Wednesday, 2018-02-21

mnaseri chalked it as release-post was low prio00:00
smcginniscorvus: Do you know if that failed? I just got a failure email with a RETRY_LIMIT failure, but no indication anywhere which job it was.00:00
smcginnisI think that was the only release one running. Or should have been.00:00
mnasersmcginnis: based on -- i think it did00:00
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mnaserthe history shows the puppet fail then the RETRY_LIMIT00:00
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clarkb is the error00:02
clarkbI think00:03
pabelangerwhich executor is that?00:03
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clarkbwe have plenty of disk in /var/lib/zuul so I don't think its a disk error making git unhappy there00:04
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corvusclarkb: did all 3 attempts happen on ze09?00:04
clarkbhrm the sha it has is indeed only 39 chars00:04
clarkbcorvus: I'm not sure I found the last build in the scheduler because it is the one that reported retry limit00:05
mnaserby the way, super unrelated maybe, but i noticed that when i saw it in the queue, it wasn't the 8 character short commit id00:05
clarkbaha the f is/was missing from teh sha100:05
corvusclarkb: ah, but yeah, if the sha is wrong, that's probably the thing00:05
clarkbI'm guessing just an enqueing error?00:05
mnaserbut it was the entire commit id which seems to be wrapping outside the little zuul box00:05
clarkbthe 40th character in the sha1 should be an f00:05
clarkbbut its missing in thel og and even in mnaser's link above :)00:05
corvusyeah, why is it missing everywhere? :)00:06
smcginnisMaybe didn't even get far enough for logs?00:06
pabelangerclarkb: corvus: I can see an attempt on ze01 too, same exception it seems00:06
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pabelangerbuild: ecbd96ad77144ad4a9aa9ea206b1848b00:06
mnasermaybe a typo in the re-enqueue?00:06
clarkbmnaser: yse I think that is what it was00:06
mnasercorvus> the fungiscript for that says sudo zuul enqueue-ref --tenant=openstack --trigger=gerrit --pipeline=release-post --project=openstack/releases --ref=refs/heads/master --newrev=475579f3f77cd102c6d199240d50b0248a539b800:06
mnaserthe f was missing there too :p00:07
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corvusokay, it looks like i mis-copied the fungiscript output; when i run it now, it's correct00:08
clarkbmaybe we also want to consider bubbling up these executor exceptions?00:08
mnaserthanks corvus and clarkb :)00:08
corvusre-enqueing now00:09
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mnaseri even see it now with the short commit id rather than the big one in queue, cool00:10
corvusif aynone wants to add validation to that, it's in zuul/ :)00:10
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* clarkb looks00:11
ianwclarkb: theories on why still not resolving in ?00:12
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clarkbcorvus: do you want that in the client side argparse handling?00:12
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corvusclarkb: i was thinking server-side for the most protection00:13
clarkbianw: ipv6?00:13
clarkbianw: guessing we don't have a AAAA record?00:13
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ianwohhhhh it's the ip6tables bit00:14
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Sort formats results from zookeeper
mnaseri'm working on finishing cutting the release for puppet-openstack and in,members -- other members seem to be afk right now, could an infra help me out?00:24
tonybpersia: only *really* old kernels shoudl say amd64, these dasy the kernel shoudl say x86_64 but some distros will report amd64 vs x86_64, and yeah you have the same issue with arm64 vs aarch64 and ppc64le vs ppc64el.  Drives me nuts!00:25
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clarkbmnaser: I've added you (that group manages projects like puppet gnocchi and puppet neutron and puppet panko and governance says those are puppet openstack projects)00:27
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mnaserclarkb: yup, thank you so much00:27
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Don't store references to secret objects from jobs
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Error when enqueue-ref doesn't get long enough rev
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persiatonyb: Eventually everyone moves to a standard.  Sadly, there are far too many systems that require 5-year-old kernels still, so nothing invented in the last decade ever works right.00:43
smcginnisHmm, different error, but I think we can ignore this one:
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Error when enqueue-ref doesn't get long enough rev
smcginnismnaser: ^^00:44
mnasersmcginnis: i followed it through, looks like it finished but that might have to do with the project not having release notes properly configured00:44
pabelangermnaser: smcginnis: looks like a race. Was there more then 1 puppet module publishing?00:47
mnasershouldn't be.. i think00:48
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smcginnisWell, actually, all of those puppet modules get queued up after they are tagged, so since there about 320 of them, probably. :)00:48
tonybpersia: I wonder exactly when it was deprecated .... Feels like it was > 10 years ago but hohum00:51
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persiatonyb: It may be that nothing current reports "amd64", and just folk who have been dealing with architecture porting too long remember the string.00:54
* smcginnis remembers over an hour trying to explain to a sales guy that amd64 didn't mean it wasn't an AMD processor.00:56
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tonybpersia: That could be true, and I'm probably in that latter group.00:56
* smcginnis also remembers porting code to itanium *shudders*00:56
tonybZOMG it's nearly 20 years since my first kernel patch ... how is that possible!?00:56
smcginnisYou're old?00:56
tonybsmcginnis: itanium \o/ You win00:57
persiatonyb: You started 7 years late?00:57
* smcginnis also remembers porting code to Netware, but won't go any further down that memory lane00:57
tonybpersia: It's true ... I'm a late adopter this linux thing needed to prove itself ;P00:57
tonybsmcginnis: I am .... I'm offically a grumpy old man ;P00:58
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smcginnistonyb: Welcome to the party. Now close the door before anyone else gets in. :)00:58
tonybsmcginnis: hehe :)00:58
ianwcorvus: you wrote this bit -- scope.call_function('dns_a', [host['hostname']])01:01
ianwcan you do <% if scope.call_function(...) %> , or does a failure there raise an exception and error the whole thing out?01:01
ianwi can't find a lot of examples of this01:02
corvusianw: i don't know01:03
ianwok, i'll just try and see :)01:03
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rm_workis gerrit falling over, or is it just me?01:05
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corvusrm_work: seems okay to me01:06
rm_workhmm, k01:06
mnasercorvus, rm_work: its not responding to me (or seems to just be stuck)01:07
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clarkbits that time of day again01:07
clarkbI wish I was in a better spot to dig in more01:07
mnaseroh true01:07
mnaseri remember01:07
mnaserand its back again now01:07
rm_workseems to have just unstuck01:08
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rm_workmust have been something temporary?01:08
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clarkbrm_work: we've noticed that around 0100UTC performance degrades and apepars to be due to threads piling up. The number of http requests doesn't really chagne though01:08
clarkbso either someone is doing a daily massive query over http or its coming over ssh01:09
rm_workhmm, weird01:09
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/puppet-iptables master: Allow allowed_hosts to not have ipv6 interfaces
clarkbshow-queue looks happy01:11
clarkbI'ev also got a show-connections but not sure I'll find anything there since its pretty bare of info01:11
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Add nb03 matching, firewall and monitoring
corvusianw: does nb03 not have ipv6?01:11
ianwcorvus: no, afaict the linaro cloud, at least cn1, doesn't provide ipv601:12
corvusianw: i guess it's there because we're building on the architecture?01:13
clarkbuser 19852 is using all 64 of its ssh connections01:14
clarkb16422 using all of its connections too01:16
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corvusitri disco ci / tintri ci respectively01:17
clarkbother than that I don't see anything too weird in the connection listing01:17
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openstackgerritEmmet Hikory proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Add ARM64 Ubuntu mirror
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openstackgerritEmmet Hikory proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Vary Ubuntu mirror path based on architecture
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/devstack-gate master: Add stable/queens integration checks
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fungicorvus: clarkb: yeah, that pair of ci systems consistently seems to leak connections01:56
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openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: sql: add buildset.branch column
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openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: sql: add buildset.branch column
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jlvillalclarkb, FYI. gerritbot seems to be working with regex. I proposed a patch to stable/ocata and it was announced on the ironic channel.02:07
jlvillalclarkb, I'm assuming the config changes got pushed out and gerritbot restarted :)02:07
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/puppet-iptables master: Allow allowed_hosts to not have ipv6 interfaces
ianwcorvus: as an extra bonus, master of that dnsquery library seems to have (unintentionally) started to return an empty list for not-found, but the version we use raises an exception.  i think ^ works with both
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ianwfor reference, i guess that is an expected behaviour from
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/puppet-iptables master: Allow allowed_hosts to not have ipv6 interfaces
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Add support for Ansible extra-vars flag
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openstackgerritNguyen Hung Phuong proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Remove pbr warnerrors in favor of sphinx check
openstackgerritNguyen Hung Phuong proposed openstack-infra/puppet-openstackci master: Remove pbr warnerrors in favor of sphinx check
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openstackgerritEmmet Hikory proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Add ARM64 Ubuntu mirror
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Add support for Ansible extra-vars flag
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corvusremote: Prepare for dublin PTG update05:12
corvusclarkb, andreaf: ^ how about we use the infra-project-update branch of the publications repo for the ptg lunch update  ( )05:13
corvusclarkb, andreaf: i stubbed some stuff out in  --  why don't we stack changes on top of that to flesh it out.05:13
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: Error when enqueue-ref doesn't get long enough rev
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/nodepool master: Sort formats results from zookeeper
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AJaegerjlvillal: great that it works, thanks for getting this in!07:24
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Fix post training-labs playbook
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AJaegerianw, frickler, that training-labs playbook is causing me headaches. Hope I get it right this time, could you review, please? ^07:38
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AJaegerand would be fine as well so that it's in the next images.07:52
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openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Tenant config dynamic loading of project from external script
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openstackgerritMatthieu Huin proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: zuul web: add admin endpoint, enqueue & autohold commands
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andreafcorvus clarkb ok that's fine for me09:36
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odyssey4memorning all, given that I'm seeing this fairly consistently in our builds, I suspect that the ubuntu mirrors may be out of date?
