Thursday, 2017-02-16

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jeblairlet's all go to the lobby... while gerrit grabs a snack00:03
mordredI really need to look in to that00:03
mordredit makes no sense to me00:03
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clarkbI actually did peruse it a bit and if we wanted to easy mode I think we can have a slave with trove00:04
clarkband pull backups off that00:04
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clarkbor create a one off replica once a day (though thats likely to have a high cost)00:06
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Add server
pabelangerclarkb: updated, also addressed your comment^00:09
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Add action plugins to restrict untrusted execution
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Add __repr__ to jobtree
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Correct playbook requirement logic
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/puppet-mysql_backup master: Use --single-transaction for mysqldump
mordredclarkb, jeblair: ^^ I got tired of gerrit pausing once a day, since there is literally no reason for such a thing to occur00:21
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NobodyCamGood after noon Infra folk00:22
clarkbmordred: re DDL, is that also true of current situation with bigly locks?00:22
clarkbNobodyCam: hello there00:22
NobodyCamoff the wall question: is there a good reference I can point someone to to learn about the best way to keep a local repo in sync with
jeblairmordred: into the future!00:22
mordredclarkb: yes00:24
clarkbNobodyCam: if its your local dev repo on your laptop, just run `git remote update` when you sit down to do new work00:24
NobodyCamhey there clarkb and mordred00:24
mordredhey NobodyCam !00:24
clarkbNobodyCam: can you maybe expand on the use case/problem you are trying to solve a bit more?00:24
NobodyCamclarkb: its a local gerrit00:25
clarkbmordred: jeblair and I +2'd mysql backup change I did not approve it because it would be good if you could ababysit it00:25
mordredclarkb: ++00:25
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clarkbNobodyCam: so you have a local gerrit with a fork of $openstackgerrit repo and want to keep it up to date?00:25
mordredclarkb: remind me tomorrow before the 00:00 backup00:25
clarkbmordred: I shall try00:25
NobodyCamI have a internal gerrit/jenkins/zuul setup and I would like to point the person running it to a best practices type doc00:25
NobodyCamclarkb: yep :)00:26
clarkbNobodyCam: I don't know that ther is a best practices doc. BUT jeepyb does support doing this for you00:26
clarkbNobodyCam: currently the manage-projects command can sycn upstreams when it runs (but mordred is working to make it its own command)00:26
mordredyah - hopefully that patch will land real soon00:27
clarkbNobodyCam: so if you wait a bit there may be a command called `track-upstream` that you get out of jeepyb00:27
mordredthen the command will be called "track-upstream"00:27
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mordredthat will put branches from upstream into branches in the local gerrit prefixed with upstream/00:27
NobodyCamcan that be adjusted to openstack/ ??00:28
clarkbmordred: so I just raelized a potential problem with the cache stuff and ^00:28
mordredI think00:28
clarkbmordred: if you weren't already using manage-projects then th ecache would be wrong and first run we'd force push to repo?00:28
mordredNobodyCam: I don't remember - I'd need to look00:28
clarkbmaybe thats fixed by splitting track-upstream out to its own tool00:28
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/nodepool feature/zuulv3: Move ProviderManagers into main NodePool thread
mordredclarkb: yah - I think it is00:28
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ianwclarkb: after a *lot* of fiddling I think i've come up with a small python script that can basically insert the coverage output as an attachment into the testrepository ->  run that and | testr load00:30
ianwclarkb: my next question is ... will that make it through subunit2sql and into the db so i can query it00:31
clarkbianw: it should make it through if you inject it into the normal per job run subunit file00:31
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ianwclarkb: so you mean it's just one of the entries in .testrepository ?00:32
clarkbmordred: thinking more about backups change if we really want to be paranoid we could apply it to etherpad first (since that also locks up for a few minutes) and check it separately then apply everywhere00:32
clarkbmordred: since etherpad has "ether" in its name we probably care less about impacting it :)00:33
clarkbianw: no I think it has to be appended to .testrepository/000:33
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clarkbianw: but I'd have to double check the publisher macros stuff00:33
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clarkbianw: is current config for subunit things00:36
clarkbso its looking for the testrepository.subunit files in most jobs00:36
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clarkbianw: and for unittest/coverage we run $bin_path/testr last --subunit > ./testrepository.subunit to generate that file in project-config/jenkins/scripts/run-tox.sh00:37
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clarkbso we'd need to stitch together the unittest run output and the coverage data output00:38
ianwclarkb: ahhh, ok ... very helpful, thanks00:38
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ianwi wonder if you can just cat subunit files together00:39
mordredclarkb: want me to do a quick check of that?00:39
clarkbianw: not sure but you can probably use testr load to find out00:40
clarkbmordred: sure00:40
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clarkbmordred: we can see if stop loading or not00:40
mordredclarkb: ok -I'm about to pull the trigger - ready?00:41
clarkbsay when00:41
mordredit's running00:41
ianwclarkb: i think you can
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clarkbmordred: seems happy00:41
mordredclarkb: yup00:41
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mordredand the backup is still running00:41
clarkbianw: neat!00:42
clarkbmordred: yay00:42
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: Add support for sqlalchemy reporter
mordredclarkb: I apologize that it took me $years to make that patch00:42
jeblairjhesketh, mtreinish: ^00:42
clarkbmordred: eh well00:42
mordredjeblair, mtreinish, jhesketh: yay!00:42
ianwclarkb: so i'm starting to think adding "if [ -f cover/coverage.xml ]; then $(python to blag coverage.xml as a subunit output) >> testrepository.subunit" and maybe it "just works" ...00:43
clarkbianw: sounds good00:43
clarkbits all non voting jobs now anyways00:43
clarkbso low on danger scale00:43
ianwand with a change to pbr's "--coverage" argument to auto create the .xml file, it should also "just work"00:43
mtreinishjeblair: ooh00:45
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openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/nodepool feature/zuulv3: Re-enable devstack test job
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/nodepool feature/zuulv3: Add lock state to node listing
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/nodepool feature/zuulv3: Implement node cleanup
mtreinishjeblair: I guess that means I'll have to start looking at how to integrate that data into openstack-health :)00:45
jeblairmtreinish: ++00:46
mtreinishianw: yes, you can just append subunit files together00:46
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NobodyCamThank you @everyone for the help!!00:47
jeblairzomg.  "Project Management Combat Operations"00:47
ianwmtreinish: that's quite cool.  so basically if i have the coverage.xml as an artifact of "fake" test reported in testrepository.subunit, you don't see any reason why we won't be able to pull it out of sql?00:47
mtreinishianw: that's how we deal with devstack's subunit output in dsvm tempest runs. The 2 subunit streams are just combined00:47
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openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/nodepool feature/zuulv3: Re-enable devstack test job
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/nodepool feature/zuulv3: Add lock state to node listing
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/nodepool feature/zuulv3: Implement node cleanup
mtreinishianw: well it'll look a little confusing on openstack-health, but that should work00:48
NobodyCamProject Management Combat Operations - Two Projects enter one project leaves!00:48
mtreinishianw: fwiw, I think masayukig_ was working on aggergating the coverage data at one point00:48
ianwyeah, i have dejavu about that, i think git blame might have me touching that at some point :)00:48
ianwmtreinish: that's true.  if it's a constant fake test name, we could just filter it out for clarity?00:48
mtreinishianw: yeah we can do that, it's just something we'd have to add to openstack-health00:49
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masayukigianw , mtreinish : I'm sorry for the slow progress for that ... :-p00:51
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Exclude /var/log/journal from devstack-logs
clarkbwe are up to 55GB ish free on logs volume00:52
clarkbso we are winnning the race now00:52
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openstackgerritHiroaki Kobayashi proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Add release notes jobs for blazar
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masayukigmtreinish, ianw: I'll make a progress for integration of coverage2sql into openstack-health during the PTG..00:55
ianwmasayukig: thanks for working on it.  i think having the xml result available will be a quick way to just show a overall up/down graph without too much integration.  i think coverage2sql would be good for a much deeper view of what's going on, especially drilling down by file00:55
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masayukigianw : oh, the xml can store the history of coverages?00:56
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ianwmasayukig: not exactly ... my thought at the moment is to attach the XML coverage report just as another test to the existing subunit output put into the subunit2sql db00:59
ianwit should be quite easy to just pull the "overall" coverage number out of that (and link to the html report)01:00
masayukigianw : ah, understood. yeah, it should be easy :)01:00
masayukigit's easier than coverage2sql :)01:00
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ianwmasayukig: i hope to have a review out this afternoon, i'll loop you in.  really this just came out of me trying to get some standardisation in the coverage jobs.  if we have this, and just have a rule that they're in the check queue (so you see if its working) and post queue (for sending to health for basic tracking) i think that's progress01:04
ianwbecause the logs seem to suggest that nobody is looking at the HTML reports01:04
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masayukigianw : ++01:05
masayukigianw: yeah, agree, only a few people care about that..01:05
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mtreinishianw: fwiw, SpamapS was doing something similar with counting data. You don't actually need to make a fake test you can just add an attachment to the stream01:06
masayukigmtreinish : btw, I noticed that gate-elastic-recheck-linters-ubuntu-xenial jobs failing
mtreinishit won't get dumped in the db, directly but you could easily process it independently in the subunit workers01:07
mtreinishianw: I would ask him about it though, because I'm a bit hazy on the details01:08
mtreinishmasayukig: tbh, I don't know what that job is, I didn't add it01:08
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mtreinishand it's failing because there is no linters tox job definition :)01:08
masayukigyeah, should we remove the job?01:08
mtreinishmasayukig: yeah, lets just remove it01:09
masayukigmtreinish : sure :)01:09
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Fix missing mutex release when aborting builds
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openstackgerritMasayuki Igawa proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove linters job of elastic-recheck
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ianwmtreinish: hmm, i thought an attachment was related to a job?02:18
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Remove test-environments/multinode_major_upgrade.yaml
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openstackgerritXu Ao proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: DOC:Delete a obsolete note in the doc of python-brickclient
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TuHVHi all,03:21
TuHVI would like to make a functional test on neutron-fwaas with sudo priviledge03:21
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TuHVI have tried with, but it fails in gate03:22
TuHVin local, it runs fine03:22
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TuHVCan somebody take a look at this?03:22
TuHVhere is the log:
clarkbsudo is likely disabled to force rootwrap/privsep to be used03:24
clarkbwhy do you need to chmod?03:24
TuHVclarkb, Is there file failed with chmod?03:25
clarkbit looks like that is the sudo that failed?03:25
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TuHVclarkb, is that
clarkbmaybe thats after the fail hard to read on phobe03:26
clarkbin any case lack of sudo likely intentional03:26
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TuHVclarkb, log fail with  ERROR: InvocationError: '/opt/stack/new/neutron-fwaas/tools/ /opt/stack/new/neutron-fwaas /opt/stack/new/neutron-fwaas/.tox/dsvm-functional' but I run in local, it is fine03:28
clarkbprobavly because sudo is enabled for your local user?03:29
TuHVclarkb, yes, I run with "sudo -E"03:29
clarkbright its not allowed at that point in a devstack gate job iirc03:29
TuHVclarkb, in case no sudo privileges in gate, how can we run functional tests that needs sudo privileges?03:30
clarkbits allowed during devstack run then disabled then post_test_hook runs and it fails03:30
clarkbTuHV: you have to do anything requiring sudo when it is allowed in the setup phase03:30
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TuHVclarkb, you mean I should edit in
clarkbno, sudo is not allowed in the post test hook03:32
clarkbyou need to perform anything that requires sudo beforehand03:32
TuHVclarkb, It's related to my code, or related to devstack gate configuration?03:33
clarkbdevstack-gate disables sudo between the gate hook and the post test hook03:34
clarkbthe change attempts to sudo in the post test hook but sudo is disabled there03:34
TuHVclarkb, Can I change the devstack gate configuration or need to ping someone else?03:38
clarkbTuHV: I think you should run the sudo pieces in the gate hook03:39
TuHVclarkb, Do you mean
clarkbyes I think sudo should work there03:41
clarkbwell before the last line03:41
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clarkbthe last line us what disables sudo03:41
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TuHVclarkb, How can I enable it?03:43
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clarkbTuHV: you can change the default value of that var however I think it would be better to do your setup before hand and then disable sudo so that rootwrap/privsep are tested03:45
