Tuesday, 2014-04-29

devanandaShrews: hm. something i'm missing here00:08
devanandaShrews: the node has to power down at somepoint anyway -- since it needs to reboot into the deploy ramdisk00:08
devanandaShrews: it sounds like a question of whether that powerdown should be triggered by nova beforehand, or within ironic as part of the rebuild00:09
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Shrewsdevananda: then it sounds like my forced shutdown is redundant and can be removed00:23
Shrewsif the reboot to deploy is a clean shutdown, that is. i suppose i should investigate that code path.00:25
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/ironic-python-agent: Make docker image smaller by using Precise  https://review.openstack.org/9084500:26
openstackgerritJosh Gachnang proposed a change to openstack/ironic: Adding swift temp url support  https://review.openstack.org/8139100:28
lifelessShrews: hi00:35
lifelessdevananda: hi, back so rrry00:35
lifelessJayF: how can you do ephemeral partitions in bm with whole disk images?00:35
lifelessShrews: i think the idea of an agent makes asserting power states from api actions dubious00:36
lifelessShrews: clearly it will hve to be in the agent to do the disk manipulation (either the current shallow agent or a rich one)00:36
lifelessdevananda: partition images allow nova to be responsible for:00:37
lifeless - swap size00:37
lifeless - ephemeral partition00:37
devanandalifeless: ack. was that the reason we moved away from the initially? or was it something else?00:37
lifelessdevananda: whole disk images prevent that but allow for legacy boot blocks; theres no reason to ever use whole disk except for windows AFAICT00:37
lifelessdevananda: I have no recollection of nova-bm using whole disk ever00:38
devanandalifeless: hmm, i recall us dealing with that in dib's infancy00:38
devanandabut haven't tried to grep through ancient logs to figure ou twhy00:38
lifelessdevananda: dib has to do both because of test vms00:39
devanandaahh! that's why00:39
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lifelessdevananda: specifically the seed00:39
devanandaartefact of testing00:39
lifelesswell, seed is more than test, but broadly yes - the only reason dib originally added whole-disk support was for *non-nova-bm* cases.00:39
devanandalifeless: and do you see any reason to support /arbitrary/ partitioning (eg, beyond what nova needs)00:41
openstackgerritDevananda van der Veen proposed a change to openstack/ironic: Sync oslo logging  https://review.openstack.org/8734600:43
lifelessdevananda: I can make arguments in favour of that. I'm not sure I'd agree with said arguments :)00:45
devanandas/see any reason/think we should/00:46
devanandacause, yea, i can see reasons -- but i dont think ironic (or more specifically IPA) should do that00:47
lifelessso as a way to avoid unexpected consequences00:49
russell_hdevananda: on this: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/85742/00:49
russell_hshouldn't a standard interface be able to assume inputs are valid?00:50
lifelessI think openstack (e.g. Ironic // cinder) should either own the partition table for a given physical disk, or not touch the partition table for that disk.00:50
lifelessdevananda: so consider the software raid 5 scenario - ironic would own the partition table for the backing disks00:50
russell_hlike, a passthru interface I understand the implementation needing to do validation00:50
lifelessdevananda: regardless of whether its deploying a whole disk image or a partition image to the upper layer00:50
devanandarussell_h: ah - you're assuming teh API would have validated the input. and you're correct.00:50
devanandarussell_h: though I dont believe I've seen a REST API patch that corresponds to this driver API yet00:51
lifelessdevananda: so starting from that desire, the question about arbitrary partition layouts becomes more 'are there users that can't achieve what they need if we don't support arbitrary layouts'? and 'is it worth supporting them'00:52
lifelessdevananda: so far I haven't seen any need to do the crazy 7-fs layouts you might do on a precious snowflake server with a cloud based approach00:52
lifelessdevananda: so, I'm skeptical that there are such users. IMBW though!00:53
devanandalifeless: and, is ironic the right tool to support those needs, or does that expand the scope too much00:53
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lifelessdevananda: so ironic seems to need whole-disk and partition modes00:54
lifelessdevananda: in the former, I'd like to not touch (read *or* write) the table at all.00:54
devanandalifeless: as an aside, every time i chat with cinder folks, i seem to hear that it doesn't do anything even resembling what we want -- in that it doesn't have a way to define raid or partition layout00:55
lifelessdevananda: in the latter, we have three basic primitives: lay down an image, make a partition and leave it untouched, make a partition and make a filesystem00:55
devanandalifeless: the cinder admin can create a pool from a raid and describe it as-such to users, who then select which pool to carve off a chunk from00:55
lifelessdevananda: yes; when we spoke face to face in portland they were open to the idea of such a thing, which we'd define00:55
lifelessdevananda: doing a complex layout would seem to require being able to specify an arbitrary mix of those primitives, and then the user *building* images has a consistency problem to deal with00:57
lifelessdevananda: OTOH android and similar devices seem to get by without having lots of partitions00:57
devanandalifeless: yep. for a cloud-like environment (even on bare metal) i don't see a compelling reason for complex partition layouts00:59
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devanandaheading out for dinner shortly... bbtmw01:18
jroll\o see ya01:20
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed a change to openstack/ironic: Implement instance rebuild in nova.virt.driver  https://review.openstack.org/9042901:24
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openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed a change to openstack/ironic: Implement instance rebuild in nova.virt.driver  https://review.openstack.org/9042901:26
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lifelessdevananda: whats the url for the agent review?01:46
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lifelessNobodyCam: adam_g hi - can I pass ownership of my race condition patch to one of you two ?01:55
