Friday, 2020-02-21

fungii'll help with that if i can find time00:00
fungithough i may not come up for air until mid-march at this rate00:00
ianwfungi: cool, i'm doing a change now :)  we can review and approve at will and then just switch dns when we want production00:01
* fungi dives deep to crush the spirits of more phd candidates00:01
ianwgood luck :)00:02
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fungithey've already been beaten black and blue, i'm sure. my feeble attempts to prod them to improve their talks are likely falling on deaf ears anyway00:03
fungias someone who didn't even finish a bachelor's degree, i feel mildly dirty criticizing graduate students. or maybe not ;)00:03
ianwthe conference treadmill is why i have a masters and not a phd :)00:04
fungithat's fair00:04
ianwi initially typod that as "dreadmill" and i'm not sure that's inaccurate00:05
fungisounds about right to me00:05
fungithere was even a point in my life where i was convinced i was destined for a career in academia00:05
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fungiand then i "graduated" to a more-than-full-time sysadmin job to pay the bills, and forgot to keep going to school00:06
fungiin retrospect, being a basement troll in some math theory department probably wouldn't have been as glamorous as i originally envisioned it00:07
mordredit's the hight of glamour00:08
mordredcan't spell00:08
fungimaybe you should have stayed in school ;)00:08
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mordredfungi: because that MFA in lighting design with a focus in Experimental Theatre would *definitely* have improved my spelling I'm sure ;)00:09
fungiyou'd know how to spell every pantone color in the catalogue00:09
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clarkbI looked at graduate school but realized if I got a job I wouldnt have to move00:09
mordredindeed. and how to insert ironic punctuation into random words00:10
clarkbbut had professor that wanted me to move east for grad school00:10
clarkbI hate moving00:10
fungiclarkb: now you and countless other techie drones have enabled the idea of graduate school that doesn't require leaving the house00:10
fungiproblem solved00:10
* mordred glares at remaining boxes00:10
mordredfungi: can we start doing conferences that don't require leaving the house? but that don't involve staring at a video conference screen with an audio feed either?00:11
fungii was sort of just in one for two days. it was unpleasant, but less unpleasant than travelling00:11
fungii dialled into it with a telephone, and used text-based communication platforms as a secondary communication channel. could have been worse00:12
fungionly christine and the cats had to see my unkempt university basement troll wannabe appearance00:13
fungiand rob helped bring me pizza00:14
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/system-config master: Build gerrit images with bazelisk
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ianwfungi: is git-test something you were working on for the transition?00:18
fungiianw: i have no idea what git-test is, nor what is the transition of which you speak00:19
ianwoh sorry i meant openstack->opendev00:19
ianwi have no idea what is either00:19
fungiwhere did you find a git-test?00:20
ianwit's a site that points to
fungiaccording to codesearch.o.o00:21
fungigit blame says you should ask corvus (it came in via change 634806)00:22
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fungimordred: do you happen to know, is there something we have to enable to start showing gerrit's git notes in gitea? i recall a change merged to expose git notes months ago so is almost certainly included in the recent versions we've been running00:23
fungii think the change we were waiting on for that, a while back, allowed specifying the base of the git note refs we wanted displayed, since gerrit sets a custom one and gitea had originally hard-coded a different expectation00:24
fungiianw: so, the commit message in has refreshed my memory ;)00:25
fungiwe used that vhost to test git.o.o redirects for the cgit to gitea migration, yes00:26
fungiit can just disappear now00:26
ianwfungi: ok, well if we take this path of migrating to we can just purge it when puppet disappears00:27
ianwi can add a task to the story to remove the afs dir00:27
fungisounds great, we missed a reminder to clean it up when we were done. thanks!00:27
ianwok, another one for the peanut gallery that i can figure out with due effort, do we control dns?00:29
fungidepends on the "we"00:32
fungiit's in rackspace dns00:32
fungiand the openstackinfra account has access to modify it00:33
fungiso if "we" includes folks who don't mind touching rackspace dns, then the answer is yes00:33
ianwcool, yep so as long as i can do -> acme.opendev.org00:34
fungiyeah, it's "no worse" than in that regard00:34
fungiwe can treat it similarly00:34
fungii think i brought it up as an example when we discussed the cross-domain cname plan for letsencrypt00:35
fungi(just so we weren't focusing solely on
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fungiokay, here's some strange termcap-related voodoo that i've pickled away all the braincells for... in a recent upgrade my terminal and/or x11 switched my backspace key from sending ^? to ^H and i'm not sure how or where to undo that (or even who the culprit might be). i suspect an update of the terminal itself00:49
fungidoes anyone recall the difference between ^? and ^H00:50
fungimodern web searches can't really accommodate that line of inquiry, so i'll probably resort to digging in ancient tomes of unix mysticism00:51
fungiyeah, it's gotta be my terminal, because ctrl-v,backspace in an xterm still shows ^? even on the updated systems00:52
adriantHey, I'm currently adding a new tox check to my project called "black_check", how would I go about including that as a required test in zuul? Can I add it somehow to my .zuul.yaml?00:52
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fungiadriant: yeah, you could define a job parented on the tox or openstack-tox job which sets the tox testenv to black_check00:54
adriantfungi: where might I find an example of that?00:55
fungiadriant: i'll see if i can find you a good one00:56
adriantfungi: awesome! ty00:56
adrianti'm trying to use black to reformat my code, and include a check that ensures it always matches the format, and to include an entry for that massive change in '.git-blame-ignore-revs '00:57
adriantso hopefully it should be a nice set of changes, and good going forward00:57
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fungiadriant: here's an example passing "linters" as the tox env parented on the "tox" job from zuul-jobs, though you could use the openstack-tox job as a parent if you want to take advantage of openstack requirements constraints list and such:
fungitox_envlist is the magic variable name01:00
adriantfungi: ty! Will see what I can do :)01:00
fungithere's also an openstack-tox-linters job:
fungiyou could just put your black invocation as a cmd in a [testenv:linters] in your tox.ini and then use that existing job01:01
adriantwill try this first, and tend maybe fall back to linters if that seems easier01:04
fungiwe're here if you need more help. feel free to point us at a review01:05
adriantwill do :)01:05
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: [wip] move afs sites from to
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adriantfungi: seems to work:
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: [wip] move afs sites from to
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: afs-release: also release project.releases
openstackgerritMerged opendev/system-config master: static: add default site
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adriantianw: regarding:
adriantadjutant-ui doesn't exist on pypi yet at all03:01
adriantI can't see a way to create it without publishing a release myself manually03:02
adriantI've only ever created projects on pypi using the publish tools in setup tools or now, twine.03:02
prometheanfirewhere generate-constraints is run for the daily bot update, is it run as a non-root user?03:02
ianwadriant: that's right, see the notes on a 0-version in
adriantyeah, I see that now03:05
adriantnot something I've done before... so just gotta work out exactly what that actually means :P03:05
prometheanfire makes me sad03:05
ianwprometheanfire: iirc genreate-constraints is run from the same thing as the other proposal updates which would be non-root03:07
prometheanfireok, well, I had to set an env-var to get it to run :(03:07
prometheanfireerror: could not create '/usr/share/doc/python-storpool': Permission denied03:07
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prometheanfireianw: I've bugged cinder about it, we'll see what happens, but if it continues I may be pushing for it's removal03:13
ianwprometheanfire: so that is breaking out of it's virtualenv to try and write stuff to /usr/share?03:15
prometheanfireat least it seemed to do so for me03:15
prometheanfiresetting the var fixed it, but that should not be required imo03:16
adriantianw: adjutant-ui now exists, and openstackci has owner, but I've deleted the release I uploaded03:16
ianwadriant: thanks, it should work now03:16
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: static: add site
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: static: move site setup to a loop
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: [wip] move afs sites from to
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: Revert "Generate list of 404s for docs.o.o"
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openstackgerritMerged opendev/system-config master: afs-release: also release project.releases
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: [wip] move afs sites from to
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: Revert "Generate list of 404s for docs.o.o"
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: static: add
prometheanfire2020-02-21 03:20:50.555037 | ubuntu-bionic |     error: could not create '/usr/share/doc/python-storpool': Permission denied04:07
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AJaegerianw: does not exist, do you still have the data and can mirror it over? I think I know what happened: Our AFS publishing removed all files that don't exist, so we need to change the publish job to not delete.05:10
ianwhrm, upload-afs-synchronize should not delete?  or is it using something else?05:11
ianwAJaeger: i can re-copy from static, just a sec05:11
ianwcopied and released05:12
AJaegerianw: thanks. We need to change - like we did with tarballs - to a role that does not delete...05:12
AJaegerianw: I can look later today at it unless you're faster ;), that repo has very low volume of merges...05:13
* AJaeger needs to take care of family breakfast now05:13
ianwAJaeger: heh enjoy ... i'm not sure i'll get to it as i have to run to the airport sorry05:14
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: static: move afs sites from to
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: Revert "Generate list of 404s for docs.o.o"
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: static: add
openstackgerritMerged openstack/project-config master: Add pypi publish to Adjutant UI
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: static: add
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/project-config master: grafana afs: add project.releases volume
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AJaegerianw: no hurry... I think merging the two jobs is easier, will try that today...05:51
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/project-config master: Fix promote-service-types-authority
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AJaegerconfig-core, this should fix the service-types-authority publishing, please review ^07:45
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openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed zuul/zuul master: Evaluate CODEOWNERS settings during canMerge check
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openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed zuul/zuul master: Add --validate-tenants option to zuul scheduler
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openstackgerritMatthieu Huin proposed zuul/zuul master: Authorization rules: add templating
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openstackgerritDaniel Bengtsson proposed openstack/cookiecutter master: Update the minversion parameter.
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openstackgerritJan Kubovy proposed zuul/zuul master: Make test setup_config more pure
openstackgerritJan Kubovy proposed zuul/zuul master: Make test setup_config more pure
openstackgerritJan Kubovy proposed zuul/zuul master: Make test setup_config more pure
AJaegerinfra-root, could you review so that we can move releases website over, please?10:22
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openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed zuul/zuul master: Add --validate-tenants option to zuul scheduler
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AJaegerinfra-root, so releases publish now to - please review 709009 so that points to the new AFS location.11:27
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/system-config master: Build gerrit images with bazelisk
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Add ensure-bazelisk role
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Add ensure-java role
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Add ensure-bazelisk role
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Add ensure-java role
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openstackgerritFelix Edel proposed zuul/zuul master: Dequeue items via buildset uuid
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rosmaitais it just me, or is openstack-discuss on pipermail stuck at Thu Feb 20 15:12:15 UTC 2020 ?
