Friday, 2017-10-13

jeblairianw: okay, i just commented out the vos release in a local copy of the script00:00
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: unbound: Add check for undefined default_ipv6
ianwpabelanger / clarkb: ^ i feel like this is bug but i guess it's clear enough00:00
ianwjeblair: ++, fingers crossed00:01
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Bump reprepro timeout up to 90m
pabelangerjeblair: clarkb: ianw: ^reprepro timeout bump00:01
ianwpabelanger: is the cron update an hour though?00:01
fungiclarkb: find will spend its time iterating through directories too. i expect the shell glob to be an up-front cost vs find traversing the entire tree. in the end maybe they're similarly efficient00:01
jeblairianw: 2h -- 0 */2 * * *00:01
ianwoh, that's reasonable then00:02
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Reparent ozj integration jobs to base-test for testing
clarkbianw: I rebased ^ on your change which should end up testing it00:02
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/devstack-gate master: Stop it with the moving then copying of cache files
mnaser^^^ yay00:02
ianwclarkb: thanks00:02
jeblairwe're past the update and on to 'checking state of mirror'00:02
fungiclarkb: basically i avoided find because we could provide an exact set of globs to filter vs find having to look inside every directory for a potential match00:03
clarkbfungi: ya00:03
pabelangerianw: why the fact? and not just use both statements in the task below?00:03
ianwpabelanger: avoid duplicating it, thought it was a bit clearer00:03
jeblair'checking state of mirror' takes about 15-20 mins.00:04
pabelangerianw: you could make that a block too00:04
fungiclarkb: at least in my experience, with very wide and deep file trees, a specific shell glob will win over a subdirectory match with find00:04
jeblairclarkb: you want to do one mirror or all of em?00:04
pabelangerianw: +3, we can refactor later00:04
clarkbjeblair: we probably want to do all of them? Since any of them could still be broken?00:04
jeblairclarkb: sorry, i meant switch one mirror host to read-write or all mirror hosts00:05
jeblairMissing file pool/main/a/apparmor/apparmor_2.10.95-0ubuntu2.6_amd64.deb00:05
jeblairFiles are missing for 'apparmor'!00:05
jeblairThere have been errors!00:05
clarkbjeblair: oh we probably want to flip all of them to get data back quicker00:05
jeblairianw: how about i perform checksum.db removal on that file then re-run?00:06
clarkbbut can also flip in the biggest region too and probably get data back pretty quick00:06
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ianwjeblair: ok ... odd that it didn't happen before?00:06
fungii know i shouldn't jinx us, but here's hoping we don't have files spontaneously disappearing out of afs00:08
jeblairthe script runs deleteifunereferenced00:08
jeblairi suspect we just deleted it ourselves00:08
fungiyeah, that seems far more likely00:08
ianwbut only after the "update" phase?00:08
clarkbianw: pabelanger will we not test that premerge?00:08
fungiin other news, we're just about to hit the 2% free inodes mark00:09
clarkbok I've got to take the kids for a walk. Back later to check on the ara on failure stuff00:09
ianwclarkb: do you mean unworkflow it?  i'm ok with that00:10
jeblairianw, fungi: that file is not in my dump of checksums.list from earlier00:11
jeblairianw, fungi: so that means that it hasn't been in the filesystem for a while00:11
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Set v3 nodepool citycloud timeout to 600
jeblair(we didn't just delete it, and it didn't disappear)00:11
fungiyeah, extra strange00:11
pabelangerjeblair: fungi: clarkb: added launch-timeout to citycloud also. ^ See to be having issues building nodes, but when working usually 30 second boots00:11
jeblairi don't know why the check thinks we need it though00:12
jeblairit's not in the list of unreferenced files00:12
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fungidoes it exist in the source site reprepro copies from?00:13
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jeblairfungi: i don't know00:13
fungii'll check an upstream mirror00:14
pabelangerHmm, debian-jessie failed again on mirrors00:15
pabelangerI'm going to hold one and see what is going on for zuulv300:15
jeblairpabelanger: can you be more specific?00:15
pabelangerwe should not be using upstream mirrors there00:16
pabelangerbut our AFS00:16
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jeblairfungi: that file is referenced by the xenial-security package list00:17
ianwhmm, yes one of the first things we tried was removing xenial-security & xenial-updates yesterday from the update00:17
ianwif things in them are borked, that might be related00:18
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fungijeblair: i see it at
fungiso the security mirror should in theory be wanting it00:19
jeblairianw: we're telling it to mirror xenial-security now, yeah?00:19
jeblairso i'm surprised that reprepro update did not download it00:19
jeblairi'm considering running that again00:19
ianwjeblair: yes, that should definitely be in there00:19
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Move tox_envlist into job variables for releasenote jobs
ianwi removed it for one run as we tried that, but put the original file back00:19
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jeblairrunning update made no changes00:21
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Use sources.list.d for Debian with APT
pabelangerjeblair: dmsimard: clarkb: ianw: ^ should be our fix for debian mirrors on zuulv300:27
pabelangerwill confirm in logs first00:27
ianwhuh, yeah that seems right00:28
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jeblairi'm trying to figure out what database files are involved in the 'check' command to see if we can figure out if we're missing something from one of them00:30
tonybHuh, it turns out I don't actually understand the zuulv2 config well enough to write that tool. Rats.00:31
jeblairtonyb: here's an idea: take the console output of a layout check job and parse it00:31
jeblairtonyb: zuul outputs its "compiled" configuration into the log00:32
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jeblairtonyb: it'll tell you what jobs run for what projects under what pipelines.  it will also have branch matching information in there00:32
jeblairtonyb: it's not intended to be parsable -- it's a debugging aid, but with a few heuristic regex matches, it may get pretty close to what you want00:33
jeblairtonyb: or, you know, forget i said anything and go do something fun.  :)00:33
ianwclarkb: that didn't appear to use the unbound change?
clarkbianw: ya I wonder if it has to be post merge00:35
clarkbbecause it is prerun?00:35
tonybjeblair: hehe :) Thanks for the idea I'll look at it00:35
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ianwclarkb: yeah, might be too early00:36
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pabelangerianw: clarkb: which patch?00:37
clarkbpabelanger: 511646 and its parent00:37
jeblairianw: i'm worried we now need to do step 4 -- packages.db.00:38
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clarkbI've approved the debian package fix which shold allow us to get in ianw's change and then test the ara on failure thing00:39
ianwjeblair: yeah, touching that dists/ directory i was very worried about :/00:39
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jeblairianw: hrm, it's in packages.db00:40
ianwjeblair: security / updates aren't that big, should we drop them & reload?00:41
ianwi think that means remove from the config file00:41
pabelangerclarkb: ya, base-test won't be able to use unmerged role. You'd need to write a test in ozj, which then uses unbound role00:41
ianwit tells you they're not there, clear them out00:41
ianwrun delete unreferenced00:41
ianwthen start again?00:42
jeblairianw: is there any chance when you ran rereference you did so with a config without xenial-security?00:42
ianwi did not intentionally do that, but isn't not impossible00:42
ianwthat was a terrible sentence00:43
ianwi may have done that00:43
clarkbpabelanger: best test is what I want to test though, we'll just merge ianws fix and recheck00:43
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jeblairianw: hrm.  i was wondering if running rereference might be a way to fix this, but that's only likely if there was something missing from your earlier run of it.00:43
pabelangerclarkb: right, but that is in project-config (trusted playbook) it won't be able to use the unmerged role00:43
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pabelangerya, merge / recheck should work00:44
jeblairianw: xenial-security|main|amd64 pool/main/a/apparmor/apparmor_2.10.95-0ubuntu2.6_amd64.deb00:44
jeblairthat's from references.db00:45
jeblairianw: so that looks correct00:45
ianwjeblair: to flesh out my idea, it's remove them from /etc/reprepro/ubuntu/distributions, then run "reprepro --delete clearvanished", then an update, then put them back00:46
jeblairianw: your idea is sounding like the best approach.00:46
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jeblairreprepro --confdir /etc/reprepro/ubuntu -VVVV --delete clearvanished00:47
jeblairianw: ^?00:47
ianwit will tell you to run that if you modify distributions anyway00:48
ianwat least it did for me00:48
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jeblair403 files lost their last reference.00:49
jeblair(dumpunreferenced lists such files, use deleteunreferenced to delete them.)00:49
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jeblairi will not run deleteunreferenced00:49
ianwno, yeah i never ran thta00:49
jeblairianw: so now, still with xenial-security omitted, run update?00:49
ianwi think so, and see if it works?00:50
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ianwhopefully it just finishes all ok ...00:50
jeblairokay that's done00:50
jeblairno mention of xenial-security00:50
pabelangerze05 doesn't appear to be running zuul-merger00:50
jeblairpabelanger: executors are not supposed to run mergers00:50
pabelangerso, zm0500:51
pabelangeralso zm08 too00:51
ianwjeblair: that seems good?!  in theory we put it back in, it starts fresh ...00:51
pabelangerand zm06 and zm07 have hung git processes00:51
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Use sources.list.d for Debian with APT
jeblairianw: okay, replaced distributions file, running update again00:52
pabelangeradding to zuulv3 etherpad so we can look at00:52
jeblairianw: it's getting lots of debs00:53
ianw403 deb's hopefully, from the prior output00:53
jeblairi lost count after 300:54
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config master: Bump reprepro timeout up to 90m
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pabelangerokay, added zuul-merger issues to zuulv3-issues etherpad, getting late for me to look into them. Can help in the morning on those00:56
jeblairianw: done.  i'll run checkpool and check now manually?00:56
ianwjeblair: ++ ... have we fixed it?!00:57
ianw(we being you :)00:57
jeblairthe error happened at the end of the check command last time, so 15m away from finding out00:58
jeblairprobably shoulda dropped the -VVVV for check01:00
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jeblairianw: exit 0!01:04
ianwthat's the best exit of them all01:04
jeblairianw: i'm going to remove the unreferenced file for the previous run, and run my modified (no vos release) script again?01:04
ianwas in the output of dumpunreferenced?01:06
ianwis there much in there?01:06
jeblairianw: er, i think there was.  i just deleted it.01:06
ianwmaybe just generate it and make sure we're not going to somehow delete everything01:07
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jeblairianw: the script generates the list and uses it on the *next* run01:07
jeblairwhich is why i deleted it this time, i didn't want to delete things from our previous run with bad data01:08
jeblairi'm running the script now.  it has complete the update (a noop), and generated a new unreferenced list.  it has 795 files in it.01:08
jeblairit's running a check now.01:08
ianwright, just looking at those files, seeing if they have a common thread01:09
jeblairif this works, i'm thinking run the script again. it will delete the unferenced files and then run another check.  if that works, maybe we're ok?  (or should we run it one more time?)01:09
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ianwjeblair: ok, so looking at that list, yeah it seems reasonable that they're just old packages01:10
ianw(rather than packages we want but have somehow decided to delete)01:11
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Switch to RW afs mirror
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jeblairianw: it just finished successfully!01:11
jeblairianw: i'd like to grab dinner now... may i make the following suggestion:01:11
jeblairianw: you run "/root/corvus/reprepro-mirror-update /etc/reprepro/ubuntu mirror.ubuntu" as many times as you like to feel comfortable, then merge 511660.01:12
ianwok, let it do the vos release?01:12
jeblairianw: /root/corvus/reprepro-mirror-update does not have the vos release01:13
jeblair511660 will let us test the mirror without a vos release01:13
ianwoh, right yeah i see01:13
jeblaironce we have jobs that have run with 511660 in place, we can revert it.  if they worked, we can vos release and return to normal.  if they did not work, we will still have the old read-only volume to keep things going while we regroup.01:14
ianwjeblair: ok, is cron turned off?01:15
jeblairi think clarkb maybe wanted to let that run for a while to increase the chance of random jobs hitting some bad package.01:15
jeblairianw: yes, the cron entry is commented out, and mirror-update is in the emergency file.01:15
ianwok, cool01:16
jeblairianw: great, thanks!  i'm off to dinner now.01:16
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clarkbya was hoping to try and shake any problems loose before doing a vos release01:19
clarkbsince at that point we are committed aiuu01:19
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ianwclarkb: yep, i think if we commit that change, even then just running apt-get update should pull in everything new, we can check the problem packages, gnutls, curl etc01:21
ianwok, i ran the update and it removed the unreferenced files, the ones that all appeared to be just from regular updates01:21
ianwover the past few days01:22
ianwi'll run again, and it should basically do nothing now01:22
ianwreprepro is as confusing as hell, but surprisingly robust it seems01:24
ianwyay, as expected the update has done nothing01:25
ianwergo, i believe we have a completely up-to-date mirror01:25
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clarkbI +2'd the rw path change01:28
ianwi think i'm going to write some of this down while it's still fresh in case it happens again01:30
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config master: Switch to RW afs mirror
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: unbound: Add check for undefined default_ipv6
