Friday, 2018-02-16

ianwyeah, the test maybe has more problems than just that00:00
ianwSubmited node request <NodeRequest 200-0000000000 <NodeSet OrderedDict([(('c', 'o', 'n', 't', 'r', 'o', 'l', 'l', 'e', 'r'),00:00
mordredianw, pabelanger: feel like +A'ing (follow up to the puppet-zuul patch from earlier)00:00
mordredianw: :) yes- that does seem like more problems than just bindep00:01
ianwi've stuffed that up in the config before where you forget the "-" in the yaml00:02
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: nodepool-integration fixes
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openstackgerritsebastian marcet proposed openstack-infra/openstackid-resources master: Added logic to manage calendar sync error due credentials revocation.
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config master: Set zuul openstack tenant name explicitly
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openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/storyboard master: handle missing lanes arg when creating a board
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openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/storyboard master: handle missing filters arg when creating a worklist
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/storyboard master: use required enums to validate 'type' args
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: nodepool-integration fixes
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pabelangerclarkb: ah, yes. I should have done that00:36
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: nodepool-integration fixes
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Use $NODEPOOL_KEY_NAME for dsvm testing
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: nodepool-integration fixes
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Make NodeSetParser a regular class
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Make SecretParser a regular class
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Make JobParser a regular class
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Make PipelineParser a regular class
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Make SemaphoreParser a regular class
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Make TenantParser a regular class
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Add ConfigLoader initializer
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Remove tenant argument from UnparsedTenantConfig
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Add legacy-copy-jenkins-scripts
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Add legacy-copy-jenkins-scripts
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Use $NODEPOOL_KEY_NAME for dsvm testing
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Add opensuse-tumbleweed to nodepool dsvm testing
pabelangerlets see if tumbleweed DIBs work01:18
clarkbgreghaynes: ^01:19
clarkbpabelanger: I think greghaynes was finding that glean may not work properly but we'll find out soon enough01:19
greghaynesHaha, I just made one today and yes glean thinks it's gentoo, but otherwise it seemed to work01:19
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pabelangerclarkb: ah, cool. Good to know, we have some patchs up to enable tumbleweed in nodepool01:19
EmilienMgerrit is super slow for me but it's probably just me again01:21
persiaEmilienM: It's slow enough to not render new changes for me, so I think it's not just you.  I was just checking mulitple devices and browsers.01:22
persiaNow it is just super slow, so things are better.  No idea why it was nearly blocked.01:24
EmilienMI know there is the re-index thing01:26
EmilienMbut tbh I never remember when it is01:26
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clarkbEmilienM: we do a database backup at 0000UTC daily01:26
clarkbbut this appears to be garbage collector related01:26
EmilienMwe should write an IRC bot that notify here when the cron starts :D01:26
clarkbEmilienM: the db backup no longer cuases a downtime either01:27
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Add legacy-copy-jenkins-scripts
clarkbthough looking at melody the last appreciable gc'ing happened right before the db backups01:28
clarkbabout an hour and 35 minutes ago01:28
pabelangerclarkb: was that an SQL change that helped backups improve?01:28
clarkbit was a mysqldump change01:29
clarkbmonty had a lightbulb moment and we were able to update the mysql dump to take advantage of innodb things or something01:29
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clarkbthere is/was a spike in active threads01:34
clarkbthats likely related to the slowness01:34
clarkbhowever http requests per minute is down01:34
clarkband cpu usage isn't crazy01:35
clarkbcould be ssh related maybe?01:35
clarkbthe spike seems to be mostly gone though so whatever it was I think it is tempoarary01:35
pabelanger2018-02-16 01:15:59,082 p=29027 u=root |         : ok=0    changed=0    unreachable=1    failed=001:38
pabelangerseems ansible wheel on puppetmaster can't connect to ze0201:38
pabelangerianw: clarkb: ^any ideas?01:39
pabelanger2018-02-16 01:37:07,363 p=27096 u=root |  fatal: []: UNREACHABLE! => {"changed": false, "msg": "Failed to connect to the host via ssh: ssh: connect to host 2001:4800:7819:104:be76:4eff:fe05:302 port 22: Connection timed out\r\n", "unreachable": true}01:39
clarkbpabelanger: the ip address failed01:39
pabelangerdidn't IPv6 change recently?01:39
clarkbso likely need to just clear out the inventory cache file and let it rebuild it01:39
ianwyeah ... should have just rebuilt it01:40
pabelangerrebuilding cache now01:41
pabelangerHmm, no change01:44
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Add legacy-copy-jenkins-scripts
pabelangerConnecting to [2001:4800:7819:104:be76:4eff:fe02:8373] port 2201:45
pabelangerthat is new IPv601:45
pabelanger        "ansible_ssh_host": "2001:4800:7819:104:be76:4eff:fe05:302",01:45
pabelangeris what inventory sees01:45
pabelangerpossible openstack API is confused?01:45
ianwi was using the api and *pretty* sure it all looked right01:46
pabelanger| accessIPv6                           | 2001:4800:7819:104:be76:4eff:fe05:302                                                 |01:46
pabelangerthats what I get back from openstack server show ze02.openstack.org01:46
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pabelangerwhich, fails01:47
pabelangerianw: did you reboot the server via API or just reattach network?01:47
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ianwthat's the old address!01:48
ianwi shutdown the server, detacted and reattached then rebooted01:48
pabelangerbut new one via DNS works as expected01:48
pabelangerI want to say I seen this before in testing with citycloud, trying to remember how I get the info to update01:49
pabelangerianw: yah, I was trying to enable ipv6 on citycloud region, and show how the address was stale like this.01:50
pabelangerbut, can't remember what I did to refresh it01:50
pabelangerWas for a mirror01:50
pabelangerbut, in the end, we just deleted the server and recreated I think01:51
pabelanger2018-02-16 01:52:38.420137 | controller | | 0000000001 | 0000000001 | devstack | opensuse-tumbleweed | opensuse-tumbleweed-1518745952 | d70c20fc-89e6-4641-9d38-5d8e3cd51a3e | ready | 00:00:00:03 |01:56
pabelangerjust waiting for node to come online now01:56
pabelangerlikely going to see glean issue :)01:56
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gmann_AJaeger: can you re-confirm your comment on this -
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Add legacy-copy-jenkins-scripts
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Add legacy-copy-jenkins-scripts
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Add legacy-copy-jenkins-scripts
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Add legacy-copy-jenkins-scripts
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Add legacy-copy-jenkins-scripts
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: nodepool-integration fixes
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Fix nodepool-zuul-functional
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Fix nodepool-zuul-functional
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Fix nodepool-zuul-functional
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Add nodepool-zuul-functional as non-voting check job
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openstackgerritJohn L. Villalovos proposed openstack-infra/gerritbot master: Add more unit tests including testing of Gerrit() class
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openstackgerritJohn L. Villalovos proposed openstack-infra/gerritbot master: Add more unit tests including testing of Gerrit() class
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openstackgerritJohn L. Villalovos proposed openstack-infra/gerritbot master: Add more unit tests including testing of Gerrit() class
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/nodepool master: Use $NODEPOOL_KEY_NAME for dsvm testing
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Pass at cleaning up the bootloader
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config master: Add #openstack-kayobe to statusbot and meetbot
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config master: Add #networking-sfc to statusbot and meetbot
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config master: Add statusbot/meetbot/eavesdrop to #openstack-self-healing
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ankkumarHi All06:09
openstackgerritJohn L. Villalovos proposed openstack-infra/gerritbot master: Add more unit tests including testing of Gerrit() class
ankkumarI am getting this error while running my ci Ansible complete, result RESULT_TIMED_OUT code None06:10
ankkumarin zuul v306:11
ankkumarMy test is passing but the ansible is timing out..  what timeout i need to set?06:11
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AJaegerclarkb: regarding nodepool-zuul-functional: That's a native job, it should use bindep instead of using install-distro-packages06:49
AJaegersorry, now reading all of backscroll06:51
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove legacy jobs in tap-as-a-service
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Use bindep for nodepool-zuul-functional
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Remove install-distro step for nodepool integration
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Remove copying of legacy install-distro script
AJaegerianw: I think that's the way to do it - but we can go with your change and I'll do mine on top ^ Or merge my base change into yours ^07:09
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gmmahaHi, two of openstack-helm CI have timed out and but there are no links for the tests.07:13
gmmahaany help will be much appreciated. Not sure why it is timing out.07:14
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ianwAJaeger: feel free to merge away :)  I think i sent it through like 15 reviews so ended up a bit cross-eyed :)07:32
