Thursday, 2017-11-30

clarkbhere we go00:00
clarkbmordred: do all the projects doing tox installs with constraints need to be updated like shade before we can remove the zuul cloner shim from base?00:00
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fungii thought the majority of tox pip wrapper scripts we have only run zuul-cloner if it happens to be present, and can still be told directly where to find a prepared constraints file regardless00:01
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jeblairclarkb: can you review ?  it should be simple and if we get it in the next zuul restart (soon!) it will unblock some folks00:03
jeblairclarkb: and its child00:03
mordredclarkb: yes00:04
jeblairjhesketh: can you take a quick look at which fixes some points you raised?00:04
mordredclarkb: I made an etherpad ...00:04
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clarkbjeblair: looking00:04
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mordredclarkb, fungi, jeblair: the majority of the projects can *totally* be migrated easily now (most of them need what shade just got) - but we need to prepare and then land that patch bomb ... which I can work on tomorrow00:05
mordredneutron and horizon things still need a bit more work though00:05
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mordredbefore we can get them migrated off00:05
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Honor constraints files in tox-siblings
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Combine tox-siblings and tox roles
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mordredclarkb: basically, for neutron/horizon tox-siblings will handle it ... but we need to be able to have them specify the project in their requirements.txt in the first place so that siblings can update it from required-projects00:13
mordredso we're getting *much* closer - but still have a little work to do00:13
mordredalso - making the patch bomb is gonna suck - there's a bunch of minor meaningless variation :(00:14
mordredmaybe it should be a mailing list bomb "hey, everybody, please make a patch for your project that does this"00:15
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clarkbjeblair: I +2'd both but the second doesn't ahve a second review and it looks like we want both of them to go in together00:17
clarkbjeblair: I'll let you decide if the bug in the first is minor enough to approve as is without approval on the second00:18
clarkbmordred: fungi can I get a second review on the way things are tested today I need that to merge before other changes will unstick00:18
clarkb(due to them not being entirely self testing :/ but I have other patches to help with that too)00:19
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clarkbmordred: gotcha so the hroizon and neutron case needs us to publish to pypi and list them as requirements basically properly solve that giant ball of problems we've ignored for years00:22
clarkbyay for being forced to fix problems we've known about00:22
mordredclarkb: done00:22
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mordredclarkb: and yes, exactly :)00:23
mordredand now - I afk00:23
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jeblairi think the first can go in on its own00:25
jeblairi +wd id00:25
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Install fedora-gpg-keys for F27
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Pre-install curl
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Update Fedora defaults to 27
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Add inventory variables for checkouts
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jeblairi'm going to restart zuul now to pick up recent changes00:38
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openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: executor: add log_stream_port and log_stream_file settings
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jeblairscheduler is up and running, re-enqueue is proceeding.  executors are still stopping.00:47
jeblair(i think the reason they are slow to stop is all of the jobdirs being deleted)00:48
clarkbbefore I forget we still need to stop the nodepoold on nodepool.o.o right? Then maybe make a new zk server? I'll probably start poking around that tomorrow00:52
jeblairclarkb: yep.  still using zk on that server tho00:52
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clarkbthinking if we stop zk on nodepool.o.o and copy the journal and data files over to new server and start zk there that should migrate the data. Then if we point everything at the new server it should just work (tm)00:53
jeblairze3 and ze5 had a bunch of orphaned jobdirs.  i'm guessing it's because of previous unclean shutdowns.  i'm cleaning them up now.00:53
clarkbanother cleanup item is to move status under and update graphite graphs (as necessary)00:54
jeblairze5 is particularly slow at deleting.00:54
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jeblairclarkb: i'd prefer to just continue hosting zuul's status page from the zuul server.  it's about to get an entire web interface anyway.00:55
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clarkbjeblair: I think thats fine but do miss the grpahs (needing to go to grafana for them is less than ideal)00:56
clarkbprobably the cleanup there then is to rename the host to or cname it or similar then get ssl (back?) in place00:56
jeblairclarkb: yeah, we should rename or move that00:57
jeblairokay, executors all cleaned up, restarting them now00:57
jeblairclarkb: otoh, the graphite page for zuul is kind of awesome.  maybe we should think about making it easier to get to.00:58
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jeblairjobs are running01:00
jeblairEmilienM, pabelanger: the fix for the branch template problem is in production01:01
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clarkbjeblair: ya maybe the dashboard can have a configurable list of links to system stats pages indepedent of the self hosted dashboard01:02
clarkbthen we can point at cacti and grafana and so on01:02
clarkb(and other hosted zuuls can do whatever is appropriate for their hosting)01:02
* clarkb does a grocery run and hopes that the last of the holiday crazyness is over. Last night was tree lighting thing at shopping center thing01:03
jeblairandreaf: should be in production now01:03
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config master: Set origin on /etc/project-config in rsepc tests
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Install fedora-gpg-keys for F27
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Pre-install curl
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Update Fedora defaults to 27
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/shade master: de-client-ify baremetal get_machine
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/shade master: Catch attrbute error for other APIs
openstackgerritMerged openstack/diskimage-builder master: Make python changes more reliable
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/diskimage-builder master: Clear /etc/machine-id to avoid duplicate machine-ids
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openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Rename base and multinode integration jobs
dmsimardjeblair: hah, my change caught someone who used the wrong job:
openstackgerritMerged openstack/diskimage-builder master: Enable gentoo in pip-and-virtualenv element
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Rename base and multinode integration jobs
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dmsimardjeblair: oh, but you already knew that because of
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EmilienMjeblair: ok, let me try again02:27
EmilienMis it me or is down?02:29
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clarkbup for me02:30
EmilienMmaybe they blocked it on the Vancouver Island02:30
EmilienMI can ping review.openstack.org02:31
EmilienMbut I can't reach the website02:31
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EmilienMI can't reach either02:33
clarkbIm on ipv4 not ipv6 here02:35
clarkbmaybe ipv6 problem? or could just be local isp route issue02:35
EmilienMI tried again after clearing routes & dhcp and it works02:36
EmilienMprobably on my side02:36
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Install fedora-gpg-keys for F27
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Pre-install curl
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Update Fedora defaults to 27
ianwgreat firewall of Vancouver?02:42
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Make preinstall.d more deterministic
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Make preinstall.d more deterministic
EmilienMianw: lol02:48
EmilienMianw: the Island's firewall :P02:48
EmilienMit's famous02:48
EmilienMjeblair: it worked !!!!02:49
EmilienMjeblair: thanks very much for the fix02:49
ianw17-11-30 02:11:49.399535 | primary |     build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/_openssl.c:483:30: fatal error: openssl/opensslv.h: No such file or directory02:50
ianwnow that's a new one02:50
ianwi wonder if it's wheel acquisition errors, and then we don't have the deps...02:52
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ianwcryptography-2.1.3-cp27-cp27mu-manylinux1_x86_64.whl (2.2MB) v cryptography-2.1.4.tar.gz02:56
ianwdid it just release?02:56
ianwreleases page ... "an hour ago" ... so yes is the answer02:57
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ianwi guess must have just got unlucky when there wasn't a wheel in pypi03:01
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openstackgerritAndreas Florath proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Docker matrix build
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Install fedora-gpg-keys for F27
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Pre-install curl
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Update Fedora defaults to 27
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/diskimage-builder master: elements: zypper-minimal: Refresh repositories where necessary
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StevenKtonyb: has been solved now, what do you think about a backport?04:48
openstackLaunchpad bug 1730529 in Manila "Running Pike manila-api directly with SSL does not speak SSL" [Undecided,Fix released] - Assigned to junboli (junboli)04:48
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tonybStevenK: I need to look at that more carefully, as the patch doesn't make sense. (unless the ssl_ca options were already deprecated)04:53
tonybStevenK: I assume there isn't a way to know to use_ssl with a config option chnage?04:53
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StevenKtonyb: I don't think they were -- do you think a follow-up patch to master to actually add them back and say oh hey, these aren't used, do <x>?04:56
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tonybStevenK: let me dig04:58
tonybOh it looks like they got droped in If8a1b1f7e961d35fca368f8c73ef8bcbd071874205:00
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StevenKTheir use, or the docs that mentioned their use?05:01
tonybStevenK: use? check the commit message of 77a8b6cc546bf7a05174935f01c8db8b7de8715105:02
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StevenKIf it's the commit I'm thinking of that adds WSGI support, yeah, that's when they were dropped05:05
tonybStevenK: Gah now I'm reading oslo.service ;P05:07
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StevenKtonyb: I'm sorry05:09
tonybStevenK: ;P05:10
tonybStevenK: Looks fine to backport to me.05:12
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tonybStevenK: it would be *much* better if it guessed about SSL based on the state of ca_file/cert_file/key_file but that isn't what happend05:12
tonyband it's better to have a fix on pike than cranky operators05:13
StevenKoslo.service, manila, or both?05:13
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Enable support for Gentoo overlays
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tonybthat relies on stuff that's already on pike (for manila) which implies that the oslo.service chnage is also there05:14
tonyboslo.service does the rigth thing with deprecating the old SSL options so +1 all good05:14
StevenKOh right, yes. Continue using the same options and use an or guard in the code05:14
StevenKtonyb: The only thing that I think is missing is a release note05:15
tonybStevenK: Yup, add a rlease note on master and then backport both changes, if you're super keen ;P05:15
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StevenKtonyb: Hmmm, never actually used reno befoe05:23
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tonybStevenK: hehe I did it once it wasn't terrible "reno slug" or similar IIRC05:24
StevenKtonyb: I've got an idea of the prose in my head, and that I need to use upgrade: but I'm unsure where the sha1 on the end of the filename comes from05:25
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tonybStevenK: /me has no idea05:30
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* StevenK has found some docs05:30
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StevenKAnd I found a bug in reno05:33
StevenKWell, I would consider it one :-P05:33
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/diskimage-builder master: Make preinstall.d more deterministic
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openstackgerritJens Harbott (frickler) proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Shift shade IRC activity to openstack-sdks
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openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/nodepool feature/zuulv3: Do pep8 housekeeping according to zuul rules
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/nodepool feature/zuulv3: Use same flake8 config as in zuul
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chandankumarAJaeger: hello06:34
chandankumarAJaeger: please have a look at these two reviews and
Wei_LiuI got a problem when I try to start zuul-executor as zuul user, if I start it in no daemon mode with "-d", there is no error, every thing worked fine. But if I start it in daemon mode, I got error message like: Cmd('git') failed due to: exit code(-13). any idea?06:36
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/diskimage-builder master: Enable support for Gentoo overlays
