Friday, 2019-05-17

pabelangerclarkb: kids alwasy seem to know where the wallet is for some reason00:00
clarkbianw: migrating it to 0.8?00:00
fungipabelanger: i hear that skill improves as they get older00:00
paladoxGoT finale?00:00
pabelangerhere's hoping it doesn't00:00
clarkbpaladox: the last episode airs sunday night00:00
paladoxwhat's GoT ? :)00:00
clarkbgame of thrones00:01
ianwclarkb: no, this is just the same askbot as currently installed00:01
clarkbianw: huh so the migrate should be a noop?00:01
fungigot is apparently all the rage here in the usa, or so i'm led to believe00:01
paladoxthat's apparently on sky atlantic00:01
fungiit's probably less compelling if you live in a country which actually went through the european middle ages00:02
ianwclarkb: oh, i dunno, i mean take the dump from ask.o.o and put it in ask-staging ...00:02
clarkboh gotcha00:02
clarkbfungi: hbo also started a miniseries dramatization on the events around chernobyl that has been good00:03
clarkbfungi: again maybe less interesting if you were alive in 1986 in eastern europe00:03
clarkbmordred: did you see my comments about us probably wanting to clean up /var/lib/docker-old on gitea servers?00:04
clarkbmordred: we are down to about 4GB free disk on the servers and rm'ing that dir will give us 6.1GB back00:04
clarkbmordred: I just don't know if there is anything else we want to check or do before we clean it up00:04
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paladoxhmm, GoT final season only started in April for the UK.00:04
paladoxthough says you can get every episode.00:05
clarkbpaladox: there are only 6 episodes in this last season00:05
paladoxoh, short season heh00:05
fungithat's, like, bbc length00:05
paladoxand itv00:06
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* paladox waiting for a new season of "Victoria" (queen victoria) it's an itv program.00:07
fungiyeah, the not-for-profit public television networks here syndicate that one. it's been enjoyable00:08
fungitakes some liberties with facts and timeline, but if you treat it as fiction then not so bad00:09
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paladoxfungi yup, it appears alot of british tv programes can have a long run (if people enjoy them)00:12
paladoxlike casualty, vera.00:12
fungior the insane number of seasons of midsomer murders00:13
paladoxheh, i use to watch that00:13
paladoxuntil around 201000:13
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paladoxfungi i doin't think broadcasters really pay attention to viewing figures here (due to it being a smaller population then america).00:20
ianwclarkb: ok ... do you see too?  i think the db restore has got it at least not erroring ...00:25
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed zuul/zuul master: Add retries to getPullReviews() with github
clarkbianw yes I see it00:32
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ianwclarkb: ok ... did we remove the legacy-puppet-syntax-3 jobs?00:36
clarkbI dont remember removing it00:36
clarkbI removed the trusty specific jobs but we can puppet 3 on xenial00:36
ianw2019-05-16 07:33:28.128823 | primary | Could not parse for environment *root*: Syntax error at 'pkgname'; expected '}' at /home/zuul/workspace/manifests/install.pp:12900:37
ianwjust looking at the unexpected failures on
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/project-config master: Remove legacy-puppet-syntax-3-centos-7
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Remove legacy puppet3 syntax jobs
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed zuul/zuul master: Update quickstart nodepool node to python3
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed opendev/puppet-askbot master: Install redis 2.10.3
pabelangerheads up, looks like a config error in zuul^01:04
pabelangernever seen that error before01:04
pabelangersomething in zuul-merger?01:04
logan-it looks like there is a space in the repo name01:06
logan-a line break actually01:08
logan-"error while accessing the repo openstack/charm-\ninterface-web-sso-service-provider"01:08
logan-doesn't look that way in project-config though01:09
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pabelangerthe project doesn't exist in gerrit01:11
pabelangerwho is that possible01:11
clarkbthat may have been one of the projects we tried to create today01:12
clarkbdid jeepyb fail?01:12
clarkbif so I would have expected zuul to not be updated but I guess it did01:13
pabelangerit wasn't in projects.yaml01:13
pabelangerbut we some how passed testing01:13
pabelangerI see the issue01:14
pabelangerwas created01:14
logan-yea looks like the zuul config doesnt match the gerrit project name right?01:14
pabelangerbut zuul tenant is charm-interface-web-sso-service-provider01:14
clarkbok so mismatch between gerriy and zuul01:15
clarkbeasy fix then01:15
pabelangeryah, can fix now01:15
pabelangerbut we also should update check jobs to try and match that01:15
pabelangerAJaeger: ^something to hack on :D01:15
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pabelangerincoming patch01:16
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack/project-config master: Fix typo in zuul tenant config
pabelangerclarkb: ianw: ^ should fix our config-error01:19
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed zuul/zuul master: Update quickstart nodepool node to python3
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openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed zuul/zuul master: zuul_stream: add debug to investigate tox-remote failures