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AJaegerianw: and sorry for that - I missed this usage when grepping for install-distro07:33
AJaegerianw: ok, will merge07:33
ianwAJaeger: no problems, the job had bit-rotted anyway07:34
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ianwwe should be able to drop the zuul-cloner in too; i'm not sure if we have a predone role for installing though07:35
AJaegerianw: let's do the zuul-cloner separately07:37
AJaegerrequired-projects should be enough for isntallation07:37
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Fix nodepool-zuul-functional
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Fix nodepool-zuul-functional
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Remove install-distro step for nodepool integration
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Remove copying of legacy install-distro script
AJaegerianw: merged ^07:40
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Avoid tools/ from zuul
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Remove tools/
AJaegerianw: these two on top should do the trick - let's see whether that's all, I fear log copying will be wrong07:53
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Avoid tools/ from zuul
AJaegerianw: I understand why you're cross-eyed - lots of dependencies between these two ;(07:57
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Remove install-distro step for nodepool integration
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Remove tools/
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AJaegerianw: now wait and see ;)08:03
* AJaeger will be back later...08:03
openstackgerritAndrea Frittoli proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Improve file renaming in stage-output
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Rework base-publish-static jobs using protected
AJaegercorvus: ^08:09
AJaegercorvus, this uses protected now as you suggested ^08:09
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openstackgerritFabien Boucher proposed openstack-infra/grafyaml master: Cap voluptuous version
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Add Queens gerritbot tracking for #openstack-dns
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Add Queens gerritbot tracking for OSA chan
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard master: remove unused variable in
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aspiershi all, should eavesdrop kick in immediately after (which adds an IRC channel to system-config/hiera/common.yaml) is merged, or does it take a while?10:20
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frickleraspiers: looks like that patch only added statusbot and not meetbot, there is another list called "meetbot_channels" for the latter in the same file10:33
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openstackgerritAndrea Frittoli proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Add stable/queens to periodic-stable templates
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AJaegerandreaf: should I help you moving the grenade jobs over to grenade repo? Still as legacy ones...11:41
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andreafAJaeger: we can either move them and then replace them or replace them with new ones in grenade11:42
andreafAJaeger: but given that the grenade jobs may take some more time we could go for move and replace11:42
andreafAJaeger: I'm a bit concerned about the churn in job names though11:42
AJaegerandreaf: we can wait as well - and you create new native jobs and then delete in neutron.11:43
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andreafAJaeger: but if we go for move and then repalce your help would be much appreciated, thank you :)11:44
AJaegerandreaf: yeah, it needs a few changes with renaming11:44
AJaegerandreaf: so, do you want help *now* to move them over? Then I'll do it...11:45
andreafAJaeger well you've done this kind of changes more than me - what do you think would be best?11:46
andreafAJaeger: I plan to have the grenade native job done by the end of PTG - at least the single node one11:46
AJaegerandreaf: then let's wait ;)11:47
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openstackgerritRicardo Carrillo Cruz proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: WIP Add Nodepool Ansible generic driver
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openstackgerritGraham Hayes proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Create 'Review-Priority' for designate repos
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openstackgerritAkihiro Motoki proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Setup queens translation sync for heat-dashboard
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openstackgerritGraham Hayes proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: gerrit tests should return to checked out branch
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/grafyaml master: Cap voluptuous version
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/glean master: Switch to platform.linux_distribution()
pabelangerclarkb: AJaeger: dirk: greghaynes: can either one of you confirm the output of platform.linux_distribution() in ^14:24
pabelangeron tumbleweed14:24
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dirkpabelanger: looking14:24
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dirk>>> platform.linux_distribution(full_distribution_name=0)14:25
dirk('', '', '')14:25
pabelangerokay, that explains why glean doesn't like tumbleweed14:26
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dirkpabelanger: iirc platform. checks for legacy stuff like /etc/SuSE-release, and that doesn't exist anymore in newer opensuse releases14:26
dirkpabelanger: we only have /etc/os-release, but the python platform module does not read that (because they consider platform deprecated and refuse to fix it)14:26
pabelangerdirk: kk, do you have a suggestion how to detect the distro?14:26
dirkthere is a python bug report about it14:26
dirkyep, second, we have code for that14:26
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openstackgerritFabien Boucher proposed openstack-infra/grafyaml master: Unlock yaxes min limit and allow free value
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dirkpabelanger: its not the prettiest thing on the planet.. there is I think a python module for that though14:28
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pabelangerdirk: okay, we'll have to import something like that into glean, as we try not to have any external dependencies14:32
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AJaegerpabelanger: regarding - I don't see it as viable to install that only on demand. We have legacy jobs in openstack-zuul-jobs and we have bindep role in zuul-jobs. We need the file on the node for both.14:38
AJaegerpabelanger: commented on the review as well. With the configuration and roles in three repos, I see no nice way of copying over on demand.14:41
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/glean master: Fix SUSE detection on Tumbleweed and SLE15
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fungii see in scrollback ankkumar (06:11z) and gmmaha (07:13z) complained about unanticipated job timeouts. i wonder if we're seeing fallout from the timeout change suggesting some jobs need retuning as a result?14:43
AJaegerfungi, gmmaha's case confused me - there was no log file14:44
AJaegerfungi: "openstack-helm-infra-ubuntu finger:// : TIMED_OUT in 30m 08s" in
fungipossible log collection in that job is happening in the run phase instead of post?14:45
AJaegermaybe - didn't dig into that14:45
fungior are we applying job timeouts to post phase as well?14:45
AJaegerfungi: yes - and that could be the reason, that the changed timeout handling let us to not collect anything.14:46
AJaegerdidn't we have in the past we had a 5 min buffer for the log collectoin? So that we always could get that? Did clarkb implement something like that?14:46
* AJaeger needs to run some errands, will be back later14:46
openstackgerritAlex Krzos proposed openstack-infra/grafyaml master: Add links to GrafYaml
openstackgerritAlex Krzos proposed openstack-infra/grafyaml master: Add more units for graph panel
openstackgerritAlex Krzos proposed openstack-infra/grafyaml master: Add Custom Template Type
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openstackgerritAlex Krzos proposed openstack-infra/grafyaml master: Allow decimals to be specificed to limit decimals graphs
openstackgerritAlex Krzos proposed openstack-infra/grafyaml master: Allow repeating panels and to set minspan
pabelangerokay, I have no idea how glean is working on fedora 27, we have /etc/os-release too14:52
pabelangeralso, is pretty messed up14:52
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pabelangerplatform.dist and platform.linux_distribution are both deprecated now. And I don't see an intree replacement14:53
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mordredpabelanger: that's  my reading too15:08
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fungii think this is why bindep resorts to running an external tool15:15
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pabelangeryah, I'm trying to intree the distro package first, to see if I can get it working15:17
pabelangermaybe we just vendor it or see about moving bindep logic into glean15:18
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fungifor the record, i wouldn't want to see bindep's logic abstracted into a separate lib because the goal is for it to have no dependencies... but i wonder if we could massage it however much is needed to use bindep as an optional dependency of glean15:20
fungi(that is to say, no dependencies aside from the lsb utility it runs to discover the operating system details)15:21
fungior, yeah, consider maybe that's so straightforward that it can just live in both tools15:21
fungiit's not like we probably gain a lot by deduplicating that when it's mostly a subprocess call and pattern matching the result15:22
mordredfungi: ++15:25
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mordredfungi, pabelanger: alternately, we COULD rewrite glean in rust - although that's obviously a much longer task15:25
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fungidoes rust actually solve this particular problem?15:27
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/glean master: WIP: Fix SUSE detection on Tumbleweed and SLE15
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pabelangermordred: fungi: ^ fixes unit tests locally, lets see if we can build / upload image with nodepool dsvm15:29
pabelangeras for vendoring distro or adding dependency.  We could start installing glean into virtualenv to protect operating system pip packages15:29
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AJaegerpabelanger: time now to discuss ?15:30
pabelangerAJaeger: can we push back another few hours?15:31
AJaegerlet's try ;)15:31
pabelangerAJaeger: thanks15:31
corvusAJaeger, fungi, clarkb: there's no special handling of post vs run timeout, so yeah, once we hit the timeout we're not going to complete any post playbooks15:31
