Tuesday, 2019-01-15

ianwyeah, what i was hoping was that the -src jobs could be validating the dib bindep.txt00:00
ianwbut it just doesn't seem practical00:00
fungidoesn't running those jobs on changes to the bindep.txt in the devstack plug-in solve that anyway?00:00
corvus#status log restarted all of zuul with commit sha 67ef71d2a2d6b5b06e2355eefff00ae3df24bbf700:01
corvus(well, it's still restarting, but ...)00:01
mordredcorvus: so now landing https://review.openstack.org/#/c/630744/ should be safe00:01
openstackstatuscorvus: finished logging00:02
corvusmordred: yep00:02
mordredcorvus: at which point I can rework the not-yet-fully-working gerrit image build to use required-projects, which will be neat00:02
clarkbcorvus: Re-registering as job is within its limits 9.45 <= 20.0, 62.4% <= 5.0, running, 34.7% <= 5.0, 3 <= 400:02
clarkbcorvus: something seems off with the way we log <= 5.0, 62.4% is less than 5.0 what?00:03
corvusclarkb: i agree :)00:03
clarkbbut other than that I agree I don't find any logs indicating that swap is directly the cause00:03
clarkb(or any other issue that is)00:03
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ianwfungi: not really, i don't think we can skew when you look at the whole suite of tests -- if we're using dib's bindep in all it's functional tests, but the nodepool plugins bindep in it's test, taken as a whole both have to pass to get a zuul +100:04
corvusclarkb: yeah.  executor process swapping is one of the things that would cause a job to take a while to start, but not the only one.00:04
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fungiianw: unless i'm misunderstanding, that sounds like what we'd want anyway00:07
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corvusthere seems to be a problem with zuul00:08
clarkbpuppet just ran on review.o.o using the previous puppet-gerrit state. I expect it will run with the new state in about 45 minutes00:08
fungiianw: or maybe what you're really looking for is a dib devstack plugin which the nodepool devstack plugin uses?00:08
clarkbcorvus: let me know if I can help00:08
corvusi don't know the problem yet, other than the status page isn't working00:08
fungii'm also around, in case i can be of assistance00:08
clarkbcorvus: do we need to add the zk config to our zuul web?00:08
corvusshould be there00:09
clarkbI seem to recall we write it everywhere but I can double check00:09
corvusoh, zuul-web is not running00:09
corvus2019-01-14 23:57:11,832 DEBUG zuul.Web: Configured logging: 3.4.1.dev1900:09
corvusit attempted to start00:10
corvusbut did not log why it died00:10
clarkbsystemd seems to show it restarted it a few times00:10
corvusi'll try running it in fg00:10
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ianwit also sounds similar holding onto the logging handlers across daemonize to https://review.openstack.org/#/c/547889/ which i have never got back to and ported as requested00:11
corvusokay that's weird, it's running now00:11
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Add repos from gerrit.googlesource.com to zuul  https://review.openstack.org/63074400:11
corvusi don't know what happened earlier; i didn't do anything other than restart it again00:12
corvusre-enqueuing now00:12
clarkbcorvus: perhaps the old web server was still bound to its port?00:12
corvusclarkb: i'm pretty sure i checked that it was stopped, but perhaps i was mistaken00:13
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corvushypothesis: an unhandled (unlogged) error in sql migrations00:14
corvus2019-01-14 23:57:11,832 DEBUG zuul.Web: Configured logging: 3.4.1.dev1900:15
corvus2019-01-14 23:57:11,947 DEBUG zuul.SQLConnection: Current migration revision: ea2bae77672300:15
corvus2019-01-15 00:10:23,406 DEBUG zuul.Web: Configured logging: 3.4.1.dev1900:15
corvus2019-01-15 00:10:23,543 DEBUG zuul.SQLConnection: Current migration revision: 649ce63b5fe500:15
clarkboh interesting00:15
corvusthe restart that bombed had a different sql migration sha than the following which succeeded -- but both were running the same zuul version.  so probably the scheduler was in the process of migrating00:16
corvusand maybe web started the migration and then failed once the scheduler finished00:16
corvus(or even just attempting to start the migration failed)00:16
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corvusianw: and yeah, that logging change would have helped :)00:18
corvusi'll push up a targeted fix00:18
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: WIP: Test a child job depending on a parent that did not run  https://review.openstack.org/62988500:19
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Add support for per-image build-arg settings  https://review.openstack.org/63077700:19
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Build a gerrit image  https://review.openstack.org/63046800:19
mordredcorvus: ^^ this time with required-projects00:19
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Log connection exceptions when starting web  https://review.openstack.org/63079600:20
corvusclarkb, ianw, fungi: ^ i think that would have caught our mystery error00:20
corvusmordred: well need to wait for ansible to puppet before that'll really work00:21
mordredcorvus: oh yeah. good point00:21
clarkbwe can all wait for puppet together00:22
clarkbunrelated but I smell popcorn (told its actually rolls in the oven) and hear The Princess Bridge downstairs00:23
clarkbI might have to do my waiting down there :)00:24
mordredclarkb: is the Princess Bridge something I don't know about or a typing error?00:24
clarkbits a typing error :)00:24
mordredkk. it totally could have been the other thing too00:24
clarkbI just ssh'd into bridge.o.o to watch ansible00:24
fungii was about to go add the princess bridge to my queue00:24
mordredfungi: ++00:24
mordredI figured it would be a portland retelling of the princess bride00:25
clarkbmy typing drivers have a bad habit of caching commonly used words and overusing them00:25
fungiand also make actual popcorn which isn't rolls00:25
corvusi thought it was the one where buttercup goes to terabithia00:25
mordredcorvus: I kind of want to make a series of film adaptations of books but with characters from the princess bridge subbed in00:26
mordredcorvus: the dread pirate roberts and the rats of nimh00:26
corvusmordred: if you want to do *that*, you'd have to write "the princess bridge" first.  :)00:26
mordredthat's too much work00:27
clarkbTrek in the Park was in Cathedral park which is so named as its under the St. Johns Bridge and it looks like a cathedral if you got rid of all the walls00:27
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clarkbnow I'm trying to find a picture that shows the bridge00:27
corvusclarkb: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cathedral_Park,_Portland,_Oregon#/media/File:Cathedral_Park_St_Johns_Bridge_-_Portland_Oregon.jpg00:28
corvusthe flare cinches it00:29
clarkbnow imagine a stage production with tribbles00:29
clarkboff on the left I think00:29
clarkbalso if anyone is wondering that is the best bridge in portland00:30
mordredclarkb: it is clearly the best bridge in portland00:31
mordredcorvus: I feel like you just admitted jj into the canon00:31
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corvusmordred: i said that before i knew we were talking about star trek; i thought we were talking about stained glass windows00:33
mordredcorvus: ok. I understand your statement better00:33
mordredcorvus: I thought you were saying "that there is a flare clinches that it really is star trek" - and I was confused00:33
corvusmordred: i forgive you00:34
clarkbdiscovery is getting a spin off, also to be locked away on cbs all access00:34
corvusi feel like that service is ironically named00:34
clarkbbecause if your first attempt isn't any good then just do it again worse00:34
clarkb(I mean it could be better, that is to be seen but I likely won't watch it because ya "all" isn't much here)00:34
mordredI haven't watched any of discovery - but that's mostly because the previews make it look too much like an action flick00:35
mordredI also might be old and set in my ways00:35
clarkbmordred: I couldn't finish season 100:35
clarkbthe expanse was coming out at about the same time and it was far better00:35
mordredok. good to know I'm not just projecting unnecessary grump00:35
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clarkbso watched that iwth my time instead00:35
mordredI have not seen that - I shoudl add to the watchlist?00:36
clarkb-infra does pick your favorite scifi00:36
clarkbmordred: you should00:36
clarkbits a bit bsg like00:36
corvusoh cool; i'm in the middle of a free-prime trial; i'll add it :)00:37
fungii've had trouble getting into the expanse too. i made it about 6 episodes in... less bsg and more b5 to me (especially with the slow start to the plot)00:38
clarkbfungi: the expanse or discovery?00:38
clarkb(both were slow to me)00:38
fungithe expanse00:38
clarkbIf you can get to the end of the first season of the expanse it sort of all starts to clikc together00:39
fungii haven't even tried discovery yet. seen and own copies of every episode of every other st series so i should probably give it a shot00:39
clarkbbut ya they put a lot of effort into world building early and it does start slow00:39
corvusclarkb, fungi: then it's exactly like b5 :)00:39
fungii mean, not picking on b5, i loved it. i just know a lot of people who never made it past season 100:39
corvusi loved it too.  s1 hurts to watch.00:40
fungii tried to get christine to watch it and she made it ~1.5 episodes before refusing to watch any more00:40
fungistarting her with season 1 was probably a mistake, in hindsight00:40
corvusi'll just be over here in the cone of silence00:41
fungiif only it had been a get smart reference :/00:41
fungijust needed a shoe phone to round out the bit00:41
clarkbstranger things (and if you liked that then dark) are other recent shows really worth a watch. Moving away from scifi/fantasy Fargo is quite good. I'm hopeful for this new season of true detective too00:42
fungistranger things is indeed marvellous. looking forward to another season. i haven't tried dark yet but it's on my list to check out. whether i can convince christine to watch something with me usually influences the chance i'll get around to it00:43
clarkbbe warned that dark is quite dark00:44
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corvussays right there on the tin i guess00:46
corvusclarkb, mordred, fungi: can you take a look at https://review.openstack.org/630782  ?00:46
corvusi expect it to pass check; the real action is in promote, so we'll have to land it to see.00:47
clarkbdoes < work like that in ansible?00:48
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clarkbthats neat if so00:48
corvusclarkb: it's a text comparison, but that works for iso860100:48
clarkbcorvus: was it intentional to remove the no_log from the get dockerhub token task?00:49
corvusclarkb: nope!00:49
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fungithat seems dangerous, yes00:50
