Tuesday, 2014-10-28

yjiang5jroll: Hi, currently with iscsi deploy,  if we re-install the ironic-conductor, all the compute-node that was provisioned before can't be reboot anymore because it dpends on the tftp boot to provide the kernel/ramdisk, am I right? Can IPA resolve this issue?00:02
jrollyjiang5: IPA only does boot from disk, so that is not a problem00:03
yjiang5jroll: thanks for your confirmation. I will switch to IPA, now!00:03
jrollJayF: found new marketing material for IPA ^00:04
yjiang5jroll: :)00:05
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openstackgerritArun S A G proposed a change to openstack/python-ironicclient: Fix python-ironicclient crash  https://review.openstack.org/13130700:06
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yjiang5NobodyCam: I uploaded patch to convert the qcow2 to raw image on the fly, https://review.openstack.org/#/q/status:open+project:openstack/ironic+branch:master+topic:noconvert_iscsi,n,z . Please have a look. I'm not sure the patch to change the force_raw_images config is too invasive, so feedback is welcome.00:06
openstackgerritJim Rollenhagen proposed a change to openstack/python-ironicclient: Revert "Add keystone v3 CLI support"  https://review.openstack.org/13130400:06
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rloojroll: so there's another patch that fixes the CLI problem: https://review.openstack.org/13130700:08
rloojroll: did we want to revert?00:08
NobodyCamyjiang5: awesome I'll have a look00:08
jrollrloo: I still want to revert00:09
yjiang5NobodyCam: thanks.00:09
jrollrloo: my main problem at this point is the original patch removed the timeout and insecure options00:09
jrollwhy? dunno.00:09
rloojroll: ok, if you/we are sure, we should just let the other person/patch know.00:09
jrollzer0c00l: ^00:10
jrollrloo: I might be wrong, though, others might not think it's the right thing to do :)00:11
jrollI do appreciate the patch either wauy00:11
rloojroll: which patch. we can't approve both of them.00:12
zer0c00lNP. Thanks00:12
jrollrloo: I'm telling zer0c00l I appreciate 131307.00:12
jrollI know we can't approve both00:12
devanandawe haven't had that many changes to the CLI since this, so reverting, fixing, and re-proposing isn't going to be hard00:12
jrollI've honestly been waiting for deva's opinion on this :P00:13
rloomy preference is to revert, just cuz that patch has so much stuff in it. (or maybe to give myself a chance to review but I don't think that's it cuz I don't really want to review it)00:13
rloothe fix in 131307 is easier to review, but if there other issues with the original patch maybe we should revert.00:14
jrollI want to stab the other patch00:15
zer0c00lso why the insecure and timeout was removed?00:15
zer0c00lAny clues?00:15
devanandai currently see two problems with e3d356476be376ebd3dfb3e84f379e113e5efac700:15
devanandazer0c00l: no idea. oversight on my part when approving it00:15
jrollno idea, zer0c00l00:15
devananda1. removal of those options w/o any indication why00:16
devananda2. even with all the right OS_* env vars, and not using IRONIC_URL (which actually we should probably stop using, even though it's a handy dev hack), it still fails with incorrect error messages00:16
jrollwe need IRONIC_URL support :(00:17
jroll(we being rackspace team)00:17
devanandajroll: ugh00:17
jrollsince ironic is an admin-only api, I'd argue it shouldn't be in the service catalog in a multi tenant environment00:17
jrolland I'll always argue that00:18
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jrollwow, that's a great error.00:18
rloodevananda: so you're OK with reverting that patch? e3d356476be376ebd3dfb3e84f379e113e5efac700:18
devanandayea. user 'admin' passes auth. user 'demo' does not. but yay for bad errors00:18
lifelessjroll: so, I'll concede that ironic should be usable without being in the service catlog, but I don't agree that it should not be in it00:19
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lifelessjroll: I don't see the service catalog as being and end user feature. Its plumbing.00:20
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jrolllifeless: so endpoints that are only accessible to certain folks should be there?00:20
jrollseems... weird00:21
devanandaservice catalog is both user and service facing00:21
devanandait is how users discover what services a cloud offers and how their clients should discover what URLs those services are accessible at00:21
devanandaa cloud should only need to publish a single entrypoint, not one per service00:22
jrollright... our cloud doesn't offer ironic.00:22
jrollour internal cloud does00:22
devanandaso hide it in the service catalog from tenants taht don't have access to it00:22
lifelessjroll: so it should be in your internal cloud service catalog, and your nova etc should be using that cloud catalog00:23
jrollthis is also me selfishly not wanting to infiltrate our identity team and fix our super broken service catalog00:23
devanandaand don't make the ironic endpoint accessible from the internet00:23
devanandajroll: exactly. THAT's the problem00:23
* jroll hides00:23
lifelessjroll: so, don't take this badly, but eternalising the cost onto the whole community is not great.00:23
devanandajroll: that ^00:23
jrollyes, I completely agree00:23
jrollhowever, I still think that's valuable functionality for a client00:24
devanandajroll: I don't entirely disagree00:24
devanandait's certainly very useful for my local debugging00:24
jrollfor example, setting up a new cell with ironic in it, testing before linking it in00:24
devanandabut we shouldn't be recommending that as the normal way to use our client, IMHO00:24
jrollI agree00:24
jrolland we don't00:25
devanandak k00:25
devanandaso, case at hand, this patch00:25
devanandathe two options it removed -- timeout and insecure -- I'm not sure how we didn't catch that00:26
devanandaL400 is still accessing them00:27
devanandajroll: oh. they are still there00:28
devanandajroll: ironic --help|grep insecure00:28
jrollfrom kssession.Session.register_cli_options(parser)00:29
jrolldo what you think is right here00:30
devanandajroll: so the error handling is bad in this patch, but it doesn't appear to have removed any options00:30
* jroll feels the rage leave his body00:31
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devanandajroll: arun has posted a fix for the issue he and you found, right?00:48
devanandathe one I found is something else, it seems00:49
JayFzer0c00l: ^ is the guy who originally found the issue iirc00:49
JayFand has a patch up00:49
devanandayes, that's arun00:49
* harlowja nobody knows why he picked that name ;)00:50
JayFit sounds like it'd be from some bad hacker movie00:50
harlowjawith angelina or something00:50
JayFlike with kids skateboarding and hacking mainframes over modems or something00:50
devanandajroll: anyway, is there another reason to revert, or just a remaining bug in the error handling?00:51
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* zer0c00l was addicted to hackers.avi when i was a teenager00:58
zer0c00l s/i/he00:58
harlowjahackers.avi, questionable00:59
harlowjai don't think that was the movie name, lol01:00
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devanandathe error is coming from http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/python-ironicclient/tree/ironicclient/openstack/common/apiclient/exceptions.py#n44601:11
devanandai dont have time to dig into this any more right now01:14
spandhejroll: devananda , so when I create a hypervisor using “ironic node-create” it should create a row in nova.compute_nodes and ironic.nodes… is my understanding correct? Or do I need to do something special to create an entry in nova.computes?01:16
devanandaspandhe: it creates the row in ironic.nodes immediately. nova will asynchronously create a row in nova.compute_nodes at the next execution of the resource tracker periodic task01:17
devanandaspandhe: by default, I believe that runs every 60s01:17
spandhedevananda: oh, ok.. so somethings wrong with that task in my case.. let me check.. thanks!01:18
devanandaor with n-cpu's configuration01:18
devanandacheck the n-cpu log01:18
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Haomengmorning ironic:)02:27
mrdaHi Haomeng02:36
Haomengmrda: morning:)02:36
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jrolldevananda: I'm not sure what the right thing to do is... I guess if zer0c00l's patch works, let's just roll forward02:45
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GheRiveromorning @Ironic08:15
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raminenilucasagomes: hi09:20
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lucasagomesramineni, hi there morning09:32
lucasagomescatching up with emails09:32
raminenilucasagomes : morning :)09:35
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raminenilucasagomes: want to check regarding the comment on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/129529/1/specs/kilo/add-boot-mode-mgmt-interface.rst09:35
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lucasagomesramineni, oh will do, I have to catch up with the specs, it was holiday yesterday here so I'm a bit behind09:36
lucasagomesbut I will take a look soonish09:36