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clarkbI just rechecked the ozj check for ara only on failures01:40
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clarkbno ara at
clarkbI think it works01:44
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pabelangeryah, looks good01:46
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pabelangershould see if we can do a failure next01:47
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clarkbwe have failure already from when ipv6 didnt work01:49
clarkblook at the retry limit runs01:49
pabelangerisn't that before role merged?01:52
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clarkbno the role we are testing already merged02:03
clarkbianws change was ipv6 fix but we are testing ara on failure02:03
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: firehose.rst: trivial syntax
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Add reprepo documentation
ianwjeblair / pabelanger: ^ i hope that is never needed!02:32
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ianwok, one thing about switching these to the is that i guess we've lost caching instantly02:36
ianwfresh trusty update ->
clarkboh hrm02:38
clarkblooks happy though?02:39
ianwfresh xenial update ->
ianwboth look happy, and that was the packages in question i think?02:39
clarkbya gnutls02:39
ianwi'd feel confident running an update with vos release at this point02:40
ianwand switching back, so we get those caches going02:40
clarkbI havent been directly involved so will defer to you and jeblair's judgement on that02:41
clarkbbut sounds like probably a reasonable idea because caches02:41
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ianwlet's see if jeblair checks back within the next 20 mins with any other ideas, otherwise i think we go.  i'll prep the revert02:42
fungiyeah, watching from the late-night sidelines, but sounds promising at any rate02:42
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Revert "Switch to RW afs mirror"
jeblairianw: ++ revert and release02:45
ianwok, i'll manually run the full /usr/local/bin/ update script now02:45
ianwlogging to /tmp/ubuntu-update.log02:46
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ianw... and done02:52
ianwand thus the mirrors should be healthy again!02:52
fungiand we have 20m inodes free on the logs site now02:53
fungitomorrow's shaping up to be a quiet day for a change (i hope)02:53
ianwjeblair: should we let cron loose on it again?  we could wait, at this point02:54
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jeblairianw: if you wanted to leave cron disabled, i (or maybe fungi?) could get that first thing in our morning03:15
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jeblairianw: though if you are inclined to re-enable it, it sounds like it ought to be safe now.03:16
jeblairyour choice :)03:16
ianwjeblair: let's do it now, tomorrow will have enough to deal with :)  i'll be around to keep and eye on the next few runs03:17
ianwi'll remove it from emergency03:17
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config master: Revert "Switch to RW afs mirror"
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SamYaplewould be useable with async tasks?03:57
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Create reprepro lockdir
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Use native propose-translation jobs
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Add branches to all periodic jobs
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AJaegerianw, if you have some time to review a few of my open changes for project-config and openstack-zuul-jobs, please, it would be great...05:02
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ianwAJaeger: you always provide for an interesting tour around some lesser known parts of these jobs :)05:15
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove legacy job from openstackdocstheme
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Convert legacy-api-ref and -guide to native v3
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-dev/pbr master: Add reno for release notes management
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AJaegerianw: they were broken, so I had to learn something new ;)06:38
AJaegerianw: thanks06:38
evrardjptonyb: updated the review with a comment as you asked.06:39
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Use build-openstack-api-ref for openstackdocstheme
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Fix v2 shade setup
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AJaegerianw, yolanda, zuul v2 files are currently broken, we need the change above ^06:48
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Set v3 nodepool citycloud timeout to 600
yolandaAJaeger, looking06:50
AJaegermorning, eumel8 and yolanda06:50
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yolandapypi jobs will be enough to fix shade?06:51
AJaegeryolanda: should be ;) want to +2 and then I'll wait for test results?06:51
yolandaok +206:51
AJaegeryolanda: if you have time, could you review and and as well, please?06:52
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eumel8yolanda: maybe it's a good the to get a merge: :)06:54
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Fix v2 shade setup
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AJaegermordred: now you can release shade ^07:06
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Fix publish-releasenotes
AJaegermnaser: followup to your change ^07:11
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Use system-required instead of merge-check
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Add system-required template
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Remove merge-check
AJaegermonty, jeblair, I've done the change for merge-check -> system-required ^07:23
AJaegerUse topic:system-required for reviewing07:23
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/infra-manual master: Use system-required instead of merge-check
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/infra-manual master: Document v3 periodic jobs
AJaegerjeblair, mordred: Let's document periodic jobs ^07:36
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/infra-manual master: Document v3 periodic jobs
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Remove pin pip from beaker legacy jobs
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yolandaAJaeger, how is zuul v3 status now? are we ready to review things?07:55
AJaegeryolanda: we can review v3 things for sure - but v3 only runs on infra stuff...07:56
AJaegerSo, let's not suggest to folks to merge adding .zuul.yaml to their repos or update them - no tests are run currently for "normal projects"07:56
AJaegeryolanda: so, go ahead and review project-config, openstack-zuul-jobs etc. please07:56
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AJaegeryolanda: has on the top of list of reviews if you like to use that list - or go directly over the repos07:59
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yolandaok let me look08:03
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: convert deploy-guide to native zuul v3
AJaegeryolanda: why did you push 511564 again? A recheck should be enough - but only once project-config change is in08:07
yolandai clicked the rebase button08:08
yolandafor that -1 from zuul08:08
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AJaegeryolanda: that -1 from zuul is normal for any change that dpeends on project-config08:08
AJaegerSo, feel free to +2 - and I'll recheck and +A once the dependency is in.08:09
tonybevrardjp: +2W08:09
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Add in merge-check templates for LOCI
AJaegeryolanda: See the message in 511564 "This change depends on a change to a config project.08:09
yolandaAJaeger , so is normal to see -1 without logs, if the project-config change is still not merged?08:09
AJaegerThe syntax of the configuration in this change has been verified to be08:09
AJaegercorrect once the config project change upon which it depends is08:09
AJaegermerged, but it can not be used until that occurs.08:09
AJaegeryolanda: yes!08:09
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/irc-meetings master: Moving the OpenStack-Ansible meeting time and channel
SamYaplewould love to get a review +2+W for this bindep patch
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SamYapleif anyone has some time08:10
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: remove legacy openstackdocstheme jobs
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AJaegeryolanda: since project-config is a trusted repo, some of these depends-on will not work and we have to do the dance of merge one change, recheck the next etc. So, feel free to +2 and I'll recheck once dependines are in...08:14
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Add publish-deploy-guide job
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Use system-required instead of merge-check
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Removing collectd-ceilometer-plugin definition from zuul.d/projects.yaml
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Use native propose-translation jobs
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Update some legacy jobs
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Add branches to all periodic jobs
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Remove unused kuryr-libnetwork jobs
openstackgerritDuong Ha-Quang proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Remove legacy jobs in Mixmatch
openstackgerritDuong Ha-Quang proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove legacy jobs in Mixmatch
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/irc-meetings master: Update chair for doc team meeting
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tonybI'm trying to use and it's failing to get;a=blob_plain;f=reference/projects.yaml;hb=oct-2017-elections with a 404 shoudl that still work?08:36
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: convert deploy-guide to native zuul v3
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AJaegertonyb: the updated gerrit caused a few changes, this could be one part of it. Best discuss with rest of team later...08:54
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ianwtonyb: we switched to cgit, so ... no09:00
ianwi would get that from, rather than review.o.o09:00
ianwthat way it's load balanced & more reliable09:00
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openstackgerritDuong Ha-Quang proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Remove legacy jobs in Mogan
openstackgerritDuong Ha-Quang proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove legacy jobs in Mogan
openstackgerritTovin Seven proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove legacy oslo.versionedobjects job
openstackgerritTovin Seven proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Remove legacy oslo.versionedobjects job
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toskyAJaeger: morning, thanks for the review09:31
AJaegermorning, tosky - you're welcome09:31
tosky(as usual :)09:31
toskydid you see this error, which seems unrelated to tripleo?
AJaegertosky: best ask others on the team later for that - might have been a networking issue09:32
toskyAJaeger: uhm, so should I not feel guilty if I try to recheck?09:33
AJaegertosky: with that timing, infra was still not green, so go for the recheck...09:35
toskyoh, thanks!09:35
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openstackgerritDuong Ha-Quang proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove legacy jobs in Cliff
openstackgerritDuong Ha-Quang proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Remove legacy jobs in Cliff
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openstackgerritLuigi Toscano proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: sahara-dashboard: use the openstack-python-jobs template
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toskyyolanda: I know that this is a minor review, but can you please take some time to check small IRC notification change for sahara channels: ?09:58
toskyespecially now that we are in the time before two storms :)09:59
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openstackgerritRaissa Sarmento proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Add initial jobs for manila-tempest-plugin
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openstackgerritLuigi Toscano proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: sahara-dashboard: use the openstack-python-jobs template
openstackgerritRaissa Sarmento proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Add initial jobs for manila-tempest-plugin
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Remove openstack-api-ref jobs
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: v3 cleanup: Use openstack-python-jobs
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AJaegerjeblair, mordred, pabelanger, we have an infra-post job running for 5 h - apparently waiting for node. Job is publish-openstack-sphinx-docs-infraqueue, repo openstack-zuul-jobs, hash is 8c1d4e1b40a3f1a47e511785d5a54a1d3e11451f .10:54
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mordredAJaeger: cool- I'll look in just a few11:00
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mordredAJaeger: hrm. I'm not sure I'm awake enough to debug this  yet11:10
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AJaegermordred: it's not urgent - just wanted to point it out. Get awake first, please ;)11:14
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AJaegermordred: once you're awake, hope you like ;)11:15
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Stop translation of trove
AJaegereumel8, ianychoi, kumarmn ^11:20
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eumel8AJaeger: I heart it, trove is in an unmaintanable state11:26
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Stop translation of trove
AJaegereumel8: just updated commit message to explain this can be changed back ^11:28
AJaegereumel8: could you +1 if you agree - it's not worth spending resources on it *currently*11:29
eumel8AJaeger: sure, I would also set the projects read-only in Zanata to prevent useless translations11:30
mordredAJaeger: love it!11:31
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AJaegereumel8: yes, exactly - make it read-only...11:34
AJaegermordred: three changes for this ;( would be the next one...11:35
mordredAJaeger: yah - the story around moving/renaming is not as fun as other things11:35
AJaegermordred: yeah ;(11:36
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AJaegeryolanda and ianw reviewed nicely our open list - now we need one more review basically. mordred, if you have time to go over the etherpad reviews, it would be nice . But nothing urgent...11:37
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mordredAJaeger: YOU KNOW - we could just locate the system-required project-template in project-config - there's no real need for it to be in openstack-zuul-jobs11:37
eumel8AJaeger: trove-dashboard ist still in use?