clarkbalso it looks like you wanted to consolidate token creation but its still in two places00:50
corvusalso i don't need the delete there00:50
mordredclarkb: I see the no_log  ... what am I missing?00:50
clarkbhttps://review.openstack.org/#/c/630782/2/playbooks/zuul/build-image/promote.yaml,unified has it too00:50
corvusclarkb: you'd think... but no, i need the JWT token for deleting tags, and the bearer token for pushing manifests00:50
openstackcorvus: Error: "@#$@$#$" is not a valid command.00:51
mordredoh - I see it00:51
clarkbcorvus: got it00:51
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Delete change tags from docker image repos  https://review.openstack.org/63078200:51
corvusi really tried doing both with the other and failed00:51
corvusbut maybe there's some magic combination of hostnames i'm not using or i dunno00:51
corvus(note how many different hostnames are involved in this)00:52
clarkbpuppet has run on review.o.o which should've used the new puppet-gerrit and I don't see anything unexpected so I think that is good and ready for testing tomorrow00:52
mordredcorvus: otoh - doing rest from ansible is actually really pleasant!00:52
corvusauth.docker.io, registry.hub.docker.com, hub.docker.com00:52
corvusmordred: yes, i thoroughly enjoy it00:52
corvusmordred: it's worked really well with docker (as much as it can), gitea, and even gerrit (though it's extra work because of the ']}>' garbage)00:53
mordredcorvus: I so don't understand the ]}> garbage in gerrit00:54
clarkband confirmed that git log in /etc/puppet/modules/gerrit on review01 shows the latest commits00:54
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clarkbas a heads up our build a wall contractors just dropped off portapotty so I think that may mean construction fun tomorrow. I should be able to run meeting and everything just fine though00:55
clarkbits all outdoor work and I'm not terribly worrid about anything out there00:55
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Build a gerrit image  https://review.openstack.org/63046800:57
mordredcorvus: that's going to work this time. I swear00:58
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/irc-meetings master: Update kuryr-kubernetes irc meeting time  https://review.openstack.org/63068901:21
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openstackgerritJohn Studarus proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Work in Progress  https://review.openstack.org/62968801:37
openstackgerritJohn Studarus proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: pep8 corrections  https://review.openstack.org/63080901:37
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openstackgerritsebastian marcet proposed openstack-infra/puppet-openstackid master: Updated script to support PHP7  https://review.openstack.org/62495701:58
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openstackgerritJohn Studarus proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: pep8 corrections  https://review.openstack.org/63081902:02
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openstackgerritsebastian marcet proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Migrate OpenStackID dev server to php7  https://review.openstack.org/62564002:11
openstackgerritsebastian marcet proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Migrate OpenStackID dev server to php7  https://review.openstack.org/62564002:12
openstackgerritJohn Studarus proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Packet Bare Metal Nodepool Driver WIP  https://review.openstack.org/62968802:15
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Fix add_host typo  https://review.openstack.org/63086602:22
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstackid master: Migration to PHP 7.x  https://review.openstack.org/61193602:30
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Fix missing safe_args for add_host  https://review.openstack.org/63086602:33
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config master: Delete change tags from docker image repos  https://review.openstack.org/63078204:22
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openstackgerritJohn Studarus proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: pep8  https://review.openstack.org/63087504:35
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openstackgerritRui Chen proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Avoid using list branches with protected=1 in github driver  https://review.openstack.org/63003807:35
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spsuryacan anyone please review my affiliation patch https://review.openstack.org/#/c/629150/     clarkb fungi07:40
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: [wip] use bindep.txt with devstack  https://review.openstack.org/63089007:45
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: Log connection exceptions when starting web  https://review.openstack.org/63079608:42
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Add support for per-image build-arg settings  https://review.openstack.org/63077709:51
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Build a gerrit image  https://review.openstack.org/63046809:51
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Add verify-status plugin to gerrit build  https://review.openstack.org/63052609:51
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Add delete-project and importer plugins  https://review.openstack.org/63052709:51
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Remove trailing slash from googlesource url  https://review.openstack.org/63091909:51
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Use urljoin for git driver getGitUrl  https://review.openstack.org/63092010:03
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Use urljoin for git driver getGitUrl  https://review.openstack.org/63092010:05
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QianbiaoI am building a 3rd party CI10:33
QianbiaoZuul is configed to watch openstack/sandbox-ci project.10:34
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QianbiaoBut zuul got an error when receive a new patch10:34
QianbiaoGitCommandError: Cmd('git') failed due to: exit code(128)10:34
Qianbiao  cmdline: git fetch --tags -v origin10:34
Qianbiao  stderr: 'fatal: Could not read from remote repository.10:34
Qianbiaoanyone could help me with this10:34
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openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: executor: properly format error exception  https://review.openstack.org/63092810:38
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config master: Remove trailing slash from googlesource url  https://review.openstack.org/63091910:52
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Add openstack-virtual-baremetal to openstack  https://review.openstack.org/62061311:02
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openstackgerritsebastian marcet proposed openstack-infra/openstackid-resources master: Added application credential to cloud assets config to get more granular control over scopes  https://review.openstack.org/63093711:23
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstackid-resources master: Added application credential to cloud assets config to get more granular control over scopes  https://review.openstack.org/63093711:24
openstackgerritLuigi Toscano proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Sahara plugins: enable translations  https://review.openstack.org/63093811:26
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openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: WIP: runner: add execute sub-command  https://review.openstack.org/63094411:39
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Use os.path.join for git driver getGitUrl  https://review.openstack.org/63092011:52
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openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: WIP: runner: add execute sub-command  https://review.openstack.org/63094412:14
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openstackgerritQuique Llorente proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: WIP: Default private_ipv4 to use public_ipv4 address when null  https://review.openstack.org/62329412:50
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elodhi, I'm looking at some failing stable periodic jobs and there is an interesting thing: they fail at "Run tox without tests" and it seems that wrong version of neutron is used however the good version / branch is cloned to workspace (e.g. on stable/rocky the neutron version is from master)13:37
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elode.g.: http://logs.openstack.org/periodic-stable/git.openstack.org/openstack/neutron-fwaas/stable/rocky/openstack-tox-py27/c916191/job-output.txt.gz13:37
elodanyone any idea how could this happen?13:38
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elod(3 stable jobs fail on this on stable/rocky: neutron-fwaas, networking-odl, neutron-vpnaas)13:39
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mordredelod: it looks like zuul is set to checkout stable/rocky of neutron: http://logs.openstack.org/periodic-stable/git.openstack.org/openstack/neutron-fwaas/stable/rocky/openstack-tox-py27/c916191/job-output.txt.gz#_2019-01-15_06_14_10_60783813:43
mordredstill looking though13:43
elodthanks! it seems that somehow pip installs neutron from pypi, but why doesn't it use the cache?13:46
mordredelod: yes - this is how it works to make depends-on and whatnot work right - first we install requirements using pip from requirements.txt - then inspect the virtualenv, see what packages are there and what packages are provided by the git repos that have been put on the host - then we reinstall anything that matches from git13:48
fungidoes the job definition need vars: tox_install_siblings: true13:49
fungii was trying to trace through the inheritance path and not finding it13:49
mordredhrm. that _should_ be on by default, no?13:49
mordredoh - no, duh. it would need that to install siblings for these jobs, eah13:50
fungihttps://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs/tree/zuul.d/jobs.yaml#n364 doesn't seem to set it, parented to https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs/tree/zuul.d/jobs.yaml#n343 which also doesn't13:51
ttxLooking at what it would take to define a specific Zuul tenant for kata-containers... IIUC beyond specifying the tenant in project-config's main.yaml, I'd need a kata-specific repo to hold the Zuul configuration for things like pipelines ?13:51
fungittx: yes, that way their pipeline configurations can ultimately have different reviewers than openstack's13:52
mordredyeah. we'll also probably want to talk about how to manage base jobs in such a scenario - because I actually don't think we'd want separate base jobs13:52
fungiis that how, e.g., softwarefactory is doing it?13:53
