Friday, 2017-03-24

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clarkbmriedem: I'm looking at ^ and wondering if anything in nova config drive generation changed in the last week or so in nova00:03
clarkbmriedem: we are tripping over a code path that we didn't run before which implies something is different in he config drive data00:03
clarkbmriedem: and worried that maybe its backward incompatible?00:03
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mriedemclarkb: you're using config drive from trunk nova?00:07
mriedems/config drive/code/00:07
clarkbyes, found and think that may be it00:08
mriedemhmm, hadn't seen that00:08
clarkbI'm gonna try booting a cirros host and dump the config drive from it00:08
clarkbfungi: that won't affect us right?00:10's certificate is issued by the much more trustworthy COMODO00:11
clarkbya I think all of ours are but I haven't checked recently and I think fungi di some reissues00:11
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/diskimage-builder master: Typo fix: curent => current
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openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/nodepool feature/zuulv3: Merge branch 'master' into feature/zuulv3
clarkbmriedem: ya I think its that change, and we have to add support for new things (ipv6_dhcp) to glean so I think nova is ok00:22
clarkbkevinbenton: ^ this brings up a new question which is, is neutron's default ipv6 behavior to use dhcp and not RAs?00:22
clarkbkevinbenton: if so what is the motivation for that? that seems backwards00:23
* clarkb guesses ebacuse dns and friends00:23
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clarkbmriedem: kevinbenton actually the ipv6 subnet claims its ipv6_address_mode and ipv6_ra_mode are both slaac00:25
clarkbso this seems like maybe a bug in neutron/nova somewhere?00:25
clarkbmordred: ^ fyi00:25
clarkbI might just send email to the dev list about this because its getting later in the day00:26
mordredclarkb: ++00:26
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clarkboh it has enable_dhcp set to true too00:34
clarkbthis is so confusing00:34
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clarkbok mail sent lets see what people say00:40
mriedemclarkb: sfinucan has been digging through all of this so he's probably the person i'd ask in the morning00:41
mriedemhe's trying to untangle a bunch of old nova-network config cruft00:41
mriedemfor the eventual removal00:42
clarkbmriedem: I think nova might be mostly doing the correct thing (possibly needs to also write the slaac network info too) but am more confused by what neutron is doing00:42
clarkbwhy would dhcp and slaac be enabled on the same network?00:42
clarkbanyways lets see what people say and I can try to get sfinucan's input too00:43
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openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/nodepool feature/zuulv3: Fix test_leaked_node_not_deleted for v3
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/glean master: Always define link_type in debian interfaces
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pabelangerclarkb: mordred ^01:03
pabelangersure we tag a release?01:03
clarkbwell it still failed01:06
clarkbso maybe still broken01:06
clarkbpossibly we ssh to the ipv6 and not v4?01:06
clarkbI had hopped on the host and v4 was reachable01:06
openstackgerritMerged openstack/diskimage-builder master: functests: skip qcow2 generically but add specific test
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openstackgerritgecong proposed openstack/os-testr master: Remove support for py34 in os-testr
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openstackgerritBrian Moss proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Set up openstack-manuals for ocata
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pabelangerclarkb: no, we just timed out on the job01:31
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pabelangerclarkb: rechecked nodepool and it is green on src now01:31
pabelangerclarkb: timeout was because it was building 3 images, precise, trusty (both passed)01:31
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openstackgerritJesse Keating proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Add support for requiring github pr head status
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/diskimage-builder master: Use correct Ubuntu distro url on non-x86 arches
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Make the scenario multinode job multinode
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Create PReP boot partition for PPC
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jiaohaolinhey guys, I am setting up my CI ,and I found that the slave need to be ubuntu 14.04,but the devstack need to run in 16.04 rather than 14.04 . How to solve this problem ?06:18
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ianwjiaohaolin: the slave doesn't have to be trusty.  although there may be documentation that needs to be updated06:24
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jiaohaolinianw: Can you give me an guide of Slave ?06:40
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jiaohaolinianw: please?06:42
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ianwjiaohaolin: i'm not sure what you mean sorry06:44
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jiaohaolinianw:  I followed this article to set up the master ,but the slave can't not successfully runing06:48
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jiaohaolinianw:  Do you have any article about slave ?06:48
jiaohaolinianw: it is very nice if you can share it06:50
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openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Add #openstack-deployment channel to logging
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AJaegeryolanda: good morning! could you review and  as well, please?08:23
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Add periodic-newton/ocata jobs to openstack/congress
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Add Test Types to Patrole Jobs
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yolandaoh, new neutron infra liaisons...08:30
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AJaegeryolanda: yeah - new names to learn ;(08:30
yolandaoh, i'll need some time to get used to it08:31
AJaegerso do I...08:31
yolandaalso glance changed08:31
AJaegeroh? Let me check...08:31
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* yolanda is thinking about printing the liaisons list08:32
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: add releasenotes jobs for shade
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: networking-ovn: add functional tests with python 3.5 in CI jobs
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Rename #openstack-university to #openstack-upstream-institute
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Fix VNC setup in neutron DVR multinode jobs
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Make the UEFI job in Ironic voting
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: networking-ovn: Make OVS master job non-voting.
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Add a galera_ssl scenario test for OpenStack-Ansible
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: tripleo: add deploy-guide-jobs into tripleo-docs
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Use local_conf for almanach and aodh
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Apply setfiles on all mountpoints
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bogdandohello. Folks, are there tarballs live some place for faild CI jobs logs?08:52
bogdandogiven example how could I fetch all for a local inspection but archived?..08:53
bogdandoor could you please share some kibana magic examples to restrict search *only* to a given job?08:53
bogdandoand are those match 1:1 (data stored in ES/Kibana and in logs.openstack)?08:54
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: WIP: Add lvm management to diskimage-builder
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: WIP: Add lvm management to diskimage-builder
openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Use stevedore for module config of block device
openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Refactor: block-device filesystem creation, mount and fstab
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Refactor: block-device filesystem creation, mount and fstab
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Set up openstack-manuals for Ocata
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: WIP: Add lvm management to diskimage-builder
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openstackgerritAlfredo Moralejo proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: [DNM] Adding yum debug in oooq playbook
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openstackgerritBogdan Dobrelya proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Adapt getthelogs UX for more use cases
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openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: DO NOT MERGE: Testing novajoin authtoken
openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: DO NOT MERGE: Testing ensure dir for httpd certs
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openstackgerritAndrey Volkov proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Add placement api ref jenkins job
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openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: DO NOT MERGE: Testing change dir for httpd certs/keys
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sfinucandhellmann: Could ask you to take a gawk at at some point? I'd like to use reno in a couple of non-OpenStack projects and that adds a nice improvement for those projects.10:51
* sfinucan isn't sure where reno discussion should take place10:51
openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Apply setfiles on all mountpoints
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AJaegersfinucan: #openstack-release - and dhellmann is on PTO this week, so won't answer10:57
sfinucanAJaeger: Ah :) Cheers!10:57
openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: DO NOT MERGE: Testing TLS-everywhere with keystone container
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openstackgerritBogdan Dobrelya proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Adapt getthelogs UX for more use cases
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openstackgerritBogdan Dobrelya proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Adapt getthelogs UX for more use cases
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate master: Capture any devstack unit logs
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openstackgerritAndrey Volkov proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Add placement api ref jenkins job
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: WIP Fetch server console log if ssh connection fails
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mordredclarkb: when you get up - let's see if we can't get that patch from TheJulia to glean in - it's been lurking for over a year and I feel bad12:08
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/glean master: Remove support for py33/py26
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/glean master: Revise systemd determination to verify systemctl presence
mordredclarkb: ^^ fixed your elif concern12:12
mordredoh - you know what ...12:13