mordredAJaeger: cool - will look11:37
AJaegereumel8: yeah - but they merge at least some stuff...11:37
eumel8not for stable/pike...11:38
AJaegermordred: shall I moe it over?11:38
AJaegermordred: I quickly gave a -2 o nthe change in case we want to have the template there11:39
AJaegerright now we have no templates in project-config for zuul v311:39
mordredAJaeger: hrm. actually - no, if we leave it in ozj then we can do depends-on with chanes to it11:39
mordredAJaeger: so I think I'm wrong and the way it is is correct11:39
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AJaegerlunch time - bbl11:41
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Add system-required template
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Collapse job header lines into a single statement
alexchadinhi. how can I ask Zuul to recheck commit instead of Jenkins?11:57
AJaegeralexchadin: you cannot.11:58
AJaegeralexchadin: a recheck would recheck both systems11:58
AJaegerbut currently zuul v3 is only running on a few repos due to the problems we had elsewhere the last days.11:59
alexchadinAJaeger: oh, thanks for quick reply11:59
AJaegeralexchadin: best wait until zuul v3 is running check on all jobs again and then recheck11:59
AJaegeralexchadin: why did you recheck 510848 ?12:00
AJaegeralexchadin: ah, sorry - that's fine...12:01
alexchadinAJaeger: Zuul shows error with one job: multinode-integration-debian-jessie12:01
AJaegeralexchadin: didn't remember that dependencies were in...12:01
alexchadinAJaeger: +112:01
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Fix publish-releasenotes
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: sahara-dashboard: use the openstack-python-jobs template
odyssey4mehowdy all - IIRC someone on the ML mentioned an environment variable which was specific to zuul v2 and would not be carried forward... but I can't seem to find it - does anyone know which env var I'm referring to?12:07
mordredAJaeger, ianw, yolanda: great work while the rest of us slept! I've +A'd all the things I can +A12:08
mordredodyssey4me: probably ZUUL_REF12:08
mordredI think12:08
mordredhang on ...12:08
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Add initial jobs for manila-tempest-plugin
mordredodyssey4me: that is the filter plugin that turns things in to legacy env vars12:09
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odyssey4meok, so ZUUL_URL, ZUUL_REF and ZUUL_COMMIT are v2 only12:09
mordredodyssey4me: that said - the intent is for ALL of the ZUUL_* env vars to go away - the things in that are just for transition purposes12:10
odyssey4mewe're going to build a bit of a shim to detect the version and use z-c for v2 only12:10
mordredodyssey4me: woot!12:10
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odyssey4methat'll help us get jobs working with both active12:10
odyssey4mecool - thanks a mill12:10
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mordredI'm a fan of this plan12:11
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/infra-manual master: Use system-required instead of merge-check
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/infra-manual master: Document v3 periodic jobs
odyssey4mewe're also trying to be better citizens - - apologies for hogging the inodes :/12:12
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Fix doc typo that missed important words
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mordredodyssey4me: no worries! thanks for cleaning that up!12:23
mordredodyssey4me: (turns out it's a constant learning experience around here)12:24
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odyssey4memordred yep, that's what we love about it!12:24
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Remove legacy-.*python{34,35} jobs
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AJaegerthanks, mordred!12:27
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AJaegerodyssey4me: see
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odyssey4meAJaeger ah, LOG_PATH12:28
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Add role to ensure per-node output dirs exist
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Use system-required instead of merge-check
AJaegermordred: rebased since a just merged change introduced merge-check again ^. Do you want to +2 again?12:36
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mordredAJaeger: I do!12:41
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AJaegermordred: do we need a rebase of ?12:43
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Set zuul_output_dir in site-variables
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Use ensure-output-dirs in base-test
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Use ensure-output-dirs in base
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dmsimardodyssey4me: thanks for inodes :D12:47
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Mark publish-openstack-artifacts and pipelines as post-review
mordredAJaeger: ^^ yes!12:47
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dmsimardodyssey4me: fwiw ara is part of zuul v3 by default, perhaps there is something to do there once you move to native v3 jobs -- the equivalent to was implemented in
dmsimardodyssey4me: that said, we'll be exploring different options on how to best serve ara with the least strain on the infrastructure12:48
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mordredodyssey4me, dmsimard: yah - I'm quite interested in what the integration story is for openstack-ansible and v3 ... once the dust settles I have this hunch the openstack-ansible repos are going to be great case studies to figure out how to make the story great for projects that are already natively ansible12:51
AJaegermordred: there're a couple of more changes by you in project-config, zuul-jobs, and zuul - some of these look needed as well. Any further hidden gems in there that need rebasing and push?12:51
mordredmorning pabelanger !12:51
AJaegermorning, pabelanger !12:51
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mordredAJaeger: that's an excellent quesiton :)12:52
dmsimardmordred: I'm also interested. Interestingly, we (RDO) have an Ansible framework for running gate jobs outside the gate -- tl;dr, it installs dependencies, sets up RDO trunk repos, clones a project such as puppet-openstack-integration and then uses With v3 and native ansible, the lines blur quite a bit.12:53
mordreddmsimard: yah. that's all stuff I'd expect v3 to do - especially the cloning repos part12:54
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Removes legacy collectd-ceilometer-plugin jobs
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Remove openstack-api-ref jobs
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Remove legacy watcher jobs
AJaegerSame question for pabelanger - just saw and wondered whether we need that...12:55
mordredpabelanger, AJaeger: yah - that does look like a thign that would be nice to merge12:55
AJaegerpabelanger: question was: there're a couple of more changes by you in project-config, zuul-jobs, and zuul - some of these look needed as well. Any further hidden gems in there that need rebasing and push?12:56
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AJaegermordred, pabelanger: Let me rebase 486199...12:56
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Limit add-build-sshkey to localhost
AJaegerdone ^12:58
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odyssey4memordred yeah, I'm looking forward to thinning out some of these extra layers - right now we do job -> tox -> script -> ansible... we should at least be able to do job (ansible) -> script -> ansible to start with... then see where we can also ditch the script bits if that makes sense12:58
odyssey4meour script bits are usually to get ansible there - we may be able to only use those bits if you're testing outside of zuul12:59
odyssey4meanyway - we'll see... early days12:59
mordredodyssey4me: yah - I also want to explore making some elements of ansible -> ansible richer/better in some manner12:59
openstackgerritboden proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: zuul v3 gate changes for vmware-nsx
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evrardjpmordred: odyssey4me maybe in the future, we can rely on directly using our playbooks, and we just set a variable of our python interpreter, and we are good.13:01
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odyssey4meevrardjp hmm, that could be interesting - use a pre task to get our ansible there, then flip to doing the run with our venv and our version of ansible13:04
odyssey4meneat idea13:04
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evrardjpyeah, simple too.13:05
evrardjpbasically reproducing work locally just says: "Installs ansible and those dependencies"13:05
odyssey4meevrardjp yeah, and we have to do that for humans13:06
evrardjpwho needs humans when we can have Zuul!13:06
evrardjpwe can haz*13:06
AJaegermordred: abandon ? rebase: and ?13:06
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openstackgerritThierry Carrez proposed openstack-infra/infra-specs master: Flat Git Namespace
mordredAJaeger: abandoned the first - the second two are post-v3 things to discuss with folks whether they like it or not13:12
AJaegerJust rechecked an ansible linters job - see
AJaegerERROR! the role 'fetch-javscript-tarball' was not found in /home/zuul/src/
AJaegerah, see the error - will fix!13:12
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alexchadinAJaeger: do we also need to add .zuul files to appropriate python clients?13:14
AJaegeralexchadin: you can - if you run legacy jobs, see
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ttxfungi: posted a second rev on the flat-git-namespace spec. I listed a number of analysis tasks that I haven't completed yet. One of them is to explore if smart rewriting/redirecting on git.o.o would not spare us from having to fix all those hardcoded references at once.13:15
alexchadinAJaeger: yeah, we have tempest job for client13:15
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Fix typo in role
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alexchadinAJaeger: should projects take appropriate rally jobs into their repos or rally team does it into its own repo?13:21
alexchadinAJaeger: they have a lot of project specific jobs13:21
AJaegeralexchadin: something to discuss with rally team ;) Might make sense for them to have all in one place...13:22
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Add role to fetch output from nodes
AJaegerfor now: I suggest you leave them in project-config, move other jobs, convert them - and discuss...13:23
AJaegerNo need to move the rally jobs *now*13:23
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alexchadinAJaeger: waiting for an answer from rally ptl side :)13:24
mordredalexchadin, AJaeger: yah - I think ultimately having a set of good v3 rally jobs in the rally repo would be the pattern we'd advocate for13:25
mordredsimilarly - we're aiming to have base devstack jobs in the devstack repo and then base tempest jobs in the tempest repo13:26
AJaegermordred: something to document? ^13:27
mordredAJaeger: yah - probably so ... there is a difference between "you can define jobs in your own repo - andyou can also use jobs from someone else's repo" and "we recommend that projects like tempest and rally define jobs in their repos that other projects can consume"13:28
AJaegermordred: yes, there is - I know. We could still say that projects can define jobs for multiple projects etc. - without naming them.13:29
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mordredAJaeger: oh - no, sorry - I was saying I think we shoujld spell out the second thing because people might not infer it correctly just from documenting the first thing13:31
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mordredthe first is 'you can do this' - the second is 'you should do this'13:31
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AJaegerah, I see ;) /me should not multi-task...13:33
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Add fetch-output to base-test
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Add fetch-output to base job
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odyssey4memordred what's the path where the git repositories are put by v3?13:42
odyssey4mez-c (v2) had /opt/git ... IIRC the path in zuulv3 is something along the line of /home/zuul/src/<repo> ?13:43
odyssey4meoh, that'd be <org>/<repo>13:44
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dmsimardAJaeger: I think is good to go13:44
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Update upload-logs to process docs as well
AJaegerdmsimard: wanted jeblair give a chance to review 504788 again - but if he doesn't manage it today, I'll do again...13:45
dmsimardworks for me13:45
dmsimardmordred: commented on
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pabelangermordred: AJaeger: re: 486199 I don't think we need that any more, it was more of an optimization.  So, I can WIP for now, and maybe revisit in the future14:01
AJaegerpabelanger: sure14:01
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pabelangerianw: jeblair: great work on ubuntu mirror14:03
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pabelangermordred: looks like new shade was released, did we want to restart nodepool-builders?14:04
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AJaegerpabelanger: let's first debug why we have an infra-post job for 8+ hours...14:05
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AJaeger(or at least discuss that;)14:05
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* AJaeger needs to step out for a bit...14:06
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pabelangerwe have 31 held debian-jessie nodes14:06
pabelangerfor zuulv314:06
pabelangerI suspect, we no longer have capicity for launch the needed node for the job14:07
pabelangerya, I suspect nodepool v3 is wedged14:08
pabelangerwe have plenty of ready nodes for xenial14:08
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pabelangerYah, for some reason the autohold I did for debian-jessie last night, has held 31 instances of debian-jessie14:09
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Upload fetched artifacts to log server
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Only publish artifacts when zuul.change is not defined
pabelangerShrews: ^do you have a moment to help debug why?14:09
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Handle basic artifacts in base-test job
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Process artifacts in base and base-minimal
Shrewspabelanger: looking14:10
