Thursday, 2024-07-25

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tkajinamo/ it'd be nice if we can move to unblock a few CI jobs in puppet.15:36
tkajinamI initially tried to fix the job in Focal ( ) but it eventually turned out I need to pin multiple libs. because migration to jammy is proven to work by I think the migration is a better and easier approach now.15:37
fricklertkajinam: +2, will self-approve in a bit if no other config-core shows up15:38
fungii just approved it15:38
fricklerah, great15:38
tkajinamfrickler fungi, thank you, both !15:39
fungithanks for bringing it to our attention!15:42
opendevreviewMerged openstack/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Migrate build-openstack-puppet-tarball to Jammy
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clarkbnoonedeadpunk: I meant to ask fi you figured it out then completely forgot and I suspect you are sleeping now. maybe there will be an answer when I wake in the morning22:36

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