clarkbthat is why we remove audo there03:45
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TuHVclarb, Actually, I don't have much experience with this configuration. Could you please show me how I can do that?03:51
TuHVclarkb,  Actually, I don't have much experience with this configuration. Could you please show me how I can do that?03:51
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clarkbI'm not familiar with the fwaas gate hook either03:53
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Coverage: add and store subunit stream for coverage stats
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clarkbit can run before the devstack gate script or as part of devstack (via a plugin) amd would run when sudo is allowed03:53
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TuHVclarkb, I will check that04:31
TuHVclarkb, thank you for your time :)04:31
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Coverage: add and store subunit stream for coverage stats
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openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: DO NOT MERGE - testing TLS everywhere job
openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: DO NOT MERGE - testing TLS everywhere job
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openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Deploy novajoin in the TLS-everywhere job
openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: DO NOT MERGE - testing TLS everywhere job (novajoin)
openstackgerritRabi Mishra proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Run amqp1 non-voting job only on master
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openstackgerritMatthew Oliver proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Stop swifts func-post-as-copy job running on stable
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openstackgerritTomasz TrÄ™bski proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Enable coverage jobs for monasca projects
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openstackgerritTomasz TrÄ™bski proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Enable coverage jobs for monasca projects
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openstackgerritRabi Mishra proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Run amqp1 non-voting job only on master
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openstackgerritMichele Baldessari proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Collect /var/lib/pacemaker/cib in the tar files from nodes
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yolandagood morning08:10
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openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: DO NOT MERGE - testing TLS everywhere job (novajoin)
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove linters job of elastic-recheck
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Add release notes jobs for blazar
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Add functional testing to Craton's check and gate
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Retiring python-wsmanclient: stop gating on changes
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Add experimental job for ironic's ansible-deploy
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: add tripleo non-voting job into zaqar gate
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: add tripleo non-voting job into congress gate
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Kill gate-tempest-dsvm-platform-ubuntu-trusty
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Add IRC notifications from Gerrit for #craton
openstackgerritOksana Voshchana proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate master: TEST for multinode grenade devstack
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: grafana: track new rally py35 job for neutron
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: tripleo-ci move multinode-upgrades-nv to check queue
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Notify #openstack-dns of stable/ocata changes
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openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Deploy novajoin in the TLS-everywhere job
openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: DO NOT MERGE - testing TLS everywhere job (novajoin)
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openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Retiring python-wsmanclient: remove all jobs and set project read-only
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openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Retiring python-wsmanclient: remove all jobs and set project read-only
openstackgerritBéla Vancsics proposed openstack-dev/hacking master: Add a check to make sure the right assert* method is used
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openstackgerritGabriele Cerami proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: [WIP] Quickstart transition: replace
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openstackgerritOksana Voshchana proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate master: WIP: test grenade ironic
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: fuel-web: Use normal python jobs
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openstackgerritjeck proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Add Apache 2.0 license to source file
fricklerinfra-root: looks like there is something broken with pypi mirroring?
ramishraAJaeger: Hi, can we discuss ?10:47
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ramishraAJaeger: I don't know why both the amqp1 and py35 jobs are added as nv jobs and not experimental to start with10:48
ramishraI wanted to avoid running it in stable gate unnecessarily10:50
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ramishraAJaeger: I assume we had a plan to fix it in Ocata but could not do it10:50
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AJaegerramishra: I'm happy to take the change to not run it for stable branches.10:52
AJaegerramishra: Do you want to move both to experimental for now? Or do you expect to get them working quickly?10:52
ramishraAJaeger: Thanks. I think we would get them working soon.10:53
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AJaegerramishra: your (=heat's) call10:53
AJaegerok, then let me +2 now10:53
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ramishraAJaeger: thanks!10:54
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openstackgerritIsaac Beckman proposed openstack-infra/puppet-openstackci master: Pass Java arguments to Jenkins master
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openstackgerritGiulio Fidente proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Enable Ceph in the updates job
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openstackgerritKirill Zaitsev proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove python34-db-jobs
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openstackgerritGiulio Fidente proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Enable Ceph in multinode upgrades job (via HCI).
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openstackgerritOksana Voshchana proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate master: TEST for multinode grenade devstack
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sdagueanyone able to get this bump through -
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mordredsdague: +212:37
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openstackgerritJakub Libosvar proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: neutron: Run in-tree Neutron tempest tests with concurrency 2
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Use reno for release notes
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openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Deploy novajoin in the TLS-everywhere job
openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: DO NOT MERGE - testing TLS everywhere job (novajoin)
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Add Apache 2.0 license to source file
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openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Deploy novajoin in the TLS-everywhere job
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openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: DO NOT MERGE - testing TLS everywhere job (novajoin)
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openstackgerritGabriele Cerami proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: [WIP] Quickstart transition: replace
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openstackgerritGabriele Cerami proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: [WIP] Quickstart transition: replace
openstackgerritGiulio Fidente proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Enable Ceph in multinode upgrades job (via HCI).
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pabelangerfrickler: have you been able to reproduce the issue?13:43
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade master: Change request_id logging to match nova format
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pabelanger/dev/mapper/main-logs          12T   12T   72G 100% /srv/static/logs13:45
pabelangerup to 75GB free now13:46
AJaegernot much ;(13:46
fricklerpabelanger: no, went away after a recheck, but may have hit a different cloud then. might also have been cause by a mirror update running in parallel I guess13:46
pabelangerfrickler: yes, lets see how the day continues. Thanks for reporting13:47
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade master: Change request_id logging to match nova format
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade master: Actually normalize nova usage data
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AJaegerpabelanger: could you put (another python-db change) and  on your review list - if logs allow ;) Thanks!13:59
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openstackgerritSagi Shnaidman proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Fix quickstart issues
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pabelangerAJaeger: done14:16
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AJaegerthanks, pabelanger !14:22
openstackgerritRadoslav Gerganov proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Add non-voting py35 job for nova-mksproxy
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove python34-db-jobs
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openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Fix potential race in image upload cleanup
Zarahey, so this is a bit out there-- at the moment I'm looking into making a python notedb parser and potentially a CLI for it down the road (one day!); I'm currently hacking up the initial skeleton on my personal github but I'm wondering if down the line this would be something that made sense as an openstack(-infra?) project.14:24
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fungifrickler: when i download i get a file with an md5sum of 82c56453ae9a855469c36733afe162b7 so odds are the download got truncated somehow, probably just blame cosmic rays or solar flares14:27
fungiunless it continues14:27
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Zara(partly asking because I like the idea of developing a notedb parser while using notedb, tbh)14:27
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mordredZara: nodedb as in the gerrit notedb yeah?14:29
fungiZara: you mean the new storage backend for gerrit using git notee?14:29
fungier, notes14:29
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Zarathat's the one!14:29
fungiodds are we would have a use for it once we upgrade to a newer gerrit release (soon! i hope)14:29
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fungiright now we still tend to fiddle with things in mysqlclient that may no longer be there in newer releases14:30
mordredyup. so I'd say that sounds like a lovely infra library to me14:31
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sdaguefungi: can I get an approve on this? the ironic folks need it to get some grenade bits working -
Zaraace :) right now I'm wandering around consuming docs and trying to understand how it all works, partly by translating an existing perl notedb parser14:32
Zara(which is why I've been rather quiet; perl is exciting new territory)14:33
ZaraI'll try to get a story up on it sometime then14:33
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mordredZara: if you run into any perl-understanding challenges, mmmpork is a great resource14:35
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IkeHi all. What's the best place to ask for help for problems creating an ICLA Agreement on Gerrit?14:38
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: murano: Use normal python jobs
Zaramordred: hah, I was about to say 'thanks for the tip', searched them, and oh, it's auggy! :D thanks14:40
AJaegerIke: here;) This needs your gerrit preferred e-mail address to match a primary e-mail address for a foundation individual member account.14:40
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AJaegerIke: If you already followed the instructions at and still get that, see for additional troubleshooting tips.14:41
AJaegermordred, fungi: could either of you put (another python-db change) on your review list, please?14:41
openstackgerritJeffrey Zhang proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Add debian relate jobs for kolla and kolla-ansible project
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IkeThanks AJaeger14:43
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IkeIt was the Foundation Member association thing14:43
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eantyshevHello, guys! I'm struggling to get rid of Jenkins and switch to use Zuul launcher in our 3rd-party CI. What versions of nodepool/zuul/jjb do I need?14:45
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isaacbeantyshev: you can post 3rd-party ci questions to #openstack-third-party-ci14:48
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eantyshevisaacb: good advice, I'll try14:49
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AJaegerthanks, fungi14:50
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: taskflow: Use normal python jobs
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openstackgerritMarton Kiss proposed openstack-infra/infra-specs master: Stackalitycs Persistent Cache
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openstackgerritMarton Kiss proposed openstack-infra/infra-specs master: Stackalytics Persistent Cache
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isaacbinfra core members: I appreciate your review on
mrmartinfungi: I made a spec for the stackalytics persistent cache issue, I did an investigation and some preliminary testing, and Redis Server seems to be a good alternative. I just need to add a new class and some minor changes on Stackalytics code, and some minimal puppet changes to disable memcached server and deploy redis.
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mordredmrmartin: nice15:00
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openstackgerritGiulio Fidente proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Enable Ceph in multinode upgrades job (via HCI).
