Friday, 2019-11-01

mordredianw: cool!00:00
mordredianw, Shrews: I think this might be one of these cases of us needing to learn to be systemd native even though systemd is an abomination because the wrapper things cause systemd to get really confused00:00
Shrewsmordred: for nodepool, i always just invoke the /etc/init.d scripts directly because of all of the suck00:01
mordredand - by systemd native - I mean I'm looking forward to deploying zuul in docker00:01
ianw20369 write(2, "Traceback (most recent call last"..., 1469) = 146900:01
ianwthere's something going on ...00:01
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mordredianw: journalctl -u zuul-executor00:03
mordredshows a tracevback00:03
mordredianw: ConnectionRefusedError: [Errno 111] Connection refused00:03
mordredoh - that's for stop00:03
ianwPermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denined something?00:05
clarkbianw: that may be when it tries to clean up the old build dirs00:06
clarkbit will do that on startup as any that remain on start were leaked from a previous run, but maybe permissions are breaking that somehow?00:07
clarkboh wait its in the copy ansible files code path00:07
clarkblikely something else then00:07
mordredis this a root vs. zuul user issue? ianw - are you running the start as root?00:07
ianwahh, yes i ran the "-d" start as root00:07
mordredand -d doesn't fork into the background so doesn't downgrade to zuul user right?00:08
ianwno ... ok, let me clear out build dirs00:09
mordredwhich just means we need to chown that dir I guess00:09
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ianwarrgh, it's running now00:12
ianwno it's not00:12
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ianwok, i chown'd /var/lib/zuul bits and it seems to be working onw00:17
ianwwhat a nightmare!00:17
mordredianw: cool. is this with the os.environ removal?00:17
mordredor with the SafeConfigParser?00:17
ianwumm, yeah, it would be00:17
ianwi can stop it, remove that, and see if it fails to start00:17
mordredcool. if so - then let's land the revert and we can figure out the right way to revert-revert - as well as a test case that should be added to show the error00:18
ianwdefinitely i think it's unsafe from command line00:18
ianw(even modulo me doing it as root)00:18
ianwi've put back in the os.environ, waiting for it to stop00:20
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed zuul/zuul master: Revert "Revert "Add the process environment to zuul.conf parser""
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mordredianw, clarkb: there's a revert revert with the HISTTIMEFORMAT env var added to the test case so we remember what the issue was00:21
mordredShrews: it's failing build-image because of the issue you were digging in to I suppose?00:22
ianwmordred: it seems to be running00:23
ianwi think the post-mortem here is: i stopped service, but systemd didn't think it was stopped (?)00:23
ianwi tried starting service, systemd didn't report an error, just 000:23
ianwi ran executor with -d from root command line00:23
ianwthis exposed the os.environ parsing issue ... and screwed up permissions on disk00:24
mordredyeah. I think that's right00:24
ianwmordred pointed out i should try stopping it again, i did, systemd now figured it was stopped and tried to start it00:24
Shrewsmordred: probably. the image jobs are totally borked00:24
ianwthen we hit permissions errors ... which aren't logged anywhere useful AFAICS (probably the daemon reload stuff i haven't go around to yet)00:25
ianwi cleared out the bad things now written as root, and it seem to be back00:25
ianw... and that's the story of ze0900:25
mordredShrews: zomg. I think that patch is broken because it can't run the non-speculative buildset registry that's needed to test the speculartive buildset registry00:26
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Shrewsmordred: that digging made my head hurt00:26
Shrewsas does your summary00:27
mordredShrews: so - I think we're going to need to force-merge that patch - but let me depends-on the os.environ revert patch on it and see if that shows that it fixes it00:27
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed zuul/zuul master: Revert "Add the process environment to zuul.conf parser"
Shrewsmordred: I don’t understand how everything broke all of a sudden00:28
mordredShrews: me either00:29
mordredShrews: althoguh to be fair the concept of a buildset registry that handles speculative docker image that is run from docker images that may or may not be speculative docker images is a bit mind-bending00:30
ShrewsI might need more alcohol to process that statement00:32
mordredShrews: nope. depends-on is not showing that the fix works. however - I don't think that job can be *more* broken - so I think force-merging might be in order00:35
mordredianw, clarkb: change in question is - thoughts on force-merge?00:36
ianwLGTM, seems like a better check00:37
Shrewsmordred: that patch definitely fixes something (because of the 'auto' interpreter stuff)00:37
ianwi have to run to an appointment, will restart ze12 later for finger00:38