raminenilucasagomes: oohok09:36
raminenilucasagomes : "one problem with @abstractmethod is that it's not backward compat with drivers outside the tree"09:37
lucasagomesramineni, yeah the decorator, it makes mandatory to all drivers inheriting from that interface to have to implement that method09:38
lucasagomesI think I suggested to leave it without the decorator, and by default raise an NotImplemented exception right?09:38
raminenilucasagomes: yes ,09:39
raminenilucasagomes: otherwise we need to change all the drivers , to riase the error for the exception right09:41
lucasagomesramineni, yes09:41
raminenilucasagomes : got it .. sorry ..was thinking something else ..09:41
lucasagomesramineni, and we have been thinking about the out-of-tree drivers as well and trying to avoid to break them too09:42
raminenilucasagomes: what do you mean by out-of-tree drivers?09:42
lucasagomesdrivers that are not part of the ironic codebase09:42
lucasagomessome company that wrote a private driver but didn't submit it upstream09:42
raminenilucasagomes : ooh ok09:43
openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed a change to openstack/ironic: Switch to oslo.concurrency  https://review.openstack.org/13137509:43
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openstackgerritAnusha Ramineni proposed a change to openstack/ironic-specs: Add get/set boot mode to Management Interface  https://review.openstack.org/12952909:45
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openstackgerritSam Betts proposed a change to openstack/ironic: Add logging to driver vendor_passthru functions  https://review.openstack.org/12929810:09
openstackgerritAnusha Ramineni proposed a change to openstack/ironic-specs: Management Interface to firmware update  https://review.openstack.org/10084210:12
openstackgerritHarshada Mangesh Kakad proposed a change to openstack/ironic-specs: Seamicro Serial Console  https://review.openstack.org/13138210:16
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openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed a change to openstack/ironic: Switch to oslo.concurrency  https://review.openstack.org/13137510:22
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openstackgerritAnusha Ramineni proposed a change to openstack/ironic-specs: Management Interface to firmware update  https://review.openstack.org/10084210:33
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/ironic: Put nodes-related API in same section  https://review.openstack.org/13120211:11
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openstackgerritJohn Trowbridge proposed a change to openstack/ironic: Changes default IPMI retry timeout to 15 seconds  https://review.openstack.org/13129611:26
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lucasagomesjroll, https://review.openstack.org/#/c/130513/ when you get some time11:41
lucasagomesdevananda, ^11:41
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/ironic: Use docstrings for attributes in api/controllers  https://review.openstack.org/13128611:42
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed a change to openstack/ironic: Updated from global requirements  https://review.openstack.org/13111111:47
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openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed a change to openstack/ironic: Switch to oslo.concurrency  https://review.openstack.org/13137511:53
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derekhlucasagomes: ^^ is a more complete version, I had been trying to just do what was needed to get tripleo ci working again by no longer using the lockutils from the novatree11:54
derekhlucasagomes: but these version should make the complete switch11:54
lucasagomesderekh, oh great, I will take a look11:55
lucasagomesthanks for updating it all11:55
derekhlucasagomes: no prob11:56
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openstackgerritSam Betts proposed a change to openstack/ironic: Remove duplicated _fetch_images function  https://review.openstack.org/13140512:11
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jrolllucas-hungry: +2, leaving it for deva and also left a couple nits :)12:57
derekhCan anybody else review https://review.openstack.org/#/c/131375/3 please, as without it tripleo CI is busted12:58
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jrollderekh: sure13:01
jrollderekh: this is the only part that's breaking tripleo ci, right?13:01
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derekhjroll: correct, patch set 2 changed only that13:02
sambettsShrews: Hi! o/13:02
jrollaha, neat13:02
Shrewssambetts: hi!13:03
openstackgerritDmitry Nikishov proposed a change to openstack/ironic: Removed hardcoded IDs from "port" test resources  https://review.openstack.org/13108713:03
Shrewsderekh: looks pretty straight-forward to me13:04
jrollderekh: +2+A13:04
* jroll brb13:05
derekhjroll: thanks, just in time too, I'm off for the rest of the day, tripleo ci jobs should start passing once that is merged13:05
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sambettsShrews: I totally agree with your comment, which is sort of the reason I designed the function the way it is now, however I couldn't think of a neat place to put it as a decorator because of the way the passthru works, so I created my function as a sort of psudo decorator13:07
Shrewssambetts: couldn't put it in the base class .py file?13:08
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/python-ironicclient: Fix python-ironicclient crash  https://review.openstack.org/13130713:08
Shrewssambetts: i haven't thought the use of a decorator 100% thru, so your way may be best. i just want to make sure we've considered the possibility13:09
sambettsShrews: the blocker I see in my head is where to put the "@somedecoratorname" because of the dynamic nature of vendor_passthru13:10
Shrewssambetts: Could we put it wherever "func" is defined? Maybe not since we also want "method" logged13:11
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Shrewsmaybe that's reason enough if that's a requirement13:12
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* Shrews goes to retrieve his coffee to help his brain muscle wake up13:12
jrollsambetts, Shrews, what are y'all looking at?13:16
sambettsShrews: An issue I see with putting it where func is defined is when func is not specific to just the vendor passthru, leading to incorrect logging in other cases13:17
sambettsjroll: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/129298/713:17
Shrewssambetts: got an example of that?13:17
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sambettsShrews: just looking to see if there are any13:18
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Shrewsjroll: your thoughts on that would be appreciated, too. we're just thinking this through  :)13:18
jrollyep, looking :)13:18
Shrewsi'm mainly achieving my "Being Difficult Way Too Early in the Morning" badge13:19
sambettsironic/drivers/modules/ilo/deploy.py L566 set_boot_device is used in many other places13:19
jrollsambetts: I also like the decorator idea13:20
jrolland for set_boot_device, you could make like a vendor_set_boot_device that wraps set_boot_device13:21
jrolland decorate that and use it when it's coming from the passthru13:21
Shrewsjroll: ooh, that's a good idea13:21
jrollalso... this is part of lucas-hungry's spec13:21
jrollhe calls out this problem explicitly13:21
jrollone thing that could be really neat, that we do similar in IPA13:22
jrollis decorate with @passthru(LOG, 'method')13:22
jrolland have that add to vendor_routes automatically13:22
jrolland/or have vendor_routes calculated from this13:22
* jroll tries to find this13:23
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jrollcombined with this decorator (and one other) https://github.com/openstack/ironic-python-agent/blob/master/ironic_python_agent/extensions/base.py#L199-20013:24
Shrewsjroll: what's that spec?13:25
ShrewsExtended Vendor Passthru?13:25
jrollShrews: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/130513/13:25
jrollcheck out the paragraph at line 4413:25
Shrewssambetts: seems like you might want to work with lucas-hungry on this, then13:26
Shrewsi like jroll's ideas13:26
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jrollI think I like @register_passthru('method')13:27
jrollI think I'm ok with the LOG coming from base.py13:27
sambettsShall I initially work on changing my patch over into an actual decorator then? which can then be extend in the future to automate things13:27
jrollit's only logging exceptions anyway, so you'll get a full traceback13:27
sambettsok that makes sense13:27
jrollI mean13:27
jrollI tend to think so13:27
jrollI also haven't had enough coffee :)13:28
Shrewssambetts: however you do it, you should make sure that it meshes with how lucas-hungry sees it working13:28
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Shrewssambetts: thanks for taking the time to discuss it13:29
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sambettsI've seen a couple of reviews from lucas-hungry this one I think is most relevant https://review.openstack.org/#/c/129261/613:30
jrolloh yeah13:31
jrollI think that's going to end up being similar13:31