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fungigot it, so if jobs want to save time for post playbooks to collect logs they should probably set a separate, lower timeout on their run phase?15:34
Roamer`hm, speaking of bindep, how is it supposed to handle the fact that there is no libmysqlclient-dev in Debian any more?  There's just libmariadbclient-dev now.15:34
fungiRoamer`: that can be done by editing bindep.txt files assuming libmariadbclient-dev does't do a provides for the old libmysqlclient-dev package name15:35
fungibut worset case you can specify a different package for particular debian releases15:35
fungier, worst case15:35
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* fungi is running debian/unstable, so checks15:38
fungilooks like it has a conflicts on libmysqlclient-dev but no provides15:38
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fungiRoamer`: though i have libmysqlclient-dev installed in a recently (last 24-hours or so) updated unstable system, so i guess that transition hasn't hit yet?15:39
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fungiSpamapS: ^ you probably have more detail on this transition than i do15:40
fungi(if you're around)15:40
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fungi indicates 5.7.21-1 is still very much present in sid15:42
fungiit was removed from stretch but still lingers in unstable15:42
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toskythe transition of mysql->mariadb in sid was not exactly smooth15:43
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fungithis explains my confusion15:43
toskybut it should have been completed already at this point15:43
Roamer`fungi, ah, that would explain why I don't have it, I live on testing15:43
fungiyeah, it's not in stretch or buster15:43
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fungilooks like jessie was the last stable to include it15:43
fungiseeing what the pts has to say about that15:44
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fungi"Not touching package due to block request by pochu"15:45
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fungiyeah, looks like there's an rc bug open on it for the past year15:46
openstackDebian bug 853008 in mysql-server-5.7 "mysql-server-5.7: purge could delete mariadb-server files with inadequate warning" [Serious,Open]15:46
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fungii have vague memories of this getting discussed on the debian-devel ml but have since forgotten the details15:47
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fungiand also the version in sid is vulnerable to
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Roamer`fungi, FTR, gives pretty much the same info at a glance, including a link to the bug; but yeah, I guess it takes time to retrain one's fingers, it took me months to stop typing packages.d.o :)15:49
Roamer`(and you can get there from
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fungithat's where i was, i tend to just follow the link from the package page to the tdo page for the source package15:49
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Roamer`ah, right, sorry15:50
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Fix nodepool-zuul-functional
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Add nodepool-zuul-functional as non-voting check job
fungiRoamer`: so anyway, could probably tweak a bindep.txt to do libmysqlclient-dev [platform:dpkg !platform:debian-stretch !platform:debian-buster] and then libmariadbclient-dev [platform:debian-stretch platform:debian-buster]15:54
fungior something along those lines15:54
fungidepending on which platforms your project is intended to support running on15:54
fungiif jessie is considered too old, then you could even do libmysqlclient-dev [platform:dpkg !platform:debian]15:55
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fungior perhaps just libmysqlclient-dev [platform:ubuntu]15:55
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Fix nodepool integration tests
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Fix nodepool-zuul-functional
fungiRoamer`: and then libmariadbclient-dev [platform:debian] or something15:56
fungibindep --profiles tells you what platform names the current system has15:56
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Remove install-distro step for nodepool integration
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Remove tools/
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pabelangerwoot, tumbleweed properly started16:06
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pabelangerand nodepool was able to ssh into it16:06
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pabelangerfungi: mordred: So, what are you thoughts on do we want to consider vendoring the distro package? Or maybe consider updating diskimage-builder to support installing glean into a virtualenv and override systemd unit files to location16:09
pabelangerclarkb: ^might have thoughts too16:10
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openstackgerritMatthieu Huin proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: zuul web: add admin endpoint, enqueue & autohold commands
Roamer`fungi, thanks, I was mainly missing the idea that bindep defines a debian-stretch profile, which should've been obvious in hindsight from the fact that it defines an ubuntu-trusty one16:11
Roamer`but also thanks for the bindep --profiles hint16:12
fried_ricejlvillal: Are you mucking with (or on top of) locally?16:12
Roamer`s/profile/platform/ of course16:12
fried_ricejlvillal: I'd like to enhance your GerritTestCase to go through the filters16:12
fungiRoamer`: we also have docs!!!
fungi(though it's basically just the same content as the readme)16:13
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jlvillalfried_rice, I am not. I was hoping it was in a good enough stage to be merged as is. And then additional patches to follow to slowly improve it.16:14
fried_ricejlvillal: That's my plan, was going to propose one on top.16:14
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jlvillalfried_rice, Cool :)16:14
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Roamer`fungi, yeah, sorry about that :)  I was mainly having a knee-jerk reaction to the fact that yesterday I couldn't easily test a quick openstack/requirements "tinyrpc===0.8" fix on my laptop, and I was thinking "does requirements/bindep.txt need to reflect that?"  I still wonder, but maybe I'll raise it in #openstack-requirements instead, maybe not right now16:15
jlvillalfried_rice, We just need to get infra to review them :)16:15
clarkbpabelanger: it doesn't look like you've vendored the package but instead just listed it as a requirement?16:15
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fungiRoamer`: yeah, we intend for this to be entirely under the control of those individual teams to make system dependency and support decisions for their deliverables. we just provide a tool and some guidance/examples16:16
fungi(and testing if they want it)16:16
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clarkbpabelanger: re platform.linux_distribution() its ('', '', '') my hunch is that that is a bug in the python packaging for tumblweed16:16
jlvillalfried_rice, If you are Eric Fried. I was thinking maybe the logic for the regex could be put in the ChannelConfig class. What do you think?16:16
clarkbpabelanger: so something that would probably get fixed quickly if we reported it16:16
pabelangerclarkb: yah, I haven't vendored it yet. Just want to make sure it first worked. I know we don't want glean to start growing external requirements too, so was going to upload a new patch if we decided vendoring was okay16:17
clarkbprobably the best thing is to get the distro to fix their python packaging16:17
pabelangerclarkb: it isn't a simple fix. See
jlvillalfried_rice, I was thinking could add some functions and a cache. So don't have to do the re.match() every time through. aka Dynamic Programming (I think)16:17
pabelangerclarkb: and I can confirm it is broken on fedora-27 too16:18
pabelangerbecause of /etc/os-release16:18
pabelangerrather then fixing, they've seem to just deprecate it, with no replacement16:19
jlvillalIf anyone would like to review:  More unit tests for openstack/gerritbot16:19
clarkbpabelanger: maybe the simple-init shell wrapper around glean can source /etc/os-release and feed the data into glean? I dunno16:19
fried_ricejlvillal: That all sounds lovely, but I'd like to keep the initial regex patch simple16:21
fried_ricejlvillal: And we can iterate, as you say.16:21
jlvillalfried_rice, Okay.16:21
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openstackgerritIan Y. Choi proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: [translation] Supports pot for project docs
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clarkbpabelanger: another appraoch could be to identify systemd vs not systemd but even then I Think we run into distro specific network configuration stuff (since its not all done by systemd)16:38
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openstackgerritEric Fried proposed openstack-infra/gerritbot master: Test Gerrit message filtering
fried_ricejlvillal: There ya go ^16:39
jlvillalfried_rice, Thanks16:40
fried_ricejlvillal: Now I'll rebase the regex patch on top of that one, and change it to key regex-ness off of '^' instead of the new yaml section.16:40
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/glean master: Fix SUSE detection on Tumbleweed and SLE15
pabelangerclarkb: updated to vendor^16:48
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pabelangerclarkb: yah, it is possible we could remove the autodetect logic out of glean, and depend more on --distro flag. Updating wrapper to always pass in distro info16:49
pabelangerclarkb: it also seem pip vendors this file too16:50
rbergeronohhh. speaking of glean (I was just trying to figure a thing out there) -- I haz possibly dumb question16:50
rbergeron(as in, i'm pretty sure it's a bug and uh, i should file it but figured i would sanity check myself here, imposter syndrome and all) --16:50
rbergeronon -- the first link on the page (for configuration drive) points at --16:51
clarkbpabelanger: in that case vendoring it is probably a reasonable thing to do if even pip has to do it16:51
rbergeronwhich just brings up ... all the user guides?16:51
rbergeronand it seems to be ... in other places too. anything pointing at any part of the user guide in docs is like, just going to the super meta giant main index of all pike user guides16:52
clarkbrbergeron: that is probably fallout of moving more of the docs into projects rather than having central guides16:52
clarkbrbergeron: we probably just need to find wherever nova documents config-drive now and update the link.16:52
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clarkb maybe?16:53
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clarkbrbergeron: as someone reading the docs currently does ^ appropriately indicate what config drive is?16:54