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Shrewspabelanger: they are held because you've put an autohold on somewhere14:12
openstackgerritThierry Carrez proposed openstack-infra/infra-specs master: Flat Git Namespace
Shrewspabelanger: the only comment is "pabelanger" so that's all the info i have14:12
pabelangerShrews: ya, I put an autohold o zuulv3 last night14:13
pabelangerbut, I assumed it was for 1 node14:13
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pabelangerShrews: Did I have to delete my autohold?14:13
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Add role to fetch output from nodes
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Update upload-logs to process docs as well
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Upload fetched artifacts to log server
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Only publish artifacts when zuul.change is not defined
Shrewspabelanger: what command did you use?14:13
pabelanger1 sec14:13
pabelangersudo zuul autohold --tenant openstack --project openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs --job base-integration-debian-jessie --reason pabelanger14:14
pabelangerthat was on zuulv3.o.o14:14
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pabelangermordred: when you have a moment14:16
Shrewspabelanger: that would hold any nodes requested by that job for 1 run of that job. i don't know how many nodes that job uses, but you shouldn't need to delete your autohold (unless you specified a count arg). but you can try if you want using --count=014:18
Shrewspabelanger: but you'll need to manually delete those nodes14:18
pabelangerShrews: ya, that's how I understood it too. But, not sure why autohold held more then 1 node, in fact 31 :)14:19
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erlon@guys, I'm trying to increase the amount of log my CI can store. After systemd, all devstack logfiles are trimmed and usually we loose a lot of useful information. Does anyone knows how to increase that?14:19
pabelangerShrews: okay, I can delete them now, but is that something we want to add to zuulv3-issues and debug with you and jeblair?14:19
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pabelangerShrews: before I delete, I'd also wouldn't mind you seeing my 100-0000416513 has been pending for some time14:21
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Use system-required instead of merge-check
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pabelangerShrews: okay, looks like 100-0000416513 has been stuck, retrying in citycloud-kna114:23
pabelangerwhich, doesn't have quota any more14:23
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/infra-manual master: Don't use in-line yaml lists
tinwoodsorry, very quick question to anyone you knows.  Is zuul v3 running, or is it back to zuul v2?   Sorry, if this a dumb question; not sure where to look to see what is the version.  e.g. shows v2.6.0 which means I'm guessing v2 is running.14:24
pabelangertinwood: yah, we are still on zuulv2.5 ATM.14:25
pabelangertinwood: we're looking to start rollout again, this coming Sunday 22:00 UTC14:25
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tinwoodpabelanger, thanks for the update.14:26
Shrewspabelanger: yeah, no quota. but nodes are deleting14:27
pabelangerShrews: okay, and we'd never release the request to another provider right?14:28
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Shrewspabelanger: nope14:28
AJaegerjeblair: thanks for fixing my typos and grammar!14:28
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AJaegerpabelanger: but the debian jessie is not the note the post job needs...14:29
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pabelangerAJaeger: mordred: ^ see discussion with Shrews. We're basically blocked on infra-post job, until we get more quota in citycloud-kna114:29
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pabelangerI admit, I'd don't fully understand why we try forever for a single provider, but seems like we are more fragile to getting into these blocking scenarios. Where, if we know we no longer have quota, why not release the request for another provider to try?14:31
pabelangerbecause, we do have other providers with ready xenial nodes, but not getting used14:31
jeblairpabelanger: why is there no quota?14:32
Shrewsjeblair: out of 10 total, 8 are deleting, 1 in hold, 1 is ready but of the wrong label14:33
pabelangerwe have 8 nodes in deleting state, 1 held and 1 ready currently in kna1, which gets us 10 max-servers14:33
jeblairare the deleting nodes stuck?14:33
pabelangerI think they are14:34
pabelangerlooking at logs now14:34
Shrewsthe deletes are timing out14:34
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pabelangeryah, see that now14:35
Shrewsno idea why. currently searching scheduler logs for a hold issue, so if someone else could look at the timeout, that would be helpful14:35
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Remove merge-check
pabelanger3432242d-846c-4b5a-9fd8-309edb280cd5 in citycloud-kna1, is currently BUILD state14:39
pabelangerand see when we send a delete, it is not affecting it14:39
pabelangerhowever, citycloud-kna1 is working currently. I can see nodepool v2 launching servers14:40
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openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Support pike->master undercloud upgrades
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Shrewsjeblair: hrm, did we have a recent gear release maybe? Seeing this for autohold jobs:
Shrewsoh, that may not be gear related14:47
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jeblairShrews: we did have a recent gear release, but it only had one change, and that was a send mutex14:47
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Shrewsjeblair: yeah, i saw JSON decode error and asked too quickly14:49
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AJaegermordred: do you want to abandon - seeing jeblair's comment?14:56
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Shrewspabelanger: I think I see the bug causing the autohold issue (though I don't understand the underlying cause yet). I believe you'll need to do the autohold clear (using --count=0) to stop this from recurring for now14:59
fungitonyb: ianw: oh, wow, sorry about that... i knew we'd switched to linking cgit instead of gitweb in the gerrit webui but didn't realize we'd actually disabled access to the gitweb interface on review.o.o entirely. i agree that'll break a number of scripts which were depending on it (especially ones which want to retrieve things like configuration from the all-projects "repo" which we don't mirror15:00
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Re-enable v3 pipelines
AJaegerteam, here's change to enable the pipelines again once we're ready to start ^15:02
pabelangerShrews: k, let me do that now15:02
pabelangerShrews: I can then start the clean up process for debian-jessie15:02
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Update upload-logs to process docs as well
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Upload fetched artifacts to log server
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Only publish artifacts when zuul.change is not defined
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mordreddmsimard: thanks for the reviews!15:03
mordredAJaeger: looking15:03
clarkbfungi: we didnt so much disable gitweb as it completely stopped working :(15:04
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pabelangerShrews: okay, held nodes have been deleted15:05
mordredpabelanger: re: BUILDING/delete -- yah, deleting a node in building state is unpossible15:07
clarkberlon: the systemd switch in devstack shouldnt have changed what you are  logging if you are using devstack-gate. It grabs the service logs out of journalctl15:08
clarkberlon: generally though look to journalctl to find the logs15:08
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erlonclarkb: yeap, but by default systemd uses Nopersistent logging, which I think is the reason why our logs are so short (2M vs 15M on infra)15:10
erlonclarkb: may be is there any configuration on your nodepool scripts to set that?15:10
mordredwhat is nopersistent?15:11
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Better exception handling during autohold
Shrewsjeblair: pabelanger: ^^15:12
erlonmordred: does not use disk to store logs, saves on /run15:12
clarkberlon: our image builds force systemd to write to disk rather than its ring buffer15:12
openstackgerritChandan Kumar proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Added initial jobs for python-tempestconf
clarkberlon: you can create the dir it looks for or change the config from auto to persistent15:13
erlonclarkb: hmm, ok, other than that is there anything else?15:13
chandankumarAJaeger: tosky is this correct now ?15:13
clarkbno thats it15:13
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chandankumarmordred: hello15:13
erlonclarkb: good, ill try that15:13
toskychandankumar: remove also publish-openstack-python-branch-tarball, it is part of openstack-python-jobs15:14
openstackgerritChandan Kumar proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Added initial jobs for python-tempestconf
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smarcetfungi: morning how are u doing ? :) just wanna let u know that this one seems that got stuck15:16
chandankumarmordred: on people are not able to add me as a reviewer15:16
chandankumarmordred: and on this,members and also i am not able add new members here15:17
chandankumarmordred: ianw found that on my email-id <> there are two account, that's why people are not able to add me as a reviewer15:17
chandankumarmordred: my Account ID 12393 is this please have a look, thanks :-)15:18
chandankumartosky: done15:18
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rajinirSetting up new workspace by the builds is taking an hour now. Used to take 3-5 mins. What could be the cause?15:26
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Better exception handling during autohold
clarkbchandankumar: I'll take a look in a few minutes, need to get to real keyboard15:27
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clarkbrajinir: you should look in the workspace setup log to see where it spent its time15:27
clarkbrajinir: is this from an infra run job or third party ci?15:28
rajinirclarkb: Thirdparty CI15:28
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rajinirclarkb: thanks let me check the logs15:30
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Added initial jobs for python-tempestconf
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AJaegeranybody for a quick +3 ^ - I just added a newline15:34
chandankumarAJaeger: thanks you fix it :-)15:34
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dmsimardAJaeger: hm, I wonder if we should be doing this at all or if we should instead make it go straight to v315:35
dmsimardAJaeger: once we switch to v3, this project won't have any legacy jobs.15:35
AJaegerdmsimard: wait, wait - that change is exactly the policy we want ;)15:36
AJaegerdmsimard: read
AJaegerdmsimard: there's no legacy job in that one15:36
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dmsimardAJaeger: first time I see system-required o_O /me searches15:37
AJaegerdmsimard: we merged it today ;)15:37
dmsimardoh no wonder then15:37
AJaegerdmsimard: new name for merge-check15:37
dmsimardAJaeger: oh, okay15:37
AJaegerdmsimard: we want to have it easy to add more to it later15:37
AJaegerdmsimard: see backscroll from 17hours earlier15:37
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pabelangermordred: jeblair: clarkb: AJaeger: Now that we have an idea of the infra-post jobs being stuck, I'd like to see if we are ready to do a restart on nb04.o.o for new shade release and rax uploads15:41
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dmsimardAJaeger, chandankumar: +1 in but added a comment15:43
clarkbdmsimard: did you see I think I got ara on failure tested last night and it is working. So next step is to add it to base if that hasnt happened yet15:44
dmsimardclarkb: yup, I saw. Let me see if it's in base yet, otherwise I can submit it.15:44
toskydmsimard: no jobs defined? I thought that adding the template you get the jobs defined there automatically15:45
Shrewspabelanger: did you do anything for cleaning up the instances stuck 'deleting'?15:45
dmsimardtosky: the jobs that are being added are zuul v2 jobs, which will work and run today (or whenever it merges)15:46
dmsimardtosky: however, since the v3 "migration script" has already ran and we won't be running it again, these v2 jobs won't be migrated to v315:46
pabelangerShrews: only clean up was when I deleted held debian-jessie node15:46
pabelangerthat opened quota for xenial to build15:46
pabelangerhowever, we still have stuck nodes in delete state15:46
dmsimardtosky: therefore you need to setup a zuul.yaml file in python-tempestconf with your jobs and layout there15:47
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toskydmsimard: where is openstack-python-jobs defined?15:47
dmsimardtosky: there is an equivalent template for that in v3, hang on15:47
Shrewspabelanger: and those are because we tried to delete them while they were building?15:47
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pabelangerShrews: yah, according to mordred, which will never delete15:48
pabelangerso, should like we might need to get citycloud to help15:48
toskydmsimard: doesn't zuul.d/project.yaml contain zuul v3 jobs definitions? Otherwise the legacy- jobs defined there wouldn't make sense15:48
dmsimardtosky: there is openstack-python35-jobs and openstack-python-jobs (py27+pep8)15:49
toskydmsimard: and that review adds openstack-python-jobs15:49
dmsimardtosky: the jobs exists, they just aren't applied to openstack/python-tempestconf15:49
dmsimardtosky: that adds it for zuul v315:50
dmsimardoh fuck15:50
dmsimardit adds it to zuul v315:50
* dmsimard hides15:50
toskyexactly :)15:50
pabelangerbut, like I asked above, couldn't we release the request to another provider if we know quota is full? And have provider B fullfill the request? In the case this morning, we had plenting of xenial nodes available over all15:50
toskyI went through that already, so I know the feeling15:50
dmsimardtosky: yeah.. I'll blame that on friday and lack of caffeine.15:51
dmsimardtosky: sorry if I confused you, I was totally off track15:52
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toskydmsimard: no, no problem, really, better clarify this now15:53
toskynext week it will be (another) roller coaster15:53
* AJaeger sends coffee and weekend to dmsimard ;)15:53
