Thursday, 2020-10-22

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openstackgerritMerged openstack/pbr master: Adding pre-commit
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clarkbfwiw now fairly confident that was the source of the slowdown. We've blocked the ip and the server has calmed down01:10
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tkajinamclarkb, yeah it works much smoothly now. thanks02:11
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack/project-config master: Temporarily stop booting nodes in inap-mtl01
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noonedeadpunkhey folks! Need some help/advice about how to solve issue that has recently raised with ubuntu mirrors and dunno, maybe there's an option how openstack infra can help with that12:47
noonedeadpunkso canonical has dropped history of their base images recently on which we're relying heavily12:52
noonedeadpunkso the only option at the moment is to determine latest one and pick it up.12:53
noonedeadpunk(or use some different source)12:53
fungiwhat is "history of their base images"?12:54
noonedeadpunkwhere they can be stored more reliably and having control over them...12:54
fungias in, like, old copies of their cloud images or a history of what changes were made in their images?12:54
fungior some other kind of images?12:54
noonedeadpunki mean 18.04.2, 18.04.3 - point releases12:54
noonedeadpunksame for focal12:54
fungialso who is "we" relying on them?12:55
noonedeadpunkold copies12:55
fungigot it, so osa has been using old copies of ubuntu cloud images for $reasons and now ubuntu has either deleted or relocated all but a few recent point releases?12:55
noonedeadpunkwhich means all of our current releases are broken because of this12:55
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noonedeadpunkfungi: yeah12:56
fungiosa uses them in tests, or something to do with production deployments?12:56
noonedeadpunkfor production deployments12:56
noonedeadpunkso we have kind of url hardocded here
fungioh, got it, running them under lxc for some sort of containerized deployment model?12:57
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noonedeadpunkwe retrieve base image, modify it a bit and store local cache. but for ppl who don't have a cache or if it's expired...12:58
fungiand i guess the deployment process still upgrades them to latest packages for that series, so the end result is the same as if they'd used a more recent image point release12:58
noonedeadpunkkind of, yes. but the point here was that the process is reliable and fixed for release12:59
noonedeadpunkas we use exact same image every time12:59
noonedeadpunk(for osa release)12:59
fungibut just to be clear, osa users aren't running old versions of ubuntu packages with known security vulnerabilities (this is why ubuntu removes the old versions of the images, after all, to help dissuade anyone from deploying vulnerable software)13:00
noonedeadpunkwe run this for the image
fungihave you looked/asked around to find out if ubuntu still keeps those old image versions somewhere and has simply moved them out of the normal location?13:01
noonedeadpunkwell, they pointed to this ML
noonedeadpunkand that storing these images was not planned at all, however it was since 16.04 or smth...13:02
noonedeadpunkwhich was pretty frustrating13:02
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fungii see, yeah i don't have any good ideas other than to issue a point release of stable branches updating the urls to more recent point releases of those various lts series13:03
fungior, alternatively, trying to use ubuntu's image build process to recreate those old images13:04
fungiwhich seems like ot would probably be much more work and a lot more error-prone13:04
noonedeadpunkwell, doing that every time is too time consuming and we already take plenty of ci time...13:04
noonedeadpunkwell, they have daily builds, but I'm not sure how good to use them13:05
fungiask ubuntu to create a "latest" symlink for their images so you can refer to those13:05
noonedeadpunkyeah I think I should, thanks!13:05
noonedeadpunkis #ubuntu-server good place to ask?13:06
openstackgerritMerged openstack/project-config master: Temporarily stop booting nodes in inap-mtl01
AJaegerconfig-core, is ready to merge - retire monasca-analytics. Please review13:19
* AJaeger just -1ed, wiwll fix quickly13:20
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/project-config master: Remove openstack/monasca-analytics
AJaegernow ready13:21
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QianbiaoHello, when visit, it index the folder.14:13
QianbiaoMaybe a security problem, just a remind.14:14
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AJaegerQianbiao: not a security problem. There's just no index.html page...14:41