rbergeronclarkb: it's also, like, not just that doc -- seems like other stuff that was pointing to anything in user-guide is doing the same behavior16:55
rbergeronclarkb: i eventually found --
clarkbrbergeron: ya the user-guide is gone I think16:55
clarkbrbergeron: there was a great doc reorganization that happened a cycle or two back where the docs were pushed down into the projects themselves rather than maintaining a bunch of separate documents16:56
clarkbAJaeger could probably explain it better than me16:56
rbergeronwhich seems to be what *used* to be around.. and matches (more or less, though the "last updated" dates are like, different)16:56
rbergeronclarkb: yeah, I get it, i think. It just made me wonder if it was "i should just make a pr" or something more complicated like "someone needs to do global search and replace to fix things to complete the string and point to the right spot"16:57
rbergeron( is in the RDO install guide, and goes to the same "look, all the guides" front page)16:58
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clarkbrbergeron: what we have done is generate daily 404 counts at
clarkbthe idea being people could work on appropriate redirects for old content which happened a bunch at the start but may have fallen off since then16:59
rbergeronAhh -- very nice :)16:59
* rbergeron nods, a useful new contributor type thing to do17:00
clarkbin this particular case I think it would be great to have a change to glean to update the url to the new location17:00
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openstackgerritEric Fried proposed openstack-infra/gerritbot master: Support regexes in channel config yaml
rbergeronack -- i will... attempt that today. :) mostly because was going to point someone at it and i went to read through it to figure out what to highlight for them, and that's when i found all the things17:02
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* rbergeron is attempting mostly (at the heart of all this) to decipher the future of how fedora (and thusly, in the more distant future, centos / rhel) is composing images as they do this whole modularity thing17:03
rbergeronsince it seems to be slightly different and i got to reading a thing and was like "zomg i do hope someone maybe considers how other projects also have to build images around your stuff"17:03
* rbergeron has out her magnifying glass17:03
fungiglad someone is thinking about that!17:03
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* fungi must venture out on an errand-like quest, but shall return forthwith17:06
rbergeronspying those things is one of the great joys of having worked in or near a lot of projects. ;)17:06
rbergeron(but also means I'm not particularly great at solving it myself, but at least can put together humans and light a fire under behinds)17:07
clarkbrbergeron: fwiw at a super high level our image build process is make chroot then have yum/dnf install distro into it. Modify as necessary, copy and convert onto images17:07
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clarkbone of our modify as necessary steps is adding glean17:07
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gmmahafungi: AJaeger: thanks for looking into the issue for me17:11
gmmahais there anything i can provide to help you narrow down.. f17:12
clarkbgema: if you are around I wanted to make usre you saw my proposed ptg schedule and that thursday afternoon worked for you to go over the aarch64 stuff17:12
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gemaclarkb: that works fine17:13
gemaclarkb: thanks :D17:13
clarkbgmmaha: fungi AJaeger we can add support into zuul for specifying specific run phase timeouts and have those win over the main job timeout value17:13
clarkbwe could treat post as special beacuse its there to clean up and recover17:13
gemaclarkb: it's already on our schedule pinned, so we are good17:13
clarkbgema: good to kow thanks17:14
gemaclarkb: next week we'll be doing the bring up of the new cloud in london, so we'll mostly be awol17:14
gemasee you in dublin17:14
clarkbgema: see you there gl with the cloud deployment17:14
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gmmahaclarkb: I am not proficient with zuul to be able to comment on that. but it seems the jobs timing out with nothing in the logs to show was the thing that confused me the most. haven't seen that in the past17:15
clarkbgmmaha: ya we updated the timeout behavior to avoid having jobs take 6 hours to timeout on a 2 hour timeout but the side effect is if you timeout before post then post doesn't run :/17:16
gmmahaclarkb: aaah.. :|17:18
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openstackgerritPino de Candia proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Add new project for Tatu (SSH as a Service) Horizon Plugin.
openstackgerritPino de Candia proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Zuul templates for new project tatu-dashboard.
openstackgerritEric Fried proposed openstack-infra/gerritbot master: Support regexes in channel config yaml
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fried_ricejlvillal, smcginnis, fungi, clarkb, evrardjp: ^ rebased onto jlvillal's tests, and updated to use '^' prefix instead of use-regex-for-sections section.17:25
fried_ricemriedem: I seem to recall you cared about this a little bit too, once.  ^17:25
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evrardjpoh great.17:26
mriedemi do care about it, but not enough to review it17:26
evrardjpmriedem: how friendly!17:26
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mriedemi am a friendly guy17:27
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SpamapSfungi: MySQL was removed from testing/stable by edict of release and security team.17:28
SpamapSRoamer`: ^17:28
SpamapSYou will in fact need to switch to libmariadbclient-dev, but it should include a compatability fix for -lmysqlclient to still work17:29
SpamapS(Be careful, libmariadbclient has extra symbols that aren't in libmysqlclient. ;)17:29
SpamapSIt's the chief source of evil in that transition that I was sad never got addressed.17:29
SpamapSMaking a new library, and stealing an established SONAME for it, is not ok.17:30
SpamapSEven if it is 99% compatible.17:30
clarkbwhere are we using libmysqlclient anymore?17:30
clarkbI thought we had pretty much completely transitioned to pymysql?17:30
openstackgerritPino de Candia proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Add new project for Tatu (SSH as a Service) Horizon Plugin.
openstackgerritPino de Candia proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Zuul templates for new project tatu-dashboard.
clarkbRoamer`: ^ you may want to double check that you need the dep in the first place. pymysql is a native python implementation that under real world ish testing performs at par or reasonably well to mysql-python17:34
clarkbits particularly happy with our eventlet based systems because it can be properly greenthreaded17:34
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AJaegerrbergeron: is the spec that explain what happens with the guides17:45
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openstackgerritFrank Kloeker proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: [WIP] docs sitemap generation automation
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/storyboard master: use required enums to validate 'type' args
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/storyboard master: mark worklist filter_criteria as a required field
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/storyboard master: mark FilterCriterion title as a mandatory field
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pabelangerAJaeger: dirk: clarkb: mordred: greghaynes: ianw and our the glean fixes needed to bring opensuse-tumbleweed DIBs and nodepool testing online.  If you'd like to review.17:57
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rbergeronAJaeger: thx18:00
AJaegerthanks, pabelanger !18:00
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fungiclarkb: it's entirely possible that the libmysqlclient-dev and mysql-devel entries in, e.g., nova's bindep.txt are cruft18:02
AJaegeranybody for a quick queens translations review, please? is a one-liner for heat-dashboard18:03
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pabelangerclarkb: other issue is ze02 ipv6 address is reporting wrong in openstack, do you remember how to refresh that? Otherwise, it think we'll need to delete / create ze02.o.o again18:07
pabelangerclarkb: dynamic inventory in ansible is trying old IP address, not address from DNS18:07
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: Fix nodepool integration tests
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mordredevrardjp, cloudnull, odyssey4me: we landed a rather large feature in ansible 2.5 for the os_ modules - wanted to make sure y'all are aware and that it doesn't mess you up18:13
mordredpabelanger: you mean nova/neutron is returning the wrong address for the server?18:13
cloudnullmordred: nice!18:14
cloudnulldo you have the pr ?18:14
cloudnullhappy to give it a run through18:14
AJaegerpabelanger: I'm here again - please tell me once you find some minutes to discuss the bindep-fallback move18:14
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mordredcloudnull: tl;dr - made a centralized constructor and added the ability to pass an entire cloud config to each module invocation18:17
mordredcloudnull: so if you have your config as ansible variables and not clouds.yaml - you can just pass a dict to the cloud: parameter of all of the os_ modules now18:17
cloudnullvery cool18:18
mordredcloudnull: also, fwiw, we're live with zuul reporting on os_ module PRs and running shade integration tests on them18:18
pabelangermordred: yah, it is the old address. I seem to remember citycloud caching that too, but cannot remember how I fixed it.18:18
pabelangermordred: maybe you have an idea18:18
cloudnullwe have a gate job to test the head of ansible so we should be picking up this change when we check experimental but I'll give that a run through and adjust where needed18:18
cloudnullthanks for the heads up mordred18:18
mordredpabelanger: this is for ze02 in rax yeah?18:18
cloudnullchange looks great too :)18:19
pabelangermordred: yup18:19
mordredcloudnull: awesome. we could also wire up your head-of-ansible job18:19
cloudnullthat'd be great -cc evrardjp18:19
mordredpabelanger: then no, I don't have any ideas on that one ... in other contexts it could be a nova/neutron cache mismatch and we solve it by having shade pull addresses from neutron instead ... but there is no available neutron api at rax18:20
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fungii'm a fan of just rebuilding it18:23
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fungiwe have 9 more, we won't miss it for however long it's being swapped out18:24
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clarkbya I don't know how to get openstack to realize the ip changed18:25
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mordredcloudnull, evrardjp: Have zuul check out ansible for devel AIO job18:29
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odyssey4memordred ooh, shiny things18:33