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openstackgerritJens Harbott (frickler) proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Fix handling of locked channels in access check
openstackgerritJens Harbott (frickler) proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: DNM: Dummy patch to trigger irc check
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Wei_LiuAJaeger: hello06:46
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Wei_LiuI got a problem when I try to start zuul-executor as zuul user, if I start it in no daemon mode with "-d", there is no error, every thing worked fine. But if I start it in daemon mode, I got error message like: Cmd('git') failed due to: exit code(-13). any idea?06:46
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Wei_LiuAJaeger: I got a problem when I try to start zuul-executor as zuul user, if I start it in no daemon mode with "-d", there is no error, every thing worked fine. But if I start it in daemon mode, I got error message like: Cmd('git') failed due to: exit code(-13). any idea?06:47
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openstackgerritAkihiro Motoki proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Drop legacy-horizon-dsvm-tempest-plugin
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openstackgerritJens Harbott (frickler) proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Fix handling of locked channels in access check
fricklerconfig-core: ^^ fixes an issue discovered in
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Revert "Fix #1627402: fix grub2 element for ubuntu xenial"
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Add the groundwork for musl profile support
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fricklermordred: the redirect for the shade channel doesn't work, instead I'm getting "Cannot join to channel #openstack-shade (You must be invited)"07:24
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fricklermight be the last step in the renaming instructions "set PRIVATE ON" is actually wrong07:25
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/diskimage-builder master: Install fedora-gpg-keys for F27
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openstackgerritRico Lin proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Fix getProviderManager in alien_list
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Jeffrey4linfra-core, is it possible that re-use another projects role in zuulv3? just like use roles: zuul:xxx08:16
openstackgerritMerged openstack/diskimage-builder master: Pre-install curl
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openstackgerritKrzysztof Klimonda proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: [WIP] Support autoholding nodes for specific changes/refs
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AJaegerJeffrey4l: yes, exactly08:27
Jeffrey4lcool. i will try this. thanks.08:27
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Wei_Liuinfra-core, I got a problem when I try to start zuul-executor as zuul user, if I start it in no daemon mode with "-d", there is no error, every thing worked fine. But if I start it in daemon mode, I got error message like: Cmd('git') failed due to: exit code(-13). any idea?08:27
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openstackgerritKrzysztof Klimonda proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: [WIP] Support autoholding nodes for specific changes/refs
AJaegerJeffrey4l: check how project-config does it in zuul.d/jobs.yaml08:28
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AJaegerWei_Liu: Looks like nobody is around to help you currently, the team normally reads backscroll and will answer. You might need help from the US based team...08:29
Wei_LiuAJaeger: ok, I will post my question later. Thanks08:29
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fricklerinfra-root: #openstack-meeting has a stuck meeting topic, can someone fix that please?08:38
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openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Add tripleo-ipsec to zuul.d/projects.yaml
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/diskimage-builder master: Add the groundwork for musl profile support
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openstackgerritKrzysztof Klimonda proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Support autoholding nodes for specific changes/refs
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openstackgerritKrzysztof Klimonda proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Support autoholding nodes for specific changes/refs
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openstackgerritAkihiro Motoki proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Drop legacy-horizon-dsvm-tempest-plugin
openstackgerritAkihiro Motoki proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Drop legacy-horizon-dsvm-tempest-plugin
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openstackgerritFlavio Percoco proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Add ansible-role-k8s-glance
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openstackgerritFlavio Percoco proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Add ansible-role-k8s-glance to zuul.d
openstackgerritFlavio Percoco proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Add ansible-role-k8s-glance
openstackgerritFlavio Percoco proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Add ansible-role-k8s-glance to zuul.d
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AJaegerchandankumar: please rebase
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openstackgerritKrzysztof Klimonda proposed openstack-infra/gear master: Implement ECHO_REQ based keepalive for connections
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove legacy designateclient jobs
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andreafjeblair: cool thanks11:15
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openstackgerritAthlan-Guyot sofer proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Make sure we collect var/lib/heat-config directory.
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openstackgerritChandan Kumar proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove legacy tempest-tox-plugin-sanity-check jobs
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove legacy tempest-tox-plugin-sanity-check jobs
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openstackgerritKrzysztof Klimonda proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Support autoholding nodes for specific changes/refs
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Remove legacy tempest-tox-plugin-sanity-check jobs
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fricklerhow can I subscribe to a board in storyboard? I have the feeling that we need a "storyboard for launchpad users" guide before we can start the global migration12:55
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chandankumarAJaeger: what is wrong here in this script
chandankumargiving  binary operator expected13:13
fricklerchandankumar: the * matches two files13:16
chandankumarfrickler: yup13:16
fricklerand "-e" only expects one argument13:16
chandankumarfrickler: i need to use -z then13:16
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efriedHey folks, now that pabelanger has fixed the publish job ( what needs to be done to retrigger it?  Should I push a trivial patch to project-team-guide?13:17
fricklerchandankumar: why do you use the * at all, wouldn't test-requirements.txt be enough? or iterate over test-requirements.txt and requirements.txt13:18
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chandankumarfrickler: actually i need to check both the files then remove both the files13:19
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chandankumarfrickler: it just removes the files of a project13:19
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chandankumarfrickler: but the packages from requirements and test-requirements.txt are installed, which i need to remove so i am checking both the files then removing13:20
fricklerchandankumar: then maybe expand like this
chandankumarfrickler: sure13:21
bodenhi a quick question I’m hoping someone can help me with… I recently added periodic jobs for vmware-nsx (… where can I find the logs for these so I can check if they are working properly?  I don’t see anything under
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chandankumarfrickler: thanks :-)13:25
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AJaegerefried: yes, just publish something trivial.13:38
efriedAJaeger Roger that, thanks.13:38
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AJaegerboden: your jobs are in periodic queue? Or in periodic-stable? If in periodic-stable, then update the url s/periodic/periodic-stable/13:39
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fricklerAJaeger: boden: does have results from today it seems13:42
efriedAJaeger pabelanger FYI
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flaper87clarkb: fungi I don't need the instance anymore. Figured it out :)13:51
flaper87thanks a bunch13:51
openstackgerritAlex Kavanagh proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Change the gate/checks to py3 only for python3 only charms
flaper87clarkb: fyi, our hunch was correct, it was iptables13:51
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bodenAJaeger: thank you.. also (sorry), is there a way to test grafana dashboards (project-conf/grafana/<mydash>.yaml) before submitting them for review?14:00
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openstackgerritboden proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: fix broken vmware-nsx periodic jobs
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openstackgerritsebastian marcet proposed openstack-infra/openstackid-resources master: Added new tag endpoint
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Move to dictionary list of projects zuul._projects (take 2)
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstackid-resources master: Added new tag endpoint
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Wei_Liupabelanger:  I got a problem when I try to start zuul-executor as zuul user, if I start it in no daemon mode with "-d", there is no error, every thing worked fine. But if I start it in daemon mode, I got error message like: Cmd('git') failed due to: exit code(-13). any idea?14:22
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fungifrickler: thanks for the heads up. if nobody's fixed the default channel topic there yet i can do so once we get a gap between meetings14:23
pabelangerWei_Liu: what is the permission on your SSH key?14:23
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fungiflaper87: awesome, i've marked the held node for deletion in that case14:24
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flaper87fungi: ack, thanks again14:27
fungiany time14:30
Wei_Liupabelanger: you mean gerrit ssh key?  /home/zuul/.ssh/id_rsa permission is 60014:31
pabelangerWei_Liu: yah, how owns it?14:33
fungissh can also be picky about the permissions on the /home/zuul/.ssh directory if they allow write by anyone besides the user14:33
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Wei_Liupabelanger: rw------- 1 zuul zuul 1679 Nov 22 21:10 id_rsa14:34
pabelangerWei_Liu: and you are using zuul user when you do zuul-executor -d?14:35
Wei_Liupabelanger: yes14:35
fungione other odd quirk of openssh client we discovered... having a /home/zuul/.ssh/ file isn't required, but if you have one there it _must_ be generated from the corresponding private key (if there's a mismatch, openssh gets weird on you and refuses to use the private key)14:35
rcarrillocruzyah, i hit ^14:36
fungia surprising and maddening behavior since it won't tell you _why_ it didn't use the key14:37
rcarrillocruzyeah, that one made me waste like half of a day14:37
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sc`i must have done something extra special to result in a change not even getting the Zuul reviewer. it's not even a huge change, mostly code style and sundry tooling deprecations14:44
pabelangerare we running reviewstats anyplace and producing txt files for projects? cc russellb14:44
pabelangerall I can see if now14:44
Wei_Liupabelanger: yes, I using zuul user do zuul-executor -d, it worked fine. Then I using zuul user do zuul-executor, I got that error, I found that parent process id of "zuul-executor -d" is the current shell of zuul user, but the parent process id of zuul-executor is "1", it's systemd14:44
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pabelangerWei_Liu: Oh, you need to start zuul-executor as root (no -d) and it will drop permissions to zuul user. So it can bind to port TCP/7914:45
fricklersc`: which review? might have gotten lost in a zuul restart, did you try a recheck?14:45
sc`frickler: recheck, abandon/resubmit, same difference. it's the one i just proposed in #openstack-chef
sc`it smells like a me-problem, but i don't have the visibility14:47
sc`as far as i know, that should check through the existing gate, before and after bumping the chefdk14:49
fricklersc`: looks like we missed that repo in the zuulv3 migration, let me fix that14:50
sc`woop. it's not my code (yet)14:50
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russellbpabelanger: i don't run it anymore14:51
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pabelangerrussellb: ack14:56
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Changes for Ansible 2.4
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Wei_Liupabelanger: but I changed the port/79 to port/10079, it should worked as zuul user15:00
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fungifrickler: i caught the channel at a lull and updated the topic. should be all better now15:02
fungithanks again for the heads up on that15:02
fricklerfungi: thanks for fixing it15:02
fricklerfungi: did you see my note to mordred earlier about the shade channel? could we do a test by shortly removing the private flag from it again?15:03
andreafjeblair: override_checkout is in there :)
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fungifrickler: mordred: ahh, yeah, i think the instructions that process got adapted from probably recommended a delay of weeks/months before setting private on15:06
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fungihrm, nope:
Wei_Liupabelanger:, this is the permission of /var/lib/zuul directory and sub dir.15:07
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fricklerhas mirror-workspace-git-repos got broken somehow?
