Thursday, 2024-08-08

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sean-k-mooneyfungi: clarkb: remember we chatted about the zuul quick fail issue when jobs were retryed and a post playbook and an error due to a previous error in the pre playbook10:45
sean-k-mooneyi rememebr there was a patch propsoed for that but i was just wonderign if that got merged and if we have that avaiable in our current deployment10:45
sean-k-mooneyi have not specificly seen that issue again recently but i also was not looking so just tought i woudl check in and see if that is still an issue before we get to the feature feeze crunch period10:46
sean-k-mooneyon an unrealted note i happen to watch the recording of the tc meeting yesterday while cleaning my kitchen and there was a disucsion about ci health and testing with noble
sean-k-mooneyi have had a patch up to make nova-next run with noble since i fixed the devstack instlal issue so im hoping we will proceed with that soon.10:50
sean-k-mooneywe already swapped the whitebox-tempest-plugin to use noble too.10:51
sean-k-mooneyso while usage of noble will be relitivly light for 2024.2 we will have some test coverage of it before we move almost all the jobs to noble next cycle10:52
sean-k-mooneyon a more personal note i would also be infaovr of removing our usage of centos stream form ci and replacing it with a pinned rocky version that we bump once a cycle or so. i.e. rocky 9.4 keeping stream for experimental or future testing might be fine but i think its more hassel then its actully worth. i would almost prefer ot track the fedora eln branch instead as that10:55
sean-k-mooneyultimatly is the upstream of all rhel/centos/rocky/alma distributoins10:55
sean-k-mooney*that being centos9 stream10:56
sean-k-mooneysome of these topics are proably more suited to the openstack-qa channel but just wanted to mention it while it was fresh in my mind.10:56
fricklersean-k-mooney: how exactly would you pin "rocky 9.4"? currently iiuc we always build "rocky 9" in its latest incarnation. or was I misunderstanding your comment?11:31
sean-k-mooneyso rocky has versioned cloud images
sean-k-mooneybut perhasp they dont keep the old ones after a new release11:36
sean-k-mooneybut even if we tracked latest it would be more stable then stream11:36
sean-k-mooneyno they do keep them
sean-k-mooneyfrickler: ill admit i dont know if they have seperate repo verions for each point release like rhel does11:38
sean-k-mooneythe even number rhel release i belive are the EUS (extended update supprot release) that are security patched and maintened for 4 years11:38
sean-k-mooneyso if the repos can be pinned to the relevent even version and we can use the equivlent base iamge that might make things a lot more stable11:39
sean-k-mooneyit looks like rocky only activly update the last 2 version i.e latest release and previous poitn relese looking at
sean-k-mooneybut we could basicly bump this version each slurp11:41
fricklerI think if someone can submit patches to amend our image builds accordingly, that would be fine, but I don't think some infra-root will do that11:45
sean-k-mooneyya this is a converstaion to have on #openstack-qa in the contenxt of the testing runtimes for 2025.111:46
fricklerwell qa can only use the images that are available in opendev, so there is some overlap (as is in the participants), so I don't think this discussion is misplaced here11:47
sean-k-mooneyi would personally like to replace or usage of centos 9 stream with rocky 9.4 for 2025.1 and move to rocky 9.6 for 2026.1 assuming the release cadances line up11:47
sean-k-mooneyso we buidl the rocky limages form containers
sean-k-mooneyso really all we woudl need to do is convert the image tag to a build arg11:50
sean-k-mooneyand then modify the nodepool config to set it11:50
sean-k-mooneyin theory that is ment ot be set via the DIB_RELEASE env var today
sean-k-mooneybut that does not appare to be hooked up11:52
sean-k-mooneyoh ok it kind of is11:53
sean-k-mooneythe way the generic container file element work is it expect a contianer file per release and does not ues build args11:53
sean-k-mooneyso we woudl just need to copy past it with the full vertsion and set the tag properly and that about it on the dib side11:53
sean-k-mooneyon the node pool side its just updating or adding new build targets11:55
sean-k-mooneyso its all pretty simple to do if we actully decied we want to do that11:56
sean-k-mooneythere may be some considertion about mirroring that need dicssion too11:56
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opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/project-config master: Migrate release-openstack-puppet to jammy
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