Friday, 2023-09-22

yadneshHey folks, xena and wallaby fips jobs in ceilometer are failing due to a missing package  "Error: Unable to find a match: liberasurecode-devel" any idea why ? 14:34
yadneshIs it because doesn't exist ?14:34
fungiyadnesh: ade_lee might have ideas. i see you already asked in #openstack-qa where the question is more on topic, but nobody's responded to you14:37
fungiliberasurecode-devel is a dependency of swift, so maybe if you don't need swift in your job you could disable it in devstack's localrc?14:38
yadneshI think this patch wasn't backported to xena which  is probably the reason why openstack-xena repo was missing14:41
yadneshand same goes for wallaby14:41
fungiprobably worth bringing up those specific observations with the devstack maintainers, they hang out in #openstack-qa primarily14:42
fungisince devstack is a qa team deliverable14:42
fungisee if they'd be amenable to backports of that14:43
yadneshsure thing 14:43
opendevreviewGuillaume Boutry proposed openstack/project-config master: Add Bind K8S charm

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