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pabelangerfungi: clarkb: okay, I'll get started here shortly18:34
mordredodyssey4me: I *think* I remember you asking for something similar in the past18:34
odyssey4mecurrently my brain is the equivalent to a bag of mushy peas, you could tell me anything and I'd believe you18:35
pabelangerokay, zuul-executor stopped on ze0218:35
odyssey4memordred thanks for the demo - I think that's going to spark some ideas for evrardjp :)18:36
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Setup queens translation sync for heat-dashboard
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mordredodyssey4me: woot! also wanted y'all to be aware that we've got integration testing of os_ modules going now - which means if we find breaks or holes we should be sure to not only fix them but to add tests too18:38
fungiand you can depends-on their pull requests, right?18:38
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fungi(if you're upstreaming a fix to ansible that you subsequently want to use in a gerrit change)18:39
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Add stable/queens to periodic-stable templates
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beekneemechHey, how would I get access to change the topic in #openstack-oslo?  It's stuck on a meeting topic even though the meeting is over.18:46
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pabelangerbeekneemech: #endmeeting should work after 1 hour after start I believe18:48
fungiodds are the meetbot got disconnected/restarted mid-meeting and left a stale topic behind18:48
pabelangerthat is possible too18:48
fungias ptl of oslo, i have no qualms adding you to the access list for that channel18:48
beekneemechfungi: That would be good, thanks.18:49
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fungibeekneemech: you should now be able to /msg chanserv #openstack-oslo topic blah blah blah shared libraries blah18:50
beekneemechI think we may have had a global status update during the meeting, so when it went back to normal it reset to the meeting topic.18:50
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fungibeekneemech: ahh, yes that also sounds likely. we stopped having statusbot hang out in our official meeting channels for precisely that reason18:50
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fungihaving two bots trying to change channel topics and remember the previous topic is a recipe for topic races18:51
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openstackgerritChris Hoge proposed openstack-infra/puppet-refstack master: Added option to set enable_anonymous_upload
fungihogepodge: ^ is that urgent to get merged in advance of the maintenance?18:54
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* fungi reads to see if it says18:55
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fungidoesn't say18:55
fungimguiney: ^ perhaps you know?18:55
fungii guess that's the "push new code with anonymous upload turned off" from the maintenance plan you sent me?18:56
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mguineyI believe so18:59
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Add post-timeout setting
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openstackgerritFrank Kloeker proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: [WIP] docs sitemap generation automation
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Make NodeSetParser a regular class
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Make SecretParser a regular class
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Make JobParser a regular class
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Make PipelineParser a regular class
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Make SemaphoreParser a regular class
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Make TenantParser a regular class
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Add ConfigLoader initializer
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Remove tenant argument from UnparsedTenantConfig
AJaegercorvus: I followed your idea from yesterday and used protected for the static publish jobs - could you review , please?19:23
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pabelangerokay, replacement ze02 is online, DNS is updated. Just waiting for firewalls to reload now19:29
dmsimardpabelanger: yes, I can take care of deleting the old logserver and volumes19:30
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pabelangerdmsimard: great, thanks19:30
corvusAJaeger: lgtm; mordred you may want to look at and its parent19:31
openstackgerritFrank Kloeker proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: [WIP] docs sitemap generation automation
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AJaegercorvus, one question about  publish-openstack-artifacts - it has access to secrets and I see it inherited in mistral. Is that ok? Or should we add protected to publish-openstack-artifacts as well?19:32
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AJaegerwon't work with major reorg - the job is inherited in openstack-zuul-jobs as well19:33
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AJaegerI'm talking about ...19:35
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smcginnisSo kata containers will not be using Infra?19:40
fungidepends on what you mean by that19:41
fungithey're already using us to host their mailing lists19:41
smcginnisI assumed part of joining the foundation was also to use infra for running CI.19:41
fungiwe present it as an option, but it's in no way mandated19:42
gmmahaclarkb: AJaeger: fungi: Just updated a patch and zuul has hit a time out again. Just want to see if it something that i am doing with the patches or if there is anyway i can help to fix it.19:42
fungismcginnis: they can choose to when they're ready to do so19:42
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smcginnisfungi: Looks like they aren't starting off with it:
fungismcginnis: that was my understanding as well19:42
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mordredI've got to say, the link "" is disappointing on so many levels19:43
fungii'm happy to see that they at least think testing their software is a good idea19:44
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fungibut yeah, not exactly my preferred toolchain19:44
mordred"we joined the OpenStack Foundation, which produces Open Source Cloud software as well as an advanced and scalable CI platform, but we've decided to deploy a jenkins server on a non-open source cloud"19:45
clarkbgmmaha: I am working in a change to zuul to change how timeouts work in post19:45
clarkbgmmaha: once we get that in and restart zuul it should allow your joba to timeout then still collect logs19:45
gmmahaclarkb: woot woot.. thanks a lot for looking into this.19:45
gmmahashall wait and watch for that to happen19:45
pabelangermordred: yah, noticed that too19:46
pabelangerI'm going to try an sit in some of the kata PTG sessions, but haven't see much about it yet19:46
mordredlike, shrug and everything, I've got enough problems in my world and nothing said they *had* to do anything - but from a feels perspective it's not great19:46
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Protect some jobs
AJaegercorvus, mordred, one more proteced/abstract change ^19:47
corvusdemoralizing is the word that comes to mind19:47
mordredespecially since the CI they're spinning up is clearly NEW - so it's not like they've got the whole "we have an existing something else and migrating would be hard"19:47
mordredcorvus: ++19:47
fungigmmaha: as for what changed, my guess is that openstack-helm-infra-{ubuntu,centos,fedora} were probably taking close to 30 minutes already with their run phase playbooks, and so switching to putting all the phases together under that timeout has caused you to need a slightly longer timeout on those19:47
fungigmmaha: and indeed, before this your average runtimes on those jobs look to have been around 40 minutes total19:48
gmmahafungi: aaah.. thanks for that explanation.. now i understand better. is the timeout something i can configure in the zuul.yaml of openstack-helm-infra repo?19:49
AJaegerI don't know where the kata folks discuss those things (note I'm aware of their channels, didn't follow them). I'm on the dev mailing list and there is very low traffic and no discussion about any of this.19:49
* gmmaha goes to see if there is an option19:49
pabelangerFWIW: appears to be their discussion about CI19:49
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fungiseems like a jolly place to have an infrastructure discussion ;)19:50
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persia is something else I encountered recently related to their CI19:51
fungigmmaha: yes, you can set your job timeout explicitly either in the job definition or in a variant19:51
fungigetting the appropriate documentation link now19:52
corvusfungi, gmmaha: if you bump the timeout, you may want to track clarkb's change and lower it once it's in production (otherwise, you're likely to end up with a higher-than-anticipated timeout on the main job).19:53
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gmmahafungi: thanks..19:53
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gmmahafungi: corvus: given that clarkb is already working on his patch, will wait and see what it lends and then figure out if need to increase the timeout.19:54
fungisounds sane19:54
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anticwre: ... negation in searches still doesn't work19:58
anticwsearching for -foo ... seems to search for "-foo" i guess, certainly it's not excluding things in expected ways19:58
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AJaegerpabelanger: I'll sign off in a bit - would appreciate if you could again look at and see mordred's and my comments.19:59
clarkbanticw: -message:foo iirc19:59
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pabelangerAJaeger: will do19:59
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/grafyaml master: Unlock yaxes min limit and allow free value
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/grafyaml master: Allow repeating panels and to set minspan
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/grafyaml master: Allow decimals to be specificed to limit decimals graphs
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/grafyaml master: Allow hidden templated vars
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/grafyaml master: Add more units for graph panel
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/grafyaml master: Add links to GrafYaml
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anticwclarkb: thanks, let me try that ... in the past -foo worked, i didn't think message: was needed20:11
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anticwclarkb: great, that works well! thanks20:12
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dhellmanncan anyone help diagnose this doc build error with the message "remote copy does not support recursive copy of directory"?
