Friday, 2023-11-17

-opendevstatus- NOTICE: Gerrit will be unavailable for a short time starting at 15:30 UTC as it is upgraded to the 3.8 release.
*** blarnath is now known as d34dh0r5314:38
-opendevstatus- NOTICE: The Gerrit upgrade is complete, however we have Zuul offline in parallel for a schema migration, so any events occurring during this time will be lost (requiring a recheck or similar to trigger jobs once it returns to service); we'll update again once this is complete.16:34
-opendevstatus- NOTICE: Zuul is fully back in service now, but any events occurring prior to 17:05 UTC may need a recheck to trigger jobs.17:12
eanderssonEdit mode seems broken now after the upgrade.18:55
clarkbeandersson: can you be more specific. I can test editing but how is it broken?18:55
eanderssonI was trying to edit a commit message using the browser, but nothing is showing up.18:56
tonybI see the same issue18:57
clarkbok I think I have reproduced that on a random change I have open. Basically you can enter edit mode but when you try to open the file you don't get the editor for the file18:57
eanderssonYep exactly18:57
clarkbthank you for the report and confirming you see the same behavior I've got. I don't think this is revert worth (because you can still push code), but it is something we can followup on and try to fix18:58
clarkbI don't see any errors in the error log18:58
eanderssonI see multiple18:58
clarkbeandersson: in the browser? sorry I meant on the server side18:59
* clarkb looks at the browser18:59
eanderssonAh yea sorry! in the browser :D18:59
eanderssonBut def not critical. I just made my minor change in git instead19:00
clarkbyup thank you for reporting. Its definitely somethign we want to have working and will investigate. I just want to amke clear to everyone that I don't think this means we need to initiate a revert19:00
clarkbI see two errors in the web console now19:00
clarkbI'll work on collecting data into our upgrade etherpad then probably turn that into an email to upstream19:01
clarkbeandersson: ok tonyb got it workign and said he accidentally closed the window and when he tried again it worked. This made me think maybe it is bad caching and I did a hard refresh (ctrl + shift + r in firefox) and now it works for me on that change19:17
clarkbeandersson: gerrit itself does versioned js and your browser will notice you've got the wrong versions but the codemirror-editor is a plugin and they must not do that there19:17
tonybeandersson: FWIW is an edit I made in the web UI editor.19:24
tonybeandersson: It's funcational, after a full/hard refresh, but it still isn't quite "right".19:24
clarkbtonyb: what isn't "right" about it?19:25
tonybI wasn't able to edit the way I'd expect, instead I needed to use Ctrl-F and replace to make the change.19:26
tonybclarkb: I want to do a little more playing to try and solidify the issue19:26
clarkbtonyb: fwiw my edit here: was fine with normal keyboard entry19:27
clarkbtonyb: maybe you haven't sufficiently cleared your cache?19:28
tonybCould be.19:28
tonybI'm reasonably confident that it's a cache/client side issue19:29
clarkbI'll start drafting an email to the gerrit list to see if this is at least expected from them19:29
clarkb is my draft19:40
tonybclarkb: LGTM19:44

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