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openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed zuul/zuul master: zuul_stream: add debug to investigate tox-remote failures
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: Remove legacy-puppet-syntax-3
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Remove legacy puppet3 syntax jobs
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Remove puppet-beaker-rspec-infra
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Remove openstackci-beaker
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Remove puppet-beaker-rspec-infra
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Remove openstackci-beaker
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: Remove puppet 3 beaker jobs
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Remove puppet-beaker-rspec-infra
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Remove openstackci-beaker
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openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed zuul/zuul master: zuul_stream: add debug to investigate tox-remote failures
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed zuul/zuul master: zuul_stream: prevent incorrect task exit code detection
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: ask.o.o : workaround old puppet-solr package
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openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed zuul/zuul master: zuul_stream: add debug to investigate tox-remote failures
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed zuul/zuul master: Annotate github logs with the event id
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed zuul/zuul master: Annotate gerrit event logs
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed zuul/zuul master: Attach event to queue item
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openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed zuul/zuul master: Annotate some logs in the scheduler with event id
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed zuul/zuul master: Annotate logs in the zuul driver with event ids
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed zuul/zuul master: Add event id to timer events
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed zuul/zuul master: Annotate pipeline processing with event id
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed zuul/zuul master: Annotate merger logs with event id
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed zuul/zuul master: Annotate job freezing logs with event id
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed zuul/zuul master: Annotate node request processing with event id
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed zuul/zuul master: WIP: Annotate builds with event id
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed opendev/puppet-diskimage_builder master: Use full key for gpg key
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed opendev/puppet-diskimage_builder master: Use full key for gpg key
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed zuul/zuul master: zuul-tox-remote: kill previously started zuul_console service
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed zuul/zuul master: zuul_stream: add debug to investigate tox-remote failures
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ianwohhh puppet; a notice() message makes the run not idempotent :/05:29
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed opendev/puppet-diskimage_builder master: Use full key for gpg key
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openstackgerritMerged zuul/zuul master: tox: Integrate tox-docker
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/project-config master: Normalize projects.yaml
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed zuul/zuul master: zuul-tox-remote: use unique zuul_console service
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: ask.o.o : workaround old puppet-solr package
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: Remove ask-staging from disabled list
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed opendev/puppet-diskimage_builder master: Use full key for gpg key
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed opendev/puppet-diskimage_builder master: Install backported debootstrap
ianwclarkb: ^ still seeing those gpg key errors; no idea if 659716 will really help, but might be worth a go ...06:17
ianwclarkb: i have updated with what i think is a plan for ask.o.o.  reviews welcome; taking any parts of the list and implementing welcome too :)06:18
ianwclarkb: and one last thing, i've started on puppet-3 removal with -> ... a lot of linked parts, but i think they will unroll correctly as things merge06:21
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed zuul/zuul master: zuul_stream: add debug to investigate tox-remote failures
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/project-config master: Fix typo in zuul tenant config
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/project-config master: Normalize projects.yaml
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed zuul/zuul master: zuul-tox-remote: use unique zuul_console service
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openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed zuul/zuul master: zuul_stream: add debug to investigate tox-remote failures
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openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed zuul/zuul master: zuul-tox-remote: use unique zuul_console service