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AJaegerodyssey4me: you can check yourself - e.g.
caromeocould someone of you verify this review ( in order to enable the zuul checks? thanks in advance...10:35
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Add OSA nspawn host/container repo base jobs
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openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Import openstack-ansible-os_panko role
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Fix post training-labs playbook
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Import openstack-ansible-os_panko role
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openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Add OSA os_panko repo base jobs
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openstackgerritJean-Philippe Evrard proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Add individual core group for openstack-ansible-os_neutron
openstackgerritNate Johnston proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Add new project 'osel'
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openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Import openstack-ansible-os_panko role
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openstackgerritSorin Sbarnea proposed openstack-infra/bindep master: add detection of darwin (MacOS/OSX)
chandankumarfungi: clarkb please have a look at this patch
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chandankumarit is required for tempest stestr migration patch12:13
chandankumarfungi: clarkb and this one also
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openstackgerritSorin Sbarnea proposed openstack-infra/bindep master: add detection of darwin (MacOS/OSX)
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fungifrickler: 529490 is related to 523646 which you already reviewed, if you have a moment to take a look12:45
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openstackgerritLenny Verkhovsky proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Checking link status according to DIB_DHCP_TIMEOUT
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andreafhello infra team :)13:26
andreafI'm trying to get a multinode zuulv3 native job working, and in doing so I noticed that sometimes node get different IPs in the inventory - one public which is used by ansible and one private in the 10.* range - in other cases I get the same public IP attached to the private ip variable13:27
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andreafand when that's the case the subnode cannot talk to the controller13:28
andreafI guess it's provider specific?13:28
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andreafI now added switch and peers groups in the nodeset to activate and see that it helps13:29
andreafhowever in the zuulv2 world I was under the impression that that kind of setup was only needed for neutron-dvr and ironic jobs13:30
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andreaffungi clarkb corvus ianw pabelanger ^^^^13:31
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openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Add additional builder debug logging
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vabadahi, I have a general question. Sorry if I missed something, but I set up my gerrit account some months ago and I have been able to push some patches. However, for instance, I don't get to see the messages regarding: Username proposed openstack/project: change. Any ideas?13:50
AJaegerpabelanger: is fine now?13:51
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AJaegervabada: is the project you're pushing setup to display those messages? Which channel and change do you talk about as example?13:53
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vabadaI guess so, the channel is #openstack-magnum, where I can see other'13:54
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vabadaI guess so, the channel is #openstack-magnum, where I can see other's messages. The change as an example:
vabadasorry: #openstack-containers is the proper channel13:56
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AJaegervabada: no idea directly. Could be a temporary thing. But it shouldn't be related to your account at all.13:58
AJaegervabada: setup of gerritbot looks fine to me13:58
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vabadaAJaeger, ok thanks. I think I've been observing this behaviour for a while (not reporting messages in the channel), I just thought until today that my IRC client might be hiding them from me somehow (which makes no sense now that I think), so I'll keep an eye on that. Is here the proper place to report this? In case it doesn't get solved in a couple of days...14:04
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AJaegervabada: you can double check here - and if you think it's a systematic problem, yes, please report.14:04
AJaegerLet's see whether any of the admins has an idea ^14:05
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config master: Remove precise references
fungiandreaf: any configuration where one node needs to reach instances booted on another node will need an overlay network in place because the nested nova instances don't have ip addresses assigned by the underlying service provider14:06
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andreaffungi: ok that makes sense - however my issue is with openstack services talking to each other14:08
fungiandreaf: so for multinode-devstack/grenade jobs i would suggest just always adding the overlay network anyway14:08
andreaffungi: so the overlay does not matter14:08
fungiandreaf: well, are the firewall rules adjusted to allow inter-service communication between nodes on those addresses?14:08
andreaffungi yeah I'm doing that now but that doesn't affect my issue14:08
fungiwe open up communication over the tunnel but not necessarily between the actual provider-assigned addresses of the nodes14:09
odyssey4meis there a way to trigger an ubuntu mirror update - it looks like some new packages were released after the previous update and the OSA builds are breaking due to using the base LXC images which include the new packages14:09
fungiodyssey4me: i'll take a look and see if it's lagging14:10
odyssey4methanks fungi - appreciate it14:10
fungiodyssey4me: yeah, looks like it's about a day stale?
