Wednesday, 2017-12-06

kazshAJaeger_: thanks for your response, now we are getting review from Horizon team to split out head-dashboard from horizon repo & got comment we need to enable translation job.00:00
AJaeger_kazsh: I'm still not getting how the translation jobs block you to release queens-2.00:01
AJaeger_the translation jobs push to a server, then translations happen, and then it pushes back nearly complete translations whenever those are done. If we merge that change now, you might wait two year, or 2 weeks - for translations...00:01
kazshI guess the translation job is not mandatory as you pointed out but just want to follow their review comment as much as possible before queens-200:02
AJaeger_kazsh: exactly. It's good to have it - but it will only change content if the volunteer translators translate. And your change enables that...00:03
kazshah yea..00:03
AJaeger_and then you have to explictely import the changes00:03
kazshyour are correct, need to work that too...maybe I have to..00:03
dmsimardmordred: gotcha on your comment, will look later00:04
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Add log-classify project template
kazshAJaeger_: ok, I understand that I don't need to be hurry up now, will wait the change will be merged later :)00:05
AJaeger_kazsh: I'm sure rest of the config-core team will review 525028 later this week...00:06
kazshAJaeger_: Noted with thanks mate :)00:06
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smcginnisfungi: Cool, thanks. Can we requeue that release job at some point (tomorrow)?00:18
AJaeger_tristanC: did you see my comment on 525639  regarding noop-jobs/merging .zuul.yaml?00:19
clarkbjohnsom: rm_work ok running your has reproduced it00:19
clarkbjohnsom: rm_work I think what I may do is keep this VM up00:19
mordredclarkb: looking00:19
clarkbgive ovh the instance uuid so they can track it to a hypervisor then see if there is any info on their end00:20
johnsomSweet.  Thanks for the effort clarkb00:20
rm_workyes, thanks a ton!!!00:20
clarkbwhile at the same time try to reproduce it with vanilla devstack + tempest00:20
mordredclarkb: oh - goodie - we're not seeing the ipv6 addresses in teh config drive metadata on ovh?00:20
fungismcginnis: if we get a second config-core reviewer to approve 525769 first and it merges, then sure, happy to, just remind me when you're ready00:20
clarkbjohnsom: rm_work oh and it reproduced on cirros without config drive00:20
clarkbmordred: correct00:20
johnsomclarkb You can also give them the bug so they can answer the questions they asked about the underlying host.00:20
openstackgerritAndrea Frittoli proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate master: Create a test matrix role
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clarkbjohnsom: have that handy? I'll make a note of it now00:21
mordredclarkb: sweet. do we get them via dhcp6 or RA or anything like that?00:21
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johnsomJust a sec00:21
clarkbmordred: I don't think they are RAs because the interfaces haven't auto configured them00:21
mordredlike- we should only ever need to pull them from metadata if we're not getting them via 'normal' means00:21
clarkbmordred: but I haven't really dug into that yet00:21
mordredclarkb: but - so - in theory if we go and manually add the ipv6 info that's in the nova metadata we get working ipv6 on the node?00:21
johnsomclarkb bug 192521 in kvm "KVM: entry failed, hardware error 0x0" [High,New] - Assigned to virtualization_kvm00:21
smcginnisfungi: Thanks!00:21
clarkbmordred: I want to say on my personal VM I had to statically configure it00:21
mordredclarkb: I think I remember us poking at this a few months ago ..00:22
clarkbya I think that is the theory00:22
mordredclarkb: oh- wait, no, I think I'm thinking about when we tried to add an ipv6 subnet to our citycloud network00:22
mordredclarkb: so I'm not sure I've poked at this at ovh yet00:22
clarkbmordred: ok, I will send ovh a second email tomorrow and cc you for that item00:23
clarkbI'm not feeling the energy to accurate write down either thing write now00:23
mordredclarkb: I think ovh has a custom neutron plugin or something? so it's possible that maybe that isn't plumbed through to the metadata pieces? or something00:23
fungii vaguely recall we asked them about it in person and... damien? said they didn't make v6 automatic (yet) so it could be opt-in by customers manually configuring it00:23
mordredclarkb: yah- tomorrow sounds great00:23
fungibecause some of their customers didn't want v6 or something00:23
fungialso possible i dreamt that entire conversation00:23
clarkbfungi: our instances have IPs according to the nova api at least though00:23
clarkbits just that the instances aren't being told about it00:23
mordredfungi: yah - I mean, I could see that and be fine with it - if the addresses wind up in config-drive metadata00:23
fungiright, but no ra or dhcp6 so that instances won't autoconfigure v6 in case customers didn't want working v600:24
mordredI *think* glean would do the right thing - but if it didn't, it wouldn't be super hard to fix00:24
mordredfungi: yah.00:24
fungianyway, it seemed like a specious argument, and possibly an excuse for not having finished their v6 implementation00:24
fungibut i don't really know00:25
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clarkbjohnsom: rm_work one more piece of info, kvm-spice was being used to boot things when it was working for me. Which then forks an qemu-system-x86_64. In the reproduction case it appears to just be qemu-system-x86)6400:25
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johnsomclarkb Our gate job has "/usr/bin/qemu-system-x86_64"00:27
clarkbjohnsom: rm_work as soon as I figure out which package includes kvm-spice can you add that to your change that runs on ovh and see if that changes anything?00:27
AJaeger_is Zuul confused? The post queue has three entries - two of them in there for 9 hours, just waiting for docs job00:27
johnsomclarkb Yeah, we can probably do that.  I wonder if that is a nova setup or just a bindep....00:28
clarkbjohnsom: aha! this could be it maybe? qemu-kvm installs it00:28
clarkbjohnsom: and qemu-kvm is not present on the failed reproduction case00:28
clarkbwhcih would also explain why enable-kvm is missing maybe00:28
clarkbI wonder if we are trying to use kvm in a qemu that isn't fully kvm capable?00:28
clarkbjohnsom: you'll have to add it to the devstack package lists00:29
johnsomHmm, I don't see qemu-kvm in the dpkg list on our failed case either00:29
rm_workahh so maybe we're missing a bindep00:29
rm_workyeah that's what he's saying00:29
clarkbI'm not sure that bindep is used by devstack but ya00:29
rm_workin the failed case, it's not installed00:29
rm_workthat'd be ... too obvious, right?00:29
clarkbits on the list of things to change in devstack I think but it has long had its own way of listing package deps00:30
AJaeger_infra-root, we only have 8 out of 10 executors according to grafana00:30
rm_work"didn't install qemu-kvm, kvm didn't work in qemu"00:30
AJaeger_clarkb: devstack does not use bindep AFAIK00:30
rm_workok how do i add this?00:30
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AJaeger_infra-root, sorry, 9 executors currently00:31
clarkbrm_work: you add it to that file I think00:31
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clarkbrm_work: you may be able to shim it into your devstack plugin temporarily to test it more easily but guessing longer term it shoudl live in nova's dep list00:31
rm_workclarkb: ah so we can't do it in-tree?00:31
rm_workah right00:32
rm_worki want to test it in-tree00:32
rm_workso can i add like ... an apt-get install?00:32
clarkbya you could do it that way00:32
clarkbor if you add a files/debs/foo to your devstack plugin I think that works too00:32
johnsomCould be here too:
AJaeger_infra-root, so the 12 min old post job just got a node for docs job while the 9hour old ones still don't have one ;(00:32
rm_workwait what00:32
rm_worki see it00:33
rm_workgot it00:33
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clarkbAJaeger_: I think that can happen because zuul oeprates on requests now00:33
rm_workit's up for review, we'll see if we land on an ovh host00:33
clarkbAJaeger_: but I'm not sure when those go in (eg if it was 9 hours ago or maybe not too much before the request that did get fulfilled)00:34
AJaeger_clarkb: if we have only 9 executors instead of 10, could that be the problem?00:34
clarkbAJaeger_: possibly if the 10th executor was responsible for that request somehow and it died?00:35
clarkbbut I think zuul scheduelr makes all the requests then farms them out to executors once met00:35
AJaeger_clarkb: all possible - question is whether we can / should do anything here to heal it?00:35
clarkbjeblair: ^00:35
clarkbrm_work: johnsom if that does fix it, would be curious to see if it works in other clouds without that package or are we somehow pulling that package in on other clouds00:36
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pabelangerAJaeger_: no, 1 executor is being limited by loadavg, it will come backonline shortly00:36
clarkbrm_work: johnsom: devstack jobs capture a dpkg -l listing you should be able to check00:36
jeblairclarkb: node requests come from scheduler00:36
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clarkboh good I had remembered that design point correctly00:37
AJaeger_pabelanger: indeed, back to 10 now00:37
pabelangerAJaeger_: refresh grafana now00:37
pabelangerAJaeger_: yah, ze06, you can see it was up to loadavg of 6000:37
AJaeger_so, is this related to the post queue?00:38
pabelangerI am not sure, did we lose an executor today?00:39
rm_workclarkb: it is NOT present on the working ones either00:39
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pabelangerAJaeger_: seems something happened about 10 hrs ago00:39
clarkbrm_work: interesting00:40
clarkbrm_work: the descript of the qemu-kvm package is Description: QEMU Full virtualization00:40
clarkbimplying that it would be necessary for that feature00:40
rm_workactually hold up00:41
rm_workjohnsom pointed out i may have looked at a bad example00:41
rm_worknope confirmed again00:42
rm_worki see zero "kvm" packages, in fact O_o00:42
johnsomclarkb Yeah, infracloud passes but does not have the qemu-kvm package.
