Thursday, 2014-11-20

openstackgerritJim Rollenhagen proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent: Support configdrive from HTTP(S)
jroll^ beginning of config drive work, working bottom-up here00:10
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openstackgerritRuby Loo proposed openstack/python-ironicclient: Add 'API' to description of ironic command
jrollrloo: hey, can you remove your -2 here? :)
rloosure, sec00:31
openstackgerritJim Rollenhagen proposed openstack/ironic: Support configdrive in agent driver
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naohirotgood morning ironic00:33
jrollheya naohirot00:33
rloojroll: you're good to go. But you might want to ask devananda to approve that spec ;)00:33
naohirotjroll: hi thanks for yesterday.00:34
devanandamorning, naohirot !00:34
devanandarloo: which spec?00:34
naohirotrloo: good morning00:34
devanandaoh, nm00:34
naohirotdevananda: good morning00:34
rloomorning naohirot00:35
jrolldevananda: I feel like we should make you a button that +A's a spec and approves the associated blueprint00:35
* NobodyCam is back00:35
jrollor I can jump onto storyboard instead in an attempt to kill launchpad faster00:35
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devanandajroll: I have one00:41
devanandaI just haven' tused it today00:41
jrolldevananda: any opinions on how configdrive in the iscsi driver works?00:42
JayFhow is it that hard? just a second image to plop into a partition00:43
devanandait doesn't fit within that driver's space at all -- unless one uses virtualmedia00:43
devanandawhat partition?00:43
JayFdevananda: sure it does00:43
JayFdevananda: you create one00:43
JayFthat's what we do in IPA today00:43
jrollJayF: however, most users of iscsi today use root/ephemeral/swap, which add up to total disk size00:44
jroll(I think)00:44
JayFCan we steal 64mb from the root?00:44
jrollso even carving out 64mb might be problematic00:44
jrollit depends00:44
jrollon flavor configuration and user options00:44
devanandayou'll break some assumptions of the driver // of existing deployers00:44
JayFonly if they turn on00:44
devanandaso backwarrsd compat is an issue00:44
JayFa non default option00:44
jrollthis will be disabled by default00:44
devanandathat's reasonable00:44
jrollok, I think I'll jfdi00:45
jrollgoing to put it before root partition though00:45
JayFjroll: -100:45
jrollso I don't have to deal with calculations00:45
JayFjroll: that's going to break some bootloaders00:45
JayFjroll: and older hardware, etc etc00:45
devanandaand, look at the code already doing calculations. they are non-trivial today00:45
devanandayou do that, you break them00:45
jrollI'm not entirely sure about that00:46
devanandajroll: ironic/common/disk_partitioner.py00:46
NobodyCamjroll: how about somehting like:  sudo mount -t tmpfs -o size=64M tmpfs /tmp/config_drive00:46
JayFYou can't use a tmpfs for configdrive00:46
JayFeven if you were inside the image and could make it exist00:46
JayFcloud-init won't look there00:46
jrolldevananda: doesn't look like complex math00:47
devanandajroll: and drivers/modules/ is where the calculations are actually done00:47
jrollthere's no complex math afaict00:48
devanandaI didn't say "math" :)00:48
jrolldeploy_utils just calls add_partition in a given order00:48
jrollthough idk enough about all this00:49
devanandajroll: destroy_disk_metadata00:49
jrollit goes ephemeral/swap/root right now, is that what bootloaders assume?00:50
devanandathere is no local bootloader00:50
devanandatoday :)00:50
jrollI don't see any assumptions in ironic's code that will break00:51
jrollidk of any other assumptions that will break00:51
devanandajroll: where does cloud-init look for the config drive?00:52
jrollon the partition with label config-200:53
devanandaok, so by label00:53
jrollso I'm indifferent as to where to put it00:53
jrollI just don't want to put code to do (root - 64mb) if possible00:53
jrollthough that's shorter than this conversation :P00:53
devanandaroot will autogrow00:54
devanandaswap and ephemeral will not00:54
devanandathat's why root is at the end, IIRC00:54
JayFdevananda: by label ... and some other stuff00:54
devanandaso configdrive, ephemeral, swap, root seems fine to me00:54
jrollwhat we do in onmetal, is put it on the last 64mb00:54
JayFdevananda: aka by label, but filtered00:54
JayFdevananda: we already have a patch upstream to stop filtering out individual partitions :)00:54
jrollJayF: will first partition work?00:55
JayFyes; again discounting that that will lolbreak preexisting images that use hardcoded devices in fstab and will make it difficult to get a bootloader on those systems00:56
jrollmeh, if people start using this, they'll presumably have to change their images anyway yeah?00:57
devanandaconfigdrive data can change during a nova rebuild, yes?00:57
devanandajroll: wait. why would they have to change the image?00:57