AJaegerQianbiao: you should browse via
QianbiaoAJaeger if no index, it should 404 i think. index folder is not a good option.14:42
Qianbiaoindex file system may cause security issue.14:42
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QianbiaoAnd it supports folder visit:
AJaegerQianbiao: I still do not see any security problem here so far - if you know of a concrete one, please tell us in detail.14:47
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QianbiaoAJaeger I am not good at this :)14:50
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QianbiaoJust a remind. In my company index file systems is marked as security issue which is not allowed.14:51
AJaegerIMHO that's just hidding informatio, we have everything open anyway since we publish from open source etc. So, I see not how in our setup, this would add a security risk.14:54
AJaegerQianbiao: still, thanks for pointing it out.14:55
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AJaegermaybe others reading have more information and can enlighten me...14:55
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QianbiaoAJaeger np, you are welcome :)14:56
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fungisome folks attempt to hide information in files on web sites by not linking to them from other files. this is a practice commonly referred to as "security by obscurity" (which is really just another way of saying "not really secured at all" or "wishful thinking")15:22
fungiwhile most of the documentation on that site probably doesn't benefit from apache mod_index autoindices, we make the exact same filesystems completely browseable by other means, for example on the site or via afs15:23
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smcginnisI've noticed the aarch64 jobs that run on the requirements repo patches has been getting NODE_FAILURE errors the last few days.20:06
smcginnisAnyone know what's up with those?20:06
fungientirely possible that cloud has fallen offline again20:06
clarkbI think kevinz was doing cloud updates20:08
clarkbor no it was a colo facility outage? maybe things haven't come back up20:08
fungiright, he said something about pdu maintenance20:09
fungithat likely also explains the deployment failures related to nb0320:09
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sean-k-mooneyfungi: clarkb what is the best way to approch debuging why zuul is not loading all jobs you have asked it too21:43
fungican you define "loading"?21:44
fungilike you're browsing to the jobs page and not finding them>?21:44
clarkbor maybe not running them on changes?21:44
sean-k-mooneywell that and i gett waring in the schduler21:44
fungicheck the top row if the webui for a "bell" icon which may indicate dependency errors21:45
sean-k-mooneysaying that require repos cant be found21:45
clarkbya the bell should point you at the repos that are a problem iirc21:45
sean-k-mooneybut in one case devstack is saying it cant find iteself21:45
fungiyeah, so that's a known channel for reusing externally-defined jobs. you'll need to at least include those repos in your tenant config, even if you don't load configuration from them21:45
sean-k-mooneyyep i have21:46
sean-k-mooneynot sure if you can see
clarkbcan't connect from here21:47
clarkbthere it goes21:47
sean-k-mooneybasically im seeing Unknown projects:
clarkbsean-k-mooney: that required project uses the fully qualified name21:48
sean-k-mooneyfrom openstack/devstack - .zuul.yaml21:48
clarkbis it included in your tenant config from
sean-k-mooneyi named my driver opendev.org21:48
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sean-k-mooneythats my tenants file21:49
clarkband that config adds it to the openstack tenant and your errors page is for the openstack tenant too (means we don't have different tenant issues)21:50
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sean-k-mooneythat is my zull config - my webhook token21:51
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clarkbI wonder if the canonical hostname on line 41 is the issue21:51
sean-k-mooneyoh it could be21:51
clarkbit may be thinking the fully qualified project name is
sean-k-mooneyim modifying an old config i had form before the openstack to opendev rename21:52
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sean-k-mooneyok i can try that21:52
clarkbI would try changing that to opendev.org21:52
clarkbor maybe drop it entirely?21:52
sean-k-mooneysure ill drop it and see21:52
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sean-k-mooneyi remember working though all of this like 2 years ago but i didnt write down all the steps21:54
sean-k-mooneywe also dont have a thirdpart zuul ci guide as far as i know. but i have been trying to figure this out for a few hours now and not really making progress21:55