mordredclarkb, pabelanger: we should add a gate-nodepool-dsvm-src job to glean patches12:13
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/puppet-log_processor master: Add MQTT support to the gearman worker
openstackgerritAnton Studenov proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: [Rally] Make gate-rally-tox-self-* voting
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/puppet-log_processor master: Add MQTT support to the gearman worker
pabelangermordred: we kinda do already, gate-dsvm-nodepool-debian-src-nv and gate-dsvm-nodepool-redhat-src-nv will attempt to build each image we use in the gate.12:29
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aspiershi all, I've been pointed here by AJaeger as the place to request that my two gerrit user accounts are merged into one12:51
aspiersI think I accidentally logged into gerrit once using the wrong launchpad OpenId account12:52
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aspiersand that was enough for it to appear in gerrit account searches12:52
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openstackgerritBogdan Dobrelya proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Adapt getthelogs UX for more use cases
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fungiclarkb: yeah, i don't think we're directly impacted by the chrome/verisign situation13:15
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openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck master: Add query for AZ scheduling bug 1675607
openstackbug 1675607 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "test_list_migrations_in_flavor_resize_situation fails with NoValidHost - AvailabilityZoneFilter returned 0 hosts" [Undecided,Confirmed]
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fungiclarkb: mriedem: as for ipv6 and dhcp... keep in mind there are two major dhcp6 modes. stateless dhcp6 is really just geared at handing out things like dns server addresses and still relies on slaac for hosts to pick their addresses and ra for them to figure out their prefixes and gateways. _stateful_ dhcp6 gets into direct address assignment and tracking (though even stateful dhcp6 still relies on13:19
fungira to establish routing and local gateway addresses)13:19
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fungiaspiers: i'll see if i can guess your account ids by peeking in the db13:20
aspiersfungi: and - thanks a lot!13:21
fungiaspiers: oh, good, because we also have an andrew spiers ;)13:21
aspiersfungi: yikes :) I want to keep as the primary13:22
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aspiersactually I don't expect to use ubuntu@ for OpenStack at all, but I might occasionally accidentally log into launchpad using that13:22
fungiaspiers: yeah, looks like you have two accounts: 2394 from circa 2013 or earlier, and 24717 from around the end of last year13:23
aspiers2394 must be @suse.com13:23
aspiers24717 is the accident13:23
fungii'm cleaning it up, just a sec13:23
aspiersI don't think I used it much, if at all13:23
aspiersawesome thanks!13:23
AJaegerfungi, heads up: For the first time openstack-manuals used the releases repo to branch and it worked fine ;)13:25
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/elastic-recheck master: Add query for AZ scheduling bug 1675607
openstackbug 1675607 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "test_list_migrations_in_flavor_resize_situation fails with NoValidHost - AvailabilityZoneFilter returned 0 hosts" [Undecided,Confirmed]
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AJaegerfungi, is the codesearch update still on your todo list?13:26
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fungiAJaeger: oh, great news on the branch automation!13:27
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fungiAJaeger: i tried several ways to get those changes applied on codesearch.o.o and had no luck. tried telling ansible to directly run puppet on it, tried manually running the update commands, doesn't seem to have changed the repo config there13:28
fungiso there's something i'm missing, maybe13:28
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AJaegerso, what magic did pabelanger do last time?13:28
fungii asked him, and then did exactly the same thing as far as i can tell13:28
pabelangerfungi: maybe I took it out of emergency for 30mins, to make sure puppet run properly13:29
fungii tried updating it with the ad hoc playbook, then tried updating it with the script (which seems to run exactly the same command), then tried again with the entry removed from the emergency disable file just in case that was preventing it13:29
pabelangerthen added it back13:29
fungii can try just taking it out of the emergency list for longer to give puppet a chance to update normally, but would be good to figure out what that does differently that is missing13:30
fungiaspiers: okay, the newer accidental account is now disabled, so it shouldn't cause you any further trouble13:30
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fungipabelanger: AJaeger: okay, i've enabled it, and will tail the syslog there to see when it updates13:31
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate master: Capture any devstack unit logs
AJaegerthanks, fungi13:33
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jbernardmriedem: for a given spike in the ceph failure rate, is there precise way of identifying all of the failing jobs withing a particular time window?13:44
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mriedemjbernard: logstash goes back 10 days,13:48
mriedemso if it started within 10 days and you have the right query for the failure, then that would tell you13:48
jbernardmriedem: logstash, how does it work?13:49
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mriedemjbernard: we track known CI failures here
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jbernardmriedem: oh this is cool13:50
mriedemclick the logstash link for any of those to see the query over a 10 day run13:50
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mriedem has some more info on elastic-recheck13:50
mriedem is the query syntax13:50
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Enable firehose reporting on subunit workers
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openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: New Project - LOCI
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Enable firehose reporting on subunit workers
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jbernardihrachys: for the grafana dashboard i added, is there a way to see it working before code review?14:04
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sbezverk_Good morning infra team. I am looking for an expert (Ubunut/libvirtd) opinion on the issue I see when I use virsh commands in Ubuntu gate VM. (For CentOS the same sequence of commands works perfectly). Anybody you can suggest?14:09
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fungisbezverk_: maybe jamespage?14:12
* jamespage is flattered14:13
jamespagesbezverk_: reference to your issue?14:13
jamespage(might not be me but know a few guru's)14:13
* fungi is also amused by the term "ubunut"14:13
* mordred is pretty sure jamespage is a guru in most things14:13
jamespagesounds kinda tasty to me14:14
mordredyah. I want a bowl of ubunuts now14:14
ihrachysjbernard: no14:14
ihrachysjbernard: as most things in project-config :)14:14
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mordredjamespage: you should tell marketing that y'all should set out bowls of orange colored nuts at conferences labeled "Ubunuts"14:14
jbernardihrachys: ok, so if it parses then im /probably/ okay?14:14
AJaegerjamespage: while I see you here, could you put and on your review queue, please?14:15
* jamespage looks14:15
jamespageAJaeger: ta - shows how long those charms have been around :-)14:16
sbezverk_jamespage: I already enabled strace to start debugging it14:16
AJaegerjamespage: thanks14:16
jamespageAJaeger: yw14:17
openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Kubernetes External Cloud Provider for OpenStack
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jamespagesbezverk_: how do I see /home/jenkins/workspace/gate-kolla-kubernetes-deploy-ubuntu-source-3-ironic-nv/tests/bin/../conf/ironic/vm-1.xml ?14:19
openstackgerritDave McCowan proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Adding Python3 Functional Test Gate for Barbican
jamespageI suspect its something in the libvirt xml that either the ubuntu libvirt version does not like, or the apparmor containment is rejecting14:19
jamespagesbezverk_: bear in mind that 16.04 has libvirt 1.3.1 which might be a bit older that on CentOS14:20
jamespagethat said there is a newer version in the Ocata UCA if you need it14:20
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SamYapleis there a way I can trigger an action outside of infra when a new commit is made to master branch keystone for example? The only way I can think of is polling the repo which i do not wish to do14:21
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fungiSamYaple: you can set up an ssh socket to the gerrit event stream, or an mqtt listener on the firehose. lemme get you links to docs14:22
SamYaplefungi: awesome! that sounds workable. thanks14:22
fungiSamYaple: this is what the first option looks like
sbezverk_jamespage: it happens with Ocata images14:23
fungiSamYaple: and here's the second option
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Enable firehose reporting on subunit workers
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade master: Fix old-style mocking of nova_client
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade master: Migrate server console tests to requests_mock
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade master: Migrate get_server_console to REST
* mtreinish votes for using firehose14:24
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fungiSamYaple: if you're going to be at the summit in may, mtreinish and i are giving a talk on firehose.openstack.org14:24
fungiin the upstream dev track,obviously14:24
mordredjeblair: ^^ those two patches to shade fix the issue with raw=True from the nodepool patch. we we can fix that as soon as we have new images with the new glean in them14:24
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jamespagesbezverk_: re sudo virsh define /home/jenkins/workspace/gate-kolla-kubernetes-deploy-ubuntu-source-3-ironic-nv/tests/bin/../conf/ironic/vm-1.xml14:28
jamespagetried reproducing that on my local zesty install:14:28
jamespageerror: Cannot check QEMU binary /usr/libexec/qemu-kvm: No such file or directory14:28
jamespagemight need tweaking for the qemu-XXXX binary on Ubuntu14:28
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SamYaplefungi: cool. yea firehose looks like what i want, having a bit of trouble with the python lib i think. getting network unreachable from the python lib only. but im still working through it14:29
SamYaplefungi: thanks again. this is what i needed14:29
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sbezverk_jamespage: I do it in the code here:
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jamespagesbezverk_: ah right I see14:31
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fungiSamYaple: mtreinish: yeah, i think something might be wrong with it. checking now14:31
mordredpabelanger: do you know if we cut a new glean with clarkb's patch yet?14:32
SamYaplefungi: the cli client works fine14:32
pabelangermordred: Not that I know off14:32
fungiSamYaple: oh, it was the websockets ports i was getting that error from14:33
