Monday, 2023-10-09

jwysoglaHi, I'm thinking about adding new integration jobs for the ceilometer and python-observabilityclient projects. We want to use Prometheus for storage of metrics and "sg-core" to help transport the metrics from ceilometer to Prometheus. My idea is, I'd use ansible to run an sg-core or Prometheus container, configure everything to work together and then either use tempest or ansible to run some queries 09:56
jwysoglaand check that everything works. I'd like to ask if that sounds doable and reasonable with our CI. Especially pulling and running third-party (sg-core and Prometheus) container images to test openstack projects.09:56
dulekHey folks! I'm a mentor of one of the OpenStack projects in the current edition of Outreachy. The initial phase is contribution and I already have some participants that could try doing more advanced tasks, but some lack hardware to be able to run DevStack. I don't want to favore those that have a better hardware. Is there some way to get a few VMs that could work as12:10
dulekdevel/testing env for them?12:10
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fricklerdulek: how many would "a few" be for you? I can see if I can get some quota from my local cloud deployment. otherwise maybe one of our testing capacity donors like mnaser or amorin might be able to help12:26
dulekCurrently I have one participant that could use it. Another one seems to be okay with using his own resources. 3 DevStack-grade VMs would probably be enough at this stage. I want to have a spare to make sure there's a fair competition if someone else requests a VM.12:29
fungidulek: in the past, ovh has also donated free accounts with limited quota for students to use in training classes and such12:39
fungijwysogla: sure, we have lots of jobs that download container images from quay or dockerhub and start them on job nodes to test things, it's as straightforward as it sounds. you can also get a lot more complex, rebuilding the images yourself with patches applied, separating image build and image consumption into different jobs which communicate with each other through an ephemeral image12:42
fungiregistry that's part of your buildset, doing depends-on to pull requests on github for proposed changes to someone's container configuration or software that's embedded in external container images you're rebuilding with that, and so on12:42
opendevreviewMerged openstack/project-config master: Replace 2023.2/Bobcat key with 2024.1/Caracal
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jwysoglafungi: Thank you for the answer.16:04
fungiof course. if you have more specific questions when you start designing your job, feel free to ask in here16:07
-opendevstatus- NOTICE: The Gerrit service on will be offline momentarily while we restart it for a combined runtime and platform upgrade16:33
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed openstack/project-config master: Update the jeepyb gerrit build jobs to match current base image

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