Tuesday, 2020-02-11

fungiopenstack victoria will be targeting ubuntu 20.04 lts, so you'll at least have newer sqlite available next cycle00:00
clarkbright maybe not ubuntu has newer  sqlite00:00
fungicentos 8, opensuse 15...00:00
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clarkbI don't know what the implications of setting atomic to false are either00:01
adriantI do mostly container stuff lately so I rarely run into older versions of things :(00:01
clarkbbut might be an option for testing?00:01
adriantI'm doing that now00:01
adriantmay just be a safe migration to change00:02
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adrianttests running with the new value, but if it does pass then I have to go back and retest against mariadb versions :(00:12
adriantyep, seems to be passing00:13
adriantonwards to mariadb testing00:13
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clarkbfwiw I think a lot of the openstack projects only use sqlite for simple testing, The migrations are never tested against sqlite because people aren't expected to use sqlite in production00:14
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clarkbalso you mentioned containers earlier, nothing prevents you from using containers on our CI system. Though it may be at odds with the project testing interface depending on how you use them00:19
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adriantclarkb: I just set "atomic = False" and it worked, and turns out after some more digging, what that enables is a feature only sqlite and postgres have anyway, so i don't even need to retest on mariadb00:44
adriantand I don't test the migrations on the ci system, they just happen to run to initialise the tests00:44
adriantdjango spins up tmp db to have the code run against00:45
adriantand by default that is sqlite, although it could well point to a mariadb and the tests will initialise the tables as needed00:47
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: afs-release: fix cron job output capture  https://review.opendev.org/70703300:50
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clarkbianw: any idea why https://review.opendev.org/#/c/697589/ the afs role there is failing on centos 8 job?01:05
clarkbseems like the openafs service isn't starting on centos8?01:06
fungiand looks like that may have just started?01:14
fungiwell, "just" in the past couple weeks01:15
clarkbya I assume the test was running successfully previously. But I thought the rpms were pretty carefully managed (and by that I really mean we don't update it much)01:15
fungithe job passed as recently as 2020-01-2801:16
fungiand we don't collect system logs, so hard to know why just from the build results01:18
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ianwsorry, was just eating lunch, looking01:49
ianwwhere is the "install kernel modes" step happening?01:51
clarkbis that dfrom the package?01:52
ianw... interesting, i do not see them in the console view, but see it in the txt output01:52
ianwif i'm reading it right, it only took about 40 seconds on the install kernel modules step; i think that is too short and suggests maybe they didn't build correctly01:54
ianwhttp://zuul.openstack.org/build/bd2e393ff1e340c6a7cdc4af6eaa41af was the last good run01:56
ianwsame kernel according to host info01:57
ianw2020-01-28 20:09:11.533830 | TASK [openafs-client : Install kernel modules]01:57
ianw2020-01-28 20:20:09.390162 | base | changed01:57
ianwthat's more about how long it takes to compile everything01:58
ianwwhen i look at the json https://storage.gra.cloud.ovh.net/v1/AUTH_dcaab5e32b234d56b626f72581e3644c/zuul_opendev_logs_0b4/697589/2/check/system-config-zuul-role-integration-centos-8/0b4f90f/job-output.json01:58
ianw"Install kernel modules" has a start, but no end -- i think this would explain why it's missing from console01:59
ianw... so i think we now have a lot more questions than answers :/02:01
ianwthe install is a call to yum: @ https://opendev.org/opendev/system-config/src/branch/master/roles/openafs-client/tasks/openafs-client/CentOS.yaml#L3102:04
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ianwi think this must be a bug in the yum module somehow that it misses the failure02:09
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clarkbwould dnf ve better here or is that the same thing?02:10
ianwclarkb: jinx, i was just reading that :)02:11
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: openafs-client: use dnf for CentOS 8  https://review.opendev.org/70703702:16
ianwwe need the bare call (not package:) because of the enablerepo02:16
kevinzianw: sure, I see. Thanks, will sort out the image deletion problem in Linaro London02:17
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ianw"Your kernel headers for kernel 4.18.0-147.3.1.el8_1.x86_64 cannot be found at" ... maybe something changed and we're not install header packages on hosts nay more?02:28
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ianw# echo $?02:28
ianwhow nice that it still returns 002:28
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openstackgerritSteve Baker proposed zuul/zuul master: Scheduler: make autohold hold_list configurable  https://review.opendev.org/63249802:31
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openstackgerritMerged opendev/system-config master: afs-release: fix cron job output capture  https://review.opendev.org/70703302:34
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ianwi think our centos8 builds have fallen behind and now there's a new kernel, and ... everything is messed up02:47
clarkboh hrm02:48
ianwit looks like there's stuck yum processes from old builds on nb01 and nb02, and it's prevented new builds02:51
ianwbeen around since feb0902:51
ianwi'm going to reboot the hosts and clear out crap02:51
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ianw#status log rebooted nb01 & nb02 and cleared out tmp directories as yum-based builds were getting stuck on old, unexited dib processes03:22
openstackstatusianw: finished logging03:22
ianwthe problem is that it boots one kernel, then installs "kernel-headers" which is now the new kernel package.  so it can't find the headers for the running kernel03:25
ianwthis should sort itself out with new builds so that everything is consistent03:26
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fungireally? they don't keep multiple versioned kernel-headers packages coinstallable?03:42
fungii don't know how i'd survive if debian didn't do that, what with all the lkm compiling i do against non-live kernel versions before rebooting03:42
fungifor openafs in particular, when i install a new kernel dkms gets called form a post-install hook to build the lkm for the new version so whenever i get around to rebooting it's already installed03:44
fungier, dkms gets called FROM a post-install hook03:44
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ianwi think it's a always use the latest approach, similar to the 8.0 -> 8.1 transition03:57
fungiexcept that requires a reboot, which doesn't happen immediately04:03
fungii guess the bootloader doesn't offer the prior kernel version as a fallback option either?04:03
ianwi think it clears out after the new package goes in?  i don't see the bootloader prompt much!04:14
kevinzianw: image from Linaro-london has been deleted04:15
kevinzianw: ceph issue here in Linaro-london has been fixed04:15
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ianwkevinz: thanks!05:00
ianwkevinz: that seems to have fixed all our leaked nodes; nodepool was blocking trying to delete and not cleaning up, but now it's fixed things are progressing again05:04
ianwi think that should make both the linaro-us and london cloud fully operational now05:05
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: Migrate AFS publishing to mirror-update.opendev.org  https://review.opendev.org/70673105:15
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: Add project.tarballs to periodic AFS release  https://review.opendev.org/70673205:15
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: afs-release: run every 5 minutes  https://review.opendev.org/70706005:15