jrollor at least having this functionality13:32
* jroll looks13:32
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/ironic: Switch to oslo.concurrency  https://review.openstack.org/13137513:32
jrollsambetts: yeah, lucas covers this here: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/129261/10/ironic/conductor/manager.py13:35
Shrewsjroll: crap. i didn't see your client revert before i approved https://review.openstack.org/13130713:36
jrollShrews: it's fine, we talked about it last night13:36
* jroll abandons13:36
jrolllucas-hungry: these need to cut over to the BP and not the bug, yeah? https://review.openstack.org/#/q/status:open+project:openstack/ironic+branch:master+topic:bug/1382457-vendor_passthru,n,z13:40
jrollShrews: chances the same thing just happened to us?13:41
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* lucasagomes long long haha13:41
lucasagomeslong log*13:42
Shrewsjroll: http://logs.openstack.org/75/131375/3/gate/gate-ironic-python27/e5b14c1/testr_results.html.gz13:42
Shrewsso, yep13:42
Shrewsi mean13:43
lucasagomesjroll, thanks13:43
jrolltripleo might be broken again now?13:44
lucasagomesjroll, yes I created the bp after the bug, I need to update the patches13:44
lucasagomesbut I'm waiting the bp to be approved first13:44
jrolldunno how they install things on their CI systems13:44
jrolllucasagomes: sure13:44
lucasagomesI will tho fix the first patch of the series13:44
jrolllucasagomes: you see that you still need to make the BP?13:44
lucasagomesjroll, what u mean?13:44
lucasagomesin launchpad? I didn't?13:45
* lucasagomes checks13:45
jrollthe url in the spec didn't work, anyway13:45
lucasagomesoh, right gotta fix that then13:45
lucasagomesI will update the blueprint as wel13:46
Shrewsjroll: just quickly looking at nova's testing, they run their tests differently from the way ironic does it.13:47
Shrewsvia run_tests.sh13:47
lucasagomesyeah, I think we had a run_test.sh script before13:50
lucasagomesand then we got rid of it13:50
lucasagomesactually when I run tests in nova I just use tox -e13:50
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NobodyCamgood morning Ironic14:02
lucasagomesNobodyCam, morning14:03
NobodyCammorning lucasagomes :)14:03
jrollmorning NobodyCam :)14:03
Shrewshey NobodyCam14:03
NobodyCammorning jroll ans Shrews :)14:04
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devanandag'morning, all14:10
jrollheya devananda14:10
lucasagomesNobodyCam, jroll btw was talking with a friend about it... If you guys get the metro in paris, watch ur stuff, it's full of freaks and pickpocket14:11
lucasagomesdevananda, ^ u too14:11
lucasagomesdevananda, morning14:11
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jrollfun, thanks lucasagomes14:12
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lucasagomesyeah ppl think it's fine because its europe and all, but paris is pretty bad about it afaict14:13
openstackgerritJim Rollenhagen proposed a change to openstack/ironic: Clear maintenance_reason when setting maintenance=False  https://review.openstack.org/12969414:13
lucasagomesdevananda, when you get a time please mind looking at https://review.openstack.org/#/c/130513/ ?14:13
jrolllucasagomes: ^ fixed tests on that, you +2'd before14:13
NobodyCamgood morning devananda14:14
lucasagomesjroll, will take a look14:14
NobodyCamlucasagomes: good to know!!!!14:14
openstackgerritLucas Alvares Gomes proposed a change to openstack/ironic-specs: New stateless iPXE driver  https://review.openstack.org/13081214:15
openstackgerritJim Rollenhagen proposed a change to openstack/python-ironicclient: Add node-set-maintenance command  https://review.openstack.org/12969314:15
jrollfixed this guy too ^14:15
openstackgerritLucas Alvares Gomes proposed a change to openstack/ironic-specs: New stateless iPXE driver  https://review.openstack.org/13081214:16
lucasagomesjroll, oh haven't seem that _state there14:19
lucasagomesin the client14:19
lucasagomesgood catch14:19
jrollheh yeah14:19
jrolltests caught it, not me :P14:19
lucasagomesmeans the change is covered :)14:20
NobodyCam:) w00t for tests14:21
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rloohi everyone14:21
NobodyCamgood morning rloo :)14:22
rloojroll: do we need a DocImpact for 129694?14:22
jrollI don't know14:22
jrolland good morning :)14:22
rloojroll: cuz we're deprecating?14:22
rloojroll: ok, in that case, I'd like to have it since it wasn't mentioned in the BP14:22
jrollprobably, I guess14:22
jrolljust add to commit msg?14:22
rloojroll: yeah.14:23
openstackgerritJim Rollenhagen proposed a change to openstack/ironic: Clear maintenance_reason when setting maintenance=False  https://review.openstack.org/12969414:23
lucasagomesrloo, morning14:23
rloothx jroll!14:23
jrollbye bye +2s :(14:23
rlooafternoon lucasagomes14:23
lucasagomesjroll, will re-add14:23
rloono worries jroll. we have lots of +2s to hand out14:23
Shrewsrloo: yeah, good idea there. /me re-adds +214:24
rloosee jroll, you can be happy again :-)14:24
devanandaso, hey, trying to find a dinner location for monday and I need a rough head count.14:24
jrolldevananda: count me in, I figure JayF and JoshNang would also be in14:25
devanandaI'm assuming that we'll have more than just the folks who were in the meeting yesterday14:25
lucasagomesdevananda, I'm in too14:25
lucasagomesand I believe dtantsur will go too14:25
devanandanon-cores, etc, as well ?14:25
rloo+1 for me.14:25
devanandaso 20+ person group?14:25
lucasagomesoh wow all that?14:25
rloothat's a lot.14:25
rloodo we have that many non cores? ;)14:26
devanandai dunno - that's why I'm asking :)14:26
rloodo you need to know today?14:26
rloomaybe (ugh) send email and ask?14:26
devanandaI don't want to put it on the ML, because then it will get much much larger ....14:26
rlooyeah, cuz everyone loves ironic and partying14:27
NobodyCamif able to make it i would have a +1 with /me14:27
rlooi'd just hate to exclude anyone. but 20 seems like a lot. how many were we in atlanta at that pizza place. i'm guessing there will be fewer in paris.14:27
rlooNobodyCam: John going to be there?14:28
rlooNobodyCam: cool!14:28
NobodyCam:) (happydance)14:28
devanandarloo: why fewer? our team is larger now. I think we had 18, and nova had about 20 at the table next to us14:28
rloodevananda: guessing cuz it is in Paris, fewer people will be there. Like no Shrews14:29
rloodevananda: but I could be wrong.14:29
devanandarloo: we were missing several EU folks in atlanta, too14:29
NobodyCamand I roman will be there too14:29
Shrewswell, Paris is _certainly_ no Atlanta  :)14:29
rlootrue. could always book for 20. will it matter if there are fewer?14:30
lucasagomeswell it's better to have more places just in case14:30
lucasagomesso 20 is it14:30
NobodyCamromcheg will be there too i should have said14:30
Shrewsdevananda: you should do Eventbrite tickets14:31
devanandacapping around 10 makes the choices of restaurant much broader. having a loose number of about 20 makes the choices smaller, though I think I found one, but have not heard back from them14:31
rlooohh in that case, cap at 10. ha ha.14:31
devanandait also means better food14:31
rloooh, now I think we should really cap it at 10.14:31
lucasagomesbtw there's a very cool restaurant in paris, but def doesn't fit a group of 2014:32
devanandalucasagomes: only one? ;)14:32
lucasagomesit's very old school, the way the cook/prepare the food14:32
lucasagomesdevananda, http://www.polidor.com/14:32
rlooi'm even fine not going if there are more than 10. I think better food should win14:32
lucasagomesthe site is kinda crap, but I've been there and the food is pretty nice14:32
lucasagomesmany locals go there, so14:33
rloolucasagomes: even reasonable prices! but is that walking distance? (they open at 7pm)14:33
lucasagomesrloo, well, the thing about paris is that the metro system is very good14:34
lucasagomesI haven't check to see if it's near the venue (idk where the venue is yet :P)14:34
lucasagomeslemme check14:34
lucasagomesvery good = goes everywhere14:34
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lucasagomesrloo, so not a walkable distance :/ it's 6km14:37
rloolucasagomes: I'm fine with it but people might want something near the Palais du Congres. There's a bunch of stuff happening there or from there or whatever.14:38
lucasagomesyeah, sure14:38
rloolucasagomes: and then there's the 10 vs 20 bodies issue ;)14:39
lucasagomesand I don't even know how to book there, probably u have to call and hope that someone in the restaurant speak english14:39
lucasagomesyeah, maybe another time with a smaller group14:39
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PaulCzarhey folks,  I'm trying to run haproxy in front of ironic and having issues getting an appropriate httpchk to work ...  everything I've tried to far results in the following in the ironic-api logs and the haproxy refusing to balance it - https://gist.github.com/paulczar/810881bd204cbf27316814:49
lucasagomesPaulCzar, hmm, what curl command r u using to test it?14:54
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PaulCzarlucasagomes: I can run 'curl -X GET http://openstack.example.com:6385/v1' and it responds appropriately15:02
PaulCzarbut using `option httpchk GET /v1` in haproxy.cfg i get those errors15:03