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lifelesshttps://review.openstack.org/#/c/84361/ specifically02:43
lifelessNobodyCam: adam_g ^02:43
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adam_glifeless, yeah, the workaround seems simple enough. the proper fix will be more work but i would love to drive that. will push a new patchset there tomorrow03:30
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lifelessadam_g: thanks04:16
rameshg87Hi all04:23
rameshg87i am getting "oslo.config.cfg.DuplicateOptError: duplicate option: rpc_backend" error when devstack runs /usr/local/bin/ironic-dbsync with the latest ironic code04:24
rameshg87i am not able to run the tests as well04:24
rameshg87this seems to be related to https://review.openstack.org/#/c/8830704:25
rameshg87anyone has any idea already regarding this ?04:25
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sirushtirameshg87, did you try with RECLONE=True in your localrc?04:26
rameshg87sorry my mistake04:27
rameshg87it is due to leftover .pyc files04:27
sirushtirameshg87, :-)04:27
rameshg87thanks sirushti, it was due to .pyc files :-)04:27
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed a change to openstack/ironic: Imported Translations from Transifex  https://review.openstack.org/8850806:07
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Mikhail_D_wkMorning Ironic! :)06:25
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openstackgerritRamakrishnan G proposed a change to openstack/ironic: Add IloDriver and its utils  https://review.openstack.org/8950006:47
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HaomengMikhail_D_wk: morning:)07:18
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dtantsurMorning Ironic08:27
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romchegMorning dtantsur09:08
romcheglucasagomes: Morning, around?09:09
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Mikhail_D_wkdtantsur, romcheg g'morning :)09:15
romchegI noticed that it's not possible to specify region_name to the client09:17
agordeevmorning :)09:28
agordeevmorning dtantsur Haomeng romcheg Mikhail_D_wk09:28
dtantsurmorning agordeev, Mikhail_D_wk, romcheg :)09:29
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romchegOk, it is possible but somehow it's not clear for me yet...09:35
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/ironic: Document ClusteredComputeManager  https://review.openstack.org/8953309:47
romchegSo I definitely need to discuss that with lucasagomes. Please poke me when you're available09:49
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lifelesslucasagomes: morning10:16
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lifelesslucasgomes nvm10:17
lucasagomesromcheg, hey10:30
lucasagomeslifeless, morning10:30
lucasagomesanyone able to push changes to gerrit?! I'm getting a "fatal: Could not read from remote repository."10:33
openstackgerritLucas Alvares Gomes proposed a change to openstack/ironic: Fix chassis-node relationship  https://review.openstack.org/9096410:36
lifelesslucasagomes: have you refreshed the ssh key ?10:37
lucasagomeslifeless, yeah fixed following https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/GerritUpgrade10:37
lucasagomesfirst time I got this error :) lifeless thanks!10:37
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openstackgerritImre Farkas proposed a change to openstack/ironic: Fix workaround for the "device is busy" problem  https://review.openstack.org/9012610:54
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/ironic: Overwrite instance_exists in Nova Ironic Driver  https://review.openstack.org/8861111:17
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/ironic: Sync oslo logging  https://review.openstack.org/8734611:22
romcheglucasagomes: Hi, sorry, was afk for a lunch11:25
vkozhukalovguys, i have a question11:28
vkozhukalovoslo.config by default tries to find config file in /etc/{project}/{project}.conf11:29
vkozhukalovthe question is11:29
vkozhukalovironic-python-agent or ironic_python_agent?11:29
vkozhukalovwhich is correct?11:29
vkozhukalovor it is set manually somewhere?11:30
romchegvkozhukalov: in devstack config is explicitly passed11:46
vkozhukalovromcheg: thanks, but it is not very helpful  for my case11:47
romchegI see11:47
romchegvkozhukalov: I've checked oslo.config's code11:50
romchegyou can explicitly pass project=project when calling the config,11:50
openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed a change to openstack/ironic: Consider Glance checksum when caching master images  https://review.openstack.org/9039011:55
openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed a change to openstack/ironic: Implement more robust caching for master images  https://review.openstack.org/8538711:55
vkozhukalovromcheg: thanks, now i see that every project sets it's project name explicitely11:58
romchegvkozhukalov: yup, however, I could not find that in IPA11:58
vkozhukalovromcheg: for example ironic sets it in ironic/common/config.py:parse_args11:59
vkozhukalovromcheg: yep11:59
vkozhukalovromcheg: IPA does not set it at all11:59
vkozhukalovromcheg: need to set it11:59
openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed a change to openstack/ironic: Consider Glance checksum when caching master images  https://review.openstack.org/9039012:01
openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed a change to openstack/ironic: Implement more robust caching for master images  https://review.openstack.org/8538712:01
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openstackgerritAleksandr Gordeev proposed a change to openstack/ironic-python-agent: Make encoding.serialize() more programmatical  https://review.openstack.org/9098912:04
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NobodyCamgood mroning from Loisiana12:13
openstackgerritVladimir Kozhukalov proposed a change to openstack/ironic-python-agent: Fixed circular imports  https://review.openstack.org/9099112:14
dtantsurmorning, NobodyCam!12:14
NobodyCammorning dtantsur12:15
openstackgerritVladimir Kozhukalov proposed a change to openstack/ironic-python-agent: Fixed circular imports  https://review.openstack.org/9099112:15
dtantsurMaybe someone knows: is it possible to update contents of an image in Glance? I my experiments glance image-update succeeds, but content is not updated12:16
dtantsur(it is to decide, whether we need https://review.openstack.org/#/c/90390 )12:16
agordeevNobodyCam: morning12:18
NobodyCammorning agordeev12:19
romchegMorning NobodyCam!12:19
NobodyCammorning romcheg12:20