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mnasermordred: OSA does deploy on el7 but using py2 because some packages like selinux under py3 don’t exist. noonedeadpunk knows a bit more on those details05:53
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openstackgerritMerged zuul/zuul master: Install kubectl/oc into executor container image  https://review.opendev.org/70699506:46
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rm_workdunno if its come up yet, but virtualenv 20.0 released yesterday, and it broke our workflow by using more symlinks rather than copying in system libs like setuptools... makes things less portable :(07:14
rm_workso just an FYI07:14
kevinzianw: Good to hear, thanks for help!07:24
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openstackgerritFelix Schmidt proposed zuul/zuul master: Implement basic github checks API workflow  https://review.opendev.org/70516807:37
zbri can confirm that virtuaenv broke almost everything, even bindep https://dashboard.zuul.ansible.com/t/ansible/build/1e148fb6d2684932a0620d6b23e5909d/console07:37
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fungirm_work: zbr: the case we hit in zuul's testing seems to be solvable by using --seeder=pip in the virtualenv command-line08:09
fungithe default app-data seeder is what does the symlinking08:09
rm_workhmm interesting08:10
rm_worki'll test that08:10
rm_workfor now i pinned it in our CI08:10
zbrfungi: are we talking about the same issue with newer venv or a different one? mine was caused by incompatibility with older six08:12
rm_workyep seeder=pip seems to fix the issue i was looking at, thanks fungi08:13
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fungizbr: the issue with virtualenv 20 symlinking its seed packages into ~/.local/share/08:14
zbrwhat i did not understood is who installs newer virtualenv because if we cannot even do a "virtualenv --help" we are in deep,...08:14
fungimanifests as things like pkg_resources import failures08:15
zbrso gabor found a sneeky way to for us to upgrade the toolchain :D08:15
rm_workwe bundle venvs into RPMs T_T08:15
rm_workso they end up places with broken symlinks08:15
fungithe "good news" is that virtualenv 20 claims to create relocateable environments now08:16
fungiat least per the release notes08:16
fungii haven't tried relocating one yet08:16
rm_workobviously not by default08:16
rm_worksince whatever seeder they use by default does tons of painful symlinking08:17
fungithough *if* the symlinks are canonical and not relative then they're still relocatable on the same system for the same user08:17
fungibut yeah, not exactly my definition of relocateable08:17
rm_workthey claimed to have an option --always-copy08:18
rm_workbut it ... didn't seem to do anything? so maybe i was misunderstanding its purpose08:18
fungigranted it used to be just renaming the directory for a virtualenv would render it broken08:18
zbrfungi: imho https://opendev.org/zuul/zuul-jobs/src/branch/master/roles/bindep/tasks/install.yaml#L12 is now broken08:22
zbrand w/o way to fix it.08:23
zbrbecause I cannot tell ansible to add an extra new parameter when trying to create this virtualenv08:23
zbr... only when virtualenv is >20....08:23
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openstackgerritSorin Sbarnea proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: WIP: Make bindep role compatible with newer virtualenv  https://review.opendev.org/70707808:30
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openstackgerritSorin Sbarnea proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: WIP: Make bindep role compatible with newer virtualenv  https://review.opendev.org/70707808:39
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fricklerftr, devstack at least on stable/rocky seems to be also affected by some related issue https://zuul.opendev.org/t/openstack/build/5ad657e46ca04f73af7fbe1604ab4dc109:13
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openstackgerritMerged zuul/zuul master: Extract allow/disallow filter into util function  https://review.opendev.org/70614409:21
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openstackgerritMatthieu Huin proposed zuul/zuul master: JWT drivers: Deprecate RS256withJWKS, introduce OpenIDConnect  https://review.opendev.org/70197209:30
openstackgerritMatthieu Huin proposed zuul/zuul master: Authorization rules: add templating  https://review.opendev.org/70519309:30
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rm_workyep T_T chaos09:40
openstackgerritNeil Jerram proposed openstack/project-config master: End gating for networking-calico, as retiring project from OpenStack  https://review.opendev.org/70708609:41
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noonedeadpunkfungi: can I ask for another autohold? I'm pretty sure that directory is created and I can't reproduce failure locally.... https://zuul.opendev.org/t/openstack/build/70dca1b262264ec98c5e623892cfa8a1/log/job-output.txt#1753810:11
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openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed zuul/zuul master: DNM: Try quickstart with gerrit and pure ssh  https://review.opendev.org/70709210:21
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed zuul/zuul master: Offload repo reset to processes  https://review.opendev.org/70682710:22
mnaserdoes infra ship 'virtualenv' inside its images?10:22
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openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed zuul/zuul master: DNM: Offload repo reset fixed with ssh  https://review.opendev.org/70709510:33
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openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed opendev/irc-meetings master: Add Ansible SIG meeting  https://review.opendev.org/69727810:40
zbrmnaser: i am afraid that the answer is yes.10:47
zbrand that now is a broken one.10:47
zbri supposed that https://opendev.org/openstack/diskimage-builder/src/branch/master/diskimage_builder/elements/pip-and-virtualenv/install.d/pip-and-virtualenv-source-install/04-install-pip is still used to build images.10:47
fricklermnaser: this is the matching excerpt from the latest ubuntu build http://paste.openstack.org/show/789419/10:49
fricklerthis is the full log https://nb01.openstack.org/ubuntu-bionic-0000098344.log10:51
openstackgerritSorin Sbarnea proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: WIP: Validate virtualenv and pip  https://review.opendev.org/70710410:58
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zbrit seems that outdated pypi mirrors is becoming a sure, 3rd time this week and I see somethink similar to  ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement mox3===1.0.011:05
zbrwhen the package exists on pypi.11:05
fricklerzbr: mox3 requires py>=3611:08
fricklerI verified on a held node that simply just downgrading virtualenv<20 fixes at least the initial issue for devstack11:08
zbrfrickler: yep, but that job fails on https://review.opendev.org/#/c/707104/ change which has nothing to so with it.11:09
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fricklerzbr: yes, that needs a fix in reqs to make the u-c for mox3 split for py2 and py3. happened for a lot of other pkgs recently, like https://review.opendev.org/#/c/706165/11:14
zbrfrickler: pip knows to read metadata but i suspect our mirrors are plain text ones, breaking pip ability to find dependencies.11:15
zbr(with conditions)11:15
fricklerzbr: with conditions, yes, but not if pip is given a constraints file telling it to install mox3==1.0.011:17
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zbrfrickler: https://review.opendev.org/#/c/707112/111:21
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fricklerzbr: actually https://review.opendev.org/#/c/707064/1/upper-constraints.txt already has the correct thing afaict, just needs merging. which in turn likely needs a fix for the virtualenv issue11:22
zbrtbh, the virtualenv===20.0.1 there gives me... it was released yesterday.11:24
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openstackgerritMerged zuul/zuul master: JWT drivers: Deprecate RS256withJWKS, introduce OpenIDConnect  https://review.opendev.org/70197211:24
