Thursday, 2017-05-04

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beisner_o/ dmellado14:48
dmelladohey beisner_14:49
dmelladoI wanted to check with tongli but he's not around14:49
dmelladomaybe topol could now14:49
topolHi dmellado, whats up?14:50
dmelladobeisner_ was wondering if he could set http_proxy for the kubes master14:50
dmelladoI kinda recall something about this, but could be for the previous' summit workload...14:50
dmelladoso I was wondering if it would ring a bell for you14:51
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topolTong said it should work but he didn't try it. He will login onto IRC now14:53
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beisner_exporting http_proxy manually on the master resolves for us14:54
tonglii am here14:54
beisner_admcleod o/14:55
admcleodbeisner_: o\14:56
beisner_is there a systematic way to set http_proxy and no_proxy via the playbook or some such?14:56
beisner_lol admcleod14:56
tongli@beisner_, notice the environment on each play in the site.yml file?14:57
tongliyou should be able to use proxy_env to do whatever is needed.14:58
tonglibut I have not tried it myself since I do not have a proxy_env.14:58
admcleodtongli: i see theres a var in group_vars/all.yaml, but that seems to be for the run, it doesnt seem to apply it to the instances that are launched?14:58
tonglino, see here
tonglithat should help.14:59
tongliI think if you just add proxy_env in your vars/xx.yml, that should work.15:00
tonglibut I have never tried it myself.15:00
admcleodtongli: right.. yeah, thats just during the playbook run15:00
dmelladotongli: beisner_15:01
tonglioh, you mean after it setup, you want to have a proxy?15:01
dmelladofor the last iteration15:01
admcleodtongli: yep!15:01
dmelladowe made it like here15:01
dmelladoso maybe this could serve as an example15:01
dmelladoalthought I'd encourage to really, really run to try it15:01
admcleoddmellado: ive just run it using proxy_env, and the run works15:02
dmelladoadmcleod: on the ansible.cfg you mean?15:02
admcleoddmellado: problem is that the master then tries to pull down containers from, but cant, because it doesnt have a proxy set15:02
dmelladoadmcleod I see15:03
admcleoddmellado: i didnt touch ansible.cfg... but group_vars/all.yaml has a proxy_env definition15:03
dmelladoadmcleod: I see, just exactly the same way as the example I put in there15:03
admcleoddmellado: right15:03
dmelladowell, it wouldn't really hurt if you put a patch for it15:04
admcleoddmellado: ok :)15:04
dmelladothat's just my 2 cents15:04
dmelladowdyt tongli topol ?15:04
tonglidmellado, not sure I am following.15:06
dmelladotongli: they'd like to add a patch for adding support for proxy just the way we had last time15:07
tongliwe have environment in our playbook already.15:07
tongliwe have that already.15:07
dmelladotongli: so you could set http_proxy in your env so the kube master would have a proxy?15:07
dmelladoadmcleod: beisner_ ^^15:07
tongliI think what we have is to use the proxy at the run.15:07
tongliafter that, how each node will access internet is outside of this workload.15:08
tongliyou can configure your node to use a proxy, right?15:08
admcleodtongli: correct15:08
dmelladobut if the nodes are created at the workload15:09
tongli@admcleod, if you submit a patch, I can certainly take a look at. we are only few days from the demo, I am very hesitate to do any updates.15:09
dmelladothey need to be configured15:09
dmelladoyep, that was my idea too15:10
tongliif this is the issue that we found few weeks before, that will be addressed for sure.15:10
tonglione other thing that you can do in my view is to cache all the container images needed15:11
tonglicimage_repo was created for that purpose.15:11
admcleodtongli: ah..15:11
tongliyou can look at all k8s needed container images, and do docker pull, docker save.15:11
tongliwhich produce a tar, then tar gz it.15:12
tongliwhich produce a tar.gz file.15:12
tonglithe workload already allows you to configure it in vars/xx.yml file.15:12
tongliyou just need to manually produce that file and place it on a local http server.15:13
tonglipoint your workload in the vars/xx.yml file to that location.15:13
tongliyou can run the workload absolutely isolated.15:13
tongliyou can try that and using that also makes your workload runs very fast.15:13
tonglisince it does not do the image pull.15:13
tonglibut the problem with that is that you can not do phase 2 demo.15:14
admcleodtongli: ok, noted, thanks15:14
tonglilet me know if you have other questions.15:15
tongliif you think it is really needed, please do a patch.15:15
tonglieven if it is not merged, you can still run it with that patch.15:15
dmelladotongli: btw, related to the patch15:16
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dmelladoI'm fine running this on my own15:16
dmelladobut it improves the speed quite a bit15:17
tonglibut please with a patch though.15:17
tonglihmmm. you are changing the config file. during the run, we are dynamically creating this file run/runhost15:18
tongliwithout these things, I am not sure everything will still work.15:18
tonglithe run/runhost is absolutely needed when we run the things in two separate phases.15:19
tongli@dmellado, please think about that as well.15:19
dmelladoyep, well, my patch only affects to performance on the pipelining15:19
dmellado(and disables cows xD)15:20
beisner_+1 for nowcows ;-)15:22
beisner_tongli dmellado many thx for input/assist15:24
dmelladonp! ;)15:24
admcleoddmellado: tongli yep thanks again15:31
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