pabelangerWei_Liu: if you delete everything in /var/lib/zuul, and start again, what happens?15:10
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fricklerfungi: might be those instructions are broken as well? or maybe freenode behaviour has changed in the meantime?15:11
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fungifrickler: yeah, not sure... maybe it used to be the case that if you were in-channel when private got set then you were considered perpetually invited so rejoining later allowed you to follow the forward? were you in #openstack-shade when the private flag got turned on, or only attempted to /join later?15:13
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snapiriHi Infra, could someone push this forward please? (os-loganalyze)
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fricklerfungi: I was in the channel until I got kicked, not sure due to which action15:14
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fricklerfungi: but I'm more concerned about people that join only occasionally, they will never have seen the movement announcement15:14
fungifrickler: but yeah, another possibility on behavior change is that maybe forwards got followed before private was checked in the past, and now it's the other way around or something15:15
fricklerfungi: and when trying to reconnect are getting the private message now15:15
fungiyup. i'm not opposed to updating that documented process as long as someone figures out what the process should be now15:16
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fricklerfungi: so if after removing the private people got connected to the new channel anyway instead of the old one, we could do without that15:16
Wei_Liupabelanger: I deleted all sub dir, and then  I started zuul-scheduler, zuul-executor -d, zuul-merger ass zuul user, the permission of sub dir is what I pasted15:16
fungifrickler: i agree, that's probably a fine approach15:17
pabelangerWei_Liu: what port are you using for finger? in executor15:17
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Wei_Liupabelanger: finger_port=1007915:18
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pabelangerWei_Liu: okay, then start with zuul, should be fine. Did you get the error?15:18
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pabelangerWei_Liu: what shell are you using for the zuul user15:19
jeblairandreaf: \o/15:20
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mwhahahahey folks, so it appears the tripleo gate is in a bad way for about 14 hours15:24
mwhahahait seems we've got a bunch of jobs stuck in queued15:24
jeblairinfra-root: i'd like to draw your attention to this spec:  it's written generally for new projects that we might start hosting, but i'd also like to pilot it with zuul.  i'd particularly like to get these things in place before we relase zuul 3.015:24
EmilienMpabelanger: any idea about tripleo gate please? ^15:24
jeblairmwhahaha: that's about how long since i restarted zuul.  could be related.  i'll take a look15:25
dmsimardjeblair: I skimmed it last night, it's about hosting projects that aren't related to OpenStack or the governance ?15:25
fricklerinfra-root: this seems broken globally right now
dmsimardfrickler: seems related to
frickler"ERROR: with_dict expects a dict" in "mirror-workspace-git-repos : Update remote repository state correctly"15:26
dmsimardfrickler: which just merged15:26
Wei_Liupabelanger: got the same error after I changed the port. I use bash for zuul user15:26
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sc`time for dat :partyparrot: - if only this slack instance had the functionality15:26
fricklerdmsimard: so, revert for now?15:27
dmsimardfrickler: give me a minute to try and understand what's going on15:27
pabelangerWei_Liu: I think at this time, you'll need to start adding print statements to zuul and see what is getting permission denied. We likey can improve that debug message to give more info15:27
fricklerdmsimard: leading "-" in L50 here?
sc`looks like syntax perhaps. totally not an ansible guy, though15:28
dmsimardfrickler: I know what's the problem but it might require a force merge anyway15:28
dmsimardfrickler: sending a patch15:28
jeblairyes, we likely need to force-merge regardless.  i'm up for one attempt to roll forward before we roll back :)15:29
jeblairoh, i see the error too :)15:29
pabelangerline 50 in 518815 ?15:30
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: mirror-workspace-git-repos: Pass a dict, not a list containing a dict
mordredfrickler: looking15:30
dmsimard^ fix15:30
dmsimardinfra-root ^15:30
jeblairdmsimard: i'll merge it15:30
Wei_Liupabelanger: I see, I will try it tomorrow. thank you. and I am running my executor with "-d". it worked for me.15:31
mordredjeblair: ++15:31
mordreddmsimard: thank you15:31
fricklerworth a status note?15:31
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: mirror-workspace-git-repos: Pass a dict, not a list containing a dict
* dmsimard really wants integration tests on base things :(15:31
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sc`inspec :D15:31
sc`(stop it...)15:31
dmsimardsc`: we have integration tests but there are things that Zuul won't test speculatively for security purposes15:32
dmsimardsc`: this is one of them15:32
dmsimardsc`: We'll find a way :)15:32
sc`life... will find a way15:33
dmsimardok, I'll do a recheck on a small patch to see if it's fixed15:33
sc`i see frickler is already ahead of me15:33
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sc`it's already looking less angry in the face15:34
jeblairstatus notice if you receieved a result of "RETRY_LIMIT" after 14:15 UTC, it was likely due to an error since corrected.  please "recheck"15:34
jeblairhow's that look -- once we get confirmation?15:35
fungithanks for fixing quickly!15:35
dmsimardit passed15:35
dmsimardfixed \o/15:35
sc`thanks dmsimard :D15:36
jeblair#status notice if you receieved a result of "RETRY_LIMIT" after 14:15 UTC, it was likely due to an error since corrected.  please "recheck"15:36
openstackstatusjeblair: sending notice15:36
sc`chef stuff looks happy again15:37
-openstackstatus- NOTICE: if you receieved a result of "RETRY_LIMIT" after 14:15 UTC, it was likely due to an error since corrected. please "recheck"15:37
dmsimardsc`: thanks for letting us know15:38
openstackstatusjeblair: finished sending notice15:39
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* smcginnis observes previously skipped jobs are now being run against driverfixes/* branches.15:39
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jeblairsmcginnis: this a good thing?15:40
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fungismcginnis: have a link to an affected change?15:41
fungii'm guessing it's a bad (or at least unanticipated) thing15:41
pabelangerjeblair: +2 on spec15:41
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efriedAJaeger pabelanger dhellmann smcginnis Docs have published.  Thanks for your help!15:44
jeblairEmilienM, dmsimard, pabelanger: the stuck tripleo changes may be due to a zuul bug; i'm going to work on it in #zuul15:44
smcginnisjeblair, fungi: We had that filtered down to just pep8 and py27 tests.