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fricklerso the "ImportError: cannot import name ensure_text" comes from combining pip<10 with virtualenv>=20. it goes away when I upgrade both pip and virtualenv to latest. the workaround to downgrade in devstack seems to work, but will need to get into all older stable branches first11:53
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openstackgerritJan Kubovy proposed zuul/zuul master: WIP: Store unparsed branch config in Zookeeper  https://review.opendev.org/70571612:03
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openstackgerritSorin Sbarnea proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: WIP: Validate virtualenv and pip  https://review.opendev.org/70710412:41
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openstackgerritSorin Sbarnea proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: WIP: Validate virtualenv and pip  https://review.opendev.org/70710413:06
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dSrinivasHi All, I am unable to attach the Nodepool vm to the jenkins dashboard http://paste.openstack.org/show/789424/14:13
mordredfrickler: did we wind up with images with old pip and new virtualenv?14:17
mordredzbr, fungi: the bindep role issue isn't an issue with --seeder=pip - it's a _different_ pip/virtualenv breakage14:21
openstackgerritMerged zuul/zuul master: Uncap virtualenv  https://review.opendev.org/70687114:28
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EmilienMinfra-root: could we please expediate https://review.opendev.org/#/c/707062 to the gate? It's the virtualenv issue, that affects all our jobs. It would help. Thanks. cc weshay14:30
zbrif would avoid using virtualenv 20+ until they fix it, its is breaking too many things.14:30
weshaythanks EmilienM14:30
fungii don't have much expectation that the virtualenv maintainers are going to roll back these behaviors. they were intentional (re)design choices, and they published a beta of v20 weeks ago for anyone to try out14:32
fungiso temporarily pinning <20 is probably not a "until they fix it" thing14:33
zbrfungi: they published the beta, they received feedback including this bug and refused to fix it before the release.14:33
fungiand i have a feeling they'll continue to refuse to fix it if they don't consider it broken14:33
zbryes, because they assumed virtualenv will not be installed with an older version of six. somehow we are breaking this requriments.14:34
fungithe beta seemed to me like more of a "here's the changes we're making, i hope you're ready"14:34
dSrinivasmordred, ianw: http://paste.openstack.org/show/789424/14:34
zbrand what is sad is that issue with six was avoidable14:35
mordredwait - what's the _six_ issue?14:35
mordredjeez. ok14:36
* mordred has read it14:37
zbrmainly virtualenv>=20.0 chokes if run with six<1.1414:37
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mordredso - I'd like to repeat my long standing advice - NEVER mix distro installed python with pip installed python14:38
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mordredit ALWAYS breaks14:38
mordredbut I think that patch shoudl unbreak people for now14:40
mordredzbr: has anyone considered getting a tox package made for centos8? seems like, since so much else that's being done is done with packages that it would improve life for folks14:43
zbrmordred: :(14:43
mordredlike epel has one for centos7- https://centos.pkgs.org/7/epel-x86_64/python-tox-1.4.2-8.el7.noarch.rpm.html14:44
zbrdid you check the version? is useless.14:44
zbr1.4.2, current is 3.9.x14:44
zbralmost everywhere I used it a have a min version of 3.4, 3.8, 3.9 in few cases.14:45
zbranyway, today's issue is not really caused by tox.14:45
fungiit's not being caused by `pip install tox` dragging in a newer virtualenv than you want?14:47
mordredyeah - that's where the issue is coming from that I've seen14:47
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mordredfungi: could I beg reviews for https://review.opendev.org/#/c/705878 and parents?14:51
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed zuul/zuul master: Protect fail if unsafe from None value  https://review.opendev.org/70716715:00
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ysastriHello I am getting ERROR: not a btrfs filesystem: /var/lib/lxc in zuul pipeline check. I tried two times and it is same. Any idea??15:07
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fungimordred: that chains back up to 705670 where i had a question last week. sorry i should have probably left a -1 for improved visibility15:10
mordredfungi: oh - sorry - I didn't see that15:10
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mordredfungi: it's a good question! yes - we probably should do that15:11
mordredI'll start working on that in just a smidge, thanks15:11
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funginp. i'll start looking through the rest15:12
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mordredfungi: I think, even though it's not strictly required, I'll get a review-dev.openstack.org too and do the redirect, so that we can just put the redirect vhost in for both15:22
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fungithat's probably good to help test the redirect config, yeah15:27
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clarkbysastri: it helps to link to logs15:27
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clarkbysastri: I am not familiar with that error though15:30
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corvusi've asked openstack-release to hold off on releases so i can restart zuul; expecting to do that in ~20 minutes15:37
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mordredfungi: LE dns needs on openstack.org are simply the _acme-challenge record?15:39
mordred(the cname to acme.opendev.org)15:39
ysastriclarkb I am getting the same error in all the zuul checks https://zuul.opendev.org/t/openstack/build/c4e14eba89244eb298831ca9f92c9ce115:42
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corvusinfra-root: i'm going to restart zuul now15:50
clarkbmordred: yes15:51
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed zuul/zuul master: Run yarn explicitly in Dockerfile  https://review.opendev.org/70718215:52
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed zuul/zuul master: Run yarn explicitly in Dockerfile  https://review.opendev.org/70718215:54
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fricklermordred: I didn't check, but I think the images also have fresh pip, but devstack in stable branches still caps pip<10. and the uncap isn't really backportable15:55
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mordredwe're capping pip in stable branches? I guess I shouldn't ask15:56
mordredif we're capping pip in stable devstack then we probably need to cap virtualenv in devstack in stable branches15:57
clarkbmordred: its due to pip refusing to install packages if it can't unistnall the existing distutils package versions15:57
clarkband yes capping virtualenv in stable devstack is probably simpler than trying to unwind all of the deps that don't like newer pip15:57
mordredI think for master ensuring everything is new enough is the better road forward15:58
fricklerhttps://review.opendev.org/707109 is my attempt to fix for stable/rocky, probably needs to cycle through all branches15:59
clarkbysastri: https://zuul.opendev.org/t/openstack/build/c4e14eba89244eb298831ca9f92c9ce1/log/job-output.txt#14993 is that the actual error?16:00
fricklerhmm, interesting comment in https://review.opendev.org/#/c/707133/1/tools/fixup_stuff.sh , maybe we can bump six a bit instead?16:00
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mordredfrickler: yeah - I think bumping six is probably the more surgical thing to do16:01
mordredbumping pip is actually just a shotgun approach which happens to cause six to get upgraded16:02
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openstackgerritFederico Ressi proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Allow to force bindep installation  https://review.opendev.org/70718516:04
ysastriclarkb: yes you are right that is the actual error.16:05
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mordred#status log added LE records for review-dev.o.o and review.o.o to rax dns and made review-dev.o.o a cname to review-dev.opendev.org16:08