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed zuul/zuul master: zuul_stream: add debug to investigate tox-remote failures
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/project-config master: Check zuul/main.yaml projects
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/project-config master: DNM: Test zuul/main change
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AJaegerpabelanger: here's the suggested check ^07:16
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AJaegerianw: can we merge or do we need a new dib release first?07:20
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed zuul/zuul master: [DNM] run zuul-tox-remote many times
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/project-config master: Check zuul/main.yaml projects
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/project-config master: DNM: Test zuul/main change
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/project-config master: Update hacking to version 1.1
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Update filelist for gerrit check
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/project-config master: Check zuul/main.yaml projects
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/project-config master: DNM: Test zuul/main change
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openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed zuul/zuul master: DNM: further zuul-remote debugging attempts
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed zuul/zuul master: Fix race in log streaming
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed zuul/zuul master: zuul-tox-remote: use unique zuul_console service
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openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed zuul/zuul master: DNM: further zuul-remote debugging attempts
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed zuul/zuul master: Increase timeout of zuul-tox-remote
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nam228___is this channel active anymore ?08:30
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Remove legacy-periodic-tempest-dsvm-neutron-full-ocata
AJaegernam228___: yes, it is. But this is a quieter time. Feel free to leave a message and somebody might followup later...08:38
nam228___Thanks, AJaeger08:41
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openstackgerritMerged zuul/zuul master: Add proper __repr__ to merger repo
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/project-config master: Check zuul/main.yaml projects
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/project-config master: DNM: Test zuul/main change
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Add rhel 8 element to the dib distros
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed opendev/puppet-diskimage_builder master: Install backported debootstrap
openstackgerritFabien Boucher proposed zuul/zuul master: Pagure driver -
openstackgerritFabien Boucher proposed zuul/zuul master: Pagure driver -
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openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed zuul/zuul master: Update cached repo during job startup only if needed
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pabelangerAJaeger: yay, will review shortly11:41
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AJaegermordred, pabelanger, please review and together since we need both.12:06
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mordredAJaeger: done!12:08
AJaegerthanks, mordred !12:08
pabelangerAJaeger: +3, thanks again12:10
AJaegerthanks, one thing less to review ;)12:12
AJaeger(and fail reviewing as we did in this case)12:12
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Update filelist for gerrit check
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/puppet-gerrit master: Install libcgi-pm-perl for gitweb
openstackgerritAdam Spiers proposed opendev/storyboard master: Clarify the rationale for StoryBoard's unique design
mordredfungi, clarkb: is updated - please enjoy the thing that was fixed12:21
roman_gHello dear openstack-infra team. Could I get logs or a hint on what do we have wrong in trigger-readthedocs-webhook zuul post-merge job here: Thank you!12:22
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pabelangermordred: comment on 65963212:23
pabelangermordred: nevermind12:23
pabelangerI lack coffee12:23
pabelangerthought it was a package check12:24
roman_gI ask for help here on this channel so often, that I feel I owe a coffee to you all. ^_^12:24
mordredroman_g: I will accept a coffee - mine is getting low :)12:25
AJaegeroh, that should work again...12:25
AJaegerroman_g: checking12:26
roman_gmordred: ☕12:26
roman_g(omg, didn't expect it to work)12:27
roman_gbut sure, would buy you a few coffees when we meet12:27
roman_gAJaeger: this has been resolved AFAIK. Other jobs run well
AJaegerroman_g: yes, I never learned that it's fixed before...12:28
AJaegerso, why does it fail on your repo? ;(12:28
roman_gAJaeger: ianw has been engageing RTD team here
roman_gAJaeger: no idea. Logs are censored for security reasons ;)12:29
roman_gCensored: the output has been hidden due to the fact that 'no_log: true' was specified for this result12:30
AJaegerroman_g: yes, my link points to the discussion, I found all bits ;)12:30
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/project-config master: Check zuul/main.yaml projects
roman_grtd_webhook_id: '47578' we have here is correct webhook id for armada project on rtd.12:34
roman_glast successful integration api call was 4 weeks ago12:35