mordredShrews: oh - yeah - and this broke because the auto change is a change that happened outside of jobs00:38
openstackgerritMerged zuul/zuul-jobs master: run-buildset-registry: Fix python version check
Shrewsmordred: does the zuul-jobs-test-registry-buildset-registry use some sort of evil recursion that i'm as-of-yet unaware of? because it fixed the other job00:39
mordredShrews: yeah - I think from reading it it runs a registry non-speculatively so that it can get the images needed to run a speculative registry00:39
mordredShrews:       This runs two registries: a real buildset registry so that we00:40
mordred      can receive speculative zuul-registry images, and a fake00:40
mordred      buildset registry (running the speculative or latest00:40
mordred      zuul-registry) that is used to test using the buildset registry00:40
mordred      role.00:40
Shrewsoooh, so the 'real' one remained broke, i guess00:40
mordredyeah. that's my theory00:41
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed zuul/zuul master: Revert "Add the process environment to zuul.conf parser"
mordredShrews: if that's accurate, then this ^^ should work with build-images00:41
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mordredShrews: if not - we should see lovely additional errors00:43
Shrewsmordred: so glad you're just starting your day. i expect smooth sailing when i begin mine  :)00:44
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/system-config master: Plumb through secure.config contents
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Shrewszuul-build-image job must be on a fingerless executor  :(00:56
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mordredShrews: yeah - but ... it hasn't immediately failed and gone into a retry loop01:04
mordredShrews: so - you know - that's promising01:04
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Shrewsmordred: the failure was usually deep into the job01:05
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fungii think only ze12 should be lacking a finger server at the moment (unless another has popped in the last few hours)01:07
fungiyour luck is terrible ;)01:07
Shrewsi've come to expect such things, really01:08
mordredShrews: it worked01:08
Shrewsit paused... i guess that means success01:08
mordredthe job is paused now - that means it got through what it needed to for quick-start01:08
Shrewsi will now away from the computer things to watch football things01:09
mordredShrews, ianw, fungi:
mordredif you feel like putting a +2 on that - I can get it landed so that ianw can restart executors01:09
Shrewsdid so01:09
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed zuul/zuul master: Revert "Revert "Add the process environment to zuul.conf parser""
mordredfungi: that's the followup revert-revert that has the relevant failure case added to the test suite01:12
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fungiwhy is there a verified -1 from zuul on it when zuul hasn't commented on the last two patchsets?01:14
fungishouldn't they have cleared existing verified votes?01:14
mordredwell - the two changes were just commit message changes01:15
mordredso I think it doesn't clear -1s from those?01:15
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fungimaybe not if we've configured the zuul/zuul repo for that behavior01:16
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fungiso anyway, the failure there is the one fixed by 692400?01:17
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fungiguess we'll know shortly01:17
Shrewsfungi: yes01:23
mordredShrews: we fixed something01:27
mordredShrews: and by we, I mean you01:27
Shrewsmordred: something something blind squirrel something something01:30
fungia nod's as good as a wink to a blind squirrel?01:34
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mordredthe secure.config patch is green02:07
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mordredianw, fungi, Shrews: is green - and I've run it against review-dev02:07
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openstackgerritMerged zuul/zuul master: Revert "Add the process environment to zuul.conf parser"
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mordredianw: zuul executors should be safe to pull and restart as neeeded02:29
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ianwsorry, back, can do ze1202:52
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ianwok, that one went a lot smoother!03:01
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mordredianw: sadly, the test change I added in the revert revert did not fail:
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ianwhrm, i hate it when failures don't fail03:45
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mordredianw: I can't get configparser to fail with that error on ze09 in a python repl03:47
mordredwith os.environ having all the things03:47
mordredmaybe the os.environ bit was a red herring and it was all somehow related to systemd?03:48
ianwhrm, this was pretty repeatable with "zuul-executor -d" on the command line ...03:48