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mtreinishfungi: yeah we had to take those down because mosquitto was crashing in libwebsockets14:33
mordredpabelanger: we should probalby do that and kick off some new image builds14:33
fungiSamYaple: there's a note further up in the connection info section about how websockets is disabled pending fixes for a bug we encountered14:33
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mordredinfra-root: anybody have an issue with cutting a new glean release to pick up clarkb's fix for the nodepool-dsvm gate failures?14:33
pabelangermordred: seems reasonable14:33
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SamYaplefungi: perfect! python lib working14:34
SamYaplefungi: thanks, apprecaite it14:34
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fungiSamYaple: yeah, i guess our python lib examples use websockets, which explains the issue14:35
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mtreinishfungi: I can add a non-websockets example to the docs14:35
fungimordred: i'm in favor14:35
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fungimtreinish: that might be good for now14:35
mtreinishit's pretty much the same thing just remove the port and transport args from the highlighted lines14:35
mtreinishfungi: also pick a random language from I'll try to add an example for that too :)14:36
SamYaplemtreinish: +2 thats what i did14:36
mtreinishSamYaple: unless you want to push the doc patch?14:36
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* mtreinish hopes fungi doesn't pick LotusScript14:37
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mordredfungi: please god pick LotusScript14:38
SamYaplemtreinish: SamYaple... docs patch.... does not compute14:38
fungimtreinish: lua? ada? forth?14:38
jeblairSamYaple: whatcha building?14:38
* fungi can pick all sorts of relatively inapplicable languages14:38
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fungimtreinish: oh, you said _from_ not _for_14:38
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SamYaplejeblair: repo changes to keystone/nova/etc trigger new container builds for my new project. so thing that live on quay and dockerhub will always be up-to-date14:39
SamYaplemtreinish: i can do that docs patch, sure. its pretty straight forward14:39
mtreinishSamYaple: ok cool, thanks14:39
fungimtreinish: yikes, they do have lua in there (also prolog, qt and tcl...)14:40
fungimtreinish: add haskell and it'll make clarkb warm and tingly14:40
fungisurprised rust is conspicuously absent14:41
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jeblairSamYaple: thanks; what's the project?14:41
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mordredSamYaple: fwiw, publishing container builds to quay and dockerhub also sounds like a thing that would be nice to do directly from infra - just in case you think helping with that at some point sounds like fun14:42
mordredSamYaple: mostly didn't want you to think that was a thing that we'd be opposed to round here14:42
mtreinishfungi: heh, well google says there are at least 3 rust mqtt libs (maybe 4 if mqtt-rs and mqtt_rs are different things)14:42
mtreinishbut my guess is that no one bothered to link to any of them14:42
mordredinfra-root: pushing release 1.9.0 of glean14:43
AJaegerjeblair: we have created a stable/ocata branch for openstack-manuals and now publishing is somehow screwed up. is the branch-point but is current and pushed later. Could it be that we somehow got te root-marker there - and should not?14:43
jeblairclarkb, mordred, pabelanger: i guess we're happy with even though timed out right before the xenial test should have finished?  maybe we need to bump the timeout on that job since it builds 3 images?14:43
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mordredjeblair: yah - we probably should bump the timeout on that14:44
SamYaplejeblair: the project as it exists today, its . Here is patch to pull it into openstack under the name LOCI14:44
pabelangerjeblair: ya, it was a job timeout. I would be okay with a bump14:44
SamYaplemordred: sure thing. i would like to see infra doing it. ive had the conversation a few times, but i dont know infra enough to push the work forward :/ its a failing on my part14:44
rm_workanyone have any idea when it is planned to cut the next DIB release?14:45
pabelangerI did ssh in to the test node last night an watch things14:45
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* mtreinish starts reading mqtt-hs code14:45
AJaegerjeblair: do we need to delete to be able to publish there?14:45
pabelangerIIRC, we did boot ubuntu-xenail after logs were collected14:45
pabelangerrm_work: they usually happen every week or so14:45
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jeblairAJaeger: looking14:46
mordredSamYaple: well, we'll figure it out eventually14:46
sdaguemtreinish / fungi what was the mqtt scaling issue you were seeing?14:46
sdaguewas that written up somewhere?14:47
mordredSamYaple: btw - your scripts look good - if you haven't played with consuming the bindep.txt files yet, you might want to - could save you some ongoing maint in your dockerfiles14:47
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fungisdague: crashes in libwebsockets
jeblairSamYaple, mordred: is a WIP to add a local docker server.  however, just publishing to dockerhub is likely easier; can probably just write a post job and put it on the repos in question.14:47
SamYaplemordred: ohh.. thats a good idea.14:48
mtreinishsdague: it wasn't really a scaling issue. Just websockets not working14:48
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mordredjeblair, SamYaple: I agree - it's publishing to a local dockerhub that's hard - pushing to _actual_ dockerhub is easier14:49
AJaegerjeblair: if my theory is true, we need to delete and others as well (so, install-guide-*/.root-marker). I'm currently puzzled how the docs job created this at all14:49
mtreinishsdague: I was investigating other brokers (which I'll need to pick up again at some point) because we wanted a better ha/clustering story than what mosquitto provides14:49
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jamespagesbezverk_: not forgot about your question14:49
mordredin the fullness of time being able to manage the creation of things in the openstack/ namespace on dockerhub also needs automation, but I don't think we'd need to block on that for this14:49
mtreinishsdague: some of the other brokers out there have that concept baked into them14:49
* AJaeger needs to step out for a bit14:49
jamespagesbezverk_: anything funky about how libvirt is being run in this deployment?14:49
jeblairAJaeger: okay, i won't be able to work on this without your help, so let me know when you're back14:50
jeblairAJaeger: for reference, here is the build log:
mtreinishsdague: but that was more something for later, when we started depending on it for things14:50
mtreinishalthough if it got us around the websockets issue it might be a reason to potentially switch sooner14:50
SamYaplemordred: internal to infra docker push would be nice. i think when we discussed this in the past that was kind of vetoed in favor of infra-hosted docker registry14:51
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mordredSamYaple: ah - sorry, probably a misunderstanding or just miscommunication or something. the local infra-hosted docker registry is about solving gate stability14:52
mordredlike, pulling from docker hub is going to be as bad as cloning from github in gate jobs14:53
fungiSamYaple: i believe mnaser is writing up a new spec for what you're talking about14:53
SamYapleoh I see14:53
SamYapleall good info to have14:53
mnaserSamYaple let me link you14:53
mordredbut publishing artifacts to the place where consumes expect to consume them is totally in-game14:53
* SamYaple is reading14:53
mnaseri mention kolla there but i guess it can work for any project14:53
mnaserwe'd have a bit pusher for dockerhub14:53
mordredsort of like how we run pypi mirrors for the gate, but also publish to actual pypi so that people can pip install things14:54
sbezverk_jamespage: I hope so, as  am running out of ideas.. fyi. it is containers env. libvirtd runs in the container same as in case of centos, and I checked that libvirtd socket is available on the host..14:54
fungi(and the mirroring pypi and publishing to public pypi are two completely unrelated systems/processes)14:54
jamespagesbezverk_: yeah the error is actually coming from the qemu process that libvirt is trying to spawn14:54
SamYaplemnaser: nice. yea thats nice14:54
jamespagewhich makes this a little tricker14:54
mnaserSamYaple havent gotten around to republishing and addressing the concerns14:55
SamYaplemordred: in the short term, we can publish *a* tarball to for the single thing we would need to fetch from outside infra14:55
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SamYaplemordred: so from the start there shouldn't be extra load on infra14:56
SamYapleat least from outside infra14:56
mordredSamYaple: totes - that souds great14:56
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mordredSamYaple: and in the fullness of time, we'll have all of this supported and everyone will be happy!14:56
mordredjeblair: don't know if you saw in the swarm of scrollback, but is the stack in shade that makes that raw=raw bit of the patch in nodepool go away14:57
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jeblairmordred: the post goes through the TM right?14:59
mordredjeblair: yup14:59
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sdaguemtreinish: so... if people interface to the mqtt side and not the websocket side, it was fine?15:00
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fungisdague: correct15:01
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jamespagesbezverk_: the qemu instance logs from /var/log/libvirt/qemu might have more15:07
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: puppet-vitrage: run integration scenario001 job
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pabelangerWow, pushing 19 hours for tripleo change queue in gate. What is going on there15:17
pabelangerEmilienM: ^is there a summary of the issue(s) some place?15:17
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pabelangerEmilienM: is anything merging at this point?15:20
EmilienMpabelanger: very hard15:21
EmilienMpabelanger: we keep rechecking15:21
EmilienMpabelanger: this week was terrible as you can see15:21
EmilienMpabelanger: /join #tripleo and you'll see15:21
pabelangerEmilienM: right, it doesn't seem like rechecking is helping. Just slowing things down15:21
jbernardmriedem: is it expected that graphite and logstash do not agree? graphite indicates a high failure rate, but a logstash query for recent ceph failures seems not to show any... am I doing it wrong?15:22
EmilienMpabelanger: go say it to my team :) I'm not doing all the rechecks15:22
AJaegerjeblair: I'm back, let me double check that build log...15:22
EmilienMpabelanger: what would you do for helping the situation?15:23
pabelangerEmilienM: Is there any patches up confirmed to fix any of the issues you linked? Or still debugging at this point15:24
EmilienMpabelanger: all patches are in gate15:24
openstackgerritAndrey Kurilin proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: [rally] Add support for rally-branching
pabelangerEmilienM: at top or bottom?15:24
mriedemjbernard: elasticsearch is backed up15:25
EmilienMpabelanger: I don't know15:25
mriedemso logstash isn't showing the most recent failures15:25
AJaegerjeblair: that's this change - on master, isn't it?