openstackstatusmordred: finished logging16:08
mordredfungi, clarkb: https://review.opendev.org/#/c/705673/ tiny readme update16:09
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fricklermordred: right, seems we would need to increase the cap for six in reqs in order for that to work, I have asked the requirements team for feedback on that16:15
fricklerbut I verified on my help node that pip==9.0.3 with six==1.12.0 and virtualenv==20.0.1 work fine16:16
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fricklerbtw., there's a couple of pretty ancient nodes being held for/by corvus and efried, please check whether you still need those16:17
funginoonedeadpunk: did anyone help you yet with that hold you were pinging me about at 10:11z?16:19
fungithat just reminded me16:19
frickleroh, seems I missed that, sorry16:20
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed zuul/zuul master: kubernetes-operator: change attribute to camelCase  https://review.opendev.org/70719016:21
fricklermordred: I also just checked that stable/stein has six==1.12.0 in u-c, so the issue really only affects <= rocky16:21
noonedeadpunkfungi: not really :p16:22
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/system-config master: Get LE certs for review.o.o  https://review.opendev.org/70567016:22
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/system-config master: Remove review-dev01.openstack.org  https://review.opendev.org/70567116:22
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/system-config master: Use LE certs for Apache  https://review.opendev.org/70569016:22
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/system-config master: Update letsencrypt_gid documentation  https://review.opendev.org/70587816:22
funginoonedeadpunk: i'm in a meeting but should be able to get it set up, just a minute16:22
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed zuul/zuul master: Support pausing merge jobs  https://review.opendev.org/70719216:22
noonedeadpunkyeah. no hurry16:22
mordredfungi: ^^ that should add the redirects and all of the needed LE certs16:23
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed zuul/zuul-operator master: Update attributes to camelCase  https://review.opendev.org/70719316:24
openstackgerritIury Gregory Melo Ferreira proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Add efi packages for ironic-agent  https://review.opendev.org/70719516:27
funginoonedeadpunk: sudo zuul autohold --tenant openstack --project openstack/openstack-ansible-os_manila --job openstack-ansible-deploy-aio_metal-ubuntu-bionic --change 705222 --reason "noonedeadpunk investigating missing ceph temporary directory" --count 116:27
fungirecheck at will16:27
noonedeadpunkfungi: thank you!16:28
mnasiadkafrickler: we're getting these errors in centos7 kolla-ansible master jobs - https://zuul.opendev.org/t/openstack/build/acae2fb98da545b8a0ade1e4c5070c1f/log/job-output.txt#347 - seems to me like six is not in proper version in bindep venv?16:32
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clarkbmnasiadka: that isn't six16:33
clarkbmnasiadka: that is the pkg_resources issue, which I'm surprised hits the bindep env16:33
clarkbpermissions issue there maybe rather than broken symlinks16:34
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mnasiadkaclarkb: ok, surprised or not - we would be interested in getting this fixed :)16:34
clarkbsure, I just wanted to clarify it isn't six (you can clearly see it failed on import pkg_resources)16:34
mnasiadkaah right, looked at too many similar errors today - thanks for correcting :)16:35
corvus#status log restarted all of zuul at 3.16.016:36
openstackstatuscorvus: finished logging16:36
clarkbyes confirmed that is the issue16:37
clarkbbecause dr-xr-x---.   5 root root  4096 Feb 11 16:31 root16:37
clarkbas root I am able to import pkg_resources but not as the zuul user16:37
fricklerclarkb: is that 750 for /usr/bindep-env ? or which dir?16:39
mordredfor /root16:39
mnasiadkaok, interesting that it showed up when new virtualenv version broke a lot of things here and there ;-)16:39
mordredbecause root created the bindep-env and new virtualenv symlinks things to ~/16:39
clarkbfrickler: mordred is correct16:39
mordredmnasiadka: new virtualenv broke many things16:39
clarkbits /root then the libs are in /root/.local16:39
fricklerah, fancy16:39
mordredyeah. "awesome"16:40
clarkbI'm working on a patch to use --seeder=pip16:40
smcginnisNot sure if it is new since the restart or if I just noticed it, but from the zuul dashboard, there are now warning alerts in the top right corner.16:40
clarkbits funny the top reason to use virtualenv over venv is that venv is slower because it doesn't use this app-data thing that breaks everyone :)16:40
mordredsmcginnis: I agree - there are warnings there16:40
smcginnisA bunch of "'NoneType' object is not iterable" notifications.16:40
mordredcorvus: ^^16:41
mordredseems to all be for external repos we're tracking16:41
smcginnisFor your convenience and pleasure - https://zuul.opendev.org/t/openstack/config-errors16:41
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack/project-config master: Use virtualenv --seeder=pip so that libs are accessible  https://review.opendev.org/70719916:43
clarkbinfra-root mnasiadka ^ that and an image rebuild should fix the problem I Think16:43
mordredclarkb: should we add a $something to base to unbreak things while waiting for that?16:43
clarkbmordred: I'm not sure what that would be, possibly reinstalling the venv at runtime?16:44
mordredclarkb: we could chmod -R o+rx /root to make the files accessible16:44
clarkboh ya that would probably do it too16:45
fungiclarkb: https://github.com/pypa/virtualenv/issues/1563 suggests that the performance gains are maybe only on ms windows16:45
mordredSO HAPPY16:45
clarkb"also --copies does not do copies:"16:45
fungiin my opinion, virtualenv stopped being for linux users as soon as they're able to ditch python 2.716:46
clarkbI've decided I have to laugh at that rather than cry :)16:46
fungii switched my python3-only projects to use the tox-venv plugin and never looked back16:46
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fungii've approved 707199 but we'll obviously need to build new images once that lands16:47
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fungiand i need to go run some lunch errands but will be back as soon as i can (well before the infra meeting for sure)16:47
clarkbfungi: I think if we delete the newest set that will retrigger rebuilds and hopefully fall back to good image in the interim16:47
fungii concur16:48
fricklercan we just revert to older images in the meantime?16:48
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fungifrickler: we can as soon as that change merges16:48
clarkbya nodepool makes a proper revert tricky now that it checks to build images constantly16:48
fungideleting the newest images will fall back to the previous ones *and* begin building the newer fixed ones16:48
clarkbto avoid ^ we could set all the image to paused16:48
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fungialso possible16:49
clarkbbut that will take as long as it does to land the fix16:49
fungianyway, heading out, will try to be quick16:49
clarkb(either via normal channels or hold in ansible then manually land)16:49
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/base-jobs master: Workaround root virtualenv break with v20  https://review.opendev.org/70720016:51
mordredclarkb, fungi: something like that ^^ ?16:51
mordredof course, doing the base-dev dance would also take longer than just landing the fix16:52
clarkbdoes X mean only on dirs?16:52
clarkbmordred: I think that will work and take effect as soon as it lands16:52
clarkbfrickler: ^ I think that may be our best bet for quick fix16:52
mordredclarkb: yes - X means only on dirs16:53
clarkbthen we can revert as soon as new images are uploaded16:53
mordredmy biggest concern is that testing that is likely to be very time consuming - but if we're comfortable with it like it is16:53
mordredI guess worst case we force-revert16:53
clarkbI mean its basically broken already16:54
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/base-jobs master: Revert "Workaround root virtualenv break with v20"  https://review.opendev.org/70720216:54