AJaegerrosmaita: I did not receive anything newer in my inbox, so we agree on delivery side.13:23
AJaegerinfra-root, do we have a delivery / receive problem that no mails have been sent out in the last 23 hours?13:24
mordredAJaeger, rosmaita: last delivery into mailmain on is 2020-02-21 13:29:36 UTC - so we're at least accepting messages13:32
mordredI'm not sure about next steps for debugging what might be happening with mailman - fungi should be up soon though13:33
rosmaitamordred: thanks for looking13:33
mordredI don't see any errors in mailman logs - but there's not much of anything in mailman logs13:33
AJaegerno mails coming in here - great, I can work further on my slides ;)13:33
rosmaitathat is one bonus!13:34
openstackgerritSorin Sbarnea proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: WIP: test install-docker all-platforms
openstackgerritSorin Sbarnea proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: WIP: test install-docker all-platforms
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openstackgerritMohammed Naser proposed zuul/zuul master: ui: convert all spaces to commas for filter
openstackgerritMohammed Naser proposed zuul/zuul master: ui: convert all spaces to commas for filter
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/system-config master: Build gerrit images with bazelisk
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed zuul/zuul master: Don't fetch pull request twice for status event
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openstackgerritFelix Edel proposed zuul/zuul master: WIP: Dequeue items via buildset uuid
fungiianw: adriant: regarding 708983, maybe we should do a better job of documenting that the release jobs will automatically create the project on pypi if one doesn't exist yet. if you're worried that someone will come along and steal the project name out from under you before you get around to requesting a release, that's the only time you'd really need to worry about precreating it in pypi to "reserve"14:24
fungithe name for your use14:24
fungirosmaita: AJaeger: mordred: i'll check out mailman now14:26
rosmaitafungi: ty14:26
rosmaitaand good morning!14:26
fungithe last line in /srv/mailman/openstack/logs/post is: Feb 20 15:12:16 2020 (29781) post to openstack-discuss from...14:33
fungithough /srv/mailman/openstack/logs/smtp has a number of "smtp to openstack-discuss" messages after that time, most recently 12:00:09 utc14:34
fungi[Thu Feb 20 15:17:50 2020] Out of memory: Kill process 32112 (python) score 147 or sacrifice child14:35
fungiand the symptoms are consistent with a queue runner not running14:36
corvusbased on ps, it looks like maybe only the news and retry runners are running for one of the domains (probably openstack)14:37
fungii'll restart them all just to be sure14:37
fungioh, okay i can do just those14:37
corvusfungi: well, those are the ones running, the arch, bounce, command, incoming, outgoing, and virgin runners are the ones not running.  at any rate, restarting the 'mailman-openstack' service should take care of it14:38
corvus(but we may need to check for lock files)14:38
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed zuul/zuul master: prometheus: add options to start the server and process collector
fungiahh, yeah, i misread you and my process count wasn't matching14:39
fungianyway, i've stopped them for openstack and am checking for locks14:39
fungilooks like /srv/mailman/openstack/locks/ is empty so we should be fine there?14:40
fungistarted back up now14:40
fungihopefully we'll see deliveries of the pending posts shortly14:40
fungi#status log restarted the mailman-openstack runners on following a 15:17:50 oom killer event yesterday14:41
openstackstatusfungi: finished logging14:41
fungiyep, here they come14:43
* fungi now has a catchy primus song stuck in his head14:43
fungii suspect some of the others may need restarting too. at the moment i count only 46 mailman processes14:44
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fungion, i wasn't limiting it to the runners14:48
fungiwe have 5 mailmanctl processes and 40 qrunner processes so that looks right for 5 sites14:48
fungi(airship, opendev, openstack, starlingx, zuul)14:48
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/system-config master: Build gerrit images with bazelisk
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openstackgerritSorin Sbarnea proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: WIP: test install-docker all-platforms
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openstackgerritMerged zuul/zuul master: ui: convert all spaces to commas for filter
AJaegermordred: could you review , please? And once that's in, let's test it with - this is service-types-authority15:15
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donnydfungi: How would I go about disabling FN all together? I am just about done with the move, and my last steps require the public ip address space the old build is currently sitting in15:23
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed zuul/zuul master: Add nodesets API route
openstackgerritMerged zuul/zuul-jobs master: Add ensure-bazelisk role
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fungidonnyd: i think we would need to set the remaining max-servers entries for the special node types to 0 and optionally pause image uploads15:36
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fungidonnyd: oh, and turn off swift uploads for logs there if we ended up turning them back on at some point? (though i thought they were still off)15:37
donnydThe api endpoint urls will also be changing15:37
donnydI think that is already disabled15:37
donnydWhere do I pause image uploads?15:37
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openstackgerritChandan Kumar (raukadah) proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Added ironic-agent pkg-map for CentOS-8
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fungidonnyd: hrm... i thought we could pause uploads of images on a per-provider basis but so far i'm only finding examples of globally pausing builds of specific images. still digging15:45
donnydfungi: can we just remove FN from the zuul image upload config?15:45
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fungithough also if nodepool ceases to be able to contact the api it's probably moot. it'll just keep trying and eventually after dns gets updated or whatever it will work again (may need a builder restart though)15:46
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donnydif its not going to break anything or make something angry, then can I just shut it down when its time?15:47
AJaegerfungi: doesn't setting to -1 pause image uploads as well?15:47
fungidonnyd: yeah, we design it to be robust in the face of total cloud outages15:47
fungiAJaeger: maybe? for some reason i thought that didn't apply to nodepool v3 but i'll check the docs15:47
Shrewsfungi: i think we can just remove the diskimage reference from the provider? that would delete any uploads of that image though, iirc15:48
