Wednesday, 2025-01-22

chandankumarHello #openstack-infra, I updated this patch on watcher project. I was waiting for zuul jobs to start.07:00
chandankumarBut I am not able to view it on
chandankumarPlease have a look what I am doing wrong in the patch so that zuul jobs are not starting.07:02
chandankumarthank you!07:02
fricklerchandankumar: looks like the dependency needs updating (rebase onto current parent PS). I do agree that zuul maybe could be more verbose about that08:07
chandankumarfrickler: it worked after updating the dependency, thank you :-)08:22
JayFI've gotten a couple of "Lock wait timeout exceeded" errors in a row when updating wiki pages.  The update appears to have taken; it's timing out during DELETE FROM job WHERE ... (I have full traceback but assume it's general slowness?)19:29
fungidatabase update query timeouts usually19:29
fungiload average on the server is hovering around 50 right now19:30
JayFyeah I suspected someone is "training" real hard right now19:30
fungiYisouSpider is the most frequent ua there at the moment19:35
fungitonyb: ^ heads up i've added that one to the block list in the apache vhost config now19:36
clarkbthat hacker news thread had a neat idea of having a honeypot url that only bots would find. Put that path in robots.txt. If you fetch that url then your IP gets banned19:37
clarkbimplementing that might be a bit of ap ain though19:37
fungiwell, yisou is an actual search engine, so that one may be better served by a robots.txt addition asking it to please slow down19:38
fungii expect it's ignoring the current wildcard crawl-delay we set19:39
clarkbright I think the idea is that many bots are ill behaved and don't respect robots.txt at all and this is a way to auto detect and mitigate them. It ay not be appropriate for yisou19:39
fungii mean robots.txt may be more appropriate than outright blocking it, in this particular case19:40
fungii doubt yisouspider was the bulk of the load, there are a bunch of requests from what seem to be bogus iphone user agents20:13
JayFWho owns/manages the actual landing page; with e.g. the search bar and such?21:57
JayFIs that "us" OSS or foundation stuff?21:57
tonybJayF: I'm 95% sure it's "us"21:58
tonybJayF: I can look properly in an hour or so21:59
JayFno rush, thank you22:00
fungiJayF: it's i the openstack/openstack-manuals repo managed by the openstack tc22:03
JayFincluding e.g. the searching features?22:04
fungisome of that may be linking "external" features from www.openstack.org22:04
JayFI'm trying to find like a "top five" list of wins we could make for improving docs, beyond just paying back some of the tech debt on the sphinx docs22:08
funginote that openstack-manuals doesn't use openstackdocstheme, but includes copies of a lot of similar bits22:08
fungithough i guess it is using it for at least some bits according to
fungiJayF: here's the search:
fungiit's embedding which is maintained by the foundation webdev contractors who manage www.openstack.org22:10
JayFOK, so any improvements to search would have to be routed through the foundation to some degree22:11
fungiyes, or replaced22:13
JayFsearching for "ironic" is depressing; "bare metal" is only slightly less depressing22:15
JayFthank you, I'll take this context back and see if I can turn it into resources and help :)22:20
fungiif you have a specific list of observations, i'll be more than happy to pass those along22:20
-opendevstatus- NOTICE: The Gerrit service on will be offline momentarily for a restart to put some database compaction config changes into effect, and will return within a few minutes22:54

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