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Zun: Move to the right location
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/shade master: Fix several concurrent shade gate issues
AJaegerteam, (python-db for tacker) is now ready for review, please put it on your list.15:15
openstackgerritJordan Pittier proposed openstack-infra/shade master: attach_volume should always return a vol attachment.
fungieantyshev: be aware that a big part of why zuul-launcher is poorly (or un-) documented is that it was a stop-gap for us while we complete work on zuul v3. the zuul v2.5 ansible launcher isn't the same as how v3 will work, nor do we intend to support it much (if at all) once v3 is released. the current recommendation is to continue using zuul v2.x with jenkins and the jenkins gearman plug-in15:17
fungithat said, if you want to try anyway, we puppet the launchers from class definitions in the openstack-infra/system-config repo15:18
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fungimrmartin: wow, thanks! i was just looking at our stackalytics.o.o deployment last week and realized that it's months behind in data because it hasn't been restarted recently15:19
mrmartinI hope this change will solve it.15:19
pabelanger++ for persistent cache15:20
mrmartinUnfortunately I cannot attend Atlanta next week.15:20
mrmartinWould be great to participate in PTG but it collides with family ski trip with children.15:20
eantyshevfungi: Zuul 2.5.1 doesn't include and which I need15:20
fungimrmartin: we'll miss you, but family first of course15:20
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fungieantyshev: we continuously deploy zuul from the master branch tip, so that isn't surprising15:22
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eantyshevfungi: and now it is time I create another CI, so I'm trying to switch from Zuul & Jenkins combo15:22
fungieantyshev: but point taken, it's probably time to tag another 2.x.x release on master15:23
fungijeblair: ^ what do you think?15:23
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Add action plugins to restrict untrusted execution
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Add server
jeblairfungi, eantyshev: i'd like to restart zuul.o.o first; some of those changes we won't have actually seen in production yet since we haven't restarted in a while15:26
jeblairfungi, eantyshev: (and i'd feel better about making a release if we've actually run them)15:26
fungijeblair: excellent point15:26
jeblairfungi, eantyshev: but afterwords, sure :)15:26
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jeblairmaybe we can restart tomorrow?15:27
fungias long as we're not too concerned of risk of complication for the ocata openstack release (happening in 6 days from today)15:28
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pabelanger/dev/mapper/main-logs          12T   12T   63G 100% /srv/static/logs15:42
pabelangerjust dropped 12GB, in a hour15:42
pabelangerchecking again15:42
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pabelangerjeblair: fungi: clarkb: I think we found the issue:
openstackgerritIan Cordasco proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Make craton functional tests non-voting
pabelanger alone is using 130GB15:45
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pabelangerEmilienM: ^ we have another tripleo job that is using excessive HDD space on logs.o.o15:47
clarkbpabelanger: wow nice find15:48
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pabelangergoing to start purging data on that review15:49
pabelangerI'll leave patchset 9 logs15:50
openstackgerritIan Cordasco proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Make craton functional tests non-voting
EmilienMpabelanger: let me look15:50
EmilienMpabelanger: we are currently in tripleo ci meeting, I'll talk to sshnaidm about it15:50
sigmavirusIs it possible for a separate project's change to be dependent on a project-config change? i.e., would that be a good way to test what I just submitted?15:51
pabelangermost of this is the same issue as yesterday, the full directory of /etc/ is getting uploaded to logs.o.o, includes 4.3GB of /etc/alternatives15:52
sshnaidmpabelanger, can you please make ls -l and du on everything there before you remove it?15:52
openstackgerritGiulio Fidente proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Enable Ceph in multinode upgrades job
pabelangersshnaidm: I will be leaving the latest patchset logs15:52
jeblairsigmavirus: you can make a change dependent on project-config, but the new content in project-config won't be used until that change lands.15:53
jeblairsigmavirus: (this is something we are working to change in zuulv3)15:53
* sigmavirus nods15:54
sigmavirusI suspect I know why our gate isn't working but I can't prove it15:54
pabelangersshnaidm: is one problem folder, you shouldn't be uploading the how filesystem for undercloud, only the log files.15:55
pabelanger/dev/mapper/main-logs          12T   12T  182G  99% /srv/static/logs15:55
pabelangerback up to 182GB15:55
fungipabelanger: awesome, thanks!15:55
fungithat freed up a good chunk15:56
fungithe 45-day expiration pass, as expected, is still underway15:56
sshnaidmpabelanger, sorry, I don't get, what is with this folder?15:57
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pabelangersshnaidm: it is currently using 8.9GB of HDD16:00
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pabelangersshnaidm: gate-tripleo-ci-centos-7-nonha-multinode-oooq-nv is the job in question16:01
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zxiiroHas atc codes come out for the Boston summit yet?16:08
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pabelangerzxiiro: IIRC, they are only handed out to PTG members now16:09
sshnaidmpabelanger, and all other jobs are ok?16:09
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zxiiro Oh really, wasn't aware of that change. Thanks!16:09
pabelangersshnaidm: not sure, but that one is the main issue ATM16:10
openstackgerritJordan Pittier proposed openstack-infra/shade master: attach_volume should always return a vol attachment.
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pabelangerzxiiro: has some info about ATC, maybe fungi has more details16:13
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pabelangerhas a section about ATC16:14
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openstackgerritSagi Shnaidman proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Fix quickstart issues
sshnaidmpabelanger, thanks, I excluded /etc/alternatives, watching it ^^16:15
pabelangersshnaidm: k, lets see what happens on the next patch. That logic should like be inverted, blacklist everything, and only whitelist the things you actually need.  That is how we do it for devstack-logs macro in JJB16:17
sshnaidmpabelanger, actually it was always so in tripleo-ci, we were collecting "everything except of"16:18
pabelangersshnaidm: right, I am saying invert it like other openstack projects16:19
sshnaidmpabelanger, yeah, I see16:19
fungizxiiro: as i understand it, ptg attendees will get summit registration codes on-site (when checking in at the ptg registration booth, so presumably as soon as this sunday afternoon)16:19
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fungizxiiro: and speakers for the summit will get registration codes when their talks are accepted16:20
fungizxiiro: something is also being done i think for those active in the operators community and the user committee16:20
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openstackgerritJens Rosenboom proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Set NOVA_VNC_ENABLED for dsvm-neutron-multinode-full job
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openstackgerritKaitlin Farr proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Enable signature verification for barbican-tempest-plugin gate
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Jeffrey4lcloud anybody explain why this patch  does not trigger gate after Jan 26?16:35
Jeffrey4lneither "recheck" nor "rebase" works.16:36
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Jeffrey4lthe only special of that patch is: he share the same change-id across two projects. is that matter?16:38
pabelangerJeffrey4l: I can only guess you are not matching a skip-if setting16:38
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openstackgerritIan Cordasco proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Make craton functional tests non-voting
pabelangerI'll have to look at zuul debug logs16:38
Jeffrey4lpabelanger, it is normal patch as others. so i think it should trigger some jos.16:39
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pabelangerlooks like an issue with the change-id?16:41
pabelanger2 different patches are using it16:41
clarkbabandoned change depends on itself16:42
clarkbsecond change has same change id so can't merge16:42
pabelangerya, 405215 is using the change-id for Depends-On and Change-id16:42
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sigmavirusIs there a trick to using docker in a CI job? #craton uses docker to spin up it service for testing, but that doesn't seem to work in the functional gate. Searching makes me think we need a new job template with OVERRIDE_ENABLED_SERVICES=docker-engine,... but I can't find much documentation around this :(16:42
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clarkbquick fix there would be to unabandon other change, remove depends on, abandon it again16:43
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clarkbsigmavirus: there should be nothing special required to docker, many projects use it successfully16:46
Jeffrey4lpabelanger, i am rechecking 3885444, why it detected 405215 has  Dependency cycle.16:48
clarkbsigmavirus: can you be more specific on how it doesn't work? have job logs or similar?16:48
clarkbJeffrey4l: because they have the same change id and the second change depends on itself16:48
sigmavirusclarkb: I do. Hold for 1 s16:48
clarkbJeffrey4l: so the cycle is change A -> change A16:48
Jeffrey4laha, got it. thanks.16:49
clarkbJeffrey4l: so just unabanson the abandoned change, remove the depends on, then abandon it again and it should work again16:49
Jeffrey4lroger. thanks.16:49
clarkbsigmavirus: seems like you need to set a config of some sort?16:50
sigmavirusclarkb: yeah, this works fine locally (on a xenial vm)16:50
clarkbsigmavirus: as a guess its because we don't allow sudo in thosejobs16:51
clarkbsigmavirus: the idea being anything running "simple" tox invocation should run as arbitrary users16:51
clarkband not own your laptop16:51
sigmavirusah, is this why kolla does
clarkbsigmavirus: so you may need to modify the job to add jenkins to the right gruop in order to talk to docker16:52
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mordredclarkb: I wonder if we shouldn't add jenkins to the docker group in general, even if docker isn't installed16:52
mordredor have a macro that installs docker and adds jenkins to the group that people can use16:53
clarkbmordred: a more generic group addition might help too. For kvm/docker/etc16:53
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mordredsigmavirus: I think there are a bunch of places in which we could have more glue/help for folks doing docker - so far a lot of it hasn't quite hit the tipping point where it's been implemented just yet16:54
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pabelangerit would be great if we get an ansible-playbook in place once we get zuulv316:54
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sigmavirusso, tl;dr, for now I should create a jenkins/jobs/craton.yaml and add jenkins to the docker group via that?16:55
mordredpabelanger: ++16:55
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sigmavirusor should I look for where to modify our disk images so that jenkins user is always part of teh docker group?16:56
pabelangerI'd say JJB macro for now16:56
clarkbsigmavirus: I think straightfoward fix is the first one. Define a job for your functional tests that has a step in it that adds jenkins to docker group be fore sudo goes away16:56
pabelangerover a DIB change16:57
clarkbor just don't remove sudio16:57
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clarkband yes I don't think this should modify the disk images, should be handled at runtime around when we install packages16:57
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clarkbwe could do something generic and silly like diff old version of /etc/groups before package installs against new version after package installs and add jenkins to every new group16:58
clarkbto cover the kvm and other group cases16:58
zxiirofungi: what about active contributors and reviewers who can't attend the ptg?16:58
clarkb(but also probably fine to explicitly check for and add to a known set of useful ones)16:58
pabelangerclarkb: mind a review again:
pabelangerfor zuulv3-dev16:59
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clarkbpabelanger: ya looking17:00
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pabelangerwe are building a large amount of nodes atm17:01
pabelangerupwards of 200+17:01
pabelangerlooks like a problem with centos-7 nodes17:02
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pabelangerHmm, DNS issues on osic-cloud1?17:03
pabelanger;; connection timed out; trying next origin^17:04
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pabelangercloudnull: ^ is there any outages in osic-cloud1 ATM?17:04
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pabelangerlooks like we are failing to resolve DNS17:04
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cloudnullpabelanger: not that i'm aware of.17:05
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pabelangerlet me see when the issue started17:05
pabelangermaybe we have a bad image17:05
clarkbpabelanger: I don't think its dns17:05
clarkbbut I can't hit cloud1.osic.org17:06
clarkb"The Connection Was Reset" says firefox17:06
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cloudnullits working for me.17:06
* cloudnull trying from elsewhere.17:06
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pabelanger2017-02-16 15:21:04,800 INFO nodepool.NodeLauncher: Creating server with hostname ubuntu-xenial-osic-cloud1-disk-7336874 in osic-cloud1-disk from image ubuntu-xenial for node id: 733687417:07
pabelangeris first log entry of failure17:07