jbernardmriedem: ok thanks15:25
mriedemjbernard: or your logstash query is wrong15:25
AJaegerbut this shows stable/ocata :
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AJaegerjeblair: but we tagged 15.0.0 and branch on that id, so did a post job run on that with stable/ocata ?15:26
EmilienMpabelanger: I can verify15:26
pabelangerEmilienM: well, if you can figure out which patch is a fix. We can promote to the top of the change queue, stopping zuul from kicking out broken jobs.  It is currently 18hrs deep now, and going to take about that time to clear 20 patches15:26
EmilienMpabelanger: let me give you the IDs of patches we need merged ASAP15:26
EmilienMpabelanger: gimme 2 min15:26
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pabelangerEmilienM: well, won't merge, but promote15:27
andreykurilinAJaeger: hi! Can you look at ? I do not have experience in such changes, so I'm unsure that it is made in right way :)15:28
EmilienMpabelanger: 448187 448541 448512 to start15:29
rm_workanyone notice an issue with scrolling through code on gerrit reviews, where it jumps around like crazy? I think it might be related to natural scrolling behavior on OSX maybe? (I am on OSX)15:30
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pabelangerEmilienM: 448187 448541 are near top, 40mins out from merging. So we can keep them15:31
pabelangerEmilienM: 448512 is kicked out of the gate, but behind the others15:31
EmilienMpabelanger: 448036 also15:31
EmilienMpabelanger: and that's it I guess15:32
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AJaegerjeblair: any idea why that job is run on stable/ocata? I now know what happened and can avoid this for the future15:32
EmilienMpabelanger: thanks...15:32
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AJaegerjeblair: but we need to delete those root-marker files15:32
pabelangerEmilienM: 448036 is 1h15mins out too15:33
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pabelangerEmilienM: okay, I'll watch those 315:33
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mtreinishfungi: there's your haskell, I'll add it to the docs:
EmilienMpabelanger: thx15:33
mtreinishalthough I don't really know how it works :)15:34
jeblairfungi: any chance you could boot up a new lists server? i should be able to try upgrading it in a bit15:34
AJaegerandreykurilin: that's ugly - and I cannot help with that today, hope others can15:34
jeblairAJaeger: trying to catch up :)15:34
andreykurilinAJaeger: heh. ok, thanks15:34
andreykurilinjeblair: hi hi! Can you help me with making looks good ?)15:35
jeblairAJaeger: that job ran on branch creation15:35
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jeblairAJaeger: the "oldrev 000000000..." tells us that15:35
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fungijeblair: oh, sure i'll get it booted in moments and let you know15:36
AJaegerjeblair: ah.. Ok, then I know what went wrong and can avoid that.15:36
AJaegerjeblair: thanks. Could you remvoe those root-markers, then, please?15:36
jeblairAJaeger: i think someone added some things to zuul pipelines to let us say don't match on branch creation or deletion, if we want to adjust the pipeline config to not run jobs in those cases15:37
jeblairAJaeger: which file needs deleting?15:37
openstackgerritKen Dreyer proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder master: scm: handle "bitbucketweb" browser for mercurial
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AJaegerjeblair: these files draft/install-guide-*/.root-marker draft/config-reference/.root-marker draft/networking-guide/.root-marker need deletion15:45
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/nodepool feature/zuulv3: Remove SSH support from nodepool
jamespagesbezverk_: the pidfile function in qemu is only triggered if libvirt passes it down to the qemu process - using the template you provided, I can get a kvm instance running OK:15:46
jamespagebut as you can see no -pidfile argument...15:47
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jamespagesbezverk_: what goes on here15:48
jamespage2017-03-23 04:04:42.964378 | changed: [localhost] => (item={u'dest': u'libvirtd.conf', u'src': u'libvirtd.conf.j2'})15:48
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sbezverk_jamespage: it is just ansible, prepare libvirtd.conf from a temaplte15:50
sbezverk_jamespage: I can show you what we get in the end15:50
sbezverk_jamespage:, do a search for libvirtd.conf15:51
jamespagesbezverk_: ah15:51
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jamespagesbezverk_: pondering whether is something todo with
jamespagesbezverk_: might be a mismatch between the files directly created via libvirt and those created via nova perhaps?15:54
EmilienMadarazs, trown: please review the list of outstanding patches we have right now to make tripleo ci more stable:
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EmilienMadarazs, trown: please add patches if I missed some of them15:54
sbezverk_jamespage: hm, looks really interesting thank you very much I will investigate it15:55
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fungijeblair: it'15:56
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jamespagesbezverk_: well hope that helps - good luck :-)15:57
fungis been in a "building" state for about 20 minutes15:57
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adarazsEmilienM: I don't see anything missing.15:57
fungiwill be 88727f73-052b-4800-b974-c1429128b59d when it eventually completes15:57
EmilienMadarazs: ack15:57
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pabelangerfungi: so, question. What is our policy on force merging things for projects? In this case, EmilienM asked the question to get some CI fixes merged.  It seems there is more then once issue they are fighting.  I know promotes are usually done for devstack, but not sure force merge of code16:08
openstackgerritLubosz Kosnik (diltram) proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Update nova-lxd gate to use local_conf
EmilienMfungi: the tl;dr is this week was terrible and different things broke our CI and the fixes fail to land because fixes are applied to different repos & projects, etc16:10
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EmilienMI dressed a list of things we need merged asap:
EmilienMall jobs passed the check at least once (or more)16:10
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EmilienMpabelanger: it seems like all patches from the list have jobs running and nothing is in queue for now16:11
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EmilienMpabelanger: let's wait them to finish and take a decision on what we do if they still fail to merge16:12
jeblairAJaeger: removed those 5 files.16:13
AJaegerthanks, jeblair . let me merge something ;)16:13
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fungiEmilienM: pabelanger: generally, if there are fixes approved which will significantly reduce job failures for multiple projects and have more than a few changes ahead of them in the gate pipeline, we're pretty okay with promoting them forward to the front to get them merged more quickly16:16
fungijeblair: still "building" but has been assigned and 2001:4800:7811:513:be76:4eff:fe04:d8bf which i'll get into forward/reverse dns16:17
jeblairfungi: cool, do you have that etherpad handy?16:18
fungijeblair: i don't remember the url, no16:18
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/nodepool feature/zuulv3: Remove ipv6-preferred and rely on interface_ip
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Consume interface_ip from nodepool node
fungii can dig it up in a sec tho16:18
pabelangerfungi: right, that's basically what I have thought16:18
EmilienMpabelanger: let's wait end of oooq-multinode job results and see how it goes16:19
EmilienMpabelanger: in ~50 min we'll take decision - /me afk 30 min now for lunch16:19
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openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Add an example not using websockets
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed openstack-infra/gerrit master: Replace submodule url reference from relative to absolute
fungijeblair: still in "building" state, though the rackspace dashboard has been listing it as "40% complete" for the past 10 minutes or so (whatever that means)16:25
fungiit was "10% complete" there for quite a while16:26
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jeblairfungi: that's way more complete!16:31
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/nodepool feature/zuulv3: Remove api-timeout and provider.image-type
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/nodepool feature/zuulv3: Remove deprecated networks syntax
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openstackgerritAdam Harwell proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Use DIB_PYTHON_VERSION to run commands
rm_work^^ still testing a theory16:40
fungijeblair: it's up!16:40
fungibup cronjob looks to still be correctly commented out16:41
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fungimailman initscript start symlinks still absent at all runlevels16:42
fungilooking good16:42
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fungino mailman daemon in the process list16:42
AJaegerfungi, pabelanger codesearch is not changed as far as I can see16:43
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openstackgerritClint 'SpamapS' Byrum proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Refactor out Changeish
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Document signing key cross-signing transition
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Silence hieraedit output during key replacement
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Stop saying we announce signing key transitions
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Correct signing node double-check example
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fungiAJaeger: yeah, the only other thing i can think of is that the changes we merged aren't actually valid... i can take a look after lunch16:57
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clarkbmordred: when I wake up is apparently really late today. sorry, but catching up on glean things17:01
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: WIP: Add lvm management to diskimage-builder
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/nodepool feature/zuulv3: Remove ipv6-preferred and rely on interface_ip
AJaegerfungi, that would be sad - but an explanation.17:04
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AJaegerfungi, yeah, indeed ;(17:07
AJaegerfungi: I'm fixing...17:07
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/jeepyb master: Fix startswith usage
AJaegerfungi, clarkb, could you +2A this, please? ^17:10
AJaegerwith this change, I now get a config.json file. Sorry for introducing that ;(17:10
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clarkbsure enough there is an exception when you do that yay python17:11
rajinirnodepool upgrade causes sql error. How can I upgrade the db?17:11
clarkbrajinir: there hasn't been a nodepool db schema change in quite some time, but all of the details were sent to the infra mailing list the last time in novemeber iirc17:12
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fungiAJaeger: approved. i'm popping out to lunch but i'll remove codesearch.o.o from the emergency disable list temporarily so that will get applied17:14
fungioh, it's still removed, i haven't put it back yet17:15
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fungiokay, heading to grab some lunch. back in a while17:17
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/nodepool feature/zuulv3: Exercise statsd in tests and fix
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Cleanup Gerrit plugin builds
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/jeepyb master: Fix startswith usage
openstackgerritLubosz Kosnik (diltram) proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Enable Octavia gate with RHEL amphora
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openstackgerritLubosz Kosnik (diltram) proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Enable Octavia gate with Centos amphora
openstackgerritLubosz Kosnik (diltram) proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Enable Octavia gate with Centos amphora
