Wednesday, 2023-02-15

TenguHello there! I was wondering if anything has been done to the proxy configuration related to the name, especially for the ansible galaxy case?00:41
TenguFor the record, galaxy has a bad practice of pushing the full uri with hostname in its answer, and that hostname is then used as a caching key in ansible-galaxy.00:42
TenguIirc, it creates issue because httpd doesn't replace the name by the correct/expected value, leading to crash in the ansible-galaxy cli00:43
TenguLast status I remember was "we need to expose some new var to the proxy configuration and generate the httpd.comf with the correct replacement". Iirc that was from you, fungi :)00:44
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opendevreviewVishal Manchanda proposed openstack/project-config master: Rename x/xstatic-angular-fileupload to openstack/xstatic-angular-fileupload
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opendevreviewVishal Manchanda proposed openstack/project-config master: Rename x/xstatic-angular-fileupload->openstack/xstatic-angular-fileupload
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fungiTengu: it's been a while, but i think there was a change for that? i'll look12:56
Tengufungi: thanks ! And sorry for that old zombie, I got "a little bit" sidetracked.12:57
fungiokay, so the offending lines are at
fungithere's only one open review proposing a change to that file, and it is unrelated13:01
fungiTengu: i think what we were talking about was adding an extra var in the files like
fungimaybe call it something like primary_mirror_fqdn13:06
fungiso in that example we'd add a line like "primary_mirror_fqdn:"13:07
fungithe rackspace mirrors are multi-homed, and we should prefer their inside name since that's what the nodes are told to connect to, so in we'd do "primary_mirror_fqdn:"13:08
fungithen in the vhost substitute lines we'd put primary_mirror_fqdn instead of apache_server_name13:09
fungiwe do have some magic in playbooks/roles/mirror/tasks/main.yaml to generate apache_server_alias by stripping the digits out of the first part of inventory_hostname but that doesn't take the mirror-int interfaces on the rackspace mirrors into account, and i'm not even all that sure what we're relying on ServerAlias for in the vhost config anyway13:12
fungiso i'm hesitant to try leveraging that, a straight up hostvar is easier to reason about13:13
fungiprobably what we should be doing is generating the ServerAlias line from the letsencrypt_certs data so we include all the possible names as aliases, but even then that leaves us needing some way to indicate a preferred one13:14
opendevreviewCorey Bryant proposed openstack/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Add openstack-python3-charm-antelope-jobs
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Tengufungi: yeah - it's a really tricky situation, especially since the module called to substitute name doesn't support httpd vars :(.14:18
Tenguif it supported them, we'd be all good......14:18
Tengu:] can't we bump to httpd 2.5? :D14:19
* Tengu ducks14:19
fungiTengu: anyway, what i described (adding primary_mirror_fqdn) should be an easy way to solve it if you want to propose a change for that14:25
Tengufungi: not sure I'll be able to do it fast enough, with the "tiny" thing I have on my plate :/. I'll be off most of next week, sooo... :(15:09
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clarkb2.5 isn't released yet right?16:15
clarkbits a dev version and 2.6 would be the resulting stable release?16:15
fungi2.4 is still the current release version16:20
fungi2.5 is in beta since years16:20
opendevreviewVishal Manchanda proposed openstack/project-config master: Step 3: Remove project from infra System - Retire xstatic-font-awesome
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opendevreviewMerged openstack/project-config master: nodepool: size linaro max-servers to subnet

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