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joadavisSorry to interrupt.  Got a deep Zuul question - Can a project template be disabled per-branch? Example: monasca-api fails on running publish-openstack-sphinx-docs for stable/ocata.00:43
clarkbjoadavis: generally yes, but iirc docs jobs are a policy mandated job for openstack projects? so those need to run (and pass)00:44
clarkbthat said, there has been recent upheaval around how we run docs00:44
clarkband the failures are likely related?00:44
clarkbfungi: mordred ^ I think you know more about that than I do00:44
joadavisThe call to build_sphinx replies "invalid command"00:44
clarkbjoadavis: that implies sphinx isn't being installed00:45
joadavismakes it hard to do code maintenance when old branches can't pass gate. :/00:45
clarkbdo you have a link to the failure?00:45
AJaeger_joadavis: so, it works on master?00:45
* AJaeger_ signs off00:45
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joadaviswitek hit that when working on
clarkbya there is no sphinx in the venv installation there00:46
joadavisso sphinx related gate works on master or pike branches (where I assume the venv has sphinx)00:47
clarkbmaster has it based on a quick read of test-requirements.txt and tox.ini00:48
clarkbreading ocata bow00:48
clarkbis missing from ocata after a similarly quick read00:48
clarkbone guess for why/how this broke is a dep was pulling it in and that dep has ceased to do so00:49
clarkbor maybe we just never ran docs on ocata and this is fallout from the zuulv3 transition?00:49
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joadavisso is the better process to hack around on the old branch to try to get docs created, or to disable the docs gate (since the docs for Ocata have presumably already been created and published)?00:50
clarkb that probably explains why this doesn't work00:51
clarkbthere aren't sphinx docs on that branch, thats odd00:51
joadavishmm. how about older versions (looking...)00:51
joadavisoh, no stable/newton listed (probably cuz it was eol'd)00:52
joadavishuh, don't see anything sphinx-like for master either.00:54
joadavisoh, path issue -
clarkbin this case you probably do want to disable the job00:57
joadavisyes, and just for stable/ocata, since stable/pike and on seem to be working00:57
clarkb is where it is added I think00:58
clarkbyou might need to remove that template and individually list all the jobs theer so that you can exclude just the docs job from the ocata branch00:58
joadavisline 8493, yeah00:58
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joadavisExample?  Something like what is done for mon-trans on line 8684??01:01
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gk__Hi Fungi, are you around?01:02
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clarkbjoadavis: ya thats basically what you'd need to do, but that template is an aggregation of many jobs so you need to split them out and list them all then only exclude the docs job in that manner01:04
clarkblet me find a link to the template definition01:04
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joadavisick.  Well, at least we can drop the exception when ocata gets eol'd.01:06
clarkbyou might be able to apply the branch exclusion to the template? I'm not actually sure01:06
joadavisclarkb: thanks for the help BTW01:06
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clarkbbut there are only 3 jobs listed there so not too bad to individually list them01:07
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mordredclarkb: I believe you shold be able to add branch matchers to the job in the pipeline definition01:07
joadavisapplying the exclusion to the template would be nice.  Can't tell if that is legal from reading
joadaviss/template/templates list/01:08
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joadavisI'll give exploding the template to jobs then limiting a try.  Thanks again.01:13
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dmsimardclarkb: I edited ethercalc for sprint, I'll have limited availability on dec 14/15, I realized that I'm helping to drive the RDO test days for the queens milestone01:23
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clarkbdmsimard: that should be fine I expect we'll get most things done early then will slow down later in the week as we hit the harder problems01:28
dmsimardmordred: with_first_found works for the doc/requirements.txt thing.01:28
dmsimardmordred: the caveat is that if no files are found at all, there's an error. Do we want to raise an error ? Otherwise we can let it continue without an error with a "skip: true" argument.01:29
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dmsimardmordred: btw the intent was totally not to steal your patch, feel free to carry that back into yours01:31
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mordreddmsimard: I've got plenty of patches, I like yours ... I think maybe skip: true is a good thing to try?01:36
dmsimardmordred: worst that can happen is that it fails later01:37
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dmsimardmordred: ok I'll send another patchset on top of yours with that in01:49
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openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/nodepool feature/zuulv3: zk: automatically retry command when connection is lost
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dmsimardmordred: /me wonders at what point it's worth writing a sphinx ansible module02:03
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openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: zk: automatically retry command when connection is lost
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Add sphinx_python variable to sphinx role and job
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Add sphinx_python variable to sphinx role and job
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openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/log-classify master: Add python project structure
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rosmaitais there something going on with the gate? there are 45 gate jobs, but 8 of them are just sitting, some for almost 5 hours03:07
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rm_workclarkb: for the record:
rm_workclarkb: qemu-kvm installed, same issue03:11
rm_worklooks like it tries to start with spice tho?03:11
rm_worknot sure if different, need to compare03:12
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dmsimardinfra-root: can someone kick/ban xdl from #zuul, spamming things.03:21
dmsimardclarkb: those IRC permissions would've come in handy after all :/03:22
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openstackgerritJoseph Davis proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: monasca-api: Exclude stable/ocata from sphinx doc creation
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openstackgerritJoseph Davis proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: monasca-api: Exclude stable/ocata from sphinx doc creation
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openstackgerritJoseph Davis proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: monasca-api: Exclude stable/ocata from sphinx doc creation
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ianwi dunno who can kick04:20
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: [WIP] Move prepare-zanata-client to o-z-j
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vivsoni_Hi Team, Zuul check is failing in driverfixes/ocata branch05:19
vivsoni_can someone please help ?05:19
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Jeffrey4linfra-core, if anyone could check this?
Jeffrey4lkolla_dockerhub_creds is defined in the zuul.yaml file.05:24
ianwvivsoni_: that's not rally a zuul issue ... you'll have more luck asking cinder people i'd say05:24
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vivsoni_ianw: ok. I will check.. Thanks05:27
ianwJeffrey4l: has it ever worked, or is this a new problem?05:27
Jeffrey4lguess secrets can not configure through
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Jeffrey4lit worked. but broken by this patch
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Jeffrey4lianw, ^^05:28
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openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/log-classify master: Add python project structure
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ianwJeffrey4l: yeah, you want the secret in the job definition, not the "jobs:" list05:42
openstackgerritMerged openstack/diskimage-builder master: zypper: fix package removal
Jeffrey4lianw, got. thaks.05:42
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fricklerinfra-root: seems to be blocking integrated gate for 15h now with two jobs not getting executed06:14
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fricklerseems related to the stuck post jobs, the two that AJaeger_ mentioned earlier are still there and have a similar start time06:30
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CrayZeeHi Infra, I have two zuul jobs that seem to be in some limbo state (running for over 15 hours). Could anyone take a look and maybe kill/restart them?06:56
CrayZeeboth are from the project dragonflow06:57
CrayZeesorry, two more at the gate running for over 11 hours as well06:58
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fricklerCrayZee: yeah, I noticed that earlier, need to wait for someone with root access to investigate07:03
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RuiChenAnyone know why devstack repo don't have newton-eol tag? newton EOL in 2017-10-1107:16
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fricklerRuiChen: better ask in #openstack-qa, some projects were late in doing EOL for newton, not sure whether that situation still persists07:28
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RuiChenfrickler: thanks, hope someone know that in #openstack-qa07:32
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ianwi'm just seeing if anything stands out with these stuck jobs07:55
ianwExecute job ironic-tempest-dsvm-ipa-wholedisk-bios-agent_ipmitool-tinyipa (uuid: e2c9e68591474903941f8b3874ebdbcd) on nodes <NodeSet devstack-single-node OrderedDict([('primary', <Node 0001228408 primary:ubuntu-xenial>)])OrderedDict()> for change <Change 0x7f04f98f4908 525634,1>07:56
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ianw2017-12-05 15:02:46,381 DEBUG nodepool.NodeLauncher-0001228408: Node 0001228408 is running [region: IAD, az: None, ip: ipv4:, ipv6: 2001:4802:7803:104:be76:4eff:fe20:40b7]07:58
ianw2017-12-05 15:44:33,471 DEBUG nodepool.DeletedNodeWorker: Marking for deletion unlocked node 0001228408 (state: used, allocated_to: 200-0001391746)07:59
ianwso, the node came and went, zuul clearly hasn't noticed07:59
openstackgerritWitold Bedyk proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: monasca-api: Exclude stable/ocata from sphinx doc creation
ianwi'm going to restart it, and requeue jobs08:01
CrayZeeianw: Thanks for investigating, but I see that ironic-tempest-dsvm-ipa-wholedisk-bios-agent_ipmitool-tinyipa for change 525634 succeeded?08:02
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ianwoh oh, it's not restarting08:05
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ianw:/ ... i think it was just the pid file that didn't get cleaned up properly blocking it starting08:12
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ianwrather non-obvious though, as "service zuul-scheduler start" exits "OK" in that case.  maybe that is something we can look at to make sure it gives an error failure08:13
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ianwok, i'm requeueing08:15
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openstackgerritSagi Shnaidman proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Remove workaround for periodic jobs
ianw#status log zuul-scheduler restarted due to very high number of stuck jobs.  check/gate/triple-o requeued08:21
openstackstatusianw: finished logging08:21
ianwit is now Wed Dec  6 08:20:40 UTC 2017 ... there were quite a number of stuck changes.  the 525634,1 example above was a good one, it should have ended at 12/05 15:44 but zuul never noticed08:23
ianwjeblair: ^ if investigation needed.  other jobs in the queue in scripts at ~ianw/tmp/restart-2017-12-06 if that helps08:24
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ianwmtreinish: fetch-stestr-output File "/usr/os-testr-env/bin/subunit2html", line 11, in <module> ... UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte; see if of interest ... clearly something up08:34
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chandankumarAJaeger_: hello08:41
chandankumarAJaeger_: please have a look08:41
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openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: web: add /{tenant}/jobs route
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openstackgerritArx Cruz proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Creating a function that calls /usr/bin/timeout
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fricklerchandankumar: afaict both of AJaeger's remarks in that review are not responded to yet09:04
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chandankumarfrickler: commented09:05
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openstackgerritAthlan-Guyot sofer proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: [WIP] Add support function for fast forward upgrade testing.