ianwas root ... which i wouldn't recommend trying03:48
mordredianw: I kind of want to shut down one of the executors and poke some - it's slow at this time so that shouldn't be disruptive, right?03:52
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ianwmordred: i think that would be ok, especially if it saves someone else hitting a weird corner :)04:19
mordredkk. I'm going to take 09 back out04:22
mordredianw: neither systemctl stop nor /etc/init.d/zuul-executor seem to have been able to stop it04:23
ianwok ... maybe i'm not crazy!?04:24
mordredianw: also - WOW there are a lot of ssh-agent processes04:25
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: upload-logs-swift: Create a download script
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: upload-logs-swift: Add a unicode file
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: test-upload-logs-swift: Add missing template for test
ianwmordred: did you manually clear them or did they disappear?04:27
mordredianw: I cleared them since z-e was down anyway04:29
mordredianw: good news is - I have reproduced the issue you were seeing04:30
ianwmordred: excellent!  and i like that sentence didn't end with a "but" :)04:31
ianw(so far, anyway :)04:31
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mordredianw: I have a reproduction script in /home/zuul/repro.py04:33
mordrednow to see if I can get a zuul test case to reproduce properly04:34
ianwthere is a related bug
ianwi think it falls in the crack of bug or feature, though04:35
ianwin that case, related to having a % in the virtualenv path04:36
ianw(not sure i want to ask why *that* was a problem ... but anyway)04:36
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mordredianw: ahhhh - the testcase doesn't work because it's only doing the readConfig set04:40
mordredthe error isn't triggered until the config gets *used*04:40
ianwahh, and then expanded, that makes sense i guess04:42
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed zuul/zuul master: Revert "Revert "Add the process environment to zuul.conf parser""
mordredianw: ^^ that should actually show the failure04:46
mordredand - I've restarted the executor on ze0904:48
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openstackgerritMerged zuul/zuul-jobs master: test-upload-logs-swift: Add missing template for test
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: upload-logs-swift: Create a download script
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: upload-logs-swift: Add a unicode file
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: test-swift-log-upload: fix dry_run parameter
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jrosserianw: there was a config parser / % related bug that cropped up in swift when OSA moved it to py307:32
jrosserthere was a fix went in there that allowed the old behaviour to continue rather than require the % to be %%07:33
AJaegerianw: anything new from rax on the quota?07:34
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openstackgerritMerged zuul/zuul-jobs master: test-swift-log-upload: fix dry_run parameter
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openstackgerritMerged zuul/zuul master: Reduce sleep to avoid race conditions
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fricklerianw: AJaeger: I tried to look in the infra-root mbox for the rax ticket, but didn't find anything, where is this being handled?09:00
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ianwAJaeger/fricker: "I have adjusted your server limits you should be able to build again. "09:37
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ianwjhesketh/AJaeger: thanks for reviews on the script stuff; seems to work
ianwcan do some more testing but i think the basics are there09:40
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ianwthe official line also seems to be that the supported way to build images is with xenserver, so i don't think we can expect much input on the qemu-img side of things :/09:42
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AJaegerianw, frickler: Indeed show we use it heavily agan. thanks10:01
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AJaegerianw: regarding download script: What about adding to devstack (or wherever) a script that downloads everything? Give it a review and a job name as parameter...10:03
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed opendev/base-jobs master: Remove opensuse-150 nodeset
AJaegerclarkb: I added some depends-on, and think topic:use-opensuse-15 has all needed patches up now to remove jobs and node definitions10:15
AJaegerclarkb: 6 changes to go - if you abandon your two that are duplicates.10:17
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fungifrickler: yeah, for whatever reason, ticket updates for that account don't go to an alias of the infra-root address (or i would have likely spotted the outage there fairly early)11:08
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tdasilvaclarkb, corvus: hello! any idea why the 0.0.5 release of the nosehtmloutput in pypi dates back to 2013, but on github it says 2017?