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donnydShrews: the old controller (and images) will be gone anyways15:48
donnydI finally have something that will have some better availibility15:48
fungiAJaeger: ftr, the last occurrence i find of setting max-servers:-1 in nodepool.yaml was in 201715:49
AJaegerwow ;(15:49
donnydnot quite full HA, but much better than what I have previously had15:49
openstackgerritMerged zuul/zuul-jobs master: Add ensure-java role
Shrewsfungi: donnyd: ^^15:49
Shrewssetting to empty list lets us cleanup all-the-things properly15:50
donnydoh nice15:51
fungiyeah, if the whole environment is being rebuilt and glance will be a blank slate then we'll need to do that as well15:51
donnydis that is project-config15:51
fungiyep, openstack/project-config specifically15:51
donnydok cool15:51
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donnydI  will get my edits in soon15:51
donnydthank you fungi Shrews AJaeger15:52
fungithanks to you as well donnyd! looking forward to the new and improved fn15:52
donnydI am sure I will need to tune a few things... but its seems to be much faster to me... and now I have some real object storage15:53
donnyd10 nodes of ceph... much mo betta than two nodes of swift15:53
donnydnot that there is anything wrong with swift - just needed to dual hat that part of the array for one specific task15:54
donnydI have one last thing to buy - and that is new UPS15:54
donnydpower around this time of year is usually not an issue15:55
donnydThey should be in by the end of apr15:55
mordredinfra-root: I have to run to the DMV - I'm taking my laptop in case it's a complete disaster zone15:56
donnydmordred: I am not jealous of you. You should also take a mobile speaker so you have music... it will lessen the misery of the DMV15:57
Shrewsmordred: when is the dmv ever NOT a complete disaster zone?15:57
fungiif you do bring music, be sure to listen to primus's "dmv"15:58
fungianyone who's been there knows exactly what i mean15:58
zbrfungi: what should I do about broken platforms and I add tests for our roles? like
zbrcan I make the broken ones -nv manually? so we can merge it and later fix them incrementally?16:01
fungizbr: are those generally broken, or only broken with the addition of that change?16:03
zbrfungi: they were broken because they where never tested, this change only enable testing.16:03
fungizbr: yeah, then i would either skip those platforms for now or set them non-voting. i tend to prefer the former unless someone is actively trying to get them to work16:04
fungisince the latter just means we needlessly run broken jobs and waste resources16:05
zbrfungi: can i use alternative tag for all-platforms, like listing only those that I want? or I only need to manually remove the magic tag and the extra jobs?16:06
zbri ended up with this matrix, due to the use of the tool, but what if I want to enable multi-platform with a limited set?16:06
fungii'll have to read up on how that's implemented16:07
fungi709139 seems to actually add those jobs16:08
fungiin zuul-tests.d/container-roles-jobs.yaml16:08
fungiso could you just not add the broken jobs?16:08
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AJaegerany infra-root around to help push releases.o.o to AFS? It needs a review of (and stack as well for some cleanups) and then changing DNS once that is in. The publishing job is already using AFS, so we currently publish old content...16:10
openstackgerritMerged openstack/project-config master: Fix promote-service-types-authority
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fungiAJaeger: i'm about to disappear for an early lunch so am hesitant to approve stuff like that and run, but i can take a look when i get back if nobody beats me to it16:11
AJaegerthanks, fungi. Lunch is more important ;)16:12
fungimy stomach agrees with that sentiment ;)16:13
openstackgerritSorin Sbarnea proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Enable testing of install-docker on multiple platforms
openstackgerritMerged zuul/zuul master: Disable misfire grace time of apscheduler job
zbrfungi: i updated the review and added only working ones and centos-8 as nv, which I will fix in a follow-up.16:18
openstackgerritSorin Sbarnea proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Enable testing of install-docker on multiple platforms
openstackgerritMerged zuul/zuul master: Spec for allowing circular dependencies
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fungiheaded out for food, back as soon as i can be16:32
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clarkbAJaeger: looking16:32
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openstackgerritSorin Sbarnea proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: WIP: Fix install-docker on centos-8
AJaegerthanks, clarkb.16:37
AJaegerclarkb: want to review rest of stack as well?16:38
clarkbAJaeger: yup working through it too16:38
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clarkblooks like we decided to go from files.openstack to static.opendev. I guess because static.opendev is bionic and ansible configured so represents way of future16:42
smcginnisWas it ever determined what all these "Waiting on logger" messages are from in the logs?16:46
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed zuul/zuul master: Remove implemented specs
clarkbsmcginnis: ansible doesn't do streaming logs out of the box. Zuul hacks around that by having the initial command task on the remote side start a daemon that tails a log file and serves it on port 19885. On the zuul executor side running the job it waits for port 19885 to start listening. That wait is what causes those messages16:50
clarkbsmcginnis: unless the wait is signficant (like more than several seconds) its probably fine to ignore16:51
clarkbAJaeger: ianw I think needs some cleanup. AJaeger its straightforward if you want to give making those changes a go. This should add the new sites without stopping to serve them on the old server meaning its pretty safe to make mistakes here as long as we check before updating DNS. But getting it right is good too :)16:52
clarkbcorvus: ^ that change will move where is hosted if you want to give it a look over too16:52
AJaegerclarkb: let me try...16:52
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clarkbfungi: when you return from lunch I think your input on would be valuable as that our only case of simple server log parsing and I know you have been looking at that sort of thing for zuul recently. Maybe there is a better tool we can replace it with globally for all the vhosts instead16:54
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smcginnisclarkb: Thanks for the explanation. Just concerned about the spam in the logs, but it's not too much.16:58
AJaegerclarkb: should I remove the --insecure?16:58
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed opendev/system-config master: static: move afs sites from to
clarkbAJaeger: no I think that is necessary for the LE testing to work because our test jobs don't actually get real LE certs16:59