clarkbya no one has written one yet21:56
clarkbif you take down your steps I'm sure we'd love to publish it somehow21:56
sean-k-mooneyi may end up redeploying in a seperate vm for zuul/nodepool using the docker hub images21:56
sean-k-mooneyif i do ill record what i have to do21:57
sean-k-mooneywhile im asking question can i drop 2 of those connections21:57
sean-k-mooneythe zuul-git one i dont need21:57
sean-k-mooneybecause i can get that from gerrit21:57
sean-k-mooneybut what about the github and ones21:58
sean-k-mooneycan the github driver connect be used to add repos that do not have my applciation?21:58
fungiyeah, to be clear, the third-party ci guide we had for zuul v2 was written by third-party ci operators who had set up zuul v2 and documented how they did so. the reason we have no third-party ci guide for zuul v3 is that nobody who has set up a third-party ci with zuul v3 has submitted documentation explaining how they did so21:58
clarkbsean-k-mooney: I think that is the difference with the two github connectons. One hooks into the app events system. the other will poll repos21:58
clarkbif you don't need the polling or don't need the app you could drop the one you don't need21:59
sean-k-mooneyam well they are providing different things21:59
sean-k-mooneyim using the app for the config repo21:59
sean-k-mooneyand the pooling one for dpdk and ovs repos likely also libvirt and qemu in time22:00
clarkbin that case you probably need both?22:00
sean-k-mooneyya i think so22:00
sean-k-mooneyi can drop the one on line 2922:00
sean-k-mooneythat was just form the docs22:00
sean-k-mooneyit would make sense to keep it if i was not also adding opendev via gerrit22:01
sean-k-mooneyso no that does not seam to have fixed it22:01
clarkbalso there is a third operating mode iwht github where you can add them to your app connection and if the app isn't there zuul won't get the vents but can incorporate the repo state of those repos when other events trigger jobs22:02
clarkbsean-k-mooney: maybe you need the canonical name but set to sorry its been a long week and I dont have a lot of zuul things paged in right now22:02
sean-k-mooneyclarkb: its ok dont stress out about it22:02
sean-k-mooneyya ill give that a try22:02
clarkbwe do the app less github connection thing with stuff we want zuul to cache for reliability22:03
clarkbbut don't get events22:03
sean-k-mooneyya that is basically what im trying to do with ovs and dpdk22:04
sean-k-mooneyill look into it once i get the basics working :)22:04
sean-k-mooneythis was my old working config form like 2 year ago
fungialso maybe a good reminder that we have several tenants with similar sorts of situations configured here:
sean-k-mooneythere i had canonical_hostname=git.openstack.org22:05
sean-k-mooneyfungi: hehe i have deffenetly stolen some of this from there at different points22:06
sean-k-mooneybased on the docs canonical_hostname likely is the issue
sean-k-mooneyclarkb: fungi thank you both22:19
sean-k-mooneyit was the canonical hostname22:19
fungidocs ftw22:19
clarkbsean-k-mooney: it had to be explicitly set to
sean-k-mooneyalso name is not a config option that was removed at some point22:20
sean-k-mooneyclarkb: yes it did22:20
sean-k-mooneyclarkb: i always tought that was set by [connection]22:21
sean-k-mooneynot by the canonical_hostname line22:22
sean-k-mooneyi may also be doing horible horible hacks22:24
sean-k-mooneyi redfien my own dsvm-base, dsvm-tempest-base tempest-all and tempest-full22:25
sean-k-mooneythat way i dont need to import jobs form tempest which pulls in basically all of openstack22:25
fungito be fair, running devstack jobs on your own zuul is likely to require a modicum of horribleness. so many required projects...22:26
sean-k-mooneyi have only 23 and i dont actully need all of them22:27
sean-k-mooneyo can remove like 5 of them22:27
sean-k-mooneyactully i dont need devstack-gate anymore either22:27
sean-k-mooneythis is basically what i use instead of the upstream tempest jobs which still use the tempest roles
sean-k-mooneythey are basically a copy past without the require projects and a few minor tweeks22:29
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sean-k-mooneyoh right... now im hittign the default branch name change22:34
sean-k-mooneythree is no devstack job defined for main22:35
sean-k-mooneythis is where i go steal the branch mapping stuff form project config :)22:36
fungiyeah, you'll likely need an override-checkout to deal with that22:36
sean-k-mooneyyep i was considrign defining my own intermdiary that mapped to master22:37
sean-k-mooneyoh that in the job definetion cool22:37