smcginnisNow grenade, docs, and py35 are running as well.15:45
smcginnisHaven't had any time to look into it, but wanted to note it.15:45
fungismcginnis: do you recall how recently that behavior may have changed?15:45
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jeblairsmcginnis, fungi: i can pitch in when i finish the current bug i'm working on.  but the major thing that changed since yesterday is related to how project-templates on branches are applied15:46
smcginnisfungi: Honestly not sure. There's not a ton of activity on those branches.15:46
smcginnisjeblair: That at least sounds very suspicious. :)15:47
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fungii don't see any zuul configuration in so maybe we regressed on how master branch configurations implement branch exclusions15:48
smcginnisfungi: We could add a .zuul.conf there, but it's additive right?15:49
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fungithough isn't defining the exclusions either so we must have it somewhere more central?15:49
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EmilienMjeblair: ok15:50
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fungiahh, yep lots of "branches: ^(?!driverfixes/).*$15:52
fungi" in
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Print a message when we start the Zuul console
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fungismcginnis: looking in project-config zuul.d/projects.yaml at least the jobs cinder has excluded from running against driverfixes/* seem to be getting skipped there16:01
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martinkopecHi guys, I'm struggling for few days with creating a playbook for openstack/python-tempestconf project, It looks like an environment issue16:02
martinkopecit's described more here:
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fungismcginnis: so wondering if we just missed some branch exclusions when translating the jobs over and they've been like this since v3 rollout?16:02
martinkopeccan someone please have a look ?16:02
smcginnisfungi: Quite possibly.16:03
smcginnisfungi: I'll try to take a look a little later and see if anything needs to be cleaned up.16:03
fungismcginnis: i suppose the low frequency of changes on those branches could have made it so we just didn't notice until now16:03
fungiespecially since they seem to be passing16:04
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smcginnisfungi: Yeah, and we've had a few more important issues to distract us since then. :)16:05
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fungimartinkopec: i think andreaf did a lot of work on native v3 devstack jobs, so maybe he has some idea what's wrong there (if he's around)16:09
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martinkopecfungi, thanks for a response, .. ok, I'll try to ask andreaf then16:11
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openstackgerritGage Hugo proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove legacy jobs from Keystone
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martinkopecfungi, but , is it possible that post requests would be somehow blocked?16:13
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config master: Create publish space for SIGs under governance.o.o
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fungimartinkopec: sorry, my depth of understanding of openstack, devstack and tempest is very shallow so i really don't know16:17
fungii can tell you that our test platform doesn't block network connections to the loopback address by default, but beyond that it's up to the job payload to configure16:18
martinkopecfungi, thanks16:19
AJaegermordred, frickler , see my comments on - I think we should not add further required-repos to docs jobs...16:21
smcginnisfungi: For the driverfixes exclusions, do I just set that under cinder, or would that need to be defined with the template?16:22
openstackgerritGage Hugo proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Remove legacy jobs in Keystone
smcginnisfungi: Under here:
smcginnisOr within the source of here:
openstackgerritGage Hugo proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove legacy jobs from Keystone
fungismcginnis: if you set it under cinder as a variant then i think it just applies to cinder, whereas if you set it in the job definition then it's global for all projects using that job16:23
dmsimardjeblair: added some comments on
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fungismcginnis: oh, though i forgot branch exclusions in variants really don't work since you can't use a variant to deselect a selected job, only select deselected jobs16:24
fungismcginnis: so i think you have to either set it in the existing job definition or define a new job16:24
smcginnisfungi: OK, I think Manila is the only other one using the driverfixes pattern so far, and AFAIK they have the same policy as Cinder, so I'll put it with the job.16:25
smcginnisfungi: Thanks!16:25
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tbarronsmcginnis: +1 on same policy for driverfixes in manila, pls. add me to that review16:27
tbarronsmcginnis: for my edification16:28
andreaffungi, martinkopec: let me have a look16:28
smcginnistbarron: Awesome, thanks. Will do.16:28
andreafjeblair: when override_checkout is not used, shouldn't it be undefined instead of null?
mordredAJaeger: ah - I agree with you today, we need the docs changing work - but we also need to finish the base job rework which will let us use build-openstack-sphinx-docs with additional required-projects and then publish the results ... BUT - I don't think in most cases we'll wind up needing required-projects on docs jobs like taht16:29
mordredAJaeger: VERY long winded way of saying I agree :)16:29
andreafmartinkopec: ah I think we discussed that in IRC last week or so?16:30
martinkopecandreaf, yes, since then I've create a packstack job too16:31
martinkopecand it's failing with the same issue16:31
AJaegerboden: see my question above and mordred's answer - let's do py35 only, please16:31
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andreafmartinkopec: your requests reach keystone - see
andreafmartinkopec: so I don't think there is any issue with POST itself16:38
andreafmartinkopec: either the credentials are not valid or not passed along16:38
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AJaegertristanC: before the governance change merges, the project-config change needs fixing - and PTL +1 as well.16:38
AJaegermordred: do you have any changes for me to review?16:39
andreafmartinkopec: even if you enable debug the rest_client will hide the request body in case a password is in there, but you could temporarily change that so see what's actually being sent to keystone16:39
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clarkbamotoki: martinkopec is tox involved? if so you need to whitelist the env vars in tox otherwise it filters them out16:41
clarkber andreaf ^16:41
clarkbamotoki: sorry16:41
mordredAJaeger: is ready - although some of it is going to be hounding folks in those projects (although I'm tempted to abuse powers and merge a few of those for people)16:41
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mordredAJaeger: then I'm going to swing back through the sphinx jobs - so I don't think I have new things for you yet16:42
AJaegermordred: let me ping a few...16:42
AJaegermordred: ok.16:42
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clarkbeveryone should know that if passes I declar victory over the moles!16:42
mordredAJaeger: heh. two of them are me :)16:42
martinkopecclarkb, tox no, but pip is16:42
* AJaeger ping mordred ;)16:43
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martinkopecandreaf, I think it's not env variables, because auth url is also env variable and if those variables didn't work, it wouldn't sent the request to keystone .. therefor I assume that the password was also passed to tempestconf correctly16:46
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openstackgerritSean McGinnis proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Skip jobs for driverfixes branches
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ttxsomeone should really fix @openstackinfra twitter bot so that it realizes it can do 280 characters now :)16:55
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* ttx senses another unshaven yak16:56
clarkbttx: I wonder if our twitter library does that for us?16:56
clarkbmaybe just need to update that16:56
ttxI have a... meeting coming up so I'll do that in parallel16:57
ttxjust need to find where that lives16:58
clarkbttx: its part of statusbot I think16:58
fungiyes, it is16:58
ttxalright, let me grab those yah hair scissors16:59
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fungiyeah, the twitter support on the puppet-statusbot side was just adding a section to the statusbot.config file:
fungitwitter support in statusbot itself happened via and added an unversioned python-twitter package to requirements.txt17:02
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clarkb IT WORKED. I win moles!17:02
clarkbjeblair: dmsimard fungi the update ara change is now ready for review after fixing the puppet testing gremlins
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fungiclarkb: i still have avogadro's constant memorized to 10 digits precision, if it helps17:04
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clarkbwhat happens when you play whack a mole with the number of moles in a mole?17:05
clarkbI didn't get close but it sure feels like it17:05
AJaegermordred: all the topic:constraints-in-siblings changes that can merge are approved ...17:05
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fungittx: clarkb: so i guess we need to wait for 3.3.1 judging by recent master branch history17:08
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openstackgerritThierry Carrez proposed openstack-infra/statusbot master: Update tweet length from 120 to 260 chars
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ttxI'll Workflow it17:10
openstackgerritboden proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: fix broken vmware-nsx periodic jobs
fungittx: but that's a good wip change for sure!17:10
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openstackgerritSean McGinnis proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Skip jobs for driverfixes branches
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ttxfungi: I suspect passing verify_status_length=False would just work :)17:13
clarkbnodepool.o.o is no longer running a nodepoold so I guess that did get done. Thnking about the zookeeper situation you can apparently just copy the data dir from one server to another if you can stop the zk on the old server17:14
fungittx: likely so17:14
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fungiclarkb: though there was a suggestion that when we relocate zk off nodepool.o.o we should replace it with a 3-way cluster17:14
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ttxbut let's wait for proper lib support17:15
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clarkbwhat we may want to consider doing then is to bring up a on xenial, stop zk on nodepool.o.o, copy the data dir, start zk on new server, point zuul/nodepool at it. I expect this to make nodepool and zuul unhappy so we should do this over quiet time/downtime. Then if we want to make a three node cluster we add zk02 and zk03 and join them to zk0117:15
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openstackgerritSaad Zaher proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove legacy jobs for freezer
clarkbanother way to do it which maybe is less downtimey is add zk02 and zk03 to nodepool zk17:15
clarkbthen delete nodepool zk and add zk01?17:15
pabelangeryah, we talked about that before17:15
clarkbactually now that I type out ^ I think that may be much better17:16
fungiclarkb: would it make sense to make zl01 and zl02 into zk cluster members?17:16
pabelangerand thought that is how we were going to do it17:16
fungipabelanger: ^?17:16
fungier, nl01 and nl02 i mean17:16
clarkbpabelanger: that being the make cluster or replace server?17:16
pabelangerclarkb: cluster, then delete nodepool.o.o, then add back17:16
pabelangerjust need to figure out add to sync the data when a new member joins17:17
clarkbnl01 at least has ~6GB free memory which is plenty to run our current zk instance17:17
fungiwondering if having local zk cluster members on the launchers provides any real performance gains17:17