AJaegerroman_g: so, you have openstackci as maintainer for the project?12:35
roman_gAJaeger: yes, we do12:36
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AJaegerroman_g: was airship/armada repo renamed?12:37
AJaegerIs there a change that you need to do for rtd as well?12:37
roman_gAJaeger: yes. used to be airship-armada, not airship/armada12:37
roman_gAJaeger: yes. repository URL. It has been changed12:37
roman_gAJaeger: yes. used to be airship-armada, *now* it is airship/armada12:38
AJaegerroman_g: then I have no further ideas ;( You might want to talk with ianw, remember he's in Australia, so you need to catch him at a different time12:38
roman_gAJaeger: manual triggering of a build on RTD works well.12:39
AJaegerI suggest that somebody runs the command locally to see that it does the right thing...12:39
openstackgerritFabien Boucher proposed zuul/zuul master: Prevent Zuul scheduler to crash at startup if gerrit down
roman_gall right, will talk to him. thank you, AJaeger.12:39
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AJaegerroman_g: one question: What is the readthedocs project name?12:40
AJaegerAh! Patch coming ;)12:40
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roman_gWow. That's fast!12:41
roman_gLink, please. I'll +1 it ;)12:41
AJaegerroman_g: +2, please on
AJaegerroman_g: hope my theory is correct  - and explanataion there is ok.12:44
AJaegerIf that works, you need to do this for all airship renamed repos12:44
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roman_gAJaeger: thank you!12:47
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AJaegerroman_g: you're welcome - please get it merged, check the post job - and then push to all other armada repos that were renamed...12:47
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openstackgerritFabien Boucher proposed zuul/zuul master: Prevent Zuul scheduler to crash at startup if gerrit down
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AJaegermordred: do we still need ?13:01
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mordredAJaeger: let's abandon it for now - I think we need to rethink some things there in the first place13:15
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AJaegermordred: what do you think of and ?13:22
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openstackgerritMerged zuul/zuul master: Fix race in log streaming
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openstackgerritFabien Boucher proposed zuul/zuul master: Pagure driver -
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fungiclarkb: ianw: looking back over the trusty upgrades list, i'm not sure it's comprehensive... yesterday when i was digging into reviewday content generation issues i noticed that status.o.o is still trusty but i don't see it in the pad13:46
fungimight be time for another audit just to be sure?13:46
AJaegerconfig-core, please review and and
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clarkbfungi status should be on the etherpad as trusy (it was a known trusty node)13:55
clarkbwe can do another sample though13:55
fungiianw: i see you commented about puppet notices failing idempotency tests back around 05:29z... mordred's 659632 is failing openstackci-beaker with "nodepool builder should be idempotent" and the output is all info, warning and notice... is that sort of failure what you were seeing? is it consistent? did you happen to have a solution in mind already or does it need further investigation?13:55
clarkb(status is the one mordred volunteered to upgrade)13:55
fungioh! it's up at the very top13:56
fungiout of alpha order13:56
clarkbfungi: that happens when project-config changes merge when we test other puppet changes13:56
fungiokay, so i can just recheck13:56
clarkbbecause we update project-config in the puppet13:56
fungiyep, makes sense13:57
fungiideally we should be doing that as a required-projects entry and using the state zuul pushes i guess13:58
fungibut i guess it will become less of a problem the more stuff we move to ansible run jobs13:58
openstackgerritMerged zuul/zuul master: Increase timeout of zuul-tox-remote
clarkbya we can also drop the idempotency check14:01
clarkbits ni e to have but not critical14:01
openstackgerritBenedikt Löffler proposed zuul/zuul master: Get playbook data from extra_vars
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AJaegerinfra-root, which ansible version do we use for Zuul? Do I read system-config right that we use ansible 2.7.3? Then we should update the requirements in project-config (requiring 2.5 right now) and sync it, shouldn't we?14:23
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AJaegerfungi: shall I +2A ?14:29
AJaegerfungi: meaning: Are you ready for this to merge? Then I'll do it...14:29
fungiAJaeger: yep, ready14:29
fungithey confirmed there was no need to coordinate a cut-over and could switch to using it as soon as the imports are done14:30
clarkbAJaeger: yes weuse whatever current 2.7 is installed on the executors venv14:31
clarkbAJaeger: just saying 2.7 might give us wiggle room for accuracy14:31
fungialso the last time i looked into it, we weren't automatically updating the version of ansible on our executors14:32
fungithey just had whatever versions were current at the time they were set up14:33
AJaegerso, do we have different versions on them?14:33
fungiso not actually "current 2.7" but just "some 2.7 which was current when we installed it)14:33
fungiwell, all our current executors existed at the time we switched to multi-ansible zuul, so they all got the same versions installed at that time14:34
