Thursday, 2024-10-31

*** __ministry is now known as Guest801401:35
timburkefrickler, i think should sort out those swift func test failures -- sorry about that19:43
clarkbfungi: should we go ahead and approve the two mergable ptgbot changes you have? I'm not sure anyone else is reviewing those?20:30
fungiyeah, should be safe20:30
fungithe third one i'm keeping wip until ib3 gets a new release, whenever that eventually happens20:30
fungii just didn't want to go disrupting ptgbot in the middle of ptg week, obviously20:31
clarkbfungi: yup I also -1'd the third one as there is a bit of the implementation that is missing20:32
fungiaha, thanks!20:32
opendevreviewJeremy Stanley proposed openstack/ptgbot master: Switch docker image builds to Python 3.12

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