NobodyCamdtantsur: humm good question.. I think you have remove and reload the image but I am not sure12:20
NobodyCambrb quick mornig walkies :-p12:21
agordeevromcheg: hey hey, glad to know you have become the core reviewer in IPA too. Congrats!12:28
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romchegagordeev: I think  that ironic-core was merged to ipa-core12:28
openstackgerritAleksandr Gordeev proposed a change to openstack/ironic-python-agent: Make encoding.serialize() more programmatical  https://review.openstack.org/9098912:32
NobodyCamI hope this weather is cleared up for the meeting12:37
lucasagomesNobodyCam, :( be careful on ur way to atlanta12:38
NobodyCammorning lucasagomes ... I am trying... :) we in western Louisiana now..12:39
lucasagomesNobodyCam, :)12:43
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NobodyCamwith really bad bandwidth :(12:45
openstackgerritLucas Alvares Gomes proposed a change to openstack/ironic: Remove 'node' parameter from the VendorPassthru interface  https://review.openstack.org/9036312:45
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NobodyCamgah I cann't even get on the vpn :(12:51
ShrewsNobodyCam: the weather is supposed to be really nice friday, sat, sun. so just take your time and ride behind the weather for a few days  :)12:51
NobodyCamShrews: yep :) thats the plan :-p12:52
NobodyCamcome in behind it all12:52
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GheRiveromorning all13:10
dtantsurmorning, GheRivero13:10
NobodyCammorning gh:)13:10
NobodyCammoning GheRivero13:11
NobodyCamthats better13:11
NobodyCamany one here used suse studio to create SuSe cloud images?13:12
dtantsurNobodyCam, GheRivero may I ask you guys to look at https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ironic/+spec/pxe-master-images-caching and https://review.openstack.org/#/c/85387/ ?13:12
dtantsurI'm also a bit stuck with question, whether glance actually supports updating image content13:12
NobodyCamdtantsur: let get my dev laptop up and going13:13
dtantsursure, thank you :)13:13
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romchegUploaded basic scenario to Rally13:22
romchegDiscussing it with Boris13:22
NobodyCamdtantsur: http://docs.openstack.org/user-guide/content/cli_manage_images.html <- just fyi13:23
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dtantsurNobodyCam, yes, I've seen it, but the docs are misleading. Judging by source code of v1 API you can only update image content if it does not have one, i.e. is in queued state13:25
NobodyCamI have not looked at the code :-p13:27
dtantsurI started to suspect something only after manually checking. Call to image-update succeeds, but content does not get updated13:28
NobodyCamGheRivero: do we use v1 or v2 for glance api? with out looking to hard it looks like we support both13:29
dtantsurNobodyCam, that is on of the reasons I want feedback on a blueprint: it's not clear for me if we should deal with changing images in Glance when caching13:29
GheRiveroNobodyCam: I was just looking at that. We use both, jsut need to indicate which version are we using.13:29
GheRiveroThere was some attempt in glance to autodiscover the version supported by the glance server13:30
GheRiverobut hasn't landed yet13:30
NobodyCamdtantsur: the end goal  I have is for IPA to pull the images directly witch will affect cacheing13:30
NobodyCamdtantsur: what about v2 of the glance api?13:30
dtantsurNobodyCam, not sure, code for v2 is much harder to read :(13:31
NobodyCamGheRivero: Abandoned :(13:32
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NobodyCammorning matty_dubs :)13:38
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed a change to openstack/ironic: Implement instance rebuild in nova.virt.driver  https://review.openstack.org/9042913:41
GheRiveroNobodyCam: actually, re-reading the code, we support both glance versions, but it's hardcoded to v113:48
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dtantsurNobodyCam, I've asked on #openstack-glance, but got no answer. So I'm inclining to abandon patch about checksums and remove this from blueprint..13:51
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NobodyCam:) dtantsur we should ask the other *CORES* but I can see that as a logical step13:53
jrollgood morning ironic13:54
NobodyCamlucasagomes: rloo: romcheg:13:55
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NobodyCammorning jroll :)13:55
dtantsurmorning, jroll13:55
NobodyCamjroll: thoughts on ^^^^13:55
lucasagomesdtantsur, maybe asking eglynn? he's glance-core for red hat13:55
lucasagomesmorning jroll13:56
jrollNobodyCam: thoughts on this? 06:30:27       NobodyCam | dtantsur: the end goal  I have is for IPA to pull the images directly witch will affect cacheing13:56
dtantsurwill try13:56
jrollis your question?13:56
jrollNobodyCam: or the caching things in general?13:56
NobodyCamjroll: on this: 13:51 | dtantsur > NobodyCam, I've asked on #openstack-glance, but got no answer. So I'm inclining to abandon patch about checksums and remove this from blueprint..13:57
openstackgerritMikhail Durnosvistov proposed a change to openstack/ironic: Unified object model  https://review.openstack.org/8506513:57
openstackgerritMikhail Durnosvistov proposed a change to openstack/ironic: Get rid object model `dict` methods part 3  https://review.openstack.org/6410813:57
* jroll looks for blueprint13:57
openstackgerritMikhail Durnosvistov proposed a change to openstack/ironic: Get rid object model `dict` methods part 1  https://review.openstack.org/6002513:57
openstackgerritMikhail Durnosvistov proposed a change to openstack/ironic: Get rid object model `dict` methods part 2  https://review.openstack.org/6233113:57
* romcheg is looking13:57
openstackgerritMikhail Durnosvistov proposed a change to openstack/ironic: Get rid object model `dict` methods part 5  https://review.openstack.org/6427813:57
Mikhail_D_wkFolks please look at this chain of patches, if you have time :) In general, I added in the tests `mock.patch.object (self.dbapi, [appropriate method]) in order to avoid the return of the resource object, and return Dict-Object :)13:57
jrollNobodyCam: what's the problem with getting a checksum?13:57
NobodyCamjroll: 13:25 | dtantsur > NobodyCam, yes, I've seen it, but the docs are misleading. Judging by source code of v1 API you can only update image content if it does not have one, i.e. is in queued state13:58
jrollwhat about v2 api?13:58
jrollI feel like someone on our team has said similar13:59
NobodyCamjroll: 13:48 | GheRivero > NobodyCam: actually, re-reading the code, we support both glance versions, but it's hardcoded to v113:59