AJaegerah, ok14:34
AJaegerget it now14:34
fungiwe haven't added or replaced any executors since then, as far as i'm aware14:34
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/project-config master: Update to ansible 2.7 for linting
logan-does gitea have a file blame view? not sure if im missing it or if it doesnt exist14:37
openstackgerritFabien Boucher proposed zuul/zuul master: Prevent Zuul scheduler to crash at startup if gerrit down
openstackgerritFabien Boucher proposed zuul/zuul master: Prevent Zuul scheduler to crash at startup if gerrit down
logan-nvm I see there is an open RFE14:38
openstackgerritMerged openstack/project-config master: Move Telemetry to Storyboard
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Update ansible and hacking versions
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openstackgerritMerged opendev/puppet-gerrit master: Install libcgi-pm-perl for gitweb
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed zuul/zuul master: Add more test coverage on using python-path
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fungilogan-: yep, several folks have asked us, so seems there's broad interest even just among our users14:43
openstackgerritMark Meyer proposed zuul/zuul master: Create a basic Bitbucket event source
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openstackgerritMark Meyer proposed zuul/zuul master: Add Bitbucket Server source functionality
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openstackgerritMark Meyer proposed zuul/zuul master: Add Bitbucket Server source functionality
openstackgerritMark Meyer proposed zuul/zuul master: Create a basic Bitbucket build status reporter
openstackgerritMark Meyer proposed zuul/zuul master: Create a basic Bitbucket event source
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roman_gAJaeger: credits to you: thank you.15:24
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mordredinfra-root: fyi openstacksdk 0.28.0 has been released which includes a refactor to image uploading code15:44
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AJaegerthanks, roman_g - wouldn't have been necessary...15:46
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Shrewsmordred: so i guess we should closely monitor the next builder restarts15:54
mordredShrews: yeah. I mean - it SHOULD be fine - nodepool functional testing and all15:55
mordredShrews: but yeah15:55
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/system-config master: Split the base playbook into services
mordredclarkb: I think the gitea failure in the split-base change is related to gitea not being able to talk to mysql15:58
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mordredspecifically: [E] Failed to initialize ORM engine: dial tcp [::1]:3306: connect: connection refused15:58
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mordredI'm trying again with instead of localhost to see if it works more better15:59
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clarkbmordred: ok did you see my questions about docker-old yeaterday?16:07
clarkbI'd like to clean that up today if we think it is safe to do so16:07
mordredoh - yeah - I think it is16:08
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clarkbok in that case gitea02-05 and 07-08 should have /var/lib/docker-old removed to increase disk space headroom16:15
clarkbI'll worl on that as soon as I fix the 200ms rtt between desktop and router16:16
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clarkbI'll start with 02 and we can let it sit for a few minutes before doing the others just to ensure no unexecpted side effects16:25
clarkbok thats done on 0216:26
clarkb is still browseable for me16:26
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clarkbI'm going to continue with the others. Note 01 and 06 don't need it. 01 beacuse it was the guinea pig and didn't run into the aufs problems and 06 beacuse it was disabled? I don't actually udnerstand why 06 seems to be fine too16:35
clarkb03-05 07-08 now16:35
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clarkb#status log Removed /var/lib/docker-old on gitea02-05,07-08 to free disk space and improve disk headroom on those servers. This was not required on 01 and 06 as the dir did not exist. Note the dir was created when we recovered from the accidental k8sification of our servers and should no longer be needed.16:44
openstackstatusclarkb: finished logging16:44
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AJaegerconfig-core, please review and and
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clarkbalso infra-root has a few job removal changes for system-config that would be good to get in16:51
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/project-config master: Remove legacy-puppet-syntax-3-centos-7
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Remove legacy-periodic-tempest-dsvm-neutron-full-ocata
clarkbianw: the ask replacement plan looks sane to me16:59
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed zuul/zuul master: Add more test coverage on using python-path
logan-Removing hosts from the Limestone nodepool host aggregate to drain the nodes for HV kernel updates this afternoon since nested virt bootups started crashing instances yesterday.18:07
fungigonna go grab a late lunch and then come back, in case anyone's looking for me over the next hour-ish18:10
mordredclarkb: I feel like k8sification should be an album title18:16
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mordredclarkb: +3 on three of them18:17
