Monday, 2019-10-14

ianwdodgy bt acquired ...
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Temporarily disable Fedora 30 build jobs
clarkbianw ooh segfault in malloc00:58
clarkbare you able to install gdb and or valgrind?00:58
ianwthere's a few bugs out there that all look similar-ish00:58
clarkbI guessyou can use rpm directly00:58
ianwyeah, but "dnf debuginfo-install" does all sorts of magic with repos etc that make it a pita to do manually00:59
ianwthe debug packages install, but the dnf call segfaults ... i'm trying to make it ignore than, and move on to another dnf that fails under gdb and should then have symbols ...01:00
ianw2019-10-14 01:00:11.636 | Completion plugin: Generating completion cache...01:00
ianw2019-10-14 01:00:11.638 | free(): invalid pointer01:00
ianwok, that's more like it ...01:00
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ianwclarkb / pabelanger: filed but pretty confident it's a dup of bug 1761282 in dnf "dnf segfault after "Generating completion cache"; likely libdnf 0.35.5" [High,New] - Assigned to rpm-software-management01:57 bug 1758737 in libdnf "DNF completed with "Segmentation fault (core dumped)" message" [Unspecified,Post] - Assigned to rpm-software-management01:57
ianwthe dependencies are too tangled to try and unwrap with hack installs of old versions i think.  better to just wait for updated packages.01:58
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/diskimage-builder master: Temporarily disable Fedora 30 build jobs
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: centos7; use numeric DIB_RELEASE
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ianwdtantsur|afk: ^ i think something like this will be the best way forward?03:36
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openstackgerritMerged opendev/glean master: Do not bring up udev assigned interfaces
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/diskimage-builder master: Remove RA solicit delay
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ianwclarkb: ^ merged and release dib+glean; is rolled out to builders and i've scheduled builds of f28,29,30 + centos7/805:49
ianwi'm hoping that puts this problem behind us!  working on a better fix05:49
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openstackgerritSorin Sbarnea proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: configure-mirrors: add support for centos-8
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openstackgerritAlbin Vass proposed zuul/zuul master: Label check should be case insensitive
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openstackgerritSorin Sbarnea proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: configure-mirrors: add support for centos-8
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pabelangerianw: thanks for digging into it!12:51
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openstackgerritSorin Sbarnea proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: configure-mirrors: add support for centos-8
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openstackgerritSorin Sbarnea proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: configure-mirrors: add support for centos-8
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sean-k-mooneycgoncalves: hi quick question how functional is there are no offical centos8 cloud images and i could not get cloud-init to work properly in the centos8 image for virt-builder14:05
openstackgerritMerged opendev/storyboard master: Imported Translations from Zanata
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sean-k-mooneycgoncalves: is the disk image build version functional?14:06
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sean-k-mooneyi.e. can i build it an play around with it to see if i can use it for devstack14:06
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cgoncalvessean-k-mooney, aside from centos not providing yet a cloud image, I'd have expected it to be functional. I was even able to build an octavia amphora image and pass cloud-init on boot14:07
cgoncalvessure. do so and please report back your experience14:08
cgoncalvessean-k-mooney, FWIW I was also able to build a CentOS 8 image using the centos-minimal element14:09
sean-k-mooneycgoncalves: oh i was hoping you where building that yourself14:09
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cgoncalvesuhm? I'm lost, sorry :)14:09
cgoncalvesso, I built a centos8 cloud image (generic one) myself, yes14:09
sean-k-mooneyya does the dib element not do that?14:10
cgoncalvesI have a qcow2 and kickstart file I can share14:10
sean-k-mooneyi had not checked that14:10
cgoncalvesthe centos-minimal element already does that, yes14:10
cgoncalvesthe centos element does not yet, hence my patch14:10
sean-k-mooneyso centos-minimal will give me a qcow214:10
cgoncalvesyeah. a minimal one :)14:10
sean-k-mooneythe issue i had with virt-build was i coudl get it to install cloud-init14:11
sean-k-mooneybut it was disabled14:11
sean-k-mooneyand i could not enable the service14:11
cgoncalvesreally? its systemd service unit comes enabled by default14:11
sean-k-mooneyi could run cloud init manully but even as root i was getting permission denised if i tried to enable the service14:11
sean-k-mooneythat what i was expecting but nope14:12
sean-k-mooneyi think the virt-builder template did somethign strange to block it14:12
cgoncalvesI did not have to explicitly enable it, that I am sure14:12
sean-k-mooneyanyway ill try out the minimal element for now14:12
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sean-k-mooneydid anywone reach out to the centos folks to see when an offical cloud image might get created14:13
cgoncalvesFWIW, if someone wants to build a generic CentOS 8 cloud image while one is not available in
cgoncalvesyeah. they have it on QA for a while now...14:13
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cgoncalvestheir brew system builds it and publishes the logs but not the qcow :/14:14
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sean-k-mooneythey had to rewrite a lot of it with the chagne for modules14:15
sean-k-mooneyso its proably an oversight14:15
sean-k-mooneyinfra does not publicly host the nodepool image anywhere right?14:16
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sean-k-mooneythat would not make sense14:16
sean-k-mooneybecaue they have the proxy config14:16
sean-k-mooneyand other things baked in for running in the gate14:16
sean-k-mooneyanyway thanks.14:17
mordredsean-k-mooney: we do publish them though14:17
mordredsean-k-mooney: also - fwiw - we don't use cloud-init, we use glean14:17
mordredso the work we've been doing to get centos-8 images working properly for the gate likely won't help you if cloud-init is a goal14:18
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sean-k-mooneymordred: yes i was aware ye use glean14:18
sean-k-mooneythat was going to be my fall back14:18
sean-k-mooneyif i could not get cloud init to run14:18
mordredI've been conferencing for 3 weeks so I don't know the status of our centos-8 - I thought I saw that ianw had finally had success?14:18