openstackgerritAthlan-Guyot sofer proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: [WIP] Add support function for fast forward upgrade testing.
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openstackgerritAthlan-Guyot sofer proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: [WIP] Add support function for fast forward upgrade testing.
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Wei_Liuianw: hello, I had setup a local CI/CD env with zuulv3, when openstack-tox-pep8/py27 had been triggered, I found out that my new change in gerrit was not fetch to worker repo. Do you know how zuul fetch new change?09:31
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openstackgerritArx Cruz proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Fix stackviz data
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openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Serve keys from canonical project name
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zigoWhat's that in tempest?10:40
zigo# Path to the script heat-config-notify (string value)10:40
zigo#heat_config_notify_script = heat-config-notify10:40
zigoWhere may I find such a script?10:40
zigoAlso, it'd be super nice if someone could provide to me a tempest.conf that works for heat.10:41
zigoI'm having a hard time configuring it.10:41
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toskyAJaeger_: hi, would this kind of fix be acceptable for now?
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openstackgerritStephen Finucane proposed openstack-dev/pbr master: Put test-requirements into an extra named 'test'
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openstackgerritAndrea Frittoli proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate master: Create a test matrix role
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openstackgerritStephen Finucane proposed openstack-dev/pbr master: tests: Increase coverage of requirements parsing
openstackgerritStephen Finucane proposed openstack-dev/pbr master: trivial: Move packaging tests to test_packaging
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Add new repo for mistral tempest plugin
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fricklerzigo: you might get more answers in #openstack-qa (for tempest) or #heat11:37
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zigofrickler: Ok, thanks.11:39
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fricklerianw: infra-root: seems after your restart there is another job now in similar state at the top of integrated gate:
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AJaeger_frickler: that still makes progress, doesn't it?
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fricklerzigo: for your second question, maybe this sample config from heat gate tests can help you?
AJaeger_frickler, dmsimard thanks for volunteering as infra-root!11:48
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fricklerAJaeger_: oh, now that job is scheduled, it still was queued when I looked. so what we are seeing is simply backlog11:57
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Wei_Liuhello, I had setup a local CI/CD env with zuulv3, when openstack-tox-pep8/py27 had been triggered, I found out that my new change in gerrit was not fetch to worker repo. And I did not find a job who did this in project project-config, zuul-jobs and openstack-zuul-jobs. So, how could zuul get the gerrit change during executing jobs?12:01
openstackgerritWitold Bedyk proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Run monascaclient docs jobs on master only
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openstackgerritWitold Bedyk proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Run monascaclient docs jobs on master only
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dmsimardAJaeger_: wait, volunteering ? No one told me it was a volunteer thing! (just kidding)12:47
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: web: add /{tenant}/builds route
openstackgerritLuigi Toscano proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Add heat-tempest-plugin to grenade/sahara job
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: web: make console-stream tenant scoped
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cmurphyI've noticed a couple of times our unit tests time out after about 40 minutes -
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: web: add /{source}/{project}.pub route
cmurphythey take a long time but they don't usually take THAT long, the python3 unit tests for the same patch are fine12:56
cmurphyis there something weird i should look for?12:56
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cmurphyhere's another one, they both happened to run on vexxhost
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openstackgerritArx Cruz proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Creating a function that calls /usr/bin/timeout
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fricklerAJaeger_: you broke designate ;)
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: web: add /{tenant}/jobs route
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AJaeger_frickler: Indeed, I did - in a way...13:27
fricklercmurphy: those logs look pretty normal to me, but three times the usual runtime is very slow indeed. not sure what to do with it, though, probably need to wait for more evidence13:28
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: web: add /{tenant}/builds route
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fricklerAJaeger_: I'm not sure though whether the test if broken or whether the requirements should be specified differently13:29
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AJaeger_frickler: just remove doc/requirements.txt13:31
AJaeger_look at the content, it's not really needed.13:31
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mordredfrickler: is a very large patch :)13:31
AJaeger_if you need help, tell me and I'll fix later...13:31
AJaeger_mordred: check - another item for our "obscure sphinx cases cabinett"13:32
cmurphyfrickler: is it normal for zuul to kill it after 40 minutes? i had thought the timeout was 90 minutes but maybe that's historical or i'm misremembering13:32
mordredAJaeger_: yah - that one's fun13:33
fricklercmurphy: I think 40 minutes is the usual timeout now for the new tox-py jobs, let me check13:33
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fricklermordred: the file causing the failure now hasn't been touched since 201413:34
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mordredfrickler: yah - adding such a doc/requirements.txt would be a good way to get a repo to work on both infra and readthedocs up until now ...13:35
mordredthe new way to support doing that is to shift doc requirements out of test-reuqirements and in to doc/requirements.txt - so that unittests don't need to install sphinx, and doc builds don't need all the unittest stuff...13:36
mordredBUT ... we're in a slightly awkward in-between place13:36
mordredand, of course, by slightly awkward, I mean AJaeger_ are losing our minds :)13:36
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: web: make console-stream tenant scoped
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: web: add /{source}/{project}.pub route
fricklercmurphy: 30 minutes is the default timeout from the base job. I think it should be possible to increase that for your project when needed, but a couple of runs I just checked are in the 10 minute range13:39
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cmurphyfrickler: okay good to know, and yeah i would not want to have to increase the timeout for py27 unit tests13:40
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cmurphywill come back with more evidence if it keeps happening13:41
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openstackgerritJiri Stransky proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Undercloud deploy: pass undercloud.yaml after docker.yaml
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AJaeger_mordred: I'm recovering again slowly ... ;)14:30
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pabelangercmurphy: frickler: it is possible they are slow compute nodes in vexxhost. We've seen noisy neighbours before there14:43
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dmsimardmordred: so I have a shade question... why do we detach the floating IP before deleting a server ? Deleting the server without detaching it first yields the same result and is more "atomic" ?14:45
dmsimardmordred: I ask because of what is more than likely a race that we've discussed a while back, i.e:
dmsimard(that's v2 btw)14:46
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openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Add stackdumphandler to zuul-web
openstackgerritJiri Stransky proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Undercloud deploy: use docker-uc.yaml
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openstackgerritArx Cruz proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Creating a function that calls /usr/bin/timeout
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openstackgerritJiri Stransky proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Undercloud deploy: use docker-uc.yaml
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weshayanyone know if the rss feeds from openstack health are working properly?15:12
weshayabout a week ago.. they started behaving a little odd. In that I was getting alerts from 5-7 prior to the actual job15:12
weshayEmilienM, FYI ^15:12
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EmilienMweshay: if you don't get RSS updates, it means no failures15:13
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EmilienMweshay: no failures == we probably have a bug in our subunit file generation15:13
EmilienMweshay: I remember sshnaidm|rover had a patch, I haven't checked if it worked15:14
weshayEmilienM, no I was getting rss updates/alerts on jobs from several days ago.. 5-7 days15:14
EmilienMwhen did we change the subunit file thing?15:14
weshayEmilienM, we should be seeing alerts on scen002 afaict15:14
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* weshay looks15:14
sshnaidm|roverEmilienM, weshay maybe it doesn't work, worth to check15:14
sshnaidm|roverI mean this predefined fake subunit file15:14
EmilienMweshay: 9 days ago
EmilienMso yeah, it might be that one15:15
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Remove workaround for periodic jobs
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openstackgerritChandan Kumar proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Added initial jobs for mistral tempest plugin
chandankumarfrickler: ^^15:23
ricolinHi I have a IRC issue in heat channel, since our meeting last week been cut off by ChanServ when it regain voice to `openstack`, our channel topic stays in the Meeting topic and won't get refreshed even we have another meeting. Anyone got any clue?15:24
pabelangermordred: I'm helping debug an issue with nodepool in rdoproject with dmsimard, and wanted to ask about api-timeout. It looks like shade is sending a request to the cloud, but doesn't get anything back. Reading docs, I think api-timeout will help with that? looking at our nodepool.yaml file we seem to have it set to 6015:24
dmsimardpabelanger: this is where you found the default ?