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clarkbpabelanger: I think joining the cluster automatically implies data replication17:17
clarkb(its something that you/I/we can test pretty easily using 3 zk processes)17:17
ttxfungi: oh actually we should merge that instead, and it will just work when python-twitter will be updated17:17
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pabelangerclarkb: I'd we okay with zk01, zk02, zk03 moving forward. But also think we hyper-converge (is that the hipser work?) with nodepool-launchers too17:19
clarkbpabelanger: meaning you'd like to colocate the services?17:19
dmsimardclarkb: wow that was a bit rabbit-holey with those two additional reviews. Thanks for working on it, I'll have a look after lunch17:19
clarkblooking at nodepool.o.o we may even be able to get away with 2GB instances for zk under current resource use. definitely 4GB should be fine17:20
clarkbdmsimard: it turned out the test wasn't happy and the code wouldn't merge without working tests :)17:20
pabelangerclarkb: yah, we talked about co-locating zookeeper some place before17:20
pabelangerbut 3x4GB servers wfm17:20
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clarkbthe advantage to not colocating would be being able to replace servers as necessary without taking into account other services17:21
clarkbthe advantages to colocating would be possible performance/reliability improvements due to locality and using total fewer aggregate resources17:21
clarkbsix one way half dozen the other I Think17:21
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Skip jobs for driverfixes branches
pabelangeryah, I have a slight preference to not co-locating, to make it easy to replace servers when needed17:22
pabelangerand, we seems to be doing okay running zk remote to zuul / nodepool today17:23
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/shade master: Avoid for constraints support
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pabelangerclarkb: so, that said, I think we should totally stand up zk01.o.o as xenial, open firewalls, and try to join it to zk17:24
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clarkbpabelanger: we should be prepared to join 2 at roughly the same time so that it can form a quorum (probably also worth double checking docs that there isn't a specific method to doing that the first time)17:25
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clarkb*2 new servers17:25
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pabelangerbut, zk will still work without quarm right?17:26
clarkbnot sure what its failure mode without quorum is17:26
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pabelangerokay, I can propose a patch to system-config to break out zk. Don't believe it is much work17:27
clarkbya either way step 0 is having the servers up and running and ready to join the existing "cluster"17:29
clarkbfirewall and/or config will prevent new servers from talking to old until we are ready17:29
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jeblairEmilienM, dmsimard: i may be able to get the tripleo queue moving if i promote something to the top.  any suggestions?17:34
dmsimardmwhahaha ^17:35
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mwhahahajeblair: maybe just the 2nd one on the list to keep it simple17:35
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jeblairandreaf: we can probably cause it to be omitted instead of null if that makes more sense17:36
jeblairmwhahaha: ack17:36
jeblairmwhahaha, EmilienM: that looks to have things moving again.  i'm making good progress on tracking down the underlying bug too.  sorry about that.17:38
jeblairmwhahaha, EmilienM: the good news is that the bug was triggered due to an unusually high success rate in the tripleo queue.  :)17:38
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mwhahahai know right? it was working so well :(17:39
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fungihoisted on your own petard17:39
EmilienMjeblair, fungi: is tripleo deserve the award of testing zuul at scale and in weird edge cases?17:41
openstackgerritSean McGinnis proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Skip releasenotes on driverfixes branches
fungiEmilienM: if we had an award for that, then sure. instead you just get to bang your head against the wall a bunch17:41
jeblairEmilienM: absolutely.  and the combo of tripleo+puppet should get some kind of lifetime achievement award.  :)17:42
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mmedvedehi jeblair, the patch for puppet-openstackci is up It should prevent some of breakage from v3 feature branch merge into master17:43
jeblairthere are now as many mentions of 'puppet' in zuul's regression tests as there are 'nova'.17:43
dmsimardEmilienM: thanks for making zuul v3 even more awesome17:43
jeblairmmedvede: thanks!17:43
EmilienMdmsimard: I didn't do anything :P17:44
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EmilienMbut I like to see the weird cases & scalability issues quickly fixed, so zuul can get better quickly after being in production17:44
dmsimardOh, we definitely will be able to say that Zuul v3 is production ready and battle proven after a while :D17:45
jeblairfungi, smcginnis: i'm at a spot where i can pause before implementing the fix for the bug i was working on -- do you need me to look into anything or did you sort it out?17:46
clarkbmmedvede: fyi I'm fiddling with storyboard boards to track the current work in progress and help wanted for infra!/story/2001367 is story for that work and is under the in progress lane of the board at!/board/5417:47
fungijeblair: i believe we tracked it down to a regression during or soon after the v3 migration. just needed to add some additional branch exclusions for a few job definitions17:48
mmedvedeclarkb: awesome, thanks!17:48
fungijeblair: but thanks for checking back in!17:49
openstackgerritboden proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: vmware-nsx grafana dashboard
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Add zk01-03 servers to cluster zookeeper
pabelangerclarkb: lets see if puppet passed^17:53
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clarkbpabelanger: if you don't object I'll add your name to the Xenial upgrade story as a contact for people to reach out to if interseted in that work17:54
clarkb(I've already added fungi to the wiki one as he seemed cool with it yesterday)17:54
pabelangerclarkb: sure, I also sent an email to infra ML about virtual sprint17:55
clarkbthanks, I'll link to that in the story as well (Haven't quite caught up on email yet)17:55
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fungiclarkb: yep, i meant to explicitly suggest yuo add me, but can't remember if i actually said so. cool with me18:03
clarkbI've got a card on that board for converting infra jobs to native zuulv3 jobs. Anyone interested in being point contact for that?18:03
clarkbmordred: dmsimard pabelanger maybe? Probably want someone with strong ansible and zuul background to point people in the right direction18:04
pabelangerI can help with that18:04
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dmsimardI can help too.18:04
pabelangerbut also a great learning experience for somebody18:04
pabelangerlook at us doing agility things!18:05
clarkbheh, I doubt we'll do the whole standup and dance routine18:05
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clarkbbut figured we could really use a "this is where we need help" list since TC says "help infra" now18:06
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pabelangerclarkb: mind a +3 on that removes zuul-launcher from system-config18:08
pabelangerservers have been deleted already18:08
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* clarkb looks18:08
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clarkbpabelanger: probably deserves an update ya?18:09
clarkbnot in this change, just in general catch it up to the zuul v3 state of the world18:09
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pabelangerclarkb: yah, we have a zuulv3.rst file too. I think the plan is to merge them at some point18:10
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clarkbpabelanger: looking at zuulv3 has an empty gearman_workers variable. Any idea where we set the firewall rules for zuul executors to connect to gearman?18:11
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pabelangerclarkb: they now connect to zuulv3.o.o18:13
clarkboh I was looking at the empty list for zuulv3-dev18:14
pabelangerzuulv3-dev is the next one we can remove18:14
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smcginnisjeblair: Yep, think we've got it all sorted now. Thanks18:15
clarkbpabelanger: I left one comment on the change for a followup cleanup. Approved though18:15
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clarkb is an easy doc update18:17
clarkbpabelanger: you may be interested in as you've been reviewing the logstash stuff18:17
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pabelangerand I'll get up a follow up18:18
pabelangerI have to run down to the road to new house, will be back shortly18:18
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Shift shade IRC activity to openstack-sdks
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Fix handling of locked channels in access check
andreafjeblair: yeah I would like to do something like {{ zuul.override_branch | default(zuul.branch) }} but that works only if override_branch is not defined - else I need more complex tasks18:26
jesusaurwould any infra-puppet-core members care to review ?18:26
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clarkbjesusaur: nodepool doesn't accept arbitrary data in there does it? are you consuming the same file from some other service?18:29
clarkb(I've +2'd because its simple and backward compat, mostly just curious)18:30
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jesusaurclarkb: to be honest, I'm not sure what nodepool would do with unrecognized options in the config file; but what I'm trying to do is generate the config file from hiera data that doesn't look like your hiera data18:35
jesusaurand so I need a custom template to parse my custom hiera data18:36
clarkbjesusaur: pretty certain it would ignore unknown data in there, but gotcah the template itself is what differs not really the end result due to hiera18:36
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config master: Remove zuul-launcher support
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dmsimardclarkb, pabelanger: So I've given a shot at enforcing a minimum TTL on tripleo jobs. What I know is that 1) It doesn't break anything and 2) It is effective, as in TTL was enforced to be 90018:47
dmsimard from
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Remove legacy Designate jobs content
dmsimardI had categorized what appeared like legitimate DNS lookup failures yesterday here:
dmsimardHowever, I can't quite put it in elastic-recheck because some of those aren't fatal18:49
dmsimardDo we want to put a minimum TTL on TripleO jobs, leave it for a week or so and see where that leads us ?18:49
dmsimardEmilienM, mwhahaha: ^18:49
clarkbwe can probably make an exception since it is a failure just not always fatal that we want to eliminate18:49
clarkbmtreinish: would probably be the person to convince and or mriedem18:50
dmsimardclarkb: What's more interesting is to see if there is a trend down18:50
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dmsimardYesterday of ~52 failures (from that query) over 7 days, 12 of those were in TripleO jobs18:50
EmilienMdmsimard: I don't know what you're talking about, tbh18:50
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dmsimardEmilienM: We're trying to reduce the amount of job failures because of DNS lookup failures18:51
EmilienMok I see18:51
EmilienMwhy a minimum TTL would help18:51
mwhahahaless dns lookups to upstream18:51
mwhahahacaching would be more effective18:52
dmsimardEmilienM: Explained in the commit here
* EmilienM clicks18:52
dmsimardYesterday there was 52 failures over the last 7 days, looking today there's 85 now18:52
dmsimardHmm, one of those seems like just a bad kolla patch.18:53
EmilienMdmsimard: lgtm18:53
clarkbdmsimard: ya re trends18:53
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dmsimardEmilienM, mwhahaha: Okay so I'll update commit message for and we can merge that ?18:55
mwhahahai'm ok with it18:55
EmilienMdmsimard: go4it18:56