fungizxiiro: the travel support program is supposed to be one of the solutions to that (it's supposed to also be able to cover registration costs, i believe), and the other suggested mechanism is to get a speaker with an accepted talk to include you as a co-presenter17:08
pabelanger2017-02-16 14:29:10 is the first failures of the day we seen in osic-cloud117:08
clarkbcloudnull: pabelanger ya DNS resolved for me, it was actual tcp connectivity that seemed to fail17:08
clarkboh now it works17:08
clarkbmaybe load balancer with bad backend only affecting percentage of connections?17:08
cloudnullmaybe folks are doing somehthing within the env17:08
pabelangerya, something network related17:08
cloudnullasking around.17:08
pabelangerI see some route failures in ^17:09
fungizxiiro: also i believe the plan is for future summits (after the pike summit at least) to provide passes to people who attended one of the past two ptgs, or two of the past four, or something along those lines... so not requiring that you go to every ptg to be able to get discounted admission to the summit/forum17:09
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fungizxiiro: that said, this is all very new and i'm not sure the events team has completely planned out how discounted admission is going to work. the reason we gave it to atcs in the past is because we wanted to encourage them to be present at the design summit. now that the meat of the design summit has been shifted to the ptg the idea there was that we use those funds to make it easier for17:11
fungicontributors to be present at the ptg17:11
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clarkbpabelanger: found one thing on the zuulv3 change17:13
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Temporarily disable osic-cloud1
pabelangerclarkb: cloudnull: in-case we need to ^17:14
pabelangerclarkb: looking17:14
pabelangerclarkb: thanks, fixing17:14
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Add server
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pabelangerclarkb: jeblair: ^ updates as requested17:16
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openstackgerritIan Cordasco proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Add a new macro for adding the jenkins user to docker
openstackgerritIan Cordasco proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: User new with-docker template for craton jobs
openstackgerritRicardo Carrillo Cruz proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate master: Ansibly the network sanity check
sigmavirusmordred: pabelanger clarkb ^ I added a new macro and made a new python-job template while I was at it17:17
openstackgerritRicardo Carrillo Cruz proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate master: Ansibly the network sanity check
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cloudnullpabelanger: mudpuppy: is looking into it.17:19
mordredsigmavirus: woot!17:19
openstackgerritRicardo Carrillo Cruz proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate master: Ansibly the network sanity check
fungisigmavirus: mordred: clarkb: what about putting the `adduser jenkins docker` call into tools/ in the repo? many of our jobs already have a test-setup builder macro that calls that before sudo is revoked17:19
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cloudnullsadly my day to day has changed such that I'm no longer working on the osic (for the most part).17:20
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fungithat way it also provides some indication to local devs as to what changes need to be performed as root to correctly set up the test environment17:20
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sigmavirusfungi: in addition to the macro or instead of it?17:20
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fungi(whether that's adding an admin user to mysql/postgres for nova's unit tests or mounting an xfs partition in a specific location for swift unit tests)17:21
pabelangerfungi: ++ I was just going to ask AJaeger about that17:21
mordredsigmavirus: TIL about gpasswd17:21
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fungisigmavirus: calling this macro in your job definition before revoke-sudo:
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: TEST: DONT RECHECK or REVIEW: periodic jobs
sigmavirusmordred: found that solution on askubuntu franlky17:22
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fungisigmavirus: and then putting special things your project's tests need as root-level prerequisites in that script in your repo17:22
sigmavirusi see17:23
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pabelangercloudnull: mudpuppy: thanks17:23
fungisigmavirus: it's part of an ongoing effort to standardize our jobs in such a way as to also make it simpler for developers to repeat the same tests locally on their own systems17:23
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fungisigmavirus: nova has this, for example:
sigmavirusfungi: got it, thaks17:24
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: jjb: creates tripleo-puppet-scenario003-nv job
clarkbfungi: sigmavirus I like that approach if it means we don't need to edit/create jobs17:25
sigmavirusclarkb: seems that way17:25
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fungialso some of this probably can turn into ansible playbooks in repos after zuul v3 is in production17:26
clarkbfungi: sigmavirus one potential downside is that it forces craton et al to know they need to do these things, BUT the upside of that is by writing it down they document it and should make it easier for other users down the road17:26
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* sigmavirus agrees17:26
fungiclarkb: another big up-side is that it makes changes to those prereqa self-testing17:26
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fungier, prereqs17:26
clarkbfungi: ++17:26
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fungiclarkb: really, the biggest downside (i agree with sdague on this one) is that it encourages copying and subsequent divergence of previously centralized/common functions like database setup, but i still feel like the pros outweigh the cons on that17:27
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fungialso, that ship is sailing with zuul v3 as well (we can and will still have central playbooks, but projects will also have their own in many cases which they may cargo-cult from other projects)17:28
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sdaguefungi: yeh, honestly, moving towards a more self service model here makes this all make more sense to me17:30
jeblairno need to cargo cult when you can include directly17:30
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fungiand we already fail to prevent this in tox-based jobs with so many projects have custom pip-wrapper scripts they call out to from their tox.ini files17:30
sdagueI'm honestly not super anti copy/paste, I just had no initial context17:30
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fungijeblair: right, ideally zuul v3 even reighns some of this back in17:30
sdagueI mean, we all learn to code a new language by copy and pasting things17:30
fungisince it gives us an easier mechanism for users to locally source centralized job configuration17:31
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fungimaking it less challenging for them to closely mimic what the ci system will run17:31
openstackgerritRicardo Carrillo Cruz proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate master: Ansibly the network sanity check
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AJaegersigmavirus, please see - fungi, pabelanger, please review. That is an infra-manual change to document test-setup.sh17:37
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zxiirofungi: thanks for the explanation, that makes sense.17:38
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pabelangerfungi: any thoughts on ? osic-cloud1 is looking into the outage, but we have jobs in the gate pipeline failing ATM. Were about 90mins into issues and have lots of cloud resources to spare17:39
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pabelangerdocker isn't installed17:42
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pabelangeryou'd need to add it to bindep.txt17:42
sigmaviruspabelanger: okay, I didn't see any other projects with it in bindep17:42
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pabelangersigmavirus: ya, its possible there is more work you need to do. Where do you want to install docker from?17:43
fungisigmavirus: they're probably using very specially customized jobs instead17:43
pabelangerI know they publish their own apt repos17:43
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sigmavirusI think xenial's docker is fine for us17:43
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fungipabelanger: fast-approved17:44
fungipabelanger: do you have a revery already proposed too so we can open it back up once they've got a diagnosis/cure?17:44
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pabelangerfungi: not yet, I can do that now17:46
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Revert "Temporarily disable osic-cloud1"
jeblairpabelanger: what do you mean 'jobs in the gate pipeline failing' ?17:47
jeblairpabelanger: (what's causing the failure?)17:48
pabelangerjeblair: is an example of the networking issues:
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fungiwe hit a hung 'npm install' call in osic on a release job as one example
pabelangerjeblair: we think a networking outage, but waiting for confirmation17:48
pabelangerosic-cloud1 is looking into it17:48
jeblairoh, got it.  i thought the problems were cloud api (eg, nodepool launch) issues17:48
jeblairi'm caught up now17:48
fungiseems it's both17:49
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fungior rather possibly one problem impacting both cloud networking and api networking there17:49
pabelangerYa, we don't have a root cause ATM17:49
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Temporarily disable osic-cloud1
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AJaegermtreinish: could you check , please? ianw is adding subunit for coverage.17:51
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mtreinishAJaeger: sure I'll take a look17:53
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AJaegerthanks, mtreinish18:00
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clarkbEmilienM: sshnaidm: digging more on the logs front tripleo changes do seem to pop up frequently in the large users of disk. Some of that is quite a few jobs can be run per patchset, but even then a single job is capable of easily generating 400MB on its own. This seems largely due to the collection of all the things on the hosts. Out of curiousity has that been valuable? What are we trying to achieve18:05
clarkbby doing that? Wondering if there is some deeper issue we could be addressing18:05
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mwhahahait looks like the osic cloud is having issues talking to rubygems,
mwhahahawe've got a bunch of failures on that18:07
mwhahahanot sure who to poke18:07
EmilienMmwhahaha: it's already discussed,18:07
EmilienMpabelanger | osic-cloud1 is looking into it18:07
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* mwhahaha learns to scroll18:07
EmilienMthey have a networking outage it seems18:07
EmilienMclarkb: I agree, we talked about it this morning during our weekly meeting18:08
EmilienMclarkb: 400 MB is way too much and we'll reduce it to maximum18:08
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sshnaidmclarkb, I'm aware of this issue, I try to address it and reduce amount of collected logs in patch:
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sshnaidmclarkb, if it won't go well, we will collect specific folders only, but I hope it'll be enough18:10
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sshnaidmclarkb, do you see a particular job that takes a lot space? or does it happen with all jobs?18:11
clarkbsshnaidm: well mostly wondering what the intent or goal is behind it18:11
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clarkbsshnaidm: do you end up needing all those logs regularly to debug issues?18:12
sshnaidmclarkb, we take partially /etc and /var/log from each of servers (from 3 to 5)18:12
sshnaidmclarkb, I'm afraid yes, we do18:12
sshnaidmclarkb, it's just a lot of servers, that's why so many logs..18:13
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fungisshnaidm: was following symlinks when copying intentional? or did you just need to know what paths those symlinks target?18:13
clarkbwell not even devstack gate runs collect that much though18:13
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clarkband I think we collect a useable subset to debug most problems there18:14
pabelangerTemporarily disable osic-cloud1 is now live18:14
sshnaidmfungi, yes, it's intentional, but it's only few symlinks there, I remember neutorn configs symlinks only18:14
fungisshnaidm: i agree copying /etc is generally not risky, but copying all files outside of /etc that may be the targets of symlinks in /etc can quickly go very wrong18:15
AJaegerpabelanger, clarkb, fungi : Could you review - tacker python-db change, please?18:15
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sshnaidmfungi, we don't copy everything in etc, usually excluding all big folders, puppet modules, etc18:15
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fungii still think that a blacklist approach instead of a whitelist is dangerous, but i guess once we get size limits implemented in zuul we'll just refuse to copy logs for your jobs if they make poor assumptions there18:17
sshnaidmclarkb, devstack copies only limited set of /etc folders iirc, not including those we need, ironic logs for example18:17
pabelangerfungi: Ya, I think that is the safe approach moving forward18:17
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sshnaidmfungi, we'll switch to whitelist if problem will continue, but blacklist was always the approach, although when we rework all our ci now it's possible to happen sometimes that some defaults is changes and we are stuck with GBs of logs18:18
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Reload tenant configuration on change merged
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Correct playbook requirement logic
clarkbsshnaidm: devstack-gate collects ironic logs when we test ironic18:19