sean-k-mooneymordred: i just wanted a centos 8 image that i could boot on my openstack14:19
cgoncalvesmordred, that is correct14:19
mordredwell - we don't actually bake proxy config in - we apply that in pre-run14:19
mordredthe bits that would be annoying about re-using ours is that we do bake in copies of all of the openstack repos - so the images are a bit large14:19
cgoncalvessean-k-mooney, give my centos 8 qcow2 a try14:19
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sean-k-mooneysure ill try
mordredinfra-root: I'm travelling all day today - but I *should* have wifi all day and thus expect myself to be working14:21
fungimordred: noted, thanks!14:21
sean-k-mooneymordred: having the repos backed in acatully would not be the end of the world. i will be suing it for openstack dev adn with qcow and shared backing files it would dedup well but i hold off on going that route unles i fail in building a useful image myself.14:23
mordredsean-k-mooney: ++14:23
fungithat's our latest build14:24
sean-k-mooneyi have setup my cloud to give public ipv6 address to all my vms so i dont want ot hardcode password which is what i did over the weekend14:24
fungibut yeah, you should just be able to use the latest state of the centos-minimal element14:25
cgoncalveswow, 9.2gb! actual data or zeroes?14:25
mordredactual data. the images have copies of every opendev git repo14:26
sean-k-mooneynot all of the is the openstack data however14:26
cgoncalvesok, makes sense14:27
sean-k-mooneythe debian images are smaller but still have the repos14:27
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fungiyeah, centos seems to need several more gigabytes of stuff than debian14:32
fungibut then again, debian has as a focus keeping a strong separation between the absolute minimum base packages needed for a bootable system and things which are nice to have but not necessary14:33
clarkbwht is "funny" about that is if you build a really minimal image centos is much smaller14:33
clarkbonce you add useful stuff to the images debian and ubuntu end up smaller14:33
fungialso depends on how you define "really minimal"14:33
corvusand "funny"14:34
clarkbya in this case itsbare minimum to test glean14:34
clarkbas I've built all the images as small as possible for that use case recently14:34
fungifor example, debian separates the python interpreter and stdlib so you can have python scripts in the base system as long as they don't need stuff from the stdlib modules14:35
mordredfungi: similarly "funny" the "python:slim" base docker image is larger than the ubuntu docker image with python installed14:35
clarkbianw reports we should have working networking on FN nowish14:36
fungialso debian's package management has features to allow filtering certain files, so you can do things like automatically strip documentation/manpages14:36
clarkbweshould keep an eye out for those zuul test failures (they should go away)14:36
clarkbfungi: ya our images dont install man pages14:37
clarkbwhich may explain why debuntu grow less than centos qhen we build our actual images14:38
cgoncalveskickstart has an option to exclude docs, --excludedocs. not sure there's an equivalent in yum/dnf14:39
sean-k-mooneyim just waiting for someone to add alpine support to devstack14:39
sean-k-mooneythen we can all use that :P14:40
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mordredsean-k-mooney: I actually was reading some stuff from a dude who has switched to alpine as his os for all of his servers and is very happy about having done so. I've been a fan of it as a base container os for a while, but really haven't considered it seriously for servers ... maybe I should think about it more at some point :)14:42
sean-k-mooneyi reinstalled the server i use form my home cloud/dev and i was really considering it14:43
corvusmordred: weren't there some, er, concerns about the robustness and viability of the processes used to produce the core alpine system?14:43
sean-k-mooneynot that i was aware of but maybe14:43
mordred(although that said we also saw memory leak issues in zuul when running in alpine containers that the theory is related to musldc)14:43
clarkbalso its choice of libc made python unhappy iirc14:43
sean-k-mooneyclarkb: that is one of the resaons i want to use it14:43
mordredcorvus: yeah - SpamapS expressed concerned about the transparency of their dev process14:43
sean-k-mooneyi would prefer to not have glibc on my system if i could avoid it14:44
mordredsean-k-mooney: I *think* muslc + python >= 3.6 + lots of dicts became quite displeased - but definitely zuul + alpine was not working for bmw and switching to debian base os fixed the issue14:44
sean-k-mooneyi woudl prefer to have everyting build with musl and clang but no one actuly does that end to end and i dont really want ot build my onw distro14:44
sean-k-mooneyso for other reasons i decided not to make it may os on my server14:45
sean-k-mooneybut it does not stop me wanting to be able to use it for that14:45
sean-k-mooneyit would be less heretical then what im actully running14:46
fungii'm just disappointed the emdebian effort folded ~6 years ago, but a lot of the work which came out of that regarding pressure to maintain minimal install base package sizes, optional file filtering at install time, support for compressed filesystems and so on got folded directly into the distro so it was sort of a success in that regard14:46
mordred\o/ unintended success14:46
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corvusmordred: i'd like to start working on an integration job for zuul and the gerrit checks plugin -- how do you think i should go about that?  should i run gerrit in a container image, or just javac it on the vm and run it in place?  if container, should i base it on opendev or upstream dockerfile?14:49
mordredcorvus: I think container - since you've already got the quickstart to base things on and we've already got the opendev container images ...14:49
mordredcorvus: also - maybe that way we should make a new build job which builds images from master of gerrit with checks plugin added but is otherwise just like the other opendev images14:50
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mordredcorvus: that way we're building towards having a checks-plugin enabled gerrit for opendev once it's ready14:50
fungii like that idea14:50
mordredcorvus: want me to make a gerrit-master job?14:50
corvusmordred: we'll want this job to be in the zuul tenant, and all the opendev gerrit stuff is currently in the openstack tenant14:50
mordredah - hrm. interesting wrinkle14:51
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fungithough we probably need an answer in our back pocket for when gerrit folks ask why we didn't just use their container image14:51
corvusmordred: so i guess we'll need to add the system-config repo to the zuul tenant to get that job...14:51
mordredfungi: we have one - theirs is aimed at a different use case14:51
mordredfungi: and we're building in plugins - it's all good on that front14:51
fungii figured there was a straightforward answer14:51
corvusmordred: specifically -- i'm not sure upstream builds in the checks plugin14:52