mordredclarkb: it's ony broken for people on centos16:54
clarkbI guess the difference is it is only broken for jobs that use bindep but if this is broken it will break for everything16:54
clarkbmordred: until ubuntu images build :)16:54
clarkbmordred: I think its largely a race against dib right now16:54
mordredI don't think ubuntu sets 770 on /root16:54
mnasiadkamordred: on centos7 to be precise, centos8 works fine.16:54
clarkbgot it16:54
jrosserwhat is only broken on centos?16:55
mordredwhich is to say - it's not like the entire system is broken - even though there is an immediate breakage we're working on fixing16:55
clarkbjrosser: permissions on /root prevent non root users from accessing packages in root installed virtualenvs16:55
clarkbjrosser: this is new behavior with virtualenv 20.0.0 release beacuse it by default doesn't install packages in the venv16:56
mordredjrosser: using the bindep venv created by root with the new symlink behavior in virtualenv >2016:56
clarkb(well not all packages)16:56
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed zuul/zuul master: Revert "Fix github app authentication to work with checks API endpoints"  https://review.opendev.org/70720516:56
mordredit's an "optimization"16:56
fricklerhmm, I'm not too fond of fiddling with /root permissions, but I need to have a break and get some food anyways16:56
corvusinfra-root, smcginnis: we think we tracked down the bug in zuul.  it should only be affecting the github projects that we run in third-party-check.  the result is that zuul is essentially ignoring them.  i'd like to restart zuul again to confirm the fix so we can issue a new release.  is that ok?  (should be faster this time)16:56
clarkbcorvus: are we just restarting the scheduler this time?16:56
clarkb(to understand why it would be faster)16:57
corvusclarkb: yes16:57
smcginniscorvus: We have a few releases in queue again. Is it safe just restarting the scheduler, or should we hold off on things and wait for the queue to drain?16:57
clarkbI think that is ok, a lot of stuff is on fire today and we don't have proper fixes for the virtualenv stuff in all places. However we probably want https://review.opendev.org/707199 to land sooner than later16:57
clarkbcorvus: if you restart can you enqueue ^ to the gate maybe?16:57
corvussmcginnis: we should wait for it to drain16:57
jrosserok i was just clarifying if it was the permissions issue or virtualenv 20 which was specific to centos16:58
smcginniscorvus: Ack, will hold off and make sure the others now in -releases16:58
corvusclarkb: i suggest you go aheand and enqueue that now while we wait for releases to finish16:58
clarkbcorvus: ok should I do that or will you?16:59
corvusclarkb: you please16:59
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clarkbas a heads up I'll probably need to pick up the kids from school today which conflicts with the end of our meeting. I can either end the meeting about 10-15 minutes early or someone can end meeting for me once the timer runs out (or I can figure out how to chair someone else)17:04
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mordredclarkb, fungi, frickler: https://zuul.opendev.org/t/openstack/build/53073321d769465dbd16baf72a3c3e08/log/applytest/puppetapplytest21.final.out.FAILED#112 \o/17:10
clarkbmordred: oh that one is gonna hurt probably17:11
clarkbmordred: its beacuse virtualenv --version format output changed17:11
clarkbyou'd think the one thing you could keep stable aws that17:11
clarkbso that things that detect versions would you know work17:12
mordredclarkb: I don't even see where we're trying to use that17:12
mordredI think it's deep in puppet17:12
clarkbmordred: I think there is a puppet virtualenv module and the way facts work is they are installed then all evaluated before running puppet17:12
clarkbmordred: step zero might be checking where we use that module and possibly we can delete it17:13
clarkbmordred: /etc/puppet/modules/python/lib/facter/virtualenv_version.rb17:13
clarkband ya it appears to fail to parse because output changed (its got a regex there)17:14
mordredclarkb: we use it in 2 places17:15
openstackgerritJulia Kreger proposed openstack/project-config master: retire coreos-image-builder  https://review.opendev.org/70721017:15
clarkbmordred: the "good" news is that puppet module hasn't been updated to fix this issue17:16
clarkbbut even if it had it appears a release about 6 months ago dropped puppet 4 support17:16
clarkbwe could fork it and modify the regex pretty easily likely as another option17:16
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clarkbhttps://github.com/voxpupuli/puppet-python is the repo17:16
mordredyeah. or - just stop using python::virtualen17:16
clarkbwell I think we have to drop the module entirely17:17
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed zuul/zuul master: Revert "Fix github app authentication to work with checks API endpoints"  https://review.opendev.org/70720517:17
clarkbbecause even if you don't use python::virtualenv it will try to evaluate the fact17:17
mordredI think the facter virtualenv_version only breaks us where we're using it17:17
mordredwell - except we only see one failure in the puppet job17:17
mordredgah - in the one place where we use it17:17
clarkbmordred: oh it fails to create the venv version fact but then its not an error until we try and use the var17:17
clarkbthat makes sense17:17
mordredso I don't think it's polluting anything else17:17
mordredso let me just update system-config to remove that use ot virtualenv17:18
clarkbI'm going to be a good user and file a bug with upstream17:18
clarkbthen if they fix it we can always grab that diff17:18
clarkb(but I think I'm good with just not using that at all)17:18
mordredwe only use this in two places, I'm more inclined to just accelerate our move off :)17:18
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clarkbyou know what kills a user happy to report a bug? a bug template that wants to know everything about you17:20
corvusclarkb: don't tell em anything you don't want to :)17:21
openstackgerritMerged openstack/project-config master: Use virtualenv --seeder=pip so that libs are accessible  https://review.opendev.org/70719917:21
ykarel|awayso now with ^^, when new nodepool images will be available?17:22
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/system-config master: Make small tweaks to launch node README  https://review.opendev.org/70567317:22
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/system-config master: Stop using python::virtualenv for virtualenvs  https://review.opendev.org/70721417:23
mordredclarkb: how does 707214 look? also - 705673 should tell us if it works17:23
ykarel|awaymordred, any idea ^^?17:24
clarkbykarel|away: probably several hours at least17:24
clarkbykarel|away: it takes about an hour to build an image then variable time to upload it17:24
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mordredclarkb: should we risk the workaround?17:24
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ykarel|awayclarkb, ohhk, i thought it just need to trigger image build and it will be available just after it's built17:25
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clarkbmordred: one small thing in 21417:25
clarkbmordred: hrm?17:25
mordredcan we just disable the check to see if there is an ansible module?17:25
mordredplaybooks/base/pre.yaml:7: [E302] chmod used in place of argument mode to file module17:25
mordredI DO NOT CARE17:25
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clarkbmordred: I'd be in favor though sometimes it is nice to know ansible can help17:26
clarkbykarel|away: no we have to upload the image to all of our clouds too17:26
mordredclarkb: how do I disable it for that line again?17:27
ykarel|awayclarkb, ack Thanks for the info, and there are plenty of cloud, so much time makes sens17:27
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/base-jobs master: Workaround root virtualenv break with v20  https://review.opendev.org/70720017:29
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/base-jobs master: Revert "Workaround root virtualenv break with v20"  https://review.opendev.org/70720217:29