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clarkbmordred: thanks18:27
clarkbefried: has your ptg etherpad been happier since recovery from the paste?18:27
efriedclarkb: I don't think anyone has bothered re-etherpadding it.18:28
efriedwe've got a few copies floating around, but they're pretty much "static" at this point.18:28
efriedclarkb: Any ideas what could have been causing the snafu?18:29
efriedor how to prevent in the future?18:29
* mordred blames racoons18:29
clarkbefried: unfortunately no. Best guess is a bad client18:29
clarkbthe etherpad logs are poor and the db schema mostly non existant18:29
clarkbso trackign these back isn't easy18:29
efried"a bad client" - yeesh, how would we ever track that down with three dozen people on the thing at once?18:30
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kskelshey all, I've been trying to reach via mailing list - but will try here as well.18:31
clarkbkskels: did you not see the responses to the list?18:31
kskelsLet me know if someone can help Airship team to setup GitHub replication for `/airship` space18:31
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kskelsI did not.. I have not though registered for the mailing list.. that might be the reason.18:33
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clarkbsee and
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kskelsthank you! let me get familiar with all that and also subscribe to the mailing list.18:36
clarkbto summarize I think airship is waiting for jbryce to get you all onboarded on the github org. Then you all should be able to drive the rest of the steps I describe (with infra involvement as necessary)18:37
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openstackgerritMerged opendev/system-config master: Remove legacy-puppet-syntax-3
kskelssounds great! and just to make sure - we are still using, and as primary repos - github would be just read-only replication18:39
AJaegerclarkb: what is the conclusion: Do we create new repos in x/ namespace - or does it need more discussion? I'd like to know what to do with , please18:39
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clarkbAJaeger: oh sorry the conclusion I heard was new repos in x/ is fine18:39
clarkbkskels: yes18:39
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clarkbAJaeger: let me approve that change once I can properly rereview it18:39
AJaegerclarkb: sure, can wait a bit longer ;)18:40
clarkbnah approved. It was an easy review as I didn't have to check an upstream18:40
kskelsclarkb: thanks! I'll just wait until you give me green light to start with the zuul side18:40
AJaegerinfra-root, config-core, introduces a new ACL concept - "Backport-Candidate". Any objections - or anybody to +2A?18:41
clarkbkskels: I mean technically the opendev team isn't going to decide what tooling airship uses, but what we provide is + as primary git repos then people are free to set up replication to arbitrary locatiosn as they desire (including github)18:41
AJaegerclarkb: thanks18:41
kskelsclarkb: sounds great - let me know when the initial onboarding is done.18:42
jbryceclarkb kskels: i've got access to the airshipit github org now18:42
jbrycekskels: do you have a user account i should invite?18:43
kskelsyes - 'kskels'18:43
openstackgerritMerged opendev/system-config master: Remove puppet 3 beaker jobs
jbryceok. invites sent to you as well as openstackadmin18:46
clarkbdid github finally make it so that you have to ack organization membership before adding you to a group?18:46
clarkb(a good feature, but means slightly more work for us now :) )18:47
clarkbI'll login as openstackadmin and see what I can see18:47
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kskelsJoined. Worked for me18:48
openstackgerritMerged openstack/project-config master: Add spectroscope repository
clarkbdmsimard: ^ any idea how to accept the invite ? Is that something you have to do via email and can't do via webui?18:51
kskelsfyi - I had to do via email.18:51
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clarkbI may have to pull out the laptop then18:52
clarkbdesktop not currently set up with that imap account18:52
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jbryceclarkb: i believe if you are logged in as that user and visit the airshipit org, you can accept the invite there?18:57
AJaegerclarkb: want to +2A the remaining puppet3 changes? and .18:58
* clarkb tries. Laptop is booting now too so that should work if necessary18:58
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clarkbjbryce: yup that did it, thanks18:59
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clarkbkskels: so the next thing we need from you is the mapping of airship repos in to what they should be in
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clarkbkskels: we'll feed that into a script we have and it will do the org transfers for those repos19:01
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Remove legacy puppet3 syntax jobs
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kskelsclarkb: the names should match exactly as from (already have been translated when moving from to Let me double-check with my team that we want to migrate all the repos, or perhaps just selected ones.19:02
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clarkbkskels: and I'm guessing in-a-bottle should be airship-in-a-bottle (and we'll hopefully get it renamed on opendev side at the end of the month19:02
kskelsright.. :)19:03
clarkbkskels: but if you can provide us a complete list then there is no ambiguity from our side19:03