mordredor, rather, separate definitions is fine - but most of what's in the base jobs are deployment specific not tenant specific - so we woudln't want to manage the base jobs twice13:53
ttxSo we need to create a new repository first... We'd want it in Gerrit since it's a trusted one... suggestions on name/location ? openstack-infra/kata-zuul-config ?13:54
mordredwhich means maybe we want an opendev-base-jobs repo or something that can have the base jobs and be attached to each tenant13:54
ttxmordred: yes it feels like you'd ultimately need to separate templates/jobs definition from pure configuration (pipelines, which jobs for each project etc)13:55
ttxand use different repos for each so that templates/jobs definitions can be loaded by multiple tenants13:56
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Fix missing safe_args for add_host  https://review.openstack.org/63086613:56
mordredttx: I think that sounds like a fine name - when more of infra-root are awake we can chat about the approach for base jobs13:56
ttxok I'll propose something up13:58
pabelangerfungi: no, sf.io each tenant has their own base job.  I do want to fix that to use a single base, and talking to tobiash it should be possible.13:58
pabelangerbut, doing base-minimal does make things easier to manage13:58
fungimordred: elod: i guess tox_install_siblings is true by default in the tox role, so that's probably not the issue: https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/zuul-jobs/tree/roles/tox/defaults/main.yaml#n613:59
elodmordred: i tried to compare the things with networking-bgpvpn stable/rocky job: the installed neutron version is from stable/rocky on its job14:01
ssbarnea|roverfungi: do we know if a build was a recheck? mainly I am curious if we can measure the percentage of rechecks, maybe with logstash, e-r,...?14:01
fungielod: in that case we probably want to compare the tox-specific logs from each job to see what pip is being asked to install at each stage14:02
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fungissbarnea|rover: we could probably scrape gerrit comments with a change query to count them14:02
fungiwouldn't be 100% accurate, but likely close (sometimes people add recheck comments when the change is already being tested, or when it's untestable)14:03
ssbarnea|roverfungi: it could be something quite valuable if we can measure this overtime.14:03
elodfungi, mordred: one difference maybe what i see now is that bgpvpn uses ".tox/py27/bin/pip install" and neutron-fwaas uses ".tox/py27/bin/python -m pip install"... but i don't know whether it's relevant14:03
elodand i don't find where this difference comes from14:04
ssbarnea|roverfungi: is true, but overall it would be a relatively decent way to measure the sanity of infrastructure. i assume that most rechecks happen when users think that another run will work.14:05
ssbarnea|roverif that is true or not is less important, but knowing that a single change needs ~x retries on average is valuable, especially as a trend.14:06
mordredelod: it shouldn't matter ...14:06
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mordredelod, fungi: my gut tells me this is going to be a sequencing thing - and that somewhere in teh sequences something is getting installed in an order that is unhappy14:07
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mordredfungi, pabelanger: we need to restart the mergers and executors to pick up the config fix ... we don't seem to have a playbook for that though - is there any already-existing thing we can use for that?14:13
pabelangermordred: http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/system-config/tree/playbooks/zuul_restart.yaml with using --limit would be my suggestion14:14
mordredpabelanger: ah - good point14:15
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mordredpabelanger: --limit='zm*:ze*' should work as a limit clause, right?14:15
pabelangeror limit zuul-executor:zuul-merger, if that is the group14:16
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openstackgerritLuigi Toscano proposed openstack-infra/infra-manual master: Improve the details about settings i18n for new repous  https://review.openstack.org/63098114:16
mordredah right. groups. yay14:16
mordredpabelanger, fungi: there's nothing in post or release - any issues with me restarting the mergers and executors?14:17
mordredwith: root@bridge:/opt/system-config# ansible-playbook --limit 'zuul-executor:zuul-merger' playbooks/zuul_restart.yaml14:18
mordredoh - I guess also with -f 2014:19
mordredroot@bridge:/opt/system-config# ansible-playbook -f 20 --limit 'zuul-executor:zuul-merger' playbooks/zuul_restart.yaml14:19
pabelangeragree, release / tag pipelines look clear14:19
pabelanger+1 for command too14:19
* mordred waits just a few more to give fungi a chance to object14:19
mordredok. seeing no dissention - I'm going to restart things14:20
fungisorry, had stepped away for a sec. catching up14:20
* mordred waits14:20
fungiyeah, no objection to a executor/merger restart14:22
mordredfungi: (the motivation is that we landed a config change to add git driver repos yesterday and the baseurl had a trailing slash - which caused zuul mergers to hang trying to clone it indefinitely)14:22
* mordred runs command14:22
fungimy "limited" grasp of ansible suggests that --limit='zm*:ze*' should be fine14:22
elodmordred, fungi : besides that maybe a sequencing problem, i see one more diff now: on the failing jobs' requirements.txt the req is neutron>= , however on e.g. bgpvpn it is 13.0.0 ... could it be that pip handles something wrongly?14:23
fungissbarnea|rover: well, "how many rechecks before a patchset passes all its jobs" is likely to be much different from "how many job runs are triggered by rechecks"14:23
mordredelod: >= will tell pip to install any pre-release version of neutron found, while 13.0.0 will ignore pre-releases14:23
fungissbarnea|rover: people have a tendency to repeatedly recheck their changes and only look at the logs to discover they've got an error in their code after repeated rechecks fail the same way14:24
mordredelod: maybe it's time to change fwaas to >= 13.0.0 ?14:24
elodmordred: yes, i was about to try that, thanks :)14:24
mordredyeah - that'll be fwaas picking up 14.0.0b114:25
mordredelod: I think fixing that will fix uyou14:25
elodmordred: according what you sad i think so. nevertheless, i think the problem will come up when there will 14.0.0 version of neutron that is not a pre-release, maybe?14:26
mordredelod: yes - possibly - we might need to think about making sure requirement ranges don't conflict14:27
elodmordred: ok14:29
elodmordred, fungi , thanks for the help14:29
mordredelod: sure thing!14:30
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openstackgerritThierry Carrez proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Define a specific Zuul tenant for Kata containers  https://review.openstack.org/63099414:31
ttxmordred, fungi: here is my try at adding the repo ^^  might be wrong as there is a non-trivial amount of chicken and egg involved (adding a repository requires adding your repo to a Zuul tenant)14:31
mordredfungi: wow. the executors are still trying to stop14:31
ttxat the very minimum that gives us a place to discuss that change :)14:32
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mordred#status log restarted zuul executors and mergers to pick up git connection config fix14:39
openstackstatusmordred: finished logging14:39
openstackgerritSagi Shnaidman proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Support userdata for instances in openstack  https://review.openstack.org/63064914:40
mordredpoo. I think we need a scheduler restart too :(14:43
openstackgerritGraham Whaley proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: kata: add dco-license jobs to kata projects  https://review.openstack.org/63099814:44
fungiwe can do those too. activity levels aren't super high right now anyway14:44
mordredfungi: actually - lemme see something...14:45
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openstackgerritLuigi Toscano proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Sahara plugins: enable translations  https://review.openstack.org/63093814:51
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ssbarnea|roverfungi: mordred : do we have a policy/guideline regarding using or not-using github mirrors?15:09
mordredssbarnea|rover: what do you mean? like - about someone wanting to opt-out of them?15:10
fungiyeah, i can't tell if you're referring to our process of mirroring content to github, or if you're referring to mirroring content from github into our nodepool regions15:11
mordredyeah. me either15:12
fungi(or something else altogether)15:13
mordredfungi: I think ssbarnea|rover doesn't like us anymore :)15:16
mordredfungi: ok. we don't need to restart the schedule15:16
mordredfungi: ok. we don't need to restart the scheduler15:16
fungican i at least restart my schedule? i don't like the way my day is looking15:17
fungigood news about zuul though, thanks!15:17
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ssbarnea|roverfungi: mordred : i asked because i got some comments about not using github as not being reliable and I didn't really consider this a true. but if we would have a guideline about the subject it would much easier to follow it.15:18
mordredssbarnea|rover: ah - so you mean in jobs15:18
mordredssbarnea|rover: so - generally speaking, if a repo exists in our git farm (like openstack repos) you should NEVER use github for it15:18
fungigithub is unreliable15:19
ssbarnea|roverok thanks.15:19
mordredssbarnea|rover: if it only exists on github, like it's an external dependency that gets pulled from source because it doesn't have another system of being gotten15:19
mordredthen there's not much of a choice15:19
fungihistorically, statistics have backed that up for us15:19
mordredyah. very much so15:19
fungiit's not the day-long 100% github outages which really bite us so much as the background % failure rate from random machines in their server farm not getting commits copied around fast enough or having other random problems15:21
mordredssbarnea|rover: of course, if a repo exists in our git farm, jobs should be configured to have zuul clone them anyway - so github really shouldn't be coming up for those repos anyway15:21
clarkbssbarnea|rover: re rechecks there was a researcher looking into that according to a thread on the infra mailing list. You may want to follow up with them to see if they have any tooling they can share. That said I disagree that we can assume infra problems if a change is rechecked. People dont diagnose failures beyond it failed so Im trying again and to infer more is inaccurate15:21
mordredcorvus: we have hit an actual issue using zuul to clone the gerrit repo for us using required-projects15:22
clarkbThis is one of the reasons elastic recheck exists15:22
mordredcorvus: because zuul doesn't do submodule update --init on the repo, and because there is no working origin on the build node ...15:22
clarkbwe found the self identified recheck reasons to be highly inaccurate15:22