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Build gerrit plugins against 2.13.7 release
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AJaegerfungi, thank17:28
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Add a dequeue command to zuul client
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clarkbmordred: have you seen prometheanfires comment on ? I kinda feel liek we shouldn't be expected to accomodate every little distro idiosynchrasity/rule when doing this. I'm sure we violate all the ubuntu and red hat rules for example17:33
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clarkbrather we want our service to function on the distros and this is functional aiui17:33
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mordredclarkb: hrm. well - I don't care about policy per-se - but I do think we should not surprise people - if openrc starts things, but then someone does systemctl stop $something - does that work and would that user expect it to?17:36
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Cleanup Gerrit plugin builds
clarkbmordred: my reading of that is that the user would have to opt into using systemd (at build time or later) in order to get the systemd bits in order for systemctl to be there and work17:37
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clarkbmordred: but that their policy is to accoodate users potentially doing that by writing down the unit files for both17:37
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clarkbthe problem with that is the udev rules will fire always17:37
clarkbso its not so easy to have glean in a half installed state for systemd if you don't have a systemd17:37
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diltramI have a question about project-config17:38
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clarkbthat said we could change it to an if and everyone else should be fine so would only affect gentoo that way17:38
clarkbmordred: ^ so maybe thats the easieest thing to do17:38
diltramhere I'm adding a new gate check17:38
diltramand in gate name I'm adding {hypervisor} and {amphora_os}17:39
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Build gerrit plugins against 2.13.7 release
diltramcan I somehow don anything based on those values?17:39
diltramwhen amphora_os=centos7 I would like to add special options into local_conf17:39
clarkbdiltram: use {amphora_os} in your job body and it will get text substituted17:40
clarkbyou can see the octaviatest and octaviaversion params are already used17:40
AJaegerdiltram: might be better to do in your devstack plugin17:40
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mordredclarkb: yah - I think changing to an if isn't terrible17:41
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clarkbmordred: I'm just grumpy because I don't think what gentoo wants is actually a sane thing for people to do (for reasons of the udev rule)17:41
diltramclarkb, AJaeger: ok, thx17:42
clarkbits even worse than what we have to do supporting upstart and openrc and systemd in the same tool because apparently now you ahve to support them on the same host at the same time17:42
diltramI'm gonna make this as static name for now17:42
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diltramwe need first make those working then I can try to standarize them and try to minimize the amount of configs17:43
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SamYaplefungi: mtreinish thanks for hte firehose help. got my little kicker-offer script going in full swing17:44
jeblairclarkb, fungi: i think the io on the list test upgrade server is *very* slow :/17:44
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jeblairclarkb, fungi: also, we have an old bounces directory we saved from some earlier mishap i think we can delete17:46
clarkbjeblair: you think the slow io is just luck of the vm boot draw or some bigger issue that we'll need to address?17:47
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jeblairclarkb: well... we *might* want to try an upgrade to ext4.  :)17:47
martindais gearman able to prioritize jobs, or suspend and resume jobs ?17:48
clarkboh nice ext3 lives on17:48
clarkbmartinda: it can prioritize but only at 3 levels, low medium high. high priority jobs will all be services before medium and so on17:48
clarkbmartinda: suspend and resume would need to be implemented on top of gearman17:48
martindathanks clarkb. Is it able to run interactive jobs?17:50
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martindathe background here is that I am looking for an alternative to LSF.17:50
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jeblairclarkb, fungi: i bet if we had deleted the bounces.old directory, snapshot and server creation would have been much faster.  :|17:52
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clarkbmartinda: I'm not sure what you mean by interactive jobs. My hunch is no. Gearman itself is an incredibly simple binary protocol for doing simple things and the assumption seems to be you'll build your own need specific protocol atop it to do what you end up needing17:54
clarkbmartinda: but SpamapS is now a maintainer of gearman so may have better input that I have17:55
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Only force http for repos that allow it
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jeblairclarkb, fungi: i'd running do-release-upgrade on the test list server now18:01
clarkbjeblair: awesome, did we want to plan for an ext4 upgrade afterwards as well?18:02
clarkbor maybe just a mount ext3 as ext4?18:02
clarkb(that isn't as beneficial but does help)18:02
jeblairclarkb: i was thinking of doing the upgrade18:02
jeblairshould be easy18:03
jeblair(just a couple of tune2fs option iirc)18:03
openstackgerritLubosz Kosnik (diltram) proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Enable Octavia gate with Centos amphora
jeblair(heh, it's been a while)18:03
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clarkbya its pretty minor but trying to rmember if you have to unmount which might be the tricky part18:03
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mtreinishSamYaple: cool18:06
jeblairclarkb, fungi: we currently have en,fr,it,ko,ru,vi,zh_TW enabled in mailman18:07
jeblairi don't know how we got to that set.  should we keep that set for the upgrade, or throw all of the languages it supports in?18:07
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clarkbjeblair: I believe that when you add a new ml in a non default lang you can specify the lang and it adds it?18:08
jeblairthat makes sense.  that probably roughly corresponds to our regional mailing lists18:08
jeblairso it's probably okay to just copy that list18:08
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clarkbya we have fr and it and so on. So guessing moderators set that in their config and it does the correct install required/setup18:08
jeblairi think they're all installed on the system, and then just copied to /etc as needed18:09
jeblairthey are the same filesystem for us, so it doesn't matter.18:09
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jeblairi'll just preserve the existing list for now.18:09
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SpamapSmartinda: what's LSF?18:11
jeblairclarkb: i'm keeping a log of what i'm doing at
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Enable firehose reporting on subunit workers
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jeblairclarkb: seems like good instructions which correspond favorably with
clarkbsingle user mode! does that even exist anymore? (but cool there are steps to do this)18:23
jeblairclarkb: i might just try it over ssh.  :)18:24
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Start firehose doc section for client on port 1883
mtreinishclarkb, fungi: ^^^18:27
mtreinishSamYaple: ^^^ if you wanted to write up a patch to add the python example to that section18:27
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* mtreinish wonders if that's the first haskell in an openstack repo18:28
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openstackgerritThiago da Silva proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Test pyeclib against libec master
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tdasilvaAJaeger, jeblair ^^^ just gave a shot with the above, but i'm not sure if it's 100% correct, any help would be appreciated18:31
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clarkbmtreinish: you are writing haskell now? I had to fix my xmonad config recently and it made me want to deal with more haskell. Then I read the C to Rust compiler written in hasekll and really wanted more haskell18:32
mtreinishclarkb: heh, that's the first haskell I've ever written18:33
clarkbmtreinish: qosGranted is necessary?18:33
mtreinishI was playing reduce the code from the in repo example, it might not be needed18:33
clarkbmtreinish: cool!18:33
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clarkbmtreinish: you might need ti for a side effect, but I think typically you'd make the result anonymous if that was the case for readbility but its been many years sicne I wrote any real haskell18:34
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SamYaplemtreinish: i had that <--18:35
SamYaplebut it failed the gate soooo18:35
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mtreinishSamYaple: oh, I'll rebase my patch on that18:36
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SamYaplemtreinish: SamYaple doesn't do docs. so you tell me what to do and ill do it18:37
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mtreinishSamYaple: it looks like the jessie puppet apply job doesn't work18:41
mtreinishit's failing the same way on another one of my patches18:41
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AJaegerfungi, the jeepby change merged 80 mins ago but I still see all deb- repos on codesearch.18:44
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AJaegertdasilva: commented. You used the shell snippet for setting up a devstack-gate job but do not use the other builders for setting up the rest of a devstack-gate job.18:50
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tdasilvaAJaeger: how could I go about it *without* using a devstack setup?18:54
tdasilvaAJaeger: any pointers I can look at?18:54
AJaegertdasilva: so, what exactly do you want to do? Which job is your base and which parameter to change?18:57
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tdasilvaAJaeger: I'd like to test pyeclib. if you look at pyeclib repo, in the bindep.txt we add a dependency on libec, so we get whatever version of libec that nodes' OS has packaged18:58
tdasilvawe would like to test against libec master, so I need to fist checkout libec, build it and then run pyeclib tests18:58
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openstackgerritDave McCowan proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Adding Python3 Functional Test Gate for Barbican
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AJaegertdasilva: so, in the shell section, write up the commands you want to run.19:01
AJaegerAnd for checking out the code: see gate-hacking-integration-{target-project}19:01
AJaegerThat zuul-cloner invocation checks out two repos - hacking as well as {target-org}/{target-project} . Follow that example to check out the two repos you have.19:02
AJaegerand then do your shell code to build the first and test the other19:02
fungiokay, i'm sort of back from lunch but working from a car over wireless modem so it's taking me time to catch up19:02
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/nodepool feature/zuulv3: Remove mention of non-clouds.yaml from docs
tdasilvaAJaeger: oh, ok, so I will have to explicitly checkout the two repos? but how can I chech against a specific patch of pyeclib?19:05
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AJaegertdasilva: if you use zuul-cloner like in that example, it does all the magic for you ;)19:05
AJaegertdasilva: even depends-on will work.19:05
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fungijeblair: slow i/o might be the result of wherever they schedule the rootfs volumes for clones of legacy instances19:05
fungibut who knows really19:06
fungiext4 migration sounds worthwile19:06
clarkbmordred: did you want to switch the elif to an if in and get that in then push a release19:06
clarkbmordred: its friday though may not be best time for glean users?19:06