mordredcorvus: yeah. and we can have the opendev tenant publish master images14:52
sean-k-mooneyoh speaking of building thigs form master is there a special process for adding non openstack git repos to upstream zuul. i want to add openvswitch and dpdk at some point in the nearish future14:52
mordredbut the zuul tenant can just use the job for dependencies14:52
mordredcorvus: I'm landing and have a 1 hour layer - but I can totally make some jobs as soon as I'm airborn again - but if that's a blocker for next steps for you I won't be offended if you do that too14:53
corvusmordred: cool, i'll start work on getting all the repos added to the zuul tenant (and also moving that third-party-check pipeline from opendev (which has none of the projects we're interested in) to zuul14:53
mordredcorvus: maybe make the system-config zuul tenant patch in the meantime?14:53
corvusmordred: ++14:54
sean-k-mooneyfungi: yep i was looking at that14:54
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mordredcorvus: cool. and the checks-plugin repo I suppose :)14:54
sean-k-mooneyfungi: just wondered if there was any paper work i needed to do14:54
mordredand then we'll get a master job added and that'll be cool14:54
sean-k-mooneyfungi: or if i could just propose a patch when i needed to add it14:54
fungisean-k-mooney: er, this section actually for the openstack tenant:
fungisean-k-mooney: i think just explain in the commit message14:55
sean-k-mooneyill be working on an ovs-dpdk job later this week.14:55
sean-k-mooneycurrently the devstack plugin i mainain just hits github directly14:56
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sean-k-mooneyit can use a local dir but to do that i need to have zuul clone it14:56
fungiahh, yeah, i should have clarified whether you want to use those repos in jobs reported to gerrit, or actually report on pull requests/changes for those repos14:57
fungii was assuming the former, corvus linked to documentation for the latter;14:57
corvusall the infos are there now :)14:57
sean-k-mooney ya i want to have the job voting on x/networking-ovs-dpdk and os-vif and maybe nova in the future14:57
corvusso probably fungi's thing, but "the more you know"14:58
sean-k-mooneybasicaly replaceing the intel third party ci with a first party one14:58
fungicorvus: ahh, nice!14:58
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack/project-config master: Add gerrit-related projects to zuul tenant
clarkbinfra-root I'm going to clean up all of my test resources in FN now (servers, images, and keys)15:10
clarkb* once I load my ssh keys15:10
fungiclarkb: if i still have a test instance in there, it can be deleted too15:11
fungican't remember if i cleaned it up from when i was doing packet captures there15:11
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clarkbfungi: I don't see it. Was it a nodepool held node or one you booted directly? If it wasn't a held node then I think it has been cleaned up already15:15
clarkbI only see 2 images and 2 nodes from ianw which I'll leave in place for now15:15
clarkb(I cleared out my test resources)15:15
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fungiit was one i booted directly while we were at ansiblefest15:19
fungiso i guess i deleted it after i stopped the packet capture15:19
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openstackgerritSorin Sbarnea proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: configure-mirrors: add support for centos-8
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed opendev/project-config master: Remove third-party-check pipeline
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zbrianw: my configure mirrors patch keeps growing as testing it uncovers other bugs.15:36
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openstackgerritSorin Sbarnea proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: configure-mirrors: add support for centos-8
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clarkbzbr: can you see comments on ps13 and ps18?15:48
zbrclarkb: yep. and yes, if you use omit, "var is defined" will be true! in fact it would be an omit__.... string.15:49
zbr(obviously that i plan to split this in smaller bits, once I get it working)15:49
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corvusShrews: worked as expected15:57
corvusShrews: or, rather, the change we merged before it15:57
corvus(the one that set diskimages to [])15:57
fungi#status log the trove instance for review-dev-MySQL was rebooted around 04:00 utc by the provider for cold migration due to impending host failure, trouble ticket #191014-ord-000009916:00
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corvusdoes anyone know why debian-buster and opensuse-423 have not been building (in 41 and 188 days, respectively)?16:01
clarkbcorvus: buster because our mirror is broken16:02
clarkbreprepro is not updating the package index when it updates the packages and no one knows why16:02
clarkbsuse 423 I don't know16:02
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fungi#status log statusbot restarted following its disappearance associated with a ping timeout at 13:15 utc, no indication of problems in its debug log to explain16:03
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fungi#status log the trove instance for review-dev-MySQL was rebooted around 04:00 utc by the provider for cold migration due to impending host failure, trouble ticket #191014-ord-000009916:03
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corvusshould we remove those images from our system?16:04
openstackgerritMerged openstack/project-config master: Remove arm64ci-nrt1 (2/2)
fungii didn't realize the reprepro problem was breaking image builds, i'll take a quick look at the log16:05
fungi2019-10-14 14:38:05.465 | W: Couldn't download package base-files (ver 10.3 arch amd64) at
fungiyeah, looks like it probably is16:06
clarkbthe opensuse 15 images should've replaced the 423 image. I know AJaeger and dirk were working on uplifting jobs16:06
corvusclarkb: yeah, that's what i'm getting from looking at comments in git repos16:06
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openstackgerritSorin Sbarnea proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: configure-mirrors: add support for centos-8
corvusclarkb: i think they may have completed that work -- short of actually removing it.  i will do so.16:07
openstackgerritJan Gutter proposed zuul/nodepool master: Fix typo in port-cleanup-interval description
clarkbcorvus: ok16:07
fungii fully support removing the debian-buster images from our config until someone is able to figure out what's wrong with reprepro there16:07
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Remove legacy-opensuse-423 nodeset
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed opendev/base-jobs master: Remove opensuse-423 nodeset
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clarkbcorvus: zuul managed to catch at least one user of that, I assume we can clean it up thoug (not sure why bifrost would need to keep running on really old suse)16:10