jrollit probably disconnects before the body is sent :/15:03
devanandalucasagomes: a few nits on the passthru changes. are you spinning another rev of it?15:03
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lucasagomesdevananda, yup fixing the link and stuff, wanted to get ur opnion before spinning it15:04
PaulCzarjroll: that's what I'm suspecting ... yet to find a option to tell haproxy to wait a while longer15:04
jrollPaulCzar: try HEAD maybe?15:04
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PaulCzarjroll: yeah, tried HEAD and OPTIONS15:08
PaulCzarsame thing15:08
devanandalucasagomes: comments posted15:08
PaulCzarwell actually OPTIONS gives a 40415:08
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JayFhi PaulCzar :)15:17
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devanandaI'm going to be only slightly around for the next few hours, then offline the rest of the day - flying to paris! (yes, early)15:19
JayFPaulCzar: I presume haproxy has a TCP check? That should work to give you basic functionality15:19
devanandaalso, I'll be in EU time for the rest of the week15:19
jrolldevananda: woot, enjoy :)15:19
devanandaif anyone's looking for client bugs to fix -- https://bugs.launchpad.net/python-ironicclient/+bug/138647015:20
rloodevananda: you can scout out the restaurants!15:24
NobodyCamhave a great flight devananda :)15:24
jrolldevananda: seems like a candidate bug for an in-flight hackathon15:25
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PaulCzarhey JayF ... thanks that's probably the next thing I try15:36
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/python-ironicclient: Add node-set-maintenance command  https://review.openstack.org/12969315:41
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lucasagomesdevananda, awesome thanks will take a look at the comments15:43
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openstackgerritSam Betts proposed a change to openstack/ironic: Add logging to driver vendor_passthru functions  https://review.openstack.org/12929815:44
sambetts_Shrews, jroll: ^ is that more like what you guys had in mind15:45
sambetts_lucasagomes: ^ I've done quite a few changes to my logging patch what do you think?15:45
lucasagomessambetts_, hi there, will take a look15:46
jrollsambetts_: yeah, something like that, nie :)15:48
sambetts_then in the future I guess it could be extended to include some of the routing stuff etc.15:48
NobodyCam_LE is for error not exception right? http://docs.openstack.org/developer/oslo.i18n/guidelines.html15:51
NobodyCam:( crys15:51
jroll# RIGHT15:51
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jrollLOG.exception(_LE('There was an error.'))15:51
jrollI mean15:52
jrollthey're both error15:52
jrollone has a traceback attached15:52
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NobodyCamroot@ubuntu:~# swift list16:00
NobodyCam('Connection aborted.', error(111, 'Connection refused'))16:00
NobodyCamhumm something still not right16:01
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rlooNobodyCam, jroll: yes, LE is for both error and exception. It is mentioned in that Note box.16:07
rlooNobodyCam: I had them update that wiki wrt LE and they put it in the Note instead of under the 'Level'. I was wondering if it was clear enough. I guess not.16:07
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NobodyCamrloo: no I think that is clear16:09
NobodyCamI stopped reading at the table16:09
NobodyCammy bad16:09
rlooNobodyCam: No, not your bad. That was my concern, that people would stop reading at the table. I guess I should have pointed it out to them but I didn't. I was just happy they were willing to update the wiki.16:10
jrollyou can update the wiki16:11
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rloojroll: I don't think so. I think that was generated. (I reviewed their changes, so there was a patch.)16:14
lucasagomessambetts_, jroll Shrews I like the decorator... but one thing, if we are going that path to make the vendor_routes() driver_routes() to be dynamic generated16:14
rloojroll: I could be wrong though; it was awhile ago. But I recall reviewing something for them ;)16:14
lucasagomeswe also would need a metaclass for that16:14
jrolloh, right, that's a docs page16:14
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lucasagomesto actually "register" the methods16:15
lucasagomesidk how black magic it will look like16:15
jrollit doesn't need to be a metaclass :P16:15
jrollbut that might be the better way16:15
lucasagomesjroll, no? I can't think about any other way16:15
jrollattach an attribute that you look for16:16
lucasagomesjroll, to the method right?16:16
jrollit's dirty :)16:16
jrollthe decorators that do that are at the bottom of that file16:17
jrollwe need to attach the command name anyway so it isn't as bad here16:17
lucasagomesright, yeah you can inspect the attributes of the class and find a marker16:17
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sambetts_I think thats quite a neat way of doing it, we'd have to either add a second decorator or some kinda of flag to destinguish between the vendor passthru and driver passthru16:22
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sambetts_but that's an easy extension16:22
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lucasagomessambetts, right yeah I can modify the spec to talk about it16:30
lucasagomesjroll, rloo devananda ^ r u guys ok with it?16:31
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lucasagomesso instead of having the vendor_routes() driver_routes() we have a decorator on the methods which then will create those routes dynamically?16:31
NobodyCamlucasagomes: I like that idea16:32
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NobodyCamdynamically is good16:32
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rloolucasagomes: I wasn't paying attention. In theory, it sounds good. Let me think. Does sambetts' change reflect that?16:33
rbowenNobodyCam: lucasagomes reported the problem you had on the RDO website. It appears to have gone away ... or are you still seeing the problem?16:33
rbowenNobodyCam: I presume the database server must have gone away briefly, but I don't see anything promising in the logs to suggest why.16:33
lucasagomesrloo, yeah, the new changes does create a decorator to runs the vendor methods16:34
openstackgerritSam Betts proposed a change to openstack/ironic: Remove duplicated _fetch_images function  https://review.openstack.org/13140516:34
NobodyCamrbowen: nope its all working now...16:36
lucasagomesrloo, lemme know what u think16:36
rbowenok, cool.16:36
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rloolucasagomes: yeah, that seems fine to me. You'd modify the decorator fn to add that info to a dict, right?16:47
lucasagomesrloo, hmm no, as the dict should be per vendor class but the decorator has no idea about the class that function lives16:48
lucasagomesrloo, we should on the init method of the class inspect it's attributes and find the methods decorated by that decorator16:48
lucasagomesand build the dict from that16:48
lucasagomessomething like jroll posted here https://github.com/openstack/ironic-python-agent/blob/master/ironic_python_agent/extensions/base.py#L120-12416:49
rloolucasagomes: oh, was wondering how you'd get the info.16:49
lucasagomesanother way to do that would be to use a metaclass, but seems overkill16:49
lucasagomesrloo, right yeah16:50
rloolucasagomes: where's the description of the method. I guess that can be added to the decorator.16:50
rloolucasagomes: (just thinking of the API part to return the available methods, http method...)16:51
lucasagomesrloo, yeah, if I'm going to extend it, the description of the method should go in the decorator16:51
lucasagomesas well as things like what http methods it supports, sync/async etc16:51
lucasagomesrloo, if u want to make it more dynamic we can even use the docstring as the description16:52
lucasagomesbut idk if that's too much blackmagic16:52
lucasagomesbecause u can get the docstring via __doc__16:52
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/ironic: Updated from global requirements  https://review.openstack.org/13111116:53
sambettsmmmm that python blackmagic haha16:53
rloolucasagomes: so the conductor.manager doesn't care; it'll still access a dictionary. it is the base driver. A change to that API. I don't see pros/cons to either way, that would sway me either way. So I think I'm fine either way.16:53
lucasagomesrloo, alright, I will base my changes on sambetts changes then16:54
rlooI guess my question would be which is easier to maintain going forward, which would be easier to upgrade from, if we end up changing (again).16:54
rloofrom a driver point of view, either should be easy to understand/code against.16:54
lucasagomesyeah, I think it's not super complicated if the devs understand how python decorators works16:55
lucasagomesand they should anyway16:55
rloolucasagomes: in the spec, you could mention the alternative to this.16:56
lucasagomesrloo, ohhhhh that's a good idea16:56
lucasagomesso I don't have to rewrite it all?16:56
lucasagomestho I think I should, cause it changes quite a bit of things16:57