fungichecking mirror update logs now14:11
andreaffungi well in some cases it works - for instance here
andreaffungi the private ip is in the 10.* range14:11
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fungiandreaf: i don't think we can make any guarantees about communication between rfc-1918 addresses in providers. are you able to draw any correlation between which jobs/builds are working and which aren't?14:13
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fungiodyssey4me: looks like there may be a stale afs lockfile. i'm trying to make sure there's no stuck vos release and then i'll clean that up and redo it14:14
andreaffungi: this role should take care of the firewall rules
odyssey4meawesome, thanks fungi14:14
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/devstack-gate master: Handle a stestr results directory
fungiodyssey4me: cleaned up the lock and manually starting a fresh ubuntu mirror update now, i'll let you know in a few minutes when it completes14:16
fungi#status log deleted stale afs lockfile for the ubuntu mirror and restarted a fresh reprepro-mirror-update of it on mirror-update.o.o14:18
openstackstatusfungi: finished logging14:18
andreaffungi: I haven't found any real correlation yet I'm trying but it could be something else I'm doing wrong that I fail to see14:18
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fungiandreaf: correlation between service providers where it works and where it fails?14:21
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andreaffungi: no, I thought it worked fine on rax but I have a case where it doesn't14:23
andreaffungi: never mind I will dig further it must be something else I'm doing wrong14:23
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fungiandreaf: yeah, i'm not as familiar with devstack configuration options as i should be to know what addresses it ends up using... probably a stupid question on my part but have you checked the stackrc/localrc between a legacy multinode job and teh equivalent v3 native one you're trying to make work?14:25
andreaffungi: yeah I've being going through the configuration the whole morning14:25
fungido the legacy jobs have the services listening/communicating across the ovs bridge?14:26
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andreaffungi: I think I found the issue - I found proof that connectivity happens in apache logs, but something seems to be wrong with the SSL setup
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fungiandreaf: oh! great, so at least it's probably not a network-related issue14:31
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andreaffungi: yeah I think it must be something else14:32
andreafsomething in the CA setup14:32
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andreaffungi it must this bit missing
fungivabada: AJaeger: it _is_ something to do with the account, i think! see for what i found in the bot's log14:36
Shrewspabelanger: cleaned up nb04 zk data14:36
pabelangerShrews: thanks!14:36
AJaegerfungi: oh, interesting. Thanks for checking!14:36
fungitaking a look at the account in gerrit's db now14:36
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vabadafungi, AJaeger: thanks. I think I just set up the name 1-2 hours ago, so I'll push a dummy update to check if it was that14:37
fungivabada: yeah, i see a name in the db currently, which was confusing me14:38
fungiin good news, at least this doesn't crash the bot and merely skips the notification ;)14:38
vabadafungi, sorry for that. It has to be that14:38
fungithough if you wanted to patch openstack-infra/gerritbot's gerritbot/ around line 191 to use something like data['patchSet']['uploader'].get('name', data['patchSet']['uploader'].get('username', '<unknown user>')) then it could fall back gracefully to username or worst report it as an unknown user14:41
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vabadado you mean I could add a patchset for that? I'd be happy to14:43
fungivabada: sure! if you have time that would be great14:43
vabadafungi, it worked now btw, everything fine.14:43
vabadafungi, sure, I'll do it14:43
fungieasier to fix simple bugs like this while they're fresh in the mind14:43
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openstackgerritsebastian marcet proposed openstack-infra/openstackid-resources master: Fixed event type validation rules
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstackid-resources master: Fixed event type validation rules
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openstackgerritMatthieu Huin proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: zuul web: add admin endpoint, enqueue & autohold commands
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/nodepool master: Revert fixes for legacy boot jobs
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odyssey4mefungi apologies - I see you're stuck in another issue, I'd like confirmation of whether the mirror update is done or not when you have a moment.15:01
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andreaffungi this should fix the tls issue
fungiodyssey4me: it's still underway, looks like15:04
odyssey4mefungi ah ok, thanks :)15:05
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fungiodyssey4me: there must have been a large security update or something... it's currently in the middle of grabbing all the qemu packages15:05
fungioh, yeah there's a gcc update in the history here too15:06
fungithat's probably where it's been spending a lot of its time15:06
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odyssey4meja, the gcc update is what's biting us so it makes sense15:08
fungithough it's just been sitting here for ~15 minutes after what looks like the end of the qemu updates... not sure what it's busy on now15:09
fungithe logs have grown silent15:09
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fungii'll give it a bit longer15:09
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Add individual core group for openstack-ansible-os_gnocchi
openstackgerritVabada proposed openstack-infra/gerritbot master: Fail back to username if user has no full name
fungivabada: ^ thanks! reviewing now15:14
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vabadafungi, thank you for the suggestion. Any comments welcome!15:14
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odyssey4meif any project-config cores have a gap to review & & we'd like to get those imports done asap so that we can get to work on those new roles - appreciate the time!15:16
pabelangerdirk: AJaeger: clarkb: do we have any sort of output from tools/ for opensuse-tumbleweed? Also, dirk if you want to rebase, we can maybe see about bring the image online today:
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mgoddard_Hi infra, I'm just looking at, to convert kayobe to an OpenStack-related project. I'm a little confused about the transition to Storyboard - is it intended to be a direct replacement for Launchpad, or should I create a project on both?15:28
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openstackgerritIfat Afek proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Added docs and publish-to-pypi jobs to vitrage-tempest-plugin
jlvillalAJaeger, Thanks. The regex support is nice. Eric Fried did most of the work in implementing it.15:30
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jlvillalvabada, fungi: There is a chain of gerritbot patches that would be good to land:
jlvillalAs an FYI :)15:34
fungimgoddard_: for now you can use one or the other but i wouldn't recommend having both15:37
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/nodepool master: Only DeletedNodeWorker should delete nodes
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/nodepool master: Clean held nodes automatically after configurable timeout
openstackgerritMatthieu Huin proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: zuul web: add admin endpoint, enqueue & autohold commands
mgoddard_fungi: thanks. Is storyboard the future? I'm currently using github for issue and feature tracking, and would prefer to make the switch only once15:40
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evrardjpI am pulling out the ansible config_template plugin, it could be used by more than just osa (and it currently is!) does anyone here have a strong opinion on where I should put it in terms of governance?15:45
evrardjppulling out of osa plugins*15:45
jlvillalfungi, gerritbot patch: has the same effect for unknown usernames in Gerrit. But already has one +2. And handles more cases it seems.15:45
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fungimgoddard_: it's a possible future and one many of us are hanging our hopes on since it has a similar data model to lp but is much easier to run our own instance of rather than relying on a third party15:55
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Add nspawn_.* roles to openstack-ansible
evrardjpthanks folks!15:57
mgoddard_fungi: I see, thanks. I'll hold off on the decision for now then15:59
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fungimgoddard_: a lot of projects are already using sb, but it's up to you whether it's feature-complete enough yet for your needs or whether you still need features from lp which sb lacks at this point16:00
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AJaegerjlvillal: indeed - thanks efried_omalley !16:02
mgoddard_fungi: we're just a small project right now without huge project management requirements. Perhaps we should give storyboard a shot16:02
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Add individual core group for openstack-ansible-os_gnocchi
efried_omalleywhat'd I do?16:02
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efried_omalleyoh, the regex thing, cool.  Yeah, I guess time to start proposing patches to convert to regexes16:03
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AJaegerefried_omalley: are you efried in general? Then you worked on gerritbot and added regex support - thanks16:03
AJaegerYes, please!16:03
efried_omalleyAJaeger: Yeah, I'm getting in the Irish spirit.16:03
efried_omalleyNot a drop of gaelic blood in me, I'm afraid.16:04
AJaegerthe Irish are welcoming people ;)16:04
fungimgoddard_: you probably want to at least skim and try it out (we also have a sandbox if you want to create test stories/tasks/worklists/boards/whatever)16:04
fungiefried_omalley: i credit my irish heritage with my ability to keep up with all the other drunks at openstack events16:05
mgoddard_fungi: will do16:05
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AJaegerinfra-root, could you delete a few directories from, please? and . Those are all training-labs publishing errors ;(16:09
fungiAJaeger: will do shortly16:09
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mnaserAJaeger: -- i think it seems okay but i don't trust myself with new projects yet16:10
openstackgerritJean-Philippe Evrard proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Import config_template to openstack(-ansible)
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AJaegermnaser: one question for odyssey4me16:10
AJaegerodyssey4me: do you really want t oimport the stable branches from ?16:11
mayur_ind__Hi folks,16:11
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mayur_ind__We are facing some issue in our CI, no new jobs are triggering.16:11
mayur_ind__I restarted zuul services and getting following error
mayur_ind__It is failing in following following command = client.connect(self.hostname, username=self.username, port=self.port, key_filename=self.keyfile)16:11
efried_omalleyAJaeger: Are comments supported in channels.yaml?16:11
mayur_ind__ Any Idea what may be the issue16:11
AJaegerefried_omalley: at least line 1 has some ;)16:12
efried_omalleybeaut, shoulda searched.16:12
AJaegerefried_omalley: and there are other places - so go for it ;)16:12
AJaegermnaser: so, change was fine ;916:13
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pabelangermayur_ind__: looks like a routing issue to gerrit16:13
AJaegermnaser: could you review , please?16:13
AJaegerpabelanger: is fine now? Or should I ask others for review?16:14
mnaserAJaeger: done16:14
mnaserinfra-root: is it possible that ubuntu mirrors have/had an issue?