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openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Enforce a minimum TTL for DNS records in TripleO jobs
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Add zk01-03 servers to cluster zookeeper
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dmsimardmwhahaha: did you get around to undertanding why we had DNS lookup successes and failures right after ?19:05
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openstackgerritLouis Fourie proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings master: Change meeting time and channel
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pabelangerclarkb: dmsimard: lets see if we can add the logstash query into elastic recheck, I find that easier to use then ethercalc.o.o19:13
pabelangerkolla / OSA likey need an audit to confirm they are using our reverse proxies directly19:14
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pabelangerbut agree, we should see what DNS is failing there19:15
openstackgerritGage Hugo proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove legacy jobs from Keystone
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mwhahahadmsimard: nope19:24
dmsimardpabelanger: I haven't found a query without false positives, that's just the only thing I'm concerned about19:25
openstackgerritJonathan Bryce proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Create mailman server for Kata Containers
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Remove tox-siblings role stub
openstackgerritsebastian marcet proposed openstack-infra/openstackid-resources master: Added new get companies endpoint
fricklerfungi: mordred: did some further testing, the user does get forwarded to the new channel after the message about the old channel. seems it just didn't happen to me on my initial testing because I was already joined to the new one. but looks like the instruction are working well in the end19:30
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstackid-resources master: Added new get companies endpoint
pabelangerfungi: clarkb: should let us stand up a new zookeeper cluster, confirm it works, then join nodepool.o.o to it.19:32
AJaegermordred: tox-siblings is done...19:34
dhellmannmordred : what was the final outcome of all the release notes jobs changes? I have one failing because openstackdocstheme isn't installed and I'm not sure how to add that to a dependency list any more19:34
dhellmannAJaeger : maybe you know? ^^19:35
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dhellmannI see it trying to install {{zuul_work_dir}}/requirements.txt but I don't want to add the theme to the requirements for stevedore just for the release notes build19:35
dhellmannit's already in a "docs" extra19:36
dhellmannah, maybe doc/requirements.txt19:37
pabelangerdhellmann: yah, I believe that is correct now19:38
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dhellmannpabelanger : thanks19:40
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/puppet-openstackci master: Add support for installing ARA wsgi middleware for sqlite databases
openstackgerritGage Hugo proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove legacy jobs from Keystone
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Don't run functional test jobs for requirements changes
AJaegerdhellmann: you can create doc/requirements.txt or add to test-requirements.txt19:46
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openstackgerritsebastian marcet proposed openstack-infra/openstackid-resources master: Added new get groups endpoint
openstackgerritMerged openstack/os-testr master: Updated from global requirements
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dmsimardclarkb: I'm going to steal your hack to keep ara up to date on zuul executors to keep it up to date on logs.o.o (for sqlite over http)19:53
dmsimardhowever I'm noticing that there is a difference between pip<9 and pip>=919:53
dmsimardpip2 <9 doesn't support --format=columns.. can someone tell me what version of pip is on logs.o.o? :)19:54
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clarkbdmsimard: pip 9.0.1 from /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages (python 2.7)19:56
dmsimardclarkb: ack, this also gives me the opportunity to test it19:56
dmsimardclarkb: I think onlyif might not be appropriate unless I'm mistaken19:56
clarkbonlyif says run the actual command only if this command succeeds19:57
dmsimardFor example, if I'm not up to date, that snippet exits 1 though19:57
clarkbit should exit 0 due to the !=19:57
clarkbits saying only run this if the local install does not equal latest upstream install19:58
clarkb(could be buggy though)19:58
dmsimardclarkb: there's something weird going on:
dmsimardfull paste:
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clarkbit is possible that the stuff after -- needs quoting because your shell is interpreting it20:00
clarkbI don't think it that is the case when puppet runs it because puppet isn't running it under a shell?20:00
dmsimardyeah I think it's the --20:00
clarkbthe -- should be fine, its the quoting I think20:00
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clarkb(or lack of it)20:00
dmsimardclarkb: this works:
dmsimardI don't think you need '--' unless you're passing from stdin20:00
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clarkbdmsimard: it is a way of avoiding the need for quotes in puppet because nested quotes in puppet makes eyeballs hurt20:01
clarkbbut if its clearer for local reproduction we can use the quotes instead20:01
dmsimardwell, does it really work in puppet ? cause like I said it returns 1 here20:01
dmsimardlet me preprend bash -x20:01
clarkbdmsimard: I think it does beacuse puppet execs it directly, there is no shell to interpret the things after the --20:01
dmsimardlol bash -x isn't very helpful, just outputs the test command20:02
clarkbthe issue is the outer shell interpreting the stuff after -- before the inner shell gets it20:02
clarkb(I think)20:02
dmsimardclarkb: I'll try running it through puppet and see what happens20:02
clarkbI'm happy to have one version that works in both places even if it is a bit harder to read20:03
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fungiyay wireless modem...a fiber cut has taken my broadband isp offline island-wide for going on two hours already20:07
clarkbfungi: vacation!20:08
openstackgerritRonelle Landy proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: DNM - testing change on mtus and step_2
fungiwell, it's been a good opportunity to catch up on housework i've been neglecting, but that got boring so i found alternative connectivity20:09
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dmsimardclarkb: left a comment in, I think we need to remove the '--'20:09
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clarkbdmsimard: thanks for checking I'll get a new patchset up shortly.20:10
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dmsimardclarkb: np, thanks for coming up with the solution in the first place :D20:11
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dmsimardI'm very very rusty in puppet :)20:11
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mordreddmsimard: so say we all20:13
clarkbHeads up I signed us up for the PTG with the current data I have from informal polling. See everyone that can make it there20:13
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dhellmannit seems like someone said something earlier today about a doc build failure because of an rsync problem. Is that an ongoing issue?
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/puppet-zuul master: Ensure ara is updated on executors
clarkbdmsimard: ^ there you go20:15
openstackgerritFrank Kloeker proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings master: Change meeting chair for I18n team meeting
openstackgerritJonathan Bryce proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Create mailman server for Kata Containers
dhellmannnevermind, this looks like there is another failure earlier in the process20:16
clarkbdhellmann: in that case it looks like tox failed due to no build_sphinx command. I wonder if that is fallout from the thing that mordred ran into early this mornign?20:16
dhellmannthe fact that ara shows some steps in reverse order and others in the right order is confusing20:16
clarkbtimestamps seem recent though so I don't think it is that20:17
clarkbdhellmann: ya it alpha sorts the filenames I think rather than sorting on timestamp20:17
clarkbdmsimard: ^ feature request :)20:17
dhellmannclarkb : it seems to show the YAML files in reverse order, and the steps within each file in chronological order20:17
dhellmannI suppose that puts the failure closer to the top of the output20:18
dhellmannso, does the build-openstack-sphinx-docs job work differently from the release notes job in terms of dependencies? the patch that's failing is moving the requirements into the new doc file20:18
dhellmanndoc/requirements.txt that is20:19
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fungidhellmann: the earlier rsync comment was regarding the meetings page ical publisher which was missing a trailing slash (i expect dating back to the original v3 job conversion since the calendar last updated before then)20:19
dhellmannfungi : ah, right, thanks. this is definitely not that.20:19
mordreddhellmann: looking20:19
fungigot fixed yesterday if my memory is correct20:19
dhellmannmordred : I think I understand how to fix it. I'm just confused as to the state of these docs jobs. I thought they were all looking at the same files?20:20
mordreddhellmann: yes - well, that would be a version of the world that is lovely and is where we'll end us - we're unfortunately straddling a chasm of boiling lava currently ...20:21
AJaegercould I get some reviews for infra-manual, please? mentions doc/test-requirements.txt20:21
dhellmannmordred : such vivid imagery20:22
mordreddhellmann: tl;dr - releasenotes new, build-sphinx old - so build-sphinx is still doing tox -evenv -- python build_sphinx20:22
dhellmannok, so I'll put the doc requirements in the list for the venv env20:22
AJaegerfungi: yeah, a systematic conversion error - the missing slash. Hope we now have them all. I checked at one time but missed ical20:22
mordreddhellmann: I'm extra sad that it's taken this long to get this far :(20:22
mordreddhellmann: cool. and sorry - it's a saga that's definitely long in the tooth20:23
dhellmannmordred : yeah, I think I misunderstood something I saw late last week that made me think it was all done20:23
mordreddhellmann: I have learned many many things about files over the last 2 weeks20:24
dhellmannmordred : with a little luck you'll be able to forget all of that again some day20:24
dmsimarddhellmann: hi, re: sorting and ordering in ARA. It'll be made more consistent (and configurable by the operator) in the next major release. It'll be a while but it's already in the todo.20:24
dhellmanndmsimard : sounds great, thanks!20:25
dmsimardKeep the feedback coming if there's anything else, happy to write things down20:25
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fungilate to the game on doc/requirements.txt but this seems like something extras was designed to address... should/can pbr integrate those concepts at all?20:26
mordreddhellmann: we're getting closer! we're now in a position to remove all of the files that don't have additional dependencies encoded in them ... now we just have to figure out how to script *that*20:26
dhellmanndmsimard : I find that I need a lot of clicks to get to useful details, and it's not always obvious what clicking on any given element of the UI is going to tell me (which maybe contributes to me clicking in the wrong places a bunch still). I don't have any actionable about how to change the UI to address that, though.20:26
mordredfungi: it can indeed ... and there is a todo list item to add support to pbr for exposing things in doc/requirements.txt as a doc extra ... HOWEVER ...20:27
fungithough i suppose extras assumes a context where you're installing the package which carries the extras list, so maybe that's a poor fit after all if we want to be able to build docs without installing the projects whose docs we're building?20:27
dhellmannmordred : the release team did have a discussion about just publishing all of our code to pypi. I thought that was one solution?20:27
dhellmannif a project needs neutron, it would just list neutron in the dependency list20:27