lucasagomeslike no vendor_routes or driver_routes anymore16:57
rloolucasagomes: Oh, I meant the other way around. write it as using the decorator, and mention the alternative is to use the vendor_routes etc.16:58
lucasagomesright ;(16:58
sambettssorry lucasagomes :/17:01
lucasagomessambetts, it's all good, I'm happy we are getting in a consensus17:01
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lucasagomessambetts, it's because all I want was to have GET in the vendor passthru, but ended up having to refactor it all17:01
lucasagomesbut it's good :)17:01
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sambettsYeah, getting GET support is something that'll be v.useful17:02
lucasagomesyeah, other http methods will be supported as well, in case ppl need17:04
lucasagomesand a big ass doc talking about not using sync methods that talks to the BMC17:04
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NobodyCamwalkies time ... brb17:11
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lucasagomessambetts, you think it makes sense to add ur patch as part of the blueprint I'm working on? So I can add ur name as a contributor of that blueprint17:56
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sambettslucasagomes: yeah, I'm happy for it to become part of the blueprint :-)18:00
lucasagomessambetts, aight :)18:00
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rloosambetts: in that case, I'll put a -2 on it because it can't be approved before the BP is approved.18:03
jrollha, you've been tricked18:03
sambettsI have been! :-P18:03
rlooI was wondering if I should have mentioned that before or not. It isn't too late?18:03
sambettswhat are other peoples opinions one if it should be part of the BP or not?18:03
jrollI mean, I think it should18:04
jrollthat BP has 2x+2 anyway18:04
jrollso it shouldn't take much to approve18:04
rloothe question is whether your patch can stand alone on it's own, to fix that bug. Or whether those guys tricked you into doing it so that it does more and fits with the BP :-)18:04
rloojroll: as long as people agree with the new driver API change.18:05
jrollI mean18:05
jrolldoes this change the driver API any more than it was?18:05
jrollthe only difference is now driver_routes etc are built automatically18:06
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jrollinstead of using a new method18:06
rloojroll: it changes how people write drivers, before they added to that *_routes table. Now they use the decorator.18:06
lucasagomesrloo, jroll oh, right yeah... hmmm18:07
jrollright, but it was already changing that18:07
jrolljust in a different way18:07
jrollwho is going to be mad that instead of defining a dict, they use a decorator? :/18:07
rlooexactly. So as long as people are fine with the decorator method, etc.18:07
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jrolls/mad/something else, idk18:07
rlooha ha. Most likely it is fine, it is fine with me. But I can't speak for others.18:07
jrollregardless, it won't take long to approve, I think18:07
jrolllet's both +2 it now18:07
rlooi can't +2. I only have +1 powers.18:08
lucasagomesI'm rewritting the spec :( I will put a new version up tomorrow it's late here18:08
jrolloh :(18:08
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rlooi did that on purpose, so people couldn't bribe me :-)18:08
jrollthanks lucas18:08
lucasagomesbut seems people have agreeded with the direction of it18:08
lucasagomesincluding devananda which is good18:08
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Shrewswow. you all moved on that decorator fast while i was out18:09
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Shrewsmaking it part of the BP makes sense to me18:11
rloosambetts: you aren't in a hurry, are you?18:12
sambettsNot really, I was just trying to fix a bug and get more involved so this is all good by me :-)18:13
lucasagomesI'm asking to know how I should write the spec, where I say I'm going to extend the register_passthru decorator18:13
lucasagomesor add the register_passthru decorator as part of the spec18:13
lucasagomescause I can't write a spec that depends on a change waiting for review yet18:14
ociuhanduhi all, I’m trying to setup a devstack + ironic all-in-one and when I try to boot any node I just get an error. Can anyone plz give me a hint on what to look for? Here’s the screen-ir-cond.log output: http://paste.openstack.org/show/126072/18:15
lucasagomesright I will call it a day and go eat something, night everyone :)18:16
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/ironic: Remove duplicated _fetch_images function  https://review.openstack.org/13140518:17
sambettsnight lucas-dinner18:18
sambettsrloo, Shrews, jroll: Are you all going to be in Paris??18:18
jrollsambetts: I am :)18:18
rloosambetts: I'll be in Paris, but not Shrews :-(18:19
NobodyCamnight lucas-dinner18:19
sambettsI'm looking forward to putting faces to names :-)18:20
rloonight lucas-dinner. wrt to the spec, don't say you're going to extend the register_passthru decorator.18:20
rloolucas-dinner: say you're adding the decorator (I guess there will be two, one for vendor, one for driver?) as part of the spec18:21
rloogreat sambetts, will be good to meet you!18:21
NobodyCamwill be good to see all the old faces and meet all the new ones18:22
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ociuhanducan anyone give me a clue on ironic + devstack setup? It’s failing on booting any node  and I can not find any error in the logs18:54
ociuhanduI just get a no valid host was found message18:56
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NobodyCamociuhandu: have you seen http://docs.openstack.org/developer/ironic/dev/dev-quickstart.html#deploying-ironic-with-devstack18:57
ociuhanduNobodyCam: yes, followed that18:57
sambettsNight ironic o/18:58
NobodyCamnight sambetts18:58
ociuhanduNobodyCam: here is the ironic api log message I see: http://paste.openstack.org/show/126072/18:58
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ociuhanduNobodyCam: it just loops through the already created VMs18:59
ociuhanduand can’t seem to find any error18:59
NobodyCamociuhandu: how about ironic-conductor and nova-compute18:59
jroll"no valid host" comes from nova-scheudler18:59
Shrewsociuhandu: latest devstack?18:59
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NobodyCamcan you paste the nova-scheudler log19:00
ociuhanduShrews: git clone from few hours ago on master19:00
* Shrews suggests setting RECLONE=yes in local.conf and trying again19:00
ociuhanduNobodyCam: the paste is from ir-cond.log, my mistack above19:00
ociuhanduNobodyCam: nova scheduler log: http://paste.openstack.org/show/126085/19:02
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ociuhanduNobodyCam: the arch extra_spec is not working19:02
jrollextra_spec requirement '{i686|x86_64}' does not match 'x86_64'19:02
ociuhandusaaw that only now19:02
jrollwhere are people getting {i686|x86_64} from19:02
jrollociuhandu: set that extra_spec on your flavor to just x86)6419:03
jrollerr, x86_6419:03
ociuhandujroll: yep, got that now, did a blind copy-paste without thinking from http://docs.openstack.org/developer/ironic/deploy/install-guide.html19:04
Shrewsthose two guides are not compatible19:06
NobodyCamyep jroll http://docs.openstack.org/developer/ironic/deploy/install-guide.html#flavor-creation19:07
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Shrewsrunning devstack is different from setting up an installation of your own19:07
NobodyCamShrews: we shuold *NOTE that on one or both of them19:07
jrollI mean19:08
jrollthey install guide has relevant parts19:08
ociuhanduShrews: on the devstack guide, can I also use it for real hw node pxe? My goal is to get this devstack to support hw nodes boot with pxe19:08
ociuhanduShrews: looked also on that one as the devstack guide is so short I could not really figure out if all bits are there and if real bare-metal nodes are supported19:09
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NobodyCamdoes swift require a proxy even for single node setup... anyone happen to know off the tops of their heads?19:10
Shrewsociuhandu: you likely can do that, though we haven't documented the steps to do that. i've never tried that.19:11
jrollI don't see why not19:11
Shrewsyeah. just need to change configs, register nodes, restart some services19:12
Shrews(in theory)19:13
ociuhanduShrews: any more detailed guide I can look into for hints on what needs to be changed?19:13
Shrewsociuhandu: not that i'm aware of19:13
ociuhanduShrews: or should I just start with the regular deployment from the start? :)19:13
ociuhanduand just forget about the devstack one?19:14
rlooociuhandu: my guess is that you can run through the instructions for devstack + ironic, and then look at the install guide to see what else needs to be done. (I haven't actually looked at the devstack instructions recently)19:15
ociuhandurloo: thanks19:16
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rlooociuhandu: and please let us know if the docs can be improved (or submit a patch!)19:16
NobodyCamyay for /shamelessplug19:17
ociuhandurloo: will document my steps and do that19:17
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NobodyCamociuhandu: awesome :)19:17