mordredcorvus: the job cannot itself do the submodule update --init15:22
mordredcorvus: http://logs.openstack.org/68/630468/20/check/system-config-build-image-gerrit/1cd5f0b/job-output.txt.gz#_2019-01-15_15_16_50_41884115:23
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clarkbmordred: the push from executor to test node wont push submodules either right?15:26
clarkbis that a pull only action?15:26
mordredclarkb: I don't know the answer to that15:28
mordredclarkb: I think it's complicated enough that for now we should go back to having the job do the clone15:28
mordredclarkb: git config push.recurseSubmodules on-demand15:31
mordredclarkb: will configure git to push submodules content when it pushes other things15:32
clarkboh neat, so if the merger/executor configured submodules then the later push would work15:33
clarkbassuming we set that flag15:33
fungiclarkb: ssbarnea|rover: yeah, we used to require commenters to include a "reason" in every recheck comment and the infra/qa teams tried to mine that for useful information, but ultimately the "reasons" given were next to useless. and when we started requiring recheck comments to include a bug number, teams would open a "recheck bug" and refer to it in almost every recheck to save time, or people15:34
fungiwould copy/paste other bug numbers they saw someone use elsewhere, or would at times even just make up bug numbers at random15:34
mordredclarkb: yah - in theory. although I think we'd also have to make mirror-workspace-git-repos know how to remove the remote settings from the submodules - and also have configure-workspace-git do a --recursive when it clones from the cache15:36
mordredclarkb: there's going to be a pile of fiddly things here15:36
mordredoh - I suppose the other thing we coudl do ...15:36
mordredit put ALL of the plugins repos that are in gerrit's submodules stack into the list15:36
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clarkbmordred: everyone knows you buy into that (fiddly things that don't work) when you use submodules right?15:36
clarkbI guess gerrit didn't get the memo :)15:36
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fungissbarnea|rover: many developers just seem to want to avoid looking at failure logs, so if there's a slim chance the job failed for reasons unrelated to their change they'd rather just keep rechecking it until they get a passing grade (and we've seen changes with literally dozens of rechecks where the failure was actually due to a bug in the change, or changes introducing nondeterministic failures15:37
fungiwhere the author and reviewers rechecked the change repeatedly until they lucked out and got that bug to merge)15:37
openstackgerritThierry Carrez proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: kata: add dco-license jobs to kata projects  https://review.openstack.org/63099815:37
mordredignore the submodules in the gerrit repo completely and have the job overwrite the dirs in the gerrit plugins dir with the content from the zuul repos15:37
mordredclarkb, corvus: ^^ I think if we did that (which is basically what we're doing for the things that don't have git submodules in the gerrit tree) - it would be easier in the short term - and probably more resilient in the long term, since they use gerrit submodule tracking anyway15:38
mordredso we know the stable-2.15 branch of each plugin repo is going to be what would be in the submodules of the gerrit repo15:38
fungimordred: clarkb: submodule init has had some nasty security vulnerabilities in the past. if we decide to do that, would zuul perform those in the context of the bwrap sandbox?15:39
clarkbfungi: I don't think the mergers currently run in that context15:39
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fungithinking of situations like https://public-inbox.org/git/xmqqy3bcuy3l.fsf@gitster-ct.c.googlers.com/T/#u15:41
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Add in-tree gerrit submodules to googlesource  https://review.openstack.org/63100715:41
mordredfungi: yah - I think I'd prefer to just do this ^^15:41
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Build a gerrit image  https://review.openstack.org/63046815:47
mordredand do that ^^ to go with it15:47
openstackgerritMatthew Thode proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: support cracklib in pam for Gentoo's musl profile  https://review.openstack.org/63100915:51
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openstackgerritSagi Shnaidman proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Support userdata for instances in openstack  https://review.openstack.org/63064915:57
openstackgerritHervé Beraud proposed openstack-dev/pbr master: Resolve ``ValueError`` when mapping value contains a literal ``=``.  https://review.openstack.org/62537215:58
fungiheading out for a lunch appointment, but should be back by 18:00z at the latest16:00
clarkbmriedem: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/487664/ will only affect legacy jobs and I wanted to double check that the tests you want that data from are legacy jobs. Do you have more context for where we need to collect that log info (eg what jobs)?16:03
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mriedemwhen i wrote that we only had legacy jobs16:14
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mriedemclarkb: grenade is still legacy fwiw http://logs.openstack.org/64/487664/4/check/grenade-py3/cf44ea0/logs/rabbitmq/cleanup-host-report.txt.txt.gz16:16
clarkbmriedem: ya frickler was going to work on changing that iirc. So maybe we want that change in d-g and in the devstack zuul ansible roles?16:16
corvusttx, pabelanger, mordred: regarding the tenant for kata containers.... i thought we were waiting until we moved zuul.openstack.org to opendev, because otherwise we have no url to host the multi-tenant dashboard....16:21
corvusat least... that's what people said to me when i started talking about a zuul tenant.16:21
mordredcorvus: ah yes - I knew there was something else we were blocking on16:21
AJaegerclarkb: could you review https://review.openstack.org/630994 as PTL , please?16:22
AJaegerclarkb: oh, I see corvus mention above - corvus, so want to WIP 630994?16:22
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corvusAJaeger: well, we at least need to confirm we have consensus.  if, instead, we just wanted to bust open zuul.openstack.org as a multi-tenant host for now (https://zuul.openstack.org/t/kata-containers, https://zuul.openstack.org/t/openstack, https://zuul.openstack.org/t/zuul), i'd be ok with that, temporarily, if others are.  it just seems a little rude to openstack.16:25
corvuswhat would be *great* if someone new could jump in and help with the work to move zuul to opendev.16:26
corvusit's on my list, but i'm spending 90% of my time working on moving gerrit to opendev, and it's lined up behind that.16:26
clarkbmordred: AJaeger is http://logs.openstack.org/0d/0d75b259c065bb3d8e3acc45ce85ec767ac29db1/post/gerrit-package-buck/f2bb979/ara-report/ failing due to a bug in the new log collection work?16:28
clarkbthat failure means i don't have a published war to test on review-dev0116:28
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Add in-tree gerrit submodules to googlesource  https://review.openstack.org/63100716:28
mordredclarkb: yes. hrm.16:29
clarkbcorvus: considering it is relatively straightforward to add a vhost to zuul.openstack.org for zuul.opendev.org that is probably preferable. One gotcha is ssl certs, but maybe we just buy that one for now16:30
mordredclarkb: well - maybe - but maybe not16:30
clarkbmordred: re artifacts or zuul.opendev.org?16:31
mordredclarkb: artifacts16:31
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mordredclarkb: the move artifacts dir logic is only supposed to run if zuul.change is defined, and I don't see it having been run in that ara either16:32
corvusclarkb: i left a comment on 630994 you can respond to16:32
mordredclarkb: so I think there is a bug somewhere, but I don't think it's with that role16:32
clarkbmordred: note the host is tarballs.o.o I think that is the bug16:32
mordredclarkb: no - it's not finding the local dir16:33
mordred"/var/lib/zuul/builds/f2bb9792b21148eba7e9ecc166b28a01/work/artifacts" failed: No such file or directory (2)16:33
clarkbmordred: ya but it shouldn't run those tasks against tarballs.o.o16:34
clarkbhrm actually wait I may have confused myself16:34
clarkbthis is the actual copy artifacts to tarballs step, not the make stuff happy on zuul.o.o executor16:35
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clarkband /var/lib/zuul/builds doesn't exist there because it needs to be /srv/tarballs/zuul or whatever16:35
clarkbmordred: maybe the new stuff is conflicting on the var name for the dest with the existing roles that publish stuff?16:35
mordredclarkb: remote:   https://review.openstack.org/631017 Update the host spec for post jobs16:38
mordredclarkb: the problem is taht the post playbook didn't actually copy the artifacts back to the executor16:38
clarkbya so src didn't exist16:38
clarkband it didn't copy because the node name is wrong?16:39
mordredit didn't run the tasks at all16:39
mordredbecause there were no hosts matching16:39
clarkbmordred: can you push to openstack/2.13.12 ?16:39
mordredif you look in the ara, you'll see 0 tasks for post-publish16:39
mordredclarkb: oh - the branch is openstack/2.13.12? fun16:39
mordredyeah - one sec16:39
clarkbya I would've had to force update 2.13 and I'm not sure that is what we want. But I think once we get to docker builds most of that mess goes away16:40
clarkb(at one time I had an idea that we would be able to do 2.13 longterm with updates but the zuul job maintenance makes that weird (as its more commits)16:40
mordredclarkb: done16:40
mordredremote:   https://review.openstack.org/631019 Update the host spec for post jobs16:40
corvusclarkb, mordred, fungi: good news on the image front: https://hub.docker.com/r/opendevorg/gitea/tags  looks like all the new delete stuff worked (there's one change tag still there, it wasn't old enough to be deleted at the time, it'll be deleted next run).  all the other old stuff is gone, as well as the newest change tag used for the promote.16:41
clarkbcorvus: yay16:41
corvusmordred: are you pretty sure your build-arg thing is working now?16:42
mordredcorvus: uhm. I mean - it worked locally16:43
corvusmordred: (the change itself isn't self-tested due to files matchers, and the followup is hung up on the additional gerrit repos)16:43
corvusmordred: so you've got the ansible/yaml/line-folding syntax, etc worked out?16:43
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: Use os.path.join for git driver getGitUrl  https://review.openstack.org/63092016:43
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mordredcorvus: oh - I mean - I think so - but given how fiddly that has been and I've got some jetlag - I think I'd rather see the gerrit patch work and do the right thing16:44
corvusmordred: okay i'm going to update your patch to force an image rebuild, since i'm now blocked on that in order to move the roles16:44
