Monday, 2020-11-16

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jpenahi! I see the centos 7 mirror content on the AFS mirrors is outdated, and does not contain the 7.9 rpms09:48
jpenalooking at, it looks like we're syncing from mirros.lstn.net09:48
jpenaand it is out of sync, according to
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jpenaare we using that server for a special reason, or could we switch to a different one?09:49
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fricklerjpena: iiuc we keep chasing for the least broken mirror server. if you know a better one, feel free to propose a patch10:13
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openstackgerritLiam Young proposed openstack/project-config master: Add Magpie charm to OpenStack charms
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weshay|ruckianw, have you seen
weshay|ruckzbr, hey13:54
zbrweshay|ruck: hi13:54
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zbrfungi: clarkb: around to help with the mirroring swap?14:33
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fungidid someone find a more current rsync mirror to switch to? every time we pick one, it eventually breaks or goes stale and we have to pick another14:39
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zbrfungi: that is why CDNs were invented.14:50
zbrthey are supposed to resolve the burden of maintaining list of mirrors,... if they work fine.14:51
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fungizbr: yes, point me to the rsync cdn then?15:55
fungii'm sure it will solve our problems once and for all15:55
fungilogan-: if you're around, not sure if you have any insight into the service but it's apparently got stale centos 7.x packages15:56
zbrlogan was idea for the last 5 days.15:57
zbrlogan was idle15:57
zbrfungi: i am trying to understand how can make the mirroring worse than now.15:58
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clarkbzbr: rsync tries to connect and fails every time it attempts to connect because of connection limits16:00
clarkbthen you end up stale because you're never syncing16:00
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clarkbright now we'll get updated if our upstream updates16:00
clarkbthat is better16:00
fungizbr: also i was unaware of 762812 until just now. i suppose that was some missing context from your question above16:03
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zbryep that is the change. I am not sure about the mentioned connection limits, maybe someone can explain them to me.16:06
fungii'm not opposed to going back to trying mirrors.k.o, but as mentioned by others our past experience is that most of the time we try to connect we get an error saying the connection limit has been reached so we rarely manage to pull updates from there16:07
clarkbzbr: the rsync mirrors limit the number of rsync connections to it. They are a very popular mirror so are basically always at the limit. When they are at the limit our rsync connections to them fail and we don't sync16:07
fungiespecially if there's a major centos or similar update, we've seen it go weeks without an open slot for connections16:07
clarkbat least with the current situation when the current mirror does update we will update. If we switch to we likely won't update reliably ever16:08
zbrhow how load do these limits stand for?16:08
fungiand we try to be polite (probably unlike others pulling from there) so we don't aggressively reconnect we just try once every couple hours16:08
zbrare they implemented at DNS level or at specific edge server?16:08
clarkbyou cannot implement connection limits in dns16:08
fungizbr: they are global. x number of clients allowed to connect to the mirror16:08
clarkbits tcp level go away16:09
fungiso something like if 25 people are downloading from it at the same time it serves up an error to anyone else who connects until the connection count drops below their limit16:09
zbrok but I do not expect it to continue to fail for a very long period of time.16:09
fungi(i don't recall the exact number)16:09
clarkbI think it was 5016:10
fungilike i've said, we've seen it take weeks to pull an update from there in the past. maybe it's better now? i'm not opposed to trying again, just setting expectations16:10
clarkbwhy not use a different mirror that we don't expect to fail?16:10
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clarkbI think that was the point of pabelanger's comment16:11
clarkb" is expected to fail, let's find another alternative"16:11
fungithe counterargument is that other mirrors will eventually run into problems and cease updating for extended periods of time, while mirrors.k.o has someone grooming the round robin list and removing stale mirrors16:11
zbrfungi: yep, that was my point. that someone else is supposed to maintain the list of actively maintained mirror.16:12
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fungiwell, not exactly round-robin, looks like it relies on dns-based load distribution like 3dns or similar16:13
* zbr is also aware that whatever we do is a gamble, but lets try to make it an informed gamble.16:13
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clarkbinteresting that centos mirror list has mirrors in california (they are in oregon)16:15
fungifor me it resolves to something that claims to be in/near san francisco16:16
clarkbnot that important, and ya if we want to try it and see if it works then we can do that. But it would also probably be a good idea to look for other alternatives as well16:16
clarkbfungi: huh, I checked from my ovh node and home and they both point to oregon. I guess they don't exclusively host with osuosl then16:16