pabelanger#status log osic-cloud1 temporarily disable. Currently waiting for root cause of networking issues.18:19
openstackstatuspabelanger: finished logging18:19
sshnaidmfungi, I mean when we are in heavy CI development it could be an issue *sometimes* that we'll address, it's not going to be always18:19
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* clarkb is working on pulling up a specific example as that may be easier to talk about18:20
clarkb used 9GB of log storage18:20
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clarkb4.4GB are from patchset 318:20
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clarkb1.7 of that is from check-tripleo, 1.5 from experimental18:21
clarkbgate-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-ha-oooq-nv used 620MB from two job runs18:21
jimbakerhopefully we can have someone look at - the recent addition to our tests of a functional testing gate is not working properly18:22
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clarkbquickstarts log alone appears to be 24MB compressed18:22
clarkbwith the bulk of log use in oooq/collected_logs18:22
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jimbakerso as the project lead for craton, i do want the project to be able to start merging in code again :)18:22
AJaegerjimbaker: sigmavirus was fixing that with tools/ . Is that not working?18:23
jimbakerAJaeger, not yet18:23
sshnaidmclarkb, in devstack I see only those:
jimbakerso making this non voting for the moment seems to be the best course of action18:23
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sshnaidmclarkb, yeah, it's a problem with all those logs, we try to resolve it right now18:24
clarkbjimbaker: I believe sigmavirus is fixing that18:24
clarkbjimbaker: using just a change to craton18:24
clarkbsshnaidm: if ironic etc config is missing thats probably a bug that could be fixed18:25
clarkblooks like 16MB is just ceilometer18:25
jimbakerclarkb, that was the hope, and sigmavirus did initially -1 workflow on - but so far the debugging has not worked out18:25
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AJaegerjimbaker: do you have a link to sigmavirus change for craton?18:25
jimbakerin our meeting that just concluded, we agreed that we should make nonvoting18:25
jimbakerAJaeger, it's here:
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clarkbjimbaker: sigmavirus can you explain why the fix wouldn't work, my understanding from the conversation we just had was woo simple fix do it18:26
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clarkbsshnaidm: maybe reduce the verbosity of ceilometer logging (not sure how often you need full debug)18:26
clarkbjimbaker: sigmavirus add docker to bindep, use to add jenkins user to docker group?18:27
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jimbakerclarkb, i think this may be a helpful fix, but my current theory is that we may be seeing some sort of race that was previously not seen on developer's personal machines18:27
clarkbas an alternative skip your tests that fail18:27
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clarkbor mark them as expected fails18:27
AJaegerjimbaker: I think you install too few files now - the bindep file overrides the default file.18:28
AJaegerjimbaker: see project-config  file jenkins/data/bindep-fallback.txt for the default18:28
jimbakerAJaeger, ok, so that's something we can try as well18:29
jimbakersigmavirus, ^^^18:29
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sshnaidmclarkb, do you see it taking space?  my usual undercloud /var/log looks like:
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pabelangersshnaidm: var/log/journal can be dropped18:32
pabelangerwe just did that in tripleo-ci18:32
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sshnaidmpabelanger, afaik we convert it to text and drop binary (at least it should be so)18:32
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sshnaidmpabelanger, it's from some old job run, so maybe it didn't reflect last changes..18:33
pabelangersshnaidm: possible, the change just merged yesterday18:33
sshnaidmpabelanger, yeah, this is much before18:34
clarkbsshnaidm: ya trying to get a full du -ah listing shared out but its 1.2MB large so I think paste.o.o will be mad at it18:34
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sshnaidmclarkb, gist on github?18:34
clarkbsshnaidm: will that do 1.2MB /me tries18:34
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sshnaidmclarkb, thanks, looking18:39
clarkbsshnaidm: I think you can likely stop collecting all of that /var/lib/mysql stuff18:39
clarkbwe aren't testing mysql18:39
clarkb(though thats not a huge amount of disk)18:40
sshnaidmclarkb, yes, I've excluded it in the patch18:40
clarkbI would also argue you don't need all of the tripleo heat templates to be logged18:40
clarkbyou have a git sha1 for that18:40
sshnaidmclarkb, yeah, I think it could be dropped too..18:41
clarkbwhat is an ib_logfile?18:42
clarkb./logs/oooq/quickstart.tar.gz is bigish too18:43
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clarkbI'm also kind of impressed that the zuul ansible dir is so large18:45
clarkbjeblair: maybe we can get zuul to gzip ^18:45
sshnaidmclarkb, yeah, will drop it too..18:45
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clarkbsshnaidm: is quickstart.tar.gz a tarballs of quickstart repo?18:46
clarkbif so ya I think you can drop that18:46
sshnaidmclarkb, it's ansible venv18:46
openstackgerritHonza Pokorny proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Be verbose when running npm commands
jeblairclarkb: sorry, how big is it?18:46
clarkbjeblair: 5MB for this one job (so overall small just bigger than I expected)18:47
pabelangerlooks like ansible_log.txt is the issue18:47
pabelanger7.7MB in this folder18:47
jeblairheh, probably because it's listing all the files it's copying.18:47
clarkbsshnaidm: oh definitely I would drop any build artifacts like that, you should be able to rebuild that venv using constraints later if necessary18:47
pabelangerjeblair: yes18:48
clarkbjeblair: that would explain 1.2MB ish of it yes :)18:48
jeblairclarkb: probably twice18:48
clarkboh right so 2.4 ish :)18:49
sshnaidmclarkb, usually yes, but when we are in transition to ansible now, everything is being changed and developed, so we need sometimes artifacts there for debug, like generated hosts file, ssh configs, and all other generated config18:49
jeblairclarkb: a more typical ansible_log file from a devstack-gate job is 24k18:50
sshnaidmclarkb, I mean we are in transition stage now, so it won't be always the case, fixing issues as they come asap18:50
clarkbsshnaidm: pabelanger even compressed the journal file is still fairly big, I wonder if it would be smaller if you did something similar to devstack-gate where only the journal logs starting from when the job started are collected as text then compressed18:50
clarkbjeblair: ya thats why it jumped out at me18:50
jeblairclarkb: sorry maybo 200k18:50
jeblair(i misread a compressed version)18:50
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clarkbsshnaidm: also galera caches are pretty big those are in /var/lib/mysql so if you drop that it would be good18:51
pabelangerclarkb: yes, I patched tripleo-ci yesterday to exclude var/log/journal18:51
pabelangerpatch should be live now18:51
clarkbpabelanger: to exclude or compress it? I see it compressed18:52
sshnaidmclarkb, mysql is already dropped in my patch18:52
pabelangerexclude, where are you looking?18:52
clarkbpabelanger: in the gisted du -ah above18:52
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sshnaidmclarkb, yes, the approach for journal logs should be as you said, I'll check if it's already so..18:52
clarkbsshnaidm: is that merged?18:52
clarkbsshnaidm: sorry is the mysql change merged?18:52
sshnaidmclarkb, it's waiting for gate pass
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clarkbalso there are a bunch of extra/lsof.txt.gz files that are pretty big too, what are we lsofing and do we need to be doing that?18:53
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clarkb./logs/undercloud/var/log/messages should be compressed too18:54
sshnaidmpabelanger, clarkb, I think it's unexpected /etc/alternatives on nodepool image that could take a few GBs made problems18:54
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade master: Change request_id logging to match nova format
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade master: Actually normalize nova usage data
sshnaidmclarkb, it's already compressed as all other text files18:55
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clarkbsshnaidm: ok so I'm just looking at an older run?18:55
pabelangerclarkb: maybe this is limited to quickstart logs, sshnaidm would know more. The change I made was
sshnaidmclarkb, yeah, maybe18:55
clarkbsshnaidm: can you point me at a job run log that you expect to be better? I can grab the du out put from that to confirm18:55
clarkbaudit logs are also large in the current example18:55
clarkb(are you running with selinux enabled?)18:55
sshnaidmclarkb, I suggest to wait for to finish jobs, it should be the ideal one :)18:56
mordredin case anyone is wondering: "reckec" is not valid recheck syntax18:56
clarkbalso is logs/undercloud.tar.xz a tarball of all the files under /logs/undercloud/ ?18:56
clarkbsshnaidm: ok I can check that one18:56
clarkbsshnaidm: if undercloud.tar.xz is a tarball of /logs/undercloud/ can we delete one of them?18:57
clarkbwe don't need duplicate data18:57
sshnaidmclarkb, it's both with /etc and /var/log18:57
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clarkbsshnaidm: which is also included as flat files and not a tarball so my suggestion would be to remove one or the other18:57
sshnaidmclarkb, sometimes it's better to point to particular file in web or index it in ELK18:58
clarkbsshnaidm: then delete the tarball?18:58
clarkbmy point is we shouldn't be copying everything twice18:58
sshnaidmclarkb, but sometimes you can find something only with grep -r18:58
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sshnaidmclarkb, downloading with crawler could be a bit challenging..18:58
clarkbsshnaidm: but is possible18:58
clarkb(I've done it before)18:59
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clarkbsshnaidm: we don't have infinite disk space18:59
clarkbsshnaidm: we used to be able to have 6 months of logs now we have 6 weeks18:59
clarkbI'm sorry but we shouldn't be copying things twice18:59
fungiin fact, we have precisely 12tib of disk space, which lately seems to be enough for 6-8 weeks of job logs across all our projects18:59
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sshnaidmpabelanger, maybe we can host logs on rh1 or other place?19:01
beslemonhi all19:01
beslemonHello My name is Besan and I am a performance engineer at RAX. I had a few qs about a gating jobs run for upstream openstack if you had the time19:01
clarkbbeslemon: go for it19:01
beslemonSo my question is is there an easy way that you know of to point the gating jobs to run on a specific server or an ansible script that has the tests/tools packaged for easy execution19:02
pabelangerif logging is an issue, I would suggest maybe we revisit the move to 3rd party CI19:02
clarkbbeslemon: I don't know if it is easy, but every job now publishes the ansible playbooks used to run the job which could in theory be used to run the job elsewhere19:02
clarkbbeslemon: I don't think we have wanted to support that as a real thing until zuul v3 though.19:03
pabelangerbut, I would not upload logs to tripleo-test-cloud-rh1, it is already running private infrastructure I'd like to see move to public19:03
sshnaidmpabelanger, I'm trying to explain that it's transition errors while we change our CI.19:03
clarkbbeslemon: most other jobs have an easy way to run them though. For example pep8 and python unittests should mostly just be tox -e$tox_env and devstack-gate jobs publish a script that you can run19:03
beslemonyeah exactly19:04
beslemon^ clarkb19:04
beslemonso is anyone working on this task clarkb19:04
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pabelangersshnaidm: Right, I think we understand that. I'm not sure I understand the objections to clarkb and fungi requests19:04
sshnaidmpabelanger, if I knew way to switch CI to ansible in one moment without any error and in ideal way - I would do so.19:04
fungibeslemon: see
pabelangerI agree, we shouldn't have duplicate data in logs.o.o19:04
sigmavirusAJaeger: so not having the defaults wasn't the problem =/19:05
clarkbsshnaidm: I understand that while we may be in a transition period for those jobs they are also consuming large amounts of disk for which we have a finite amount. So we'll need to be more careful about what we log19:05
beslemonclarkb: in regards to the job publishing their playbooks, where is this?19:05
pabelangersshnaidm: keep in mind, we as the openstack-infra team, will also be doing that shortly once zuulv3 is production ready. We'll then have a collection of roles / playbooks for more native ansible things19:06
fungibeslemon: it's a pretty lengthy specification, but details the currentlt ongoing zuul v3 development work which in part implements what you're seeking19:06
clarkbbeslemon: in the _zuul_ansible dir example:
clarkbsshnaidm: pabelanger my personal concern is that rather than add specific things we need to debug issues we seem to have decided we just need everything and then in some cases made multiple copies of everything19:07
clarkbsshnaidm: pabelanger a better appraoch imo would be to start with what you know you need and grow from there and only keep a single copy19:07
pabelangerclarkb: yes, I agree with at approach too19:07
beslemonclarkb: let me see19:07
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AJaegersigmavirus: at least not the only one ;)19:08
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fungisshnaidm: which is what we have done with other jobs. we start out just collecting a few files we know are useful, we hit a problem in one change/job where we have insufficient information to debug it, then we adjust teh job to collect the files which might have been helpful to track down that specific issue and try again. over time you end up with the set of files useful for diagnosing actual issues19:09
fungiyou've encountered rather than speculating you might need some files in the future with no basis in past experience19:09
openstackgerritRussell Bryant proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: networking-ovn: Reorganize CI jobs.