clarkbhappy to get that change in though19:07
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fungijeblair: i'm okay with increasing the language support list too. guessing the "old" list was a complete list of what was supported by some (perhaps much) older mm release19:08
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fungior clarkb's theory makes sense too19:08
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openstackgerritThiago da Silva proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Test pyeclib against libec master
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/nodepool feature/zuulv3: WIP Add ability to select flavor by name or id
tdasilvaAJaeger: does zuul-cloner take care of installing requirements defined in bindep.txt?19:24
openstackgerritDan Prince proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Combine HA and non-ha features
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tdasilvaAJaeger: from your comment, I understood that zuul-git-prep would take care of the pyeclib bindep.txt, but I'm concerned about the libec bindep.txt19:25
clarkbtdasilva: no, bindep is a separate step independent of zuul-cloner19:26
mordredclarkb: I can - although I released this morning already (we can release again of course)19:26
clarkbmordred: oh I didn't catch that, nevermind then19:26
mordredclarkb: yah - we need to trigger an image rebuild - but also I suppose at this point we can just wait until tomorrow19:27
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AJaegertdasilva: no, zuul-cloner is like "git clone" but knows about your patch19:29
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AJaegertdasilva: what you currently do is: zuul-git-prep checks out your repo; then install-distro-packages installs packages and uses - if you have one - your bindep.txt for it - then you call zuul-cloner to check out two repos - again the first repo and another one. So, I wonder whether we can avoid the double check out19:30
tdasilvaAJaeger: yeah, i was going to try removing the second checkout of pyeclib, but also will need to call bindep for libec...19:31
mtreinishclarkb, jeblair, mordred, fungi, AJaeger: any idea what's up with the puppet apply jessie job? It seems to be failing all the system-config patches I've been working on today19:32
openstackgerritThiago da Silva proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Test pyeclib against libec master
clarkbmtreinish: no, have a link?19:33
mtreinishwhich is from my doc patch:
openstackgerritThiago da Silva proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Test pyeclib against libec master
openstackgerritDan Prince proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Combine the TripleO nonha and ha jobs
scarab_someone gotta second? to spare i gave a question about the periodic pipeline.....The periodic pipeline doesn’t have any notification triggers on it. Is there a way to modify the pipeline to where it notifies the PTL on failures, either through email or irc channels?19:35
mtreinishscarab_: you can get an rss feed of failures via openstack-health19:36
clarkbyou can also have emails but we removed them because iirc they were ignored19:36
openstackgerritK Jonathan Harker proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Add github reporter status_url config option
mtreinishfor example:
clarkbmtreinish: we've had that jessie job running since at least decemeber looks like19:39
mtreinishheh, well it's not working now19:40
mtreinishdo we actually deploy anything on jessie?19:40
pabelangerI wonder if puppet module path has changed19:41
clarkband thats the only place we run jessie apply tests19:42
clarkb(was just checking if it worked anywhere else)19:42
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pabelangerI can hold a node and see what is going on19:42
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scarab_mtreinish_: I was looking there and the openstack-ansible feed is not appearing so they have no way to check the upgrade-ansible-aio periodic test.19:43
clarkbits weird that its only jessie19:44
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openstackgerritMikhail S Medvedev proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Create PReP boot partition for PPC
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mtreinishscarab_: I was talking to odyssey4me about that a couple of weeks ago. The jobs need to emit subunit for it to be picked up by openstack-health19:46
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clarkbpabelanger: we don't seem to set the module path explicitly anywhere that I can find so it may be relying on ansible defaults?19:49
openstackgerritEric Harney proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Enable Barbican for Cinder LIO job
pabelanger$ puppet config print modulepath | cut -d ':' -f 119:51
pabelangerthat is jessie for some reason19:51
pabelangerlet me see where we installed them19:51
clarkbthe main modules are all in /etc/puppet/modules but its failing at finding system-config/modules not sure yet where that is expected to be19:52
clarkbhome/jenkins/workspace/gate-infra-puppet-apply-3-debian-jessie/openstack-infra/system-config/modules is where they should be based on the job log19:52
pabelangerthat is right19:53
pabelangerwhere we zuul-cloned the job19:53
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clarkbpabelanger: and then later
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pabelangerlet me see what ansible-role-puppet is doing19:54
clarkbso I think puppet is ignoring MODULE_PATH19:54
clarkbpabelanger: well thats happening outside of ansible19:54
pabelangerwe install our modules into /etc/puppet/modules19:55
pabelangerbut system-config isn't19:56
clarkbya we use the module path to point at the cloned repo19:56
clarkbsee tools/pre-apply-test.sh19:56
clarkber tools/prep-apply.sh19:56
pabelangerright, but then we run ansible19:57
clarkbpabelanger: lines 76-80 appear to be where we do the thing that attempts to tie ansible to the system-config modules19:59
clarkbwe do a symlink to /opt/system-config/production19:59
clarkb shows that happening in the log20:00
pabelangerthat exists20:00
pabelangerI'm going to run ansible again20:01
pabelangerand enable some verbose20:01
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/nodepool feature/zuulv3: Encode exclusivity into voluptuous
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jeblairclarkb, fungi: it took 2 hours to do-release-upgrade20:03
jeblairi think most of that was spent dealing with all the installed kernel packages20:04
jeblairso if we remove them all before starting, it may go much faster.20:04
clarkbpabelanger puppet_basemodulepath: '$confdir/modules' is the ansible module default20:04
clarkbjeblair: are you wanting to test that on another boot off the snapshot?20:05
fungijeblair: oh, absolutely we should remove all but the current kernel package20:05
clarkbjeblair: but ya thats a pretty easy apt-get autoremove command20:05
jeblairit did that n! thing where it removes one package, then does a bunch of grub stuff.20:05
pabelangerclarkb: is what the jobs defaults too modulepath = '$confdir/modules:/opt/system-config/production/modules'20:05
fungijeblair: it's all thanks to initrd generation in postinst triggers20:05
clarkbpabelanger: where do you see that?20:05
jeblairfungi: yep that's it20:05
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pabelangerclarkb: /etc/puppet/environments/production/environment.conf20:05
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pabelangeransible-role-puppet sets that up20:06
jeblairclarkb, fungi: anything i should check before i reboot?20:06
clarkbpabelanger: ok that should be the correct path then /etc/puppet/modules is $confir/modules20:06
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clarkbjeblair: I've never had a problem with autoremove...20:06
fungijeblair: double-check that things you didn't want reenabled (mailman daemon?) are still disabled i guess. though the spool cleanup should make that non-dangerous20:07
jeblairfungi: yep, that looks good20:07
jeblairexim/mailman/bug are all still disabled20:07
jeblairbup even20:07
clarkbpabelanger: so that makes it even more confusing, what version of puppet and is it new enough to respect environments?20:08
fungiclarkb: i've had trouble with autoremove in old systems which have been iteratively upgraded and somehow some packages i was relying on ended up as auto-installed so got marked for autoremoval when something else that depended on them got removed20:08
fungibut it's rare20:08
jeblairrebooting now20:08
fungiand i think there was an apt bug at one point which was responsible for the majority of that20:09
fungiso probably no longer an issue20:09
mordredfungi: yup. I remember a similar thing happening to me ... but I think it was maybe 8 or 10 years ago?20:09
jeblairit's back up20:09
fungimordred: possibly. also actually looking at the package list autoremove gives you avoids pretty much all the problem20:09
clarkbpabelanger: I'm gonna go grab lunch now but let me know if you find anything20:09
clarkbjeblair: that was fast20:10
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pabelangerclarkb: ack20:10
jeblairWelcome to Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.2.0-123-virtual x86_64)20:10
clarkbjeblair: nice!20:11
clarkbthough that kernel seems old20:11
clarkb3.13 is trusty20:11
jeblairyeah, that was the kernel it was running before20:11
jeblairThe following packages have been kept back: linux-headers-virtual linux-image-virtual20:12
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mordredI'm impressed it operates on the old kernel20:12
jeblairokay, so i *thought* i selected en for the default language:
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mordredjeblair: that's the new english20:13
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fungiprobably need apt-get dist-upgrade to get those kernel packages?20:13
jeblairi'm going to apt-get dist-upgrade now20:14
fungiindeed, that20:14
jeblairit says it will install them20:14
clarkbodd it kept them back20:14
jeblairnow i will dpkg-reconfigure mailman20:15
scarab_mtreinish: The subunit stream is genereated its just moved to a tmp folder on another host. Is there a way to email the PTL of a project without notifying every other PTL of the respective projects?20:15
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fungiscarab_: zuul's e-mail reporter uses a fixed e-mail address per pipeline20:16
fungiso we traditionally set that to a specific mailing list (e.g. quality assurance or stable branch management)20:16
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jeblair looks more english now.20:17
jeblairmaybe i missed the target in the magenta-on-hot-pink dialog box.20:17
jeblairi'm going to reboot and see if the kernel is happy.20:17
jeblairWelcome to Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.13.0-113-generic x86_64)20:18
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pabelangerclarkb: okay, so if I use --modulepath on the CLI, it works20:19
pabelangerbut we don't set that in ansible-role-puppet20:19
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pabelangerso, something has changed with loading the /etc/puppet/environments/production/environment.conf on jessie20:20
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fungithat kernel lgtm20:22
clarkbya is puppet new enough to support environments?20:22
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clarkbpretty sure thats new enough20:24
pabelangerwe can try rolling back nodepool image for jessie20:25
pabelangercurrently looking at DIB differences20:25
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luzCfungi: so about scarab_ question, can e-mail reporter be used on a single job instead of the pipeline?20:26
fungiluzC: no, zuul reporters are pipeline-specific20:26
pabelangerjessie-backports/main puppet all 3.8.5-2~bpo8+1 [26.3 kB]20:27
pabelangerwas yesterday20:27
pabelangerjessie/main puppet all 3.7.2-4 [25.7 kB]20:28
pabelangerwe some how changed puppet version20:28
pabelangerbackwards at that20:28
fungiscarab_: luzC: this is what the failure reporter for the periodic-stable pipeline looks like, for example:
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pabelangerclarkb: Oh, so this is likely our issue20:29
mtreinishscarab_: just put the subunit in the log dir and the problem solves itself. I don't understand what's so difficult about that20:29