fungiclarkb: oh, so the gitweb in 2.13 was basically broken and that's what urged us to switch our linking to git.o.o? that makes more sense but i guess i had forgotten it already15:53
toskyspeaking of which... what is the current plan for the re-deployment of zuul v3? Monday?15:53
dmsimardAJaeger: weekend, yes, please send me more weekends15:53
dmsimardtosky: not today :D15:53
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toskydefinitely :D15:54
dmsimardtosky: so far it's looking like sunday, there'll be an email sent out I suspect.15:54
AJaegerpabelanger: go ahead!15:54
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fungismarcet: thanks for the heads up, i've rechecked it so hopefully will merge shortly15:55
clarkbfungi: ya15:55
fungii'll keep a closer eye on it this time, sorry!15:55
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clarkbchandankumar: when you login what account id shows up at is it 12393?15:58
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clarkbchandankumar: or is it 8944?15:59
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clarkbchandankumar: it looks like you may have ended up using both accounts? If you can clarify which one is the one you are currently using and whether or not that is the one you would like to continue using that would be helpful16:01
pabelangerokay, stopping nb04 to pickup latest shade16:01
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fungiclarkb: one common pattern there too is users who end up submitting changes with the username/ssh keys on their earlier account but logging into the webui and reviewing with their later account16:02
Shrewspabelanger: i'm going to add a check to nodepool to not try to delete an instance that is building, but yeah, we might need provider help to cleanup the ones that are still building16:03
clarkbfungi: chandankumar interesting, both accounts have an ssh username set16:03
Shrewspabelanger: oh, wait plz16:03
clarkbchandankumar: so maybe you can clarify which ssh user you are using as well16:03
fungiclarkb: but also sometimes they end up switching usernames with the new account, so double-checking both the account id number showing in the webui _and_ the ssh username they're using to submit changes can be useful16:03
Shrewspabelanger: i want to watch builder logs but i'm stuck doing too much at the same time. gimme a minute?16:03
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pabelangerShrews: sorry, builder already stopped16:04
Shrewspabelanger: ok, go ahead and start it16:05
pabelangerShrews: is it builder you want or nodepool-launcher?16:05
Shrewspabelanger: builder. that's where i discovered the shade bug16:05
pabelangeri see a lot of open mounts from DIB16:05
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/infra-manual master: Recommendations and examples for v3 job usage
AJaegermordred: I tried it myself ^16:05
pabelangerlet me see if I can manually clean them up16:05
pabelangerianw: when you are back, we might want to audit nb03 and see why we are leaving mounts from dib^16:06
clarkbchandankumar: to summarize I think there are at least two pieces of info that we need to untangle which account to use going forward. First is what account id yo usee in the web ui settings page and second what ssh user you use to push code. And so that its written down somewhere the two accounts are 8944 and 1239316:06
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Shrewsmordred: fyi, nodepool builder being restarted with newest shade.16:07
pabelangermordred: Shrews: I think it might be faster to reboot nb04 then manually unmount all the open mount points from dib16:08
pabelangerany objections?16:08
Shrewspabelanger: ok, i'm off16:08
clarkbdmsimard: after a quick skim of project-config changes I'm not seeing one for doing ara on failure on base.16:09
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pabelangerokay, rebooting nb0416:10
clarkbif we can get that in I think the next step is considering reenabling check/periodic on v316:10
AJaegerclarkb: is the patch for that16:10
clarkbAJaeger: ty16:10
pabelangerShrews: okay, back16:11
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pabelangerOpenStackCloudException: Multiple matches found for ubuntu-trusty-150778183516:15
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pabelangerthat was same as yesterday16:15
pabelangerand think mordred suggested we write a shade script to clean up leaked images?16:16
AJaegerclarkb: I squeezed the three changes we did for disabling together into one in 51189916:16
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mordredpabelanger: yah - I can do that real quick16:16
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dmsimardclarkb: I thought I had sent a change for base failure for ara, guess not. I'll send one now.16:21
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openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/nodepool feature/zuulv3: WIP: Do not delete instances that are 'building'
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Shrewspabelanger: i believe that ^^^ will prevent us from trying to delete a building instance until it changes status. I need a test for it still.16:26
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openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Only generate ARA reports on failure for base jobs
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dmsimardinfra-root: ^ enabling limited report generation for v3 jobs as per discussed16:32
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pabelangerShrews: I'll defer to both jeblair and mordred on 511917. I'm not sure how best to handle it16:33
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Configure OVB jobs to use local mirrors for images
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Shrewspabelanger: k, but if deletes for a building instance get lost in the ether, then without that code, we'll have deleter threads that stick around forever (or until a restart)16:34
smarcetfungi: thx u :)16:34
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fungismarcet: yw, looks like it should merge at any moment now16:35
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config master: OpenStackID Release 1.0.23
mordredpabelanger, Shrews: I have written a script in ~nodepool on called cleanup.py16:36
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pabelangermordred: looks good, did you want to run it now?16:39
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Shrewspabelanger: hrm, actually, i think the delete may timeout and we'd try to delete again later, which makes my change unnecessary (though slightly more efficient). I might abandon it16:42
mordredpabelanger: biggest question - it will delete all copies of an image that has duplicates - which might leave us without a particular image on a cloud - I think that should be ok thought, right?16:44
Shrewsthat is, in fact, what it's currently doing16:44
fungiShrews: i manually delete instances in a building state semi-regularly, so at least some deployments work just fine that way16:44
fungiand waiting into it reaches active before issuing the delete would therefore be at least marginally less efficient in those16:45
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pabelangermordred: yah, I think so. It would be good to audit rackspace again after we run your script to see if any other leaked images are found16:46
mordredpabelanger: kk. I run now16:46
Shrewsfungi: manual intervention is needed for these in citycloud-kna116:48
fungithat's pretty wacky. i wonder if they got stuck for "other" reasons16:49
fungiand not simply because we tried to delete them while they were building16:49
Shrewsfungi: there are 8.16:49
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Shrewsfungi: all fedora-26, interestingly16:49
fungii've seen that happen when new instances get scheduled to a broken compute node16:50
fungii wonder if whatever was broken was related to that particular image (maybe with nova's image cache?)16:50
pabelangerfungi: yah, I am thinking a hypervisor issue myself16:50
fungithough probably pointless to speculate16:50
pabelangerwe should reach out to citycloud however16:50
Shrewsi have to afk for a bit16:51
pabelangerShrews: mordred just seen a new (for me) exception on nb04.o.o debug.log16:51
pabelangerwhen you have time16:51
fungibasically you have one compute node with something wrong with the particular cached image, where any time you ask it to boot that it never exits building... then it becomes a tarpit slowly accumulating broken building instances over some span of time16:51
fungiuntil eventually most of your quota is taken up by them16:52
mordredpabelanger: awesome!16:52
clarkbcan we get reviews on to only run ara on failure, then we should consider to reenable v3 pipelines16:53
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mordredpabelanger: OpenStackCloudHTTPError: (409) Client Error for url: Conflict (Inner Exception: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0))16:56
pabelangerclarkb: left comment16:56
mordredpabelanger: is that the new exception of which you speak?16:56
pabelangermordred: yah, that's it16:56
mordredkk. thanks16:56
pabelangerdmsimard: ^comment on 51189916:57
clarkbdmsimard: see pabelanger's comment16:57
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clarkbpabelanger: dmsimard I could imagine there may be cases where overriding that to true could be useful for some reason, I doubt projects would go overriding it, but wouln't be the first time I've been suprirsed by job configs :)16:58
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pabelangerclarkb: dmsimard: ya, I think we should just set it at just to be safe, then we don't have to find jobs and track down extra inode usage again16:59
dmsimardclarkb: ara runs by default and requires to be trusted, we can't run "manually" in base-minimal integration tests.16:59
pabelangerthis is only short term any ways16:59
clarkbdmsimard: one of the things that make base-minimal minimal is it does not run ara17:00
dmsimardI'm not really worried about singular jobs overriding the config, if anything, it leaves us an easy way to test things17:00
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clarkbdmsimard: so setting the var there is mostly noop17:00
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pabelangerwell, if jobs override it, we have no idea, until we run out of inodes17:01
pabelangerthat would be my concern17:01
dmsimardclarkb: we do run ara in minimal (exactly because we can't test it anyway)
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dmsimardpabelanger: let's not exaggerate the impact of ara on inodes17:01
clarkbdmsimard: huh the comment is wrong above base minimal then "doesn't validate the node and does not generate an ARA report"17:01
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clarkbdmsimard: we can clean that up in a followup17:02
dmsimardclarkb: oops ?17:02
pabelangerdmsimard: sure, but this is the main reason why we are doing this today for ARA, otherwise, why bother?17:02
dmsimardpabelanger: it would require projects to consciously and explicitely override that variable, I feel if someone does that, they know what they're doing, and that someone could be one of us17:03
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pabelangerI think in general, we shouldn't allow jobs to override anything in base17:04
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pabelangerbut will defer to others17:04
clarkbya I think generally not overriding base is a good idea. Since its the highly opinionated base for everyting17:05
dmsimardAny vars in ansible can be overridden with extra vara17:05
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dmsimardIf we want people to not override anything in base, we need to think about a lot of different things, like preventing vars from being passed as extra vars for trusted content17:06
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dmsimardUnless that's already the case, but I don't know.17:06
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clarkbextra vars are controlled by zuul directly iirc?17:07
clarkblike its locked up in the zuul config because thos eare passed on ansible invocation17:07
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dmsimardHmmm, vars are set in the inventory, not as extra vars, you're right17:08
dmsimardextra-vars are also 'almighty' in the sense that even if you try to override it with a set_fact, it won't take effect17:08
pabelangeronly secrets and site vars are extra_vars today17:08
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pabelanger2017-10-13 17:09:48,426 INFO nodepool.builder.UploadWorker.9: Image build opensuse-423-0000000525 in rax-dfw is ready17:10
pabelangerShrews: mordred ^ upload to rax17:10
mordredpabelanger: woot17:10
* dirk wonders why opensuse was exciting17:12
pabelangerwhat isn't exciting about opensuse :D17:12
clarkbmordred: did you want to weigh in on the ara on failure where to set the var thing? chnage 51191817:12
pabelangerdirk: we've been having issues uploading to rax over the last few days, new shade release appears to have fixed it17:13
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dirkpabelanger: ah, thanks for info17:14
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mordredclarkb: looking17:20
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Remove api-guide remains
odyssey4memordred another one - our pike tests are still frequent, so I ported the patch back:
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dmsimardclarkb, pabelanger: so, circling back to the base jobs and ara report generation. My method allows it to be overridden on a need basis but we can enforce if it we want. Which do we want ? IMO enforcing it just makes it harder to perhaps selectively tests things (such as an error not showing up in a false positive, for example, or whatever it could be)17:23
dmsimardI'll settle with the majority here17:23
clarkbdmsimard: I think I'm fine either way, mordred was looking at it as of a couple minutes ago so curious what he says17:23
clarkbI do think we should get that in and then enable v3 pipelines again though17:24
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pabelangerclarkb: before we bring zuulv3 back online, we should look at zuulv3 mergers, they are currently down (all). I noted on the zuulv3-issues etherpad last night17:26
pabelangerzm05 to zm0817:26
clarkbpabelanger: says that jeblair is looking at it?17:27
mordredpabelanger, clarkb, dmsimard: I'm fine with it on the job and allowing a job to override it - there might be a valid reasons it needs to be set on a case by case basis17:28