fungiif any config-core reviewers are on hand to approve AJaeger_'s 525769 change to fix the release jobs for projects running legacy-npm-upload i'll reenqueue the failing tag from yesterday for monasca-grafana-datasource15:25
ricolincheckout #heat if you wondering what I'm talking about15:25
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smcginnisfungi: Thanks for raising that, I literally just switched over here to look in to its status.15:26
fungismcginnis: clearly we're in sync today15:26
pabelangerdmsimard: yah, I think that is it15:26
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dmsimardpabelanger: so if it's osc-config it means we can put it in clouds.yaml afaik, just not sure of the format (what key? in which dict?)15:27
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pabelangerdmsimard: right, and it will be easy to test, you could create a new clouds.yaml file for rdocloud, then add api-timeout: 60, as a key under name of cloud15:28
dmsimardpabelanger: looks like just a key for the cloud, yeah15:29
dmsimardwell, actually it's easy to test15:29
pabelangerdmsimard: I think is syntax15:30
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dmsimardI'll test locally on my laptop and just drop packets15:30
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Wei_Liuhello, I had setup a local CI/CD env with zuulv3, when openstack-tox-pep8/py27 had been triggered, I found out that my new change in gerrit was not fetch to worker repo. And I did not find a job who did this in project project-config, zuul-jobs and openstack-zuul-jobs. So, how could zuul get the gerrit change during executing jobs?15:32
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fungiWei_Liu: in zuul v3, the zuul-executor pushes a copy of the repository onto the job node's filesystem, checked out to the merge precalculated for testing15:34
fungijobs generally don't (need to) clone/pull/fetch/checkout anything in most cases with zuul v315:34
dmsimardpabelanger: ok, it works with shade but openstackclient doesn't seem to care about it15:34
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mtreinishianw: normally when I see that there is something wrong with the subunit output15:35
mtreinishianw: I'll pull the subunit file from the log and take a look15:36
dmsimardpabelanger: wow cloud.list_servers() is a huge call15:36
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pabelangerdmsimard: okay, good. So, it is the right setting.15:37
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fungiWei_Liu: you may want to look over
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pabelangerWei_Liu: what does your base job look like? In it, it should be using a role called prepare-workspace, that actually syncs the repo to the remote node15:38
mtreinishianw: err, or I would if the subunit were there :)15:38
mtreinishI guess failing to generate the html made things bail out before it got to copying the subunit15:38
fungipabelanger: i suppose that's what we mean in the user guide where it says "The base job in the standard library contains a pre-playbook which copies the repositories to all of the job’s nodes. It is recommended to always inherit from this base job to ensure that behavior."15:39
mwhahahaquestion for infra folks, what can we do to prevent 6 hour TIMED_OUT jobs?
Wei_Liufungi: the copy of the repository contains the merged code, right? how did the zuul executor checkout out to the merge precalculated for testing?15:40
mwhahahai assume this is related to the 3 hour limit on the post tasks but something like this in the gate is a problem15:40
fungiWei_Liu: the zuul-merger process builds the branch state(s) needed and then hands that off to the zuul-executor15:41
pabelangerfungi: yah, exactly. I'm glad we added that to docs :)15:41
chandankumarfrickler: what i am doing wrong in this review?15:41
fungipabelanger: is that section of the user guide correct? it looks like our "standard library" has a comment here which says "Assumes a 'base' job defined elsewhere"
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fungipabelanger: do we actually include a "base" job in our standard library, or expect you to carry a copy of the one from our project-config repo?15:42
Wei_Liupabelanger: I use the base job defined in project-config, there is no prepare-workspace role15:43
pabelangermwhahaha: there is a known bug in zuulv3 where we use the job timeout in each phase of runs / post-run, so if you have 3 hours for job timeout, it will stack up to 6. You can see
pabelangermwhahaha: obviously, we need to fix that15:43
mwhahahapabelanger: i know but can we detect the node going away faster so we don't hang for 6 hours?15:43
fungipabelanger: not just each phase, but each playbook too15:43
pabelangerfungi: yah, base is in zuul-jobs, but if a user shadows zuul-jobs, they could create a new base, which might not have it. In this case, a job-output.txt would be helpful15:44
pabelangerWei_Liu: are you playbooks online some place?15:44
pabelangerWei_Liu: you could use base from zuul-jobs, and not project-config15:44
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fungipabelanger: where in zuul-jobs is a job named "base" defined? i'm really not finding it15:45
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pabelangermwhahaha: right now, I don't think so. You could check zuul.success in your post-run and still tasks you know that will fail. This looks to be a networking issue in our cloud provider15:45
pabelangermwhahaha: inap?15:46
Wei_Liupabelanger: no, my playbooks are behind the firewall15:46
pabelangeryah, so we can ask mgagne to maybe look and see what happen15:46
dmsimardmordred: there's a ginormous amount of calls when doing a cloud.list_servers() in shade around floating IPs. Looks like this, but it keeps going for like a minute.. there's around ~75 floating IPs in use in that tenant. Is that legit ? Looks like this:
mwhahahapabelanger: k just bringing it up because it causes problems15:47
pabelangerfungi: Oh, we removed it15:47
fungipabelanger: mwhahaha: i've heard it suggested that ansible should be able to figure out it's not connecting/getting any response and terminate the task in a reasonable amount of time rather than waiting for the general timeout to be reached, but so far nobody's stepped up with a solution15:47
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fungipabelanger: we should probably update the user guide then to no longer suggest we include any "base" job in the standard library15:48
dmsimardyeah, ansible should be able to do that15:48
pabelangerfungi: yah, so I think we need to include an example of what base is. I am not sure we do right now15:48
Wei_Liupabelanger: but there is no base playbook in zuul-jobs15:48
fungipabelanger: i can embed a literal copy of our base job into that section of the user guide if you think that'll be sufficient?15:48
jeblairwe need to add base back to zuul-jobs or add it to zuul-base-jobs, so there is a base job folks can use15:49
pabelangerWei_Liu: yah, I am incorrect. It looks like I am giving wrong info. So what does your base/pre.yaml file look like for pre-run15:49
fungijeblair: would putting a job called base into zuul-jobs in any way shadow/break the one we have in project-config? shouldn't right?15:50
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jeblairfungi: zuul-jobs is allowed to shadow project-config, so it will just be ignored by us (we'll be "overriding" it)15:50
jeblairfungi: oh, but the commit message at still applies15:51
jeblairso we may need to go down the zuul-base-jobs path15:51
fungido we expect to provide multiple base jobs in zuul-base-jobs (i'm supposing so from the plurality of its name)?15:52
pabelangermaybe, but I think base jobs need to be called 'base', so not sure how to express that15:53
Wei_Liupabelanger:, I commends the mirror roles since it always failed.15:54
fungiand is the idea that people could fork zuul-base-jobs to use as their config repository, or that they would choose whether to keep their base job in a config repository vs include the zuul-base-jobs repo?15:54
pabelangerWei_Liu: yah, okay, I wouldn't expect that to work for you, unless you have cached git repos in your DIBs.15:54
pabelangerWei_Liu: if you only have add-build-sshkeys, prepare-workspace, will it work?15:55
pabelangerthat should be the minimal base to use15:56
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fungii'll move my base jobs design questions to #zuul for a (slightly) more appropriate audience15:56
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Wei_Liupabelanger: what is DIB?16:00
pabelangerWei_Liu: yah, not sure if you are using it or cloud-images16:00
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Wei_Liupabelanger: yes, I am using it, but I did not modify the element "openstack-repos", it cached all openstack repos, not out local repos.16:04
pabelangerWei_Liu: okay, I would try with prepare-workspace first, it is a simpler process of getting the git repos onto the node16:05
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mtreinishianw: my working guess is that the test suite emitted a unicode character in the test id or error message and it's blowing up there16:07
dmsimardmordred: the ginormous amount of floating ip calls aren't done if we're passing bare=False to list_servers.. I wonder if nodepool needs the stuff that is otherwise contained in the call ?16:07
smcginnisfungi: ;)16:07
fungismcginnis: i'll reenqueue the tag once that change merges16:08
fungishould just be a few minutes16:08
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smcginnisPerfect, thanks fungi16:09
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Wei_Liupabelanger: use-cached-repos also get the git repos into the remote node, but it did get the change from gerrit, could prepare-workspace get the change from gerrit?16:10
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pabelangerWei_Liu: yes, prepare-workspace will copy the contents of the src folder from zuul-executor to remote node16:12
Wei_Liupabelanger: ok, I will try it first. Thank a lot16:12
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pabelangerWei_Liu: np! Looking forward to seeing you running zuulv3 :D16:15
Wei_Liupabelanger: it looks like a big challenge, we will make it.16:17
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Add missing dependency for release job
fricklerjeblair: clarkb: do we need to restart zuul to pick up new projects? see still failing after merged16:18