jrollthat if the image content needs to change, it will be a new image and thus new uuid13:59
jrollbut that could change, no?13:59
jrollI don't want to make an assumption based on using v1, if we might use v2 later13:59
jrolli.e. JoshNang's temp urls patch uses glance v214:00
GheRiverojroll: yes. it would change, if something like https://review.openstack.org/#/c/53189/ lands someday14:00
jrollGheRivero: right14:00
jrolldoes v2 behave the same way as far as updating image content?14:01
GheRiverocan't remember. TEsting14:01
romchegdtantsur, NobodyCam: so the question is basically regarding to usage of the checksum, isn't it?14:01
jrollso if v2 behaves the same way, then not using checksum is probably fine14:02
jrollif v2 allows updates, then we should use checksum14:02
jrollit can't hurt to use checksum anyway, right?14:02
dtantsurromcheg, essentially, question is: when caching, should we expect image in Glance to ever change?14:02
romchegdtantsur: that's what I mean :)14:02
romchegTo be honest, I never thought that glance allows updating images (sounds weird for me).14:03
jrollyou might be right, romcheg14:03
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jrollI'm pretty sure at rackspace that we never update image content, but not sure if that is a glance limitation or operational thing14:03
romchegBut if that is a concern, why not ask Glance folks?14:03
dtantsurromcheg, I got no answer yet14:04
jrollis the patch currently pulling all glance data for the image? if so, why not use the checksum?14:04
romchegHmm, then we should check the API specs while waiting for the response14:04
dtantsurjroll, I'm working on enhanced caching for master images. You can see details here: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ironic/+spec/pxe-master-images-caching14:05
dtantsurjroll, my doubts are about the 3rd option14:05
jrolldtantsur: right14:05
jrollI think v2 behaves the same based on that doc I linked14:05
dtantsurjroll, thanks for this link, could not google for it :) that means, I'm dropping suggestion about checksums, right?14:06
romchegdtantsur: That should update the metadata, not images themself14:06
jrollI think v2 behaves the same14:07
dtantsurok, so we don't expect image body to change and can cache it as long as we want, right?14:08
jrolldtantsur: I think so14:08
jrolldtantsur: I would like to hear that from the glance team, but I think you are right14:08
openstackgerritLucas Alvares Gomes proposed a change to openstack/ironic: Fix chassis-node relationship  https://review.openstack.org/9096414:08
romchegjroll: changes to metadata should not change our cache I think14:09
dtantsurGreat, thank you jroll, romcheg, NobodyCam, GheRivero! Now I wonder whether the blueprint itself is necessary, as the other 2 suggestions there are based on existing bugs...14:10
jrollromcheg: right, but I think the same path is taken for image content14:10
* jroll pokes around a bit more14:10
jrolldtantsur: probably not :)14:10
romchegmerge-and-pray :)14:10
dtantsurI would also incredibly thankful, if you guys review the previous patch (one that introduces caching): https://review.openstack.org/#/c/85387/14:14
jrollhow is this for an answer? https://github.com/openstack/glance/blob/3db3b67388bb86af93184c1836414838cf0b449a/glance/tests/unit/v2/test_image_data_resource.py#L20114:16
jrollthey have a v2 api test to make sure an error happens when data already exists14:16
dtantsurjroll, perfect! :)14:17
jrolldtantsur: to be sure, this caching is for the deploy ramdisk, correct? or for other images?14:17
jrollin the patch you mentioned14:18
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dtantsurjroll, everything PXE has.14:18
jrolla gigabyte seems small if you are caching images that will be deployed14:19
openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed a change to openstack/ironic: Implement more robust caching for master images  https://review.openstack.org/8538714:19
jrollbut it's probably fine14:20
dtantsurjroll, these number are completely random, I'll change it to whatever seems more reasonable. Anyway, if you _need_ images that don't fit, they will be stored, but deleted right after they're no longer needed14:21
dtantsurdoes it make sense for you?14:21
jrollright, I just read how the invalidation works14:22
jrollI think it's fine :)14:22
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agordeevjroll: morning!14:33
NobodyCamany one played with booting from nfs volumes?14:35
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openstackgerritIhar Hrachyshka proposed a change to openstack/ironic: Synced jsonutils from oslo-incubator  https://review.openstack.org/9105514:37
jrolldtantsur: reviewed14:39
jrollagordeev: morning :)14:39
agordeevjroll: it seems in order to get more information about hardware i'm in a need of using `dmidecode`. It has python binding, but hasn't pypi package yet. Do you know if python-dmidecode package is available for coreos? or just could you tell me how check that14:40
jrollcoreos... doesn't have packages or a package manager14:41
jrollthey expect you to run everything in docker/systemd-nspawn14:41
jrollso we use pip for all packages14:41
dtantsurjroll, many thanks, will fix. Regarding writing to actual files in unit tests: I don't know what the common practice is, but I don't think it hurts to have more real-world test :)14:42
jrollagordeev: if there is no pypi package for dmidecode bindings, I'd prefer to shell out to dmidecode14:42
jrolldtantsur: yeah, I'm just surprised infra lets you write to disk at all :)14:42
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jrolldtantsur: I didn't notice what master_dir you're using when writing, but we should probably ensure that is some sort of temp directory14:43
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dtantsurjroll, I still suspect I'm not the first one to write to $TEMP in one of the tests :)14:43
dtantsuryeah, it's from mkdtemp14:43
jrollI guess that should be fine, then14:44
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openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed a change to openstack/ironic: Implement more robust caching for master images  https://review.openstack.org/8538714:45
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dtantsurjroll, updated ^^^mind looking again?14:46
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jrolland +1'd14:48
dtantsurjroll, thanks :)14:49
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NobodyCamoh, here a question what if the node had two disks and the user wanted to set one as data vol and the other as log vol..14:53