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AJaegercorvus, clarkb is the list of open changes for removing 42.3 from jobs16:16
AJaegerI fear a few more are missing - we hit a lot of broken branches ;(16:18
corvusshall i start force-merging those?16:18
AJaegerI was just going to raise that question ;)16:18
corvusor should we just force-merge the project-config change and leave the projects broken16:18
AJaegerI'm happy to provide all the missing changes on all branches, if we force merge them...16:18
AJaegerI would rather force-merge into projects and have Zuul not complain...16:19
AJaegerdirk1, do you agree? ^16:19
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack/project-config master: Remove references to OpenSUSE 423
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack/project-config master: Remove opensuse-423 from nodepool
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corvusAJaeger: i think at this point i'm confident that all the non-broken images have been updated and we can merge
corvusAJaeger: (the only out-of-date images now are opensuse-423 and debian-buster)16:22
clarkbre buster, fungi do you think we can rm (or mv) the broken index files and force reprepro to rebuild them that way?16:22
corvusAJaeger: and i think we're considering them broken enough not to worry16:22
AJaegercorvus: agreed16:23
AJaegercorvus: go ahead and change your WIP to a +A ;)16:23
dirk1Ajaeger: sure, better get rid of this sooner rather than later16:23
corvusAJaeger: i changed it to a +0 -- i'll give clarkb and fungi a quick chance to halt it in case they want to hold it for buster:
AJaegermnaser: are you fine to have corvus force merge these open changes ?16:25
AJaegerdirk1: thanks16:25
clarkbI'm not aware of working jobs on buster16:25
fungiclarkb: i'm less confused the indices are broken, and starting to suspect that we simply aren't including buster-updates in the sources list16:25
clarkb(due to the mirror trouble)16:25
mnaserAJaeger: except for bifrost, i am not opposed16:25
mnaserthats not my say :)16:25
fungii'm looking now to see if i can figure out where the sources list is defined for these image builds16:25
AJaegermnaser: sure -thanks16:26
fungidoesn't seem to be in diskimage-builder or project-config but maybe i'm not grepping for the right thing16:26
AJaegercorvus: want to force merge the openstack-ansible ones?16:26
clarkbfungi: /var/log/reprepro/debian-buster-updates.log says we do16:26
corvusAJaeger: will do16:27
clarkbfungi: I know that I compared indice to package dir and the files did not match16:27
clarkbfungi: we also confirmed that the broken jobs that were running had updates enabled16:27
clarkbI don't think this is a missing updates repo on end nodes problem16:27
openstackgerritMohammed Naser proposed opendev/gear master: Added Docker image builds
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corvusAJaeger: The opensuse-423 nodeset is being removed.  This change is being force-merged to correct the resulting configuration error.16:28
corvusAJaeger: that message look good?16:28
AJaegeryes, it does.16:28
AJaegercorvus: let me iterate on and figure out what else is missing - I'll add depends-on to it...16:29
fungiclarkb: taking the first example error from the image build log, it's trying to install base-files_10.3_amd64.deb but reprepro replaced that with base-files_10.3+deb10u1_amd64.deb on 2019-09-0716:31
clarkbfungi: ya and the reason it fails is because base-files_10.3+deb10u1_amd64.deb is what we have on disk if this is the same behavior we have observed before16:31
clarkbbut the index still points to the old file16:31
clarkbthe old file no longer exists16:31
fungihowever, i think base-files_10.3+deb10u1_amd64.deb is likely in the buster-updates index and not in the original release index16:32
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Remove legacy-opensuse-423 nodeset
corvusAJaeger: depends on a change i don't want to force-merge16:32
corvusAJaeger: i'll see about rebasing it16:34
clarkbfungi: 2019-10-14 14:37:38.826 | updates:deb buster-updates main it seems to try and use that as part of its apt config16:34
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corvusAJaeger: down to 1:
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clarkbfungi: also has no base-files in it16:36
fungiclarkb: yeah, i find it here:
fungiso not in buster-updates but in the main buster index16:36
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AJaegeryeah - will work on the remaining bifrost ones in the next hours16:36
fungiVersion: 10.3+deb10u116:36
fungiso i agree, something is causing it to not write that index16:37
clarkbwhich is not what we have in our index16:37
AJaegercorvus: I'll tell you once I'm done...16:37
corvusAJaeger, dirk1: i'm uncomfortable force-merging -- i only want to force-merge changes that simply remove jobs.  so either we should get a change that fixes jobs and merge it in the regular way, or make a new change that simply removes 423 without changing anything else, and i can force-merge that.16:37
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clarkbfungi: best I can tell is reprepro is downloading the pcakge files but not making the corresponding updates to the repo indexes. I've read through manpages and a couple howtos for reprepro and from everythign I can see reprepro is supposed to be designed to avoid thsi exact problem16:38
clarkb(it builds indexes based on what it actually has)16:38
clarkbleaves me super confused as to how it gets into this state16:38
dirk1corvus: agreed. Let me take a look16:38
dirk1Fyi, openSUSE-150 is also about to be end of life so we definitely need to speed in fixing things16:39
openstackgerritMohammed Naser proposed opendev/gear master: Added Docker image builds
openstackgerritMohammed Naser proposed opendev/gear master: Fix documentation builds
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack/project-config master: Move gear to opendev tenant
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Remove legacy-opensuse-423 nodeset
openstackgerritSorin Sbarnea proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: configure-mirrors: add support for centos-8
openstackgerritMohammed Naser proposed opendev/gear master: Added Docker image builds
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mordredcorvus: back online - I miss anything good/16:43
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AJaegercorvus: 51 config-errors - a few more changes to merge than expected ;(
clarkbmordred: any idea why reprepro wouldn't update the buster index file(s) after downloading newer packages (and deleting the ones the index it has points to)?16:45
fungiclarkb: i'm kinda tempted to wipe the current buster mirrors and let them get rebuilt by reprepro, in case it's gotten itself in some weird state. but regardless i expect we ought to pause or remove the buster images from nodepool in the meantime16:45
mordredclarkb: nope.16:46
clarkbfungi: it might be easier to test if things are working if we keep it in nodepool?16:46
mordredalso - I kinda think trying fungi's thing might not be terrible16:46
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fungiclarkb: do we have dib jobs which try to build a buster image?16:47