mordredcorvus: we should be able to recheck once zuul reconfigures with the repo adds once they land, yeah?16:44
mordredah - gotcha16:44
mordredyeah - please do - I'm 99% sure - but let's make 100% sure - jinja+yaml-folding == what16:45
Shrewscorvus: mordred: I'm more than happy to help pitch in on the zuul move to opendev. I just don't know where to pitch in16:45
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Add support for per-image build-arg settings  https://review.openstack.org/63077716:45
corvusShrews: i think we're at step 0: "make a plan" :)16:46
Shrewscorvus: oh, i thought you and mordred were already somewhere between step 100 and 117  :/16:46
clarkbShrews: I did some step -1 hand wavy planning in response to corvus' comment on that change16:47
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Allow known_hosts to be run in untrusted context  https://review.openstack.org/63102016:47
clarkbI think the simplest path forward that gets us the name sanity without redeploying everything is to add a vhost to zuul.openstack.org that listens to zuul.opendev.org16:48
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Add a timeout for the image build  https://review.openstack.org/62992316:48
clarkband it won't rewrite with an assumed tenant like zuul.openstack.org's tenant16:48
ttxcorvus: ah sorry I misread comments that this was ready to be supported. I proposed a temporary solution in comments at https://review.openstack.org/#/c/630994/16:48
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clarkbyour logs will still be hosted at logs.openstack.org but other than that it should be pretty transparent16:48
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corvusi think clarkb's idea will probably work and probably won't significantly hinder the "real" move to opendev, so if we want to go with that, i have no objection.16:50
ttxclarkb: would that vhost solution still be "rude" as defined above?16:50
ttxcorvus: we still need to refactor the base-jobs, no?16:51
clarkbttx: no zuul.openstack.org will continue to exist for openstack under that plan so nothing changes for openstack16:51
corvusttx: i don't think so -- by rude i meant changing the meaning of 'zuul.openstack.org' with no notice :)16:51
openstackgerritsebastian marcet proposed openstack-infra/puppet-openstackid master: Updated script to support PHP7  https://review.openstack.org/62495716:52
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mordredttx: and no, we won't need to refactor base jobs - they existing ones will work fine16:53
corvusmordred: ?16:54
ttxmordred: ok, I'm a bit confused.16:54
corvusi think we should refactor the base job16:54
corvuscurrently they are in project-config, which has a bunch of openstack-specific jobs too16:55
ttxand has config things we can't import16:55
corvuswe should pull them out into their own 'opendev' repo16:55
mordredoh - totally - I mean it's not a prereq for doing these kata jobs16:55
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corvusi think it is a pre-req before we add our second tenant16:55
mordredyes. it is a prereq for that16:55
corvusthis job should not exist in the kata or zuul tenants: http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/project-config/tree/zuul.d/jobs.yaml#n21716:56
mordredI was trying to answer ttx's question as to whether refactoring the base jobs still needed to be done with clarkb's zuul.opendev.org suggestion16:56
corvusi think it does16:56
corvusclarkb's zuul.opendev.org suggestion is a way to provide a second tenant16:56
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Add a timeout for the image build  https://review.openstack.org/62992316:56
mordredcorvus: gotcha. I was thinking it was in conjunction with ttx's 'just make a couple of kata-specific pipelines in the existing tenant for now' idea16:57
* mordred is caught up16:57
corvusmordred: ah, i think that's an exclusive alternative.  agreed that if that happened refactoring is not needed.16:57
mordredcorvus: yah. and I agree that with a second tenant refactoring is needed :)16:58
ttxcorvus: would you be ok with temporarily defining kata-specific pipelines in the openstack tenant while we work on multi-tenant support ? That way they can start using them and we'll just move them over to the new tenant when that is ready16:58
ttx(currently they are reusing the openstack third-party-testing pipeline but they will need slightly different triggers16:58
smarcetfungi: afternoon when u have some chance could you take a look at https://review.openstack.org/#/c/625640/, its failing on infra-puppet-apply-4-ubuntu-xenial but from log i cant figure what its wrong, its complaning about a permission denied for a rm command but i dont know why :)17:00
pabelangerre: opendev zuul, I'd be happy to do some of that work in the evening. need to read up on the spec again17:00
clarkbttx: any idea what type of trigger changes they will need?17:00
ttxclarkb: they need a label GitHub trigger for the WIP check17:00
ttxclarkb: and bonus points to have more kata-specific names and messages17:01
ttxwhich will smooth the adoption curve17:01
clarkbsmarcet: http://logs.openstack.org/40/625640/5/check/infra-puppet-apply-4-ubuntu-xenial/771ccee/applytest/puppetapplytest44.final.out.FAILED that shows the actual error. The rm is just noise I think17:01
pabelangerttx: what is a WIP check? how is that different then check pipeline today? I guess way to limit specific jobs running17:02
smarcetclarkb: oh ok thx u for pointing that out17:02
ttxpabelanger: the WIP check would block the PR from merging if it has a do-not-merge label on17:02
bnemecCan someone add me to the core list for OVB: https://review.openstack.org/#/admin/groups/1993,members ?17:03
bnemec^cc jaosorior17:03
jaosoriorbnemec: I don't have permissions for that./17:03
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corvusttx: i have two concerns with that: i don't want to place an undue burden or expectation on the folks who have volunteered to help maintain openstack's system.  and two: no one has re-integrated the kata mailing list yet, so this will add to the backlog of "kata exceptional situations that need to be normalized"17:03
bnemecjaosorior: Yeah, I know. That was more of an FYI as the owning PTL.17:03
bnemecNot sure if you need to sign off on it.17:04
corvusttx: i think the new tenant for kata will be a good experience for everyone.17:04
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clarkbbnemec: usually we add the PTL then they can add whoever they like17:04
clarkbbnemec: I don't see a change in governance to make it officially tripleo though?17:04
jaosoriorclarkb: there is nobody added to that list, it seems.17:04
bnemecOh, hmm.17:04
bnemecssbarnea|rover: ^17:04
clarkbjaosorior: yes we have to seed the initial user, I'll add you momentarily17:05
bnemecI think there was supposed to be a governance change.17:05
clarkbjaosorior: done, you can add bnemec or anyone else now17:05
clarkbbnemec: I may also be blind17:05
jaosoriorthanks clarkb17:05
bnemecclarkb: I don't recall seeing the governance change either, so I suspect you're right.17:06
AJaegerbnemec, jaosorior : can either of you push up a governance change, please?17:06
AJaegerclarkb: argh, missed it this time ;(17:06
clarkbAJaeger: ya me too17:06
clarkbthats ok I expect bnemec will get it sorted shortly17:07
* bnemec may have set expectations too high ;-)17:07
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ttxpabelanger: to solve your race on import, should I split the change with the gerrit/ changes first, then the zuul/ part ? Or is that more subtle?17:09
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openstackgerritsebastian marcet proposed openstack-infra/puppet-openstackid master: Updated script to support PHP7  https://review.openstack.org/62495717:12
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pabelangerttx: yah, I believe landing the repos first, then zuul changes is the order17:13
openstackgerritSagi Shnaidman proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Support userdata for instances in openstack  https://review.openstack.org/63064917:18
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Build a gerrit image  https://review.openstack.org/63046817:22
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mordredcorvus: ^^ rebased on your update to the change - the repos are in the main.yaml now, so hopefully this time it passes17:23
mordredcorvus: build-arg passed, so it at least works with no build-args specified :)17:23
corvusmordred: oh, gah17:25
corvusmordred: you never fixed those 2 changes did you? :)17:25
clarkbmordred: fwiw gerrit publishing still failing, but progress, http://logs.openstack.org/72/72550fdd77a16c275710b9b0eb5cf03d3f04c2c0/post/gerrit-package-buck/e3086de/ara-report/17:25
corvusmordred: the build-arg change is still split across both17:25
corvusmordred: i'm going to fix it good.17:26
mordredcorvus: crappit. sorry17:26
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Add support for per-image build-arg settings  https://review.openstack.org/63077717:28
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Build a gerrit image  https://review.openstack.org/63046817:28
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corvusmordred, clarkb, pabelanger, ttx: what should we call the new base job repo?  opendev/base-jobs?  opendev/site-base-jobs?  something else?17:28
mordredcorvus: I like opendev/base-jobs17:29
clarkbcorvus: I agree with mordred opendev/base-jobs sgtm17:30
clarkbI see the issue in buck publishing now to make sure my fix is correct17:30
mordredclarkb: I believe in you17:30
pabelangeropendev/base-jobs wfm17:30
pabelangercorvus: that will be a config-project right?17:31
corvuspabelanger: yes, in every tenant17:31
corvuswe could also do something like "opendev/zuul-tenant-config"17:31
pabelangerI actually like site-base-jobs more in that case, if all tenants will use it.  zuul-tenant-config also works17:32
pabelangersite-variables, site-base-jobs, etc17:32
ttxbase-jobs ++17:32
ttxah, though pabelanger makes good point17:33
openstackgerritThierry Carrez proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Define a specific Zuul tenant for Kata containers  https://review.openstack.org/63099417:33
openstackgerritThierry Carrez proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Add Kata tenant Zuul configuration repository  https://review.openstack.org/63103217:33
ttxjust split into two patchsets ^17:33
ttxwill WIP the second one waiting for base-jobs17:34
openstackgerritJohn Studarus proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: pep8  https://review.openstack.org/63087517:35
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Add opendev/base-jobs repo  https://review.openstack.org/63103317:36
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clarkbmordred: AJaeger https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/gerrit/tree/playbooks/gerrit-buck/post-publish.yaml?h=openstack/2.13.12 the issue is buck_publish_path is undefined. I want that path to be roughly artifacts/ci/gerrit so that when we copy artifacts to the tarballs server they end up in the /ci/gerrit/ path there17:37
