Wednesday, 2025-02-12

clarkbthat in theory means the private material is either encrypted or in memory or a relatively short time00:00
clarkbI guess its double encrypted but that probably isn't really useful00:00
JayFIf 1password had more reliable Linux integration, I would use their SSH key support. As it stands, I only use it to hold my Windows desktop key00:04
JayFWhich is you can imagine gets a more curated set of access. Although it is on my GitHub but git actions are logged by definition00:04
clarkbthe last time I booted windows it was into an air gapped windows xp to fill out a pdf for canadian visa application. Its been a long time00:11
clarkbI would complain about visa application processes that require windows too but I hear its all bad everywhere00:12
opendevreviewElod Illes proposed openstack/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Fix openstack-python3-jobs template for 2023.1
opendevreviewElod Illes proposed openstack/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Clean up unused periodic-stable branch filters

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