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mordredclarkb: added a noqa ^^17:29
clarkbmordred: I never remember17:29
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clarkbmordred: will the # be evaluated in yaml or shell context there17:29
mordredyeah - lemme do a different thig17:30
clarkbhttps://github.com/voxpupuli/puppet-python/issues/534 submitted17:30
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/base-jobs master: Workaround root virtualenv break with v20  https://review.opendev.org/70720017:30
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/base-jobs master: Revert "Workaround root virtualenv break with v20"  https://review.opendev.org/70720217:31
clarkbmordred: oh I see a bug with that17:31
clarkbmordred: that play runs on localhost but we want it to run on all17:31
corvusclarkb, mordred: do we put any private keys in /root (like the ones we generate for multinode jobs), or are they all in ~zuul?17:33
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corvus(i'm wondering if the chmod will trip openssh's key permission check)17:34
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clarkbcorvus: good question. I think the old school d-g jobs may stash ssh keys there17:34
clarkbbecause live migration happens over a root ssh connection?17:34
clarkbwe could chmod /root and then recursively on /root/.local17:35
clarkbto avoid changing /root/.ssh17:35
corvusthat might be a safer/more targeted fix17:35
corvusi gotta say, i'm not a fan of the new virtualenv behavior17:36
corvusthis one in particular seems like it's likely to hit a lot of folks :/17:36
mordredyeah. I even replied to one of the bugs on the virtualenv repo in github17:36
corvusthe zuul break was like "okay, sure, we're experts doing advanced things"  but "installed as root and made available to users" is, er, not exotic.17:37
clarkblooks like it broke travis ci too fwiw17:38
clarkbso ya not an uncommon setup at least in CI systems17:38
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/base-jobs master: Workaround root virtualenv break with v20  https://review.opendev.org/70720017:38
corvusi would argue s/ci//17:38
mordredclarkb corvus: ^^ how's that?17:38
mordredyeah - we install tools in venvs on production servers17:38
mordredthat are intended to be used as shared tools17:38
mordredit's not a ludicrous pattern only for CI17:39
corvusthe releases have cleared out, i'm going to restart the scheduler now17:39
clarkbmordred: that ps lgtm17:39
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clarkboh looks like they are changing the behavior in the next release17:41
clarkbit will still use the bundled data by default but copy it raather than symlink it17:41
clarkbif we wait long enough this will just fix it self :)17:41
clarkb(I have no idea what their release plans are)17:42
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clarkbmordred: did you see my note on https://review.opendev.org/70721417:45
clarkbmordred: I can push a new ps if you like17:45
corvussmcginnis: errors are gone now, thanks!  you should be clear to resume releases17:47
corvus#status log restarted zuul scheduler at 3.16.0 with https://review.opendev.org/707205 manually applied17:48
mordredclarkb: oh, I can get that17:48
openstackstatuscorvus: finished logging17:48
mordredclarkb: \o/17:48
smcginniscorvus: ack17:48
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/system-config master: Stop using python::virtualenv for virtualenvs  https://review.opendev.org/70721417:50
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/system-config master: Make small tweaks to launch node README  https://review.opendev.org/70567317:50
clarkbmordred: now that zuul is back up we should decide if we want to land https://review.opendev.org/#/c/707200/4 I think I'm ok with it and reverting it if it causes widespread panic is easy17:51
clarkbI need to find some food and drink. I'll be back in a few minutes to help monitor ^ if we land it17:55
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mordredclarkb, corvus: I'mma land that patch - I'm here to watch for carnage18:00
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/base-jobs master: Revert "Revert "Workaround root virtualenv break with v20""  https://review.opendev.org/70720218:01
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/base-jobs master: Revert "Workaround root virtualenv break with v20"  https://review.opendev.org/70720218:02
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fungii'm back, looks like i conveniently missed some excitement18:12
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mordredfungi: we're landing a base-job change with no real testing - so there might still be excitement18:13
openstackgerritMerged opendev/base-jobs master: Workaround root virtualenv break with v20  https://review.opendev.org/70720018:13
mnaserfungi: ^ looks like you're here just in time.18:13
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fungii'll put on my plastic mac18:19
mordredykarel|away, weshay: ^^ we just landed a workaround for the virtualenv on centos issue18:19
ykarel|awaymordred, Thanks18:19
mordredmnasiadka: ^^ you too18:19
mnasiadkamordred: was tracking, but thanks for update :)18:20
mordredykarel|away: it went in without testing, because of where it sits in the stack, so it COULD cause the world to blow up18:20
mordredbut fingers crossed18:20
fungiitym "...blow up MORE"18:20
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed zuul/zuul master: Run yarn explicitly in Dockerfile  https://review.opendev.org/70718218:21
clarkbfungi: earlier at least :)18:21
clarkbI've got food and tea now18:22
fungiin proper esr fashion, we blow up early and often18:22
ykarel|awaymordred, ack /me rechecked a patch where it will be tested https://review.opendev.org/#/c/707127/18:22
ykarel|awaybut yes different jobs will be using it differently, so let's see18:23
weshayo hoo ray :)18:25
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clarkb/etc/project-config is updated on nb01 and nb02 so I'll trigger a centos 7 rebuild now18:35
ykarel|awaymordred, it worked for the job i rechecked18:36
mordredykarel|away: YAY!18:36
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mordredcorvus: zomg. we landed a change without testing and it didn't break!18:36
clarkbif other images are obvserved to have the same pkg_resources problem for the bindep venv we can do that for them too otherwise they'll get update on the normal 24 hour cycle18:36
clarkbmordred: is that a first?!18:37
mordredclarkb: I think so!18:38
mordredclarkb: we wont' see the problem on other images because of the workaround18:38
clarkboh right18:39
clarkbwell in that case maybe trigger all the images to rebuild?18:39
mordredclarkb: so really I think it's about waiting for new images - then we can revert - although maybe we should go through a whole base-test cycle on the revert18:39
clarkbthen we can revert more quickly?18:39
mordredclarkb: yeah - might not be a bad idea18:39
clarkbok I'll go ahead and trigger those builds now18:40
mordredclarkb: "Hello, a fix for this issue has been released via virtualenv 20.0.2"18:41
clarkbmordred: oh did that release happen?18:41
mordredclarkb: maybe we should see if the new behavior works for us without seeder18:41
mordredclarkb: I *just* got notificaiton of it18:42
clarkbya I can test that locally really quickly18:42
clarkball images but fedora-30 and the arm64 images have rebuilds queued now18:42
mordredI think the new thing is that it's still going to do the ~/.local thing - but it's going to copy not symlink when it makes the venv18:42
mordredso that it's not using pip to download each time18:42
clarkbmordred: ya18:42
mordredwhich is a behavior i can get bheind18:42
clarkbalso if they fix that we can simplify zuul too18:42
clarkbdo a virtualenv !=20.0.0,!=20.0.1 and use old or new virtuaelvn18:43
clarkbmordred: https://review.opendev.org/#/c/706958/ is an easy one unrelated to anything venv if you have a minute18:43
fungiworth noting though, pip also maintains local caches (a file cache and a url cache) so wouldn't likely download again anyway18:44
ykarel|awaymordred, chmod: cannot access '/root/.local': No such file or directory can be seen if image don't have that directory18:45