tdasilvaI'm running into an issue where doing a pip install is installing some older version and not the one with this fix:
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AJaegertdasilva: indeed, git code shows for 0.0.5 as 2017 tag - see . Something looks wrong here.13:21
AJaegermordred: the tarball on pypi has ownership "mordred/mordred" and was created 2013-08-0813:23
AJaegertdasilva: most folks are travelling right now to the summit, if nobody answers, best to write an email to openstack-infra mailing list with your findings.13:24
tdasilvaAJaeger: oh yeah, good point about OS summit, thanks for the heads up.13:26
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fungitdasilva: it does indeed look like the sdist which was uploaded in 2013 was created at the point where this change merged
fungiwe weren't generating releases of projects automatically on tagging back then, so i'm willing to bet tagging it got overlooked at the time. then years later some fixes merged and we picked tagged the next release in sequence, not realizing an equivalent version had been uploaded to pypi years before13:43
tdasilvafungi, AJaeger: for full context, i'm trying to fix swift's lower-constraints jobs that have been failing this week. Looks like the parent job was changed to run with py3 recently and that started failing our tests.13:43
fungiwe should probably just re-tag it as 0.0.6 or something13:43
tdasilvaso I proposed this patch
tdasilvabut i think it is now failing with that warning from nosehtmloutput13:44
AJaegerfungi: I agree with tagging a 0.0.613:45
tdasilvayep, makes sense13:45
AJaegerpabelanger: are you interested in and friends for windmill or should I abandon? I'll abandon in a few days if I don't hear anything from you...13:47
fungiyeah, here's the discussion when 0.0.5 was tagged:
fungiso almost certainly didn't notice there was already a years-old 0.0.5 on pypi with no corresponding tag in the repo13:48
fungiand subsequently didn't notice when the push to pypi failed (our pypi upload jobs weren't as robust a couple years ago as they are now, and sometimes pypi upload failures went unnoticed)13:49
fungithere's been a new commit for opendev migration merged since the 0.0.5 tag anyway, so i think we should tag the master branch tip instead of re-tagging the same commit as 0.0.513:50
fungialternatively i could re-tag that commit as 0.0.6 to signal there was something screwy there (brief note in the tag message) and then tag master as 0.0.7 for good measure13:51
fungiamotoki: you indicated back in 2017 that you were volunteering to maintain nose-html-output, if you still care about it are you okay with that plan? (re-tag the erroneous 0.0.5 as 0.0.6 with a tag message explaining what happened, and then tag the tip of master as 0.0.7)?13:52
tdasilvafungi: that irc log reminds me we should look into moving to stestr :/13:55
amotokifungi: I didn't care nose-html-output recently as horizon and pluigns succeeded to drop nose usage. I can check if needed.13:56
fungiamotoki: no worries, i suspect swift is the only user now. thanks for responding!13:57
amotoki horizon and plugins now use django test runner as django test cases conflict with testtools13:57
AJaegerfungi: there's no merge since the last tag, so no need for a 0.0.7...13:59
fungiAJaeger: there's one13:59
AJaegerOh, missed it13:59
fungithe opendev migration change is newer than the 0.0.5 tag13:59
fungiso if i'm tagging i may as well tag the branch tip too13:59
fungiinfra-root: if any of you are around, any objections to this plan for nose-html-output (re-tag the erroneous 0.0.5 as 0.0.6 with a tag message explaining what happened, and then tag the tip of master as 0.0.7)?14:00
fungii'd like to get swift's changes un-stuck for them14:01
fungithough also if they're the only remaining stakeholders for that repo it may make sense for them to adopt it from us14:01
fricklerfungi: +1 to both ... or +2 even ;)14:03
tdasilvamaybe starlingx is also using?