jrolldevananda: to add cloud-init?00:58
devanandaassume cloud-init is there, and using the metadata service today00:58
jrolldunno, they may already have that, fell free to ignore that comment00:58
devanandajroll: are you thinking that the use of configdrive is a deployer config option, or a per-node at-deploy-time decision?00:59
devananda*with the iscsi deploy00:59
devananda(i hope you say the former)00:59
jrollit can be both00:59
devanandaeh, no00:59
devanandabecause the partition table of a node can not be changed during a rebuild00:59
JayFdeployer config+++00:59
jrollif you have the configdrive on the last 64mb, you could certainly add/remove that on rebuild01:00
jrollI would think01:00
JayFThat's interesting01:00
devanandaso a node which was deployed without a local configdrive partition can not be rebuilt (via nova rebuild) with a cnofigdrive01:00
JayFpersonally I'd almost want to treat the configdrive partition like I would in preserve-ephemeral01:00
devanandajroll: no. because root will autogrowfs to the full disk size01:00
JayFlike leave the partition there; change the contents01:00
devanandaJayF: yes01:00
devanandaif using local configdrive, always write the partition, even if it's empty01:00
JayFdevananda: cloud-init autogrowfs works great with the configdrive at the end of the drive fwiw :)01:01
devanandaJayF: I mean, if there WASN"T a configdrive when the node was first deployed, you can't "nova rebuild" to add one at the end of the disk01:01
JayFI agree01:01
JayFdevananda: well, I was more saying; on nova rebuild --preserve-epehemeral, I'd just put new content in the preexisting configdrive01:01
devanandabecause shrinkage01:01
devanandaJayF: ah. yes. totally.01:01
devanandabut the part table isn't changing01:02
JayFso just like IPA does today01:02
devanandaso config option for the driver01:02
JayFwhatever iscsi does should prefer to write to a preexisting, labelled partition01:02
JayFthat way even when you get to the point of iscsi doing full disk images like IPA does01:02
devanandaand when using local config drive, always make the partition01:02
devanandaeven if empty01:02
JayFthe logic matches: a full disk image with "config-2" labelled partition anywhere gets the configdrive written there; if it doesn't exist it's added01:02
devanandaJayF: ooh. gotcha. you'll put it at the end, then. since you can't write a whole-disk image and then stick a partition at the beginning01:03
JayFso I'd also think for the general iscsi case01:04
jrollwhat do you mean "when using local config drive"01:04
jrolldevananda: ^01:04
JayFjroll: vs metadata config service ?01:04
jroll"local" being "not metadata"?01:04
JayFjroll: was my assumption at least01:04
jrollyeah, ok01:04
devanandaok. I now agree -- iscsi deploy driver should put config-2 partition at the tail of the drive01:04
devanandaand still let autogrowfs handle expanding the root01:04
JayFFWIW the exact logic IPA uses -->
devanandajroll: I mean when not using virtualmedia-based-configdrive01:05
devanandaor network-based01:05
devanandaI could mount one via NFS or iSCSI, for example01:05
jrolland now we're thinking iscsi should *always* create that partition?01:06
devananda(at least i think i could)01:06
jrollor just carve as needed01:06
devanandajroll: yes01:06
devanandaeither/or ...01:06
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devanandaI was about to say something and realized i'm wrong, again01:06
devanandait can't be a global config option, even though I think it should be01:07
devanandabecause E_UPGRADE01:07
devanandaif I deploy a node today01:07
devanandathen tomorrow I upgrade Ironic and turn on this feature01:07
devanandahow do I rebuild?01:07
devanandaso -- yes, I still think it should be a global option (because making this per-node is not necessary)01:07
devanandabut deploy_utils needs to be able to detect nodes that were deployed without a config-2 partition and, when rebuilding, even if the current config option says "write a config-2 partition", it should not in those cases01:08
* devananda stops thinking in text as it probably is confusing people01:08
NobodyCamdevananda: would global option prevent some setups where one zone (say prod) has a meta data service and another zone (cell) say dev is using a hand coded config for testing `something`01:10
devanandaNobodyCam: a) that kind of config difference in prod vs. test is a terrible idea. b) different regions (which I think is what you mean here, not cell) would have different configs anyway01:11
devananda(I'm sure someone will try it, though)01:12
NobodyCamI never said it was a good thing01:12
devanandadifferent regions have different config files01:13
NobodyCamjust trying to think of a case where a global option owuld not work01:13
devanandaby global, I mean a driver-specific config setting01:13
devanandarather than another option on node.driver_info01:14