fungipabelanger: that version doesn't match any of the packages in debian anyway20:29
pabelangerclarkb: puppet 4 is now in jessie-backports20:29
pabelangerand I think we pin to puppet 320:29
luzCfungi yes, we look at it... so scarab_ is trying to notify a ptl when a osa periodic job fails... via email, irc bot, something... from pipeline itself it won't be possible since reporter expect a fixed email address... and unable to do it through the job itself20:29
pabelangerand are now skipping backports20:29
fungipabelanger: yep, 4.8.2-3~bpo8+120:29
mtreinishscarab_: why would you generate a subunit stream and not put it in the job artifacts?20:30
luzCmtreinish I'm doing that, moving the subunit file to the right place (WIP)20:31
pabelangerfungi: clarkb: so, we should roll back jessie for now, and pause builds, until we can find where to get puppet 3 now20:31
luzCmtreinish still it needs someone to look at it and we want just a notification to let them know when job is broken20:31
mtreinishluzC: when that's done subunit2sql will pick up periodic jobs and you can get rss feeds for all your periodic jobs20:31
clarkbpabelanger: arent we getting 3 though?20:31
mtreinishluzC: well that's the problem with periodic jobs, someone has to look at them20:31
clarkbis it just not new enough for environments?20:32
mtreinishwhich rarely happens...20:32
fungipabelanger: yeah, or we could pin the puppet packages from stable instead of stable-backports (installing everything from backports unconditionally is generally a terrible idea anyway)20:32
pabelangerclarkb: ya, I think we have rolled back to a version that doesn't work with ansible-role-puppet20:32
clarkbgotcha we could also use 4 on jessie like we do on fedora20:32
clarkbit shouod work since it works on fedora20:33
pabelangerin fact, I don't know why we have backports enabled on jessie20:33
pabelangerI think this is what dib does by default20:33
pabelangerwe could just not enable it20:33
fungipabelanger: that sounds broken to me20:33
clarkbif we dont enable backports we continue to get broken 3 though right?20:33
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clarkbso thats orthogonal I think20:33
fungipabelanger: odds are some things are needed from bpo, but those should be job-specific and added selectively. maybe zigo knows why that's happening20:34
pabelangerfungi: ya, for some reason debian-minimal defaults to that20:34
jeblairclarkb, fungi: if set an entry for with the new ip in my local hosts file, mailman web ui seems to work.20:34
pabelangerclarkb: the odd thing is, we do install the puppetlabs apt repo20:34
jeblairclarkb, fungi: (i verified i'm accessing the right server by tailing logs)20:34
fungijeblair: testing that myself20:34
pabelangerand we are still pulling from debian20:34
pabelangerclarkb: I'll have to debug more, but not sure today is the day20:34
luzCmtreinish yes but a remainder (only if broken) would be nice to have... :) we will drop the notification and see how it goes with just the subunit part first20:34
clarkbpabelanger: ya lets make job nonvoting20:35
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Correct Logstash Query Example
mtreinishluzC: that's what openstack health's rss feed gives you...20:35
pabelangerclarkb: or that20:36
clarkbthen we xan iterate more easily20:36
pabelangerya, we can keep an eye on nodepool-builders too20:37
luzCmtreinish: ahhh, good to know, thank you...  scarab_: will keep you posted20:37
pabelangerso far, it built20:37
clarkbpabelanger: it doesnt use ansible or rely on environments iirc20:37
clarkbit just directly puppet applies so is simpler20:38
pabelangerso a little different process for builds20:38
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openstackgerritDan Prince proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Combine the TripleO nonha and ha jobs
fungijeblair: yep, after solving some editor default stupidity on my workstation, i too have successful browsing of archives from the test upgrade (confirmed i'm hitting the right server using tcpdump)20:44
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Switch puppet-apply-3 for debian-jessie non voting
fungialso my list preference logins still work on it20:45
fungias does admin/moderator access to lists where i have it20:45
fungiand all confirmed over ipv6, not that i expected any issue there20:46
jeblairfungi: do we want to make a new test list, start up exim/mailman and send it a message, or do we want to trust all that will work?20:46
fungii'm pretty comfortable already, but if others are interested in a more in-depth test drive i won't object20:47
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fungiit seems to have kept/migrated what was in the archive trees and config picklefiles just fine, so the only unconfirmed bit really is exim mailrouting integration20:48
jeblairi'm comfortable with it too, but if someone wants, i'll be happy to do the test.20:49
jeblairclarkb, pabelanger, mordred: ^ ?20:49
fungiunless you modified exim's configuration, new versions are extremely great at config backward-compatibility20:49
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clarkbI'm definitely the noob when it comes to mailman and exim. I'm happy to defer to your judgement there. Generally though testing as mucha s possible is nice20:50
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jeblairyeah, i didn't change the exim config.  and we were running exim4 before.20:52
pabelangersame, my email administration skills are pretty low20:52
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jeblairi think in testing we'd probably run into some hostname mismatch issues, which is part of my reluctance.20:53
jeblair(though i'm not certain :)20:53
jeblairi could try and see how far we get20:53
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fungiyeah, it might be as simple as just recursively grepping for in /etc and switching those out for its real fqdn, then restarting a few services20:55
fungibut it is extra work and definitely involves modifying configuration20:55
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jeblairfungi: well, mailman gets picky about it; the list database files have the hostnames encoded in them20:55
fungioh, eep. so would need to tweak the picklefiles too i guess (using the mm editor cli/lib)20:56
jeblairso if we get to the point where we have to update those to make it work, then i'd say we stop because the test is bonkers.  :)20:56
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jeblairnewlist testlist20:58
jeblairi ran that to create the new list20:59
jeblairand i got email notification of its creation (since i'm the owner)20:59
fungiyour mta presumably is okay that reverse dns doesn't match the helo/ehlo21:00
fungiwhich, granted, would be unusually picky21:00
jeblairfungi: well, actually it does.  it helo'd as lists-test-upgrade21:00
fungiaha, thanks exim!21:01
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fungiso maybe it's on the inbound side this testing would get tricky21:01
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jeblairecho "" | add_members -r - testlist21:01
jeblairSubscribed: corvus@inaugust.com21:01
jeblairanyone else?21:01
clarkbyou can add me if you want21:02
jeblairi just got the subscription notification21:02
fungii'll test subscribing via webui21:02
clarkbor I can edit /etc/hosts and sign myself up I guess /em does this21:02
fungithough confirming might get tricky21:02
* jeblair refrains from adding anyone21:02
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jeblairfungi: well, with a hosts entry, should just work i think?21:03
fungie-mail replying to the confirmation e-mail i mean21:03
jeblairfungi: yeah, though you can web-confirm21:04
fungioh, right21:04
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clarkbthere are not public lists (but I managed to hit testlist direclty021:04
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jeblairclarkb: it works better with a local /etc/hosts entry21:04
clarkbjeblair: for lists.o.o?21:04
jeblairclarkb: yes21:05
jeblairfungi: you have mail :)21:05
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fungiand confirmed via url (didn't feel like tweaking my mailrouting)21:06
fungiso that all worked21:06
clarkbmy fastmail webclient is going to respond to lists.o.o so confirming confirmation via email won't work21:06
jeblairclarkb: let me know when you have confirmed, then i will send a hand-crafted test message21:06
fungii suppose i could have pretended to be an mta and confirmed that way21:06
clarkbwell I didn't have /etc/hosts mangled when I tried confirming the first time so the redirect after confirming isn't working. Going to edit /etc/hosts21:08
fungioh, inbound 25/tcp is timing out for me21:08
jeblairfungi: wfm21:09
jeblairi sent a test message21:09
clarkbI'm subscribed21:10
clarkbI got the test message21:10
fungioho, i wonder if my isp is blocking me. i'll try from the cloud21:10
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fungiyep, that seems to have been the issue21:13
fungimanually spoke smtp back to the test server to confirm my subscription and that worked fine21:13
fungiso the control address routing seems to still be working too21:14
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jeblairi found my test message, fungi you should have a copy too21:14
fungiyep, received21:14
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jeblairthat wasn't so bad after all :)21:15
jeblairmostly because fungi set up rdns.  :)21:15
* fungi has learnt that lesson many times over21:15
clarkbheh the test message got sniped by spam filters after I initially raed it21:15
fungiit shows up in the list archives too
jeblairclarkb: ha, they have async spam filtering?  neat.  i guess that's "faster".  :)21:16
fungiassuming you have an /etc/hosts entry to go to the test server for that fqdn21:16
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jeblairshould we try an ext4 upgrade now?21:17
fungii think this is very well-tested at this point. do we want a second snapshot run (maybe after addressing the cleanup noted in the etherpad) to see what the upgrade outage timeframe is looking like before scheduling, or just give it a broad enough window we've okay with some fudge factor?21:18
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fungioh, right, filesystem upgrade21:18
fungiyes please!21:18
jeblairokay, stopped exim/mm/apache21:19
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jeblairi'm in screen if anyone wants to join21:19
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clarkbdo we think its safer if there are fewer connections?21:20
clarkb(I'd join but the directions said single user :P )21:20
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fungiclarkb: i don't think so21:20
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clarkbfwiw pretty sure upstart killed the concept of single user21:20
jeblairyeah, i don't think it will make it worse21:20
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fungimy guess is that was either 1. to reduce what's running, or 2. so / can be mounted read-only (and the latter won't be possible over ssh regardless)21:21
* clarkb watches21:21
jeblairi guess we're about to find out that it can't.21:21
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fungiso several people in a root screen session or one is going to be roughly the same impact21:21
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jeblaircan we force that?21:22
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clarkbapparently you might be able to do it at the block device layer21:22
fungioh, and i guess we can't set it to mount ext4 in fstab because xen is just gonna xen and ignore that?21:22
clarkbbut then I don't think you can update the fs itself21:22
jeblairfungi: i don't understand the xen comment21:23
fungii don't think xen is looking at the fstab before it mounts the rootfs (unless maybe it's actually using our initrd which has a copy of it)?21:24
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clarkbit uses grub doesn't it?21:24
clarkbwhich should use our fstab I think21:24
jeblairyeah, i think that all changed with the pvm stuff a while back, now it's real grub21:24
fungioh, good. i'm still remembering the bad old days21:24
clarkbback when calamity ganon first struck21:25
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fungixelda will be our next hypervisor21:25