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kskelssounds good will do shortly19:03
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/project-config master: Remove openstackci-beaker-ubuntu-trusty
AJaegerclarkb: we first need this, ianw missed one place ^19:03
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dmsimardclarkb: there might be a way to programmatically accept invites, I've done the few I had to do in the UI.19:07
clarkbAJaeger: +219:08
clarkbdmsimard: ya the trick (as jbryce pointed out) is you ahve to navigate to the orgs page19:08
clarkbthen there is ab utton saying "view invite"19:08
mordredclarkb: click click click drag click click docker click click click swipe19:08
mordredsee - mice are much easier than typing19:08
fungimordred: i'm pretty sure styx already had an album called k8sification19:10
AJaegerfungi, mordred, could you +2A 659870, please?19:12
AJaegerthanks, mordred19:13
fungilooks like that's approved. i'm going back to testing/debugging storyboard imports of launchpad blueprints19:14
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed zuul/zuul master: Set iterate_timeout to 60 for pause jobs
openstackgerritMerged openstack/project-config master: Remove openstackci-beaker-ubuntu-trusty
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aspiersinfra-root: just off for dinner, but in case I forget, the blueprint whiteboards are getting a load of effective duplicates of Gerrit reviews, due to the change to opendev19:28
aspiersperhaps we need to update the bot to spot existing links and convert to opendev ones, rather than adding dupes19:29
aspiersanyway, have a good w/e all! o/19:29
clarkbaspiers: examples are always helpful19:29
clarkband enjoy your weekend too19:29
aspiersis one example19:30
aspiersgotta go before I faint of hunger ;-) cya!19:30
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Remove puppet-beaker-rspec-infra
smcginnisIt doesn't appear the bot is reporting new patches and merges in the #openstack-cinder channel.19:34
smcginnisAnd now it does. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯19:35
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clarkbsmcginnis: it parts from the least recently active channels to avoid the channel join limit then joins back again when there are events to send19:36
clarkbthis means there can be a small amount of delay when it does that19:36
smcginnisIt apparently drops the ones that come in while it is out.19:37
fungiit shouldn't, but also if it restarts for a config change it can miss gerrit events while it's reconnecting to the event stream19:37
fungian then there's general problems with irc connection timeouts and netsplits...19:38
smcginnisThere were some merges earlier and then just recently a new patch, so unless it has been restarted a few times today, it appears to be missing some things.19:38
smcginnisNot a big deal, but thought I should mention it.19:38
fungiappreciated... if you have an example change which was missed i can check its debug logs19:38
kskelsclarkb: here is the list of repos and few notes on them19:38
smcginnisInitial push of was missed, but then an update of it a few minutes later did show up. (< fungi)19:39
clarkbkskels: for airship util what we can do is transfer it to airshipit org then you can archive it there19:39
kskelsand similar to berth as well19:40
kskelsok, that's OK with me19:40
clarkbya we can do the same with berth as well19:40
AJaegerkskels: for retiring a project, see
clarkbgive me a few minutes and I'll get a token spun up so we can start doing some transfers19:40
AJaegerkskels: if it's not needed, let's remove it from our systems properly, please19:41
clarkbdmsimard: do you know if I can do an org transfer and a repo rename in one step? or is it do org trasnfer then do repo rename within the org after?19:41
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kskelsI think overall on berth people wanted to code be available for read only. For utils - might be OK to delete. I would need to check this with team if we are completely deleting it though. I would take it as follow up activity.19:42
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clarkbkskels: we don't completely delete things fwiw19:43
clarkbkskels: usually just mark them as undeveloped19:43
clarkbfor the github exercise the archive step should be sufficient19:43
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AJaegerkskels: the doc links I gave should explain everything - if not, please ask19:44
fungismcginnis: 2019-05-17 19:30:49,344 INFO gerritbot: Sending "Walter A. Boring IV (hemna) proposed openstack/cinder master: LOG _init_vendor_properites" to #openstack-cinder19:44
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smcginnisHuh, guess it's time to schedule another eye appointment. Thanks fungi19:46
fungihappy to dig into a better example if you have one ;)19:47
kskelsAJaeger: thanks!19:47
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clarkbkskels: I have successfully transfered airship-utils. Note I didn't rename it in the transfer step as I think we/you can do those as a followup within the org itself19:47
clarkbkskels: I'll work through the rest of the list now19:48
fungiyeah, gh treats transfers between orgs and renames within an org separately. no way i know of to combine them19:49
fungibut the end result of performing both should work as expected19:50
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kskelscarkb: I'm seeing that you keep airship-* prefix for all repos - we really want it to be without -> e.g instead of airship-treasuremap19:57