jrolloh, wait, we want an ironic config as well?01:14
devanandaI have not yet thought of a case where two nodes, using the same driver (eg, iscsi_ipmitool), would need to differ in this regard (one gets info from metadata service, the other from a configdrive partition)01:15
openstackgerritYuiko Takada proposed openstack/python-ironicclient: Fix node-set-provision-state cmd's help strings
NobodyCamoh driver-specific ... (in best gilda radner voice) never mind01:15
jrollI have not either01:15
jrollnova seems to support it01:15
devanandaNobodyCam: ahh - sorry that I wasn't more specific! yes, if I had meant actually-really-global, then I would share your concern01:16
devanandajroll: oh? how is it selected?01:16
NobodyCam:) phew01:17
* NobodyCam looks at clock and open beer!01:17
NobodyCamopens even01:17
JayFNobodyCam: beer-thirty++01:17
jroll00:59:43            jroll |
jrolldevananda: ^01:17
devanandait's an image property?!01:19
jrollI mean, it makes sense to some extent01:21
jrollone might want to usually use the metadata service01:21
jrollbut then perhaps they have one image where dhcp is broken or whatever and they need to use configdrive in that case01:22
devanandadamn. yes.01:22
devanandawell, we should probably do the asme01:23
jrollI mean01:23
jrollI don't think ironic should have configs for this01:23
jrollif the nova instance needs a configdrive, it should be put in instance_info01:23
jrolland if ironic sees that key, it does it01:23
devanandai'm convinced01:24
jrollwe should put together some sort of process where we talk about implementation details through gerrit01:25
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jroll(I'm fairly certain this was all in the spec :P )01:25
devanandathere's a spec?01:25
jrollthough maybe the nova spec01:25
jrollat any rate, with my last patch, it should work in IPA assuming nova does the right thing01:26
jrollI kind of want to do the pxe/ilo stuff if I can01:26
jrollthough, now it occurs to me that ilo uses iscsi_deploy01:26
jrollwhich pxe also uses01:27
jrollbut we want those implementations to be different01:27
devanandajroll: i did not see any of this in the spec I approved, fwiw01:27
jrollwell, we didn't talk about driver implementation in the spec01:28
devananda162 * Implement functionality for various deploy drivers.01:28
jrollI was talking about the nova/config stuff01:28
devanandayah. the details of where the partition is put down by the iscsi driver is not in that spec01:28
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devanandawhich is, i think, where we started01:29
devanandaoh ya, i was warming up the button to update LP ...01:29
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NobodyCamjroll: you can always ref implementation details via irc logs (i.e.
jrollImplements: blueprint
NobodyCamanything but another girrit page to go to01:34
NobodyCamgerrit :-p01:34
jrollalright, I'm off for the night01:35
jrollsee y'all tomorrow01:35
NobodyCamhave a good night :)01:36
devanandahmm. gertty doesn't un-hide a review for which there is a new comment01:36
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jrollbefore I go...01:43
jrollHaomeng|2: the spec is approved here now, please remove your -1
Haomeng|2jroll: ok01:45
Haomeng|2jroll: done01:46
jrollthanks :D01:46
openstackgerritMerged openstack/ironic-specs: Allow short-specs
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Haomeng|2jroll: yw01:56
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PaulCzarcurious why devstack's ironic apt list includes docker ?02:27
NobodyCamPaulCzar: its a IPA thing02:31
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Haomeng|2PaulCzar: yes, our IPA will run in docker02:36
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openstackgerritjiangfei proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent: add deprecated_name to the config variables
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PaulCzardoes that mean that devstack for ironic only supports fed20 / ubuntu 14 as earlier don't have native packages for docker ?04:09
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-ironicclient: Add 'API' to description of ironic command
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openstackgerritShivanand Tendulker proposed openstack/ironic-specs: UEFI Secure Boot support for iLO drivers ============================================
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openstackgerritShivanand Tendulker proposed openstack/ironic-specs: Ironic Management Interfaces to support UEFI Secure Boot ========================================================
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openstackgerritShivanand Tendulker proposed openstack/ironic-specs: UEFI Secure Boot support for iLO drivers
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openstackgerritHarshada Mangesh Kakad proposed openstack/ironic: Add serial console feature to seamicro driver