pabelangerclarkb: yah, see that now. Just wanted to make sure we maybed solved it before start up with jobs again17:28
clarkbpabelanger: we should probably make sure jeblair is looking at it (but maybe that is why jeblair has been so quiet, busy digging into that?)17:28
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pabelangerwe're also making good process on rackspace uploads now on nb04.o.o17:29
pabelangermordred: did your shade script on nb04 also finish?17:29
mordredpabelanger: still runnning17:31
AJaegertrivial fix for a typo in a job:  - reviews welcome17:32
AJaegermordred: I worked some more on zuulv3 manual, what do you think of  ? And let's approve , please17:33
AJaegerthanks, clarkb and pabelanger !17:34
clarkbpabelanger: you good with mordreds comment?17:34
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Fix typo in role
pabelangerclarkb: yah, just wanted to point it out and make sure all on board.17:38
clarkbpabelanger: thanks17:39
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Improve the comment for the base-minimal job
dmsimardclarkb: ^ fixed your comment17:41
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clarkbdmsimard: thanks17:42
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inc0good morning, are you planning Friday afternoon deployment?17:42
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Only generate ARA reports on failure for base jobs
dmsimardinc0: for zuul v3? no.17:43
inc0just checking, any chances you can enable some nodepool for zuulv3 so we can work on our jobs over weekend?17:43
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: WIP: Fix api-guide/api-ref publishing
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AJaegermordred: the publish jobs for api-guide/api-ref are wrong ^17:43
AJaegermordred: that change is incomplete - do you have a good idea on how to get the servicename? ^17:44
pabelangerinc0: were talking about enabling zuulv3 check pipelines again now, but unsure just yet17:44
dmsimardclarkb, mordred: did we settle on sunday ? are we sending an email out ? There was some concerns, here for example:
pabelangerbut mostly wanting to make sure were stable from recent CI outage17:44
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clarkbpabelanger: we seemto have stabilized around 62 million free inodes. its been floating up and down around that number today17:46
clarkbdmsimard: I thought so, mordred did email go out? I saw ianw had a followup email on the outages17:46
pabelangerdmsimard: yah, I think I'd rather rollout zuulv3 and help projects get jobs working.17:47
dmsimardpabelanger: rollout as in, enable check and keep v2 gating ?17:47
AJaegerclarkb: haven't seen an annoucement by mordred today17:47
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AJaegerdmsimard: switch off v317:47
pabelangerdmsimard: no, rollout zuulv3 and stop zuulv217:47
AJaegerdmsimard: switch off v2 I mean17:47
pabelangerI don't think logs.o.o will be able to keep up with 2 zuuls17:48
inc0how about roll out partially, without legacy jobs, and first thing after weekend roll 3?17:48
dmsimardinc0: rolling without legacy jobs would be a bit complicated, I think ?17:49
inc0that will allow few silent days (although over weekend) for no lifers like me to work on gates17:49
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inc0we can just comment *a lot* of lines in one file;)17:49
clarkbI've got to pop out for lunch shortly (driving into town) but if mordred (or someone) can send that email saying plan is for sunday that would be great17:50
clarkbinc0: rough plan is turn on pipelines again today since friday and weekend is low volume allowing people to iterate on jobs17:50
clarkbthen about 2200UTC Sunday we will flip things back to v317:51
jlvillalNot sure if anybody would like to review:  Support the log level "CRITICAL"17:51
inc0cool, that'd be awesome, thanks!17:51
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Improve the comment for the base-minimal job
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fungiclarkb: i expect we'll start gaining ground on the inode count again once activity trails off over the next few hours17:55
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openstackgerritKen Dreyer proposed openstack/python-jenkins master: build_job: return queue item identifier
openstackgerritKen Dreyer proposed openstack/python-jenkins master: add get_queue_item() method
openstackgerritKen Dreyer proposed openstack/python-jenkins master: better get_build_info() example
fungibut yeah, we've been hovering at 93% used inodes since i woke up17:56
clarkbok I'v egot to pop out now, I'll be back around probably 1:30 PDT or so. Would be great if someone can send an email with status update17:57
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openstackgerritKen Dreyer proposed openstack/python-jenkins master: build_job: return queue item identifier
openstackgerritKen Dreyer proposed openstack/python-jenkins master: add get_queue_item() method
openstackgerritKen Dreyer proposed openstack/python-jenkins master: better get_build_info() example
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: WIP: Fix api-guide/api-ref publishing
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mgagneWe would like to schedule a maintenance next Tuesday (October 17) on inap-mtl01 to perform an upgrade on Nova at around ~6:00pm EDT. Would that be ok with you? API will be unavailable but existing instances will continue to be reachable.18:15
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clarkbmgagne: should be fine, should we expect to disable nodepool against that cloud beforehand?18:18
mgagneclarkb: what do you recommend? IIRC, last time, we didn't do anything to that regard.18:18
clarkbnodepool should gracefully handle it it will just hit your api (or try to) and fail18:19
clarkbif that is ok on your end we may just leave it to run on its own18:19
fungiit's not strictly necessary, just helps if you want our load to go away before you start working18:19
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mgagnewe are updating Nova, we won't update anything related to hypervisor themselves so instances can stay18:20
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thingeeam I understanding right that the post jobs for publishing docs is leaning on the instructions with tox?18:20
fungithingee: yeah, they basically run `tox -e venv python build_sphnix`18:21
fungier, sphinx18:21
fungihelps to spell it correctly18:22
thingeeAJaeger: sounds perfect to me18:22
fungii think technically it ends up being `tox -e venv -- python build_sphinx` but basically the same18:22
thingeeAJaeger: whoops sorry wrong channel :)18:22
AJaegerthingee: we can talk here as well ;)18:23
fungimordred has a proposal out to change the pti to expect projects to just run sphinx-build without needing tox18:23
fungibut the our jobs won't reflect that until the tc has had a chance to debate and approve something along those lines18:24
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dmsimardfungi: on my end I just run tox -e docs ?18:26
fungidmsimard: yeah, a lot of projects include that in their tox.ini today as a convenience18:27
fungibut it's technically not what our pti demands official projects support18:27
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dmsimardlooking at what python-jobs provides, it circles back to and then ultimately which sounds way more complicated than it should be18:29
fungiinfra-root: since 511918 (Only generate ARA reports on failure for base jobs) has merged, are we missing anything else before we reenable check and tripleo-check for zuulv3.o.o?18:30
fungii can send the announcement about sunday, but it would be nice if the announcement could mention we're running v3 check jobs again18:30
AJaegerfungi, AFAIK we're ready to +2A ;)18:31
fungithanks AJaeger!18:31
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clarkbpabelanger had concerns about the zuul merger18:31
clarkbso that might need debugging too18:31
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fungioh, right, jeblair may or may not be looking into the mergers18:31
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pabelangeryah, I think we need input from jeblair on zuulv3 mergers, zm05 to zm08 are not running anything ATM18:32
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pabelangernb04.o.o is pretty much recovered, rackspace has been getting new images uploaded since we restarted with lastest shade18:33
mordredpabelanger: awesome!18:33
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pabelangerand we're just building a new xenial DIB now with latest AFS mirror content18:34
fungiyeah, looks like jeblair's shell sessions on most of those mergers are only idle for a few hours, so presumably he was doing something on them at least that recently18:34
pabelangerthat should go live in the next hour18:34
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dmsimardclarkb: where is used ? it mentions puppet, afaik we no longer use puppet on nodepool nodes so that would be for infrastructure nodes ?18:35
pabelangerand looking at reprepro on mirror-update.o.o, it appears to be happy again18:35
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fungidmsimard: correct18:36
fungidmsimard: related to the mechanism we use for adding and disabling our individual admin shell accounts on our control-plane and similarly persistent servers18:37
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fungidmsimard: and he's repeatedly rechecking it in hopes of triggering a nondeterministic failure we get in those validation jobs18:38
fungiso we can hopefully get additional clues as to what's causing it18:38
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fungidmsimard: when it fails, it looks like this
dmsimardfungi: that sounds faulty indeed, the key should lay on a single line and start with ssh-rsa, ssh-dsa etc18:42
fungiso what we want to know is why it does this, and why it's only occasional (usually the job succeeds)18:42
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dmsimarddo we want to merge that ? or is it self tested ?18:43
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dmsimardoh, it's self tested, okay
fungiyeah, it's fine for us to merge it, i think, because then the next time any of our changes hits that nondeterministic error, we can get more detail to help us track it down18:44
dmsimardmaybe we should merge it and add an e-r query18:44
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fungii don't think we index those logs18:47
fungiinto logstash/elasticsearch18:47
fungibut i could be mistaken18:47
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openstackgerritMike Perez proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Adding check/publish jobs for contributor guide
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thingeeAJaeger: I think I did that right? ^18:54
thingeeI didn't update zuul/layout.yml ... it looks like that would involve creating a legacy job.18:54
thingeebut I'm also very confused. :)18:55
fungipabelanger: without running zuul-merger processes, how is zuulv3 running a job for 511946,1 now?18:57
pabelangerfungi: each executor also has a merger process, so we do some merging18:58
pabelangerbut will be a scaling issue without main18:58
fungigot it18:58
AJaegerthingee: just use the template and you#re good to go.18:59
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AJaegerThis is v3 setup- which will be fully used by Monday, no need to hazzle with v2 until then18:59
jeblairfungi, pabelanger: i put my name next to the merger issue on the etherpad.  :)19:00
jeblairfungi: i understand the issue, it's not a blocker.19:01
mordredpabelanger, Shrews: fwiw, I'm still poking at the image cleanup thing19:05
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* AJaeger signs off and wishes everybody a nice evening, weekend etc19:10
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fungijeblair: so we can approve 511899 safely without waiting to have merger daemons running on zm05-08 again?19:14
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Add integration tests for emit-job-header and set-zuul-log-path-fact
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jeblairfungi: yep. i just did so.19:15
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dmsimardmordred: see this patch ^ otherwise could have landed and broken every gate19:15
fungii'll get the announcement drafted up in an etherpad and link it in here in a moment19:15
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mordreddmsimard: yay!19:15
fungiunless mordred already had one in progress?19:16
* dmsimard proposes we volounteer mordred announcer in chief19:16
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Re-enable v3 pipelines
fungiwe need infra-branded bullhorns/megaphones19:17
* fungi watches zuulv3 for signs of life in check pipelines19:18
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openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Add integration tests for emit-job-header and set-zuul-log-path-fact
fungizuulv3 check lives again19:22
pabelangerfungi: would be a nice one to land also. caps launch-timeout on citycloud to 10mins19:22
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dmsimardpabelanger: 10 minutes ? wow19:29
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openstackgerritMike Perez proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Adding check/publish jobs for contributor guide
fungiinfra-root: proposed announcement is
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mordredpabelanger, Shrews: ok. dupicate images should be all taken care of19:36
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openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Add integration tests for fetch-zuul-cloner
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dmsimardfungi: so this means that sunday v2 is no longer gating, correct ? I feels it needs an explicit mention19:40
fungidmsimard: starting at 22:00 sunday, yes19:41
SamYapletwo days until i can publish to dockerhub19:41
fungii'll clarify, thanks19:41
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fungiSamYaple: and 2.5 days until dockerhub humbly requests that you cease and desist? ;)19:41
SamYaplefungi: haha no. my images are like 40mb, ill be the least of thier worries19:42
SamYaplebut if they do, is totally cool wit hthis19:42
jeblairfungi: ++19:43
fungidmsimard: does my extra sentence in the tl;dr provide the necessary illumination?19:43
dmsimardfungi: yes19:44
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bodenhi, where can I find zuul v3 logs if I have a -1V from Zuul, but no jobs (logs) listed on the patch?