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clarkbmordred: AJaeger however, because we are synchronizing files in subdirs I am not sure if those synchronize flags will result in a gerrit/some/path/foo.war subpath being created17:38
clarkbdo you know?17:38
* clarkb works up a local test17:39
mordredclarkb: well ... for publish-artifacts base job, I believe we'll be publishing to a subdir of project-name on tarballs (on purpose)17:39
mordredclarkb: so it'll be /gerrit - unless you use a different base job defined in project-config17:39
corvusconsidering that we're okay with the wars going to the logserver in check, i think we can discard the use of /ci now17:40
clarkbmordred: it uses zuul-jobs/roles/publish-artifacts-to-fileserver/17:40
mordredcorvus: yah17:40
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clarkbcorvus: thats fair. I am just trying to make sense of this mess of flags17:40
clarkblike does --include preserve the path or only the file?17:40
clarkb(I'm working on a test locally)17:40
mordredclarkb: yuah - publish-openstack-artifacts shoudl publish whatever is in work/artifacts on the executor to tarballs.o.o/{project_short_name}17:41
corvusttx: should we go ahead and use a different prefix (rather than openstack-infra/) for kata-zuul-config?17:41
corvusclarkb: yep.  just making sure we agree on the desired end state :)17:41
mordredclarkb: I' just remove buck_publish_path17:41
clarkbmordred: ok, then I still need to sort out if I get the unwated buck output path17:42
ttxcorvus: tempting. kata/zuul-config ?17:42
mordredclarkb: and while you're at it - just collapse that synchronize command to not be like the legacy synchronizes17:42
ttxor even kata/project-config17:42
clarkbmordred: I don't know what that means17:42
* ttx needs to run... put suggestions in that review17:42
corvusttx: wfm, though should it be kata-containers to normalize with their github org?  or do you want it to intentionally be different.17:42
mordredclarkb: make  {{ ansible_user_dir }}/workspace/gerrit/buck-out/gen/gerrit-*.war  the src argument17:43
mordredremove buck_publish_path from the dest - and remove all of the rsync_options17:43
mordredin fact, you could probably switch to using the copy module17:43
mordredbut synchronize will work fine too17:43
ttxcorvus: you could (in theory) have "kata foobar" as another project sharing some branding/ governance17:43
AJaegerclarkb: sorry, can't help right now17:44
clarkbmordred: can I drop all of the include and exclude flags/17:44
ttxbut yeah kata-containers/project-config is probably better for alignment with openstack repo name ?17:44
clarkbfwiw I can't get those include flags to reproduce locally17:45
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clarkbkeeps saying it is skipping my source dir17:45
mordredclarkb: something liek this: http://paste.openstack.org/show/742672/17:45
corvusclarkb: that looks like an auto-generate synchronize from the zuulv3 migration17:45
corvus(as the author) i think they are incomprehensible and should be replaced rather than modified :)17:46
clarkbcorvus: ok I agree they are incomprehensible as testing shows they produce noops :)17:46
clarkbI'll update as mordred suggests17:46
corvus++ mordred's thing17:46
clarkbcorvus: do you know what that was trying to do ( now I'm somewhat curious)17:47
corvus(the complexity comes because we're convincing ansible to make rsync behave like jenkins with its ant expression parser)17:47
clarkbwill the * work in the src as in mordred's example?17:48
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corvusclarkb: i'm hoping that ^ is sufficient to slake your curiosity; if you want more, i can go dig up the comments that explain it17:48
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mordredclarkb: you could leave out the star and just do the directory17:48
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clarkbmordred: assuming there isn't anything else in there we don't want. Do you happen to have a gerrit build dir handy still? you could check17:49
corvusshould be easy to test the *17:49
mordredclarkb: src: '{{ ansible_user_dir }}/workspace/gerrit/buck-out/gen/'17:49
clarkbcorvus: ya testing the * locally now17:49
mordredbut also - yeah - should be easy to test the *17:49
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clarkbrsync proper won't expand the * itself17:50
clarkbso ya I don't think it will work17:50
clarkbI'll do the dir suggestion17:50
mordredcool. and if we get some garbage - oh well, we get some garbage17:50
clarkbmordred: ^ and if you happen to have one of those builds avaialbe you can double check if there are other artifacts?17:50
mordredwe won't be running this too many times anyway17:50
mordredclarkb: I do not have any buck builds locally17:51
clarkband you deleted your held node?17:51
mordredclarkb: my held node was a docker/bazel node17:52
mordredso completely different/unuseful17:52
mordredalthough - come to think of it - no, I have not deleted it yet17:52
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clarkbmordred: corvus remote:   https://review.openstack.org/631037 Fix tarballs.o.o publishing17:53
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fungiokay, back from some amazing fish curry, will catch up real quick and see what i can help with17:55
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clarkbfungi: probably reviewing the discusion around zuul.opendev.org and base job reorg is good to catch up on17:57
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: DNM Testing fetch-output and merge-output-to-logs  https://review.openstack.org/62866817:59
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mordredclarkb, corvus: ^^ that should test out the merge-output-to-logs in base-test - and if it works I think we can go head and add to base and then we can start migrating things to take advantage of it18:00
mordredfungi: mm. I want amazing fish curry18:00
efriedHowdy folks. I need to get my stackalytics affiliation updated. I submitted https://review.openstack.org/#/c/628013/ but it hasn't gotten attention. Anyone else able to push that through?18:00
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openstackgerritsebastian marcet proposed openstack-infra/puppet-openstackid master: Updated script to support PHP7  https://review.openstack.org/62495718:01
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mordredefried: normally ilya gets around to them18:03
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mordredefried: also - congrats on the new job!18:03
efriedmordred: Okay. It's been sitting for a week, so wasn't sure if Ilya was no longer around or on vacation or...18:03
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openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Fix read the docs build for sqlalchemy-migrate  https://review.openstack.org/63104018:08
mriedemmordred: ^18:08
mordredmriedem: looks great18:09
clarkbnote rtd still broken anyway18:09
clarkbbeause their api doesn't let us trigger the builds currently (there is an open bug and they intend to fix it)18:10
mriedemsqla-migrate docs haven't built in over a year and a half so i'm guessing no one cares that much about this one18:11
fungiclarkb: yep, zuul.opendev.org seems like a good step, opendev/base-jobs and kata-containers/project-config also make sense18:12
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openstackgerritJohn Studarus proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Packet Bare Metal Nodepool Driver  https://review.openstack.org/62968818:13
corvusclarkb: have a link to the rtd bug?18:13
fungicorvus: it's still https://github.com/rtfd/readthedocs.org/issues/4986 afaik18:14
clarkbya that is it18:15
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mordredclarkb, corvus: http://logs.openstack.org/68/628668/6/check/tox-py35/afa99fc/ -- base-test job passed!18:22
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Add fetch-output and merge-output-to-logs to base  https://review.openstack.org/62958518:23
mordredfungi, clarkb, corvus: ^^ that should now be ready to go18:24
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Fix read the docs build for sqlalchemy-migrate  https://review.openstack.org/63104018:31
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Update base-test jobs to publish artifacts too  https://review.openstack.org/63104518:32
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Add commit-message-length-validator gerrit plugin  https://review.openstack.org/63104718:47
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Build a gerrit image  https://review.openstack.org/63046818:48
mordredclarkb, corvus, fungi, pabelanger: https://review.openstack.org/631047 if you don't mind ... you'd think I'd be able to collect a simple list, but you'd be wrong18:49
clarkbmordred: http://tarballs.openstack.org/gerrit/ so it worked but it copied a lot of stuff :/18:49
mordredclarkb: jeez18:50
clarkbwe could do an ls first. We might also be able to do an include ?18:50
fungiyeah, i guess that's the whole build tree for the warfile?18:51
openstackgerritMatthieu Huin proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: install-nodejs: add support for RPM-based OSes  https://review.openstack.org/63104918:52
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clarkbfungi: ya18:53
clarkbI can clean it up, I just want to sort out a fix first18:53
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clarkbmordred: fungi corvus remote:   https://review.openstack.org/631052 Only publish the gerrit war I managed to test that locally19:02
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clarkbwith rsync19:02
clarkbwe should clean out the dir above before merging that to confirm19:02
* clarkb switches to meeting now19:03
mordredclarkb: ++19:03
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AJaegermordred: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/511860/3 has dependency on an abandoned change19:21
mordredAJaeger: sounds like me19:21
AJaegermordred: and how does it relate to https://review.openstack.org/#/c/631045/ ?19:22
mordredAJaeger: ah! the first one can be abandoned (done now)19:22
mordredAJaeger: 631045 is the new hotness19:23
AJaegermordred: great!19:23
clarkbhttp://tarballs.openstack.org/gerrit/ is cleaned up, https://review.openstack.org/631052 can be approved if it looks correct to everyone19:25
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fungimordred: where was base-test exercised to demonstrate the new roles? i see base-test includes them, just was hoping for a comment pointing to an exercise run19:45
mordredfungi: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/628668/19:46
mordredfungi: I will add comment too19:46
openstackgerritJohn Studarus proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Packet Bare Metal Nodepool Driver  https://review.openstack.org/62968819:46