clarkbAJaeger: I just wanted to point out why the testing didn't catch the bug16:59
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed opendev/system-config master: Revert "Generate list of 404s for docs.o.o"
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed opendev/system-config master: static: add
clarkbfungi: after a quick google goaccess has an anonymize-ip option. That might work?17:00
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AJaegerclarkb: Ok, I got it right - thanks17:00
clarkbsmcginnis: we may want zuul to log total time waiting once it stops waiting?17:01
clarkbproblem is if it never stops :/17:01
AJaegerconfig-core, two cleanups for review, please: and
smcginnisclarkb: Looks like it times out of something and does log the times. Would probably be nice if it could just do something like "Previous message repeats 199 times", but it's not a big concern.17:02
clarkbsmcginnis: the problem is it is a live stream17:03
clarkbsmcginnis: you don't know how many times it will repeat until you get there and once you get there it has been written17:04
clarkb(and I don't think zuul should be in the job of rewriting logs)17:04
clarkbfungi: the version of goaccess on bionic is too old to have the anonymize-ip option :/17:05
clarkbhowever they do publish repos on their own deb repo17:06
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openstackgerritMerged opendev/system-config master: static: add site
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AJaegerclarkb: do you want to make the DNS changes, please? ^17:19
clarkbAJaeger: yes, we'll need to wait for that to apply and then test it using local /etc/hosts override but once that looks good I can update dns17:20
AJaegerok, thanks17:21
clarkbfungi: ok goaccess anonymize-ip only truncates the last octet17:21
clarkbits not a very good anonymization. The data it produces is probably the sort of thing we would want though17:21
clarkbI wonder if we can convince them to do a salted one way hash version17:22
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openstackgerritSorin Sbarnea proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Fix install-docker on centos-8
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed zuul/zuul-website master: Add redirect for /docs/zuul/user/
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openstackgerritSorin Sbarnea proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Enable testing of install-docker on multiple platforms
openstackgerritSorin Sbarnea proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Fix install-docker on centos-8
openstackgerritSorin Sbarnea proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Fix install-docker on centos-8
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fungiback from lunch and catching up now17:44
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fungiclarkb: i think the sort of details the osf marketing folks are interested in is going to require something along the lines of web bugs, but i believe we could cover that at a local url at the same domain as each site by doing apache mod_proxy to a local socket. my current likely candidate is which doesn't seem to leak any ip network details, just compares to a geoip list17:47
fungiand then discards addresses17:47
fungifor 404 tracking, i suspect we'd need a custom 404 page which added the reference to cause the browser to hit the proxied url17:48
fungi(also goatcounter is distributed under an osi-recognized license, the "pricing" details confusingly included in that page are if you want to use their hosted service instead of running it yourself)17:49
clarkbfungi: does goatcounter not list the 404 hits? goaccess does17:49
fungigoatcounter doesn't perform log analysis, so i don't think it would be aware of 404 hits unless it was called from a custom 404 page. one of the obvious downsides to web bugs vs log analysis17:50
clarkboh I see17:50
fungii believe popular solutions like urchin/ga work the same way in that regard17:51
clarkbfungi: fwiw all of the data on goatcounters page except for screensize is available via log analysis17:51
clarkbthat makes me wonder if we wouldn't be better served by log analysis instead17:51
clarkb(since it can give us request result info too)17:51
fungiyeah, if we can get goaccess to do a more thorough job of hiding ip address info it might be an interesting option too17:52
fungifwiw, this is the first i've heard of goaccess so still reading up on it17:52
clarkbfungi: it occured to me that we could preanonymize the ips we feed into goaccess17:52
clarkbso I'm fiddling with that idea now17:52
clarkbfungi: process would be make log copy, edit ips somehow, run goaccess17:53
clarkbusing salted one way hash with a different salt for each run may be sufficient?17:53
fungiand i only discovered goatcounter a month or so ago... seems there are new solutions to these problems cropping up as gdpr and other forces steer sites to less risky traffic analysis17:53
clarkbThen we run that daily and you shouldn't be able to brute force the one way hash over the 32bit ipv4 addr space17:53
fungiwell, the risk with pseudonymous unique hashes is those still represent individual users, so you could in theory work some of them out through behavior analysis17:54
AJaegerfungi: we have for a custom 404 page, can add content to it if you want17:54
clarkbah I see17:54
clarkbAJaeger: ya one of the changes in the files.o.o stack removes that17:55
clarkbAJaeger: whcih is why I started looking at alternatives that are richer that we could possibly apply across the board17:55
AJaegerclarkb: I know - and I'm not really happy about it. I use it twice a year and always find something.17:55
fungii did this for a living at one point... unique hashes can be reversed to people through non-cryptographic means. anonymization goes hand in hand with aggregation17:55
fungi"safety in numbers"17:56
clarkbthat is probably why goaccess truncates the last octect of ipv4 addrs17:56
fungiso as long as what we serve is aggregate daya i think that's fine17:56
clarkbexcept that still produces largely unique users unless you have significant traffic17:56
AJaegerclarkb: just pushed  four or five changes to get rid of the top 4 lines from
clarkbfungi: aggegate in what way?17:56
fungidisassociating individual statistics from their constituent identities, and totalling them separately17:57
fungiyou don't need to know how many people with this browser string visited that page. it's sufficient to know how many people had this browser string and how many people visited that page, separately17:58
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clarkbfungi: yes goaccess does that17:59
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clarkbthey are separate tables and you can't cross reference from what is presented to you (at least I haven't figured out how yet)17:59
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fungiultimately it's a balancing act. the more precise information you have on visitors the more insights you can infer, however the more precise information you publish on visitors the easier you make it for others to figure out who's doing what17:59
