Monday, 2023-11-20

opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed openstack/project-config master: Switch jeepyb to building gerrit 3.8 images
opendevreviewMerged openstack/project-config master: Switch jeepyb to building gerrit 3.8 images
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed openstack/project-config master: Add new Gerrit submodule java-prettify to Zuul
*** freyes__ is now known as freyes20:35
tinwood_Hey there, please could you add dosaboy ("Edward Hope-Morley"), myself ("Alex Kavanagh"), coreycb_ ("Corey Bryant") and freyes ("Felipe Reyes") to the group "charms-stable-maint".  freyes is the current PTL for charms (I was previously).  Thanks very much.20:37
freyesI'm +1 on bootstrapping the group that list of people20:38
clarkbusually we add one person and they can bootstram the rest. I'll add freyes 21:16
clarkbtonyb: unless you want to do it?21:17
clarkbI was just going to cehck the group first21:17
tonybI was just trying to workout how to do it21:17
clarkbtonyb: ack. 21:17
clarkb is the change that added the group. I usually check that just for any oddities or extra groups that also need to have changes made to them21:18
clarkbdoesn't appear to be the case here21:18
clarkbtonyb: the command is `ssh -p 29418 gerrit set-members --add $emailaddr $groupname`21:19
clarkbtonyb: you can also do gerrit ls-members $groupname to see the group members21:19
clarkblooks like maybe set-member isn't documented here:
clarkbtonyb: the change adding the group is useful too because you can get gerrit account addrs from there for the $emailaddr portion of the add21:23
clarkband then ya we usually add the PTL of the project and let them add whomever they choose afterwards (they can do that via the web ui once added)21:23
tonybHmmm first time using that key "in anger".21:23
freyesclarkb, thanks, I will add the rest ;-)21:23
tonybclarkb: it'll be quicker for you to do it this time.  I'll be prepared for next time21:24
clarkbtonyb: ok you sure?21:25
tonybYup.  Having multiple technology issues21:26
clarkbfreyes: thats done. Double checking the change do we need to add anyone to charms-benchmark-core ?21:27
clarkblooks like that one is empty too. I'll go ahead and add you to that one as well21:28
freyesyes, if you add me that would be great, clarkb 21:28
clarkbboth should be done now21:28
freyesI can see both groups, and I can add people to them, much appreciated, folks21:31
tonybclarkb: Okay Finally solved the problems.  I now have a nice ssh host alias for my gerrit admin account 21:37
tinwood_Thanks very much clarkb and tonyb!22:30

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