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pabelangerAJaeger: +216:15
mnaserthat usually is hints that mirroring failed mid process?16:15
pabelangermnaser: I can look now16:15
mayur_ind__pabelanger: But I not did anything, this issue came up suddenly.16:15
mnaserpabelanger: thanks, im going to guess infra didn't hit this because gcc is preinstalled but this is inside osa containers16:15
AJaegerpabelanger: thanks - then I'll +A - and wait for new images...16:15
openstackgerritJean-Philippe Evrard proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Import config_template to openstack(-ansible)
mayur_ind__pabelanger: Its trying to reach '' , can this be related to ssh_keys16:16
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openstackgerritMark Goddard proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Add new project config for kayobe
pabelangeryah, ubuntu mirror is stale. Cleaning up16:18
openstackgerritEric Fried proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Regex gerritbot notifications: #openstack-ansible
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pabelangermayur_ind__: I don't think it is SSH keys, it looks like you cannot reach review.o.o from your server. I'd check your networking16:19
efried_omalleyAJaeger: There's one ^16:19
AJaegerefried_omalley: thanks16:19
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openstackgerritJean-Philippe Evrard proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Add config_template repo base jobs
AJaegerefried_omalley: i love the -59 ;)16:20
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efried_omalleyAJaeger: Yeah, we ought to be able to -<a bunch> in this file now.16:20
AJaegerevrardjp, odyssey4me, I'd like to point out to you16:20
mayur_ind__pabelanger: But its pingable.16:21
mayur_ind__root@sfsshare01:~# ping PING ( 56(84) bytes of data. 64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=48 time=272 ms 64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=48 time=272 ms16:21
mayur_ind__ping review.openstack.org16:21
mayur_ind__PING ( 56(84) bytes of data16:21
mayur_ind__64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=48 time=272 ms16:21
pabelangermayur_ind__: please use pastebin16:21
pabelangermayur_ind__: try to SSH into review.o.o using your key and account zuul is using16:21
AJaegerevrardjp: do you want to answer my question on ? If this is fine, I can +A16:22
fungimnaser: pabelanger: see the infra status log, but yes16:24
fungii'm presently working on updating it manually16:24
fungiInterruption in progress, interrupt again to force-stop it (and risking database corruption!)16:24
fungii wonder if our update is taking too long16:24
pabelangerfungi: I am running it now16:24
openstackgerritEric Fried proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Regex gerritbot notifications: #fuel-tracker
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fungipabelanger: uh16:25
pabelangerfungi: sorry, I didn't know you were also working on it16:25
fungidid you kill the one i had running then?16:25
pabelangerthere was no reprepro runnin16:25
pabelangerbut, was a lock16:25
fungiokay, then it had just died i guess16:25
pabelangerwhich I did delete16:25
fungii guess we try again?16:25
pabelangeryah, it is exporting indices right now16:26
fungithere was a gcc update and a qemu update, among others, so took a while to sync16:26
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openstackgerritSean McGinnis proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Add stable branch notification for openstack-cinder
fungiand i guess it timed out the kstart maybe?16:26
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pabelangerfungi: yah, that could be it. might need to bump timeout a little again16:26
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AJaegerefried_omalley: what did you do here?
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Move jenkins/data/bindep-fallback.txt (1/2)
pabelangerI wonder if we are having routing issue on mirror-update.o.o to afs cell16:27
mnaserfungi, pabelanger: oh sorry, i should have checked, thank you16:27
AJaegerefried_omalley: better don't reuse change-id this way16:27
pabelangerI see a lot of AFS lost connections16:27
efried_omalleyAJaeger: Oh, crap.  I forgot to change the change ID16:27
pabelanger[Wed Feb 21 15:48:21 2018] afs: Lost contact with file server in cell (code -512) (all multi-homed ip addresses down for the server)16:27
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efried_omalleyAJaeger: Bad copy/paste.16:27
AJaegerefried_omalley: download first version, git commit --amend to remove change-id and push up again...16:28
efried_omalleyAJaeger: Yuh, thanks.16:28
openstackgerritEric Fried proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Regex gerritbot notifications: #openstack-ansible
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AJaegerefried_omalley: smcginnis is helping you, see ;)16:30
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persiaAm I reading reprepro's source correctly that it updates Packages.gz before it copies the packages to the pool?16:31
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fungiAJaeger: should i also remove ?16:31
efried_omalleyAJaeger: Thanks for the heads up.16:31
AJaegerfungi, no that one is ok16:31
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AJaegerfungi: just the /training-labs/dist/build, please16:32
fungiand the other two at root level16:32
fungiremoving now16:32
AJaegerfungi: and as well, please16:32
AJaegerthanks, fungi16:32
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mayur_ind__pabelanger: I tried doing ssh and observed following
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fungiAJaeger: oh, wow, /training-labs/images/ is pretty large16:33
AJaegerfungi: just one image - but yeah LARGE16:34
smcginnisefried_omalley: I was just going to push up a change for all stable branches.16:34
smcginnisefried_omalley: You'd rather go project by project?16:34
AJaegermnaser: want to update to follow efried_omalley's changes?16:34
efried_omalleysmcginnis: I considered it both ways.  My thought was that it would be best to get a nod from the team whose channel we're updating.  And that would be best done channel by channel.16:34
pabelangermayur_ind__: you didn't use -p29418 for 2nd attempt16:34
AJaegersmcginnis: he does some other changes as well, see
pabelangerthat is needed to access gerrit16:35
fungiAJaeger: i've moved all four of those trees out of the tarballs site now16:35
AJaegerfungi, thanks.16:35
efried_omalleysmcginnis: But I'm not stuck on that philosophy.16:35
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smcginnisAJaeger: Yeah, that was what I was asking. ;)16:36
fungi#status log manually removed /srv/static/tarballs/training-labs/dist/build, /srv/static/tarballs/training-labs/images, /srv/static/tarballs/dist and /srv/static/tarballs/build from static.openstack.org16:36
openstackstatusfungi: finished logging16:36
smcginnisI will just push up what I have since it's kind of simple and would at least take care of that part if we want to go ahead with it.16:36
openstackgerritEric Fried proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Regex gerritbot notifications: #openstack-nova
mayur_ind__pabelanger: yah, now with port I am able to do ssh.
mayur_ind__so what may be the real issue :-(16:37
openstackgerritSean McGinnis proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Switch notifications for stable branches to match all
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AJaegerefried_omalley: ^16:38
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pabelangermayur_ind__: try starting zuul again, like I said. I don't believe the failure was caused by SSH keys, but a routing issue from your zuul instance to gerrit (review.o.o)16:39
pabelangeryou could also run tcpdump on your zuul instance to get more information16:40
AJaegersmcginnis: if you anyhow need to edit your change - what about not touching the repos that efried has changes up to avoid merge conflicts?16:42
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fungiefried_omalley: smcginnis: considered as an alternative making gerritbot default to matching on all branches if none are specified? i'd be willing to bet that's the default behavior most projects want anyway16:44
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AJaegerfungi: nice idea!16:45
fungithere are at least some which will want a ^.*$ branch matcher at least (e.g., openstack-infra/publications uses a separate branch per presentation)16:45
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AJaegerconfig-core, care to review to refactor our static publish jobs, please?16:47
dmsimardfungi: +1 on that idea16:47
pabelangerfungi: mnaser: still generating indices, but looks to be working.16:47
mnaserpabelanger: nice, thank you!16:48
openstackgerritMohammed Naser proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Update bot for puppet-openstack to include Queens
openstackgerritMohammed Naser proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Added check to ensure template usage
mnaserAJaeger: ^ voila16:48
fungipabelanger: yep, i mean it was working earlier too it just seems to have taken too long16:49
openstackgerritLuigi Toscano proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Remove now unused jobs from various sahara repositories
openstackgerritLuigi Toscano proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove migrated jobs for sahara repositories
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pabelangerfungi: I think we lost access to AFS, there are corrupt DB errors in ubuntu-mirror.log16:50
openstackgerritMark Goddard proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Add new project config for kayobe
openstackgerritMark Goddard proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Add Zuul project for kayobe
pabelangerso, might be taking longer to rebuild DB16:50
pabelangerdoesn't usually take this long16:50
openstackgerritLuigi Toscano proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove migrated jobs for sahara repositories
openstackgerritLuigi Toscano proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Remove now unused jobs from various sahara repositories
fungipabelanger: doesn't seem to have been a reboot of afsdb01 or 02 at least16:51
toskyumpf, following the "Moving Legacy Jobs to Projects" section of the manual is now more complicated16:51