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openstackgerritTan Lin proposed openstack/ironic: Add driver_validate()
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dtantsurMorning Ironic08:14
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pensu1Morning dtantsur08:51
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GheRiveromotning all08:56
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dtantsurpensu1, GheRivero, morning09:07
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romchegGood morning/evening guys!09:38
romchegHave you seen this thread ?09:39
romchegI think it's quite interesting09:39
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raminenilucasagomes: hi09:41
takadayu_Hi Ironic09:42
raminenilucasagomes: need to discuss regarding your comment on
lucasagomesramineni, hey afternoon :)09:44
lucasagomesramineni, sure. Just took a look I think that instantianting it would be fine :)09:44
lucasagomesI understand it's a temp thing09:44
lucasagomesI will comment on the patch09:44
lucasagomestakadayu_, hello there! good afternoon!09:44
lucasagomesromcheg, yo morning09:44
raminenilucasagomes : morning :) gr8 .. thanks09:45
takadayu_lucasagomes, yeah, good evening!09:45
lucasagomestakadayu_, oh my bad (/me is bad with TZs)09:46
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lucasagomesgood evening :)09:46
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takadayu_lucasagomes, never mind :D BTW, I'd like to commit a new patch fixing around, is it OK?09:48
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lucasagomestakadayu_, oh yeah definitely :) thanks for that09:54
takadayu_lucasagomes, thx, then I'll add you as a reviewer, so please review it if you have available time ;)09:54
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lucasagomeswill do!09:55
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takadayu_I appreciate it :D09:59
openstackgerritAnusha Ramineni proposed openstack/ironic: iLO Management Interface
Nishadtantsur: lucasagomes hi10:02
dtantsurmorning/afternoon/evening, romcheg, takadayu_, lucasagomes, Nisha, ramineni!10:03
dtantsur(so many of us :)10:03
lucasagomes:) indeed10:03
lucasagomesNisha, hi10:03
Nishadtantsur: i was going through your comments on ethe spec10:03
Nishalucasagomes: i resolved the comments you gave yest, and update dthe spec10:04
Nishaplease have a look10:04
lucasagomesNisha, on the discover? sure10:04
Nishadtantsur: i am actually confused on target_provision_state and provision_state now10:04
Nishalucasagomes: yes10:04
takadayu_dtantsur, good evening! I'll follow your greeting way :)10:04
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dtantsurNisha, "target" is a future state, that we aim to arrive at10:05
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Nishadtantsur: Ok , so in the start of the discovery, the provision state shall be set to DISCOVERING10:06
Nishawhat shall be state of target_provision_state?10:06
Nishasince it is asynch in nature, i think it shall be wait_callback as it is today for deploy10:07
dtantsurNisha, I think it's INIT10:07
NishaINIT is final state , corect?10:07
dtantsurNisha, yes, that's what target state means10:07
Nishathat is when discovery is completed10:07
Nishaand api has returned10:07
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dtantsurwait_callback 1. will be deleted in favor of wait flag;  2. can't be target state. Users do not request node to go into wait_callback :)10:08
dtantsurNisha, right. so it's our target during discovery10:08
dtantsurlucasagomes, ^^^ am I correct?10:08
* lucasagomes reads10:08
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Nishaso target_provision_state shall be None when discovery is just initiated?10:09
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Nishaor just before invoking discovery when provision_state is set to DISCOVERING10:10
lucasagomesdtantsur, yup sounds correc10:10
dtantsurNisha, again, target is some valid state. None won't be a valid state, neither will be wait_callback10:11
Nishadtantsur: then?10:11
dtantsurNisha, where are you going to get after discovery? To INIT. Then target state should be INIT.10:11
Nishadtantsur: 1. just before invoking discovery:10:12
lucasagomesNisha, the state machine still being discussed. Right now the way it goes is. ENROLL->DISCOVERING->INIT10:12
lucasagomesso machines starts at ENROLL, if discover is enabled by setting target_state to INIT10:12
lucasagomesmeans it goes first to DISCOVERING (which is a transient state) to INIT10:13
Nishaprovision_state is set to DISCOVERING, and target_provison_state = ?10:13
lucasagomesI personally don't like that flow (see my suggestions on the state machine spec)10:13
lucasagomesNisha, target is set to the next non-transitional ('ing) state10:13
dtantsurfor any transient state, target state is a valid state we want to get into10:13