openstackgerritKen Dreyer proposed openstack/python-jenkins master: build_job: return queue item identifier
openstackgerritKen Dreyer proposed openstack/python-jenkins master: add get_queue_item() method
openstackgerritKen Dreyer proposed openstack/python-jenkins master: better get_build_info() example
fungiboden: hit the "toggle ci" button at the bottom and expand the commend from the "Zuul" user19:49
pabelangermordred: yah, nodepool looks happy again19:50
bodenfungi thank you19:50
mtreinishfungi: is there any plans to fix that somehow. (probably add on to the js for the tbale) I've see a bunch of people confused by that19:51
fungiboden: looks like it should be a - instead of a _19:51
bodenfungi: ya, my bad :(19:51
pabelangerfungi: ++19:52
fungimtreinish: depends on what you mean by "plans" but i think most of us assume we'll amend the ci results table to show a row for "syntax error" or something as well as teach it about some of the new job failure types19:52
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mtreinishfungi: I guess that assumption was it. I just wanted to know if it's on the radar for a future work item (I'm assuming there is a long to do list for all the things that need to be updated post migration)19:54
fungimtreinish: yep, i expect if anyone who's not totally turned off by hacking on javascript wanted to take that up, none of us would object19:54
fungiotherwise, we'll likely get around to it soon-ish19:55
fungiokay, licking the stamp for the announcement now19:55
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mtreinishfungi: heh, well my js is terrible. So I'm probably not volunteering for that :)19:58
openstackgerritKen Dreyer proposed openstack/python-jenkins master: get_build_console_output: fix docs for "number" parameter
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fungimtreinish: you could add it to the zuul section of the zuulv3-issues etherpad if you want, so we don't forget it needs doing at least20:00
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Add integration tests for fetch-zuul-cloner
mtreinishfungi: done20:01
dmsimardpabelanger: btw I had a comment on
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pabelangerdmsimard: possible, I haven't had a change to test that playbook yet. will update shortly20:03
fungithanks mtreinish20:05
jeblairthat's not really an issue with zuul20:06
fungigood point, we could create a gerrit section20:06
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fungii'll do that now20:06
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fungilooking through the issues pad, "Devstack-gate jobs do not find cached files in ~zuul when running under the zuul user in v3" is solved now, yes?20:11
fungii'm double-checking a v3 job now to confirm20:12
fungier, build i mean20:12
clarkbya 511260 fixed that20:12
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Remove -e from requirements
jeblairpabelanger, mordred, fungi: ^ that should fix the mergers20:15
jeblair(they were never started with the new git timeout code because of that error)20:15
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pabelangerah.. +220:16
fungicompletely agree with that fix20:18
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AJaegerteam, please check the zuul v3 failures in - this looks really broken, we should not get RETRY_LIMIT on a simple pep8 anymore....20:19
AJaegerSorry, no time to investigate - I'm gone, just saw this and wanted to pass on...20:20
* AJaeger waves good night20:20
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jeblairand really gone!20:20
fungiclarkb: yeah, confirmed we have a v3 devstack run here which didn't need to download, so i'll move that issue to the archive pad:
jeblairthe thing aj pointed out is it apparently needs horizon to run its pep8 jobs20:22
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pabelangerah, sahara-dashboard20:25
pabelangermaybe it is using horizon apis20:25
fungicurious why that retried instead of failing20:25
pabelangerseems to have its own tox installer20:26
pabelangerunsure why that would be20:27
jeblairfungi: in order to support the tox-siblings functionality, we do a tox env creation with no commands first, in the pre-playbook.  that's what failed.20:27
fungipabelanger: most projects have a pip wrapper like that one, called from tox, to shoehorn in constraints files so that local devs can optionally use them20:27
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pabelangerfungi: interesting, didn't know that20:28
fungipabelanger: most of the constraints-using projects anyway20:28
toskyuhm, maybe we can kill it20:28
toskyor maybe not20:29
toskyit was added recently, and from outside the sahara team20:29
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toskyadded by tonyb20:29
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jeblairremote: WIP Initial Zuul v3 jobs20:30
jeblairi pushed a revision20:30
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toskyjeblair: oh, interesting20:31
toskyI couldn't proceed with the experiments because zuul v3 stopped voting20:31
jeblairoh, i didn't add pep8 there, i'll push another20:31
jeblairi'm pretty sure this is going to prompt an interesting conversation with ajaeger and mordred next week20:32
fungipabelanger: oh, i should clarify, specifically most constraints-using libraries which are themselves represented in the constraints list need a wrapper like that around pip to first edit themselves out of the constraints list before installing. see commit message on for details20:32
toskyjeblair: one question: if the job is defined locally, is its definition merged with the definition from project-config, or does it replace that definition completely?20:32
jeblairtosky: but i think it's useful to at least push this forward till it's working so we have something more definitive to talk about :)20:32
jeblairtosky: merged20:32
jeblairtosky: so i'm about to add pep8 to that change, which will basically alter the pep8 definition that comes from project-config to add the required project20:33
jeblairtosky: pushed ps3 -- hope you don't mind20:34
jeblairer, ps4 rather20:34
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toskyI will complete it with the dashboard job20:34
toskybut probably on Monday20:34
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toskyso does it mean that zuul v3 is voting again on all projects?20:35
toskyI have another recheck to launch then20:35
jeblairtosky: voting in check, yes20:35
pabelangerfungi: ya, I wonder if tox-siblings might help with that now20:35
fungitosky: yes, and come monday it'll be gating on them20:35
pabelangerI haven't look much at tox-siblings myself just yet20:35
fungipabelanger: maybe within the ci, but not for the local developer use case20:35
pabelangerfungi: true20:35
fungipabelanger: oh, except maybe it does once we have a good story around local devs firing their tests with ansible?20:36
fungiso i think the answer to that is, not so much just yet, but perhaps soon20:36
pabelangeryah, will be interesting to see if more devs embrace ansible locally, or continue along with bash scripts20:38
pabelangerwait and see approach20:38
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toskyjeblair: would it make sense to define a set of openstack-tox-{pep8,py27,py35}-dashboards jobs with the added dependency on horizon that can be used by all horizon dashboards?20:39
mordredfungi, pabelanger: yes - tox-siblings should help with the tox/pip/constraints thing20:39
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fungijeblair: thanks for the clarification on the RETRY_LIMIT for that one... that means we should occasionally expect RETRY_LIMIT failures on changes adding/modifying job configuration when it runs afoul of the tox-siblings pre task, but not for changes which aren't touching job configuration?20:39
mordredalso, tonyb and I looked a little bit in to potentially using -c$UPPER_CONSTRAINTS_FILE in the tox.ini in the requirements line - which should make the need for the wrapper script go away for hte libraries that are themselves in constraints20:39
mordredso there are 2 different things that are different in the new world order that will help us simplify how this works today20:40
mordredI think we were waiting to push on the 'use -c in tox.ini' approach until v3 settled down to reduce confusion20:40
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-zuul master: Add statsd to zuul.conf
fungimordred: how does that solution you discussed with tonyb work around the need to filter the project itself out of teh constraints list?20:41
mordredbecaues it's not putting it into the install command entry liek we do today20:41
mordredbut instead only in the requirements entry20:41
jeblairtosky: yeah, that would work.  let's run it by andreas monday20:41
mordredso that it gets applied when tox installs the requirements20:41
mordredbut not when it installs the repo itself20:41
openstackgerritIhar Hrachyshka proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Revert "neutron: Make grenade-neutron-dvr-multinode job non-voting"
fungimordred: got it, but not when tox installs other things (unless also explicitly copied to commands in the other tox envs which don't use the normal requirements?20:42
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jeblairwow.  git just *completely* bombed on a merge conflict resolution.  like, i think i'm going to need to rewrite the patch.20:43
fungiwha? that's unfortunate20:43
jeblairi guess maybe i could try redoing it with another merge resolve strategy20:44
mordredtosky, jeblair: might also want to consider an openstack-tox-dashboards project-template that adds requirements into the requirements in the pipeline definitions20:44
jeblairi've never done that before20:44
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Remove -e from requirements
jeblairmordred, tosky: ^ yeah that's better i think20:44
fungijeblair: i've done that very occasionally when i want to emulate the behavior of gerrit/zuul's git merge conflict resolution choices20:45
toskymordred, jeblair: template which uses the normal jobs instead of single extended jobs?20:45
toskywhy not20:45
jeblairtosky: yeah, it'd be the project-template version of what i did in that patch20:45
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mordredtosky: yah - that way it's still the 'openstack-tox-pep8' job that's getting run, just with specific additions (mostly I don't think the difference matters, but in this particular case (the core tox jobs) it might be nicer for the jobs themselves to be 'the same')20:46
mordredphysically each option will do th eright thing - this is more about managing how we think about things20:46
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pabelanger+1 openstack-tox-dashboards20:49
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clarkblooks like v3 is alive again!21:00
pabelangerokay, nb04 is done with images for today! Which means we ubuntu DIBs now live, for a few hours, using latest reprepro ubuntu.mirrors21:00
pabelangerand I haven't seen any issues21:01
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pabelangerclarkb: yah, just seen pass all zuulv3 jobs (requirements)21:02
clarkblooks like we are still at 62 million ish inodes free21:02
pabelangerthat is great21:02
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jeblairfungi: strategy=resolve strategy-options=patience :)21:08
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Switch statsd config to zuul.conf
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Emit some stats from executor
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Emit some nodepool stats
jeblairhopefully that did the right thing.  i think tests will tell us if it chewed it up undetectably21:09
dmsimardjeblair: can we start rewriting zuul v3 in puppet now ?
