Friday, 2023-08-25

opendevreviewOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/project-config master: Normalize projects.yaml
eanderssonI am starting to feel like that with TSO, which is probably MTU anyway lol09:57
fungitso... time sharing option (on an ibm mvs mainframe)?11:37
opendevreviewMerged openstack/project-config master: Normalize projects.yaml
fricklerI parse that as TCP segmentation offload. and yes, offloading adds a whole new layer of fun to MTU issues, in particular when tcpdump can only show you the packet only after the card has processed them. "how on earth can I receive a 16k packet on an interface with MTU 1500?"11:54
fungioh, right, i remember having cards with tso support, and yes that did make hardware network taps or switchport mirroring far more necessary for usable packet captures12:10
fungimy acronym expansion abilities take a little time to warm up in the mornings12:11

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