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clarkbkskels: yes please see my messages above19:57
clarkbkskels: basically we don't think you can combine an org transfer and a rename19:58
kskelsok, np19:58
clarkbkskels: so I'm doing all the org transfers with the original names. Then you can rename the repos within the org19:58
clarkbkskels: the transfers are all done now. I think you can do the renames now19:58
kskelslet me try! :)19:58
clarkbkskels: if you go to eg there is a renaming thing at the top of that page19:59
kskelsworked! let me go through and rename all of them19:59
clarkbat the bottom of that settings page is the button to archive a repo19:59
clarkbif you want to archive your utils and berth repos19:59
clarkbThe last thing to note is I couldn't transfer spyglass-plugin-xls as it doesn't exist in openstack/ for that one you'll just want to create the new repo in airshipit/20:00
fungiand once the git mirrornig job is set up, it should get content pushed into it on the next commit to merge20:01
fungi(which might be the commit adding the job, i guess)20:01
clarkb redirects to so I think that is all working as expected20:02
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clarkbkskels: if you can double check that is all the repos that need transferring I'll remove our admin user from the org20:03
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kskelslooks good for all existing repos - how about the
clarkbkskels: you will need to create that repo20:06
fungias i mentioned above, once the git mirrornig job is set up, it should get content pushed into it on the next commit to merge20:06
kskelsok - and I guess that's the case for any new repo we create in - we would create a new repo in GitHub and then setup sync20:06
kskelsalright - I shall start read Zuul stuff to get the repos mirrored..20:07
kskelsyou may remove the account20:07
clarkbdone and I deleted the access token I created for the transfers too20:07
clarkbI'll write a followup to the mailing list to indicate the work on the opendev side is done20:08
kskelsthank you so much!20:08
kskels(i did register to the mailing list - so should be good to receive now)20:09
AJaegerfungi: want to finish puppet-3 retirement? Please review
clarkbkskels: let us knwo if you have any problems with the replication job setup. dmsimard set that up for ara's github repos so we know it works for at least one set of repos20:12
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clarkb#status log Transferred Airship repos from to according to list at
openstackstatusclarkb: finished logging20:18
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clarkbAJaeger: I'll get it20:22
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Remove openstackci-beaker
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logan-all limestone HVs rebooted, mirror started and looks to be responding. i'll add the hosts back to the nodepool aggregate now20:33
clarkblogan-: confirmed that I can hit and browse the mirror node via http20:34
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Drop legacy-grenade-dsvm-neutron-multinode-live-migration
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed opendev/storyboard master: Add a dedicated "lpimport" tox testenv
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed opendev/storyboard master: Add feature to migrate Launchpad blueprints
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clarkbkskels: the tenant is openstack still. Otherwiseya I think that looks right21:03
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openstackgerritMerged zuul/zuul master: zuul-tox-remote: use unique zuul_console service
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openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed openstack/reviewstats master: Handle all exceptions loading pickled data
openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed openstack/reviewstats master: Switch default server to
openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed openstack/reviewstats master: Don't fail when writing cache either
openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed openstack/reviewstats master: Switch to stestr
openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed openstack/reviewstats master: Load subproject data from governance
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openstackgerritMerged zuul/zuul master: Set iterate_timeout to 60 for pause jobs
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openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed openstack/reviewstats master: Load subproject data from governance
openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed openstack/reviewstats master: Switch to stestr
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kskelsclarkb: how would this look
kskelsI have setup airshipbot as member in airshipit org and setup SSH keys22:45
kskelsnot sure if git_mirror_repository: airshipit/treasuremap should instead be
kskelseither way - let me know if any comments22:46
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clarkbkskels: that looks like what ara has done22:56
kskelsI guess then matter of merging and testing! thank you - will get back in case of any issues22:58
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rpiosoA change's parent changed --
rpiosoGerrit's web ui indicates, "Parent(s) Not current - rebase possible".23:46
rpiosoZuul's gate jobs succeeded; however, the change hasn't merged.23:47
rpiosoMust the change be rebased by a human?23:47
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