Wednesday, 2024-05-15

opendevreviewGoutham Pacha Ravi proposed openstack/project-config master: Add editHashtags permissions to some governance repositories
opendevreviewMerged openstack/project-config master: Add devstack-gate back to central config for retirement prep
opendevreviewMerged openstack/devstack-gate master: Retire devstack gate
opendevreviewJens Harbott proposed openstack/project-config master: Retire Sahara: remove project from infra
opendevreviewJens Harbott proposed openstack/project-config master: Retire ec2-api: remove project from infra
*** ministry is now known as __ministry08:44
fricklergmann: I've stacked ^^ on top of the ds-gate retirement to avoid further merge conflicts. the current one was only due to the bot rewrapping a description line, though08:48
fricklerconfig-core: there's a nice stack of retirement changes in project-config, also some other open reviews, please have a look (cc tonyb not sure if you've added this highlight yet? or maybe we want to stop using it and only go for infra-root? seems the delta is zero these days since ajaeger is no longer around in IRC)08:51
*** ministry is now known as __ministry08:54
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/project-config master: Remove networking-ovn completely
fricklerfyi starting another branch deletion run09:28
jakeyiphi all I have question about failing jobs by openstack release bot, is this the right place to get help10:14
jakeyiphi all I have question about failing jobs by openstack release bot, is this the right place to get help?10:14
fricklerjakeyip: it depends, do you have a link to a failing job?10:23
jakeyiphi frickler thanks for replying. the change is 10:23
jakeyipit's a .gitreview change but fails py310:24
jakeyipnot sure if we are expected to fix... or just leave it since it's unmaintained... 10:25
fricklerjakeyip: in general the idea with unmaintained branches is that "normal" project teams do not have to care about them10:25
fricklerthere is a dedicated group of people that try to take care of those branches,members10:26
jakeyipfrickler: thanks. I wasn't sure of expectation since this is the handover commit10:27
jakeyipanother one I had issues with is 10:28
jakeyipthe error in zuul logs is `/home/zuul/src/ WARNING: Duplicate explicit target name: "bug/1638863".` 10:29
jakeyipif someone knows offhand where that error is from that'll be great, if not I will continue digging10:31
fricklerjakeyip: it is possible that that change needs to be squashed now with the similar one updating zed.rst10:32
frickleryou can try by first rebasing one on top of the other10:33
jakeyipfrickler: thanks10:33
elodilleshi infra team, i noticed a weird job ERROR today for a patch whose jobs were passing yesterday:
elodillesdo you know if this is a zuul issue, or is it something that i could/should fix?11:08
elodillesthe error is btw: 'Error: Unable to find role in /var/lib/zuul/builds/1c1323d4a6b44a95af4512ac24ead8b1/ansible/pre_playbook_2/role_1/devstack-gate'11:09
fricklerelodilles: ds-gate has just been retired11:12
elodillesi'm not sure that all of the jobs that are in ERROR are using ds-gate, but i might be wrong11:13
elodilleswell, the devstack-gate role is definitely mentioned in the error message, so... :-/11:15
elodillesunfortunately, the zuul builds that have ERROR result don't hold logs (inventory) so it's not that easy to figure out the inheritance of these jobs :/11:18
fricklerelodilles: you could try to look at the zuul inventory of the last passing job11:22
elodillesi'll do that11:22
fricklerdone with deletions:
elodillesfrickler: thanks o/ looks nice12:14
opendevreviewBrian Rosmaita proposed openstack/project-config master: Add more permissions for 'glance-ptl' group
opendevreviewMerged openstack/project-config master: Add more permissions for 'glance-ptl' group
clarkbelodilles: (and everyone else really I try to remind everyone of this) it always helps to link to the most specific error you can eg
fungiyeah, the build summaries already include a backlink to the triggering change/ref if more context is needed15:08
clarkbside note: I feel like a lot of projects really went overboard in their zuul job trees15:11
clarkbjust tracing a single octavia devstack job is like 10 parent jobs deep15:12
clarkband half of them are called -base (obviously false)15:12
fungi-sub-base, -sub-sub-base...15:19
clarkbthat error originates in zuul when it tries to set up repos for roles projects on the executor workspace15:24
clarkbI believe it originates from
clarkbelodilles: frickler  ^ fyi15:25
clarkbI'll push up a change for unmaintainted/zed (doesn't appear to be in the current stable branches) and if that fixes things others can backport. THere is a possibility that a role or two will need to be ported out of d-g into devsatck however checking zed at least I don't think this is the case15:26
fricklerclarkb: ah, nice, I was looking for a line like that earlier, but in the wrong repos15:26
clarkband now I can't push with git review because I have to edit .gitreview and then I end up with a dirty tree for the rebase. No rebase it is15:30
clarkbremote: Drop devstack-gate roles from devstack zuul jobs15:31
elodillesclarkb: thanks for investigating this issue \o/ i also tried to find where things are pulling in devstack-gate but couldn't find it yet. your patch looks promising.15:37
elodilles(i only linked the jobs with 'ERROR' results, not a specific job logs, as those are all the same ERRORS (at least on the 1st page) o:))15:39
clarkbelodilles: right but I/we have no way of knowing that so it creates more effort for whoever is debugging15:39
clarkbits better to be specific and let the investigation learn what it can rather than too high level then maybe we end up debugging different problems15:40
elodillesACK, sry, I'll remember this in the future15:40
elodillesclarkb: i've updated your patch as it looks like fixing the problem, but nova-ceph-multistore is broken in zed for ~1.5 months already... anyway, the ERRORs should disappear with your patch so let's unblock the unmaintained gates with it19:52
elodillesi mean this patch:
elodillesthanks again for the patch o/19:54
fungidpawlik1: i saw your announcement to the list. let me know when you've gotten everything you need off the old server so i can delete it and clean up the associated dns records for it20:13
fungidpawlik1: also someone sent me a direct e-mail message about a security concern with part of the service. it's probably not urgent, but is there a particular address to which you'd like me to forward it? feel free to /msg me if you prefer20:14
clarkbelodilles: ++ I'm not sure who should be approving that change20:22
clarkbI don't have approval rights on it myself20:22
elodillesi have, so i will. it's a CI change and it clearly fixes the ERROR20:37
elodillesactually, i've added +2+W as it's already EOB to me so I won't be awake when the check jobs will finish o:)20:40
clarkb++ can't make it any worse20:42
elodilles:) indeed.20:42
gmannfrickler: thanks21:05

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