clarkbfungi: you can take a look at
zbri am really concerned that one of you may be able to figure out, which docs pages I am visiting, based on my browser signature.18:02
openstackgerritMerged zuul/zuul master: Remove implemented specs
fungiclarkb: wow that html file is really not human readable ;)18:02
clarkbzbr: that is true of any website on the internet?18:02
clarkbzbr: an unfortunate reality is that in order to make tcp connections and functional http requests we give up a lot of information about ourselves to servers18:03
zbrclarkb: yep, that prevents me from sleeping at night18:03
clarkbtypically mitigation for such things involves TOR and clean browser installs18:03
fungizbr: it's not so much "one of us" as we want to be able to publish this data across all the websites we're running18:03
clarkb(extensions are a major fingerprinting breadcrumb aiui)18:04
fungibecause other organizations want to know details about the popularity of what we're hosting, and we don't feel comfortable having "privileged" relationships where we give organizations exclusive private access to possibly personally identifying information18:05
clarkbfungi: ya you'll want to view it in a browser18:05
zbrsecurity and privacy, two mirages of this millennia18:05
fungiwhile i agree that too many folks are working to make security and privacy hard (or impossible) i don't feel like that means we should just give up on the idea ourselves18:06
clarkbfwiw that report doesnt' cross reference any of the tables18:06
fungibetter that we set an example18:06
clarkbso you can't know which chrome users have which IPs or which windows uers are using chrome etc18:06
clarkbyou only get each table independently (which depending on the data set could still be cross referenceable I think)18:06
fungizbr: the "easy" way out would be to just publish all our web server logs. clearly that leaks a lot of pii, and may even be outright illegal under some circumstances (as well as ethically poor judgement on out part)18:07
fungizbr: also, we have gleaned insights in the past looking at webserver logs that suggest some organizations which may be using our software who may not want that information to be public, and wouldn't feel right outing them, especially since it could be counter-productive18:10
zbrit was a long week for me, and legal stuff is not the best way to end it with, but I do see the points.18:11
fungiclarkb: yeah, the only one which worries me is the "Visitor Hostnames and IPs" table, would be especially useful if they could replace that with a geoip lookup so you get some attempt at global visitor distribution (inaccurate as that tends to be)18:11
clarkbfungi: there is geoip support in goaccess, but I expect that is in addition to, not exclusion of the visitor/ip table18:11
fungii wonder if we there's an option to just leave that data out of the report then?18:12
clarkboh we can actually provide a list of panels we want18:12
clarkblet me test this more18:12
zbrwhen you have few minutes maybe you can help me merge these two: (and parent)18:12
fungithe other thing which is possibly helpful is if it can break out "local" (same site) referrers from the rest. a lot of web log analysis tools do that so maybe it can too18:13
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fungithe split between referrers urls and referring sites gets close to that though, so not strictly necessary18:14
fungibut nice to know if a specific blog post on some site is driving a lot of traffic to specific pages18:14
fungizbr: yep, looking at those now. thanks for the heads uip18:15
fungier, heads up18:15
zbri am slowly learning about update-test-platform, even make small bugfix.18:15
zbrabstract jobs are not supposed to endup in check/gate.18:16
clarkbya --ignore-panel HOSTS seems to work18:16
fungizbr: correct, an abstract job should never be run directly18:16
clarkbfungi: considering ^ we wouldn't even need --anonymize-ip support in the ubuntu version because we'd just delete the panel entirely18:16
fungithere's also the opposite, a "final" job, which should never be inherited from18:16
zbri kinda find confusing the anchor compression logic.18:16
fungiclarkb: yeah, sounds fine to me18:17
fungithanks for working on this. i ran into a bunch of dead ends with all the tools i tried up to now18:17
fungibut also never found goaccess18:17
fungivery promising18:17
clarkbfungi: `./goaccess /path/to/apache/access.log -o report.html --log-format=COMBINED --ignore-panel HOSTS`18:18
clarkbI'm checking now if my local compile compiled geolocation support18:19
clarkbdoesn't look like it so I can't easily test that functionality but in theory it exists18:20
clarkbfungi: I think the last thing we need to potentially worry about is referers. We can disable that panel too. I'm not quite sure myself yet if posting that is good or bad18:20
fungigenerally it's safe as long as get parameters are stripped18:21
clarkbI can see how marketers would really like that data, but it could also point out people using software that may not wish to be called out18:21
clarkbfungi: ya the default is only domain name (the urls are stripped too)18:21
clarkbfungi: you can see that in my example18:21
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fungibut yeah, say some large company has links in an internal wiki or bug tracker and then people are arriving at the site by clicking those links...18:22
AJaegerclarkb: thanks for looking into these 404s18:22
AJaeger(and fungi as well)18:22
fungiclarkb: yeah, i agree that's potentially risky18:22
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fungiwhatever data we're opting to exclude, we should document the reasons for those choices to so we don't have to remember when folks ask us18:23
clarkbalso we can start conservative and have a minimal set of data there18:23
clarkbthen people can argue to turn on extra bits18:23
fungibut yeah, what i don't want is to start sharing potentially sensitive visitor data with people under a non-disclosure agreement18:24
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clarkbmaybe start with just: visitor count, requested files, static requests, 404s, http status codes18:25
fungii think we should draw the line that we provide whatever visitor information we deem safe in public, for anyone to consume if they find it useful18:25
fungiand we don't have special relationships to provde sensitive data to anybody18:25
clarkblet me generate my proposed list report as I think that fits your proposal18:25
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fungithis could also be a good spec, and maybe the first test of our new governance18:27
fungibecause i don't want it to just be the two of us having this discussion18:27
AJaegerI would love to have: 404 page, referer, count18:30
fungiAJaeger: see above discussion about referrers... it can leak internal organizational information for visitors18:30