mordreddhellmann: yes - that's the thing that's required for the projects that use to install software that is not listed in their requirements files20:27
mordredbut a bunch of projects are only using it to deal with constraints- and there is another solution that's been found for that20:28
dmsimarddhellmann: yeah.. I'll admit that I am neither a frontend or a UX expert. I'd love to have contributions to improve it!20:28
dhellmanndmsimard : I will try to come up with at least a more specific suggestion20:28
fungidhellmann: dmsimard: i think my related ui critique of ara is that we're using it to analyze job results but using its ui assumes an understanding of ansible terminology20:28
openstackgerritGaëtan Trellu proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Fix wrong epel-release-7* package URL
dhellmannfungi : good point20:28
mordredfungi: however - not all of the things that want to have sphinx docs built are python projects ... so yes, what you said, extras assumes a context where you're installing a python package20:28
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fungimordred: aha! yes excellent point. i had python tunnelvision again20:29
dmsimardfungi: I think some of the stuff slated for 1.0 will help alleviate some of that. Namely being able to name playbooks and put them in logical groups/phases20:30
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fungidhellmann: dmsimard: granted i don't know that people are likely to get very far reading raw zuul v3 job logs either if they don't understand the relationship between "playbooks," "roles" and "tasks"20:31
openstackgerritGaëtan Trellu proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Fix wrong epel-release-7* package URL
fungithough there is also the issue that i have to keep reminding myself that the way to view the task output is to click on its result status20:32
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fungiit's a clean enough way to avoid adding a separate ui element for "log" or "output" but it's still a little non-intuitive20:32
AJaegermordred: are you using a common topic for removing of tox_install? I have just pushed up two changes for docs repos to see whether it really works ...20:33
fungisame, though to a lesser extent, with clicking the task's name in the results breakdown to see the raw task definition20:33
fungii tend to click on the name of the task expecting to get the log, and then stare confused for a moment at its definition before realizing i clicked the wrong thing again20:34
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AJaegermordred: does not work with my approach, I get "Could not satisfy constraints for 'openstackdocstheme': installation from path or url cannot be constrained to a version" - see
dmsimardThere's definitely a lot of play on compromises and balance to keep the interface as simple as possible with the amount of data involved20:34
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mordredAJaeger: no - haven't gotten as far as a topic yet20:34
fungiall that is to say... ui design is hard, and i think you've done a really great job with it20:35
mordredAJaeger: oh - piddle - lemme look at your patch20:35
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dmsimardI agree that it needs to be more intuitive20:35
dmsimardIf anyone has ideas I'm all ears20:35
fungiit's better than what i would probably have made ;)20:35
dmsimardOh, there's also the question mark icon at the top right with tips20:35
AJaegermordred: - problem is that openstackdocstheme is in the constraints file20:35
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fungiit's a super-high-information-density interface, so really anything you do to make it more intuitive will probably mean reducing information density20:36
mordredAJaeger: I left you a comment20:37
mordredAJaeger: (it's likely too long of a comment - I seem to be in a verbose mood today)20:37
* fungi imagines ara with a st:tng "lcars" style display20:37
AJaegermordred: thanks, reading and changing...20:38
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mordredAJaeger: so far every time I've thought about attempting to script a patch-bomb for this, I have given up and done something else20:39
AJaegermordred: yeah ;( For some changes in the past I did a script that called my editor - so 90 % automatic...20:40
AJaegermordred: only 164 files...20:40
AJaegerand I'm trying to fix two of them ;)20:41
AJaegermordred: using topic rm-tox_install now...20:44
AJaegerbut not scripting it ;(20:46
mordredAJaeger: no - I think getting at least 2 or 3 of them solid by hand first is a very good idea20:46
AJaegermordred: is still not happy ;( What did I do wrong?20:47
mordredAJaeger: it's probably my fault20:48
mordredAJaeger: oh - just remove line 1220:48
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AJaegermordred: is fine ;)20:49
mordredsetenv =20:50
mordred   VIRTUAL_ENV={envdir}20:50
mordred... doesn't virtualenv set that anyway?20:50
AJaegermordred: wait, that means I can't use the [test] from setup.cfg anymore - can I?20:50
mordredAJaeger: that's right - we lose '.[test]' to be able to use constraints without a wrapper script ... is [test] from setup.cfg important and we need to figure out a way to keep it?20:51
openstackgerritRonelle Landy proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: DNM - testing change on mtus and step_2
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AJaegermordred: not sure whether it's important - but it's something people did and thus would need to change...20:52
mordredAJaeger: looking at openstackdocstheme now ...20:53
AJaegermordred: I'll fix myself, shouldn't be too hard...20:53
mordredinteresting - any idea why one would choose extras test vs. test-requirements.txt ?20:53
mordredAJaeger: I see a note about a dependency cycle20:53
AJaegeryeah, just read it as well ;( Probably come in from RPM packaging...20:54
mordredAJaeger: oh - you know what- for both of those I think the addition of doc/requirements.txt may help here20:54
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AJaegerwill try..20:55
mordredAJaeger: although, if you try doc/requirements.txt - be sure to add it to the deps list in tox for now, since the existing sphinx job still uses tox -evenv20:55
mordredAJaeger: once we land the sphinx update we should be able to move to only having doc/requirements.txt on docs or releasenotes helper envs20:56
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AJaegermordred: yeah...20:57
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AJaegermordred: next minefield ;/
mordredAJaeger: yay!20:59
mordredAJaeger: so - legacy-nova-api-ref-src is a job that is running the nova api ref build job but with the proposed patch to api-ref right?21:01
AJaegermordred: yes21:02
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Create ovb-ha-ipv6 and deprecate fs024 job
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AJaegermordred: are you going to convert the job? Or should we just patch it? I can patch it quickly...21:07
mordredAJaeger: yes - converted job coming ...21:07
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AJaegermordred: thanks21:08
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mordredAJaeger: ok - I stacked yours on top of it - so we should be able to see if it works in both versions21:09
mordredand if so, we cna drop the legacy one21:09
AJaegerok, thanks21:09
clarkbfungi: mordred care to be second reviewer on ? I can keep track of the workers after it merges to make sure that we actually don't fill up their disks21:11
mordred clarkb on it21:11
mordredclarkb: done21:12
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* clarkb pops out for lunch while that does the zuul and puppet ansible dance21:12
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Remove legacy-nova-api-ref-src job
AJaegermordred: I trust we get it fixed ;) - will WIP for now ^21:29
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove legacy-nova-api-ref-src
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config master: Revert "Disable crm114 on the logstash worker nodes"
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AJaegermordred: the post job fails with your new job, see - but otherwise looks fine.21:38
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AJaegermordred: I don't understand the failures in . Something looks really broken, will recheck.21:39
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* AJaeger calls it a day now and waves good night21:40
mordredAJaeger: ah - I do - and yes, I think there is a thing broken21:40
mordredI think fetch-sphinx-output is not honoring zuul_work_dir21:40
mordredyup. that's it. it's actually the post-playbook ...21:41
openstackgerritFrank Kloeker proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Upgrade translate-dev.o.o to Zanata 4.3.1
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eumel8clarkb: ^^ best thing after lunch ;)21:43
clarkbeumel8: ha :) I have pulled it up will review :)21:44
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Make api jobs post playbooks honor zuul_work_dir
mordredAJaeger: ^^21:44
openstackgerritAndrea Frittoli proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate master: WIP Create a tets matrix role
sboyronclarkb: Hi, thank you for your information about the translation check needs.21:44
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clarkbsboyron: hello, eumel8 is here and may be able to quickly fill you in on what is missing for that21:45
sboyroneumel8: Hi, clarkb said me that you can help me to understand what is needed for translation checks21:45
clarkbeumel8: sboyron is interested in helping infra and using OSA and so I pointed at the translation checksite as a possible task to help with21:45
andreafjeblair, sdague: this is still WIP - but the idea is to have a test matrix role in d-g which can be used in devstack base job to set the base set of enabled services
andreafjeblair, sdague: jobs could also use something like this to disable all services if needed and override the list21:47
eumel8sboyron: oh yeah, we're here:
andreafthis should give roughly parity with what jobs can do today on enabling / disabling services21:47
andreafjeblair, sdague: let me know if you have any comment on this solution21:48
eumel8sboyron: setting up new machine, fetch OSA sources and start installation script21:48
andreafthis is the main big piece missing in devstack jobs (aparts from bits and pieces of logs and configs)21:48
Shrewsclarkb: pabelanger: either of you want to chime in on the change to alien-list in ? It really doesn't seem like the right thing to do to me, but maybe I'm wrong.21:49
clarkbShrews: sure I'll take a look after reviewing this zanata change21:49
eumel8sboyron: last information from andymccr was doing the last step manually, so there is ssh access configured21:49
clarkbeumel8: for the zanata-dev change can you add to the etherpad where in the upgrade process that chagne should be merged?21:51
clarkbeumel8: and maybe WIP the chagne so that we don't do it at the wrong step (if that is a concern)21:51
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eumel8clarkb: yes, thats the gray zone for me. puppet apply is running in cron?21:56
mordredShrews: I left a comment on it for one of the things21:56
clarkbeumel8: yes it runs in a cron, but we can disable it on the node. So one step would probably be disable puppet on, then do things, then later merge the change, then enable puppet again21:58
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eumel8clarkb: yes, first of all we need a backup of /opt/wildfly and zanata database.21:59
eumel8but it's not so critical on dev server22:00
clarkbeumel8: we should run the steps just to be sure they work before the production upgrade though so we'll do them on dev too22:00
clarkbeumel8: so probably steps are stop puppet, perform backup, do anything else necessary, merge puppet change enable puppet?22:00
eumel8clarkb: yes, I can agree22:02
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Shrewsmordred: thx. i think the issue with that is that we are outputing public_v4, not interface_ip22:05
mordredShrews: ah- well, in that case, we should probably be outputting interface_ip (which would also get us ipv6 if it's there) - although, if someone is using that command to get a list and is going to copy and paste the ip to a different machine for the purposes of login - it's possible that other machine might not have ipv622:06
jeblairwe may want to consider removing the alien-list command22:06