* fungi checks16:48
fungiif so that should tell us whether it works regardless of whether there's an image available in opendev16:48
clarkbno we don't appear to16:48
clarkbat least they don't run regularly on changes to dib16:48
openstackgerritMohammed Naser proposed opendev/gear master: Fix documentation builds
openstackgerritMohammed Naser proposed opendev/gear master: Added Docker image builds
ralonsohhi folks, is there a way to download a log directory recursively. E.g:
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AJaegerTheJulia, dtantsur: are you fine with force merging a couple of job removals for openSUSE 42.3 for bifrost? See
dtantsurAJaeger: if it's urgent - yes. if not, I'd rather wait for the CI (and force merge if it's broken).16:50
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed opendev/gear master: Add in-repo zuul config
fungiclarkb: agreed, not finding one16:50
clarkbralonsoh: wget -r and associated options can do it16:50
corvusAJaeger: i'm not going to force-merge 51 changes.16:51
ralonsohclarkb, I tried "wget -r -l 0 --no-parent --reject "index.html*" -e robots=off"16:51
ralonsohclarkb, no luck16:51
clarkbralonsoh: how does it fail?16:51
ralonsohclarkb, it retrieves only..16:51 100%[========================================================================================================================================>]   5.18K  --.-KB/s    in 0s16:51
ralonsohthis file16:51
ralonsohSaving to: ‘’16:52
AJaegercorvus: how do you want to handle those then? I know it's a mess ;(16:53
clarkbralonsoh: reading the man page I have -l 0 means depth of 016:53
clarkb-l inf is infinite16:53
clarkbmaybe try set that to 3 and rerun?16:53
ralonsohthe same16:54
AJaegercorvus: let's see what just passes...16:54
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openstackgerritSorin Sbarnea proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: configure-mirrors: add support for centos-8
clarkbralonsoh: I think the issue is they are compressed16:56
openstackgerritMerged openstack/project-config master: Add gerrit-related projects to zuul tenant
ralonsohclarkb, but I don't understand, should be the same for downloading, shouldn't it?16:57
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clarkbralonsoh: in order to crawl the html wget must be able to find urls in the returned content. If that content is compressed and wget doesn't know how to decompress it then it cannot find those urls16:59
clarkbralonsoh: supposedly new wget knows how to decompress, but I'm not having any luck getting it to work yet16:59
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openstackgerritSorin Sbarnea proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: configure-mirrors: fix mirror_fqdn variable
clarkbralonsoh: ah I see that is an older job so everything is deflate encoded and wget supposedly only knows gzip17:02
clarkblet me try it on a more recent job17:02
AJaegercorvus: sorry, wasn't aware that pike and queens were not done ;(17:02
clarkbralonsoh: ya that works17:03
ralonsohclarkb, so I can't download all jobs17:03
clarkbralonsoh: wget --compression=gzip --mirror $URL17:03
clarkbralonsoh: we updated the compression type last friday17:03
ralonsohahhhh ok17:03
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clarkbjobs that have run since then should work if you use the above command and have wget 1.19.2 and newer (I think)17:04
openstackgerritMohammed Naser proposed opendev/gear master: Add BSD/Darwin support.
clarkbmnaser: fyi rebasing isn't necessary to get the doc build fixes17:05
clarkbmnaser: once the doc build fixes merge you can simply recheck older changes17:06
mnaserclarkb: yeah i figured i'd do that earlier because that patch is +W'd anyways17:06
mnaserjust to get a result faster, unless that has some other implication i dont know about :)17:06
clarkbrebasing like that removes all votes17:06
clarkbit isn't +W'd17:07
mnaseruh thats' weird17:07
clarkbit also dirties the review history (inter patchset diffs in particular)17:07
mnaseri could swear i've rebased without these disappearing17:07
mnasersorry about that then :) i'll avoid that in the future17:07
openstackgerritSorin Sbarnea proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: config-mirrors: Consolidate dnf/yum handler
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/system-config master: Expose volumes for the gerrit hooks, static and tmp dirs
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/system-config master: Add jobs to build gerrit master branch
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/system-config master: Add checks plugin to gerrit master build
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fungi#status log moved /afs/* to /root/tmp/ on and invoked reprepro-mirror-update for debian in a root screen session17:12
openstackstatusfungi: finished logging17:12
clarkbfungi: did you remove the vos release?17:13
clarkb(good chance that will timeout)17:13
openstackgerritMerged opendev/gear master: Fix documentation builds
mordredcorvus, clarkb, fungi: there's patches to get us master builds of gerrit, as well as adding checks plugins. I stacked them on top of two other gerrit images patches that are ready to go - mostly as a motivation to get those landed :)17:13
fungiclarkb: i didn't remove packages, just indices17:13
fungiso hopefully it won't take long17:13
clarkbfungi: ah17:13
fungii want to see if it generates all new indices, and how they compare to the ones i moved out of the way17:14
clarkbfungi: ++17:14
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fungiclarkb: so this is interesting...17:20
fungiit finished, but created no dists directories at all for buster:
mordredmaybe buster doesn't actually exist17:21
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clarkbthat contiues to match previously observed behavior (no package index updates)17:22
clarkbdoes it exit 0 ?17:22
AJaegermnaser: I pushed all the other opensuse 42.3 changes, could you approve (or ask the ansible team to) those that pass, please? See
jrosserAJaeger: I can keep an eye on those17:24
AJaegerjrosser: thanks!17:24
AJaegerjrosser: mnaser started already, so better coordinate. Thanks to both of you!17:24
fungiclarkb: yep, and proceeds with the vos release17:24
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mnaserAJaeger: im totally ok with force merging those before ci runs17:27
mnaseri am doing a second eye on them17:27
AJaegermnaser: thanks - all depends on whether an infra-root has time for force merge the rest17:28
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AJaegermnaser: I would merge those without force that pass...17:28
openstackgerritMerged openstack/project-config master: Move gear to opendev tenant
fungiclarkb: i've tried moving the base-files buster packages out of the pool now to see if reprepro will replace them17:31
fungiduring the "Checking state of mirror" phase it spots them as absent17:33
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clarkbhow would it know they aren't absent without indexes?17:33