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openstackgerritMikhail Durnosvistov proposed a change to openstack/ironic: Old value 'updated_at' field returned after update  https://review.openstack.org/7543015:07
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linggaoHi ironic. seems all the test cases are broken in the master15:12
linggaoI got DuplicateOptError: duplicate option: rpc_backend for every test cases.15:12
openstackgerritLucas Alvares Gomes proposed a change to openstack/ironic: Remove 'node' parameter from the VendorPassthru interface  https://review.openstack.org/9036315:12
openstackgerritLucas Alvares Gomes proposed a change to openstack/ironic: Remove 'node' parameter from the Deploy interface  https://review.openstack.org/9106215:12
openstackgerritlinggao proposed a change to openstack/ironic: Support serial console access  https://review.openstack.org/6410015:14
dtantsurlinggao, ifarkas discovered that it's enough to delete all .pyc files15:17
ifarkasthat was actually lucasagomes ;-)15:18
linggaodtantsur, ifarkas, thanks. let me try...15:18
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NobodyCamlucasagomes: got a sec for me to pick your brain?15:22
lucasagomesyeah the oslo.message patch deleted the openstack/common/rpc/ stuff, but we need to clean up the repo to get rid of the pyc15:23
lucasagomesNobodyCam, hey sure15:23
NobodyCamwe have pyc in the repo?15:23
lucasagomesNobodyCam, local repo*15:23
NobodyCamlucasagomes: so my question is on https://github.com/openstack/ironic/blob/master/ironic/common/disk_partitioner.py15:24
lucasagomesNobodyCam, right15:24
NobodyCamcan you think of a nice clean way to add multi disk support? ie one hdd for data, onr for logs, one for OS (note os will evolve to nfs vol)15:25
lucasagomesNobodyCam, I think I need some context... we are going to create partition on these 3 disks right?15:27
lucasagomescause I like the way DiskPartitioner works with 1 disk, you can create an instance of each for each disk15:28
NobodyCamlucasagomes: yep.. systems have >1 hdd and users are currently setting (example only)  sda = OS, sdb = data vol, sdc = log vol15:28
lucasagomesNobodyCam, right... and the deploy ramdisk would expose all 3 via iscsi?15:29
NobodyCamI'm not sure.. but it culd15:30
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NobodyCamjust working thru some ideas for a conf call later today15:30
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lucasagomesright, yeah, I don't think that DiskPartitioner should support multiple disk (I dunno any disk partitioning tool that does)...15:31
lucasagomeswe better use one insteand of DiskPartitioner for each disk15:31
lucasagomeseven why they might want to have different sizes and different partition layout15:31
lucasagomesthey might have*15:32
NobodyCamright we we would need to cycle thru th disks setting each one up15:32
openstackgerritLucas Alvares Gomes proposed a change to openstack/ironic: Remove 'node' parameter from the Deploy interface  https://review.openstack.org/9106215:32
lucasagomesNobodyCam, yup, I think it's more sane... because even if they have the same disk layout15:33
lucasagomesbut they have different sizes15:33
lucasagomeshow would the partition create looks like, you specify size but it doesn't fit in one of the disks15:34
agordeevNobodyCam: at least there is a problem with recognizing disks as sda/sdb/etc. Different udev configuration/version, kernel version could totally reassign them.15:34
NobodyCamlucasagomes: I am thinking it would be something like sda: use whole disk as ext4, sdb use whole disk as zfs, sdc whole disk as gfs15:35
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NobodyCamagordeev: yes15:35
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lucasagomesNobodyCam, ah right... just 1 parition for the whole disk?15:35
NobodyCamlucasagomes: yep... as I see it now15:36
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jrollNobodyCam: I would argue that ironic should just install the OS, and the user should do the rest15:39
jrollpartitioning and all15:39
agordeevNobodyCam: so that's the one of the reason to provide more detailed hw info about disks especially. And i'm working on that now15:39
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NobodyCamjroll: I wold find it tuff to defent that argument15:42
openstackgerritRuby Loo proposed a change to openstack/ironic: Implement API to get driver properties  https://review.openstack.org/7300515:42
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jrollNobodyCam: why? ironic is in the business of provisioning a box with an operating system, not defining where data/logs/etc are stored, right?15:43
openstackgerritLucas Alvares Gomes proposed a change to openstack/ironic: Remove 'node' parameter from the Deploy interface  https://review.openstack.org/9106215:43
romchegdtantsur: Regarding to the caching15:47
romchegdtantsur: does clean_up work without locks?15:48
romchegor I just missed that?15:48
dtantsurromcheg, @lockutils.synchronized('master_image', 'ironic-')15:49
romchegdtantsur: Oh, sorry....15:50
dtantsurnp :)15:50
romchegdtantsur: I was looking for more specific locks and missed the big one :)15:50
dtantsurunfortunately, clean_up (and one more small peace inside fetch_image) require more or less global locks15:51
dtantsurhave to go for now, my Czech lesson is waiting for me :) see you15:53
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romchegHave a nice time dtantsur!15:54
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openstackgerritLucas Alvares Gomes proposed a change to openstack/ironic: Remove 'node' parameter from the Power interface  https://review.openstack.org/9109316:31
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lucasagomesNobodyCam, when u get some time: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/86063/16:34
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NobodyCamlucasagomes: ack on conf call now16:35
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lucasagomesNobodyCam, no hurry :)16:36
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openstackgerritLucas Alvares Gomes proposed a change to openstack/ironic: Remove 'node' parameter from the Console and Rescue interface  https://review.openstack.org/9109716:48
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openstackgerritLucas Alvares Gomes proposed a change to openstack/ironic: Remove 'node' parameter from the Power interface  https://review.openstack.org/9109316:49
