Wednesday, 2024-05-01

opendevreviewJames Page proposed openstack/project-config master: Setup/update Sunbeam single charm repos to noop
opendevreviewJames Page proposed openstack/project-config master: Setup/update Sunbeam single charm repos to noop
tonybfungi: dpawlik1 is out (probably for the rest of the week) so they're not ignoring you ;P13:51
fungitonyb: thanks, i'll be out for the next 11 days, just wanted to get him set up for access to the vm he needed before i disappear13:52
tonybfungi: Okay.  I can keep that ball rolling while you're out (obviously other can too I don't want to volunteer them)14:00
fungitonyb: thanks, i've added your ssh key for access to the root account on logscraper02.openstack.org14:02
fungibasically just need to add whatever ssh key dpawlik1 wants and then it's all him from that point14:02
tonybfungi: Sounds totally doable14:03
opendevreviewBrian Haley proposed openstack/project-config master: Improve terminology in project-config tree

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