clarkbcool I think that works. We can --ignore-panel every panel. Then --enable-panel the ones we want18:31
AJaegerfungi: argh ;( Could we limit it to our own pages? My goal is to fix broken links if possible18:31
clarkbfungi: check
fungiAJaeger: we might be able to preprocess the logs to filter outside domains18:31
clarkbAJaeger: fungi goaccess 404s reporting doesn't report the referrer18:32
AJaegeror just summarize "unknown" or "outside"18:32
AJaegerso, no improvement to what we have ;(18:32
clarkbyou get hits, request type, and url18:32
fungiso if the domain in the referrer url is not on the list of local domains, then we stream edit to replace it with a common placeholder?18:32
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fungi(before feeding to the analyzer)18:33
clarkbfungi: well ist a noop right now beacuse analyzer doesn't look at it18:33
clarkbyou don't get the data either way18:33
fungiclarkb: yeah, i mean as far as AJaeger's request to include referrers so we know where 404 hits come from, though i think this tool isn't going to tell us that either way18:34
clarkbright. That said preprocessing the input data is a reasonable appraoch I think18:34
clarkbassuming tools mostly support what we want18:34
fungiwe may still need a separate report to list (our own) references to 404 pages18:35
fungiknowing what nonexistent pages people are requesting is useful, but not as useful as knowing where we're linking to pages which don't exist18:35
fungithe sanitized view lgtm, btw18:35
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clarkbfungi: I've also clicked the export json button to make sure we aren't just avoiding render of the other panels. But the json lacks that data too18:37
* fungi did the same, yep18:37
clarkbI think this could be run against all of our apache access logs pretty safely18:37
fungithat's definitely what i've been looking for18:38
fungimight be interesting to get the same for gitea, where there's no apache18:38
fungii wonder if we can get apache-format access logs from it18:38
clarkbfungi: you can configure log formats on the goaccess side too18:38
fungioh, nice18:39
clarkbthat was actually where I leanred about goaccess. I used it to debug haproxy when we had gitea problems in the past18:39
clarkbI should've written down my log format for haproxy logs somewhere :/18:39
fungihaproxy has no insight into our https traffic though because we terminate crypto on the backends18:39
clarkbfungi: correct I was trying to identify traffic rates by source and backend18:40
clarkbwhich was all layer 3 data18:40
clarkbit mostly worked but was clunky.18:40
clarkbI think feeding gitea logs in directly would largely just work18:42
clarkbjust need to write the log parser format tring18:42
clarkbalso it can run as a real time server18:44
AJaegerclarkb: did ansible run for releases.o.o change?18:46
clarkbAJaeger: looking18:46
clarkbAJaeger: it did but it had a problem verifying the LE cert. Looks like we didn't update dns for the acme challenge18:49
clarkbI'll do that now which should fix the cert and when that is fixed we can swap main dns18:49
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AJaegerclarkb: so, wait another hour?18:52
clarkbAJaeger: yes, sorry about that. I didn't think to check the acme dns record18:54
clarkbI'm tailing the log on the server now so should see when that goes through18:54
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Enable testing of install-docker on multiple platforms
clarkbI'm going to step out for a few while we want for that. Need breakfast/lunch18:55
clarkbfungi: re the server version of goaccess that might be tricky because it listens on a port for websockets. We'd have to set up a separate websocket for each report I think which on a host like might get painful18:57
AJaegerclarkb: no worries - just wanted to get an estimate. Get your food!18:57
clarkbits possible we could feed it all the access logs and it would break it down by vhost not sure18:58
clarkband ya I should eat18:58
fungiclarkb: i don't feel like rt reporting is critical. running it each time we do log rotation is probably fine18:59
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fungiconfig-core: anyone free for a second review on (an extremely barebones project creation change)?19:01
clarkbfungi: ya I agree19:01
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AJaegerfungi: I just asked back whether it needs a git import, otherwise fine. Let me +2 and we can +A once the submitter answers19:04
fungiAJaeger: yeah, i'm pretty sure msdisme (he's not in here, but lurking in #opendev and #openinfralabs) plans to start with an empty repo, but it's good to ask to be sure. thanks19:05
openstackgerritMichal Arbet proposed openstack/project-config master: Add xstatic-** projects for vitrage-dashboard
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AJaegerconfig-core, two cleanups for review, please: and
openstackgerritMerged zuul/zuul-jobs master: Enable testing of install-docker on multiple platforms
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openstackgerritMerged opendev/system-config master: static: move site setup to a loop
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mordredinfra-root: back from DMV ... I miss anything good?19:38
fungijust several hours of your life19:40
fungioh, and discussions about publishing web access stats19:41
mordredfungi: those sound similar?19:42
fungishouldn't you be carnivaling anyway?19:43
mordredfungi: well - parades don't start until 16:45 today - which is actually a bit early but last night the weather was bad enough that they cancelled Muses, so it's running this afternoon instead19:43
mordredfungi: BUT19:43
mordredfungi: we've already mardied much gras and may hide from a good bit of the gras from this point on19:44
mordredin other news ....19:44
mordred is GREEN!19:45
fungiahh, you accidentally staggered onto bourbon street?19:45
fungithat would certainly end it for me19:45
mordredfungi: oh good golly no19:46
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AJaegermordred: could you review , please? Hope it's publishing correctly now...19:46
mordredfungi: but we did parades last fri-sun then a parade and ball in mobile on tuesday19:46
fungiyeah, that sounds like plenty19:47
mordredAJaeger: done!19:47
AJaegerthanks, mordred19:48
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clarkbAJaeger: can you test with in /etc/hosts ?19:53
clarkbAJaeger: it seems to be workign for me now and if you confirm that is the correct up to date content I will update dns for to be a CNAME to static.opendev.org19:53
AJaegerclarkb: looks correct for me19:55
AJaegeryep, contains just released packages...19:56
AJaegermordred: service-type publish failed, I'm on it19:58
clarkbAJaeger: I will update dns shortly then19:58
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mordredAJaeger: :(20:00
mordredAJaeger: let me know if you want me to look in to anything20:00
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mordredclarkb: and its depends-on changes are fun if you want to look at them20:01