clarkbconfirmed that there are no symlinks in venv/lib/pythonX/site-packages/18:45
mordredykarel|away: damn18:45
ykarel|awayi tried in one of our image where it doesn't exist18:45
clarkbusing virtualenv==20.0.218:45
mordredclarkb: I thnik we need to quick land the revert18:45
mordredoh wait - all of the intra images will have that18:46
clarkbmordred: as long as we have updated18:46
clarkblets check nodepool iamge-list18:46
mordredclarkb: I'm getting a bunch of rechecks on system-config patches18:46
clarkbmordred: fedora-30 (a paused image) and opensuse-* are older but everything else appears to have updated in the last <24 hours18:48
clarkbI expect we are mostly ok as a result18:48
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ykarel|awayhmm 20.0.2 is working18:49
clarkbnew centos-7 is building18:50
clarkbykarel|away: yes, they switched the default to copy not symlink18:50
clarkband that just appeared like 5 minutes ago18:50
ykarel|awayhmm i see created virtual environment CPython2Posix(dest=/home/centos/ven5, clear=False, global=False) with seeder FromAppData pip=latest setuptools=latest wheel=latest app_data_dir=/root/.local/share/virtualenv/seed-v1 via=copy while creating venv with 20.0.218:50
clarkbykarel|away: yes it is more verbose too apparently18:50
ykarel|awayyup, so we are good then18:51
clarkbI'm guessing that is to help bug reports18:51
clarkbykarel|away: no, we still need new images either way18:51
ykarel|awayclarkb, yes true18:51
fungii'm happy to have been wrong that they wouldn't cave to pressure from complaints18:51
mordredwe shoudl have them for centos now right?18:51
clarkbmordred: no its building now18:51
mordredfungi: there seem to be new humans18:51
mordredclarkb: nod18:51
ykarel|awayclarkb, isn't there some basic tests for images, before they get pushed to clouds18:51
mordredclarkb: well - I'm pretty pessimistic about the workaround patch18:52
clarkbmordred: I think what we should do is set failed_when: false on those tasks18:52
ykarel|awayto avoid future such issues18:52
fungiykarel|away: what would you test?18:52
clarkbmordred: and then it is best effort if the dir is there, then remove the workaround entirely once we have new images18:52
fungithere was a time when we tested images with devstack18:52
ykarel|awayfungi, some jobs18:52
ykarel|awayagree everything can't be tested18:52
clarkbykarel|away: no the problem space is too large and I don't want it to be our job to fix devstack (or tripleo or wahtever) when distros or pypa move forward18:52
fungiand went weeks without uploading new images because devstack itself was flaky18:52
mordredclarkb: oh - becaues we're only going to have /root/.local if we have a setuptools that does the linking18:52
clarkbykarel|away: this is actually broken in the real world we don't want to mask that18:53
clarkbmordred: ya18:53
mordredkk. let me add failed_when: false18:53
ykarel|awayclarkb, fungi ack18:53
clarkbykarel|away: our goal isn't to have jobs that pass all the time. It is to correctly determine when software is broken so that it can be fixed18:53
ykarel|awayclarkb, ack got it18:54
fungieven if that software is external dependencies and test harnesses/frameworks18:54
* clarkb preps for the meeting18:54
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/base-jobs master: Add failed_when false to workaround  https://review.opendev.org/70723418:54
clarkbthe good news is through our feedback and others virtualenv has changed its behavior to be friendleir to users18:54
clarkband we wouldn't have had that feedback if we masked it off18:55
clarkbon the long term this should be healthier for all in volved18:55
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/base-jobs master: Revert "Workaround root virtualenv break with v20"  https://review.opendev.org/70720218:56
mordredclarkb: we'll need to force-merge the failed_when patch18:56
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clarkbmordred: +2 from me maybe fungi or corvus (or ianw if awake) can look too and if they are happy with it we land it18:57
mordredclarkb, fungi, corvus: I've got the force-merge bit - but does someone want to review that?18:57
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clarkbmordred: I +2'd it18:57
mordredclarkb: awesome - let's give corvus and fungi a sec18:57
clarkb707234 to be clear18:57
fungii +a'd both, (obviously the second won't merge until you remove the wip toggle)18:59
corvusmordred: ++ on the failed when19:01
corvuson the revert, we're expecting a new image build to get new virtualenv with the copy behavior, right?19:01
clarkbcorvus: we landed a change to use --seeder=pip19:04
clarkbcorvus: whcih we should be able to revert and then build using the new copy behavior19:04
clarkb(both should fix this)19:04
corvusok.  wasn't sure if we were going to progress through both of if we superceded pip with copy19:05
openstackgerritMerged opendev/base-jobs master: Add failed_when false to workaround  https://review.opendev.org/70723419:05
mordredI have force-merged that and removed myself from the bootstrappers group19:06
openstackgerritSorin Sbarnea proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Install tox-venv alongside tox  https://review.opendev.org/70723719:18
openstackgerritSorin Sbarnea proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Install tox-venv alongside tox  https://review.opendev.org/70723719:20
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Add an ensure-tox test job  https://review.opendev.org/70637119:23
openstackgerritSorin Sbarnea proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Install tox-venv alongside tox  https://review.opendev.org/70723719:24
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Run ensure-tox on all platforms  https://review.opendev.org/70723819:30
openstackgerritSorin Sbarnea proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: tox: change default calling as a module  https://review.opendev.org/69005719:34
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mordredfungi: I don't have questinos - but could you just be entertaining?20:01
* fungi juggles flaming carrots20:02
* fungi switches to juggling flaming code reviews20:03
mordredmmm. flaming carrots are tasty20:04
fungiin an existential sort of way20:04
mordredfungi: :) - I was more thinking about something along these lines: https://www.epicurious.com/recipes/food/views/burnt-carrots-with-goat-cheese-parsley-arugula-and-crispy-garlic-chips-35472920:06
fungiit's all the same, ultimately20:08
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/system-config master: Stop using python::virtualenv for virtualenvs  https://review.opendev.org/70721420:29
mordredfungi, ianw: ^^ sigh20:29
mordredianw: or - you said something about moving afsmon ... should I just delete that from the puppet for now? I defer to you judgement on that20:30
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openstackgerritMerged zuul/zuul master: Extract the watcher from git driver  https://review.opendev.org/70609220:35
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/system-config master: Make small tweaks to launch node README  https://review.opendev.org/70567320:39
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/system-config master: Get LE certs for review.o.o  https://review.opendev.org/70567020:44
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/system-config master: Remove review-dev01.openstack.org  https://review.opendev.org/70567120:44
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/system-config master: Use LE certs for Apache  https://review.opendev.org/70569020:44
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/system-config master: Update letsencrypt_gid documentation  https://review.opendev.org/70587820:44
ianwmordred: i think i can move that mirror-update.opendev.org like the release script; i'll work on that today.  if it's easier to just remove from puppet i think that's ok20:48
mordredianw: well - let's see if that patch goes green - cause if it does, that's the easiest thing20:49
mordredianw: if it _doesn't_ ... I'll move to removing20:49
clarkbfor entertainment I've got a 4 yeard old that pulled a shopping cart over on herself20:49
clarkbI looked away for 5 seconds20:50
ianw:/ just to add to an interesting day20:51