clarkbzbr: to be clear I'm not sure you assertion in the change is correct. We have seen it break perpetually for long periods in the past16:17
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clarkbits more like you succeeds once every few weeks if at all vs fail once every few weeks if at all16:17
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fungilooks like the last time we tried it for centos may have been before switched to limestone a couple years ago16:20
fungithough we've more recently had to stop mirroring epel from there or opensuse for various reasons16:20
zbralmost 3 years. i guess reverting the change could allow us to see if situation improved.16:22
zbrif it does not, we can start benchmarking specific mirrors16:22
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fungi is when we moved off mirrors.k.o for epel, and was also around the same time16:24
fungialso cites "connection issues" so i assume that was the max clients thing as well16:25
fungia year ago we moved opensuse mirroring around because mirrors.k.o and others had outdated content16:25
clarkbthe big issue with rsync connection limits aiui is that connections tend to be held open for long periods of time when they are used16:25
clarkbwhich causes them to fill the pool quickly.16:25
clarkbthe way around that is to authenticate and bypass the pool limits for anonymous access, but to do that you typically need to be a proper first level mirror and we're not interested in doing that as the requirements are much more stringent16:26
clarkbbasically we want to mirror for our CI system not for everyone16:26
clarkb(fwiw I THink that is a reasonable requirement on the part of the mirroring systems out there. They have limited bandwidth so distributing to as wide an audience as possible first is a good idea)16:30
zbrclarkb: do you know were is the rsync mirroring documented? I was not able to find any link on hints on
clarkbzbr: I don't. I know the rsync urls are listed on the mirror list though16:39
zbri do see disclaimer but not a clue about how is setup, limitations,... eventually the tiers.16:40
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fungijpena: weshay|ruck: zbr: the mirror change has landed, it should hopefully be in place by the time the next rsync is attempted at 18:43 utc. you'll be able to see the logs at
weshay|ruckfungi++ clarkb++17:10
weshay|ruckrlandy|rover, ^^17:10
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rlandy|rovergreat - thanks17:12
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faruqhi could really really use some help - I am trying to install charmed openstack on three KVM from maas and I keep getting hung on the mysql-innodb-cluster. It tries and then it just gets stuck18:22
clarkbfaruqh: we offer help with the developer infrastructure used to build the openstack software here. We don't really do much with the deployment side of openstack itself18:23
clarkbfaruqh: I think there is an openstack charms channel though which might be a better place for this question. Let me see if I can find it18:23
faruqhiawesome clarkb thanks18:23
clarkbhrm no they have held meetings int he past but no separate channel that I see18:24
clarkbstill looking though18:24
faruqhthank you -18:24
clarkbah it may be #openstack-charms according to their docs18:24
faruqhclarkbthanks alot18:25
clarkbyou're welcome18:25
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fungijpena: weshay|ruck: zbr: rlandy|rover: the centos 7.x mirror has updated, see the end of the log for what was updated...
* weshay|ruck looks.. thanks fungi 19:30
rlandy|roverfungi: thank - job running to test centos-7 now19:31
fungiwe'll want to keep an eye on it to make sure we don't start running into the rsync server being full on its client limit19:39
fungisince we've seen m.k.o do that for extended periods in the past19:40
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melwittI'm looking at an example of a TIMED_OUT job and wondering why don't I see the devstack and tempest steps (and their timings) in the console? I feel like they used to be there
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clarkbmelwitt: it is likely due to the fact that when a job is timed out ansible is forceibly killed. And when that happens the json object that console renders from is not properly finished up22:36
clarkbmelwitt: in those cases the console log should hae the info you need /me looks too22:37
melwittah ok. I can look at timings in the job-output.txt but it would be easier if it were in the console. just trying to identify any trends in why certain jobs time out more than others22:38
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clarkbya the reason it isn't there is ansible was killed during the run phase due to a timeout22:39
clarkband that means that we don't write out a properly formatted json file for the console to render22:39
melwittI see22:39
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fungii wonder if we could do a better job of redirecting folks to the console log in those situations22:40
clarkb shows this as it goes pre pre pre post22:40
melwitthm ok22:40
melwittI could have sworn the devstack step was separate from the tempest step, but it must all fall under "run" I guess22:43
clarkbyes in those jobs I think they are both part of the run playbook22:43
melwittgotcha, I understand now22:43
clarkbsome jobs put devstack in pre because they are less concerned with whether or not a working cloud is produced and just want to assume one exists (sdk tests for example)22:43
melwittI see22:45
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