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/project-config master: Fix service-type publishing
AJaegermordred: this one, please ^20:03
AJaegerconfig-core, service-types-authority patching is too tricky for me - could I get another review, please? ^20:13
clarkblooking as soon as I update dns for releaes20:23
clarkbok dns has been updated and it had a short 5 minute ttl before so should go into production quickly20:25
clarkbAJaeger: ^ maybe you can confirm at 20:30utc20:25
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AJaegerclarkb: LGTM, thanks20:36
openstackgerritMerged openstack/project-config master: Fix service-type publishing
AJaegermordred: could you do another review, please: - to test the job20:37
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed opendev/infra-specs master: Bump blockdiag dep so that we build on newer python3
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed opendev/infra-specs master: Add spec for website stat tracking effort
clarkbinfra-root ^ that first change I'll just push through if CI passes on it. fungi mordred that second one tries to being to capture what we learned this mroning so that it isn't all gone tomorrow20:45
clarkbits still very WIPy but I think has the important breadcrumbs for turning this into something real20:45
clarkbAJaeger: hrm I didn't catch it earlier but the redirect to https is redirecting to not https://releases.openstack.org20:46
clarkbAJaeger: I'm working to sort that out now20:47
clarkboh hrm it works in a second browser so that may just be bad caching when I was debugging the LE cert issue20:48
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clarkbcan someone else check when they have a moment?20:48
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clarkbmordred: comment on I think that is more like -0 than -1 but I was pretty confused by what was going on there for a bit20:54
clarkbI think separating as suggested would help avoid that confusion and also make future changes to the gerrit image builds cleaner20:55
mordredclarkb: yeah - that's a good point. It also might be easier to just make a tiny role in zuul-jobs that can be reused so that we don't have to do the add-zuul-to-the-deps thing just to lint that one fiole20:58
clarkbmordred: the other downside to that change is now we can't build images locally as easily21:00
clarkbmordred: beacuse docker build isn't sufficient21:00
clarkbbut I'm not super concerned about that, the steps to get a release are still there in the ansible and can be used via ansible or reproduced locally21:01
clarkbok I've fast approved that infra-specs dep change as it fixes things for me locally21:07
clarkband CI was happy21:07
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AJaegermordred: thanks! publishing worked, check
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AJaegerclarkb: redirect works correctly with chromium for me21:09
mordredAJaeger: yay!21:09
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clarkbAJaeger: ya I think because we have it as a permanent redirect that when things weren't working with LE before it still cached the wrong thing21:09
mordredclarkb: yeah - I had the same concern - but I think ultimately that should be pretty unfrequent thing we need to do21:10
clarkbAJaeger: it worked fine for me in a different browser21:10
openstackgerritMerged opendev/infra-specs master: Bump blockdiag dep so that we build on newer python3
AJaegerNow we have two cleanups for review for the static AFS changes for review, please: and
fungiclarkb: correctly redirects to https for me, yep21:14
fungiin an incognito ff, so shouldn't have that redirect cached either21:15
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clarkbfungi: if you get a chance your thoughts on would be great. Also feel free to push a new ps with more info since i Know you had investigated this a bit before21:20
AJaegerHave a great weekend everybody!21:25
AJaegerthanks, clarkb for driving releases.o.o through!21:25
clarkbyou too!21:34
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clarkbI'm goign to pop out for a bike ride while the weather is nice. Back in a bit21:51
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fungiand clarkb yep, already had it up in gertty22:00
fungihave a good weekend AJaeger!22:00
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/project-config master: Create openinfralabs/contrib repo
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/system-config master: DNM Replace kubectl snap with apt repo
mordredinfra-root: ^^ that's a placeholder patch to remind me to write that patch23:18
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Add pause-buildset-registry role
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Add pause-buildset-registry role
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openstackgerritDonny Davis proposed openstack/project-config master: Full Disable of FortNebula
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/system-config master: Build gerrit images with bazelisk
mordredclarkb: ^^ I think that should be cleaner and should address your concern from earlier23:33
donnydfungi: if you are still kicking around, please lmk if I did that correctly23:34
clarkbmordred: thanks will rereview23:35
* donnyd waves at clarkb 23:35
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed opendev/base-jobs master: Use pause-buildset-registry role
donnydthings are moving along quite well over here, and I am hoping to have something ready in 7(ish) days.23:36
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fungidonnyd: yep, looking now, thanks!23:38
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fungilgtm, just want to get a second pair of config-core eyes on that23:40
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed zuul/nodepool master: WIP: k8s: allow port forwarding
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corvusdonnyd: is it shutting down permanently?23:51
fungiit's being resurfaced, apparently23:51
corvusi just saw the msg from 23:36, sorry23:51
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fungiso the old images are going away23:51
corvusthat makes sense23:51
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corvus(added a note in my review :)23:52
fungiyou also removed your vote, presumably caught gertty in the midst of syncing it23:52
donnydcorvus: no, it's being rebuilt to have better availability and now has some real object storage23:53
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed zuul/zuul master: WIP: Stream output from kubectl pods
clarkbok that took longer than I expected because laptop crashed23:57
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clarkbdonnyd: ohai23:58
donnydI am going to shut down the mirror node when this change merges. I mainly just need a couple of the v4 IPs to bring the new stuff online23:58
clarkbmy old laptop has been very flaky with modern linux23:59
clarkbmight need to consider a reaplacement23:59

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