openstackgerritLucas Alvares Gomes proposed a change to openstack/ironic: Remove 'node' parameter from the Console and Rescue interface  https://review.openstack.org/9109716:49
rlooif anyone has some time to do a review, I'd really like to get this merged. For selfish reasons. I don't think I can look at another revision of it: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/60025/16:50
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lucasagomesrloo, this also https://review.openstack.org/#/c/73223/16:52
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rloolucasagomes: thx, i'll take a look at that in a few minutes.16:52
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rloolucasagomes, Mikhail_D_ltp: wrt https://review.openstack.org/#/c/73223/, why do we need to get rid of the 'with' when using mocks?17:08
lucasagomesrloo, hmm cosmetic change17:09
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rloolucasagomes: ok, the commit should be clearer about that. It says 'need'. I'll look at it anyway ;)17:09
lucasagomesrloo, heh... right I don't think it's something we _need_17:10
lucasagomeslooks better17:10
rloolucasagomes: yeah, looks better and the fewer indented lines of code, the better! :-)17:10
rloolevels of indentation I mean ;)17:10
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openstackgerritLucas Alvares Gomes proposed a change to openstack/ironic: Remove 'node' parameter from the Deploy interface  https://review.openstack.org/9106217:15
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openstackgerritLucas Alvares Gomes proposed a change to openstack/ironic: Remove 'node' parameter from the Console and Rescue interfaces  https://review.openstack.org/9109717:16
openstackgerritLucas Alvares Gomes proposed a change to openstack/ironic: Remove 'node' parameter from the Power interface  https://review.openstack.org/9109317:16
openstackgerritLucas Alvares Gomes proposed a change to openstack/ironic: Remove 'node' parameter from the validate() methods  https://review.openstack.org/9110417:16
lucasagomesuu done heh17:17
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lucasagomes /nick lucas-dinner17:30
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lucas-dinnerheh have a good night everybody!17:30
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rloo'night lucas-dinner!17:37
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openstackgerritJosh Gachnang proposed a change to openstack/ironic: Adding swift temp url support  https://review.openstack.org/8139117:41
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* NobodyCam attempts to eat a bagel before the next conf call17:51
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Nisha@Deva, Is there any plan for Gui remote console for end user in ironic18:25
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matty_dubsNisha_: I'm not sure that anyone is working on that presently; right now it's just serial console (via IPMI serial-over-LAN)18:40
matty_dubsI think it'd have to be a vendor-specific thing18:41
devanandaNisha: "end user" -- no. Ironic is (today) admin-only.18:42
devanandaNisha: exporting console log to provide via the Nova API -- i think that'd be good, but no one is working on it yet18:42
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NishaDeva: Ok, So if we say the console is for admin only, then admin has the privilege for all the operations on that server18:44
devanandaNisha: admin has all privileges in ironic today already18:44
NishaDeva: Then do we want to display GUI remote console via ironic?18:44
devanandaNisha: what do you mean GUI remote console?18:45
devanandaNisha: SOL?18:45
NishaDeva: Like ILO provides extra capabilities in GUI remote console18:45
NishaDeva: No, SOL will be text console only correct18:45
devanandaironic isn't a proxy for all the mgmt extra goodies -- it's a provisioning tool18:45
devanandasometimes provisioning fails and you need to collect the kernel log18:46
devanandahence we need the SOL access18:46
devanandabut that's where it ends IMHO18:46
NishaSorry i didnt understand last statement18:46
devanandaproxying the OOB MGMT GUI is not relevant18:46
devanandato a cloud deployment on baremetal18:47
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NishaAnd for Windows deployed servers?18:47
devanandawhat about them?18:48
Nishawhere you can see the the graphics only in GUI console18:48
NishaFor example18:48
devanandawait - that's got nothing to do with mgmt18:48
devanandaonce you've deployed a windows instance, remote-desktop is just the end-user connecting to their instance18:49
devanandaassuming networking is set up properly (eg by neutron) that has nothing to do with ironic, the OOB management card, iLO, etc18:49
Nishayes correct, but you can still want to login to the console for some reason?18:49
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devanandaNisha: who would log in? and why?18:53
lifelessNisha: so what I think you are saying is that ILO is for more than just DC ops and cloud infra ops folk.18:55
lifelessNisha: that it is for the end user as well ?18:56
NishaAdmin? say if the OS stops responding for some reason or some other issue on Windows based systems? If there is a scenario admin needs the GUI console of the deployed server(mostly it would be required for windows,if required) , then how does ironic handles it18:56
NishaDC ops?18:57
lifelessNisha: which admin - the instance admin or the cloud infrastructure admin or the dc ops (datacentre operators) admin18:57
Nishathe cloud infrastructure admin and may be even dc admin18:58
lifelessNisha: with a baremetal cloud we have the concept of three different 'admins' - the folk that put the hardware in the rack and fix physical issues, the folk that manage the cloud and allocate resources to regions, deal with nova/ironic issues and the like, and then the user who requested the instance via Nova, whose data is on the machine.18:58
NishaYes, so end user shall not have admin privilege in the remote console except for logs18:58
devanandasorry to run ... will catch up when i get back in an hour ...18:59
Nishathe cloud infrastructure admin and may be even dc admin?19:00
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Nishaprovisioning is done by which user here?19:00
notqnisha, in vmware with windows. you have a major error, you go to the console and fix. you're asking, how do you do that with baremetal? you go to the imm and check the console.19:01
Nishacheck the console means sol?19:02