clarkbis it doing that check against upstream's package list?17:33
fungii think so17:33
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fungii must really not understand how reprepro is supposed to work. it didn't replace the missing files17:39
jrosserfungi: if you have an example command I have storage and bandwidth to try it out in a different environment17:46
fungijrosser: well, we have a wrapper script and a pile of conffiles to go with them, so i'm still teasing all that apart17:47
fungibut i appreciate the offer, will let you know if it's worth trying17:47
jrossersure, no problem17:47
AJaegerjrosser: could you review , please? That one is still open...17:48
fungithe reprepro manpage mentions a lockfile and a database, but doesn't indicate where it stores them by default (and we don't seem to override it as far as i can see) so i'm trying to track those down now17:48
jrosserAJaeger: done17:50
fungiaha, they're written to the base path for the target mirror17:50
fungiso /afs/
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fungiooh, i just noticed that our reprepro config has both stretch and buster listed as "Suite: stable" when the former should be "Suite: oldstable" now17:53
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fungitrying a quick manual edit to see if that gets things moving again17:55
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/system-config master: Expose volumes for the gerrit hooks, static and tmp dirs
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/system-config master: Add jobs to build gerrit master branch
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/system-config master: Add checks plugin to gerrit master build
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/system-config master: Use bazel 1.0.0
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mordredcorvus: bazel 1.0.0 is out now ^^17:59
corvusmordred: is the bazel release why the jobs failed?17:59
mordredcorvus: yup!18:00
corvuscool, was just about to start digging into that, glad i don't have to :)18:00
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corvusmordred: qq on 678875 -- we don't need *volume* stanzas to bind-mount stuff in -- so why should we make volumes there?18:01
corvusmordred: i grok tmp -- that's for gerrit to write semi-persistent state to (weirdly named though it is)18:01
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corvusmordred: and 'stable-master' does not exist  :)  <insert project-is-not-gated-by-zuul joke here>18:12
fungi#status log moved /afs/ to /root/tmp/ on and invoked reprepro-mirror-update for debian in a root screen session18:15
openstackstatusfungi: finished logging18:15
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clarkbfungi: that is with the stable vs oldstable fix?18:16
fungiclarkb: yeah, just tweaking the suite name doesn't seem to have made any difference, but now that i know it keeps state in a database i'm going to see what it does when there's no previous database18:17
fungiseems the reason the check subcommand reports the package missing when i remove it is that it has record of already downloading it18:18
AJaegerthanks, jrosser18:19
fungiso doesn't redownload it, just complains18:19
clarkbfungi: db may be the culprit then18:23
fungithat's what i'm hoping anyway18:25
* SpamapS would like to reiterate that alpine's dev process ~18 months ago was absolutely terrifying opaque, and I don't think I'll ever trust them to fix it.18:27
SpamapSterrifyingly I guess18:27
AJaegerZuul is complaining in openstack tenant about " Unknown project opendev/gear" - did we change config?18:28
SpamapSIMO, they do not know how to scale that community, they don't know how to be transparent about how to help, and while I can understand maybe there's some issues with glibc, musl isn't enough reason to just start blindly trusting a bunch of peeps who have no idea how to vet devs on the internet.18:28
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clarkbAJaeger: I'm guessing some other config was missed (maybe required-projects listing?)18:29
AJaegerthanks, clarkb ! corvus, will you add gear back to openstack so that requireed-project works? ^18:29
AJaegerclarkb: agreed!18:29
AJaegercorvus: or shall I?18:29
AJaegercorvus: I'll do it...18:30
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corvusAJaeger: thanks -- we should just add it with "include: []"18:31
corvuspabelanger: you may want to move windmill to the opendev tenant :)18:32
AJaegercorvus: agreed18:32
AJaegercorvus, clarkb ^18:32
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/project-config master: Add gear to openstack for required-projects
AJaegertoo fast ^18:32
corvusAJaeger: +318:33
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed opendev/elastic-recheck master: Add query for cirros guest dhcp lease fail bug 1848078
openstackbug 1848078 in OpenStack-Gate "ssh fails in tempest runs when guest dhcp lease fails" [Undecided,Confirmed]
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed zuul/zuul master: Don't install zuul in the bindep tox testenv
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openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed zuul/zuul master: Add nodesets API route
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed opendev/elastic-recheck master: Remove old queries: 2019-10-14
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/project-config master: Add gear to openstack for required-projects
clarkbfungi: is it still going? I Guess it has to redo everything without its db?19:08
fungistill going19:08
openstackgerritMerged opendev/elastic-recheck master: Add query for cirros guest dhcp lease fail bug 1848078
openstackbug 1848078 in OpenStack-Gate "ssh fails in tempest runs when guest dhcp lease fails" [Undecided,Confirmed]
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed zuul/zuul master: Extract an abstract base Parser class
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AJaegerI'm still seeing the windmill errors on gear after 688530 merged - was my change wrong?
AJaegeror does it take that much longer for Zuul to figure it out?19:15
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fungiAJaeger: changes to tenant configuration don't take effect immediately on merge19:18
AJaegerfungi: ah! thanks19:19
fungirequires a full reconfigure triggered by configuration management19:19
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AJaegerthat explains it19:19
AJaegercorvus: looks like around 20 changes might need force merge, see - some still in the queue...19:20
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openstackgerritMerged zuul/nodepool master: Fix typo in port-cleanup-interval description
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AJaegercorvus: 22 config errors...19:46
AJaegerfungi: reconfigured got triggered19:46
corvusAJaeger: we can revert the change that removed the osa job defs, or force-merge removals19:48
AJaegercorvus: so out of those 50 changes, more than half passed and merged, so I propose to force move the rest...19:51
AJaeger... passed and merged19:51
corvusAJaeger: so you want to force-merge all of these?