dtantsurfor any non-transient state, target state don't exists and is set to None10:14
Nishacould you explain 'non-transient' here10:14
dtantsurthat said, if we want to get into INIT from discovery, target state during discovery is INIT10:14
Nishaok i got10:14
dtantsurNisha, non-transient is a state in which node stays as long as operator wants10:14
Nishalet me just repeat what i understood10:15
dtantsurNisha, transient state is temporary and will be changed by Ironic (or 3rdparty service), once some operation is ended10:15
Nisha1. when discovery started : provision_state = DISCOVERING and target_provision_state=INIT10:15
Nisha2. discovery done: provision_state = INIT and target_provision_state = None10:16
Nishaabove is in case of success10:16
lucasagomesNisha, (off-topic) would also be good to get ur input on the state machine spec, we might be overcomplicating some of it (I think we are, that's why I don't like the ENROLL -> INIT state)10:16
Nishai actually went thru the spec10:16
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Nishalucasagomes: i will do10:17
lucasagomesNisha, thanks :)10:17
Nishalucasagomes: thanks :)10:17
Nishalucasagomes: dtantsur could you confirm if my understanding is correct?10:17
Nishaon states thing10:17
dtantsurNisha, looks correct10:17
lucasagomesNisha, sounds correct10:17
Nishathanks. will update the spec,10:18
Nishaany other comments on the spec are welcome10:18
Nishalucasagomes: dtantsur request your reviews on also10:20
Nisharaised it a week back10:20
openstackgerritImre Farkas proposed openstack/ironic-specs: New driver interface for RAID configuration
dtantsuryeah, it's on the radar10:21
dtantsurI have >10 patches to review this morning already :(10:21
Nisha:) ok. Core reviewiers job is that :)10:22
Nishadtantsur: lucasagomes one more ques i had10:23
Nishafor some packages which are required to be installed on conductor but are not available on pypi, but thru apt-get how does ironic go about with that10:24
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dtantsurNisha, I guess it's distro maintainers' job to make these dependencies/recommendations10:27
lucasagomesNisha, third-party? If not mandatory for Ironic I'm fine with that, just need to document that operator should install it on the image (just like they should install pyghmi, wsman, etc... if they are willing to use ipminative or drac)10:27
Nishadtantsur: lucasagomes i am talking about packages like grub, mkisofs required by ironic drivers10:28
Nishafor grub, the latest beta version is buggy10:28
Nishathe stable version is supported only on precise ubuntu10:29
dtantsurI guess it's again distro's job to make a working version available10:29
dtantsurIronic can't force Ubuntu not to break things :)10:29
Nishadtantsur: :010:29
lucasagomesNisha, it's something like ipmitool is for the ipmitool driver right?10:29
lucasagomesright, so I think it would be the same for these other tools etc10:30
lucasagomesipmitool does some version checks to see what is supported and what is not10:30
lucasagomesand adapt to it etc10:30
dtantsurit's usually like: we document the dependencies, distro maintainers package Ironic and dependencies and make sure they work together10:30
lucasagomesor fail10:30
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Nishalucasagomes: ok10:40
openstackgerritNisha Agarwal proposed openstack/ironic-specs: Discover node properties using new CLI node-discover-properties
Nishalucasagomes: dtantsur|bbl  ^^^^ please review10:41
Nishalucasagomes: resolved the comments10:41
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lucasagomescool thanks I will take a look soonish10:42
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openstackgerritTan Lin proposed openstack/ironic: Add driver_validate()
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toabctlcan anybody point me to the bugtracker of pyghmi ?13:12
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dtantsurtoabctl, I haven't found one last time :( so you may want to contact it's devs directly13:15
toabctldtantsur: the question is who I should contact...13:15
dtantsurtoabctl, judging by it's Jarrod Johnon, but I don't know the contacts..13:17
dtantsurtoabctl, try this:
toabctldtantsur: seems that mordred also contributed to the project.13:18
toabctlmordred: do you know if there's a bugtracker for pyghmi? and if so, where?13:19
dtantsurtoabctl, actually it's a good question to raise on a ML. you're at least the second to ask this question recently13:19
toabctldtantsur: there are also no git tags for the latest releases on github13:20
dtantsuroh, that's messy...13:22
dtantsurlucasagomes, any ideas ^^^13:22
Haomeng|2toabctl: pyghmi is from xcat, so the bug list you want to see that should be -
toabctlHaomeng|2: searching for pyghmi in the buglist brings 0 bugs. there is also no component for pyghmi . I'm not sure if that's the bugtracker.13:26