fungii wonder if they're using it for an old horizon build or something14:03
tdasilvaeither way, i guess we should really move off of it, i'll put that on swift's todo list14:04
fungimy network access is really flaky from this airport14:04
Shrewsfungi: safe flight14:08
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fungiinfra-root: tdasilva: digging deeper into this, i'm not sure the original plan will work. nose-html-output doesn't use pbr so we need to push changes through review bumping the version in htmloutput/version.py14:29
fungiand then push tags of those once they merge14:29
fungiso i think i'll bump that variable from 0.0.5 to 0.0.714:30
fungiand the 0.0.6 tag can still be a re-tagging of the 0.0.5 tag14:30
fungibut there won't be a 0.0.6 sdist on pypi unless we manually make one14:30
tdasilvafungi: oic, maybe just tag master to 0.0.6?14:31
fungiwell, we still need to merge a change for that first14:31
fungiversioning is done in repository file content there, not with tags14:31
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tdasilvaright, i meant as opposed to not having a 0.0.6 version on pypi14:32
fungii'm not really worried about 0.0.6 missing from pypi as long as we get something newer than 0.0.5 published14:32
tdasilvawould you like me to propose the patch and you can approve?14:32
tdasilvai'm assuming infra is core?14:32
fungiyeah, i think we should burn 0.0.6 since the 0.0.5 tag was really for 0.0.6, and jump straight to 0.0.7. and yes happy to approve that change if you propose it, i think infra-core is still part of the core reviewer group on that repo14:34
fungiconfirmed, infra-core has approval and tagging access for that repo14:36
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openstackgerritThiago da Silva proposed openstack/nose-html-output master: Bump version to 0.0.7
tdasilvafungi: ^^14:45
fungi#status log re-tagged openstack/nose-html-output 0.0.5 as 0.0.6 with detailed tag message14:49
openstackstatusfungi: finished logging14:49
openstackgerritMerged openstack/nose-html-output master: Bump version to 0.0.7
sgwMorning folks, not sure who is around and who is traveling, I had a question about PBR and tagging yesterday evening.14:52
sgwAJaeger: smcginnis: Monty suggested I check with you guys maybe14:53
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fungi#status log tagged openstack/nose-html-output 0.0.7 release15:01
openstackstatusfungi: finished logging15:01
fungitdasilva: infra-root: ^15:01
clarkbre nose-html-output we tried really really hard back in ~2013 to get everyone off nose15:01
fungii'll check back in on my layover and see if we need a manually-built sdist for that uploaded15:01
clarkband we basically succeeded with the exception of horizon and swift15:02
fungibut boarding now15:02
clarkbI personally have no interest in supporting the tooling since the whole reason for not supporting it was the pain15:02
clarkband why we invested in not using nose15:02
clarkbbut if horizon and swift are still using nose I think we can happily give them control of the tool15:02
tdasilvafungi: thank you!!! have a safe flight15:02
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clarkbfungi: I'll see you in ~18 hours?15:04
tdasilvaclarkb: IMO it makes more sense to have swift move to stestr, i'll bring it up to the rest of the community15:04
clarkbtdasilva: that works too. Mostly wanted to point out that I have no objections to letting other people mangae that toolchain if they rely on it15:05
clarkband now I've got to start heading towards the airport myself15:07
tdasilvaclarkb: gotcha, have a safe flight too, hope you all enjoy the summit15:08
fungiclarkb: yep, waiting to take off for atlanta and then have a couple hours there before my shanghai connection15:09
fungisafe travels!15:09
fungithanks tdasilva!15:10
mriedemclarkb: i must be an idiot but i don't understand the interface to
mriedemi have
mriedembut what do i drag and drop ?15:13
fungitdasilva: shows a 0.0.7 sdist and wheel, so probably all set but let us know if that breaks15:13