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fricklerfungi: #heat seems to have the same issue like #openstack-meeting earlier this week (or was it last week?) see msg from ricolin earlier16:21
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fungifrickler: ricolin: looks like #heat could stand to have some additional people with operator privs besides our general irc admins and sdake (see `/msg chanserv access #heat list`) so you can do things like change channel topics and ban disruptive users?16:24
mordreddmsimard: it shoulnd't16:24
mordreddmsimard: but I just got back online so may not have all the context yet16:24
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dmsimardmordred: (same thing in nodepool v2 which is where we're seeing the high volume of calls)16:26
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fungiricolin: i'm happy to reset the channel topic to whatever you like, but even happier to just give you access to do that yourself ;)16:26
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fungiand anyone else you want to have chanserv access for that matter16:27
mordreddmsimard: yes - so, what you want is
AJaeger_frickler, we shouldn't anymore - zuul should find those . But it takes an hour for project creation.16:28
mordreddmsimard: which I need to rebase and get landed16:28
mordreddmsimard: and then released16:28
AJaeger_frickler: so, first change merged 4+ hours ago - something is wrong ;(16:28
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jeblairDec  6 11:40:58 zuulv3 puppet-user[15776]: (/Stage[main]/Zuul::Scheduler/Exec[zuul-reload]) Triggered 'refresh' from 1 events16:29
jeblairAJaeger_, frickler: ^ looks like the reload made it to zuul at least16:29
dmsimardmordred: so turning that on will prevent shade from poking every floating IP or something ?16:29
mordreddmsimard: you can also, I believe, as a workaround, set floating_ip_source: None which should also avoid the extra calls - but that's actually not the right thing to assert on a cloud that does have them but you just don't need them16:29
dmsimardmordred: we're actually using floating IPs16:29
mordreddmsimard: yes - the issue is that shade doesn't know whether you need a FIP or not, so it has to do some introspection to figure it out16:30
jeblairAJaeger_, frickler: checking zuul debug logs now16:30
dmsimardmordred: that info isn't in the detail call ?16:30
mordredoh - you are ... ah, that's different then16:30
mordreddmsimard: no, not in a way that can be relied upon16:30
zigofrickler: Sorry, I was away this afternoon, but indeed, thanks for the tempest.conf, that's very helpful for me.16:30
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mordreddmsimard: luckily for all of us, sometimes nova lies because it has stale cached info16:31
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dmsimardmordred: so the floating ip stuff is not directly related to the issue we're troubleshooting -- it seems like shade gets stuck on a call that probably never returns16:32
dmsimardmordred: we have shade 1.22.2 and there's no api-timeout setting, which seems to default to None in osc-config16:32
mordreddmsimard: sweet. SO - real quick -do you have cache/expiration settings set for your nodepool shade?16:32
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dmsimardmordred: now, sure, we'll put an api-timeout setting (and cache settings)16:32
mordreddmsimard: there should be an api-timeout setting - that's a super old thing - can you point me to what's showing you it's not there?16:33
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dmsimardmordred: well it's not in our nodepool's api-timeout so yeah16:33
dmsimarder, nodepool's cloud.yaml16:34
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dmsimardmordred: so that's likely getting None
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jeblairException: Gerrit error executing git-upload-pack openstack/mistral-tempest-plugin16:35
mordredyah - so - 2 things16:35
jeblairAJaeger_, frickler: ^ is that the project being added?16:35
smcginnisfungi: That patch merged. Ping me when you get a chance to requeue that and I'll watch the jobs.16:35
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mordreddmsimard: a) that self.api_timeout setting in shade isn't used anymore since shade went REST - it's set on the adapter by os-client-config ...16:36
mordredsorry, it's set on the session, not the adapter, but it should be set on the Session in os-client-config16:36
ricolin_fungi, yeah, I'm happy to learn about how to do this16:36
fricklerjeblair: yes16:36
mordreddmsimard: but setting it in clouds.yaml *should* plumb it through properly and if it doesn't that's certainly a bug16:36
dmsimardmordred: yeah, I'm expecting that the value is plumbed properly16:37
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dmsimardmordred: but shade probably shouldn't default api_timeout to None is what I'm saying16:37
mordredcool. just making sure :)16:37
jeblairfrickler, AJaeger_: then it seems we have a sequencing issue.  we now need to have zuul reload its configuration after gerrit is updated.  we either need to solve this by updating infra's ansible to make sure that happens, or, in the mean time, we could split repo creation into two changes, and make sure the gerrit change is in place before the zuul change.16:38
fungiricolin_: you should be able now to `/msg chanserv topic #heat whatever topic you want`16:38
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AJaeger_jeblair: we already split it in two changes, see the reference from frickler earlier.16:38
dmsimardmordred: it seems like there's some arbitrary timeout by requests or something, ex:
AJaeger_We could move the main.yaml change in the second change - and update infra-mnaula for that.16:38
fungiricolin_: also you probably want to skim
mordreddmsimard: what should a default for that be do you think? ... the default is set here, - fwiw16:39
jeblairAJaeger_: then we'll need 3 changes :)16:39
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jeblairAJaeger_: add to gerrit; add to zuul; add jobs16:39
dmsimardmordred: I dunno, are we expecting an API call that hasn't returned in more than 60 seconds to ever return ?16:40
ricolin_fungi, thx will do:)16:41
jeblairAJaeger_, frickler: hrm, that's weird.  git+gerrit should already be running before zuul16:41
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mordreddmsimard: golly, that's an existential question ... can any software ever actually be expected to work? :)16:41
jeblairdid the repo get created correctly in gerrit?16:41
fungismcginnis: openstack/monasca-grafana-datasource 1.2.0 is what should have run jobs, right?16:41
smcginnisfungi: Sounds right, let me verify.16:42
smcginnisfungi: Correct16:42
fungismcginnis: perfect, enqueued now16:42
fricklerjeblair: git clone seems to work fine16:43
dmsimardmordred: ok so was the floating IP stuff required in nodepool after all ? (i.e, would bare=False work?)16:43
dmsimardjust curious as that seems like an expensive call16:44
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fungiinc0: can i go ahead and start importing kolla-kubernetes bugs from lp into sb any time now? if you're not quite ready to close down bug reporting for it in lp i can just rerun the import a second time right beforehand to pick up any subsequent new bugs/updates16:44
mordreddmsimard: it *should* wind up being 3 calls and being those 3 calls only once per nodepool poll period16:44
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dmsimardmordred: nope:
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mordreddmsimard: right... it should be that if the cache settings are enabled16:45
mordredshould be 3 calls if the cache settings are enabled16:45
dmsimardmordred: it's the same thing with and without cache16:45
inc0fungi: yes, for kolla-k8s it's totally fine16:45
mordredok. that's a bug16:45
dmsimardmordred: bare=True returns immediately without poking every floating ip16:46
inc0I'll be a bit more caucious about kolla and kolla-ansible tho because we'll need some time to teach operators new tool16:46
fungiinc0: thanks, i'll get it running (since i don't know how many bugs you have in total and thus how long the import will need to complete)16:46
dmsimardmordred: those are all differerent floating IPs, I'm not expecting cache to solve that problem16:46
mordreddmsimard: yes - but bare=True will not work in all cases - we need the full list to do what should be three calls so that we don't kill things at high load (otherwise each individual launch thread would need to do fip querying itself)16:47
dmsimardmordred: btw cache: 5 means 5 seconds ? or minutes ?16:47
mordreddmsimard: 5 seconds16:47
mordredand it shold - becaue the bug is that this is doing pushdown when it shouldn't be16:47
mordreddmsimard: there should be one list floating ips call to the cloud, not a bunchof specific gets16:47
fungiinc0: it's underway now and stories are beginning to appear at!/project/91616:47
mordreddmsimard: and the lookup for each fip should get served out of the list information16:47
fungiinc0: i'll let you know once it finishes16:48
dmsimardmordred: behavior is the same in 1.22.2 and 1.25.0 fwiw16:48
mordreddmsimard: kk. I will investigave - the behavior you are showing me is *definitely* a bug, and one that is important to fix16:48
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dmsimardmordred: want a bug in storyboard ?16:48
mordreddmsimard: nah. I mean, unless you just feel like making one16:49
dmsimardmordred: in case you get sidetracked :D16:49
openstackgerritJens Harbott (frickler) proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Add frickler as accessbot operator
* dmsimard points at rabbit holes16:49
jeblairfrickler, AJaeger_: it looks like the ansible sequence happened in the correct order, however, the project-config change landed while it was in progress.  so zuul got the project-config update in one ansible run, and gerrit got it in the next one.  (iow, the project-config revision used in a cycle is not atomic)16:49
mordreddmsimard: :)16:50
jeblairif we pinned the project-config revision across ansible invocations within a single run of the script, this would work better.16:50
fungii suppose our stdlib base job can't include post-logs because of the need for a site_logs secret? (this would be a common cause for people to put base in their config repo if so)16:51
jeblairfungi: yeah, we may want to make a stub role that copies logs to another location on the executor, like what we did in the early v3 days.16:51
fungii'll omit it for now and then we can add in something suitable in a subsequent change16:52