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Nishacould you expand imm, sorry am not aware of it19:04
notqsorry, i should have said ipmi19:05
notqimm is ibm's management for servers. i'm using ibm a lot lately19:05
Nishayes i am aware of ipmi sol19:05
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Nishabut my question is when we have a baremetal, say proliant servers then the text console(SOL) after the OS is deployed gives the statement like "in graphical mode or unsupported text mode"19:07
Nishaat the same time if i open the GUI console on the ilo, i can see the graphical display of OS running there19:07
Nishathis is not seen in text mode or SOL19:08
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Nishaas Deva said we dont want extra managemnet goodies by console, those can be avoided to be given to the admin when he tries to open GUI console19:10
NobodyCambrb  again19:13
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ShrewsJoshNang: _wait_for_active *is* factored out19:32
JoshNangShrews: hmm, didn't look like it. must have missed it. sorry!!19:38
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Shrewsno worries19:38
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Nisha_Deva, lifeless: IMHO, GUI console will be useful for admin and easy to use19:50
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openstackgerritJarrod Johnson proposed a change to stackforge/pyghmi: Correct mistakes in constants  https://review.openstack.org/9115220:00
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openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/pyghmi: Correct sensor offset for byte 5 state values  https://review.openstack.org/9077820:02
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openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/pyghmi: Correct mistakes in constants  https://review.openstack.org/9115220:10
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Shrewswow. deploying a vm with ironic+devstack is MUCH faster on my spare laptop compared to a cloud vm.  just under 2 minutes compared to the 15 or so in the vm20:26
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devanandaShrews: nested virt is terrible.20:26
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Shrewsdevananda: indeed. very glad i took the time to get this working20:27
devanandaShrews: also, it takes only a few min for me with nested virt. (not counting time to start devstack)20:27
Shrewsdevananda: hrm, perhaps your vm has more juice than mine20:28
devanandaShrews: 2 core 4GB RAM20:28
NobodyCamShrews: ++ on spare laptop20:29
Shrewsdevananda:  hrm, mine is 4 core, 8G.  *shrug*20:30
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ShrewsNobodyCam: and I don't even have to run mine upside down!  :)20:30
openstackgerritJarrod Johnson proposed a change to stackforge/pyghmi: Clean up command.py  https://review.openstack.org/9116820:32
NobodyCam:-p sure rub it in20:32
devanandaadam_g: any thoughts on how the bump from 512 to 1024 RAM will affect the devstack-gate environment?20:32
adam_gdevananda, we should be fine. those get run on 8GB nodes20:32
devanandaadam_g: and when we need to run >1 instance at a time?20:32
devanandai'm assuming we'll need tempest to do that at some point20:32
devanandabut IMBW20:33
adam_gdevananda, we should be okay to scale to 1 or 2 more, but anything beyond that is probably stretching it20:33
devanandak, if we can do 3, i think that's fine20:33
adam_gdevananda, not sure we have a choice tho20:33
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devanandaadam_g: "DIB produced ramdisks tend to be ~250MB" -- huh?20:35
devanandaadam_g: last i saw they were ~5020:35
adam_gdevananda, uncompressed20:35
adam_gdevananda, if we really need to scale devstack gate to many VMs we may be able to get creative with the initrams + kernel parameters20:36
devanandaor we request larger instances for this job20:36
adam_gor that, yeah20:37
openstackgerritlinggao proposed a change to openstack/ironic: Support serial console access  https://review.openstack.org/6410020:37
openstackgerritJosh Gachnang proposed a change to openstack/ironic: Adding swift temp url support  https://review.openstack.org/8139120:42
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/pyghmi: Clean up command.py  https://review.openstack.org/9116820:47
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openstackgerritAdam Gandelman proposed a change to openstack/ironic: Wait for Neutron port updates when using SSHPower  https://review.openstack.org/9117421:10
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adam_glifeless, ^21:11
adam_gdevananda, should i file a BP to get discussion started on a proper fix for that? eg, API callbacks similar to os-external-events in nova/neutron currently21:14
lifelesswebhooks FTW21:14
devanandaadam_g: that'd be great21:15
devanandaadam_g: also, i think you want to make those changes in conductor.manager, not drivers.modules.pxe21:15
adam_ghmm. ill take a look21:17
devanandaadam_g: well. i dont know if you /can/ right now -- the sleep has to happen in the middle of pxe.deploy21:17
devanandaadam_g: but conceptually, one driver shouldn't be depending on another like this21:17
adam_gdevananda, yeah, and the relevant neutron updates are only relevant to the pxe driver, tho IMBW21:18
lifelesswell deploy does need to know if power has completed its thing21:18
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devanandaadam_g: perhaps factoring the _update_neutron out of pxe is the right thing, since the agent driver will need it too21:18
devanandaJayF: you were working on factoring the tftp / file manipulation stuff out of pxe, right?21:19
adam_gdevananda, oh right. i seem to remember a patch up that does similar21:19
devanandaJayF: were you also looking at the _update_neutron method?21:19
lifelessactually no21:19
lifelessthe thing here isn't knowing the power has completed21:19
devanandalifeless: right21:19
lifelessits knowing the minimum latency power has21:19
devanandalifeless: deploy driver knowswhen power has completed21:19
lifelessand the maximum latency neutron has21:19
devanandalifeless: deploy needs to know when network update has completed (or guess how long it takes to propagate until we have a callback hook)21:20
JoshNangdevananda: that's me working on the factoring21:21
devanandaadam_g: i think moving update_neutron from drivers.modules.pxe to conductor.utils would solve it21:21
devanandaJoshNang: ah! sorry :)21:21
JoshNangheh no worries. :)21:21
devanandaJoshNang: so ... ^ ?21:21
JoshNangso i did move update_neutron21:22
lifelessslemax(0, power latency - neutron latency)21:23