jeblairwhat it was meant to accomplish is handled automatically now22:07
Shrewsi don't know how useful it is to see non-nodepool nodes from it (which is why i thought it'd be good for others to comment)22:08
clarkbjeblair: oh right the alien cleanup cron deletes any node with nodepool metadata that is not in the nodepool db22:08
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fungii agree, it's no longer needed (i haven't used it since shortly after nodepool learned how to clean up after itself)22:08
mordredjeblair, Shrews: I think the most important thing in that review is whether or not we want to explicitly support the shared-project use case - seems likea thing we should have an answer on and all agree that it's the answer22:09
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mordredwell, 'most important' is not the right english22:09
jeblairyep.  so we're left with either rui's suggestion, which should be automatic, or as-is, which is better handled by 'nova list' i think.22:09
mordredso "I think an important thing from that" ...22:09
jeblairmordred: aiui nodepool can currently coexist with other nodepools, and other uses of the same projectenant.  but in all cases, you have to be very careful with quota or you will get lots of errors.22:10
jeblairall cases are likely improved by the pending quota patches22:10
jeblair(and by very careful, i mean, basically, more careful than anyone ever is, so it usually won't work well)22:11
Shrewsit can also be confusing when you set max-servers to X, but you get "quota exceeded" when you've used less than X22:11
mordredthis is true -although aren't tobias' quota patches intended to make that suckless?22:12
jeblairi think the story changes significantly with tobiash's quota patches which grok actual limits.22:12
jeblairwell, i tried to say that at 22:10 :)22:12
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jeblairi just didn't say the magic word tobiash :)22:12
toskymordred: totally unrelated question (I think it was I while since I nagged you about this): any progress on the "Change publication interface to be directories on node, not executor" proposal?22:13
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jeblairandreaf: you linked to the same change twice -- did you have an example use of 524402?22:15
clarkbShrews: fwiw that totally happens with our single nodepool install and its extra confusing then22:16
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mordredtosky: it's stacked behind a couple of other things - but it's VERY high on my todo list22:17
jeblairandreaf: but i like it :)22:17
clarkbmordred: re shared tenant for nodepools my "in a perfect world" answer is there is no reason for that because keystone v322:17
andreafthe other patch is
clarkbmordred: you should just give each nodepool its own tenant/project and its own quotas because keystone v3 makes it easy22:17
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clarkbreality is no one uses keystone v3 properly except for citycloud so we are all doomed22:17
mordredclarkb: well - yes, in a perfect world I totally agree with you22:17
toskymordred: thanks; I'm waiting for it to convert the sahara jobs that publishes some tarballs, and in turn some changes for few new tarballs to be published22:18
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mordredtosky: I will do my best to make headway on it tomorrow22:22
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toskymordred: thanks! I didn't want to push, just to know that it was still on the list22:25
pabelangerI can kinda see the want for a shared tennant and 2 nodepool. Poosible you don't have the budget to get a 2nd.22:25
mordredtosky: oh - very much so22:25
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Remove nodesets from builds canceled during reconfiguration
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Don't shrink windows on reconfiguration
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jeblairEmilienM, mwhahaha: ^ there are the bugfixes for this morning's fun22:27
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jeblairbtw, we should keep an eye out for that happening again -- it absolutely could any time a queue grows longer than 20 items22:28
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mwhahahawhich is the tripleo queue every day :D22:28
ianwX-Clacks-Overhead: GNU Terry Pratchett ... that's a new one22:30
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clarkbI feel like I'm missing out on a good discworld joke by not having ever read any discworld22:32
clarkbamybe I will fix that this weekend22:32
jeblairclarkb: you are missing out on a *lot* of good discworld jokes that way :)22:32
clarkbthey've been on my list of books to read but then i end up reading something super dark by Alastair Reynolds instead. I recently got halfway though the book about the angels and demons though I should finish that one first22:34
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ianw ... fyi the GNU is not an indication of an attempt to make an open-source Terry Pratchett as i first assumed22:36
ianwbit of a shame his legacy is probably only noticed by annoyed developers debugging some silly issue, however :)22:37
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Don't set job var override_checkout if null
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jeblairandreaf: ^22:47
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Remove nodesets from builds canceled during reconfiguration
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Don't shrink windows on reconfiguration
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Don't set job var override_checkout if null
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openstackgerritStibbons proposed openstack-dev/pbr master: allow version override only for non pkgmetadata
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EmilienMjeblair: ack, thanks23:05
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clarkbgeneral fyi disk use by elasticsearch still looks good after starting to keep additional days of data (up to 8 now) and logstash workers also haven't crumbled since the crm114 was added back in23:08
clarkband queue sizes are still small23:08
clarkbsshnaidm|off: when you are back to a computer would be curious to know if the errors file is being indexed as you expect it23:09
clarkblooks like we still aren't generating an uncategorized jobs page23:10
clarkbI'll poke at that some more23:10
clarkbseems like there were changes to review related to that23:11
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openstackgerritStibbons proposed openstack-dev/pbr master: Test on Python 3.6
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clarkbdmsimard: ^ I'm not seeing any changes to e-r related to that do you know if they got pushed or if I'm just blind?23:12
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dmsimardclarkb: I'm missing context23:16
clarkbdmsimard: still not updating23:17
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clarkbfor some reason I think there is or was fixes for that but I could be misremembering with everyhting that has happened in the last couple montsh23:17
clarkb(if not yet fixes I'll dig in and see if I can fix)23:17
dmsimardI've... never seen that page before23:17
dmsimardand it looks amazing23:18
dmsimardmoreso if it would be up to date23:18
clarkbok I probbaly misremembered then. Will look into why it isn't updating23:18
dmsimardclarkb: what I remember is the date in the e-r main page being off while the results were up to date23:20
dmsimardand that was because of an outdated query (like, looking for console.html or something)23:20
dmsimardbut the actual queries were accurate23:20
clarkbthe timestamps on those listed failures are definitely too old to be up to date23:21
dmsimardclarkb: but that seems like a static page.. is something supposed to be generating it ?23:22
dmsimardclarkb: did we have a periodic zuul v2 job or something ?23:22
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clarkbelastic recheck generates it on a cron twice per hour23:24
clarkbsame as with the other e-r pages23:24
pabelangerYah, looks like it hasn23:24
pabelanger't updated since zuulv323:25
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clarkbcd /var/lib/elastic-recheck && mkdir -p new && elastic-recheck-uncategorized -d /opt/elastic-recheck/queries -t /usr/local/share/elastic-recheck/templates -o new  && mv new/*.html .23:28
clarkbthat is the cron command23:28
clarkbconfirmed that the command is in cron as expected23:28
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clarkbI05626c563a9a053e396782c54dae4c6fa7d6e269 <- was a fix for this so I am not entirely crazy23:30
clarkbits just not a sufficient fix I guess23:30
clarkbI'm going to try manually running that all fails query to see what I get23:31
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Don't shrink windows on reconfiguration
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Don't set job var override_checkout if null
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck master: Fix all fails query
clarkbpabelanger: dmsimard ^ based on manually running the query in kibana I think that is what is needed23:44
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clarkbmtreinish: mriedem ^ reviews on that much appreciated so that I can mark the e-r/logstash/elasticsearch zuulv3 stuff as mostly done (assuming this is the last missing piece)23:45
mordredclarkb: appropos of nothing, I have learned this evening that the version of pypy in xenial and the version of cryptography in upper-constraints are fundamentally incompatible23:49
clarkbmordred: yup23:50
mordredclarkb: and the solution is to use a newer version of pypy23:50
clarkbthat is what instigated the lets just stop testing pypy iirc23:50
clarkbwas everything broke one day after crytpography updated and we had a collective meh23:50
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mordredclarkb: well - for the sdk's pypy job I'm taking a stab at using a fedora-26 node instead of a xenial node23:50
jeblairmordred: oh, i guess we can't port that to c++23:51
mordredsince it has new enough pypy23:51
mordredjeblair: :)23:51
mordredjeblair: you say "can't" ...23:51
mordredjeblair: when I thnk you meant "probably shouldn't"23:51
jeblairyeah, i guess i mean, 'would be beside the point' :)23:51
clarkbyou could always have a thin swig layer23:51
mriedemclarkb: commented - do you want to remove that TODO in there about zuulv2?23:52
clarkbexcept don't because track records have shown I will have to fix it for mordred23:52
mordredclarkb: comeon. you LOVE fixing mordred swig code23:52
clarkbmriedem: I think we need to keep supporting zuul v2 for other users23:52
clarkbmriedem: I feel like that is an in a year todo23:52
mriedemah ok23:53
mriedemright, people actually maybe use e-r outside of upstream infra23:53
clarkbmriedem: ya that23:53
mriedemok +223:53
clarkbmordred: love is a bit strong :)23:53
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mordredclarkb: oh - actually, this f26 pypy job may not be a terrible idea ...23:53
mriedemclarkb: you know what i loved recently?23:53
mordredI have just discovered that the bindep file is incompete23:53
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clarkbmordred: yay learning things23:53
mriedemblair walsh missing a game tying kick23:53
clarkbmriedem: case keenum?23:53
clarkbmriedem: lol23:53
clarkbmriedem: its so bad23:54
mriedemtbf, it was like 85 yards out23:54
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mordredanybdy konw the openssl devel package on f26 off the top of their heads?23:54
mriedemdansmith: got some hot sportball talk here for you23:54
clarkbmordred: fedora has a package search website, oen sec23:55
clarkbits annoying that centos does not23:55
ianwmordred: openssl-1.1.0f-7.fc26.src.rpm23:56
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ianwthough we should have f27 soon23:56
mordredianw: it should be a fairly seamless swap when we do - it's just a little tox job23:56
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mordredianw: Fix py35 and pypy tox env23:57
* ianw records that as famous last words23:57
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clarkbmriedem: I'm mostly amazed that the rams are amazing23:58
clarkbmriedem: because well 8-8 is a meme23:59
mordredclarkb: yah. how the hell did the rams, you know, happen?23:59
clarkbmordred: ianw since you are both around either of you want to look at ?23:59

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