AJaegersigmavirus: move the job to experimental for now then...19:09
sigmavirusAJaeger: is that different from non-voting?19:10
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sigmavirusI'm sorry for the naive questions, I'll go find the manual :)19:10
AJaegersigmavirus: it runs only on demand - when you type "check experimental"19:10
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sshnaidmfungi, clarkb pabelanger I just want to emphasize that OOO integrates a lot of openstack services and projects, so the error could be in one of them and investigating CI failure without all logs available is a nightmare19:11
beslemonclarkb: ill take a look thank you19:11
sshnaidmit's a bit different from one-service-job19:11
clarkbsshnaidm: the problem is its more than just all logs19:11
clarkbsshnaidm: you are collecting build artifacts, database tables as written to disk, virtualenvs, etc and in some cases have multiple copies of said items19:12
clarkbsshnaidm: definitely collect the openstack configs and logs. Possibly adjust their verbosity as necessary19:12
fungisshnaidm: also you just described devstack-gate which collects specific files known to be useful in debugging the issues experienced in jobs rather than copying everything. and what i described is how we iterated on determining what logs it should archive19:12
clarkbthen run the tests, when you can't debug an issue because something is missing add it in and go from there19:12
sshnaidmclarkb, about you mentioned I agree to remove either it was already removed, although while developing CI we may need some artifacts which we don't need in usual way19:13
pabelangersshnaidm: I am still struggling to find the reason for compressed logs (tar.gz file) and extracted file. What is the reason for both?19:13
clarkbsshnaidm: right but don't assert you need them until you need them19:13
clarkbsshnaidm: add them in once they become useful19:13
fungisshnaidm: but also i agree with pabelanger that special needs like archiving the majority of your build platform on every run is probably better tackled in a third-party ci system and not upstream19:13
sshnaidmfungi, pabelanger I'd happy to host logs anywhere else, actually I don't mind where developers can look at them while they can19:14
fungisshnaidm: cool. a third-party ci system can absolutely put logs wherever it wants19:15
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pabelangersshnaidm: fungi: yes, something we've been trying to implement for a while19:15
openstackgerritIan Cordasco proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Make craton functional tests experimental
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config master: Add server
sshnaidmpabelanger, I suggest to take it to tripleo weekly meeting19:16
sshnaidmEmilienM, ^^19:16
pabelangersshnaidm: I have many times before :)19:16
sigmavirusThanks for all of your help AJaeger clarkb pabelanger and fungi19:16
fungisigmavirus: any time!19:16
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pabelangersigmavirus: current plan is to use however, the software-factory team needs to do work.19:16
pabelangersigmavirus: sorry19:16
pabelangersshnaidm: : current plan is to use however, the software-factory team needs to do work.19:17
sigmavirus:) no worries pabelanger19:17
pabelangersshnaidm: what I would suggest, we can use the issue of large log files as a new reason to restart the effort19:17
EmilienMfungi, pabelanger, sshnaidm : my main concern is the fact we need to have logstash able to read these logs19:17
AJaegeranybody wants to +2A sigmavirus ' change to make his job experimental?
fungiEmilienM: we have puppet modules for deploying that too19:17
clarkblooks like shaved ~125MB of logs per oooq job19:18
clarkbworkign on getting a du -ah posted19:18
EmilienMfungi: we could use them for sure19:18
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pabelangerEmilienM: yes, there is some infrastructure that would need to be managed19:19
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fungithe flip side is that the vast majority of what these jobs are collecting isn't (and can't be) indexed in logstash anyway19:19
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pabelangerokay, going to start work on zuulv3-dev.o.o19:19
fungithanks for getting that going pabelanger! this is going to be the best ptg ever ;)19:20
AJaegerI'm done to three repos using python-db in project-config. Getting this to 2 with - tacker is ready. Please review19:20
AJaegermy English ;( I meant: I'm down to...19:21
fungiyour english is fine. also change lgtm19:21
clarkbsshnaidm: pabelanger fungi is truncated du output for
AJaeger;) thanks, fungi19:21
AJaegerthis leaves trove (broken newton branch) and murano (Broken mitaka branch)19:21
fungiAJaeger: i'm surprised so few projects actually bitrotted on stable branches for this. upper constraints has made a huge improvement19:22
clarkbsshnaidm: looks like removing the quickstart venv would be a relatively large chunk there ~10%19:22
clarkbsshnaidm: also is a redirect to nowhere and can be removed19:23
sshnaidmclarkb, yeah, I remove it now19:23
fungiAJaeger: and i'm guessing most of the stable branch issues you fixed were just backporting constraints usage?19:23
AJaegerfungi: there were more - I pushed quite a few projects to fix their mitaka branches - 2 fuel, tacker, taskflow,...19:23
AJaegerfungi: taskflow was the only one with constraints - and I didn't backport myself19:23
fungiAJaeger: yep, i saw side discussions of some of that, excellent work there19:23
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sshnaidmclarkb, without quickstart.tar.gz I see there problem with ceiplometer only..19:24
clarkbsshnaidm: also its still grabbing tripleo heat templates19:24
clarkbsshnaidm: ya ceilometer is another big one, is it possible that maybe you don't need full debug logs from ceilometer?19:24
sshnaidmclarkb, it may be a bug with such crazy logging..19:25
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clarkbsshnaidm: well I think it logs everything at debug level19:25
clarkbsshnaidm: so every single poll request and response gets logged of which there are many19:26
clarkbsshnaidm: pabelanger also I confirmed that messages and audit logs are being compressed now and are much smaller19:26
sshnaidmclarkb, yeah, I'll look how to disable it there19:26
AJaegerfungi, trove and murano use already constraints on the failing branches, so no easy fix there ;(19:26
clarkbsshnaidm: I think you can also stop collecting /etc/X11 since these are headless19:27
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fungiAJaeger: a couple years ago, it seemed to be the case that every single security advisory got delayed by having to fix bitrot breakage on stable branches, so still a definite improvement19:27
sshnaidmclarkb, yeah.. although it's 612K only19:28
clarkbsshnaidm: yes I know but it serves little purpose :)19:28
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AJaegerfungi, wow - ok, I consider myself lucky now ;)19:29
fungiwe're actually over 1% free still on the logs volume (and the 45-day expiration pass hasn't even completed yet)19:29
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clarkbsshnaidm: pabelanger any idea how the syslog.txt file is different than messages.txt?19:33
clarkb./logs/syslog.txt.gz vs ./logs/oooq/undercloud/var/log/messages.txt.gz19:34
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sshnaidmclarkb, no idea.. we don't need this syslog and logs/etc at all19:37
clarkbsshnaidm: digging more, do you need to build and publish docs artifacts for every job run?19:38
clarkbcouldn't you publish those on docs.o.o like most projects instead?19:38
sshnaidmclarkb, not critical19:38
clarkbsshnaidm: because thats another megabyte. Anyawys by having everything possible in every job it adds up really quickly19:38
sshnaidmclarkb, I didn't know about docs.o.o..19:38
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sshnaidmclarkb, yeah, I think we can remove docs in CI19:39
clarkbalso looks like we have two ara "intallations" which doubles up any of the static resources there19:39
clarkbsshnaidm: most projects have a docs build job that builds and publishes the docs for review, but it does that once per patchset not once epr job. Then when changes to th project merge publishing jobs run and publish to proper19:40
sshnaidmthe logs/ara is zuul stuff afaik19:40
clarkboh is that from devstack-gate?19:40
sshnaidmclarkb, I see.. no, it's leftover from quickstart that should run locally and generate docs for users, could be removed19:41
sshnaidmclarkb, yep19:41
sshnaidmclarkb, our is in logs/oooq/ara19:41
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Make craton functional tests experimental
clarkbya confirmed its the setup host ara stuff19:41
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clarkbsshnaidm: so I think part of the issue here is also that devstack-gate collects logs and your stuff collects logs19:42
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clarkband in some places they overlap like logs/etc/glance and logs/oooq/$host/etc/glance19:42
clarkbso that is possibly another place where we can avoid duplication19:43
clarkbI'm guessing its the undercloud /etc that devstack-gate is also collecting?19:43
clarkbbut thats just a guess. In any case should remove that duplication too19:43
sshnaidmclarkb, yes, as I said we don't need this..19:44
sshnaidmclarkb, but the code that collects it runs after the job, in devstack-gate19:44
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clarkbright so something will likely need changing. Either rely on devstack-gate to collect that for you or get it to stop somehow19:45
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/nodepool feature/zuulv3: Honor NODE_CLEANUP time again
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clarkbsshnaidm: looks like we can also exclude /etc/bash_completion since this isn't interactive19:51
sshnaidmclarkb, yeah19:51
clarkbsshnaidm: and crontab things in /etc and /etc/csh*19:51
clarkband /etc/fonts19:52
clarkbsshnaidm: let me write a list :)19:52
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/nodepool feature/zuulv3: Honor NODE_CLEANUP time again
sshnaidmclarkb, ok :)h ttps://
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clarkbsshnaidm: ok I just put a bunch of stuff in there, probably not complete but should give us plenty to do and then check the listings again and go from there20:02
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/nodepool feature/zuulv3: Wait for server deletion before deleting ZK node
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mordredinfra-root: I'm running a find on logs.o.o to collect size numbers for all of the job runs we have so that we can do math on them to figure out aveage/median/min/max numbers and whatnot20:10
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mordredinfra-root: so if you see a file called "size_analysis" in /srv/static/logs - that's what it is20:11
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mordredoh - wait - fungi's 45-day expiration is still running - I will wait until that is done20:12
fungimordred: thanks, and yeah any parallel analysis we're doing there does probably slow down that deletion process20:12
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openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/nodepool feature/zuulv3: Partial dead code deletion