tdasilvafungi: yep, testing that now15:14
tdasilvafungi: many thanks15:14
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fungisorry for the 6-year old and 2-year-old oversights which led to that15:15
mriedemclarkb: nevermind, i figured it out15:16
mriedemi'm a super smart professional15:16
fungisgw: i may be able to dig into your question once i get to my next layover. saw it in scrollback yesterday, not sure i'll have an answer but can at least try to reproduce and see if i can identify the behavior differences15:17
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fungisgw: reviewing your problem statement, you don't seem to specify which versions of pbr were had differing behaviors15:20
sgwfungi: thanks, I tried digging into it a little that's why I ended up asking.  I have a feeling it has something to do with branching and where the tags reside on which branch15:21
sgwSorry, the datever is from 3.1.1 and the semver is 4.2.0 (1.999.999.rc1.dev5).15:23
fungiand this is with the master branch checked out, or another branch?15:23
fungisgw: oh! i see it15:24
fungiyour newer tag has a "v" prefix15:24
fungipbr only fairly recently grew the ability to treat vX.Y.Z... tags as the same as X.Y.Z...15:25
sgwyes master of fault, yes 'v', although the 2.0.1 is the latest but it's on the r/stx.2.0 branch15:25
fungiso i'm willing to bet 3.1.1 ignores v-tags as not being version numbers15:25
fungianyway, taking off, i have to disconnect. anyway i'd put money on that being the difference15:25
fungiup, up and /away!15:25
sgwfair enough, we can use the constraints to get 4.2, safe travels!15:26
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AJaegersgw: sorry, cannot help with pbr15:47
sgwAJaeger: thanks, other folks are looking, I am going to continue to dig.15:47
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clarkbmriedem_feeds: ya the ui is bad :(16:21
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fungimade it to atlanta. boarding shanghai flight in an hour if there's anything else which needs looking at17:09
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mriedemfungi: i have this one mole that could be a problem...17:34
fungiprobably best if you just get rid of all your skin17:36
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Shrewsfungi: my favorite part about ATL is I always have to traverse the entire airport to get to my next gate17:41
Shrewsand by "my favorite" i mean "the worst"17:41
fungiyep, a->f this layover, so... *almost* the entire airport17:43
fungionly t->f would have been farther17:43
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fungistill, it's got nothing on a gatwick->heathrow layover. those get miserable17:45
Shrewsdid that once too. i think the bus ride between the two caused enough misery to force me to forget most of it17:46
fungiyeah, i've learned to watch out for those and pick a different itinerary17:48
Shrewsfungi: how long is the next leg of the journey?17:50
fungii'm afraid to look17:55
fungithankfully my boarding pass doesn't say17:56
fungiquick timezone math says 16.5 hours in the air17:59
fungibased on their arrival estimate anyway17:59
fungiinfra-root: if anyone gets a chance to dig into it, i think we might be failing to renew the letsencrypt cert for certcheck complained it expires in 29 days, but i haven't managed to track down where we're logging those renewals18:02
fungimy flight's boarding in a few moments and then i'll be going dark for... well, far too long18:02
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fungiokay, the announcements say my tz math is wrong, only 15.5hrs in the air18:17
rosmaitafungi: safe travels, see you in shanghai ... enjoy your 15.5hrs of airline comfort18:18
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fungii'll do my best to just be unconscious as much of that as i can manage18:26
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed zuul/zuul master: Revert "Revert "Add the process environment to zuul.conf parser""
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