toabctlHaomeng|2: and the code seems to be on github, not on stackforge13:26
Haomeng|2toabctl: ok, let me check with xcat team13:26
Haomeng|2toabctl: yes13:26
toabctlHaomeng|2: ok. thx13:26
Haomeng|2toabctl: should be owned by xcat13:27
dtantsurHaomeng|2, please make the xcat team aware that people regularly struggle with finding whom and how to contact about pyghmi13:28
dtantsurit should be better communicated IMO13:28
Haomeng|2dtantsur: ok13:28
Haomeng|2dtantsur: will check with xcat team members13:28
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Haomeng|2dtantsur: to find the owner13:28
Haomeng|2dtantsur: yw13:30
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jrollmorning ironic :)13:34
jrollPaulCzar: right, docker is a build dependency for ironic with the agent driver... you can rip that dep out if you're using 12.04 and not building agent ramdisks :)13:34
jrolldtantsur: I thought pyghmi just shared a bug tracker with us, imbw13:34
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NobodyCammorning Ironic, says the man slowly drinking coffee13:44
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NobodyCammorning sambetts :)13:47
dtantsurjroll, morning :) I don't think so, our teams look different13:52
jrollheya NobodyCam sambetts13:52
dtantsurNobodyCam, sambetts, morning!13:52
jrolland dtantsur :)13:52
jrollyeah, imbw, but I swear I've seen pyghmi bugs there13:53
NobodyCamhuh /me thinks something is up! <- is that blank for others too?13:53
NobodyCammorning dtantsur jroll13:53
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dtantsurNobodyCam, O_O13:54
jrolldo we publish to pypi? (I assume we do)13:54
Haomeng|2NobodyCam: I checked, others works fine13:54
jrollnova hasn't published since 2013.113:55
dtantsurjroll, special -infra job does13:55
jroll 404s13:55
dtantsurso it's a question for #infra IMO13:55
NobodyCamahh maybe we only publish the client13:55
jrollhow sure are you about that?13:55
jrollI don't see other projects publishing13:55
jroll 40413:55
jrollyeah, don't think it's a problem13:56
NobodyCamso ya just my lack of coffee13:56
NobodyCamsorry for the scare :-p13:56
dtantsurah yeah13:56
NobodyCammorning Haomeng|2 :)13:56
Haomeng|2NobodyCam: morning:)13:56
dtantsurand we have some different Keystone there :D13:56
Haomeng|2NobodyCam: I am in evening:)13:57
NobodyCamhehehe its always morning (somewhere) /me is just waiting for the sun to come up13:57
Haomeng|2yes, others works fine, but our ironicclient in pypi is blank13:57
NobodyCamclient is blank?13:58
NobodyCamor just Ironic it self13:58
NobodyCam looks ok to me13:58
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NobodyCamHey dtantsur while your here, your agenst the readme update that adds the help output to the readme? are you thinking there is another maybe better way to provide that info?14:02
dtantsurNobodyCam, yes, an informal description of the most popular commands and link to `ironic help` or online docs for the details14:02
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NobodyCamok I will see what I can comeup with today :)14:03
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rloohello ironickers14:05
NobodyCamgood mornig rloo :)14:05
rlooNobodyCam: wrt the readme for the client, I don't know why, but I think it is useful to know what commands are available per client release.14:05
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/ironic: Updated from global requirements
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent: Updated from global requirements
NobodyCamrloo: I do too14:06
jrollmorning rloo14:06
dtantsurrloo, hi14:06
rlooNobodyCam: but whether it is actually in the readme, or we put it on a wiki and link from the readme, I don't know.14:06
jrollrloo: NobodyCam: you know we're going to forget to update that :|14:06
rlooafternoon dtantsur, morning jroll.14:06
rloojroll: yeah, that's the problem.14:07
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jrollI don't see a problem with folks just running "ironic help"14:07
NobodyCamhow often do we cut pypi releases14:07
rloojroll: although, i have on my list, to add a link to the readme that points to the changes. (I don't recall the link to the changes right now...)14:07
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jrollyes, I like that14:08
rlooNobodyCam: so far, we've cut a release at least twice? per openstack cycle. I don't know but you could look I guess. sec.14:09
jrollthis has two +2's if anyone wants to look :)
jrollrloo: we cut clients more often than release cycles14:10
NobodyCamthe info I was looking for was what commands can "this (pypi) release of the cli do" and a link to a change may provide changes that are not included in the current pypi release as was already pointed out on the current review14:10
rlooNobodyCam: I'm not sure how to find out the various versions (it isn't obvious from