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dhellmannas far as I know there is nothing special about the python-storyboardclient documentation build20:16
dhellmannand in fact older versions of the docs are available at
fungii wonder are we doing copy instead of sync in the publish-openstack-sphinx-docs-infra job?20:16
dhellmannoh, I wonder if it's because -- yeah, different job20:17
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fungiit mostly exists to root the infra documentation under infra/ but it's possible improvements were made to the publish-openstack-sphinx-docs job and not publish-openstack-sphinx-docs-infra20:17
fungii'm digging the source up now20:18
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/python-storyboardclient master: build universal wheels
openstackgerritsebastian marcet proposed openstack-infra/openstackid-resources master: Added logic to manage calendar sync error due credentials revocation.
hogepodgefungi yes, we can't update the server without that20:24
fungihogepodge: just wondering whether it should merge before the maintenance or during20:25
pabelangerokay, ze02.o.o is back online20:25
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hogepodgefungi: what's your preference? We can hold off on the upgrade. We're not on a hard schedule if maintenance is a better time for it.20:25
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/python-storyboardclient master: remove sphinx-isms from README.rst and clean up docs
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fungihogepodge: i have no preference... i was asking when you want that change approved20:26
fungiso that we do it at the time you need it done20:26
fungii didn't want to have it merge earlier than you intended and cause some sort of disruption for the service20:26
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Make JobParser a regular class
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Make PipelineParser a regular class
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Make SemaphoreParser a regular class
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Make TenantParser a regular class
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Add ConfigLoader initializer
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Remove tenant argument from UnparsedTenantConfig
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Add ParseContext class
fungihogepodge: perhaps i can rephrase... is it safe to approve that change now or do we need to wait until you're ready for the other steps in your maintenance plan?20:27
fungidhellmann: strange, i don't see any obvious difference between that task for the prepare-infra-docs-for-afs and prepare-docs-for-afs roles20:28
fungi vs
pabelanger#status log replacement ze02.o.o server is online and processing jobs20:30
openstackstatuspabelanger: finished logging20:30
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dhellmannfungi : is that the task that failed?20:30
fungidhellmann: that's the one mentioned in the log20:30
dhellmannyeah, seems to be20:30
fungii wonder if this job is supposed to only be running on tagged releases and not on change merges, per the comment in that role20:31
dhellmannfungi : it does mention "remote copy" so I wonder if for one job it runs locally and for another it runs remotely?20:31
dhellmannfungi : this build was triggered by a tagged release20:31
fungiahh, okay20:31
dhellmannso maybe it's *not* supposed to run for tags?20:31
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Fix typo in PragmaParser
fungiclarkb: ^ you had been looking into updating docs on release for infra projects, right?20:32
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: Make NodeSetParser a regular class
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: Make SecretParser a regular class
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstackid-resources master: Added logic to manage calendar sync error due credentials revocation.
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Roamer`clarkb, about libmysqlclient: I was just trying to run the tox tests of openstack/requirements.  I guess something in OpenStack still needs libmysqlclient, or, alternatively, all the dependencies have been ripped out but no one has been keeping a reference count.20:37
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clarkbRoamer`: ya I think both are possibilities. Its a housekeepign thing we should try to remember to look back into at some point20:41
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Add post-timeout setting
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hogepodgefungi: It's necessary to approve the change now20:44
clarkbgmmaha: ^ fyi I think that should work and has tests now20:44
hogepodgeOur automatic reload on tag won't load properly without it20:44
hogepodge(not that it will fail, it just won't be able to set the options we need on the server)20:45
fungihogepodge: cool, the lack of timeline requirements in the commit message or review comments led me to imagine all sorts of possibilities for that since it wasn't clear it was safe to approve in advance20:46
fungiany infra-puppet-core reviewers willing to review as prep for today's refstack maintenance?20:47
clarkbyes I'll review here shortly20:47
clarkbunless you need a second non foundation staff member?20:47
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fungimight be good to get a non-osf core reviewer on it too since hogepodge is... yeah20:47
hogepodgefungi: can you leave a comment about more verbose messages on the review? As a learning experience.20:48
fungiyou bet!20:48
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fungithanks corvus!20:53
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openstackgerritFrank Kloeker proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: [WIP] docs sitemap generation automation
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openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/storyboard master: mark worklist filter_criteria as a required field
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/storyboard master: mark FilterCriterion title as a mandatory field
pabelangerfungi: clarkb: mordred: ianw: do you mind looking at glean patch to fix opensuse / fedora: biggest change is vendoring of library.21:02
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clarkblooks like the license is compatibile and we've clearly stuck it in a _vendor path so thats good21:03
fungipabelanger: i might be able to in a little while but about to step out to grab some food21:04
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openstackgerritFrank Kloeker proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: [WIP] docs sitemap generation automation
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clarkbpabelanger: are the jobs that ran on that change running with the ssh check? they must be right?21:10
clarkbpabelanger: just thinking the ssh check will give us a reasonably testing of this end to end21:11
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-refstack master: Added option to set enable_anonymous_upload
pabelangerclarkb: yah, the tests in 545314 show SSh working, after we bring all OSes online21:11
openstackgerritFrank Kloeker proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: [WIP] docs sitemap generation automation
openstackgerritEric Fried proposed openstack-infra/gerritbot master: Test Gerrit message filtering
openstackgerritEric Fried proposed openstack-infra/gerritbot master: Support regexes in channel config yaml
fried_ricejlvillal: ^21:15
openstackgerritFrank Kloeker proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: [WIP] docs sitemap generation automation
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: Add post-timeout setting
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: Add host/group vars
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openstackgerritFrank Kloeker proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: docs sitemap generation automation
corvusinfra-root: in order to pick up the 2 most recent zuul changes, we should restart the scheduler and executors together.21:38
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clarkbI'm around to help with that. Also have the refstack thing in a 1.3 hours21:41
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/python-storyboardclient master: remove sphinx-isms from README.rst and clean up docs
gmmahaclarkb: thanks a lot for the patch.. let me go aehad and recheck the job and see how that foes.21:42
corvusclarkb: now looks like a fine time to do so, let's do it21:43
corvusclarkb: you want to do the scheduler while i do executors?21:43
clarkbgmmaha: you'll need to wait for things to be restarted21:43
clarkbcorvus: sure. I will need to save queues, stop scheduler and web? then start scheduler and web and restore queues?21:44
corvusclarkb: yep21:44
clarkbcorvus: I'll need to figure out process for saving queues21:44
clarkbpython /opt/zuul/tools/ openstack check >check.sh21:44
clarkbcorvus: ^ that look right for saving them? then I guess executre to restore them21:45
corvusclarkb: yep21:45
clarkbcorvus: also do you want me to wait for the executors before starting the scheduler or just restart it?21:45
gmmahaclarkb: duh.. somehow i thought it was already done since i saw the patch merged.. blame it on friday21:45
clarkbI should also check that pip has installed the newer version21:45
corvusclarkb: let's at least wait until they're stopped21:45
corvusall executors are at zuul==2.6.1.dev61421:46
clarkbzuul is up to date on zuul.o.o according to pbr freeze21:46
clarkbzuul==2.6.1.dev614  # git sha 9a21ad821:46
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corvusclarkb: i think you're clear to save and stop the scheduler; let me know when that's done21:47
clarkbok starting now21:47
clarkbcorvus: do I need to stop -web and -fingergw too?21:48
clarkbI guess it can't hurt21:48
corvusclarkb: can't hurt21:48
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clarkbI've told init to stop all three, the scheduler is the only one still running21:49
clarkband now its completely stopped21:49
corvusstopping execs21:49
corvusansible-playboo is the best process name21:52
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andreafcorvus I started reviewing so far so good - I'll finish the review over the weekend hopefully21:52
corvusthey're all stopped except ze0221:53
corvuswhich apparently was running 2 or something weird like that21:53
clarkbjust let me know when you are ready to have the scheduler restarted and whenI should reenqueue things21:53
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corvusclarkb: i killed ze02 manually.  you can start now21:54
corvusclarkb: i'm going to clean up ze02 a bit before i start the executors, but no need to wait on that21:54
pabelangerodd, I just launched ze02. perhaps I did something wrong21:54
clarkball three services are starting now21:55
clarkbshould I reenqueue or wait?21:55
corvusclarkb: i usually tail the log file to wait until it's loaded the config.  you can re-enqueue at any point, but it won't proceed past the first item until it's running anyway.21:55
clarkbright now its doing a bunch of git uplaod packs I think to pull the config down21:56
corvusyeah, that's learning the branches so it can ask the mergers to get the config21:57
