Wednesday, 2025-01-15

lucasagomesHi, quick question. Is there a place where I can download the OpenStack documentation (e.g the admin guides, as a tarball instead of having to crawl the website or build it for each project ? The idea is to create a RAG out of it09:11
fricklerlucasagomes: what's a RAG? you could use an AFS client and copy the data you need from /afs/ but I'm not sure that that would be faster than running "wget -r"09:48
lucasagomesflicker, retrieval-augmented generation for AI chatbots. Thanks I will take a look at my options10:27
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fungilucasagomes: each docs build in zuul does generate a packed tarball of the web content, though that's attached to the build result as an artifact and each version only retained for a month14:09
fungibut also, it seems like the rst in git repos would be cleaner for training an llm on? it's not full of html tag noise that way14:09
lucasagomesfungi: yeah, I think u r right about the .rst, this is apparently the case. I created a new tox target to generate the docs in plain-text with sphix too and create a RAG with it 14:11
lucasagomesseems to work well too, this is all experimentation at the moment14:11
clarkbya I would use the source or build locally for an appropriate output target15:50
-opendevstatus- NOTICE: The paste service at will have a short (15-20) minute outage momentarily to replace the underlying server.17:08

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