Sunday, 2024-10-06

*** __ministry is now known as Guest557915:09
tkajinamfollowing up the conversation about netifaces we had a few weeks ago, I submitted the patches to replace it
tkajinamnote that these do not cover chamrs repo but I guess it may be enough to resolve the issue with container image builds which was mentioned earlier, unless the container images need to include anything from charm16:12
fungithanks tkajinam! hopefully that will renew the momentum there16:15
tkajinamthe fortunate thing is that psutil, which is already part of global requirements and used by a few projects, gives a method to obtain addresses for all interfaces16:16
tkajinamusing the same libc mechanism iiuc16:16
tkajinampsutil looks active now so it may not give us trouble for a few years :-)16:17

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