toskypreviously we could use the ID in Depends-On and Needed-By; now we need to submit both patches, check the review number, amend, resubmit16:51
AJaegertosky: yes ;(16:52
rcarrillocruzhey folks, poking DIB and fedora images. I noticed that the sshd_config file has PermitRootLogin: yes and PasswordAuthentication: yes , but can't see any elements setting that. Is that set on the base upstream fedora image?16:53
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fungircarrillocruz: probably16:54
fungircarrillocruz: is that when using the fedora or fedora-minimal element (or both)?16:55
rcarrillocruzk, think i'll create an element to lock that down16:55
mayur_ind__pabelanger: I think you are right, here is output of tcpdump
rcarrillocruzfungi: just poked at 'fedora'16:55
rcarrillocruzdon't know if minimal is the same16:55
mayur_ind__pabelanger: can you suggest where should I look for solution.16:55
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openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Move tmpdir into work root
rcarrillocruzmade me nervous, cos i was injecting ssh key with 'devuser', but devuser has an envvar to set user password (disable by default tho)16:56
fungimayur_ind__: when you tested ssh, you used ipv4 but this looks like ipv6... maybe v6 routing is broken between you and
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: remove legacy-rally-dsvm-fakevirt-heat
fungier, scratch that. i see your manual ssh test doesn't indicate whether it was v4 or v616:57
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efried_omalleyfungi: How would you turn that off?16:58
fungimayur_ind__: you might want to try your manual testing with ssh -6 just to confirm it's actually testing over ipv616:58
efried_omalleyYou mean if the section is absent, default to .*, but if present, use whatever they say?16:59
fungiefried_omalley: yeah16:59
ssbarnea --- bindep improvement, easy to review.16:59
efried_omalleythat'd work16:59
fungiefried_omalley: currently there's no reason to omit the branches section since that would result in no reporting for changes16:59
fungiefried_omalley: so i think it's something we can safely assume downstream users would only ever have configured that way by accident/in error16:59
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AJaegerconfig-core, I added the abstract attribute to some base jobs in and - could you review them, please?17:01
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pabelangermayur_ind__: wonder if we are having ipv6 routing issues to review.o.o, cc fungi17:05
mayur_ind__fungi: I tried this, . Did I tried same what you were saying?17:05
pabelangermayur_ind__: you could try and force ipv4 and see if that works17:05
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pabelangerI can't test ipv6 myself to review.o.o17:06
pabelangermaybe somebody else could17:06
openstackgerritJohn L. Villalovos proposed openstack-infra/puppet-gerritbot master: Change gerritbot to install from git
fungipabelanger: i'm connected to review.o.o via ipv6 right now17:06
jlvillalmordred, clarkb ^^^ I'm not sure if that is correct
pabelangermayur_ind__: so, sounds like ipv6 issue in your network some place.17:06
openstackgerritMatthew Thode proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: update Gentoo Hardened profiles (now stable)
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jlvillalmordred, clarkb: So reviews pointing out mistakes much appreciated. I'm not a puppet master :(17:07
fungimayur_ind__: yep, that looks like you probably have v6 connectivity issues... trying the same with -4 instead pf -6 works?17:07
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mayur_ind__ pabelanger: My other CI server is working properly, and it is showing same behavior with ipv6 , I dont think it is  the issue.17:10
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fungimayur_ind__: does tcpdump on your other server show it connecting over ipv6 or ipv4?17:10
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pabelangerfungi: mayur_ind__: yah, if the other server is working but ssh fails to ipv6, it must be using ipv417:13
fungior the v6 connectivity issue is specific to the one machine having a problem17:13
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pabelangerthe pastebin shows ssh -6 to review.o.o failing, I assume that is the server working17:14
fungiall the paste examples seem to have been from one server (sfsshare01) so i assumed that was the broken one17:15
pabelanger looks to be from CIPuneMaster17:15
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pabelangerI think that is the working (zuul?) one17:16
pabelangerbut, could be confusing things17:16
mayur_ind__pabelanger : yes this is working one17:16
pabelangerit must be using ipv4 to review.o.o17:16
fungigot it. i missed that one and was only looking at the other 4 pastes17:17
fungiso yes, my guess is that tcpdump will show that CIPuneMaster is connecting over ipv4 and sfsshare01 is trying (but failing) to connect over ipv617:17
fungiso you probably have some sort of global ipv6 configuration on the local network which the server started trying to use, but either it's broken or has some egress firewalling which is rejecting your attempts to connect to on 29418/tcp over ipv617:19
openstackgerritJohn L. Villalovos proposed openstack-infra/puppet-gerritbot master: Change gerritbot to install from git
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Import openstack-ansible-os_panko role
openstackgerritJohn L. Villalovos proposed openstack-infra/puppet-gerritbot master: Change gerritbot to install from git
mayur_ind__fungi: Both the server are trying over ipv4.
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/gerritbot master: Add _get_username method to discover username
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evrardjpAJaeger: sorry I was out17:27
evrardjpwill check right now17:27
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pabelangermayur_ind__: run tcpdump with -n flag to stop resolving dns17:28
openstackgerritMatthieu Huin proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: zuul web: add admin endpoint, enqueue & autohold commands
pabelangerI suspect it will show different17:28
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fungimayur_ind__: pabelanger: the top (non-working) one in that paste is definitely iv617:30
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fungias it shows the client's source address in v6 notation17:30
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openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Add OSA os_panko repo base jobs
fungithe bottom one, yes, can't tell without -n because it's using resolved hostnames17:31
mayur_ind__pabelanger: with -n option ,
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Add OSA nspawn host/container repo base jobs
mayur_ind__fungi: yes you are right17:32
pabelangermayur_ind__: yah, so that confirms working is using ipv4 and is broken on ipv617:33
fungiso options are to troubleshoot why ipv6 connectivity is broken for your network there, or attempt to disable v6 routing on the system(s)17:34
mayur_ind__pabelanger: Yah you right17:34
fungibut i don't think there's anything for us to do at this point17:35
fungi(ipv6 connectivity to the same server is working for other clients)17:35
mayur_ind__fungi: thats a lot of help , thanks a lot to both of you17:35
fungiyou're welcome!17:35
mayur_ind__I will try disabling v6 routing on my system17:36
mayur_ind__hope that will work17:36
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AJaegerevrardjp: no worries...17:42
evrardjpdo you still have a question there? It seems one has merged and the other was okay to me at previous patchset17:44
AJaegerevrardjp: I'm fine now, thanks17:44
evrardjpif you need anything just call :)17:45
AJaegerevrardjp: si the other one, efried_omalley had a wrong push so renamed now17:45
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evrardjpAJaeger: openstack-ansible comes between openstack-almanach and openstack-architecture, so ?17:49
* evrardjp confused17:49
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openstackgerritEric Fried proposed openstack-infra/gerritbot master: Match all by default
efried_omalleyfungi, smcginnis, AJaeger: Your wish is my command ^17:50
AJaegerevrardjp: I didn't know that the change was in the wrong place when  I asked. The order is that ^ comes before a, so needs to be first entry. question to you is whether those regexes are fine17:50
evrardjpefried_omalley: ALL the things ?17:50
evrardjpTHat's a lot.17:50
efried_omalleyY knot?17:50
efried_omalleyI got started and figured... who knows what crazypants downstream consumer will want?17:51
evrardjpAJaeger: okay so it makes sense if you want also the ^ to be counted in the alphabetical order17:51
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evrardjplet me patch that quick then17:54
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evrardjpnot sure why it's needed to have alphabetical order though.17:55
openstackgerritJean-Philippe Evrard proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Regex gerritbot notifications: #openstack-ansible
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openstackgerritJean-Philippe Evrard proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Regex gerritbot notifications: #openstack-ansible
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efried_omalleythe faaahh?18:00
efried_omalleyAJaeger: Why is alpha order important?18:00
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efried_omalleyI mean, I guess if the entry is 60 lines long it's one thing.18:01
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AJaegerefried_omalley, we wrote a check that looks for those - was helpful with those 60 lines...18:14
efried_omalleyAJaeger: Where's that check?  Maybe we can limit it to stanzas over a certain size.18:14
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jlvillalefried_omalley, What is the downside to having it in alphabetical order?18:15
efried_omalleyjlvillal: Nothing really, just a pain.18:15
efried_omalleyjlvillal: Also prevents things from being in "logical" order, if that order isn't alphabetical.18:16
AJaegerit helps us to keep some sanity ;)18:16
AJaegerefried_omalley: tools/check-channels-yaml.sh18:16
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jlvillalAny puppet masters out there that can help me debug this build failure?
jlvillalIt just says "puppet did not run".  And I don't know why :(18:19
jlvillalOh never mind I found this!
