Friday, 2023-04-21

*** iurygregory is now known as iurygregory|holiday02:26
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed openstack/project-config master: Indent Gerrit ACL options
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed openstack/project-config master: tools/ Add some human readable output
opendevreviewMerged openstack/project-config master: Stop using Storyboard for ovn-bgp-agent
timburkelooks like has a gate job stuck in the "queued" state that's currently got the integrated gate pipeline clogged. should i just jiggle votes to get the job canceled, or is there a better way to get it unstuck?16:37
clarkbtimburke: it is due to a nodepool bug the fix is on its way in which should unstick things when it deploys16:44
clarkbtimburke: when that change lands we need to wait for it to deploy. Though we can also manually pull it to get ahead of the hourly nodepool updates16:45
timburke👍 cool, just wanted to see if there was anything i should do on my end16:45
fungimnasiadka: i'm doing the manual cleanup steps from and wondering if you meant to include in that16:50

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