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fungiunfortunately i have no idea how close it is to being done (i still hope it will pick up steam since reducing our retention period by 25% should reduce our utilization by more than 1% anyway, which is where we're at right now)20:18
openstackgerritChris St. Pierre proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Add optional basic auth for merge check
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fungistrace indicates it's definitely still going20:22
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clarkbapparently both stackviz and ara vendor fonts. I guess thats so everything looks right when loaded20:23
clarkb(they aren't very large so likely not worth having a "light" build without embedded fonts)20:24
openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Remove openstack-heat-templates from bootstrap elements path
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mordredclarkb: how big?20:26
mordredclarkb: becuase multiplied times a billion job dirs20:26
pabelangerI did notice stackviz folder a little large20:27
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pabelangerwill have to find the value again20:27
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clarkbmordred: 800kb and 600kb ish for stackviz and ara respectively20:27
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mordredyah - I mean, it's not tiny multiplied by number of dirs20:28
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/shade master: Wait for volumes to detach before deleting them
* clarkb remembers that he needs to remind people things20:31
clarkbmordred: don't forget about mysql backup change getting in before 0000UTC20:31
clarkbpabelanger: and I think you were going to try a backup restore at some point this week?20:31
mordredclarkb: +A20:32
* jeblair wonders if he has dry cleaning to pick up20:32
mordredjeblair: my dry cleaning has already been picked up20:32
fungidry cleaning notification as a service20:32
clarkbI was not notified of any need to remind jeblair of dry cleaning pick up :)20:33
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Fix syntax errors with zuulv3-dev.o.o
pabelangerclarkb: ya, I was hoping to.  If I get get zuulv3-dev.o.o online today, I'll set aside time tomorrow for that20:34
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clarkbpabelanger: cool20:35
clarkbspeaking of rocket ships. space x is supposed to be launching off a reused first stage sometime soon. I should check when that is20:35
pabelangernot sure why the gate didn't catch that20:35
pabelangerjeblair: AH20:35
jeblairpabelanger: -1 on that one so you can add the thing that will let the gate catch those errors :)20:35
pabelangeryay for code review20:36
jeblairyeah, i'm um, not sure why code review didn't catch that.  ;)20:36
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Add Node-OS: trusty for zuulv3-dev.o.o
pabelangerlets see what else fails20:37
clarkbis it bad that I now have a rough idea of how many tabs I can have open at once based on the size of my tab scrollbar?20:38
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Add Node-OS: trusty for zuulv3-dev.o.o
AJaegerclarkb: it sounds bad - but what's the number?20:40
clarkbAJaeger: the number is like 15020:40
clarkbI have a problem20:40
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AJaegerwow ;(20:40
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-mysql_backup master: Use --single-transaction for mysqldump
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AJaegerfungi, found a patch to backport for murano and that one is merging. So, can be reviewed now (not yet approved since dependency is not merged yet), please20:47
jeblairpabelanger: yay!  failures!20:49
mordredok - so gerrit should NOT go on vacation at 00:00UTC today20:50
jeblairwhen are we going to get our snacks?20:50
AJaegermordred: so what time will it be then? ;)20:50
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Add Node-OS: trusty for zuulv3-dev.o.o
AJaegermordred: everybody needs a vacation!20:51
pabelangerjeblair: yup, I am slightly embarrassed we merged broken code :(20:51
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openstackgerritMorgan Fainberg proposed openstack-infra/shade master: DNM- Pretty Tox addition to debug memory issues in py35
timothyb89pabelanger, clarkb: for what it's worth there are some long-term plans to to greatly reduce disk usage in stackviz, unfortunately they've been stalled for a while but I hope to pick that back up soon20:52
clarkbtimothyb89: good to know. Was just thinking that for many of us the specific font likely doesn't amtter and are happy with browser fallbacks for whatever which amy mean a "light" build could drop the built in fonts20:53
pabelangerclarkb: mind +3
pabelangeropen firewall for nl01.o.o to zookeeper20:53
timothyb89clarkb: among other things I'd actually like to avoid putting a stackviz in each job build in the first place :)20:54
clarkbpabelanger: ya looking now20:54
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mordredtimothyb89, clarkb: or a 'light' build which assumes the fonts and whatnot will be at a static location on the webserver already20:56
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Coverage: add and store subunit stream for coverage stats
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mordredtimothyb89: but I welcome any and all improvements you have planned for our stackviz overlords20:56
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timothyb89mordred, clarkb: the 2 main goals are to reduce the overall footprint by a ton (targeting max of 300kb total) and then making the entire thing 1 single static instance20:57
timothyb89and for bonus points to remove the processing step we have to run in the devstack scripts20:58
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: remove test-environments/multinode_major_upgrade.yaml
mordredtimothyb89: oh fancy20:58
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ianwhey, can i get quickly cleared?  it just adds apache redirects to the nodepool .json outputs to puppet-nodepool.  they're just partners to the text output20:58
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: upgrades: switch 'newton' to $UPGRADE_RELEASE
pabelangerjeblair: Yah, green:
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config master: Allow nl01.o.o to access zookeeper
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openstackgerritTim Burke proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove link to dead system-config/jenkins documentation
EmilienMwe have noticed this thing:
EmilienM"... this takes 3 - 5 minutes (logs at logs/devstack-gate-setup-workspace-new.txt.gz)" but it actually takes 14 minutes21:06
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clarkbEmilienM: a decent chunk of it is right at the beginning shuffling /opt around21:07
fungiEmilienM: could probably stand to update that message if it's ceased to be accurate... i think it's just hard-coded in devstack-gate21:08
EmilienMok I was just wondering if it was "normal"21:08
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-nodepool master: Add redirects to json status output
clarkbEmilienM: workspace setup time is also directly related to the total number of PROJECTS in the PROJECTS var21:08
fungiEmilienM: note the message immediately after it "setup workspace took > 10 minutes, this is a very slow node"21:08
clarkbsince each one has to be configured. Its why I have been slowly trying to trim the list by default21:09
clarkb(I should pick that back up again)21:09
fungiit's possible that measurement also needs updating, no clue without better statistics21:09
clarkbEmilienM: that job has quite the list
pabelangerin a zuulv3 world, would jobs show that process? since it is a pre_playbook? Or would job attach after that step?21:10
clarkbEmilienM: but further reducing it would help since I think a good chunk of that you are picking up by default21:10
fungiahh, yeah so this is likely a case of the hard-coded message and "slowness" threshold not dynamically updated by the optional amount of work some variations of the job might specify21:10
clarkbfungi: yes21:11
fungimaybe those could become an optional envvar21:11
openstackgerritChris Spencer proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Enable watcher tempest gate tests for watcher-dashboard. Enable same checks as watcher project.
clarkbwell we need to pick up work again to stop setting up projects like sahara on every run21:12
fungiso that some jobs could actually assert the length of time they expect that step to take and then warn when a certain percent over that number is exceeded21:12
clarkbsince the total number of projects that need sahara from source are quite small21:12
clarkbits just been low on priority since things mostly work right now21:12
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config master: Add Node-OS: trusty for zuulv3-dev.o.o
clarkbsahara, trove, manila, all the oslo libs could all stand to be removed from the default list and added in where necessary21:13
clarkbtrouble is it takes time and coordination to avoid breaking a bunch of projects and their jobs21:13
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openstackgerritMorgan Fainberg proposed openstack-infra/shade master: Convert use of .register_uri to .register_uris
clarkbmtreinish: is horizon enabled by default in the base tempest jobs still? or did we stop testing there now that horizon has their own functional testing21:15
openstackgerritMorgan Fainberg proposed openstack-infra/shade master: Convert test_object to use .register_uris
mtreinishclarkb: david-lyle and I split that 1 tempest test out into a tempest plugin21:16
mtreinishIIRC the dsvm jobs still enable horizon, but tempest doesn't hit it anymore21:17
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clarkbshould we maybe stop enabling it by default?21:17
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/devstack-gate master: Upgrade devstack-tools to 0.2.1
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openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/nodepool feature/zuulv3: Use thread name in launcher ID
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openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Remove openstack-heat-templates from bootstrap elements path
openstackgerritMatthew Oliver proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Stop swifts func-post-as-copy job running on stable
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openstackgerritMorgan Fainberg proposed openstack-infra/shade master: Require `complete_qs` if a query_string is in the mocked uri
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/nodepool feature/zuulv3: Fix possible race with node request handling
openstackgerritJames Slagle proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Use bootstrap subnodes environment in CI
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pabelanger#status log zuulv3-dev.o.o is now online. Zuul services are currently stopped.21:37
openstackstatuspabelanger: finished logging21:37
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openstackgerritTim Burke proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove dead ubuntu-trusty jobs for swift
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pabelangercloudnull: have you heard any updates to the networking issues for osic-cloud1?21:40
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openstackgerritChris Spencer proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Enable watcher tempest gate tests for watcher-dashboard. Enable same checks as watcher project.