JoshNang(but to a new tftp.py, rather than conductor utils)21:23
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JoshNangas for needing to know when update_neutron is complete, we need that too in the agent driver, but for switching from a provisioning network to the open network21:24
JoshNangso its on my "need to figure this out very soon" list21:24
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adam_ghmm. sounds like we're in the same boat21:28
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adam_gdevananda, i'm curious why you think conductor.utils should meddling with neutron details?21:29
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JoshNangwe also need to do a reboot give or take the same time we're switching networks, right before the box is ready to go21:31
JoshNangadam_g: what are you looking to do?21:31
adam_gJoshNang, we need to know that neutron updates have completed on the agents before booting21:33
devanandaadam_g: first thought - because one driver interface shouldnt be importing another driver interface21:33
adam_gdevananda, yeah, that seems awkward21:33
devanandaadam_g: and the conductor is, broadly speaking, making the decisions about what steps to do when. ... but on second thought, the conductor isn't the only common ground there.21:34
devanandaadam_g: lemme add a few comments to the review, see what else you come up with21:34
adam_gJoshNang, nova had to solve almost an exact issue during icehouse.. they added os-external-events API and client support, neutron just uses that to callback when certain events complete21:34
adam_gdevananda, cool, thanks21:35
JoshNangadam_g: that would be fantastic21:35
adam_gJoshNang, https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Nova/ExternalEventAPI21:35
JoshNangadam_g: ok that makes sense. how many changes on the neutron side would need to be made to make this work? (realize that's a big question)21:38
JoshNangor is everything needed already there for nova?21:38
adam_gJoshNang, https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/neutron/tree/neutron/notifiers  looks relatively extensible21:40
NobodyCamlucas-dinner: sorry it took me so long to look at 86063, I gave it a -1 only for the log line format other wise LGTM!21:40
adam_gJoshNang, the nova changes were more, one sec let me find that blueprint. i wonder what we can re-use21:41
NobodyCamadam_g: awesome Ty :)21:41
adam_gJoshNang, https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/admin-event-callback-api21:42
adam_gJoshNang, i need to step out for a bit but id like to start collecting use cases for something similar in ironic and get a BP filed today/tomrrw21:42
lucas-dinnerNobodyCam, hey will take a look21:42
JoshNangadam_g: awesome. i'd love to discuss this more21:43
lucas-dinnerNobodyCam, hmm I can't do that, using ',' is only for the logging module21:43
lucas-dinnerlemme exemplify21:43
rlooNobodyCam: was just going to mention -- it doesn't matter for the exception since you want it to interpolate.21:43
rlooNobodyCam: the diff with logging, is that you only want it done if it is going to be logged, and that depends on the log level first.21:44
lucas-dinnerNobodyCam, http://paste.openstack.org/show/77813/21:44
lucas-dinnersee [3]21:44
rlooNobodyCam: which is why you don't always want it interpolated, cuz it might not be needed.21:44
rlooNobodyCam: I also question whether that is worth a -1, or a good-to-go and please fix later ;)21:45
lucas-dinnerrloo, using ', ' just works for the logging module21:45
lucas-dinnerso can't fix later :)21:46
rloolucas-dinner: yes, that too ;)21:46
devanandacomstud: does the object code have a means to get the old value for a changed field?21:46
rloolucas-dinner: but if it could be fixed later -- should we -1 if there is eg 1 minor thing, or just approve and fix later?21:46
lucas-dinnerrloo, hmm I depends really, if it's really minor I would -1, I would say something like "in case you have to submit a new patch-set please use this insteand of that"21:48
rloolucas-dinner: but when you were doing those review jams before, it seems like you (cores) approved some, with a 'please fix xyz later'?21:48
lucas-dinnerrloo, oh yeah... on the review jam we usually approve and then submit a following patch21:48
lucas-dinnerthat's correct21:49
lucas-dinnerI wouldn't -1!21:49
lucas-dinneron my comment there21:49
lucas-dinnernot would21:49
lucas-dinners/minor I would/minor I wouldn't/g21:49
NobodyCamI only -1'd as I have been i il21:50
NobodyCamsorry have been unable to reply21:50
rloolucas-dinner: just want to make sure I am consistent with the rest of the cores ;)21:50
NobodyCamlucas-dinner: I -1 as I have been called out several times on that issue21:50
NobodyCamWith you example I happy to +221:51
lucas-dinnerNobodyCam, ah :( np... cheers21:51
NobodyCam(and agreed -1 was to harsh) :(21:51
lucas-dinnerNobodyCam, heh it's grand really21:51
lucas-dinnerrloo, :)21:51
* rloo thinks NobodyCam is really a nice guy.21:52
* NobodyCam *(BLUSH)*21:52
NobodyCamlucas-dinner: on its way down to trunk land21:54
lucas-dinnerNobodyCam, yay!!!21:54
lucas-dinnerNobodyCam, thank u!21:54
NobodyCamno no thank you21:54
comstuddevananda: Not a built-in way21:55
devanandacomstud: k21:55
devanandacomstud: i think i can work around that21:55
openstackgerritJim Rollenhagen proposed a change to openstack/ironic-python-agent: Fix broken path to shell scripts  https://review.openstack.org/9118021:56
openstackgerritJim Rollenhagen proposed a change to openstack/ironic-python-agent: Fix broken path to shell scripts  https://review.openstack.org/9118021:56
comstuddevananda: We did add something for system_metadata or something in Instance in nova21:58
comstuddevananda: but basically so we could tell when it changed... compared old dict with new one21:58
comstudbut yeah21:58
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/ironic-python-agent: Fix broken path to shell scripts  https://review.openstack.org/9118022:13
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openstackgerritJosh Gachnang proposed a change to openstack/ironic: Adding swift temp url support  https://review.openstack.org/8139122:28
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openstackgerritDevananda van der Veen proposed a change to openstack/ironic: Don't update neutron VIF if MAC is duplicated  https://review.openstack.org/9043622:37
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jrollwhat's up with the firewall driver calls in the virt driver?22:45
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