rlooNobodyCam: what are you talking about? Just trying to make everyone feel 'at home' here ;)19:17
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NobodyCamhehehe the (or patch)19:18
ociuhanduI do have the feeling I’m going to have to bug you for a little while until I manage to have the whole setup running :)19:18
ociuhandumy target is to have everything working in a couple of days :)19:18
ociuhanduone last question for now: if my hardware node does not have ipmi/ilo/idrac can I use the fake driver and just power it on manually for now? We’re also working on a special driver for our setup and will make that available once it’s running19:20
ociuhandubut in order to test the driver I need to have the other bits running :)19:20
jrollyep, that should work fine :)19:21
jrollI think HP has a "log" driver somewhere that does basicaly that19:21
ociuhanduwhew, I was hoping that but was not sure :)19:21
* NobodyCam thinks log ..... power ..... driver... lol19:21
* NobodyCam also ducks19:21
ociuhandulooking forward to meeting you guys in Paris at the summit :)19:22
rloodidn't someone submit a patch for some sort of log driver?19:22
ociuhanduand show you also the new driver, in the hope that all will be working by then :P19:22
NobodyCamociuhandu: cannt wait to see19:23
NobodyCamrloo: yea19:23
Shrewsthis reminds me, our installation guide doesn't mention needing tftp installed at all. it just assumes it is. oversight?19:23
* NobodyCam looks19:24
NobodyCamShrews: http://docs.openstack.org/developer/ironic/deploy/install-guide.html#pxe-setup19:25
ShrewsNobodyCam: right. that's the section that assumes it is already installed19:25
Shrewsunless it comes as part of the syslinux pkg19:26
Shrewsmaybe that's it19:26
ociuhanduNobodyCam: it never says it should be installed or reference to it’s config file19:26
ociuhanduShrews: on ubuntu it does not from all I have seen19:26
ociuhanduI had to manually install it19:27
Shrewsociuhandu: great feedback. thank you19:27
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ociuhanduI hope to be able to provide a doc with all the steps I had to follow to get to the end result and we could review them once I get closer to the working setup :)19:28
Shrewsociuhandu: that would be AWESOME19:29
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NobodyCamShrews: so we need to add tftpd-hpa to step #2 of the pxe-setup section19:29
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ociuhandualso on the devstack one, as devstack is not installing it also19:32
ociuhanduthough it’s creating the config file19:32
Shrewsociuhandu: devstack should install tftp for you19:32
ociuhanduShrews: I have checked and I had no tftpd or tfptd-hpa on ubuntu 14.0419:33
ociuhandulet me check the logs19:33
Shrewsociuhandu: https://github.com/openstack-dev/devstack/blob/master/files/apts/ironic19:34
Shrewsif it didn't install everything it needed, our gate would fail19:36
ociuhanduShrews: digging into that now19:36
BLZbubbalooks like the Juno cloud-archive has a version of python-sqlalchemy that is too new for python-ironic19:37
ociuhanduShrews: looks like my setup has some issue: Server /usr/sbin/in.tftpd is not executable [file=/etc/xinetd.d/tftp] [line=8]19:39
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openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed a change to openstack/ironic: Update install guide to install tftp  https://review.openstack.org/13154719:49
ShrewsNobodyCam: ^^^19:49
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ShrewsI'm not 100% about the RH package name, so if someone with one of those systems could verify that for me, much thanks19:50
rlooShrews: I just looked online, and that seems to be the right name for fedora19:52
rlooShrews: just wondering if anything needs to be set up after installing.19:52
rlooShrews: http://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/Fedora/17/html/Installation_Guide/s1-netboot-pxe-config.html19:53
Shrewsrloo: great, thx. not sure about post install stuff... config maybe?19:53
Shrewshoping someone with more operation experience will chime in about that19:54
* Shrews notes it is very challenging to develop on ironic without actual h/w to run/test against/blow up19:55
rlooShrews: I know what you mean!19:56
jrollit's really hard :(19:56
Shrewsheh. and here i thought i was the only one19:56
rlooShrews: can we just add some handwaving in the guide, they need to find out how to install & configure?19:59
rlooShrews: are we allowed to put #TODO in the docs? :-)20:00
Shrews*shrug* x 220:00
Shrewsif there is tftpd magic they need to perform, i think it would be nice to show that at some point20:01
* Shrews check devstack magic20:01
rlooI agree. Thought I'd help you out with this patch though. Pass the buck, you know ;)20:02
Shrewsrloo: https://github.com/openstack-dev/devstack/blob/master/lib/ironic#L52920:03
rlooShrews: good stuff. How do you describe that? :-)20:03
* Shrews studies20:03
rlooand that's for ubuntu only.20:04
Shrewsyeah  :(20:04
Shrewsugh. gotta clone that repo to grep it20:05
Shrewsso, the way devstack does it might not be the way we want to document it. seems overly complicated20:07
Shrewsrloo: i'm beginning to like your #TODO idea  ;)20:08
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rlooShrews: it seems like if it is going to take days to get the rest of the info in, then we should get this in now, because something is better than nothing.20:09
jrolljust... "set up tftpd to serve $tftproot"20:09
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rlooyeah, something like what jroll says.20:09
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed a change to openstack/ironic: Update install guide to install tftp  https://review.openstack.org/13154720:12
Shrewslike so? ^^^20:12
Shrewsmaybe adding the quotes...20:12
mrdaMorning Ironic20:13
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed a change to openstack/ironic: Update install guide to install tftp  https://review.openstack.org/13154720:13
Shrewsmrda: morning20:13
mrdahey Shrews20:14
yjiang5ociuhandu: Shrews: I think at least currently devstack does not support ironic+hw, I have a patch https://review.openstack.org/#/c/127658/ on devstack. It at least works on my mini-cloud.20:20
NobodyCamI've used https://github.com/openstack/tripleo-image-elements/blob/master/elements/ironic-conductor/install.d/69-ironic-tftp-support as a base20:21
jrollShrews: can I get a +A? :) https://review.openstack.org/#/c/129694/20:22
Shrewsyjiang5: argh... i hadn't considered the networking part. the vm's currently bridge in to the private network to make ironic work.20:22
Shrewsjroll: NO!20:22
* jroll hangs his head and walks away20:22
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rlooShrews: added a comment20:23
rloomorning mrda20:23
yjiang5Shrews: yes, we have to change the network side to use provider network, and also to avoid the VM creation.20:23
ShrewsNobodyCam: that looks like exactly what devstack does20:24
rloooh mrda, was going to mention. I think we're good to delete most of the ironic/nova/* files. Did you want to do that?20:24
jrollrloo: I thought we were waiting for end of cycle for that?20:25
Shrewsociuhandu: you may want to try out yjiang5's change20:25
jrollor were we waiting for end of juno?20:25
yjiang5ociuhandu: and review it  :)20:25
rloojroll: start of kilo. ie, it will NOT be available when kilo is released.20:26
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed a change to openstack/ironic: Update install guide to install tftp  https://review.openstack.org/13154720:26
Shrewsrloo: thx20:26
rloojroll: or that's my interpretation anyway. nova already deleted the bm code.20:26
Shrewsrloo: wha???20:27
jrollrloo: right, so, I think tripleo is still using the host manager from our tree :/20:27
Shrewsi thought the bm code wasn't being deleted until next cycle20:27
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* rloo checks20:27
NobodyCamoh its gone20:28
Shrewsheh. ok then20:28
jrollShrews: supposedly people don't pull code between releases20:28
mrdarloo: oh that's cool20:28
rlooShrews, you weren't going to use that code, were you? ;)20:28
jrollI'd triple check with SpamapS before removing it from our tree20:29
rloohmm, do we have release notes for icehouse, mentioning what will be deprecated in K?20:29
mrdayeah, nova-bm going is a surprise20:29
mrdathat's not consistent with my conversations20:29
JayFnova-bm last supported release was juno20:30
Shrewsrloo: there go my plans for a competing product based off of nova-bm20:30
JayFso it got removed from K20:30
JayFthat's how I understood it and how I think it happened?20:30
rlooShrews: you can still get the code! just need to know where to look...20:30
rloowell, mrda, thought I'd leave you with the pleasure of deleting those files, whenever we think they can be deleted :-)20:31
jrollright, it was removed from kilo20:31
* Shrews was going to call his competitor ColdSteel20:31
mrdalol, ok, let's discuss this f2f in Paris20:31
mrda(that sounds crazy)20:31
Shrewsno i haz cool name, no codez20:31
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Shrewsnow, even20:32
mrdaoh, (because i missed yesterday's meeting), there's an Ironic dinner on Monday night?  No meetup on Sunday?20:32
