the real value?22:05
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Remove statusbot_accessbot_nick
jeblairpleia2, clarkb: ^22:05
mordredjeblair: I have no idea how that worked before - the rocketships are not aligned!22:06
pabelangerkfox1111: why are you having unbound only use ?
mordred(also +2)22:06
pabelangerkfox1111: can you just drop that and use the default
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pabelanger127.0.0.1 in resolv.conf is likely why it is failing22:07
mordredpabelanger: iirc, the idea here is to set up a bridge and tell unbound to listen on the bridge interface22:08
mordredpabelanger: because listening on is dangerous22:08
mordredpabelanger: and yes, the initial problem is that the container does not have access to the same 127.0.0,122:08
jeblairis there an ip visible in the container that will route to the host?22:09
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pabelangermordred: surprise it is dangerous, we just default to on our test nodes22:09
mordredjeblair: that is what kfox1111 was setting up in
clarkbpabelanger: the concern is reflection attacks iirc22:10
clarkbpabelanger: basically you don't want to become part of someones ddos22:10
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jeblairiptables covers that for us22:10
clarkbjeblair: except that we allow jobs to edit those (and many do including this one)22:10
pabelangerYa, I would think iptables would protect the kolla-kubernetes job too22:11
mordredwe also allow jobs to edit the unbound config22:11
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clarkbthis is true22:11
jeblairright, i'm just explaining why it's okay for us to listen on (assuming we do, i didn't double check)22:11
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pabelangerwill have to dig into the kubes some day, but that day is not today :)22:12
clarkbI think one of the complicated things with is going to be setting up iptables such that "external" things can hit it but only if they are "external" and not externakl22:14
clarkbthat may be easy or hard depending no how ips are laid out22:14
jeblairmordred, kfox1111: so does the bridge map into the container somehow?22:15
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kfox1111pabelanger: its bound only to to ensure it doesn't make it outside the vm.22:17
kfox1111but the acl allows anything that can talk to it to do so.22:17
pabelangernot sure, why you can't also bind to
clarkbya I think you want to do both22:18
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kfox1111pabelanger: because pods run in their own network.22:18
kfox1111127.0.0.1 to the pod will be the pod's loopback, not the vm's loopback.22:18
clarkbkfox1111: right but you can listen on both is what pabelanger is saying I think22:18
kfox1111this looks to be the issue:22:18
clarkbthen that way all our jobs also have localhost resolver22:19
clarkband some may optionally have the other thing22:19
kfox1111unbound looks to not be taking the config anymore.22:19
clarkb(and we might consider baking in the other address and setting up firewalls appropriately if we want more consistency)22:19
kfox1111consistency might be nice. yeah.22:19
pabelangeryes, bind to both bridge interface and loopback, then host and container have access to unbound22:19
kfox1111does unbind actually allow dual binding?22:20
Zaratdasilva: just noticed that storyboard came up in your meeting and you asked for a link; along with the production instance we also have a test instance up at!/page/about if anyone wants to try things out.22:20
kfox1111 a lot of programs don't allow that.22:20
pabelangerIIRC: interface can be used multiple times22:20
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kfox1111but, the problem does seem to be it not parsing the config enymore...22:20
jeblair"can be given multiple times"22:20
kfox1111so. its failing on "interface:"...22:21
kfox1111they have to be under a server section.22:23
pabelangeralso, I don't think we manage unbound.conf in puppet, I know in nodepool-base we just append things to it (include: forwarding.conf). So it might not be consistent across clouds22:23
kfox1111maybe tis more picky now.22:23
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pabelangershould be easy to update puppet-unbound to support that22:23
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Only check connectivity to mirrors when defined
fungipabelanger: introduced a hard dependency in devstack-gate on the /etc/nodepool/provider file and variables set within it. i'm thinking ^ is the fix but as the change introducing that problem was yours i'd appreciate your input22:27
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Remove the ability for nodepoold to launch a builder
clarkbI think we may want a connectivity check of some sort22:28
fungiwe already perform one prior to that22:28
clarkboh we do22:28
pabelangerfungi: oh, right22:29
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fungiCibo brought this up a little while ago, but i had to dash away to do some other stuff so am just now revisiting it22:29
fungihe's trying to run devstack-gate without nodepool, and understandably confused by what that should be doing22:29
Cibofungi: cool!22:30
fungipresumably for him it was trying to ping "" (literally) because those variables were all unset22:31
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fungiCibo: i'm still a little curious how it got that far. i assume you had to manually create a /etc/nodepool/provider file because before that it would have given you a no such file error?22:32
Cibofungi: may be it is related to softwareFactory that I am using22:33
