Monday, 2025-01-20

noonedeadpunkhey folks! I wonder what would my next steps be wrt to this ML:
noonedeadpunkAs I don't expect any response from ex-maintainers10:19
noonedeadpunkI can send a folllow-up to ask you to intervene and excalate to launchpad admins10:20
noonedeadpunkbut wonder if I should post a governance patch for migration from storyboard first?10:20
sean-k-mooneyhi was there a gerrit update recently?15:02
sean-k-mooneymaybe its a firefox thing15:04
sean-k-mooneymy dashboard are boken in firefox becue the url is not properly encoded on refresh15:04
sean-k-mooneyah never mind its my cleanurls plugin...15:06
sean-k-mooneyif i disable pro-active filtering it stops messign with the url encoded content15:07
*** haleyb_ is now known as haleyb18:03
fungisean-k-mooney: but also, no, gerrit hasn't been upgraded yet this year (we were hoping to knock out a minor update late last week but ended up pushing it to this week)19:21
sean-k-mooneyfungi: i restart my browser since i close it out every friday so im guessing the plugin just auto updated and change the bevhior19:35
sean-k-mooneyi dont really use it often but sometimes i use it to auto strip the tracking metadtat when pasign links into specs or chat19:35
sean-k-mooneymostly i just do that by hand so perhaps i shoudl just uninstall it19:35

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