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jrollmrda: officially, yeah, dinner monday night20:32
jrollsome of us still might meet up sunday night20:32
mrdaok, cool.  thanks jroll20:32
NobodyCamun-officially there may also be a breakfast that jroll is having on tues20:33
rloojroll is cooking for everyone!20:33
jrollI'm having breakfast20:33
jrollit will be cooked for me20:33
mrdajroll: Feel free to grab me on Sunday.  Happy to spend time with y'all20:33
jrollthere may be extra chairs20:33
jrolly'all can grab them20:33
NobodyCam:) lol20:34
NobodyCamjroll: now do we also get to eat ... or just watch you eat?20:34
* NobodyCam stops20:35
mrdaBy Tuesday you won't be sick of baguettes yet20:35
jrolllol NobodyCam, that's up to you20:35
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/ironic: Clear maintenance_reason when setting maintenance=False  https://review.openstack.org/12969420:53
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ociuhanduyjiang5: how do I configure hardware_info file?21:41
ociuhanduyjiang5: IRONIC_HWINFO_FILE=${IRONIC_HWINFO_FILE:-$IRONIC_DATA_DIR/hardware_info21:42
yjiang5The example in my side is :21:42
yjiang5192.168.110.107 00:1e:67:57:50:4c root otc12321:42
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yjiang5ipmi addr, ipmi mac, ipmi user, ipmi password.21:42
ociuhanduyjiang5: can this work with the fake driver? from the code I saw it seems like not21:42
SpamapSjroll, rloo: you don't have to triple check with me btw. Just run check experimental.21:43
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jrollSpamapS: true, but I feel that we'll forget21:43
SpamapSjroll, rloo: but I think jroll is right, we are probably still using ironic namespaced things.21:43
SpamapSif you have a bug for that, please add a task for tripleo.21:43
jrollidk that we do21:44
yjiang5ociuhandu: I just use the pxe_ipmitool. What's the fake driver? Sorry I use pxe_ipmitool on my environment.21:44
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ociuhanduyjiang5: in this case it means that if the machine does not have ipmi enabled you can’t use it21:45
rloothx SpamapS!21:46
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rloomrda, ^^ wrt the ironic/nova code.21:46
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ociuhanduyjiang5: afaik the fake driver is just a “placeholder” so I can manually power on the machine if it does not have ipmi support and it would still boot ok (this is my understanding)21:46
yjiang5ociuhandu: will that work? I think the ironic has more interaction with the compute node more than power-on, right?21:47
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ociuhanduyjiang5: my understanding is that once it is powered on it will use pxe to install so it should work21:49
jrollyjiang5: it should work, ironic waits for callbacks from ramdisks or whatever after powering on a node21:49
ociuhanduyjiang5: have to say I’m new with ironic so I hope I’m not wrong21:49
ociuhanduyjiang5: the rest of the nteraction should not be part of ipmi (except getting metrics maybe for ceilometer and system status)21:50
mrdarloo: ack21:50
yjiang5ociuhandu: I have 1 month experience with Ironic now, or maybe 3 weeks, not sure if I can say I'm new with Ironic :) jroll, but that means the ironic-set-power-state will not work, and console either, right?21:50
jrollyjiang5: set power state will work, it just won't actually do anything :)21:50
yjiang5jroll: :)21:50
jrollociuhandu will have to watch for logs and push the button21:51
yjiang5ociuhandu: so how will you create the node when using the fake driver? Any special information should be passed?21:53
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openstackgerrityunhong-jiang proposed a change to openstack/ironic: Change the force_raw_image config usage  https://review.openstack.org/13088021:55
openstackgerrityunhong-jiang proposed a change to openstack/ironic: Convert qcow2 image to raw format when deploy  https://review.openstack.org/13088121:55
ociuhanduyjiang5: i should be able to get the IP and start the PXE based on the mac address of the node21:55
ociuhanduyjiang5: I’m actually working on setting a test environment for this now21:56
yjiang5ociuhandu: So I think possibly we can extend the IRONIC_HARDWARE to be more specific talking about the real connection to the hardware. Currently, as in my code's statement , "he 'pxe_ipmitool' is only valid when IRONIC_HARDWARE set". So basically IRONIC_HARDWARE can be ipmitool, or fake driver, or even ssh, am I right?21:57
NobodyCamhumm WARNING keystone.common.wsgi [-] Authorization failed. The request you have made requires authentication. from thats a new one for me :-p22:00
ociuhanduthough that would mean handling in a separate way the node registration you do in that while loop, based on the type of driver selected22:00
ociuhanduyjiang5: as currently you only handle the ipmi options list22:01
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ociuhanduyjiang5: it would be nice to also have the cpu_arch as parameter in that file, I think, instead of hardcoding it to x86_6422:02
jrollthere's all sorts of power drivers22:03
yjiang5ociuhandu: or, basically there are two things, one is the type of the  computpe node , is it real hardware, or a VM. Another one is the connection to the compute node, ipmi, ssh, or fake driver etc. My current patch combine them, thus need change to use two config. These two configs are related in one point: If a VM, then the connection information comes from the VM creation process.22:03
yjiang5jroll: is my understanding correct?22:03
jrollI think so22:03
jrolllink to your change?22:03
yjiang5jroll: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/127658/322:04
ociuhanduyjiang5: it’s related to the bare-metal node, not the compute node, no?22:04
yjiang5ociuhandu: what do you mean of the baremetal node? Isn't it same as compute node?22:04
ociuhanduyjiang5: in my general openstack terminology not really, as the compute in this case is using ironic as a driver22:05
ociuhanduso it’s one compute node that handles all the VM/hardware nodes that will be deployed22:06
lucas-dinnerrloo, yup 2 decorators sounds good22:06
lucas-dinner(sorry for the delay was having dinner :) )22:06
jrollcompute node handles everything22:07
ociuhanduthose can be whatever you want them to be based on the image to be deployed. They can have no openstack compenonents running22:07
yjiang5jroll: and then for the neutron changes, when should we change the ip/route? I'm not quite sure, should it happen to the compute node type, or the compute ndoe connection?22:07
jrolland compute node has nothing to do with the baremetal node's drivers22:07
yjiang5ociuhandu: Not sure of the difference. I worked on nova RT(Resource Tracker) before. At least from RT point of view , compute node is more like the baremetal node? The separation of compute node and the compute service has been discussed a lot on nova side, I think.22:08
jrollyjiang5: I think this is a good start. I think maybe you should be setting IRONIC_POWER_DRIVER=(ssh|ipmitool|ilo|etc) instead of just IRONIC_HARDWARE=True... and combine that with like a IRONIC_DEPLOY_DRIVER to make e.g. pxe_ipmitool22:09
yjiang5jroll: a silly question, since I think I don't have the whole picture of ironic yet. When 'ironic create-node', we should input driver_info, is it for power driver, or deploy driver, or for both?22:11
jrollthe "driver" is a combination of deploy and power drivers22:11
ociuhanduyjiang5: from my understanding, any bare-metal node being deployed is similar to regular VM instance in openstack. The main difference is that not being a virtual instance will not “live” on top of a compute node, but rather you will have one compute node managing all bare-metal instances22:13
jrolllet me see if this helps22:13
jrollthink of ironic as the hypervisor22:13
yjiang5jroll: got it. So back to the devstack support, I think the first step is to decide if we use VM or real hardware as the node (compute node, or baremetal node). I supect if IRONIC_POWER_DRIVER/IRONIC_DEPLOY_DRIVER can make the distinguish.22:13
jrollthere are one or more nova-compute "services"22:13
jrollthere are one or more ironic nodes akak "compute_nodes" managed by the nova-compute services22:14
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jrollyjiang5: actually.......22:14
jrollyjiang5: we already have an IRONIC_DEPLOY_DRIVER22:15
jrollmaybe if that's set to e.g. pxe_ipmitool, you can do the hardware stuff22:15
yjiang5jroll: hmm, a quick check of "ironic/drivers/base.py", seems in ironic, it's ONE driver, with TWO interface. So IRONIC_DEPLOY_DRIVER is already the ironic DRIVER, and it does include both power and deploy, like pxe_ssh etc.22:18
jrollyjiang5: right, that's why I just changed my mind :)22:19
yjiang5jroll: :) current the issue is, ociuhandu want to use hardware stuff with the fake driver.22:19
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jrollright, so I think pxe_fake is a "real hardware" driver22:19
jrollif you're using the virtual bare metal nodes, there's no reason to use the fake driver, we have the ssh driver for that22:20
jrollbut I see your point22:20
