Wednesday, 2023-09-27

*** ralonsoh_afk is now known as ralonsoh06:21
opendevreviewJames Page proposed openstack/project-config master: Add benchmark subteam to charms teams
opendevreviewSlawek Kaplonski proposed openstack/project-config master: Allow tobiko release group to create new branches in Tobiko
opendevreviewSlawek Kaplonski proposed openstack/project-config master: Allow tobiko release group to create new branches in Tobiko
opendevreviewMerged openstack/project-config master: Add benchmark subteam to charms teams
opendevreviewMerged openstack/project-config master: Allow tobiko release group to create new branches in Tobiko
slaweqhi fungi, may I have qq to You about ? Should it be enough to be able to create new branch in the x/tobiko repository? Or do I need someting else/more to be able to push such new branch there?13:07
fungislaweq: it is enough to allow you to create a new branch in gerrit's webui or rest api. you need different permissions if you want to be able to create branches by pushing an empty ref from git (not recommended)13:09
slaweqfungi thx, I will then check this gerrit webui :)13:10
fungislaweq: go to configuration for the project and then there should be a branches view. that's where you can create new branches13:11
slaweqfungi I just found it but I have 403 error there:13:12
slaweqError 403 (Forbidden): not permitted: create on refs/heads/osp-16.213:12
slaweqEndpoint: /projects/*/branches/*13:12
fungislaweq: the change hasn't deployed yet, give it a few more minutes13:18
fungialso you'll probably need to force refresh your browser when you try again, since gerrit holds a lot of client-side state in the browser13:18
slaweqfungi sure, thx a lot for checking13:18
fungizuul will leave a comment about the deploy pipeline on 896641 when it's done13:18
slaweqfungi ok, now I see that there is this job infra-prod-manage-projects in the "deploy" pipeline. I didn't know it's there :)13:24
slaweqthx a lot once again13:24
slaweqI will not bother You anymore :)13:24
fungiit's no bother, really13:24
fungii like showing off our fancy automation ;)13:24
fungiand yeah, that job's main purpose is to run a script that feeds configuration (like changed acls) into gerrit's api13:26
pmatulisany way to rectify the TLS complaint when going to ?14:32
JayFInteresting; is good; is *expired* 14:50
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fricklerfungi: clarkb: ^^ can you ping the relevant people?15:41
clarkbyup I can observe it. I'll pass it along with what i see15:49
pmatulisgreat, please drop a bug here if one will be created16:23
fungipmatulis: the webdev/sysadmins the foundation contracts to manage that site have fixed it. they don't have a public bug tracker for that i don't think16:24
clarkbits fixed now and ya no bug that I am aware of16:25
pmatulisok wonderful16:27
opendevreviewGuillaume Boutry proposed openstack/project-config master: Add Designate Bind K8S charm
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