pabelangermordred: dmsimard: if there is a description of the issue, I might have some time to poke into shade and see what is happening16:53
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pabelangercould reproduce it easy, as I have an account on the cloud :)16:54
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dmsimardpabelanger: ^16:54
mordredpabelanger, dmsimard: so - first thing - in shade.meta._get_supplemental_addresses (which is the code that does the thing dmsimard pasted)16:54
mordredpabelanger, dmsimard: you'll see: if address.get('OS-EXT-IPS:type') == 'floating':    \n# We have a floating IP that nova knows about, do nothing\n    return server['addresses']16:55
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mordredthat's the part that detects whether or not nova has a fip reference or not. so we have an escape hatch for "this cloud is working well and we don't need to query neutron" ... so we should verify real quick that our check is still valid16:56
mordredjust to make sure that the cloud isn't returning a server with info filled in already16:56
mordredpabelanger: (if there's an easy way for you to reproduce what dmsimard did on that cloud but with a print of server['addresses'] at the top of that function, that would be helpful16:57
dmsimardI'll do it in a few16:58
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mordredthe second thing is that in the try: block, the search_ports and search_floating_ips calls should be using cached/batched list results, rather than doing individual push-down calls - that's the thing i'm going to look at next16:58
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pabelangerokay, let me start working on that16:59
mordredpabelanger, dmsimard: ok. I see the caching/batching bug - fix coming16:59
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pabelangermordred: woot16:59
smcginnisfungi: I wonder if we really should have both publish-openstack-javascript-tarball and publish-openstack-python-tarball for that release.16:59
fungismcginnis: it's entirely possible that the dependencies for the legacy-npm-upload job are chosen poorly17:00
funginot knowing what's in that repo, i would ask the monasca team17:01
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clarkbjohnsom: rm_work as a followup using my virt-install test method on the hypervisor your setup also fails. So its not a difference in the xml definitions for the VMs as far as I can tell17:01
clarkbI think it must be in the host setup somewhere17:02
smcginnisfungi: Failure:
clarkbI'm also rerunning the vanilla devstack case on a different host to see if that consistently works or maybe I got a "good" hypervisor last time17:03
mordredpabelanger, dmsimard: I apologize for the batching bug. it's a bad bug and I think I remember landing the patch that introduced it. thank you very much for pointing it out17:03
mordredpabelanger, dmsimard: I'm amazed that the FIP clouds in infra's nodepool haven't completely fallen over17:03
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clarkbits just citycloud right now iirc17:04
mordredI'm amazed that we have not broken citycloud17:06
mordredthey deserve a high amount of praise :)17:06
fungismcginnis: i don't know much about the javascript release workflow and tools... do we know if that ever worked? the install nvm task looks like it just clones a repo into ~/.nvm which seems insufficient to me for being able to call npm as an executable in the shell path17:06
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mordredfungi: I worked on the translation of that from legacy to new-style17:07
fungishould the upload tarball to npm tash be calling ~/.nvm/nvm or something maybe?17:07
fungior prepending ~/.nvm to $PATH?17:08
smcginnisOdd that it's complaining that the tar.gz file is not found even though it was just created.17:08
fungimordred: these are the legacy jobs. are there outstanding changes to switch to v3 native?17:08
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fungiwe have a bunch of projects configured to run legacy-npm-upload in release17:09
mordredoh - awesome17:09
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mordredwell - we have a roles/upload-npm in zuul-jobs17:09
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mordredfungi: in any case, after git clone to ~/.nvm, we should do "source ~/.nvm/" - which is missing from upload-nvm as wel17:09
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mordredfungi: the nvm docs actually say to do:17:10
mordredexport NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm"17:10
mordred[ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && . "$NVM_DIR/" # This loads nvm17:10
fungimordred: given the limited number of js projects and infrequency of releases, i'm going to guess this simply hasn't been exercised since rollout17:10
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mordredfungi: yah - and rolling out the new stuff clearly wasn't finished (sorry)17:11
dmsimardmordred: ok so do you need the output of list servers or not ?17:11
dmsimardfor the address thing17:11
fungilooks like we include the upload-npm role in the javascript playbook17:11
smcginnisI could have sworn we did a release for this that worked since the switch, but maybe it was one that failed and fell through the cracks with all the other fires at the time17:11
mordreddmsimard: yah - that's a different thing - basically, the code in question is there to work around an issue that happens in clouds, and it SEEMS like the cloud you're on is exhibiting that issue and that we are detecting it17:11
mordreddmsimard: however, it's possile thatour detection logic is flawed, so it's worth doublechecking17:12
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dmsimardmordred: ok, getting it, one min17:12
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pabelangerclarkb: and triple-test-cloud-rh117:12
openstackgerritMike Perez proposed openstack-infra/statusbot master: Thanks & Success bot provide confirmation site url
smcginnismordred, fungi: So there's some jobs that need to be implemented yet for this?17:13
mordredsmcginnis: there are some jobs half-implemented for this17:13
openstackgerritMike Perez proposed openstack-infra/statusbot master: Thanks & Success bot provide confirmation site url
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AJaeger_fungi, mordred there's also - and for the npm run job.17:13
mordredsmcginnis: in zuul-jobs there are some jobs "nodejs-npm-run-test" , "nodejs-npm-run-lint" and "nodejs-npm-run-docs" (although that last one can get removed with the new sphinx jobs)17:14
pabelangerokay, I have to run into town for an errand, will be back shortly17:14
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smcginnismordred: Is that something you are or can finish implementing?17:15
mordredsmcginnis: and there is release-openstack-javascript in project-config17:15
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mordredsmcginnis: I can certainly re-engage with it - but I've got a couple of other bugs to finish up real quick17:16
mordreddmsimard: thanks - Fix batching for floating ips and ports17:16
smcginnismordred: Cool, thank you.17:17
mordreddmsimard: that should fix the "turning on caching settings for floating ips does not reduce the numer of calls" part17:17
dmsimardI'll try it real quick17:17
mordreddmsimard: hrm. that's troubling. u'OS-EXT-IPS:type': u'floating' is there in the addresses dict17:17
dmsimardmordred: that's get_server fwiw, I assumed that it would return the same thing as list_servers17:18
mordreddmsimard: yes - it should do17:18
dmsimardlist_servers is very... big17:18
mordreddmsimard: can you try again adding in some more debugging to figure out why "if address.get('OS-EXT-IPS:type') == 'floating':" is not evaluating to true?17:19
mordreddmsimard: is it MAYBE a utf-8 vs. string thing perhaps?17:19
dmsimardmaybe, trying your patch first17:19
dmsimardmaybe worth mentioning this is python217:20
dmsimardI can try python3 after17:20
mordredI expect shade to work in python2 :)17:20
dmsimardyeah but unicode vs strings between py2 and py3 sucks17:20
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dmsimardmordred: ok your patch fixes it with cache enabled, +1'ing that17:22
mordreddmsimard: I cannot come up with a synthetic thing that causes the thing your code printed to not return true on that == test17:22
mordreddmsimard: woot17:22
mordreddmsimard: I want to add some tests for that, because clearly that's a thing that should not be allowed to break :)17:23
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mordreddmsimard: but I also want to get to the bottom of your other issue - which is that on your cloud you should never have hit the code which does this in the first place (unless those calls are being triggered from somewhere else and I'm wrong about where they're coming from for your case)17:24
dmsimardmordred: so you're saying with cache disabled it should detect properly the floating stuff and shouldn't be doing all those queries right ?17:25
openstackgerritArx Cruz proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Creating a function that calls /usr/bin/timeout
mordreddmsimard: yes - based on that print, I expect that a get_server or a list_servers on that account should not trigger a flood of port/fip calls17:26
dmsimardmordred: k, checking17:26
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mordreddmsimard: there may still be some port/fip calls during creatoin becaues of auto_ip ... you know, gotta create them - but list should not based on that addresses17:26
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openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: WIP: Add finger gateway
dmsimardmordred: it picks up floating IPs properly but still does all the calls I guess ? From adding a quick if/else
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Source nvm before using it
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mordreddmsimard: mind putting in a raise in def list_ports so we can see a traceback of where it's eing called from?17:32
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mordreddmsimard: also - isn't pair-debugging fun? :)17:32
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mordredsmcginnis, fungi: ^^ should fix the nvm thing for the non-legacy thing17:32
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fricklermordred: AJaeger_: the patch to remove doc/reqs.txt is also failing the check, because it seems to test master branch, too:
dmsimardmordred: I'm cool with that, makes me dig into shade and nodepool which I'm not intimate with17:34
dmsimardmordred: your raise:
fungiinc0: import of kolla-kubernetes is complete17:35
dmsimardmordred: you know what, let's take this to openstack-sdk so we're not spamming folks here17:36
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andreafmordred: I was wondering - are the patches to pull logs from consumer done now? we still have a role to sync files to the executor in devstack, and I would like to get rid of that and start staging things on {{ ansible_user_dir }} instead of /opt/stack/logs17:54
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AJaeger_frickler: best ask reuqirements team on #openstack-requirements - I don't know why they parse the old versoin and the new one. olnew should be enough17:57
AJaeger_I mean: new should be enough - but I'm sure I miss something17:58
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AJaeger_mordred: just run into dhellmann at kubecon and heard you're here as well, so we can discuss sphinx problems in person if needed ;)18:00
mordredandreaf: not yet ... I was hoping to make good progress on that this week18:00
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ihrachysfrickler, can we get in? this will unblock tempest plugin work in neutron18:03
ihrachysalso related is but that's just grafana so not as critical18:04
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AJaeger_infra-root, could you review and merge once there are no IRC meetings, please? It adds logging for the #kata channels18:10
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/nodepool feature/zuulv3: Refactor provider config to driver module
openstackgerritFabien Boucher proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: WIP: Git driver
clarkbjohnsom: base devstack + tempest failed. So I am beginning to think lucky hypervisor maybe?18:12
openstackgerritFabien Boucher proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: WIP: Git driver
clarkbjohnsom: I'm about to test on their published image instead of an infra image. Then with that should haev enough info to send them an email18:12
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/nodepool feature/zuulv3: Improve test case node_assignment_at_quota
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/nodepool feature/zuulv3: Reorg non detailed instance listing columns
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/zuul-base-jobs master: Initial boilerplate, packaging and testing
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/zuul-base-jobs master: Add generic base and base-test jobs/playbooks
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Move github webhook from webapp to zuul-web
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Fix mixed canonical/non-canonical project merge
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Lint and publish docs for zuul-base-jobs
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/nodepool feature/zuulv3: Document security group
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/zuul-base-jobs master: Initial boilerplate, packaging and testing
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/zuul-base-jobs master: Add generic base and base-test jobs/playbooks
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Changes for Ansible 2.4
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fricklerihrachys: +3 to both18:40
* ihrachys dances18:40
fungiso much merriment in this channel18:40
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johnsomclarkb +1 Thanks!  Ping me if you want a second set of eyes on anything18:42
clarkbjohnsom: also I found chnage I5eb6bd137896eb9abfc4f8dbb41b41105e4820cd as the one that removed qemu-kvm18:44
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: neutron: also drop -api job from master gate
clarkbjohnsom: and on further investigation that package basically only installs `kvm` executable as a wrapper around qemu-system-x86_6418:47
clarkb(I'm learning so much about the mess that is using qemu and kvm)18:47
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johnsomThanks for sharing the info.  At least two of us will be around to forget it by the time we need it again.  grin18:49
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Fixed grafana neutron board for new scenario/api job names
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Convert zuul.projects to a dict
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Source nvm before using it
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Add support for shared ansible_host in inventory
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: github: add integration documentation
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clarkbjohnsom: and confirmed it happens if I devstack on their image as well18:57
clarkbjohnsom: rm_work if you'd like to be cc'd on this email can you pm me email addrs that work for you?18:58
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clarkbor put it in here and see if the spam rate increases :)18:58
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rm_workclarkb: same as my openstack address but i'll PM you19:00
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Lint and publish docs for zuul-base-jobs
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Use zuul-base-jobs as a config repo
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Fix zuul.projects type in docs
clarkbany other infra-roots want to be on the two emails to ovh?19:06
clarkbI'm going to cc mordred on the ipv6 one19:06
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pabelangerclarkb: Shrews: so, now that we have zk0[1-3] online, we should maybe discuss how we want to migrate data into it19:08
pabelangeri think we'd need to do a snapshot save / restore19:08
clarkbpabelanger: is there not a way to join nodepool.o.o to the cluster, point all the clients to the new cluster members then delete nodepool.o.o?19:09
clarkbthat would be the no downtime method if possible19:09
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pabelangerclarkb: yah, I think we could. But, it is untested at this point. I could propose the patches to try it19:10
pabelangerclarkb: my concern is we might need to stop / start zk on nodepool to do that.19:10
clarkbpabelanger: my concern with it is that since the other nodes are greater in number they will treat their data as authoritative and overwrite nodepool.o.o's data19:11
pabelangerclarkb: yah, that too19:11
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pabelangerso, if we stop nodepool / zuul, take snapshot of zk, import into zk cluster, update nodepool / zuul to use zk cluster, that is likely safer19:12
pabelangereither route we go, i think there is an outage that needs to take place19:13
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inc0hey guys, we have discussion about how to test our images before publishing, if any of you got few minutes, we would appreciate feedback19:14
inc0join us on #openstack-kolla if you can please19:15
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openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/nodepool feature/zuulv3: Add cloud quota handling
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/nodepool feature/zuulv3: Don't fail on quota exceeded
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/nodepool feature/zuulv3: Make max-servers optional
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/nodepool feature/zuulv3: Support cores limit per pool
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/nodepool feature/zuulv3: Support ram limit per pool
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Move api_timeout into clouds.yaml for nodepool
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Shrewspabelanger: how is zk going to handle a cluster of 4 nodes? seems like a number that might be problematic if an odd number is required for majority voting or whatever19:37
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Shrewsmight want to just start with one of the zk0* nodes added to the current cluster of 1 (if that's the route you decide to go)19:38
Shrewsor 2, or whatever19:38
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove api-timeout from nodepool-launcher yaml file
pabelangerShrews: yah, we have 3 right now, so we can stop zk03 and add in nodepool.o.o, if we think that will replicate data. Then once good, we can take out nodepool.o.o and add back zk03. I think clarkb comment about will nodepool data get replicated into zk cluster happen or will the zk clustor say nodepool data is stale and wipe it is something to figure out.19:40
pabelangerShrews: or, maybe we just stop everything, point to zk cluster and start with empty data set19:41
clarkbya I'm really concerned that since nodepool.o.o is on the wrong side of quorum its data will be ignored/deleted/overwritten19:42
clarkbI am sure there are docs on this if we go digging though19:42
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Fix zuul.projects type in docs
clarkb looks fairly involved19:46
clarkbquick scan of that seems to say you can dynamically join one server at a time to an existing ensemble19:47
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clarkbjoiners know to look for an existing leader19:47
clarkbso that is how you tell it what direction data flows in19:48
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openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/nodepool feature/zuulv3: Rename ssh_port to connection_port
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/nodepool feature/zuulv3: Support username also for unmanaged cloud images
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/nodepool feature/zuulv3: Add connection-type to provider diskimage
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/nodepool feature/zuulv3: Don't gather host keys for non ssh connections
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/nodepool feature/zuulv3: Add connection-port to provider diskimage
clarkbreading that I'd be inclined to just go with the outage route as that seems simpler19:50
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pabelangerclarkb: yah, think so too19:51
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clarkbalso our zk is too old19:51
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clarkbso we can't dynamic reconfig anyways19:52
clarkbI think that settles it :)19:52
pabelangerah, was just trying to check that19:52
fungimordred: does it look to you like we have redundant (legacy and v3-native equivalent) jobs set here?