clarkbI'll have to push up a change to set a post-timeout to our base job too21:57
clarkbah ya now there are cat jobs21:57
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openstackgerritEric Fried proposed openstack-infra/gerritbot master: Refactor ChannelConfig with channels_for
clarkbcorvus: if parent isn't specified is it implied to be base?21:59
corvusclarkb: yep21:59
fried_ricejlvillal: There's that refactor to move _channels_for into ChannelConfig21:59
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corvusstarting executors22:01
clarkbok I'm enqueing things now22:01
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jlvillalfried_rice, Thanks. I'll look at it in a bit.22:01
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Set post-timeout value to half an hour on base jobs
corvusclarkb: looks like things are running again22:03
clarkbcorvus: pabelanger ^ that should set our post timeout to 30 minutes by default22:03
clarkbcheck is still reenquing22:03
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corvusandreaf: great, thanks!  also, host/group vars just went live22:03
clarkbgmmaha: you can recheck things now fi they aren't already getting enqueued and we should see logs are collected despite timing out (if it does even manage to timeout)22:04
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gmmahaclarkb: thanks.. i already did the recheck and waiting to see what happens with zuul..22:04
clarkband reenqueue is done22:05
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pabelangerclarkb: corvus: I'm no longer seeing available ram update on
corvuspabelanger: then we're ready to merge this:
andreafcorvus: oh yeah? that's great I'll try to make some multinode patches that use that as well22:07
clarkbcorvus: approved22:07
pabelangercorvus: Ha, +322:08
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sboeufmordred: hey ! I have seen your comments about Kata CI on the log. First, we have an issue opened here, and we expect the maximum of people to give their inputs about that but didn't see much activity about it.22:09
mordredsboeuf: heya! I was just working on a response to the issue22:09
mordredsboeuf: so - I'm now aware of it and will be happily engaging with the discussion :)22:10
sboeufmordred: And then the explanation for Azure is that with Clear Containers (former project) we were using it for our CI. As we want to make sure we can test as quick as possible, we reused this solution22:10
sboeufmordred: cool22:10
sboeufmordred: but we're not against Infra, we just needed something up and running pretty quickly22:10
sboeufthat;s it22:11
mordredsboeuf: totally, and makes sense.22:11
eernst(fwiw, had been using azure for a few months)22:11
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jlvillalclarkb, Not sure if you want to review:  as it is the parent patch of fried_rice's two patches that you gave +2s to.22:11
clarkbjlvillal: ya was slowly working my way backwards up that stack then got distracted by zuul updates22:12
fried_riceclarkb: FYI I'm still +1 on that guy - the talk about py3 and six is non blocking.22:12
mordredsboeuf, eernst: yah - I think we're in a good position (and the timing is actually pretty good now) to be able to connect some things up to y'all and start to make some incremental progress together22:12
sboeufmordred: interesting, I look forward to your proposal on the github issue !22:13
clarkbfwiw I find github issues in many different repositories hard to track22:13
eernstYeah, any information/proposals/details on what's available is more than welcome22:13
mordredsboeuf, eernst: one of the outcomes of which I hope will be an azure plugin for nodepool - but I don't think that'll need to be a first thing done22:13
clarkbthis is IMO exactly what the mailing list should be used for22:13
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mordredeernst, sboeuf: you say that now - but you havne't yet had to read one of my long-rambling text dumps :)22:14
eernstSure, that's good feedback.22:14
eernstclarkb: ^ most of the conversation is on slack and github at this point, especially since its pretty early on22:14
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clarkbthe problem is github isn't really built for having conversattions22:15
clarkbthe issue tracker is for tracking software defects22:15
clarkbmailing lists on the other hand are much better at this sort of conversation (and easier for people not involved 100% to follow along)22:15
eernstThanks for the feedback22:15
sboeufclarkb: yeah i get it, but at the same time you can give more details and it's easier to read thanks to the md format22:15
clarkbsboeuf: we'll have to disagree on that one :) I find plain text email the simplest thing to ready because its so simple :)22:16
mordredclarkb, sboeuf, eernst: <-- (very long) comment added22:17
eernstAnyway, clarkb, mordred -- if there's a way to get educated on what is available, I think all the kata members'll like the feedback.22:17
eernstso we better understand what's available.22:17
mordredeernst: ++22:17
clarkbeernst: looks like mordred just did a large braindump on that info22:17
* mordred apologizes to everyone who has to read his braindumps22:18
eernstyea, thanks clarkb22:18
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pcichyare there any restrictions when it comes to new features in gerritbot?22:19
fried_ricepcichy: What did you have in mind?22:20
fried_ricepcichy: Restricted to what you can get the cores to agree to :)22:20
persiamordred: To your credit, your braindumps are easier to read when they are a single blob of text vs. slowly streamed over IRC.22:21
eernstmordred: regarding the actual test nodes (not zuul, necessarily): can you give some feedback on these?  I assume these are VMs/supported nested virtualization?22:21
eernstOr are folks also using baremetal?22:21
clarkbeernst: we don't have access to baremetal nodes today, but other people using our tooling have used it with baremetal so it should be possible as long as we are given cloud access to baremetal nodes22:21
mordredeernst: right now they're all VMs from openstack public clouds ... but that's largely related to what resources have been provided to the openstack project22:22
clarkbericyoung: for nested virt some of our clouds do support it, we've found it to not be the most relaible thing22:22
pcichyfried_rice: heh :) I really liked the idea and code so I wanted to add support for Slack / MS Teams22:22
clarkber eernst ^ sorry ericyoung22:22
eernstk, thx for the info.22:22
fried_ricepcichy: We couldn't really call it gerritbot, then, could we? :P22:23
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fried_ricepcichy: But using this framework it should be fairly easy to extend thusly, I would think.22:23
pabelangermordred: +1 for mentioning day 2 services (ELK, elastic-recheck, mirrors) :)22:23
pcichyfried_rice: we could. The idea stays the same. Notify about changes in gerrit. Any gerrit in fact :)22:23
mordredpcichy: we have an open todo-list item about consolidating our irc bot infrastructure into a single bot - and one of the options that we've looked at was to migrate to using errbot which supports non-irc backends. however, desire for re-using the bots for non-irc seemed to have dried up so we started looking at otheroptions for the consolidated bot22:23
clarkbeernst: I have/had an email thread with the clodu provider giving us the most trouble with nested virt but haven't heard back on that in a while. I should probably go rebug them about it22:24
corvuspcichy, fried_rice:  is the direction we've chosen to go22:24
clarkbmordred: pcichy keep in mind at least for slack the irc gateway works great and I'd just connect an irc bot to it22:24
fried_ricepcichy: Sorry, yeah, I was getting confused.  The gerrit part stays the same; the IRC part is what you're expanding.22:24
corvuspcichy, fried_rice: if you're interested in pitching in on that, we'd love the help :)22:25
eernstok, thx.  At this point the kata project has nested virtualized compute available, so this isn't as big of an issue at all.  I was looking to see if there was a setup that'd be more ideal for PnP (ie, baremetal)22:25
pcichycorvus I will get a read on that. If I will be able to help I sure will do that :)22:27
mordredeernst: yah- nodepool itself can support both nested-virt and baremetal -there are issues to discuss with both as far as using them for ci resources at scale22:27
pcichyclarkb: thanks for the tip with the gateway. I will give that one a try also22:27
mordredeernst: but the tradeoffs/risks for those may be different for kata than for openstack, so it's definitely an area where we'll want to talk about and see what is applicable or not22:28
EmilienMis zuul ok now?22:28
EmilienM542906 is not enqueued for ex22:29
EmilienMand I don't see events in dashboard22:29
fried_ricecorvus: What's the timeline for that bot migration?22:29
fried_ricecorvus: Cause gerritbot just got a flurry of enhancements :)22:29
pabelangerEmilienM: possible you need to recheck, zuul was restarted a short while ago22:29
EmilienMI did recheck22:29
EmilienMnothing happens22:29
eernstAlright, thanks for the information.  At this point we have our working CI to keep development sane as we work towards having an initial Kata release.  After that I think we'll be able to settle into what makes sense long term.  Make sense?22:30
pabelangerEmilienM: I see it in zuul.o.o22:30
mordredeernst: yup!22:30
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Grafana: switch zuul executor ram metric
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Set post-timeout value to half an hour on base jobs
EmilienMpabelanger: yeah now :D22:30
EmilienMmhh ok22:30
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pabelangerEmilienM: it is possible zuul missed the gerrit events, when restart happened22:30
mordredeernst: and I think we can take a few small steps to get you started with zuul-related things so we can iterate on stuff22:30
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corvusfried_rice: hasn't started yet (you can help!) so i reckon your changes to gerritbot should go along with it.22:31
clarkbpcichy: the best part is it tends to stay up when the web based interfaces are done too :)22:31
EmilienMpabelanger: np22:31
clarkbpcichy: everything gets super quiet then you hear people asking if slack is down on other mediums22:31
eernstk.  thanks mordred, clarkb.22:31
fried_ricecorvus: My understanding is limited to the python, really.  I don't have a good handle on the networking, channel protocols, etc.  But let me know if there's something specific.22:32
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pabelangereernst: I'd recommends using jenkins-job-builder (JJB) to version jobs. Also help with longer term migration if kata decides down that path.22:33
corvusfried_rice: first steps are setting up limnoria anyway, so if you're not up for the sysadmin work, i'll just bug you when we start porting bots :)22:33
fried_ricecorvus: Sounds good22:33
clarkbeernst: out of curiousity can your container vm things run with just qemu or do they require kvm too?22:36
clarkbeernst: put another way could you test basic functionality without nested virt?22:36
eernstNested virtualization is a requirement (one of the early reasons to use compute nodes from azure)22:36
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pabelangerclarkb: corvus: much better!