AJaegercorvus: there're a few (have no zuul votes) that are in gate right now, so I would not force-merge those. But yes, for the rest. Hope that is it (I fear it's not)19:53
corvushrm.  i didn't really mean to sign up for this19:54
AJaegerthere're two in the gate19:54
corvusi'd rather just revert the change that broke the config19:54
AJaegerany other infra-root that can help? Or what should be done?19:54
corvusi believe this revert will fix the config errors:
corvusi plan to force-merge that unless another infra-root wants to take over pulling on this thread19:55
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clarkbthe pulling required is force merging updates to osa on stable branches?19:56
corvusclarkb: that's the current assumption -- see "Hope that is it (I fear it's not)" from AJaeger earlier19:56
corvusclarkb: also, some bifrost19:56
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clarkbI can help after lunch19:57
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clarkbI expect if we dont force merge we'll nevermerge the changes (and be stuck with 423?)19:58
corvushonestly, i think even if someone wants to continue pulling on the thread, we should revert the change that removed the osa jobs -- we should be able to verify it's ready19:58
corvusso i'm going to do that19:58
corvusAJaeger, clarkb: i merged -- that should reduce the list of zuul errors, then someone can propose a revert-revert of that to see if we've caught all the uses.19:59
AJaegercorvus: so, revert-revert with depends-on?20:00
corvusAJaeger: when the ones in gate have merged, why don't you let us know, maybe clarkb and i can split the force-merging.20:00
AJaegercorvus: will do, thanks20:00
corvusAJaeger: maybe don't set a depends-on if we're going to force merge.  that's probably how we got into this in the first place.20:00
AJaegercorvus: then I won't be able to see whether all is in, or will I?20:01
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corvusAJaeger: depends on what you want to do.  at any rate, we should not force-merge a change like because the depends-on masks errors20:02
corvusAJaeger: so use depends-on if you want to check that you've got everything, but remove them if you want us to force-merge the change itself.  better yet is if we don't need to force-merge that one.20:03
AJaegercorvus: ok20:03
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Remove legacy-opensuse-423 nodeset
AJaegercorvus: looks good now - and 688441 is the second sanity-check ;)20:12
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/system-config master: Add jobs to build gerrit master branch
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/system-config master: Add checks plugin to gerrit master build
mordredare our puppet ci jobs just broken?20:14
mordredall of the docker patches are failing them20:15
mordred"Gem::InstallError: dry-inflector requires Ruby version >= 2.4."20:15
AJaegermmh, "This change depends on a change with an invalid configuration." - I don't understand why in 688553 ;(20:15
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clarkbmordred: you'll need to pin that gem in the puppet helper lib20:15
mordredclarkb: "neat"20:16
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Remove legacy-opensuse-423 nodeset
AJaegercorvus: I removed the depends-on and did not include the change in the goodbye_42.3 list20:17
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AJaegerclarkb, corvus, so looks good to force-merge now, changes are either merged or failed without a depends-on.20:19
fungimordred: i just did something similar for another lib last week, in infra-spec-helper20:19
clarkbAJaeger: k, I'm finished with lunch now and will start reviewing and merging them20:20
fungimordred: stuff is increasingly adding deps on newer ruby than centos-7 provides20:20
AJaegerthanks, clarkb20:20
fungimordred: that said, i wonder whether we even need to run centos-7 jobs for our puppet modules now. we stopped using it to run servers some time ago20:21
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/puppet-openstack_infra_spec_helper master: Pin dry-inflector to <0.2
mordredfungi: I think dropping centos-7 testing is a great idea20:24
mordredI am fairly certain we're not going to deploy another centos-7 machine20:24
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clarkbok I did all the osa changes20:28
clarkbbifrost remains. Did we give a heads up to TheJulia and dtantsur|afk ?20:28
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clarkband does more than just remove 42320:29
clarkbI think we should update ^ to only remove 42320:29
clarkbbut those jobs were never voting anyway so we can force merge them without much consultation I don't think20:30
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AJaegeryes - and dtantsur|afk approved the one that passed and left comment in
mordredfungi: we don't seem to be running these on centos720:30
clarkbAJaeger: oh perfect20:30
fungimordred: oh, what job was it?20:30
AJaegerclarkb: shall I split 677181 ?20:30
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clarkbAJaeger: please20:31
AJaegeron it20:31
mordredfungi: puppet-beaker-rspec-puppet-4-infra-system-config and openstackci-beaker-puppet-420:31
mordredfungi: on xenial20:31
mordredso I think the pin is the answer here now20:32
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/system-config master: Use bazel 1.0.0
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/system-config master: Expose volumes for the gerrit hooks, static and tmp dirs
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/system-config master: Add jobs to build gerrit master branch
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/system-config master: Add checks plugin to gerrit master build
fungimordred: got it. in that case is the one i did last week20:33
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fungithe failures i was seeing were in puppet-beaker-rspec-puppet-4-centos-7-infra and legacy-puppet-syntax-4-centos-720:34
fungimaybe we're just missing some cleanup of those jobs in various places20:34
clarkbheh shade apparently runs one of these 423 jobs20:36
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AJaegeryeah, next one...20:37
clarkb needs to be updated to use 15 instead of 15020:38
clarkbbut I think that is the only 423 case in shade20:38
clarkbmordred: is shade even active anymore?20:38
AJaegermordred: is the shade change, please review20:38
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack/project-config master: Stop running centos-7 puppet jobs
AJaegerclarkb: I leave 150->150 for another time20:39
clarkbAJaeger: wfm20:40
clarkbmordred: left a comment on the puppet jobs change20:40
clarkbmordred: and for the shade change should I be force merging that one too?20:40
mordredclarkb: no - I think we should be able to just merge it20:41
mordred+A on the shade change20:41
clarkbI'm curious why shade would care about that job20:41
clarkbif bifrost works on suse or centos or ubuntu shouldn't really matter to shade20:42
mordredclarkb: because bifrost uses ansible modules which use shade ... oh - hrm, *shrug*?20:42
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AJaegerclarkb: let's do the rest tomorrow if needed and first finish the runs...20:42
clarkbright but that isn't platform specific20:43
AJaegerjrosser: could you +2A as well, please?20:43
AJaegerclarkb, thanks a lot for the force-merges.20:43
mordredclarkb: why not remove centos-7 from puppet-yum?20:44
clarkbmordred: because its the only platform that puppet-yum makes sense on?20:44
mordredjust because it's more general purpose?20:44
mordredclarkb: maybe we should just retire puppet-yum then?20:44
clarkbthat may be the correct thing to do20:44
mordredI'll make a patch20:44
openstackgerritMerged zuul/zuul master: Don't install zuul in the bindep tox testenv
AJaegerwow, is passing - clarkb, corvus, one step forward ;)20:46
clarkbmordred: asking about the shade + platform thing because maybe for suse150 we just remove that job entirely20:46
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clarkbthen let the generic tinyipa job catch it (and that job can update its platform ovr time automagically (from shade's perspective)20:47
