Tuesday, 2025-02-25

JayFIs there a good example to look at to see how for the various check-image jobs here: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic-python-agent-builder/+/942369 that the generated image goes into artifacts23:51
JayFrelated: is there a size limitation or pain to infra if we flipped this on :)23:51
clarkbI'm not sure I undersatnd the question. Are you asking for examples on how to get built images of ironic-python-agent-builder linked at https://zuul.opendev.org/t/openstack/build/5e998cab29924c42a492115c2db3707c/artifacts ?23:53
JayFthe change in question, for example, adjusts how the tinyipa build works. Ideally I'd be able to grab that artifact so I can check the work23:54
JayFbut it's likely over some kinda size limit I'd imagine if we aren't doing it today23:54
clarkback so the main thing to keep in mind with that is zuul's artifact system is just a record not storage. This makes it flexible for all kinds of artifacts but means the jobs are responisble for uploading the artifacts some where and then pointing to them via the artifact system.23:55
clarkbthe opendev zuul log system is several swift installations in public clouds that we upload to with a 30 days expiration23:55
clarkbsome jobs will point artifacts to contents there (this is common for doc build artifacts iirc)23:55
clarkbother jobs might upload to to afs which is persistent then point to artifacts there.23:56
clarkbBut you can upload anywhere you have access. Those are the two locations we provide typically23:56
JayFso even if these are hundreds of megabytes it's OK to upload them to swift with some kinda short expiration?23:57
JayFIt's one of those things that's super useful when you need it, but would probably be wasting space 90% of the time so I wanna make sure there's lots of room :D23:57
clarkbyes that should be fine. But I'm not sure if that meets your needs for these artifacts23:57
JayFthe ability to just go there, artifacts tab, download them shortly after a job completes is the use case23:58
JayFjust so you can ensure the build happened like you expect23:58
clarkbbut not to download an image 9 months later? in that case it should be fine23:58
JayFoh yeah absolutely23:58
JayFthis is 100% a testing thing23:58
clarkbthen once uploaded your job uses the zuul_return functionality to record the data with zuul as an artifact: https://zuul-ci.org/docs/zuul/4.9.0/reference/jobs.html#returning-artifact-urls23:58
JayFin fact if I were doing this, I'd likely have insisted it work with short expirations23:58
clarkboh there is also the intermediate container registry which takes container images related to unmerged code so that they can be speculatively tested in other buildsets. That registry deletes content older than 6 months iirc23:59

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