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anteayathe uk has voted down may's proposal19:48
anteayaif anyone cares19:48
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Add commit-message-length-validator gerrit plugin  https://review.openstack.org/63104719:49
anteayasorry the uk parliament, not the uk as a country19:50
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fungiwake me back up when scotland votes to secede ;)19:53
d0ugalHow do we make that happen19:54
anteayashouldn't take long now19:54
fungiyeah, was going to say, i think the question is merely how to make it happen *sooner*19:54
d0ugalumm, oops19:55
anteayawas that your vote?19:55
anteayaor a cat on the keyboard?19:55
d0ugalyubi key is also unhappy with the situation19:55
d0ugalanyway, /me goes back to waiting for mentions of scotland19:56
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mordredd0ugal: I don't think scotland could secede from a country whose leader says sentences like "A decision that will define our decision for decades to come"20:04
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fungieven i can't parse that, and i have a very flexible language parser20:06
openstackgerritJohn Studarus proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Packet Bare Metal Nodepool Driver  https://review.openstack.org/62968820:06
fungiclarkb: on 631052, did you try just putting that file pattern in the source path string?20:09
fungii think that would eliminate the need for all the --include and --exclude options20:09
clarkbfungi: I tried a * in the source of an rsync and it failed beacuse it looks for a literal *20:11
clarkbit may work locally if you don't quote the * because it will expand20:11
clarkbbut in that case its a remote path20:11
fungiahh, so rsync supports globbing in --include/--exclude but not in pathnames?20:11
fungiindeed... rsync: link_stat "/home/fungi/foo/baz*.bin" failed: No such file or directory (2)20:12
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fungithat's what i get if i tell my shell not to expand it20:13
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fungiand rsync has funky rules for its filter patterns to deal with things like variable-level directory matching20:16
openstackgerritSagi Shnaidman proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Support userdata for instances in openstack  https://review.openstack.org/63064920:19
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Add fetch-output and merge-output-to-logs to base  https://review.openstack.org/62958520:21
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openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Add a timeout for the image build  https://review.openstack.org/62992320:32
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openstackgerritJohn Studarus proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Packet Bare Metal Nodepool Driver  https://review.openstack.org/62968820:36
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fungiclarkb: so digging into the new storyboard-dev server, `pip freeze` raises "locale.Error: unsupported locale setting" even though the output of the `locale` command matches the old server where pip's fine20:42
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ianwfungi: pip version?  18 had some big differences in output (c.f. cmurphy's fixes)20:43
fungiinterestingly, i think it's older20:44
fungiwe have pip 9.0.1 on storyboard-dev.openstack.org and pip 8.1.1 on the new storyboard-dev01.opendev.org20:45
fungithe former is ubuntu trusty and the latter is xenial20:45
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fungiyeah, pip is being provided by python-pip 8.1.1-2ubuntu0.4 on the new server20:46
clarkbfungi: I had that on an install athome re ently and it was becahsemy local locale was passed through ssh but not valid on remote20:46
clarkbdo you use a weird local locale?20:47
clarkb(also Im trying to do lunch now so may not be super responsive)20:47
fungiclarkb: LC_ALL and LANGUAGE are unset, LC_CTYPE, LC_COLLATE and LC_MEASUREMENT are C.UTF-8, LC_TIME is en_DK.UTF-8 and all the rest are en_US.UTF-820:48
clarkbis en_DK.UTF-8 valid on that server?20:49
clarkbmay not be buily?20:49
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fungipossible that's it, i suppose. might have to do with the version of python 2.7 since the exception is being raised in the locale stdlib module20:50
fungiyeah, if i export LC_TIME=C.UTF-8 it works20:51
fungigood call20:51
fungioof, lots of differences in python modules between the two, for sure20:52
fungiconsistent version of the oauth module though, so that's probably not it20:53
efriedHere's a thought: /msg openstack flush to eavesdrop now please20:54
efried...so when I want to link a conversation I've just had, I can force it to be there rather than waiting for the bot to catch up.20:54
fungiyeah, it is slightly laggy20:54
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efriedI'm sure it batches every so-many minutes, which is totally reasonable - wouldn't want to be realtime, that would be a bandwidth/processing hog.20:55
efriedbut a manual trigger would be useful for the reason cited20:55
corvusyeah.  the realtime log is available here: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/irclogs/%23openstack-infra/%23openstack-infra.2019-01-15.log  but is not linkable; only the batch-updated html is.20:59
corvus(or, well, as real-time as irc gets :)20:59
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efriedcorvus: Is that realtime? Wouldn't the nova equivalent be http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/irclogs/%23openstack-nova/%23openstack-nova.2019-01-15.log.html ?21:00
corvusefried: drop the '.html' at the end for the real-time log21:00
efriedcause that guy took a 15-minute break just now.21:01
efriedis this under the purview of statusbot? looking for the source to see how hard this would be...21:01
corvusefried: it's meetbot21:01
corvusefried: http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/meetbot/21:01
corvuswe have a local fork for... some really good reasons i'm sure.21:02
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corvusefried: i don't see any immediate blockers for your idea21:02
fungii think at the time we forked, it didn't have a clear upstream any longer21:03
corvusefried: other than you'll probably have to remind us to go look at the proposed change :)21:03
efriedBut of corvus21:03
fungiclarkb: ohh... the oauth package is 1.0.1 on both servers, but oauthlib is 1.1.1 on the old one and 3.0.0 on the new one21:06
clarkbthat seems suspicious21:08
corvusmordred: what's the gerrit image status?21:08
corvusmordred: the new repos change landed, right?  but it looks like it's outdated in gerrit21:09
corvusmordred: should i just rebase?21:09
corvusmordred: did you re-upload the old version of the change?21:10
fungiclarkb: also the exception we're getting is raised in oauthlib, so that might be it. i'm going to see if it's downgradeable21:10
corvusmordred: yes you did.  you undid my fixes.  :(21:10
mordredcorvus: blerg. I can fix21:11
mordredcorvus: too much juggling21:11
corvusfriendly reminder that 'c' in gertty, or 'git review -d' are really handy :)21:12
corvusi basically just hit 'c' before i start doing anything these days; it's the only way i can work with so many things going on at once21:12
fungiclarkb: success! for some reason we're broken with oauthlib 3.0.0 but working with 1.1.121:12
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Build a gerrit image  https://review.openstack.org/63046821:13
mordredcorvus: that should be better21:13
corvusmordred: looks great, thanks!21:14
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efriedcorvus: You sure it's meetbot that does regular channel logging?21:41
corvusefried: positive21:42
corvusefried: though...21:42
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corvusefried: maybe meetbot is actually just the plugin for meetings, and some other part of supybot actually does the logging21:43
corvusso, er, that's the program/process doing it; i may have pointed to the wrong bit of code21:43
efriedcorvus: having stared at meetbot for the past half hour or so, it's looking to me like the code in meetbot is only operating on meetings21:44
efriedcorvus: Interestingly, in my poking, I did discover that - during a meeting - there's an existing #save command that flushes the log under eavesdrop/meetings/* (but not under eavesdrop/irclogs/*)21:45
efriedBut it doesn't work in regular channel flow21:45
corvusefried: oh, wow, i don't think supybot/meetbot does the html conversion21:46
corvusefried: https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/puppet-meetbot/tree/manifests/site.pp#n10521:46
corvusefried: i'm sorry about leading you astray there.21:47
efriedthis is so not a big deal, but obviously I'm having trouble letting go of it >:|21:47
corvusyeah.  i like the idea, though implementation now seems much more difficult.21:48
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efriedcorvus: when I did the #save in my test meeting, it definitely updated the html log21:48
corvusefried: the html meeting log though, not the html channel log21:49
efriedyes, just so.21:49
corvusi think we can see the 15m cpu spikes on eavesdrop from the html conversion: http://cacti.openstack.org/cacti/graph.php?action=view&local_graph_id=176&rra_id=all21:50
efriedwait, so there's a thing that isn't meetbot that logs raw text in realtime, and then a thing that isn't either of those that flushes the raw logs to HTML periodically?21:50
corvusefried: the supybot process runs on the eavesdrop vm and writes the channel .log files in realtime.  it has a plugin (meetbot) which handles meetings and writes meeting logs (text and html).  there is a cron job on the eavesdrop vm which converts the channel .log files written by supybot to .log.html files every 15m.21:52
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efriedwow, okay.21:52
corvusconfusing all of this is that, collectively, we've spent the past 8 years calling this entire system 'meetbot'.  :)21:53
corvuswhich i'm going to cite as the reason why i apparently forgot how it all worked :)21:53
efriedfrankly I'm shocked that you can keep as much in your brain as you do21:53
efriedI'm going to leave this alone now. Really. I swear.21:54
efriedI'll count it as a win that I now know that the HTML logs are flushed on the quarter hour, which I didn't know before, just thought it took "a while to catch up". And also that I now know about #save for meetbot.21:55
corvusefried: :) i'm planning on replacing supybot with limnoria; when i do, we should look into whether there's an html generation plugin, and if so, maybe we can use that and implement your idea.21:55
efriedlove it, lmk if I can help with that. Thanks for the guidance corvus21:55
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Add docker image promotion roles  https://review.openstack.org/63107822:03