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fungiso it is possible to do this with a "rescue mode" boot in rackspace's dashboard, since that boots from a separate block device21:26
clarkbfungi: yes booting off separate media and modifying the / should work21:26
fungior booting into single-user mode from the virtual console21:26
fungiwith / mounted read-only21:27
clarkbthe other alternative is just accept that it won't be true ext4 but mount it ext421:27
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jeblairthe only remaining process with a writable file handle open on / is pid121:27
fungican you convert it to real ext4 live after mounting an ext3 filesystem ext4?21:28
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clarkbfungi: I don't think so21:28
clarkbnot without making it ro21:28
jeblairyou know, pid1 didn't used to have open log file handles.21:28
jeblairjust saying.21:28
fungithat would have been too convenient21:28
jeblairinit         1       root   18w   REG  202,1      380    90941 /var/log/upstart/acpid.log21:29
jeblairinit         1       root   20w   REG  202,1      244    91214 /var/log/upstart/systemd-logind.log21:29
jeblairany chance we can convince it to close those?21:29
clarkbI was going to say before anyone blames systemd its upstart but its using systemd logind :)21:29
fungilogind should be a separate daemon, as should acpid21:30
clarkbjeblair: acpi should be safe unless we get a really important please shut down nicely message from xen21:30
clarkbkilling login might force us to reboot if we get kicked out? not sure if pam funnels ssh users through there21:30
jeblairoh hey, stopping acpid caused pid1 to close the file.  neat.21:30
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clarkbjeblair: ya I think tahts upstart logging stdout/stderr for daemons21:30
jeblairso just that one process now...21:31
fungilogind i _think_ is mainly for taking care of adding permissions when users log on from a local console21:31
jeblairnot quite sure how to stop it.21:31
jeblairservice systemd-logind stop21:31
jeblairthat did indeed work21:31
jeblairand we're read-only now :)21:31
jeblairlet me catch up the etherpad21:31
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fungithe fun things you do on remote headless systems during an upgrade21:32
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jeblairthat command look ok?21:33
fungii don't think i've ever remounted / read-only without a reboot or telinit 1 or similar21:33
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clarkbjeblair: yes thats the correct filesystem according to fstab21:34
fungiyeah, lgtm. preen and force even if clean21:34
clarkband -pf looks like the flags we want21:34
clarkbfix and force21:34
jeblairi wonder if -v would have been a good addition.21:35
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clarkbya probably, oh well21:36
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openstackgerritAndreas Florath proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Use stevedore for plugin config of block device
jeblairi'm going to skip the "it may be a good idea" reboot step and just continue21:43
fungier, yeah21:43
clarkbdoing the ro dance more than once seems like an unnecessary pain21:44
jeblairtune2fs -O extents,uninit_bg,dir_index /dev/xvda1 look good?21:44
fungiand tempting fate ;)21:44
clarkbjeblair: its what debian says to do :) I haven't checked on what uninit_bg and dir_index are21:44
clarkbbut extents are important aiui21:45
fungii'm still reading manpage21:45
clarkbuninit_bg is a fsck optimization.21:45
fungiindeed, a nice looking speedup at that21:46
clarkbdir_index makes lookups faster in large dirs21:46
jeblairthe uninit_bg, from what i've read, is basically 'deactivate the ext3 datastructures as they are no longer used'.  adding it requireds that we run that fsck step which is next.21:46
clarkbI have a tune2fs manpage on the internets that says its "extent" not "extents"21:46
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fungidir_index only seems to tage effect for new directories, unless you use tune2fs -D on existing ones21:47
clarkbalso local man page21:47
jeblairhrm, the debian ad kernel wikis both says extents.21:47
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fungimy manpage doesn't even have extents21:48
clarkbfungi: does it have "extent"21:48
clarkbI'm guessing the debian page is correct21:48
clarkbsince its first google result21:48
fungiyeah, manpage on the server and one of my systems both call that -O option "extent" (singular)21:48
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fungiso either the manpage is wrong or multiple someones are wrong on the internet21:49
fungii'd give it 50/50 odds21:50
jeblairi've never bet against a manpage before, but i want to this time.21:50
fungican't hurt to try it21:50
jeblairit's both21:52
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fungiit's a floor wax! it's a dessert topping! stop, you're both right!21:53
clarkbI wonder if they did that because the docs did it all one way and the manpage the other21:53
jeblairokay that's done.21:53
clarkbeasier to just add another option21:53
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clarkbjeblair: don't forget the -v on the second fsck21:54
jeblairshould i stick a 'v' on there21:54
jeblairyeah :)21:54
jeblairfsck.ext4 -yfDv /dev/xvda121:54
fungidefinitely nicer21:55
clarkbmaybe drop the -y and answer manually each time? though guessing its safe otherwise it wouldn't be suggested21:55
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jeblairdone in etherpad for next time :)21:57
clarkbfungi: jeblair looks like the -D will optimize existing dirs21:57
clarkbso we should get the dir_index goodness21:57
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jeblairPass 3A: Optimizing directories22:03
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jeblairthere's a pass 3A.  :)22:03
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fungiyep, that's what i was looking for22:04
fungicertainly takes a while22:10
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jeblair       10363 symbolic links (9586 fast symbolic links)22:12
jeblairlater i'm going to learn what a "fast symbolic link" is.22:12
jeblairfungi, clarkb: reboot now?22:12
fungigo for it22:13
clarkbya sorry was reading things22:13
fungifast symlinks? ;)22:14
jeblair/dev/xvda1 on / type ext4 (rw,noatime,errors=remount-ro,barrier=0)22:14
clarkbwell reading that now, but no coreos' enterprise product supports openstack now22:14
fungijeblair: that roofs seem any faster now?22:15
jeblairyes actually22:16
clarkbfast symbolic links store their target path in the data structures used for storing inode info. slow symlinks store it in a regular file22:16
clarkbapparently the contraint here is you can have paths taht exceed the amount of space for inode info storage22:16
fungiso fast symlinks need only one read22:16
jeblairokay, so i think that's the end of the road; any other testing we should do?22:17
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funginone that i can think of, probably ready to pick a date for the outage22:17
clarkbI can't think of anything either22:17
jeblairi want to say that the elapsed time is about 2.5 hours.  i'm pretty sure we can expect 1 hour shorter with the kernel cleanup.22:17
jeblair(~2 hours for upgrade, 30 minus for ext4)22:18
fungialternatively, we just do it because almost nobody seemed to notice the other day when mailman was stopped for 10+ hours ;)22:18
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jeblairheh :)22:18
jeblairsmtp is nice that way22:19
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fungibut yeah, announcing a 2-hour outage a few days in advance might be nice of us22:20
jeblairfungi: at least 3 hours? (1.5 x 2) :)22:20
fungifair enough22:20
clarkbwe can even point out "you probably won't notice if the outage we had was any indication :) "22:20
jeblairso maybe e just schedule a window on friday afternoon where we say 'expect list traffic to queue'.22:20
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clarkbsounds good22:21
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openstackgerritK Jonathan Harker proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Add github reporter status_url config option
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openstackgerritAlex Schultz proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Skip puppet integration tests for test-requirements.txt
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openstackgerritAlex Schultz proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Skip puppet integration tests for test-requirements.txt
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Fix timeout for quickstart jobs
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed openstack-infra/puppet-gerrit master: Update bouncy castle libraries for Gerrit 2.13
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Switch trunk/cbs/buildlogs to use https
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clarkbzaro: I have approved the change to build gerrit plugins against new branch. Do we need anything else before we can build everything at the new version?23:12
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clarkbzaro: also it looks like we may have to upgrade through 2.12 for online indexer stuff? can we avoid that by doing an offline index update on 2.13 from scratch?23:15
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clarkboh that next little bit clears it up23:18
clarkbso we are fine but we have to take a longer downtime (which I think is worth it)23:18
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Remove Gerrit delete-project plugin from review-dev.o.o
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zaroclarkb: yeah, upside is one hop instead two, offline index is recommended.23:23
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clarkbzaro: reviewing the change you just psuhed now as well (would be good for you to look at comments before heading off to weekend)23:24
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zaroclarkb: you’ll need to approve this series,
clarkbzaro: comment posted on 44983523:25
clarkbcan another infra-root quickly review series at 449716 so we can get gerrit builds going?23:26
clarkbzaro: do my comments on 449835 make sense? basically we need to be careful shifting those comparisons in order to keep support 2.11 while we are on 2.11 too23:28
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clarkbzaro: so we may need if >2.12 else if > 2.10 else (2.9) or just make the 2.11 and 2.13 libs coexist23:29
zigofungi: Are you saying that DIB adds jessie-bpo by default? I have no clue why it's doing that...23:29
clarkbpabelanger: the -2 code review and -W ? /me assumes its a tyop23:29
zigopabelanger: I've been trying and trying again to get a Stretch image generated, but I still fail... :/23:30
pabelangerclarkb: which is that?23:30
clarkbpabelanger: you said -3 :)23:30
pabelangerclarkb: Ah23:30
pabelangerzigo: I was going to look at it over the weekend23:30
pabelangerzigo: but jessie is broken for us now too23:31
zigoThat'd be great, thanks.23:31
zigoOh ... :(23:31
clarkbpabelanger: the git review patch too ?23:31
zigoIn what way?23:31
clarkbpabelanger: 44971523:31
zaroclarkb: this one is blocking gerrit plugin build one,
clarkbzaro: ok reviewing that one now23:31
zaroclarkb: i think it’s safe to leave comparison as is.23:31
clarkbzaro: but won't that break 2.11 beacuse the 2.9 code will match 2.11 now too?23:32
clarkbzaro: so we'll use distro libs on 2.11 instead of maven hosted libs like we do currently and we'll tidy the wrong set of filse?23:33
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Cleanup Gerrit plugin builds
zaroclarkb: i think i did that all wrong.  let me redo.  basically i think we only need to consider 2.11 and 2.13 now correct?23:40
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Build gerrit plugins against 2.13.7 release
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clarkbzaro: for us yes, its probably worth being extra nice continuing to support older too just in case peolpe use the pupept module23:41
clarkbbut I don't think thats super required (guessing not many users use it?) asselin do you know?23:42
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clarkb*not many users use it with old gerrit if any.23:47
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