openstackgerritEric Fried proposed openstack-infra/gerritbot master: Refactor ChannelConfig with channels_for
fried_ricejlvillal: I'm not sure what you're looking for in the way of explicit regex tests.  Having regexes in the config yaml and making sure they hit... isn't enough?22:47
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clarkbfungi: hogepodge mguiney ok I think it is just about time to do the things. How can I help?22:59
clarkbeernst: fwiw I think I'm in the same general physical location of some of you if you ever want to meet up and talk about things in person too (might help to get more of the initial brain dump stuff with high bw in person)23:06
eernstWhere you at?23:06
clarkbI'm over in the bethany/oak hills area just north of 2623:07
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Make PipelineParser a regular class
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Make SemaphoreParser a regular class
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Make TenantParser a regular class
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Add ConfigLoader initializer
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Remove tenant argument from UnparsedTenantConfig
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Add ParseContext class
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Fix typo in PragmaParser
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Remove project.unparsed_config
clarkbabout 20 minutes from jones farm if traffic isn't terrible23:07
eernstK, half the time I'm over at Intel.  The other half I'm in pajamas in SE portland ;-)23:07
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mordredinfra-root: the zuul github app is still set to not validated SSL - but we've got SSL enabled on the endpoint now - so I'm going to toggle the checkbox23:08
clarkbmordred: sounds good23:08
hogepodgeclarkb: we're figuring that out. I need to check the reviews to make sure everything's in place23:10
clarkbhogepodge: ok23:10
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hogepodgeclarkb: does the deployment job automatically use the upstream puppet module, or do we need to specify a version?23:12
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hogepodge(I also lost the repo that the server is deployed from in my back logs)23:13
clarkbhogepodge: shows what will be used. in this case its master so should auto update23:13
hogepodgehow often does auto-update happen?23:14
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clarkbhogepodge: it auto-updates as the first step in the ansible run loop. The ansible loop is on a 15 minute cron but typically runs more like every half hour due to how long it takes to execute ansible23:14
clarkblet me check when the next run is23:14
hogepodgeok, the change that merged does a big chunk of our work since it defaults to the behavior we want.23:15
clarkbits running currently next run should be at the half hour23:15
* fungi is home and catching up23:15
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* mguiney nods23:16
fungidinner errands took longer than anticipated but available to help with refstack now23:16
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clarkbhogepodge: mguiney is there anything fungi and I can eb doing at this point to see get things rolling?23:23
fungii see mguiney, hogepodge and clarkb are on the case but happy to pitch in23:23
hogepodgeclarkb: I'm not sure. mguiney is the main point of contact for running the script against the database23:24
hogepodgeI'm trying to tag the release right now, once that's in the server will be updated and disallow anonymous results from being uploaded.23:25
hogepodgeOnce that behavior is disallowed, we can update the database without fear of a race condition.23:25
hogepodgeI can't get gpg to sign my tag though...23:25
fungierror message?23:27
fungii spend a lot of time wrestling gnupg so happy to help23:28
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clarkbyes fungi is my goto for gnupg info23:28
* fungi is not sure whether that is a good thing to be or a bad thing to be23:29
mguineyclarkb: i'm currently just doing some last minute testing23:30
mguineythe actual database is a different version (obviously) than the one i tested on, so it was cranky about the url changes, just getting those to check out now23:31
fungitake your time... here when you need!23:31
mguineybut that is fairly trivial, as far as checking goes.23:32
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fungisc`: your "state of the kitchen" was an awesome read--keep it up if you can!23:35
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* fungi does _not_ want to know what the baby wipes are for, btw23:35
clarkbfungi: I'm basically a baby wipe expert now, you sure you don't want to know?23:36
fungireally, no23:36
mguineyscript appears to be running smoothly, with a few tweaks to represent differences in the data dump23:36
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mguineyshould be ready to go. can we snapshot the current db state before doing so, though?23:37
fungii can unless clarkb is already in place23:37
clarkbfungi: go for it23:37
fungiwhere "snapshot" just means i'm saving a mysqldump23:37
fungihopefully that does not contradict your expectations23:37
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mguineyi know, just using incorrect language because bad old habits die hard23:38
fried_ricePresumably one uses fewer baby wipes when running smoothly than when saving a mysqldump23:38
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fungidumping to refstack.o.o:~fungi/refstack_pre-upgrade_2018-02-16.sql.gz for reference23:39
clarkbshould be about 18MB iirc23:39
fungifried_rice: this jives with my experience, yes23:39
fungiclarkb: yes, 19M compressed per du23:40
fungimguiney: it's done23:40
mguineyexcellent. i guess that would make it time to run the script then23:41
mguineyhogepodge: anything you can think of that needs to get done first? I can grab a new data dump from the powered db if that has been updated in the last hour or so23:41
hogepodgeI just needed a helper program installed to ask for my passphrase23:41
sc`fungi: thanks! with the bulk of the deprecations out of the way, i hope i'll be able to turn around queens faster23:41
hogepodgeRelease tagged and pushed23:41
fungimguiney: that's an api-using script you're running with your creds, right?23:42
sc`it's easy to get lost in gerrit/lp and not tell people what's going on23:42
fungi(just making sure it's not a script i need to find and run)23:42
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fungisc`: i agree, happens to me faaar too often23:43
fungimguiney: will you be in dublin, or classes keeping you stateside? i miss hanging out23:43
mguineywill be in dublin!23:44
sc`fungi: btw, the wipes are for the day after eating the output of the recipe23:44
fungimguiney: great, will definitely be sure to get up with you!23:44
mguineysounds good!23:45
fungisc`: yeah, i kinda figured, was just hoping not to have my assumptions confirmeed23:45
sc`that's a subset of what i usually make when i'm craving chili23:46
hogepodgemguiney: we're good to move forward with the data cleaning23:46
hogepodgeonce the database has been backed up23:46
fungisc`: over the years i've come to consider "chili powder" a black box, and provide my own roasted peppers and spices. getting pretty close but my recipe is all scribbles i should translate to electrons at some point23:48
sc`yup. chili powder is an umbrella term. i have my own blend23:48
mguineyok sounds good23:48
* mguiney wipes brow with baby wipe23:48
mguineyok im gonna run the update23:49
clarkbsc`: I like to use chuck cut up into cubes and pork sausage for mine23:49
fungisc`: i have the added challenge that my wife is not a fan of cumin (what?!? ikr!) so i've had to adjust heavily23:49
sc`mine is wife-approved :)23:49
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fungiclarkb: chuck and chorizo is a great combo, or chuck and cubed brisket23:50
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Make JobParser a regular class
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Make PipelineParser a regular class
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Make SemaphoreParser a regular class
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Make TenantParser a regular class
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Add ConfigLoader initializer
sc`i'm going to try chorizo in a future batch23:50
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Remove tenant argument from UnparsedTenantConfig
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Add ParseContext class
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Fix typo in PragmaParser
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Remove project.unparsed_config
sc`it usually never stays around long enough to be chili23:50
fungisc`: i've only done it a couple times, but if you have a sausage grinder then making your own obviously allows you to control the seasoning going in23:51
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sc`in the process of buying a house. the to-buy list is a bigger kitchenaid for the grinder attachment23:51
fungiwhich i find helps a lot to be able to balance flavors23:51
sc`or a 1.0 version23:52
clarkbgmmaha: looks like you have logs now (though still timing out)23:52
sc`whichever seems more appealing at the time23:52
clarkbgmmaha: possible you will have to increase the timeout afterall but now I think you'll be able to confirm that via the logs?23:52
fungikitchenaid attachments have been garbage ever since hobart sold the product line off in the late '70s23:52
gmmahaclarkb: yeah.. the infra jobs need a bit more time to finish.. i have a patch up to increase the timeout
gmmahaand that job itself has been running close to an hour now and hasn't died yet..23:53
gmmahaso yaayy!!23:53
sc`the list is ever-changing, so it's not set in stone23:53
gmmahaclarkb: and yes the timeout trigger was visible in the logs and i saw it go ahead and get logs lwhich i was able to see..23:54
gmmahathanks for working on that fix.23:54
mguineyhogepodge: database updated23:55
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mguineyat this point, anything unverified isn't in our set of records, and should be removable23:55
hogepodgemguiney: what do you mean database updated?23:56
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hogepodgeAh, all of the verified results have been tagged?23:56
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mguiney^ that23:56
hogepodgeCan you send me a link to one of the updated results so I can check on it? Also, do yo have a sample test run handy? I want to verify that anonymous uploads are disabled23:57
mguineyi can have it run through and remove unverified results, but figured i'd check in before taking any further action23:58
mguineywhat format would you like the canned result sent via, and would you prefer full or partial run23:58
hogepodgemguiney: just the json file is enough23:58
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mguineyyes but how. via what method of send23:59
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