fungipretty much, you could make a job which triggers on branch: main and then override-checkout: master to cause it to use master branches on other projects22:38
fungithough that might get hairy if you're mixing multiple repos with different default branch names22:38
clarkbya this is one reason the early draft we wrote on the subject suggests larger project orgs switch together22:39
fungithis is where hard-coding zuul to have an explicit fallback to main when there is no master might be a more user-friendly solution22:39
clarkboh thats an interesting idea too22:40
fungiclarkb: you probably missed that discussion in #zuul earlier today22:40
clarkbI did!22:40
sean-k-mooneyya im reall tempted to just make a master branch and use that but if i can figure out how to make it work i will give it a try22:40
* clarkb goes to look at scrollback22:40
sean-k-mooneyfungi: was that the disucssion where i mention it did nto load the config project with out the load-branch override to main22:41
fungisean-k-mooney: yep22:41
sean-k-mooneyya a fallback would have been nice it was pretty obvious once that clicked but it took me ages to figure out it was because of main22:42
fungibut with my zuul maintainer hat on for a moment, if git upstream has already decided that "main" is the new default name for default branches, then i could see adding a search precedence to zuul's current master assumption22:42
sean-k-mooneyfungi: well github has22:43
sean-k-mooneyi dont know if the git project has or not22:43
sean-k-mooneyi normally dont create github repos form github but sicne i was setting up the zuul app i did thistime22:44
sean-k-mooneyif i pushed the repo manually it would have crated with master as the defualt branch22:44
sean-k-mooneystill i guess it better for someone like me to hit these things and let ye know then someone coming to zuul for the first time22:45
sean-k-mooneyeven with the nameing issue its so much nice the deploy zuulv2 with jenkins or just using jenkins22:46
sean-k-mooneyalthough that mgiht be the years of brainwashing talking22:47
clarkbits a bit different of an appraoch. Zuul wants you to manage config in git and up front. Jenkins will spin up and do absolutely nothing to start22:48
clarkbthere is value in both method22:48
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sean-k-mooneyits a bit of a steaper learning curve but having everything version contoled is a big win22:49
sean-k-mooneytry as you might jenkins always involves imperitive steps to defining things where as zuul can basically be deployed and operated declaritivly22:50
fungiyeah, honestly the predecessor of zuul v3's configuration was our jenkins-job-builder approach to putting jenkins configs under actual version controk22:51
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fungiafter so many times of "what changed with this job? i dunno, check the job revision history... ugh that's no help"22:52
fungithough honestly, my experience with using the jenkins webui to create jobs, or using jenkins at all for that matter, is years stale. i'm sure it's gotten much better in that time22:53
sean-k-mooneywe deploy zullv2.5 in our lab with jjb configuration and it worked but i can honetly say i did not really understand why22:53
sean-k-mooneyit helpped but still not as easy to follow as just using ansible22:53
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fungiyeah, for v3 we really didn't want to go the jenkins route and create a dsl for job definitions, and ansible also had its own runners and was in yaml like we had already been using with jjb, so it was an obvious solution22:55
fungii know some people are turned off by the "i have to learn ansible to write jobs?" aspect, but honestly the alternative was "i have to learn some new job description language with lots of its own unique bugs?"22:56
fungieven if you've never seen ansible before, at least you're learning something which has applicability beyond just zuul jobs22:57
fungiplus, we don't have to write or maintain it, there's a vibrant existing community already doing that22:57
sean-k-mooneyonce plus to it was i could say no it support ansible im not going to write the job in puppet22:58
* sean-k-mooney really does not like puppet/ruby22:58
fungii'll say there are things i like better about puppet than ansible, but their featureset has converged a bit over time23:00
sean-k-mooneyit still pains me so much that downstream we hvae so much jenkins23:00
fungithe idempotent declarative state approach to puppet is alluring, unfortunately systems are all too often a seething foam of uncertainty underneath so it's not as useful as it seems like it should be23:00
JayFWe use (and I think are the primary OSS contributors to?) downstream -- I don't think anything is as comprehensive as Zuul,  but this is *much* better than Jenkins IME23:01
