Friday, 2017-01-13

oomichimarkvoelker: hogepodge: hi, could I ask one question about defcore?00:08
oomichimarkvoelker: hogepodge: Is swift mandatory based on right?00:08
markvoelkeroomichi: It is for the OpenStack Powered Platform mark.  However if you don't have Swift, you can still be OpenStack Powered Compute.00:09
hogepodgeSwift is mandatory for the OpenStack Powered Platform and OpenStack Powered Storage logos. It is not for OpenStack Powered Compute00:09
markvoelkeroomichi: Refer to:
oomichimarkvoelker: hogepodge: Oh, it is good to know that. Thanks for quick responses :) !00:10
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markvoelkersure thing!00:11
oomichibtw do we have some list which shows what APIs are required to pass the certification?00:40
oomichiTempest has some script to show what APIs are called on each test since
oomichiI guess people want to see such list like my company guys who require it to me ;)00:41
oomichiops, path should be
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