yjiang5jroll: so how do you think we distinguish VM-based and hardware-based? I think possibly we can't distinguish from IRONIC_DEPLOY_DRIVER?22:23
jrollI think we can22:24
NobodyCamomg seed deployed with swift :-p I should be a ble to test something, humm what was I going to test?22:26
yjiang5jroll: waiting for your suggestion :)22:26
jrollcouldn't be the agent22:26
jrollyjiang5: *_ssh is virtual, anything else is not22:26
yjiang5jroll: can the fake works with virtual also, manually shutdown the VM, just like push power button in the real hardware. Hmm possibly no one want to do that :)  So I will take that way.22:30
jrollit could, but we have the ssh driver that does that22:30
jrollfor kvm, virtualbox, parallels, vmware22:30
jrollno reason to use fake there22:31
jrollif you do, fix devstack yourself :P22:31
yjiang5jroll: I will re-work the patch. Hopefully it will get more review after this discussion.22:31
ociuhandujroll: yes but that complicates too much I think yjiang5’s life and patch as his patch is also handling automatic node registration from a file and based on the driver selected, different parameters have to be set, no?22:31
jrolljust different driver(_info) params, yes22:32
jrollI mean22:32
jrollyjiang5: set things up so that if IRONIC_HARDWARE is set, it does interesting things to set up for hw22:32
jrolland then a second patch can automatically set that if "pxe_ipmitool" is the deploy driver22:32
jrollis how I would do it22:32
yjiang5ociuhandu: engineer life is always complicate :)22:32
yjiang5jroll: why do we still need IRONIC_HARDWARE? We can simply decided based on ironic_deploy_driver as you just said, right?22:34
jrolljust to make it simpler down below22:34
ociuhanduyjiang5: let’s say I started setting up an ironic env today and by the end of the week i have to have a lot of things working on it :)22:34
jrollinstead of `IRONIC_DEPLOY_DRIVER == pxe_ipmitool or pxe_ipminative or agent_ipmitool.........`22:34
jrollbut I guess you could use a function call22:35
yjiang5jroll: yes, exactly. I will work on it and hopefully push for review tomorrow.22:35
NobodyCamipa folk will I be able to see anything on the console when agent is loaded?22:36
yjiang5ociuhandu: can you please share me the config needed for your FAKE driver? I didn't try fake driver before. Or I can checking the code myself.22:37
spandhejroll: devananda… hello! I have a qn related to compute_nodes, ironic nodes discussion that we had yesterday..22:40
ociuhanduyjiang5: I am working on getting to that point, once I have one that I am sure works fine I’ll get back to you for sure22:40
spandhewhat should be the service_id for an ironic node (hypervisor) in nova.compute_nodes ?22:40
ociuhanduyjiang5: from all I’ve seen all I need to set is the mac address for the network interface but I have to check that22:41
jrollspandhe: it doesn't need to be anything specific22:41
spandhejroll: its set to 4 (nova-compute) in my case..22:43
spandhejroll: so https://github.com/openstack/nova/blob/2014.1.1/nova/scheduler/host_manager.py#L450 call returns http://paste.openstack.org/show/126180/22:44
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yjiang5ociuhandu: so, can I ignore your pxe_fake driver now, and add it later when you figure out, as a separate patch?22:44
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spandhethe response has “service” component in it.. is it supposed to be there ?22:44
jrollspandhe: yeah, seems fine22:45
ociuhanduyjiang5: yes22:45
spandhejroll: ok.. what happens after that is.. when applying the filters, initial host list https://github.com/openstack/nova/blob/2014.1.1/nova/filters.py#L70 is something like http://paste.openstack.org/show/126182/22:48
spandhejroll: and in the end, the scheduler ends up picking nova-compute hostname for scheduling22:48
jrollspandhe: seems fine?22:50
jrollother than the negative disk22:50
jrolland 0 ram22:51
jrollare any instances assigned to that nova-compute service?22:51
jrollare you doing something weird with host aggregates or something?22:51
jrollare there VMs happening there?22:51
spandhejroll: nope.. no VMs or host aggregates..22:51
spandhejroll: does the initial host list look fine? currently, based on that initial list, the scheduler is picking nova-compute..22:52
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spandhejroll: the database  shows correct values for free ram, etc..22:53
jrollspandhe: it looks like there's an instance on that ironic node22:53
jrollor on some ironic node on that nova-compute service22:53
jrolle.g. u'memory_mb_used': 24576L,22:55
* jroll brb22:55
spandhejroll: I havent added the nova-compute node to ironic..22:55
spandheyeah I just spotted that.. let me check how that happened..22:56
jrollyou don't add a nova-compute node to ironic22:56
jrollyou add a server to ironic22:56
jrollnova-compute polls ironic for information about your baremetal servers22:56
spandhejroll: right.. I added a server to Ironic..22:56
jrolluh huh22:56
jrolland then nova-compute hit the ironic api and saw that server22:56
jrollthink of ironic as the hypervisor22:56
jrollyour hypervisor now has room22:57
jrollfor an instance22:57
jroll(or it should, not sure why it shows those resources as used22:57
jrollI have to walk my dog, I'll be back shortly22:57
spandhejroll: right… so it should pick the hypervisor..22:57
spandhejroll: sure.. will talk later.. thanks!22:57
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jrollspandhe: so... yeah. nova-scheduler gets all of the nova-compute services23:06
jrolland looks for one with enough space for your instance23:07
jrollwhich in this case is none of them23:07
spandhejroll: yeah.. looking at nova.db.sqlalechemy.api.compute_node_get_all //23:07
jrollnova internals are not the problem here :)23:07
spandhejroll: when I fire the query manually on the database, I get the correct values.. but the api returns weird values for “used”23:07
jrollhuh, what do you get in the db?23:08
spandhejroll: in db, all “used” columns are 0.. including running_vms23:09
jrollI may be misunderstanding something here23:10
jrollcan you run "nova hypervisor-stats"23:10
spandhejroll: http://paste.openstack.org/show/126190/23:11
jroll........ weird.23:11
jrollsomething seems out of sync here23:13
jrollor I'm misunderstanding things23:13
jrollon the side since I was thinking about it... JayF, NobodyCam, do either of you see a reason why we shouldn't be able to call delete on an instance that is currently deploying?23:14
jrolle.g. why can't this be false for states.DEPLOYING https://github.com/openstack/ironic/blob/master/ironic/api/controllers/v1/node.py#L321-32323:15
jrollspandhe: maybe restart your nova-compute service?23:15
spandhejroll: let me try that..23:15
jrollspandhe: or maybe not, maybe it's fine... what's the end output of the scheduler filtering? nothing?23:15
spandhejroll: I tried nova boot one more time.. this time I got all the correct values for the query response.. but it picked the nova-compute host23:17
jrollsounds like a good thing23:17
jrollis there something wrong with that?23:18
spandhejroll: it picked nova-compute instead of hypervisor..23:18
spandhejroll: digging deeper.. something went wrong in self.host_manager.get_weighed_hosts call23:19
NobodyCamjroll: so close: Error: Swift temporary URLs require a shared secret to be created. You must provide "swift_temp_url_key" as a config option.23:19
jrollit's unclear to me what nova-compute and hypervisor mean in this context...23:19
jrollNobodyCam: provide the config option!23:19
spandhejroll: by nova-compute, I mean the machine where service nova-compute runs23:20
jrollNobodyCam: you have to configure swift as well... swift post -m something /me looks23:20
spandhesorry for the confusion.. should have been more clear..23:20
jrollspandhe: yes, the scheduler picks a nova-compute service, which picks a "hypervisor"23:20
spandhejroll: oh,23:20
jrollNobodyCam: swift post -m "Temp-URL-Key: $SWIFT_TEMPURL_KEY23:21
jrolland set the same key in ironic conf23:21
jrollspandhe: so what do you see now? good things or bad things?23:23
spandhejroll: that clarified things a little bit.. but  I dont see the hypervisor being picked.. The boot errors out in the end.. and the error msg mentions nova-compute node as the hypervisor name.. let me see if I can find anything in nova-compute logs23:25
jrollyeah, check those logs, and an exact error would be cool23:25
jrollif you get the request id (req-$some_uuid) from any of the services, you can use that to trace it through the system23:25
jrollthough ironic doesn't log it, need to fix that :(23:25
spandhejroll: I dont see the request id in nova-compute logs..23:31
spandhejroll: the scheduler should eventually return the hypervisor, right?23:32
jrollmaybe that's a rackspace thing, sorry (I really don't think it is but who knows)23:32
jrollspandhe: I... think so? I'm fuzzy on nova scheduler things23:32
jrollI'm doing my best not to read the entire scheduler code right now :(23:33
spandhejroll: let me do that myself :) thanks!23:34
jrollI'm happy to help if you find specific things in there :P23:34
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spandhejroll: sure :) thanks! digging.. will let you know if I find anything interesting..23:40
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