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/python-ironicclient: Updated from global requirements
rlooso far, I think devananda has been doing the releases, so maybe we should discuss with him, if something ought to be updated at release time.14:12
dtantsurI'm not convinced that README should be a source of "what this release can do". I always though of a README as a starting point for a user.14:12
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jrollyeah, I believe we have a changelog, we should use it14:12
rloodtantsur: I know that when I've looked at other packages on, I've been annoyed at the lack of docn available for the packages14:13
dtantsurrloo, lack of docs  - yeah. lack of a simple README too.14:13
dtantsurwell, for ironic-discoverd a have a changelog in the end of README14:13
rloodtantsur: so do you think the current readme is 'simple'?14:13
dtantsurrloo, current one is too simple :) lemme find some good example...14:14
dtantsurrloo, this is nice:
dtantsurit has project goals, examples. It only lacks a link to real docs :)14:15
rloodtantsur: i'm not sure the client needs a 'why use it' section?14:16
rloodtantsur: do you think we should give an example? if so, of what?14:16
dtantsurrloo, of the basic operations with client. create node, create port, list nodes, list ports for nodes, show a node...14:17
dtantsurto be kind of quick start guide14:17
rloodtantsur: do you think it should be in the readme, or is it OK to have a link to that info?14:17
NobodyCamjroll: where is our client change-log?14:17
rlooNobodyCam: I just found it:
NobodyCamdtantsur: actual code examples?14:18
dtantsurrloo, link should lead to comprehensive docs. and this is just quick start to get some idea14:18
openstackgerritJim Rollenhagen proposed openstack/python-ironicclient: Add maintenance_reason to node-show output
jrollNobodyCam: I just assumed we had one :)14:18
jrollspeaking of the client, easy change right there that I overlooked14:18
dtantsurNobodyCam, a couple of CLI examples, a couple of code14:18
rloojroll: ^^ the change-log. here it is again:
jrollrloo: yep, saw that14:19
NobodyCamok I'll refactor that patch today14:20
rlooNobodyCam: cool.14:20
rloodtantsur: just examples of CLI, or also examples of using the library?14:21
dtantsurat least CLI14:21
jrollwe just ned quick examples14:21
jrollwe have docs for the rest14:21
NobodyCamthank y'all for the input :)14:21
rloowe currently *only* have quick examples :-(14:22
jrollwell, we should fix our docs14:23
rlooNobodyCam: what about having a wiki with the ironic commands per release. something similar to
jrollwe have a changelog, why not just use that?14:24
rloojroll: yeah, we should. Some sort of usage/operator guide?14:24
jrollwe have "ironic help" for that14:24
jrollwe sohuld have better python library docs, though14:25
jrollspeaking of which14:25
jrollwas talking to another team at rackspace who is playing with ironic14:25
jrolland they said our docs are horrible :(14:25
rloodid they mention what was horrible about it, what needs to be improved?14:25
rloojust 'horrible' doesn't help much14:25
jrollall the things, really14:26
jrollthey'll be lurking here soon asking questions and whatnot14:27
rloomaybe they could help by filing bugs then14:27
NobodyCamI agree, I've been trying to poke folks for info on what we can do to make it better14:27
jrollrloo: yeah, they will be14:28
rlooi don't agree that our doc is incomplete. i think 'horrible' seems extreme though.14:28
sambettsI agree, horible is a bit harsh14:28
jrollthat might be my word14:28
jrollor talking about agent docs :(14:29
jrollthis was a few days ago, I'm low on RAM14:29
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NobodyCamuless he was talking about the IPA docs14:29
* NobodyCam *ducks*14:29
rloospeaking of which, i should fix that user-guide page. today. maybe.14:29
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rloocan't really complain about IPA docs, there aren't any? ;)14:30
* jroll is a bad person14:30
Haomeng|2NobodyCam: :)14:30
NobodyCamrloo: there is
NobodyCamjroll: not!14:31
jrollso old14:31
jrollso so so old14:31
rlooNobodyCam: oh right, I forgot about that! is it horrible though? ;)14:31
rloojroll: you're making me feel old...14:32
* NobodyCam is old... and feels like it ...lol14:32
jrollso I'm not making any promises, but I would love to hack on putting this in the IPA ramdisk tomorrow:
jrolland switch between the IPA and iSCSI container with a kernel param14:33
NobodyCamjroll: oh14:33
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jrollNobodyCam: do you know where all of those env variables get set? e.g. ISCSI_TARGET_IQN14:42
* jroll checks with tripleo as well14:43
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NobodyCamjroll: here??
jrollI mean in the ramdisk14:52
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jrollbut I found it...