pabelangerI think we have an issue with centos-722:34
Ciboand I am using centos22:34
fungipabelanger: unrelated to this topic, presumably?22:34
pabelangeryes, sorry22:34
fungicool, just making sure22:34
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fungiCibo: for issues with SoftwareFactory, you should probably talk to them. it's similar but it's a fork of what we support so not everything we expect will necessarily work there22:36
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fungitristanC knows a little about it and may be able to tell you who to get in touch with, if he's awake already (might still be a little early in his part of the world)22:37
Ciboit is strange because SF is just a manager that configs nodepool and other22:38
Cibowhen I have fail in devstack-gate22:38
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fungiCibo: well, you had previously stated you weren't using nodepool22:39
CiboI do not blame anybody22:39
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fungior maybe i just got that impression because it's not setting up mirrors for you22:39
fungiat any rate, i strongly suspect will solve it for you either way22:40
Cibofungi: may be it is because I am not very good at nodepool22:40
Cibomy point is that all this stuf becomes quete complex22:40
Cibotooooo complex22:40
fungiCibo: well, not all nodepool deployments will necessarily introduce package mirror configuration, so the misunderstanding was mine regardless22:41
cloudnullwere there image changes today ?22:41
cloudnullwas looking at
fungicloudnull: we hope that there are image updates every day22:41
pabelangeryes, centos-7 DIB is failing to boot22:41
pabelangerlooking at it now22:41
cloudnulland curious if that was a spike due to the thunderious hurd22:41
pabelangerwonder if this is a side affect of 7.3 release22:42
cloudnullor if I should go look into things22:42
kfox1111fungi: pabelanger: adding an explicit Server: section fixed it.22:42
cloudnullI mean its not a super high failure rate22:42
cloudnullbut was something that caught my eye22:42
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CiboI build image localy22:42
pabelangercloudnull: will let you know shortly, just manually booting an image22:43
Cibooh not about me =)22:43
cloudnullok. thanks pabelanger. let me know if there's something I can help with22:43
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mordredpabelanger: oh goodie. centos released 7.3?22:46
clarkbmordred: ya yesterday iirc22:46
fungiwhich would put it in our images starting with the updates we're just now uploading to providers i guess22:46
pabelanger[  125.064186] dracut-initqueue[155]: Warning: dracut-initqueue timeout - starting timeout scripts22:46
pabelangeris spaming the console log22:46
pabelangerand fail to see glean or ssh being run22:47
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Pause diskimage builds for centos-7
pabelangerfungi: mordred: ^ so we can roll back to a working centos-722:50
pabelangerA start job is running for dev-disk...222.device (7min 14s / no limit)22:51
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pabelangeris now spamming the log22:51
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fungigotta say i like the new pause attribute22:52
mordredfungi: me too22:52
mordredpabelanger: yay! (+A'd)22:53
clarkbmordred wins the get diff to load race22:53
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pabelangeroh neat, config-validate failed22:58
clarkbpabelanger: does it need to be true not True?22:58
pabelangerTrue should be fine22:59
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pabelangerguess we don't test config-validate today22:59
clarkbpabelanger: we do22:59
clarkbthere are positive and negative tests for it22:59
clarkbbut they require being updated when we add new things if ew want to cover the new things23:00
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pabelangersee the issue23:00
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pabelangerokay, this is going to need an update to nodepool, but for now going to place nodepool.o.o into emergency so get centos-7 dibs back online23:00
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pabelangersorry, nb01 and nb0223:01
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clarkbpabelanger: and edit their configs directly?23:03
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pabelangerworking on nodepool patch too23:04
ianwi'll take a look at these boot issues23:04
ianwdid greghaynes release overnight?23:05
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pabelanger#status log nb01.o.o and nb02.o.o added to emergency file on puppetmaster. To manually apply
openstackstatuspabelanger: finished logging23:06
pabelangerianw: I don't believe so23:06
clarkbianw: git says no23:06
clarkbI think more likely realted to new centos release23:06
ianwyep, cool, well that's one less thing at least23:06
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clarkbsnow is far too distracting23:08
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clarkbpabelanger: nodepool/tests/ is where the config validator is tested23:10
clarkbI think you just edit the fixtures it reads to include new stuff to double check it23:10
pabelangerclarkb: Ack, writing test now23:10
clarkbnot sure you need a new test23:11
clarkbjust update existing fixture(s) but ya23:11
pabelangerya, that23:11
pabelangerokay, we should have centos-7 nodes coming back online now23:12
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Add missing pause fields to config-validate