mordredclarkb: sometimes it can be fun to pull a shopping cart over on oneself?20:52
weshayhow's this look? https://review.opendev.org/#/c/707204/21:01
clarkbmordred: well fun for everyone watxhing. she is ok21:03
mordredclarkb: good. I was assuming she was ok since you'd IRC'd about it21:05
mordredbut I'm glad to hear that was a valid assumption21:05
mordredweshay: you're gonna want an upper-constraints.txt update in there too21:07
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed zuul/zuul master: Fix kubectl/oc install in container image  https://review.opendev.org/70724921:09
weshaymordred, https://opendev.org/openstack/requirements/src/branch/master/upper-constraints.txt#L573 bump that to 4.0.0?21:10
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weshaymordred, mind if I do that in another patch?21:13
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed zuul/zuul master: Support pausing merge jobs  https://review.opendev.org/70719221:16
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed zuul/zuul master: Revert "Fix github app authentication to work with checks API endpoints"  https://review.opendev.org/70720521:16
mordredweshay: well - it's mostly that u-c isn't going to match what you just did - so you need to bump that to 4.0.0 - but you ALSO need to add a version constraint for it and then add a 2.7 constraint for 3.1.121:17
mordredso I don't think that's going to do what you think it's going to do - one sec21:17
weshayya.. I see that it won't get to 4.0.0 but 3.1.1 is working for folks now21:18
weshayI'm not trying to get to 4.0.0 in py37 just trying to get jobs back to green.. priority #1, then I can bump the upper constraint21:18
mordredAH - I grok what you're saying21:19
weshayif I push another revision we're down for another day21:19
mordredsure then21:19
weshayah.. cool. doing it now.. thanks21:19
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed zuul/zuul master: Move oc download to before src copy  https://review.opendev.org/70725021:22
weshayk.. patch is on top..21:26
mordredweshay: comment left - you need a few more lines21:29
mordredianw: GROSS - the askbot puppet is also bong. this is going to get worse21:29
weshayah.. k21:30
weshaythank you21:30
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/puppet-askbot master: Stop using python::virtualenv  https://review.opendev.org/70725521:33
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/system-config master: Stop using python::virtualenv for virtualenvs  https://review.opendev.org/70721421:35
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weshayheh.. thanks smcginnis :)21:39
mordredweshay: he knows what's going on more than we do21:39
smcginnisweshay: Sorry, it was already on its way. :)21:39
weshayyup.. happy to let him do his thang21:39
weshaynot a prob.. don't mind a bit21:39
openstackgerritMerged zuul/zuul master: Run yarn explicitly in Dockerfile  https://review.opendev.org/70718221:47
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openstackgerritIan Pittwood proposed openstack/project-config master: [WIP] Use GitHub Issues for airshipctl  https://review.opendev.org/70726222:05
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openstackgerritMerged zuul/zuul master: Fix kubectl/oc install in container image  https://review.opendev.org/70724922:40
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: Move afsmon to mirror-update.opendev.org  https://review.opendev.org/70726722:41
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ianwmordred: ^ if that goes green, it's one less use at least :/22:42
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mordredianw: I think we're either going to have to force-merge a patch - or remove a testing22:54
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ianwmordred: i'm just having a look at that askbot one22:55
mordredianw: because we need your patch there plus the one in the puppet-askbot repo22:55
mordredianw: https://review.opendev.org/#/c/707255/ fwiw22:55
ianw020-02-11 21:46:01 +0000 Puppet (warning): Unknown variable: '::virtualenv_version'. at /etc/puppetlabs/code/modules/python/manifests/virtualenv.pp:121:2222:55
ianwnot sure how that's getting pulled in22:56
ianwhttps://zuul.opendev.org/t/openstack/build/8102215f00b1471c8c1f7e991bcfa5c0/log/applytest/puppetapplytest21.final.out.FAILED is the failure from 70725522:56
clarkbianw its from puppet-python22:56
clarkboh thats there in the error22:57
ianwthe other thing is, 707255 is making it a python3 virtualenv, which i'm 99% sure askbot isn't22:57
mordredah - yeah22:57
mordredone sec - lemme update 70725522:58
mordredbut I think your patch + 707255 should fix the things22:58
mordredbut we might have to force-merge one of them (I'd vote for puppet-askbot)22:58
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/puppet-askbot master: Stop using python::virtualenv  https://review.opendev.org/70725523:00
ianwoh, that isn't the error in that test anyway23:01
ianw 'versioncmp' parameter 'a' expects a String value, got Undef at /etc/puppetlabs/code/modules/python/manifests/virtualenv.pp:121:1123:01
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/system-config master: Get LE certs for review.o.o  https://review.opendev.org/70567023:02
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mordredianw, clarkb: that ^^ depeds-on both - so it should show us if force-merging askbot would be good23:02
ianw-    virtualenv => true,23:03
ianwmordred: ^ is it possible puppet-python is unhappy without this set?23:03
clarkbif making a virtualenv then yes aiui23:03
ianwyeah, the python::virtualenv is *also* removed ... that's why it seems odd23:04
mordredianw: I'm confused - which thing are you looking at now?23:04
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ianwmordred: ohhh, i gotta read the errors better sorry23:05
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mordredianw: PHEW23:05
ianw /etc/puppetlabs/code/modules/openstack_project/manifests/mirror_update.pp:474  ... so that's the afsmon virtualenv23:05
mordredyeah - so your patch should take care of that23:05
ianwthat's causing problems in the puppet-askbot repo ... which is the circular dependency you're talking about23:06
mordredand then the askbot patch should take care of the other23:06
ianwheh, yeah, ok i think i'm synced now :)23:06
mordredbut - 705670 should show us a potential green state23:06
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ianwso much fun23:07
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mordredianw: one question on https://review.opendev.org/#/c/70726723:12
ianwmordred: replied, but i'm hoping that installing outside a virtualenv pip will notice them and not bring anything else in?23:14
mordredit does not work that way at all23:15
mordredit would be neat if it did23:15
mordredianw: at least, I'm 99% sure of that - with all the changes in pip, it's certainly worth checking - let me make a quick local test23:16
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mordredianw: I stand drastically corrected23:19
ianwstill pulls in babel and pytz23:20
mordredianw: left a comment, but I think we should add python3-babel to your package list23:21
mordredwhcih will also take care of pytz - but you could add python3-tz explicitly if you wanted23:21
ianw++ i think it's only for documentation build, it probably shouldn't be in requirements.txt23:21
ianwbut that can be a problem for another day23:21
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: Move afsmon to mirror-update.opendev.org  https://review.opendev.org/70726723:23
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/os-performance-tools master: [ussuri][goal] Drop python 2.7 support and testing  https://review.opendev.org/70552023:50
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ianwhrm, zuul didn't like the dependencies on https://review.opendev.org/#/c/705670/23:56
clarkbianw: because a new ps showed up ?23:57
clarkbit may just need a recheck23:57
ianwyeah, i looks like a lint error on the other one, let me see23:57
openstackgerritMerged zuul/zuul master: Revert "Fix github app authentication to work with checks API endpoints"  https://review.opendev.org/70720523:58

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