openstackgerritLuigi Toscano proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove migrated jobs for sahara repositories
* jlvillal is confused...18:21
fungijlvillal: yeah, those job logs are a little interesting to have to find your way around in the first time you encounter them, but looking in openstack-infra/system-config/applytest/ for any ending in .FAILED is where i usually start18:21
fungiCould not find dependency Vcsrepo[] for Exec[install-gerritbot] at /etc/puppet/modules/gerritbot/manifests/init.pp:3818:22
jlvillalfungi, Thanks. I think I am using wrong variable name...18:22
openstackgerritJohn L. Villalovos proposed openstack-infra/puppet-gerritbot master: Change gerritbot to install from git
* jlvillal crosses his fingers...18:23
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/publications zuul: Add Zuulv3 presentty presentation
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/publications zuul: Update architecture and gertty slides
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andreafcorvus why?
corvusandreaf: that's probably accidentally running on the executor, not the remote node18:31
corvusandreaf: (localhost==executor)18:32
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AJaegerconfig-core, could you review to refactor static publish jobs as well as and to mark base jobs as abstract, please?18:32
corvusandreaf: what's the goal?18:33
andreafcorvus uhm... ARA says controller18:33
corvusandreaf: get a certificate from one host and put it on all others?18:33
andreafcorvus push CA data from controller to all other nodes18:33
andreafcorvus yeah18:33
fungiis that something devstack-gate is doing in legacy jobs?18:33
corvusandreaf: we need one more step18:33
andreaffungi yes18:34
corvusandreaf: we need to pull the cert from the controller to executor, then push from executor to others18:34
pabelangeryou should be able to rsync between controller and compute without executor18:35
corvusandreaf: so add a pull step to synchronose src=/opt/stack/whatever dest=ca-bundle.pem then change the push to src=ca-bundle.pem and dest=/opt/stack/whatever18:35
corvuspabelanger: nope, can't rsync to two remote hosts18:36
corvusor rather between two remote hosts18:36
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fungiyou could run rsync on one to copy files to the other though (without involving the executor)18:37
corvusit's always push or pull with the localhost(executor) on one end or the other18:37
corvusfungi: yes18:37
andreafcorvus why is that?18:37
fungiassuming the nodes are set up with keys to log into one another, et cetera18:37
corvusandreaf: that's how rsync works, you can't do a 3-point rsync18:37
fungiandreaf: rsync doesn't support operating on one host to copy files between two other hosts18:37
fungisame as, e.g., ftp18:38
fungiwith rsync you can copy files from remote to local or local to remote or local to local but not remote to remote18:38
andreafcorvus fungi well I though it would ssh into18:38
andreafI though ansible would ssh into controller and rsync from there to the other host18:39
corvusso yeah, since we have ssh set up between nodes in this job, you could do fungi's suggestion of just running rsync yourself to sync directly from controller to others18:39
corvusandreaf: you might be able to have ansible treat the controller as a jump host or something...18:39
AJaegerwhere can I see nodepool log files and image list ? previously we had - what is this one now?18:39
fungiAJaeger: published on the corresponding builders now (nb01.o.o et al)18:40
corvusandreaf: i favor the pull/push thing -- it's easiest and most ansibly18:40
AJaegerfungi: n*b* - ah, thanks18:40
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/devstack-gate master: Handle stestr execution for stackviz
pabelangercorvus: odd, I would have expected to work, 2nd answer has better reply IMO18:41
andreafcorvus: if I use delegate_to: controller would zuul allow that?18:41
AJaegerfungi: gives logs but gives 503 - do we have that still somewhere?18:41
fungiAJaeger: oh, i thought you were asking for the image build logs18:42
AJaegerfungi: for both ;)18:42
fungipabelanger: that ubuntu mirror update is still going, huh?18:43
AJaegerbuild logs will help me already to figure out when images are build and I can recheck  my bindep changes...18:43
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corvusandreaf: worth a try :)18:43
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/nodepool master: Source /etc/ci/ for mirrors
pabelangerfungi: yah :( I think it is crawling all files again to build up the database18:43
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openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Unset finger client timeout after connect
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pabelangerandreaf: left a comment on 52807418:45
fungiAJaeger: yeah, looks like we have these rewrites but i only see that listening on the nodepool launchers (nl01.o.o et al) and we're not running a webserver there nor do our iptables rules allow access to 8005/tcp18:48
fungiShrews: ^ what's the intended way to access that? or is that still a work in progress?18:48
AJaegerfungi: no need to fix now ;) Just curious.. Thanks!18:49
fungiwell, you got me curious too ;)18:49
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Shrewsfungi: *shrug*  that's sort of a new thing18:49
Shrewsi.e., i don't know what we (in openstack infra) want to do with that (if anything)18:52
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openstackgerritJohn L. Villalovos proposed openstack-infra/puppet-gerritbot master: Change gerritbot to install from git
fungiShrews: got it. i guess AJaeger wants to have a way to see a list of current images18:54
fungiand used to hit a similar url at some point in the past (perhaps pre-v3?)18:55
pabelangermordred: ianw: clarkb: fungi: is another glean (systemd) fix, that bring debian-jessie back online for nodepool dsvm testing and fixes a long standing issue with dependency loops in systemd. Could I get a review please.18:57
AJaegerfungi: I just wanted to know when we have new images - looking at log files will be good as plan b - it does not show me on one page that all are *successfully* build.18:58
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AJaegerinfra-root, merged two hours ago - but says "he project "openstack/openstack-ansible-os_panko" was not found. " - exists.19:00
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dmsimardthat's.... interesting19:05
AJaegeris puppet disabled on one of the servers?19:05
fungizuul shouldn't be relying on puppet to recognize config updates any longer19:06
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corvusfungi: it does for new project adds19:06
dmsimardIt looks like it's loaded properly: 2018-02-21 17:59:34,155 INFO zuul.TenantParser: Loading configuration from openstack/openstack-ansible-os_panko/zuul.d/project.yaml@master19:06
fungicorvus: oh! good to know, i didn't realize that was the case19:06
dmsimard17:59, it looks like it was loaded about 2 minutes after the original syntax error19:06
dmsimardAJaeger: ^19:06
dmsimardAJaeger: I'll try a recheck and it should be good now I guess19:07
fungiaha, so delayed19:07
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dmsimardWhat timezone is that in ?19:07
dmsimardThat doesn't look UTC19:07
dmsimardAh yeah it is, my bad I'm confused19:08
dmsimardnope, Zuul still complaining about syntax error, that's peculiar19:08
AJaegerdmsimard: is there a bug in the file? Let me check19:09
dmsimardZuul is like... "let me tell you about why this is a syntax error" and proceeds to print out the exact part where the project is written.. is there a non-ascii/utf8 character or something maybe ?19:09
dmsimardbad indentation ? digging..19:10
AJaegerodyssey4me: next time, please do not import a zuul.yaml file ;)19:10
dmsimardAJaeger: oh you have a point, Zuul is likely confused because of
AJaegerthe zuul/main.yaml change merged, so it *should* be ok...19:12
dmsimardodyssey4me: can you try to remove the configuration from the openstack-ansible repo before we try to add the ones in project-config ?19:12
* AJaeger sees no errors in the file19:12
corvusException: Job openstack-ansible-dir-ubuntu-xenial in openstack/openstack-ansible-nspawn_container_create is not permitted to shadow job openstack-ansible-dir-ubuntu-xenial in openstack/openstack-ansible-lxc_container_create19:12
corvusthat's the error that caused zuul to abort the reconfig which added the project19:13
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corvusso we're running with the previous tenant config now, which doesn't have that project19:13
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dmsimardso that's another patch that merged19:14
* AJaeger patches openstack/openstack-ansible-nspawn_container_create quickly19:14
AJaegerdmsimard: taht wasn't on my radar, sorry19:14
dmsimardAJaeger: we couldn't have known, the error is indeed in the logs though19:14
dmsimardcorvus: is there a way to bubble that up and make it more obvious somehow ?19:15
AJaegerevrardjp, odyssey4me, please see  above ^19:15
AJaegershould we add a check that upstream imports do *not* include zuul.yaml etc?19:15
dmsimardAJaeger: so we should probably make sure that there's no zuul configuration in the repos we're importing19:15
dmsimardI think so19:15
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* AJaeger took the big axe -
fungiyeah, when i reviewed the recent ones i looked for extra branches and tags but forgot to check for zuul configs19:17
AJaegerinfra-root, can you force merge that one, please? ^19:17
AJaegerevrardjp, odyssey4me, FYI ^19:17
* AJaeger works on the zuul import check19:17
openstackgerritJean-Philippe Evrard proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Import config_template to openstack(-ansible)
dmsimardAJaeger: it's a bit tricky if we need to check all branches :/19:18
corvusdmsimard: there's patch in progress to make tenant config errors visible in the web19:18