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack/project-config master: Retire puppet-yum - remove gate jobs
AJaegerclarkb: like ?20:48
AJaegermordred: ^20:48
AJaegerif that's the case, we can remove from master as well...20:48
AJaegeror keep bifrost-integration-tinyipa-opensuse-15 there...20:48
clarkbAJaeger: I think that was a mispaste20:49
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/puppet-yum master: Retire puppet-yum
AJaegerclarkb: needs force-merge as well20:49
AJaegerclarkb: is the one I wanted20:49
mordredclarkb: wfm re: shade+platform20:50
clarkb558 is done20:50
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corvusAJaeger, clarkb: clarkb seems to have gotten the force-merges -- need anything from me?20:50
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clarkbcorvus: at this point I think we are just waiting for shade to merge it fix, then we can figure out landing the bifrost fix20:52
clarkbthen we can recheck the chagne to remove the nodeset20:52
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AJaegercorvus: clarkb did a great job ;)20:53
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack/project-config master: Finish retiring puppet-yum
AJaegerso, looks fine so far in the queue - if Zuul throws no config error, it can merge as well...20:54
AJaeger(that's the revert-revert of the ansible-test change)20:54
mordredclarkb, AJaeger: I think that ^^ is th sequence to retire puppet-yum20:54
clarkbmordred: as a sanity check yum::mirror and yum::repo don't appear to be used anywhere20:55
AJaegermordred: will check tomorrow - calling it a day in a few minutes...20:55
clarkbbut codesearching for the yum class is a bit more difficult :)20:55
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Stop running legacy puppet4 centos-7 jobs
clarkb*%5C.pp&repos= looks ok though so I am pretty sure we can clean it up20:56
* AJaeger waves good night20:56
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mordredclarkb: nope - not used20:57
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AJaegerclarkb: could merge as well20:57
clarkbAJaeger: should we approve that one after we remove the nodeset successfully?20:58
mordredAJaeger, clarkb:
mordredforwhen you have a moment20:59
mordredgood night AJaeger!20:59
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Remove legacy-opensuse-423 nodeset
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* clarkb is very carefully applying votes to changes that shouldn't be force merged21:06
clarkbmaybe I should just remove my perms for now21:06
clarkbmordred: see comment from me (and I assume that is why ci failed too) on
openstackgerritMerged opendev/project-config master: Remove third-party-check pipeline
clarkbcorvus: ^ fyi21:19
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corvuscool, i think that means we're ready to run the job once we get that sorted21:20
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed opendev/gear master: Add in-repo zuul config
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/diskimage-builder master: centos7; use numeric DIB_RELEASE
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: install-kubernetes: add support for cri-o runtime
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed opendev/gear master: Add in-repo zuul config
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corvusmordred: i was thinking -- since we want to test changes to the checks plugin, maybe we don't want to build a whole new gerrit master image with the checks plugin installed -- maybe we want to take the most recent gerrit master image, whether that's opendev or upstream, and then build only the checks plugin and install it.  that way the job is faster22:19
corvusmordred: (it takes like 5 seconds to build the checks plugin standalone)22:19
corvusmordred: also could use a +3 when you get a sec  (cc mnaser -- looks like you can rebase on that and we're gtg)22:21
mordredcorvus: that seems reasonable - but don't you need the built source for gerrit to build an out of tree plugin?22:21
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: [dnm] testing dnf copr repo for f30 build
corvusmordred: hrm... i think you need the source -- does it need to be built?22:21
mordredcorvus: I do not know the answer to that22:22
mordredcorvus: one of the reasons I opted for the in-tree build is because I found out of tree build instructions confuing :)22:22
corvusmordred: i want to say when i tested it locally, i built only the checks plugin and splatted it into the upstream container image22:23
mordredcorvus: cool.22:23
corvusmordred: no, i think i'm wrong... i think i built the whole thing22:24
corvusit's confusing... i am scrolling through about 300 bazel commands in 'history'22:24
mordredcorvus: I mean - we could *also* tag the builder image we use to build gerrit22:25
corvuslines 509--667 in my history are "attempt to build the checks plugin"22:25
mordredcorvus: and use that as the base to build a plugin22:25
corvusmordred: i'm going to go with "unclear" as the answer to whether the full built source is necessary :)22:26
mordredk - well - I'll play with some options22:26
corvusmordred: k -- if it is necessary, i think i like "tag the builder image" as a solution -- because i think the goal of "build the plugin quickly" is a good one22:26
mordredand tag the builder image isn't that terrible - and doesn't impact our final images22:27
corvusmordred: i'll also see if i can't figure out somethig better than "unclear" to the question above22:27
openstackgerritMerged opendev/gear master: Add in-repo zuul config
fungiheads up, pip 19.3 release announcement just hit distutils-sig:
fungidoesn't look especially hairy though22:27
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fungiclarkb: i've learned about the NO_TIMEOUT envvar for our reprepro wrapper. didn't notice there was a baked-in 90-minute timeout22:31
fungibut at least we provided a toggle22:32
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack/project-config master: Finish retiring puppet-yum
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corvusmordred: i think it might work with only a source checkout.  maybe it's worth making a job that inherits from gerrit-master, adds the checks plugin source, then runs "bazel build plugins/checks:checks" to see?22:41
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clarkbcorvus: should be safe to merge now right?23:01
clarkbit actually runs tests now instead of the zuul complaints23:01
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corvusclarkb: force-merge?  yes, i think so.23:02
clarkbI'll do that now. bifrost is close to getting there too23:02
clarkbthen we can rever revert the ndoeset removal23:02
clarkbdo you know if that change exists yet?23:03
corvusclarkb: did we merge that one?23:03
clarkb(or maybe we never merged the first removal?)23:03
clarkbah ok probably never merged the removal in the first place then23:03
corvusyeah, it was the change you're asking about that's the revert-revert of the thing that broke lots of config23:03
clarkbok that force merge is done. I'll force merge the bifrost change as soon as it reports back to gerrit (so that we have a record of jobs not working on stable/stein there)23:04
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clarkbthen we should be able to land the nodeset removal normall23:05
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clarkbbifrost should be done now and I've rechecked the nodeset removal change23:26
clarkb needs to be merged (another OSA project/branch with 423 jobs)23:30
clarkbcorvus: fungi ^ maybe one of you want to force merge that if it fails testing since I pushed it up23:30
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clarkboh I needed to restart nodepool launchers to pick up that DELETED status handling /me makes note to do that tomorrow23:42
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clarkbmnaser: jrosser passes testing. If we could get that reviewed and approved through normal channels that would be great23:58
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