fungitrying to do cross-systems orchestration with puppet was double-unfun23:01
JayFall CI/CD configs in repo, in a machine readable/writeable format is just  absolutely wonderful23:01
JayFalthough it does suffer a bit from what fungi noted -- the "I have to learn how to do X" that isn't particularly applicable outside of screwdriver23:02
sean-k-mooneythere is a defienite split in redhat. all of the upstream engineers know and love zuul all our qe know jenkins23:02
fungiJayF: does it do speculative config execution? that's the obvious next-step benefit to in-repo configuration23:02
JayFIf that means "it uses the new configuration file in PRs as a form of testing it", yes23:03
JayFif you don't mean that, I need a definition :)23:03
JayFjroll even wrote some software downstream that we use to centralize and generate those configs, and PR out changes to the repos23:04
fungiyep, that was one of our most compelling design elements for zuul v3, we had already hacked self-testing secondary configuration into frameworks like devstack-gate but the job definitions were a blind spot23:04
JayFso for the "N" openstack repo/branch combos we have that are generally the same (apply patches; run tests; publish to local pypi), we only write the config once and it gets PR'd to the repos23:04
JayFthe visibility is the piece I think Zuul does really well, although IDK if the searchable page on is "zuul" or "other cool opendev infra stuff"23:05
clarkbeverything under is zuul not special23:05 is increasingly less cool openstack stuff, the webui is getting waaaay better at standing on its own now23:05
JayFah it is, not status.23:05
clarkbwe've been replacing a lot of the special stuff with more built in functionality and it has gone well23:06
JayFthat's one of those URLs I type in wrong everytime :D23:06
JayFZuul is mostly an openstack-grown-and-run project, right?23:06
fungiyeah, the idea is that zuul knows all the configuration and build history, so make that browseable and queryable23:06
clarkbJayF: its gotten a fair bit of outside involvment since becoming a top level project. BMW does a lot of work on it23:07
clarkbvolvo is getting more and more involved too23:07
fungiJayF: zuul grew up alongside openstack to serve openstack's use cases initially, but it's always been a bit independent and is now pretty much entirely independent for the last year or two23:07
clarkband then there are smaller orgs using it as well23:07
JayFThat's really nice that it's getting external adoption and contribution23:07
JayFfungi: Yeah, I know with some of the infra pieces it is "grew up with openstack" moreso than "grown by openstack" but I've never been particularly good at that distinction23:08
JayFBTW; thanks for the response to the incident the other day.23:08
fungiJayF: shameless plug for an article i wrote outlining zuul's history, if you're bored:
JayFI'm not but I'm also a speedreader :D23:09
JayFit's actually EOD for me, so I'll read that then turn into a pumpkin :)23:09
sean-k-mooneyim in one of those case wehre i almost have my third party ci runing a devstack job23:11
sean-k-mooneyi shoudl stop but im really close23:11
sean-k-mooneyby the way when im using override checkout i should also use "branches: main"  right23:15
sean-k-mooneyto only override if it the job that is calling it is on main23:15
fungisean-k-mooney: in that particular case, yes i believe that's what you'll need23:20
fungibecause you won't want to override other branches, so you'd do a second version of the job to catch the stable/.* branches23:21
fungiideally those would just be lightweight child jobs inheriting from a common job definition anyway23:21
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sean-k-mooneythat is basically what im going to try23:23
sean-k-mooneyi think zull give precidence to the closted match23:24
sean-k-mooneyso the one with branches main shoud match before the one without it23:24
sean-k-mooneybut if i need to i can match on stable in the second one23:24
fungion the second version of the job you'll want a branch filter too i think23:25
fungieither negative lookahead regex excluding main, or a pattern match like stable/.* if those will be the only non-main branches23:26
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fungiyou may be right though, we usually just get pedantic in our configs out of an abundance of caution23:26
sean-k-mooneyim basing that on this exmple
sean-k-mooneywell ignore the line23:28
sean-k-mooneyif you go to the very bottom23:28
sean-k-mooneythe old node set example23:28
sean-k-mooneycool now i have a node failure but that is just because i have not added the focal lable to my nodepool yet so its now working :)23:33

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