cloudnullpabelanger: I was just talking to mudpuppy about that.21:43
cloudnullseems there was a massive spike in networking21:43
cloudnulli'm not sure of the what/why though21:43
cloudnullmudpuppy:  ?21:43
mudpuppyWe are trying to track it down. I"m not sure yet, but asked our networking folks to check it out.21:44
pabelangercloudnull: mudpuppy: okay, cool. No rush, just wanted to see how you are making out.21:44
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cloudnullpabelanger:  -- -- from the infra hosts within Cloud1.21:47
cloudnullwhich was only on the api systems21:47
cloudnullso it looks a little odd.21:47
cloudnull$__auto_interval - - from the network nodes, so l3 traffic looks like it was ok.21:47
cloudnullbut anyway mudpuppy is on the case :)21:47
rm_workhey, is the build system still suffering from disk space issues?21:48
rm_workor was that resolved21:48
clarkbrm_work: it should be resolved enough that jobs are happy21:48
rm_workwe're seeing some odd stuff with our images, trying to rule things out21:49
rm_workseems like our octavia amphora images can't mount their root block device21:49
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rm_workand the cirros images aren't booting either, though we have less insight into why that is21:49
rm_worknot sure if it could have been disk space related21:50
clarkbrm_work: that wouldn't have been affected by disk space issues anyways21:50
clarkbsince disk was only for the log server21:50
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johnsomI think it's the switch to Cirros 0.3.5:
johnsomThe timing lines up21:51
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johnsomIt is failing to boot on both RAX, OSIC, and infracloud hosts, so I doubt it is disk space related21:54
clarkbdo you have an example of a failure?21:57
clarkbis that how cirros fails too?21:58
clarkbI think you need root=vda121:59
clarkbI'm not sure where cloudimg-rootfs as a label name is coming from21:59
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clarkbrm_work: johnsom there was a recent switch from ami to qcow2 as well22:02
clarkbperhaps you are trying to boot with flags for an ami?22:02
mudpuppypabelanger: Can you revert that PR? I think cloud1 is behaving better now22:03
johnsomIt looks like devstack is loading
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rm_workI think that's how we booted it?22:04
rm_workerr wait22:04
rm_workthat's the response, crap22:04
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clarkbwhat does "OS-DCF:diskConfig": "MANUAL", mean?22:05
rm_worksorry this is the request:
rm_worknothing interesting there i don't think?22:06
clarkbya that seems fine22:06
clarkbis that heat? perhaps heat assumed ami under the covers or something?22:07
clarkbI dunno22:07
rm_worklooks like straight to nova?22:07
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rm_workyeah I think maybe johnsom is right, it could be a 0.3.5 issue22:08
rm_workthough the timing...22:08
rm_workclarkb: do you know WHEN the ami->qcow2 switch happened?22:08
clarkbrm_work: not exactly, was this week though22:09
fungipabelanger: i removed your workflow -1 from 435047 so we can land it, hope that was okay22:09
fungimudpuppy: cloudnull: i've approved the change which turns osic back on22:09
clarkbrm_work: I'd run devstack locally and then try booting that same image and go from there22:09
mudpuppyfungi: cool22:10
fungimudpuppy: cloudnull: as for a spike to the api from one of our servers, that was likely a symptom of connectivity issues rather than a cause... nodepool will retry api requests fairly rapidly when it gets back failures/errors (though we can throttle that with a configurable delay per provider if you need)22:11
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rm_workk i'll give that a shot22:11
johnsomclarkb Working on that now.  Booting good with 0.3.4, checking 0.3.5 now.  I do see that the image devstack is using is in qcow format22:11
fungimudpuppy: cloudnull: normally with a low volume of errors that shouldn't be noticeable, but if a majority of calls result in failure you're going to see a pretty significant additional request volume22:12
pabelangerfungi: ++22:12
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openstackgerritTim Burke proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove dead ubuntu-trusty jobs for swift and swiftclient
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/nodepool feature/zuulv3: Move ProviderManagers into main NodePool thread
johnsomThis is supper strange.  Locally I can boot the cirros 0.3.5 image22:21
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Revert "Temporarily disable osic-cloud1"
clarkbjohnsom: using the same setuo via or similar?22:23
johnsomI used nova to boot instead of tempest, so just a download the image and boot it.22:24
clarkbjohnsom: right but against what cloud?22:26
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/nodepool feature/zuulv3: Implement node cleanup
johnsomMy local devstack, but we see the gates failing on OSIC, RAX, and infracloud22:26
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/nodepool feature/zuulv3: Re-enable devstack test job
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/nodepool feature/zuulv3: Add lock state to node listing
clarkbjohnsom: right so I would try using very specifically the same devstack setup used by that job. Easy way to get that is via the script22:27
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/nodepool feature/zuulv3: Wait for server deletion before deleting ZK node
johnsomYeah, just working through the layers...22:28
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clarkbcould be something changed in nova even22:28
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/nodepool feature/zuulv3: Partial dead code deletion
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/nodepool feature/zuulv3: Use thread name in launcher ID
mtreinishjohnsom: so the issue is most likely caused by your devstack plugin. You're configuring tempest to use this image:
mtreinishwhich is created with dib as part of your devstack plugin22:30
mtreinishmy guess is the shift to qcow broke however you're customizing the image you're using for testing22:30
mtreinishI didn't trace through all the code in the devstack plugin to see exactly where the issue is though22:31
johnsommtreinish The test doesn't get far enough to use that image22:31
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johnsomIt fails booting cirros web servers before we can even boot one of those22:32
mtreinishjohnsom: yes it does, it creates a server with that image. Then you try to ssh into it22:32
johnsomNo, that image never gets ssh22:32
mtreinishcreate_server will use the configured image_ref by default, and that's what it's set to in the tempest.conf22:32
clarkbfwiw the failure I was linked to was for ubuntu not cirros22:33
clarkbat least according to the kernel and things22:33
johnsomIf you look at the server boot call, the id is different22:33
johnsomYeah, cirros is using an ubuntu kernel.  I checked that local too22:33
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mtreinishjohnsom: the test does not override the image_id: which means 07c68e47-f902-4035-b7ff-cd2a2e4cb288 is what is used in the create server call22:37
mtreinishjohnsom: show me where you think the image id tempest is using in create server is not the one you're creating in the plugin22:37
cloudnullfungi: thanks! idk what the api spike was from, infra spike was from. i really dont think the root cause was infra api requests. It seems like something else was happening at that time though I'm not 100% sure. mudpuppy will have to continue to investigate.22:37
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johnsommtreinish Yeah, I just compared the Ids, it is booting with the wrong image.  ????  Do you see where we are telling tempest to use that image?22:38
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mtreinishjohnsom: it's in the tempest.conf:
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mtreinishunless you explicitly tell the server create call to use a different id tempest will always boot the image it's configured to22:39
johnsomYeah, now the question is how is that getting set...  We don't have image_ref in our code22:41
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openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/nodepool feature/zuulv3: Fix possible race with node request handling
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clarkbmtreinish: johnsom regardless of what image is booting the image should be bootable ya? but I guess this helps narrow down source of problem22:47
johnsomIt's non-deterministic in devstack:  It's just the first one in the list22:47
johnsomMaybe OSC is alpha sort now22:48
mtreinishjohnsom: no it's booting alphabetically because of the bug I fix in:
mtreinishit's always what broke grenade when I tried to backport it22:48
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mtreinishjohnsom: clarkb is right though, you're still creating a broken image in the devstack plugin22:49
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mtreinishit's just being booted by mistake earlier22:49
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johnsomWell, that is new too.  Maybe we have been running our web servers on our image and not cirros for some time and just didn't know it.  That would have changed in the last few months though as DIB was broken for us not too long ago.22:51
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openstackgerritSachin proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Hi, Sorry, just asking as I don't know openstack review process well. At this point, is there something else I need to do?
mordredthat may be the best commit message I've ever seen23:11
mordredit's a commit message only followup patch23:11
mordredwhat is in IRC is the entirety of the content23:12
johnsomclarkb and mtreinish Thanks for helping track this down.  I guess we need to wait for that to merge.  While I wait I will figure out the better way for this tempest setup to be booting cirros images.23:12
fungimordred: my best guess is they wanted a review comment and didn't know how to add one23:12
mordredfungi: yah. OR - wanted to ask a question in IRC and that was the best way they could come up with :)23:12
fungihah, maybe!23:13
mordredif so - they win the prize for best makeshift IRC client ever23:13
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johnsomOur image isn't booting as the cirros flavor is too small...23:15
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mtreinishmordred: that's an idea for a fun project, a gerritbot based irc client23:16
mtreinishheh of course it'd be write only :)23:16
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mtreinishjohnsom: oh, then I guess the image isn't broken :)23:17
clarkbmordred: /me gives a 43 minute warning to db backup awesomeness23:17
clarkbmordred: I am planning to try and use the gerrits right around 0000UTC23:17
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mordredmtreinish: you could have gerritbot write comments back to the changes if someone /msg it ...23:19
mordredclarkb: thanks!23:19
clarkbmordred: I will likely leave review comments, maybe someone else can try pushing a change23:19
clarkbsince those are the two big things that lock up iirc23:19
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/shade master: Actually normalize nova usage data
mordredclarkb: I dunno. I'm pretty bad at writing changes to things23:20
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pabelangercloudnull: mudpuppy: fungi: we are still seeing a high rate of failures with osic-cloud1:
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mriedemanyone ever seen this with nested virt?
mriedemKVM: entry failed, hardware error 0x023:32
mriedemthis is during a live migration test, the guest is created, goes resumed -> paused23:32
mriedemand i see that kvm hw error in the guest logs23:32
openstackLaunchpad bug 1329434 in linux (Ubuntu Trusty) "nested KVM fails on intel hardware - KVM: entry failed, hardware error 0x0" [Medium,Fix released] - Assigned to Chris J Arges (arges)23:33
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Revert "Revert "Temporarily disable osic-cloud1""
clarkbmriedem: is it kvm/nested virt or qemu?23:33
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clarkbmriedem: it should be qemu by default23:33
mriedemvirt_type = kvm23:33
clarkbmriedem: if it is in fact kvm then I would switch to qemu ad kvm is known to have all sorts of issues23:33
pabelangerfungi: clarkb: ^ we might want to disable osic-cloud1 again, seeing some jobs failing again because of networking issues23:33
mriedemyeah, wtf23:33
clarkbmriedem: and we don't support it for that reason23:33
mriedemi didn't think we even tried kvm23:33
mriedemin thegate23:34
clarkbmriedem: we don't by default but you can force it one (and some projects do against our advice)23:34
mriedemi thought devstack always picked qemu23:34
mriedemi'll dig though23:34
clarkbmriedem: no devstack will pick kvm if its able23:34
clarkbdevstack-gate attempts to force people onto qemu23:35
clarkbbut thats something you can work around23:35
clarkbunless maybe that stopped being the case with the local.conf changes? /me is looking23:35
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clarkbmriedem: libvirt type there is qemu23:36
clarkbhuh we don't set it on the subnode localrc for some reason thats really weird23:36
mriedemit's set on the primary node23:36
mriedemvirt_type = qemu23:36
mriedembut it's kvm on the subnode23:36
* clarkb checks a different multinode job23:37
clarkbpabelanger: if its still unreliable I would say just go ahead and approve it23:38
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mriedemclarkb: we just don't set LIBVIRT_TYPE in the subnode localrc it looks like23:40
mriedemprobably just a simple oversight23:40
clarkbmriedem: ya23:40
clarkbmriedem: well it is supposed to run the same localrc creation function23:41
clarkbso I am confused why it doesn't currently23:41
mriedemi blame devstack-tools :)23:41
mriedemworking on a patch23:42
mudpuppypabelanger: Looks like instances start and then networking craps out on you correct?23:42
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clarkbmriedem: do you see what the issue is?23:43
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clarkbmriedem: because I don't see it, we basically call setup_localrc twice, first for primary node where it gets set correctly, then again for subnode where it doesn't23:45
mriedemyeah i think so23:45
clarkbshould be using the same env and everything23:45
clarkbcool I await the patching23:45
mriedemshould that be  >>"$localrc_file" ?23:46
mriedemit is for everything else in there23:46
mriedemi don't know why that would be different between primary and subnode23:46
clarkbmriedem: hahaha I bet its because for primary we call the file localrc23:48
clarkbmriedem: but subnode is something like localrc.subnode23:48
clarkbgood catch23:48
mriedemsetup_localrc $old_or_new "$sub_localrc" "sub"23:48
mriedemsetup_localrc "new" "localrc" "primary"23:48
mriedemso yeah23:48
mriedempatch coming23:48
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate master: Set LIBVIRT_TYPE in the subnode localrc
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: remove test-environments/multinode_major_upgrade.yaml
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clarkbas soon as firefox catches up with me I will review23:52
clarkbactually let me restart firefox23:52
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: remove test-environments/multinode_major_upgrade.yaml
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: upgrades: switch 'newton' to $UPGRADE_RELEASE
mriedemclarkb: thanks for helping put the pieces together, i'm heading home but will be back online later23:54
clarkbmriedem: ok I will likely approve that soonish if no one else reviews it.23:54
mriedemclarkb: maybe throw that into your how to debug shit talk next week :)23:54
clarkbmriedem: indeed23:54
mriedem"does libvirt just randomly not do what you think it should?"23:54
mordredmriedem: daily23:55
fungisounds like a feature to me23:55
mriedemwell have i got some snake oil for you!23:55
clarkbmordred: fungi want to review that change too?23:55
clarkba wild jogo appeared!23:55
fungiwha? whoah!23:56
mriedemdon't look directly at it23:56
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* jogo goes back into hiding23:56
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clarkbmordred: just a few minutes left23:56
* mordred hands jogo a pie23:57
clarkbI just double checked the crontab entry on review.o.o was udpated23:57
mordredclarkb: as did I :)23:57
mordredI have a patch ready to submit23:57
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fungione minute to showtime!23:58
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/shade master: Change request_id logging to match nova format

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