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jeblairi don't even know why i follow twitter links :)21:11
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dmsimardok, here's the direct one:
dmsimardalso, bit of friday trolling never hurt anyone :D21:12
dmsimardclarkb: do we have/should we have a cacti graph for inodes ?21:13
jeblairdmsimard: no/yes21:13
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tonybfungi: Correct it does result in a small ammount of duplication but if gets rid of 1 reason to use tox_install.sh21:13
tonybmordred: Yeah while it isn't directly related to the v3 work I am waiting for the switch befoer I more forward.21:14
dmsimardok let's see if I can figure it out21:14
fungitonyb: i'm 200% in favor of any option which gets rid of even some of the random shell scripts people are cargo culting from repo to repo21:14
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* tonyb should send an email saying 'we're chaning the way we use constratints and would like testers'21:15
jeblairdmsimard: it' probably requires admin privs to add; unfortunately our cacti system largely pedates our automation, so about the only thing that's been automated is adding new hosts21:15
* tonyb kinda started with shade ;P21:15
dmsimardjeblair: ah, I was trying to see if the configuration was stored in system-config cacti things21:15
fungidmsimard: it _should_ be but likely isn't. if you want to hack on some sort of templating we're missing there, i'm happy to get you copies of configuration21:16
tonybpabelanger, tosky there's a review for dragonflow? that make tox_install work with both v2 and v321:17
dmsimardfungi: last time I've done any meaningful amount of cacti was years ago, so something to pattern off of would be great, yes :)21:17
tonybHavign said that maybe it's worth doign the constratints before v3?21:17
fungidmsimard: lmk when you have bandwidth to work on it and i'll dig up the configs on the server21:17
dmsimardfungi: it was either that or trying to figure something out for our ara situation mid term21:18
fungitonyb: "before v3" is... well, the next 48 hours and change21:18
fungi(if all goes well)21:18
jeblair48 hours and 42 minutes21:18
jeblairnot that anyone's counting21:18
clarkb"the final countdown!"21:19
jeblairbig red clock21:19
dmsimardfungi: looks like it's readily available over snmp so it shouldn't be very hard to add
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jeblairyeah, i think the way to do it would be to add it to the "data query" that's used for partitions21:19
fungidmsimard: yes, i'm painfully aware, we simply hadn't been querying those oids previously because we didn't have frequent issues with inode capacity anywhere21:19
dmsimardfungi: oh, sure, just saying I would add it if I could :D21:20
jeblairthat way it pulls in a data template for each partition and you get set up with a data source automatically21:20
tonybfungi: Yeah the 'plan' was to use proposal bit to keep the cargo culted scripts in sync but that seemed unpopular so I never implemented it21:21
tonybfungi: Well it wont happen in 48 hours ;P21:21
jeblairit looks like the '-e' fix has gone in and things have been reinstalled correctly on the mergers, so i will start them now21:22
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tonybfungi: to be clear the proposal mordred and I are proposing will only remove the ommon case the sibling projects thing is still up in the air21:23
tonybfungi: and I don't have a good solution that works with depends-on and local development21:24
fungitonyb: yep, i think the compelling story there is to make it easy for people to invoke job playbooks locally21:24
fungipulling in the same tox-sibling playbook we use in ci21:24
tonybfungi: Interesting, that kinda moves away from the make OpenStack more std. but seems like a move in the right direction21:25
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade master: Handle glance image pagination links better
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tonybfungi: so WRT gitweb should I just switch to using cgit?21:25
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clarkbtonyb: yes I think so, gitweb was unfunctioning upon upgrade and review-dev had been running cgit (it was something we had planned on doing a long time ago just didn't show up until we were more forced into it)21:26
fungitonyb: yes21:26
fungisorry for not realizing that before today21:26
tonybokay patch incomming ;P21:26
tonybfungi: np there's a lot going on ;P21:26
fungiwe didn't intentionally take down gitweb, it was a casualty in the war on gerrit21:27
clarkbI feel like gerrit is winning21:27
jeblairtonyb: while we have a moment -- is the elections site okay?  do we need to do any forced publication or anything like that?  just wanted to check in on it specifically because things have been hectic recently.21:27
mordredtonyb: which thing becomes harder from a 'run locally' perspective? the 'run with the tip of a different project' part?21:27
tonybthat may be the least positive things I've heard clarkb say ;P21:28
fungidmsimard: so poking around a bit, i think what you'll want is a copy of our /var/lib/cacti/linux_host.xml file21:28
clarkbtonyb: ha21:28
tonybjeblair: election is okay for right now but in ~week we need the publish jobs working21:28
dmsimardfungi: there's one already in system-config but it dates back to 5 years ago, is that the same one ?21:28
fungidmsimard: oh! yes, probably21:28
fungiit's 6867 lines long21:28
tonybjeblair: I can push some trivial chnages next week to test that and thenreact accordingly21:28
tonybjeblair: but mordred had patches that looked to fix it?21:29
mordredI did?21:29
tonybmordred: Yup install this gitrepo at this SHA21:29
jeblairdmsimard: i at least tried not to have it all be server side magic :)21:30
tonybmordred: the static-site publishing things you did ~2 weeks ago21:30
dmsimardjeblair: you write all that XML by hand? :p21:30
mordredtonyb: ah nod21:30
dmsimardfungi: I've already entered an ara rabbit hole worth exploring so I'll circle back to inodes in cacti unless someone beats me to it21:30
jeblairdmsimard, fungi: that's an export of all the custom goodness that we do to actually get correct data.  it will at the least, let us recreate all the templates if needed, as well as replicate it on a local machine.21:30
jeblair(you import that template into cacti, and it creates a bunch of database records for those things)21:32
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tonybmordred: this is the hack we're currently using:
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mordredtonyb: ah - wild :)21:33
mordredtonyb: so - fwiw, when I want to run tox tests with a git state of a different project ...21:34
mordredtonyb: I tend to do: .tox/py35/bin/pip install -e ../other-project ... and then just run tox -epy35 again as normal21:34
mordredtonyb: but I also don't use git branch and instead use git reset - so I'm a little weird21:34
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tonybmordred: Hmm okay that's cute.  I wonder how the devs in affected projects will feel about it?21:35
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mordredtonyb: well - it shouldn't matter too much - that script won't break tox-siblings - it just won't use the exact same mechanism to get the other repo21:36
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mordredtonyb: so if we want to keep that tox_install script to enable that usage - I don't think anything will be amiss21:37
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mordredShrews, clarkb, SamYaple, pabelanger: 'fixes' the issue seen with extra /v2 url segments21:38
tonybmordred: okay.  the zuul-cloner shim will work once the require-projects is setup correctly, but fail before that correct?21:38
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mordredtonyb: that's right21:38
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Emit some nodepool stats
mordredtonyb: but also the zuul-cloner shim is not needed in the gate once required-projects are set up21:39
mordredin v321:39
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Specify duplicate project defn behavior
tonybmordred: okay that's what I thought.21:40
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anupnHi all, is it possible to run pxe_ipmitool_tinyipa job without swift service?21:41
* tonyb will try to clean all that up next week'ish21:41
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: WIP: experiment with late-binding inheritance
mordredI fully see what's going on there21:41
anupnI understand for agent_* drivers in Ironic, i have to use swift service21:41
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mordredwow ... SO ...21:41
tonybmordred: sorry yeah I shoudl have included that url too21:42
fungitonyb: lmk if you need help with the gitweb->cgit patch for, though if memory serves i corralled all the gitweb interaction into one function for ease of updating21:42
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fungitonyb: and happy to review any patch for that, just give me a heads up in case i miss it21:43
tonybfungi: Yeah, I was spliting it out again but I'll see what that looks like.21:43
mordredtonyb: if I can make a recommendation - we should have that os: logic (or maybe the install_from_git logic) look to see if ~/src/$PROJ exists, and if so use it ... or, hrm. lemme think about this a little more21:43
tonybmordred: Yup exactly, that's what drgaonflow does21:44
mordredtonyb: (I obviously totally see the issue this is solving for - mostly trying to help think about it in ways that don't continue to use zuul-cloner)21:44
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Use weakref for change cache
tonybmordred: I think the zuul-cloner stuff can go once we pass the point of never going back to v221:44
mordredtonyb: cool. I'd also love to, if we can, avoid double-installing required-projects21:45
tonybmordred: +121:45
mordredtonyb: I think we may be back to "it's really unfortunate that we don't publish server projects to pypi"21:45
tonybmordred: in *theory* we could pull them from the .zuul.yaml21:45
mordredtonyb: can't count on that - it might also be set in a central repo21:46
tonybmordred: Yeah I'm looking at doign that and had good conversations at the PTG along those lines where I was given a heap of probelms to consider21:46
mordredtonyb: yah - I think I gave you some of those :)21:46
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tonybmordred: Yeah (to problems) and Yeah to things bing in the central repos21:47
mordredtonyb: neutron and horizon at least both have pypi records21:47
mordred(that we own)21:47
tonybmordred: True that may be enough for the near term.21:47
mordredkeystone is the one that has someone else on it21:47
tonybmordred: Yeah but it hasn't been used since ~201221:48
mordredyah - maybe we could convince Dan Crosta to release it to us21:48
tonybmordred: possibly, or ask the cheeseshop to do it.  I want to generate the list of all conflicts before we look to hard at that21:49
jeblairmordred: tox-siblings does normal tox installation, then over-installs siblings, right?21:49
mordredtonyb: I'd like to see if we can just start doing that - because the MAIN issue with these is that there is no other way for tox to install horizon into castellan-ui currently other than via this kind of thing - so normal dev work that isn't trying to simular depends-on locally is still borked21:50
jeblairmordred: and when you say you want to avoid double installing, you mean you want to avoid the step where we install from, and then install from ~zuul21:51
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mordredjeblair: yah21:51
jeblairmordred: publication to pypi means we'd still be on a double-install path, but we're installing from mirorrs, so the ci cost is small.21:51
tonybmordred: Yup.  it *is* a requirement that we can't express :( so we need to look at fixing that anyway21:51
mordredtonyb: ++21:51
mordredjeblair: exactly21:51
mordredjeblair: the normal case is 'install from pypi' which is how we install things in tox21:51
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mordredthe exceptional case that's likely mostly used in the gate and not locally is "please use this newer version"21:52
mordredso if we published even just neutron and horizon we could avoid openstack-tox-dashboard-jobs and openstack-tox-jobs-networking since those projects could all actually express their actual requirements21:52
jeblairi suspect the 'newer version' thing may be much more used for projects like this than other types, but still yes.21:53
mordredjeblair: ++21:53
jeblairmordred: we *could* avoid those templates, but i'm not certain it's desirable -- if these projects *are* depending on in-development software, then they'd want to keep the required-projects entries and make use of tox-siblings.21:54
jeblairit is, however, a *choice* at that point which is desirable in all cases :)21:54
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Better exception handling during autohold
mordredjeblair: yes - I'd like for them to be able to test both things if they want21:55
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mordred"I want to test against the most recent release" and "I want to test against master"21:55
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jeblairmordred: celebrate with a trivial +3?  :)
SamYaplemordred: celebrate with a non-trival +3? :)
openstackgerritTony Breeds proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Switch to cgit from gitweb
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tonybfungi: I'm going AFK for $some_time feel free to take over/replace ^^ whichever works for you22:07
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/infra-manual master: Don't use in-line yaml lists
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/bindep master: Add new syntax to allow matching multiple profile
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fungitonyb: thanks, i'll take a gander at it22:16
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jeblairthe statsd patches for zuulv3 are ready for review.  it's a series of 3 patches starting at
jeblairit might be handy to have those in soonish22:21
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mordredjeblair: looking22:23
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SamYaplew00t! thanks mordred. been waiting for that patch for a while22:24
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mordredSamYaple: it's like I'm your personal santa claus this week22:25
SamYaplethe one time im thankful for chrismas in october22:26
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade master: Handle glance image pagination links better
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mordredjeblair: also - you might find amusing22:32
mordredjeblair: for some definitions of 'amusing'22:32
jeblairmordred: you had me at 'pagination'22:34
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fungijeblair: was 511073 the one you had conflict resolution issues with? the diff for it is... nigh unreadable22:40
fungias best i can tell it's shuffling a lot of class definitions around22:41
fungii'm going to have to trust that the tests prove all the bits are still there22:42
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jeblairfungi: yeah.. it's *basically* just moving the Job class before the Executor class so that the executor can reference it in a class var22:49
fungiahh, the gerrit webui does a little better job at showing that22:49
jeblairfungi: tbh, i could probably split that into two changes if you want -- one that only reorders the classes, then one that makes the actual changes (there aren't many)22:49
fungibut having to keyword search for statsd to find what got added22:49
fungithat would make it easier to see what's going on (i hate to be _that_ reviewer, but...)22:50
openstackgerritAnup Navare proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate master: [Test] DNM Checking if tinyIPA builds with py3
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: WIP: experiment with late-binding inheritance
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Emit some stats from executor
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Emit some nodepool stats
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Re-order executor/job classes
fungijeblair: thanks!22:57
jeblairfungi, mordred: ^ there we go22:57
jeblairwe'll see if i extracted that correctly :)22:57
mordredjeblair: oh - that's much better - I stand by my +2 - but I'm glad I was right from eyeballing22:58
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade master: Add devstack jobs for zuul v3
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade master: Add devstack jobs for zuul v3
mordredok - now that shade's gate jobs are passing again normally - let's see how those fancy new v3 devstack jobs do23:03
jeblairoh where's that move devstack to devstack change?23:03
mordredoh - good question23:04
mordredjeblair: I haven't updated it in a while - might need to re-sync with devstack-gate repo ... should we go ahead and delete from d-g and add to devstack real quick before the rollout?23:05
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jeblairmordred: ++23:06
openstackgerritLin Yang proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Add OpenStack client check to python-rsdclient
jeblairmordred: you want to prep the remove patch real quick?23:07
fungijeblair: you've got 2x +2 on the statsd stack though i left comments/questions on a couple23:07
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mordredjeblair: I need to afk real quick - will be back in an hour and will do so then23:09
jeblairmordred: k23:09
SamYapleWhat is the release schedule for bindep? i realize it is a non-standard release cycle23:10
SamYapleis it a "whnever we feel like it" deal?23:10
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Make statsd import failure raise exception
jeblairfungi: thanks, responded!23:13
fungiSamYaple: it has a release frequency proportional to the frequency with which people bug us about it, though i'm unsure of the scalar constant involved23:13
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jeblairi have a feeling we're about to collect more experimental data on that contast23:13
SamYapleyouve always been good at predictions jeblair :)23:15
SamYapleas long as there is a tagged release from now to anytime before queens I will be happy23:16
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Switch statsd config to zuul.conf
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Re-order executor/job classes
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Emit some stats from executor
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Emit some nodepool stats
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jeblairpower outages here23:55
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Remove zuulv3-dev.o.o
clarkbjeblair: because fire?23:59

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