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evrardjpsorry I was in a meeting19:19
evrardjpDarn many excuses today19:19
dmsimardcorvus: awesome19:19
evrardjpcould someone explain what's the problem?19:20
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AJaegerevrardjp: see - your new repo has a broken zuul config.19:20
AJaegerevrardjp: and thus we refuse to handle that repo completely19:21
openstackgerritJohn L. Villalovos proposed openstack-infra/puppet-gerritbot master: Change gerritbot to install from git
evrardjplet me rephrase, what's wrong?19:21
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evrardjp"is not permitted to shadow job openstack-ansible-dir-ubuntu-xenial"19:22
AJaegerevrardjp: your imported repo has a broken zuul configuration - and thus we need to remove it.19:22
evrardjpstill understood that -- I don't understand that message19:23
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evrardjpWe use to be able to redefine the jobs in the repos19:23
fungizuul config changes are self-testing, but our repo import process does not pre-test your zuul configuration19:23
dmsimardevrardjp: tl;dr, you had good intentions in preparing the zuul config in-tree but we'll need to avoid doing that in the future because we can't validate it before we import it. We'll be able to iterate and figure out what the real issue is after we revert the broken state19:23
AJaegerevrardjp: you defined a *duplicate* job - which is not allowed19:23
evrardjpAJaeger: well we do have a that in other places.19:23
evrardjpso I didn't think it was bad.19:24
evrardjpIt's for all branches too I guess?19:24
evrardjp(for this one only master is important, but it could be important for other patches I have)19:24
fungiany given job can only be defined in one repository19:25
fungiit can be inherited by or varied by configuration in other repositories19:25
dmsimardjobs that are defined for the purpose of inheritance ("base jobs" or templates, if you will) and jobs that are defined in the layouts are treated differently, I believe19:25
evrardjpfungi: I thought overrides could be defined.19:25
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evrardjpanyway -- I know better now19:25
fungiyes, job variants can override things, but including an entire job definition is only possible if the job has a different name in the new repo19:26
dmsimardevrardjp: it's basically a protection so another project can't "hijack" your job19:26
evrardjpfungi: dmsimard thanks for clarifications. In this case, it would probably be okay to remove the jobs.yaml, as project.yaml would use the other repo definition19:27
evrardjpbut I am fine with a full removal and smart addition later.19:27
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evrardjpsorry for the incovenience there.19:33
openstackgerritJean-Philippe Evrard proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Add individual core group for openstack-ansible-os_neutron
fungievrardjp: no apology needed, we need to start paying attention to that when we review project imports19:35
evrardjpyeah I guess there are always lessons learned :)19:36
fungiit's our responsibility to try and avoid approving changes which will wedge our services19:36
evrardjpwe can maybe add a rule to not accept a project import if .?zuul.*19:38
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evrardjpbecause human enforcement there seems hard.19:39
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Support ubuntu-bionic (18.04) with nodepool dsvm
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fungii _think_ we already have a check which rejects any change that would attempt to import a repo lacking a master branch, so may be able to extend that to do it19:41
corvusi think i saw AJaeger heading off in that directon :)19:42
fungioh! indeed, i see that in scrollback now19:42
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openstackgerritEmmet Hikory proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Add ARM64 Ubuntu mirror
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evrardjpAJaeger: if you're doing a manual thing to make the few patches pass, you might want to add this one:
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andreafpabelanger thanks good advice I'll try that now20:06
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andreafpabelanger I didn't need creating the folders on the controller anyways :S20:06
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dirkpabelanger: I'll look at rebasing in a bit today. Would be awesome to have an experimental job running for ptg indeed :-)20:11
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pabelangerdirk: yah, I think we can bring it online for then20:11
clarkbsorry I've been mostly afk today. Had doctor appointment and now lunch then I'm pulling out an old dishwasher so that new one can go in tomorrow. The joys of pre travel errand running20:13
AJaegerI've been working on not getting thos in again - sorry, no time for cleanup the mess ;(20:15
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AJaeger shows the problems20:15
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AJaegerpatch coming for this check20:15
ianwinfra-root: if i could get some eyes on and that will help puppet launch non-ipv6 servers and the linaro builder20:16
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pabelangerAJaeger: what is that the output from?20:17
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Avoid import of zuul files
AJaegerpabelanger: from this change ^20:18
pabelangerAJaeger: Ah, nice. Good idea20:18
AJaegerpabelanger: just updated project-config-gerrit check so that this will not happen again...20:18
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pabelangerAJaeger: I missed the excitement, which one broke?20:18
AJaegerpabelanger: see - the new repo has a broken zuul config.20:19
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evrardjpdmsimard: I can remove the files if need be.20:19
evrardjppabelanger: it's us!20:19
evrardjpwoot, party!20:19
AJaegerpabelanger: an infra-root needs to force-merge 54674620:19
AJaegerand check whether the other files are also broken20:20
AJaegerand remove them as well...20:20
evrardjpAJaeger: and
AJaegerinfra-root ^20:20
pabelangerAJaeger: evrardjp: what if you just did a noop, wouldn't that let zuul run the jobs?20:21
pabelangeror is it blocking something else20:21
AJaegerzuul refuses to load the file and does not recognize the repo as valid20:22
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evrardjpI think things are jammed now, so removing all the jobs (like done in ) doesn't help20:22
evrardjpa force merge is needed20:22
evrardjpwell that's my understanding at least.20:22
andreafcorvus: this should make you happy
andreafcorvus for multinode, once it lands, the list will have to live in host_vars as opposed to vars20:23
pabelangercorvus: do you have a moment to confirm, see ^ between AJaeger and evrardjp20:23
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evrardjpbut hey,
AJaegerpabelanger: can't help further - have to step out now.20:24
pabelangerAJaeger: okay, I can help get evrardjp back online20:24
pabelangerjust want to confirm with corvus before force merging zuul related things20:25
evrardjpwell to my understanding it's blocking others, so that's why I am active :) Else it can wait! :D20:25
pabelangerevrardjp: do you know what it is blocking? I'm just getting up to speed myself20:26
Shrewsc 220:27
mnaserAJaeger: so the only patch i ever tried to review for new project my first time breaks the world? darn20:27
mnaserevrardjp: is okay for you for me to +A ?20:28
evrardjpI think it's a little above for the real reason -- but the gist is that we imported those repos that have bad neighbours: zuul.d files that contains jobs definitions. Duplicate job definitions20:28
evrardjpmnaser: yup20:28
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mnaserevrardjp: donezo :>20:29
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: DNM: Testing zuul import detection
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fungiinfra-root: i'll take bypassing ci to submit 546746 in gerrit now20:30
AJaegermnaser: is the one - you didn't touch it.20:30
mnaserAJaeger: oh i thought the issue was the os_panko one, my bad20:31
mnaserso much imports :>20:31
AJaegermnaser: we noticed on os_panko which merged later20:31
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fungi#status log bypassed ci testing for to resolve a deadlock with imported zuul configuration in a new project20:33
openstackstatusfungi: finished logging20:33
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pabelangerAJaeger: left comment on 54676420:34
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mnaserinfra-root: if anyone has a few cycle,,members could you add "openstack-ansible-core" group into it?20:36
pabelangermnaser: can you link the review that created it20:36
mnasergroup was just created in
evrardjpyeah that would be nice :)20:38
pabelangermnaser: done20:38
evrardjpthanks pabelanger20:38
mnaserpabelanger: thank you!20:38
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Fix filelist for project-config-gerrit
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Regex gerritbot notifications: #openstack-ansible
AJaegerpabelanger: ^20:39
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Regex gerritbot notifications: #openstack-nova
AJaegerpabelanger: no reason to -1 546764 for a change to another repo IMHO20:39
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AJaegerpabelanger: and tests 54676420:40
pabelangerAJaeger: oh, its not defined in project-config? yah, in that case we should fix the other repo20:41
evrardjppabelanger: could you do it again with another group?20:41
pabelangerevrardjp: done20:43
mnaserpabelanger: sorry for being out of the loop but did the mirror issue end up getting resolved?20:44
mnaseri don't see an update here and i see a recent failure20:44