clarkbok I've sent email to ovh, its late tehre so don't expect immediate answers but will be curious to see what they say about the things19:55
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fungimordred: specifically, release-openstack-javascript has an npm uploading post task, so i have a feeling the legacy-npm-upload job isn't actually needed there?19:56
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smcginnisfungi: publish-openstack-python-tarball fails too since it's not python.20:01
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fungimordred: also i _think_ some of the post tasks are running on the wrong node (ara says ubuntu-xenial for all of them but shouldn't some stuff like the npm-upload task be happening on localhost?)20:02
clarkb is responding with 500s20:03
pabelangeroh, issues with OVH?20:03
pabelangermissed that20:03
clarkb(just general fyi that there may be ovh outage)20:03
clarkbpabelanger: I think it may have just started was going to clean up my servers for testing virt and ipv6 and ran into that20:03
clarkbwas working not too long ago20:03
fungimordred: at least the paths it's showing on for npm-upload look like where the synchronize task for collect-artifacts would deposit them20:03
fungibut the upload command seems to claim the file doesn't exist20:04
clarkbalso thats without any of our auth details, just curling it directly20:04
clarkbso dot'20:04
clarkbso don't expect it is our accounts20:05
pabelangerI'm checking now20:05
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ianwi've live chatted with ovh support before and they were helpful, fwiw20:06
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pabelangerclarkb: I see some maintenance on their DB right now20:07
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pabelangersays API down down20:08
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clarkbI don't think its an emergency on our end20:09
clarkbmostly a head up when I noticed it :)20:09
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openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/nodepool feature/zuulv3: Rename ssh_port to connection_port
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/nodepool feature/zuulv3: Support username also for unmanaged cloud images
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/nodepool feature/zuulv3: Add connection-type to provider diskimage
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/nodepool feature/zuulv3: Don't gather host keys for non ssh connections
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/nodepool feature/zuulv3: Add connection-port to provider diskimage
dmsimardinfra-root: btw frickler and I still need to get and in20:16
clarkbthanks for the reminder I'll take a look today20:18
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openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Rename ssh_port to connection_port
jeblair+2; we usually let those get a lot of +2s before merging20:19
jeblairfrickler: looks like yours needs a rebase20:20
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openstackgerritsebastian marcet proposed openstack-infra/openstackid-resources master: Added feature_cloud attribute to presentation serializer
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstackid-resources master: Added feature_cloud attribute to presentation serializer
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Fix cgit gerrit changeid link paths
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clarkbinfra-root ^ is a really late followup to the Gerrit 2.13 upgrade. Noticed that wasn't working today20:31
dmsimardclarkb: I had a change already for that20:32
clarkbdmsimard: oh I'll abandon mine then, have a link to yours?20:32
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dmsimardclarkb: hm it's not exactly the same20:32
dmsimardyours has an extra backslash20:33
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dmsimardI guess yours is the right one, I don't mind abandoning mine :p20:33
clarkboh ya you'll need that backslash because its a shell script20:33
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clarkbnah you can update yours20:33
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fungiclarkb: i appoved 51809220:34
fungioh, missed that it was missing a backslash20:34
dmsimardfungi: I -Wd20:34
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openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Fix URL to Change-Id in commit headers
dmsimard^ now with more backslashes20:35
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fungiclarkb: technically i think the backslash wasn't needed because # isn't the start of a comment unless preceded by whitespace (spaces, tabs, newline)20:37
fungibut it doesn't hurt20:37
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openstackgerritSagi Shnaidman proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Install SSH keys of admnins on RH clouds
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Remove file extension when building SimpleLayout
clarkbfungi: TIL didn't realize sh commenting was more than #20:59
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Remove zuulv2 long lives servers
pabelangerclarkb: fungi: ^ removes puppet bits for static slaves21:05
pabelangeronce we land that, I'll delete the nodes21:05
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Add command socket support to zuul-merger
clarkbpabelanger: reading that I notice we may also have hiera data for them that can be cleaned up (because of the groups info being removed)21:07
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Update playbook paths with extension
clarkbpabelanger: also does group signing need to be removed from the ansible group?21:07
clarkber ansible group file ? /me looks21:07
pabelangerlet me check21:07
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pabelangeryah, I see some hiera data21:08
clarkbmodules/openstack_project/files/puppetmaster/groups.txt does haev a signing group too21:08
clarkbwe might be able to remove the wheel mirror group from ^ too?21:09
fungiagreed, all that should be able to go buhbye21:09
pabelangerclarkb: same commit is fine?21:09
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fungii would21:10
clarkbpabelanger: ya I think we can likely bundle that together, but then that makes me wonder if the nodes should be deleted before we try puppeting them more ;)21:10
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clarkbbasically our inventory is created from what is running in the clouds so we may want to remove them from the cloud befor we remove them from the inventory metadata?21:10
fungiit won't matter if the references to the hiera vars are also gone21:10
AJaeger_infra-root, could you review and merge once there are no IRC meetings, please? It adds logging for the #kata channels21:10
pabelangerclarkb: yah, we can delete them now21:10
pabelangerlet me do that21:11
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Remove zuulv2 long lives servers
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Remove zuulv2 long lived servers
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Zarahm, question that came up elsewhere-- who was working on github+zuul? (just curiosity)21:14
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clarkbZara: jlk and spamaps21:14
clarkbI think tobias may have too?21:14
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pabelangeryah, a few people for sure21:15
clarkbpabelanger: fungi and just to double check me we don't have those wheel mirror nodes anymore right becuase we build the wheels on single use instances now too21:15
openstackgerritSagi Shnaidman proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Save oooq generated files
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pabelangerclarkb: yah, we deleted wheel mirrors a while back21:15
pabelangermaybe 2 weeks ago21:15
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SpamapSZara: I'm using it every day. :)21:20
SpamapS(with a private GHE instance)21:20
mwhahahaany chance on getting merged so we can get CI working for the tripleo-upgrade repo?21:21
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pabelanger#status log proposal.slave.o.o / release.slave.o.o / have all been deleted and DNS records removed21:25
openstackstatuspabelanger: finished logging21:25
pabelangerclarkb: fungi: ^21:25
dmsimardmwhahaha: +321:25
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rosmaitaanyone have time to help me troubleshoot a test error? i'm trying to convert a legacy job to zuul3, it's breaking during devstack setup in lib/databases/mysql:configure_database_mysql -- access denied when it tries to set the password. I'm pretty sure it has the correct password, it shows up in the db url connection strings for the services.  This is the patch setting up the test:
rosmaita and here is the error:
rosmaitai think maybe i missed a step somewhere21:38
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dmsimardrosmaita: looking21:40
dmsimardjeblair: are job vars recursively merged ?21:41
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dmsimardjeblair: i.e, if I specify a var "devstack_localrc" in another job, does it overwrite it ? or would it merge values from ?21:43
dmsimardit appears to be recursively merged fwiw, just double checking21:43
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jeblairdmsimard: yes, merged21:45
dmsimardzuul v3 is awesome21:45
rosmaitadmsimard: ty21:45
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rosmaitadmsimard: i dont know if this matters, but i've got role run-devstack in my run.yaml, monty has it in pre.yaml in a similar shade job -- could that affect this?21:50
dmsimardrosmaita: that's fine, it's provided by the devstack repository21:52
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rosmaitaok, does it matter if it runs in pre.yaml or run.yaml ?21:54
dmsimardrosmaita: I'm not sure what's the problem tbh, I tried to compare with a job that worked and I don't see anything particularly different21:54
jeblairpre/run shouldn't matter for this afaict21:54
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dmsimardrosmaita: comparing with shade the order isn't exactly the same21:56
dmsimardbut that's because shade's job purpose is to test against a cloud (i.e, a devstack installation)21:57
dmsimardso I would be wary of drawing too much from it as an example21:57
rosmaitaok, makes sense21:57
dmsimardrosmaita: looking at openstack-dev/devstack's roles, playbooks and zuul.yaml might give some insight21:58
rosmaitaok, i'll keep looking ... thanks (i was hoping this was a common thing you may have seen before, oh well!)21:58
jeblairi wonder if (a) something is happening in the wrong order (possibly due to the way we write local.conf).  or (b) if we're somehow running something that removes local root access to mysql21:59
jeblairjust brainstorming21:59
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openstackgerritMichael Turek proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Remove architecture rules on lshw dependency in ironic-agent
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Move send_command() into ZuulApp
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rosmaitajeblair thanks for the idea, i'll keep looking22:15
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Add command socket support to zuul-scheduler
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joadavisclarkb: Any reason not to merge ? :)22:30
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clarkbjoadavis: probably not, let me review22:45
clarkbalso making tacos for lunch is a good use of lunch22:45
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Allow running toci_gate_test on pre-provisioned ovb env
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: monasca-api: Exclude stable/ocata from sphinx doc creation
clarkbinfra-root since I'm on a cloud feedback session I figure I'll send email to citycloud about ipv6, using la1 again, and our possibly out of sync nova quota. Anything else I should be communicating to them?22:54
joadavisThanks, I didn't know your username in gerrit ot I would have added you. (today was pizza day here)22:54
clarkboh those old stuck building servers, I'll mention those too22:55
clarkbjoadavis: pizza sounds like a good use of lunch too22:56
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dmsimardclarkb: hum you can tell them nodepool will be nicer to them in the near future22:56
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jeblairclarkb: i got nothin, thanks22:56
dmsimardWe hunted part of this down today:!/story/200139422:57
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pabelangerclarkb: nothing here22:57
dmsimard needs to merge and release though22:58
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config master: Enable logging on Kata IRC Channels
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openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient master: WIP: Add a "New Story" view
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clarkbpabelanger: you've reached out to ctiycloud in the past, mind if I cc you? (thinking you may have mroe info on those building nodes that won't delete if they need it)23:26
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pabelangerclarkb: go for it23:32
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openstackgerritsebastian marcet proposed openstack-infra/openstackid-resources master: Fixed bug on event update * location TBA * validation errors
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstackid-resources master: Fixed bug on event update * location TBA * validation errors
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gmannAJaeger_: thanks, actually 'irrelevant-files' is something which would get overridden from base job so my idea having few values of 'irrelevant-files' in base job and then further project specific values of 'irrelevant-files' in inherited job would not work here.23:45
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