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corvusmordred: Successfully tagged opendevorg/gerrit:change_630468 http://logs.openstack.org/68/630468/25/check/system-config-build-image-gerrit/6d20db6/job-output.txt.gz#_2019-01-15_21_30_47_76627322:05
corvusclarkb, fungi: https://review.openstack.org/630468 is ready to land22:06
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/storyboard master: Pin oauthlib<3 for now  https://review.openstack.org/63107922:06
fungiclarkb: ^22:06
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clarkbok lunch took longer than expected but back now22:20
clarkbhttp://tarballs.openstack.org/gerrit/ looks like that worked. I'll get a change up to use the new war then review the chagnes above22:20
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Use correct 2.13.12 war on review-dev  https://review.openstack.org/63108222:22
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fungimordred: corvus: i've approved 630468, though now that's working i'm wondering if we've adequately explained why we need it. is this so that we can backport patches? or to include plugins not included in the official gerrit images? or some other reason?22:24
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clarkbfungi: mordred and corvus should confirm, but I believe it is in part to set configuration things that upstream images don't expose via its images?22:25
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fungiohh, so configuration isn't externally suppliable with the official gerrit images?22:25
corvusi think we could do that by basing on the upstream image; i believe this will let us backport or make our own patches22:25
clarkbsome of it is but no all of it iirc22:25
clarkbcorvus: ah22:26
corvusoh, and to build the plugins we want into it22:26
corvusthat may be the most important thing :)22:26
fungigot it, so plugins can't be bolted on with... sidecars? is that what they're called?22:27
clarkba sidecar is a container with a running process itself, not something you load into another process22:27
corvusi reckon they maybe probably could be, or possibly built and added into a custom image based on upstream.22:27
fungicool, just curious to what extent we're duplicating work also being done by the gerrit maintainers22:28
corvusthough i think as long as you're building plugins you're 95% of the way to building gerrit anyway22:28
corvusfungi: the dockerfile is mostly a copy of upstreams22:28
fungiand these are opendev-specific container images, so, like, zuul integration tests or quickstart walkthrough wouldn't use them22:28
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dmsimardcorvus: out of curiosity, could the docker_image ansible module have been used instead of the command tasks ?22:30
dmsimardin 63107822:30
dmsimardI wonder myself when is the right time or opportunity to use Ansible modules for certain things :)22:31
corvusdmsimard: i did not know about it :)22:32
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dmsimardthat's an interesting conclusion as well22:32
fungicertainly a valid reason22:32
dmsimardthere's so many modules now o_O22:32
clarkbfwiw I like the command tasks because its an easy I want to run this locally conversion without needing to set up an ansible inventory and such first22:33
fungias they say, ignorance is nine tenths of the law, or something like that22:33
dmsimardclarkb: I don't think either are wrong22:33
clarkbdmsimard: ya the big thing you miss out on is the variable magic usually22:33
dmsimardit's like using a role on galaxy or rolling out your own22:33
clarkbso if checking an rc is sufficient its fine22:34
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clarkbbut if you need to parse output then it can get ugly fast22:34
fungicommand tasks are a little more self-explanatory sometimes too. it gets tedious tracking down every single module and figuring out what command each is running22:34
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fungithough at least if you have a working example, you can look at the json output22:35
dmsimardbut then where does it end ? I mean, you could use jq22:35
fungiinfra-root: i'm going ahead and updating dns for storyboard-dev now (ttl is already 5 minutes) to the new server, since the openid breakage has been identified as a new behavior with oauthlib 3.0.0 released a week ago (it seems to have broken some auth-related sb unit tests too)22:37
clarkbfungi: its all confirmed working after downgrade?22:38
clarkbalso yay22:38
clarkbI'm going to reboot now because I'm seeing really weird network latency nd I have pending kernel updates anyway22:38
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clarkbback in a few22:38
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fungiclarkb: yeah, actually downgrading to the last release <3 (2.1.0 from may) also works22:39
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Remove all docker image building jobs  https://review.openstack.org/63108422:40
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Add docker image building jobs  https://review.openstack.org/63108522:40
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Add jinja-init image jobs  https://review.openstack.org/63108622:40
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Add gitea-init image jobs  https://review.openstack.org/63108722:40
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Add gitea image jobs  https://review.openstack.org/63108822:40
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Add gerrit image jobs  https://review.openstack.org/63108922:40
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corvusclarkb, fungi, mordred, dmsimard: ^ that's our jobs rebased on the new roles; i deleted everything and re-added them from scratch stepwise so we can show these changes to folks as exemplars of how to use the roles22:41
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clarkb++ I'll take a look. Turns out it wasn't local kernel having problems but my AP22:44
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clarkbI have working networking again though22:44
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fungiefried: corvus: possibly another option after the limnoria conversion is that we could switch to something which renders text logs to html on the fly, eliminating the need for any periodic cron job22:47
fungiso not as a bot plugin, just as a ssi/cgi/wsgi/whatever's popular these days22:48
corvusoh interesting idea22:48
fungii have a very ancient one i wrote (in php!!?!) for some irc channels on an irc server i've been running for decades22:49
fungiwhich basically just htmlizes eggdrop logs as they're accessed22:49
fungiso something along the lines of what we do with osloganalyze22:49
fungiobviously wouldn't want to reuse that, but these days there are plenty of those log prettifiers floating around to choose from should we want22:50
clarkbI dunno fungi php tools sound like fun :P22:50
funginot this one. it tries to safely feed search terms into agrep to do keyword searches in logfiles22:51
fungisome serious ugliness22:51
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dmsimardI've used errbot on several projects to some levels of success23:00
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clarkbcorvus: that stack is far more readable. Question on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/631089/1 I think the upload job might be slightly wrong?23:01
corvusdmsimard: it's nice, but we evaluated it and rejected it for a number of good reasons.  see http://specs.openstack.org/openstack-infra/infra-specs/specs/irc.html for the plan.23:01
dmsimardRDO has an errbot instance that receives sensu alerts and forwards them to IRC :p23:01
dmsimardcorvus: thanks, I'll catch up23:01
clarkbcorvus: question is in gerrit23:01
dmsimardah, yes, I remember now. meetbot.23:02
dmsimardI remember searching for that. :(23:02
corvusclarkb: oh good point.  we should probably just copy required-projects23:03
corvusclarkb: if we parented on build, we'd need to move the upload playbook and credential to each of the individual image-upload jobs23:06
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clarkbah right23:06
corvusclarkb: (either that, or use multiple inheritance)23:06
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corvusthe gerrit job is the one job where the config is longer by not doing that :)23:06
corvusalso, apparently i forgot to delete the gerrit repos playbook in my first change, but i don't think that's important or affects the instructional value of the changes, so maybe we'll just let that slide.23:07
clarkbI think i'm ok just using an anchor for required projects23:07
clarkbcorvus: ya I think the first couple end up being most applicable as examples anyway23:08
clarkbsince they are simple and focus more on the docker not the gerrit is weird23:08
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corvusyeah.  the last one has tags and build args though, so it's something.  plus it shows the flexibility of using custom jobs here.23:09
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Add gerrit image jobs  https://review.openstack.org/63108923:09
corvusclarkb: fixed.  i only added it to the upload job; i don't think promote needs it.23:09
clarkbcorvus: ya promote shouldn't23:09
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clarkbinfra-root can I get reviews on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/631082/ I'm able to watch that go in today. I think my rough plan is get that in. See how puppet applies it. Then if that looks good downgrade to version currently on prod server and have puppet redo upgrade to this version (so that it mimics prod upgrade)23:20
fungioh, and i said i was going to update storyboard-dev dns but then got sidetracked and haven't yet. doing now23:21
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fungi#status log storyboard-dev.openstack.org dns updated to cname to storyboard-dev01.opendev.org23:39
openstackstatusfungi: finished logging23:39
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corvusclarkb: i believe the voip.ms account balance is negative23:41
corvusshould i drop some coins in, or...?23:41
clarkbcorvus: I did bring it up with scott and he did say that he would look at setting an account up, but I haven't heard if that has happened23:42
clarkblet me ping scott to see if that has happened23:42
clarkbcorvus: if we can wait a few days scott and I will be in the same physical location starting mondayish23:43
clarkbcorvus: and I can put it high on the list to walk through together23:44
clarkb(I've also pinged to see if maybe its already done)23:44
corvusclarkb: no skin off my back, but we might lose the number23:44
corvusi'm not sure we're tied to it anyway, and that might be the easiest way to make the switch.23:44
clarkbwe'd probably replace the number with a new account anyway? I am also not personally attached to it23:44
corvusjust that's the only downside i can think of23:44
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard master: Pin oauthlib<3 for now  https://review.openstack.org/63107923:49
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