AJaegermnaser: could you +2A 546764, please?20:44
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pabelangermnaser: still rebuilding indices, it looks like we are rebuilding the databases for reprepro20:45
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evrardjpalso when we fixed the patch by force merge, this one wasn't forced merged:
mnaserpabelanger: ah ok, no worries, i'll avoid rechecking jobs for now20:45
evrardjppabelanger: thank you once again!20:46
AJaegerevrardjp: shows the potential problems - please check every branch listed there and if needed remove them20:46
pabelangermnaser: yah, being AFS, we are limited by bandwidth right now20:46
mnaserAJaeger: looked at it, looks good, thanks20:47
AJaegerthanks, mnaser20:47
evrardjpAJaeger: well we are more strict than what we should now20:47
AJaegerevrardjp: I'm not saying you have to remove all of them - I'm saying: Please double check!20:48
evrardjp is already fixing things but I guess it needs a force merge20:48
evrardjpthe rest should be our standard jobs usage, no new definitions, so all clear20:49
ianwpabelanger: re 485748 did we find the exact cycle?  something just seems ... odd.  i wonder if it's related to old lsb scripts on jessie20:51
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Avoid import of zuul files
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evrardjpmaybe I'll ask pabelanger to force merge , he is on a row right now! "Jamais deux sans trois"!20:52
pabelangerianw: we've had the cycle for some time, even on ubuntu. But you can see logs at for debian20:52
mnaseri think openstack-ansible-os_panko might have the same zuul issue right?20:54
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pabelangerianw: specifically in we never see glean run20:55
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Fix filelist for project-config-gerrit
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andreafpabelanger: I think I will have to do the pull / push thing20:56
ianwpabelanger: ok, i'll just investigate a little to convince myself of the exact loop20:57
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fungiinfra-root: evrardjp: i'll bypass ci for as well20:59
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pabelangerandreaf: hmm, I think that might be a bug in zuul. i don't see why we'd limit that between 2 nodes:
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pabelangerandreaf: it is possible our lock down of sync module is over reaching here21:00
andreafpabelanger: yeah, but ok I will work around that for now21:01
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fungi#status log bypassed ci testing for to resolve a deadlock with imported zuul configuration in a new project21:02
openstackstatusfungi: finished logging21:02
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evrardjpthanks fungi21:02
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pabelangerandreaf: yah, we'd need to update and support delegate_to21:03
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andreafpabelanger: heh right - well this should work for now
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AJaegerconfig-core, could you review to refactor static publish jobs as well as and to mark base jobs as abstract, please?21:11
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dhellmanna while back we had some issues with very very long patch series causing zuul to have some performance issues. Is that still a problem with v3? If so, what's a reasonable cut-off for a series length?21:13
dhellmanncorvus : ^^21:13
* fungi is headed out for a stroll, bbiaw21:14
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-iptables master: Allow allowed_hosts to not have ipv6 interfaces
pabelangerdhellmann: how many is there currently to push up?21:18
AJaegerdhellmann: are those touching zuul files?21:19
dhellmannall in openstack/releases21:19
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config master: Add nb03 matching, firewall and monitoring
pabelangerif they are doing dynamic reloading (touching zuul.d), i think we are fine. But maybe start with 20?21:20
AJaegerinfra-root, what needs to be done so that zuul recognizes the repos now that the broken zuul jobs are removed?21:20
dhellmannpabelanger : can I tell git-review to limit the number of patches it proposes?21:21
pabelangerdhellmann: good question, I am unsure. Let me check docs21:21
dhellmannI have 2 separate branches (a was branched and patched and then later b branched from a) so I can do it that way21:22
dhellmannthat first branch has already been submitted successfully it just needs to be rebased21:22
pabelangerdhellmann: I don't see anything about limiting21:23
dhellmannok, I'll go with the 2 sets from the branches21:24
pabelangerAJaeger: not sure, does a recheck still report failures?21:24
AJaegerpabelanger: yes, on
dhellmannthanks, pabelanger21:24
pabelangerAJaeger: it is possible we need to do a reload for zuul, but would be good to confirm with corvus first. It is also possible we've exposed a bug in zuul, and if so I'd like to confirm before corvus had a chance to look21:26
AJaegerpabelanger: sure21:27
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evrardjpI start to sleep on my keyboard, so if there is anything else, I'll see it tomorrow morning. Sorry again for the breakages!22:00
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openstackgerritTrevor McCasland proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql master: WIP: add subunit2sql-meta for reading metadata with runs
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openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: have tag-releases skip closed series
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openstackgerritDirk Mueller proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Add building of openSUSE Tumbleweed nodepool images
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-nodepool master: Disable vhd on aarch64
pabelangerdirk: do you have an output from tools/ for opensuse-tumbleweed?^23:17
dirkpabelanger: not from a recent run, but I did it when I submitted the review originally23:18
dirkpabelanger: the image is building and booting fine23:18
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pabelangerianw: do you mind a quick review on I have some time to monitor builds this evening23:19
clarkbok I'm back to a computer now. Anything I can help with?23:20
clarkbI guess I can review ^23:20
pabelangerclarkb: yah, if you don't mind23:20
clarkbpabelanger: glean release was made right?23:20
pabelangercool, lets see what happens23:21
dirkpabelanger: hmpf, so the new dib doesn't work23:22
ianwyeah, that's impossible, dib is perfect :)23:22
openstackgerritSean McGinnis proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Switch cloudkitty-dashboard to use horizon job
clarkbI WIP'd the change so it won't merge23:23
andreafcorvus pabelanger gah! again :D
ianwtubleweed has built and booted in the glean experimental tests?23:23
pabelangerianw: yah23:24
dirkah, nevermind, I used it wrong23:25
clarkbso I can unWIP?23:25
dirkits caching the git repos23:25
pabelangerandreaf: yah, I can look at our file checks tomorrow, pretty sure using delegate_to in ansible is valid, but we don't allow it right now23:25
clarkbok it should regate now23:25
dirkthats gonna take a couple of hours23:25
andreafpabelanger thanks23:26
pabelangerI plan on adding a DIB image build jobs for project-config when we make changes to elements, to atleast ensure we can build the images in gate23:26
ianwdirk: yeah, i usually strip that down , unless you need it ... see
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smcginnisIf anyone has a chance to take a look, simple release job switch for a horizon dashboard release:
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andreafpabelanger one last attempt, using zuul.executor.work_rook
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Add building of openSUSE Tumbleweed nodepool images
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dirkpabelanger: so nb01/nb02.o.o is where the log files end up these days?23:34
pabelangerandreaf: no, think that is going to still fail. you'll have to run sync-devstack-data on host: localhost, then delegate_to: controller for Pull the CA certificate and folder, then delegate_to compute for Push the CA certificate and folder23:35
pabelangerdirk: yah23:35
pabelangerit will be image.log until we reload builders with new logging config23:35
clarkbsmcginnis: done23:36
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/puppet-nodepool master: Increase timeout on nodepool install
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Update nodepool-builder logging for opensuse-tumbleweed
pabelangerianw: clarkb: ^logging changes for nodepool-builder23:39
ianwpabelanger: hmm, well if you restart the buidlers, they're going to pick up corvus's new stuff and put the results in the build dir23:41
ianwergo i think that's all redundant23:41
pabelangerianw: have we exposed them to http yet?23:43
ianwpabelanger: no ... the stack related to needs to go in23:43
ianwit will want some babysitting i'd say23:43
pabelangerk, might be too much for tonight23:44
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ianwyeah, i'll see how i go, just pushing on nb03 atm23:44
ianw if you want a quick one, just increases timeout for nodepool install as it has to build a bunch o stuff23:45
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Switch cloudkitty-dashboard to use horizon job
ianwdo the adhoc playbooks not refresh /etc/puppet/modules?23:46
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clarkbianw: I want to say they don't23:47
clarkbupdate_puppet.yaml is the playbook that does it and it doesn't appear to be called by the ad hoc playbooks23:48
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fungiback now and catching up23:59
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