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pabelangerianw: some quick googles makes me think something with the partitions or mounts23:17
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ianwpabelanger: yeah, we recently had some issues with labels23:17
ianwwell, the full story is long and boring, and actually came down to systemd in a roundabout way :)  as usual23:18
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Remove statusbot_accessbot_nick
fungiall roads lead to systemd23:18
greghaynesooo this sounds like fun23:19
greghaynesoh, ianw you got it figured out?23:19
jeblairclarkb, pabelanger: what we should do is have nodepool validate a config before using it.  then we would have caught this when we added the tests for the underlying functionality.23:19
clarkbjeblair: thats a good idea, would be simple to add that to the function that applies the config23:20
clarkbiirc thats a common test thing23:20
ianwgreghaynes: well not the current failure ; just spinning up a local build & see where that's at.   we probably do want to build & boot centos in dib gate though too.  currently we only try ubuntu with the nodepool job23:20
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ianwof course that's a bit of a speed hit.  maybe separate jobs so it happens in parallel23:21
jeblairyeah, or maybe it can be added to the nodepool class itself, i forget what the plumbing looks like in there right now23:21
* clarkb will write that patch now while thinking bout it23:21
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clarkbotherwise I will just stare out the window at the snow23:21
greghaynesianw: yea I need to dust off my boot images in our CI patch23:21
jeblairclarkb: still with the snow?23:21
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pabelangerjeblair: agreed, this is more then the first time we've had this issue23:22
clarkbjeblair: round two23:22
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pabelangerclarkb: nice, only round one here.  Hoping for a big dump in the next week23:23
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Validate configs when used by tests
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clarkbjeblair: pabelanger ^ I think its as simple as that23:26
clarkbpabelanger: I mean for us 1" is world ending23:26
clarkbsupposedly due for 3-5" today/tonight23:26
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clarkbits just so distracting23:27
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jeblairclarkb: lgtm23:27
clarkb(part of that I am sure is I grew up on a tropical island, so snow is incredibly novel to me)23:27
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pabelangerclarkb: yar, I was out in Vancouver, BC in 1999. I want to say they got 6 inches in a shot. Shutdown the city for days23:30
pabelangerinfact, I think snow blows came up from US to help23:30
clarkbwe are also hampered by the fact we don't use the good salt on our roads23:30
clarkbbecause the good stuff is bad for salmon23:30
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openstackgerritMichael Johnson proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Update octavia projects for octavia spinout
pabelangerfirst time seeing that23:33
mordredclarkb: salmon are tasty23:34
clarkbmordred: yes considering our track record I think thats the only reason we try so hard to save them23:35
openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: TEST: Disable net-iso in ha jobs
openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: TEST: Disable pacemaker in the updates job
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openstackgerritRicardo Carrillo Cruz proposed openstack-infra/zuul: WIP Add per-repo public and private keys
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ianwpabelanger: "No bootable disk" -- is that similar to what you saw in the logs?23:41
openstackgerritMerged openstack/diskimage-builder: Pip install as 10- incompatible with 05-heat-cfntools
ianwi'm not sure if it's my image, or the cloud underneath!  the fun of so many layers23:42
pabelangerianw: don;t think so23:42
pabelangerbut I do see23:42
pabelangerWelcome to [0;34mCentOS Linux 7 (Core) dracut-033-463.el7 (Initramfs)[0m!23:42
openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: TEST: Disable pacemaker in the updates job
openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: TEST: extra testenv-client logging
openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: TEST: Disable net-iso in ha jobs
ianwahh, yeah, that might be my issue.  trying again23:44
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clarkbjeblair: pabelanger it worked :) and by worked I mean failed beacuse pause isn't valid23:48
clarkbwill rebase on pabelanger's change23:49
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Validate configs when used by tests
clarkband now to review the pause fix23:50
clarkber wait23:50
clarkbdid that make a new change?23:50
mordredclarkb: yes23:50
clarkboh because pabelanger's fix is not on master23:50
mordred0995 and 100223:50
clarkbpabelanger you need to make your change on master23:50
clarkbsince that is what we deploy now23:50
clarkb(and based on jeblair's breakdown of where patches go from before I think its the right spot)23:51
pabelangerOh, ya. let me fix23:51
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Add missing pause fields to config-validate
pabelangerthat's my bad23:52
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Validate configs when used by tests
clarkbtehre we go23:53
clarkbI'll leave the zuulv3 change up if we want to also fix that branch23:55
clarkbwithout doing an immeditate merge23:55
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