* NobodyCam wants to be evil and include "ironic chassis-create -d 'test chassis'" as an example command ... because its used so often14:53
jrollI've never touched chassis14:54
NobodyCami know.. I had a great use case and deva shot me down at the summit14:55
jrollwhat use case?14:56
NobodyCamstandalone ironic, two nodes with all deploy/driver info added to a chassis, then operator just issues 'ironic chassis-set-power-state on' and both nodes power on and deploy with a single command14:58
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jrollNobodyCam, JayF: small outline of how this dual ramdisk would work14:59
jrollNobodyCam: interesting, that's cool15:00
NobodyCamthere are many holes in that15:00
jrollyeah, but I like the concept15:00
NobodyCamlol :-p15:00
* lucasagomes scrollsback :D15:00
openstackgerritRoman Prykhodchenko proposed openstack/ironic: Refactoring for Ironic policy
jrolllucasagomes: tl;dr all-in-one iscsi/agent ramdisk15:01
NobodyCammorning lucasagomes15:01
* NobodyCam makes a more coffee15:01
rlooanyone know what Harshada's nick is? or if they're online now?15:01
lucasagomesNobodyCam, morning15:02
lucasagomesrloo, nop15:02
lucasagomesjroll, oh that would be good15:02
rlooafternoon lucasagomes15:02
lucasagomesjroll, cause I just saw the link for the boot_options to build the template15:02
lucasagomeson the iPXE driver I kinda gotta refactor that out from PXE, actually many of the functions needs to go to a common place15:02
jrolllucasagomes: oh, yeah, basically going to make a container that runs those bash scripts15:02
lucasagomescause they are reusable15:02
rloolucasagomes: i had two questions about the vendor stuff. I noticed that this page mentions the passthrus:
lucasagomesrloo, right... what are the questions?15:04
rloolucasagomes: maybe needs to be combined?15:04
lucasagomesrloo, ohhh15:04
* lucasagomes reads15:04
rloolucasagomes: 2nd question. wrt the decorators @passthru, @driver_passthru. Do people think those are clear?15:05
lucasagomesrloo, indeed the differenciation of node and driver are duplicated in our docs15:05
rloolucasagomes: is @node_passthru clearer than @passthru? it seems like they're both driver passthrus, except one requires a node...15:05
lucasagomesrloo, I remember you proposed @node_passthru and @driver_passthru15:05
lucasagomesI like it to be more explicit, so I'm +1 for the idea15:06
jrollbut now there's backward compatibility issues :|15:07
rloolucasagomes: if we change to node_passthru, driver_passthru, is that clear to folks? we're so used to it now. (I'm not sure what else to name them though.) driver_node_passthru? node_driver_passthru?15:07
jrollif we change it now we could theoretically break out of tree drivers15:07
rloono backward compatibility for the decorators. I don't think we need to worry about backwards w/i a cycle. and there were no decorators in juno.15:08
jrollyou don't think there's anyone continuously deploying ironic?15:08
lucasagomesrloo, I think people are constantly deploying from master15:08
lucasagomesmaybe we need to do a passthru = node_passthru15:08
lucasagomeslike an alias with the decorator reference15:08
rloono, i don't disagree that there might be folks deploying from master, I just don't think we ought to worry about backwards compatibility w/i master w/i a cycle.15:08
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lucasagomesjust in case, it's a 1 line code15:08
rlooeg, if we did, we wouldn't be able to land patches in a series w/o landing them all at once.15:09
jrollno, we should worry about it within a cycle15:09
rloobut if that is a concern, let me know. I would have -1'd lucas' patch when I first mentioned it.15:09
jrolland it's easy to do, alias passthru to node_passthru with a deprecation warning15:09
lucasagomesrloo, right actually it was on the logging patch15:10
openstackgerritNaohiro Tamura proposed openstack/ironic-specs: iRMC Management Driver for Ironic
lucasagomesmaybe I should have named then node_passthru and driver_passthru15:10
rlooin this case, it is easy to do. my concern is having to worry about breaking backwards compatibility w/i a cycle. that is something i'd have to keep in mind for all patches and that seems like a lot to remember to review for.15:11
lucasagomesonce I started differentiating15:11
lucasagomesrloo, we should try our best, but indeed it's hard15:11
jrollrloo: I think we should, but I'm not a dictator15:11
jrollwe shouldn't worry about it *as* hard15:11
jrollas between cycles15:11
rlooso in this case, we should decide now (before it gets harder) if we want to change the passthru decorator names, and if so, to what.15:11
jrollI think passthru is fine, I also think node_passthru is fine15:12
rloowrt backwards compatibility w/i a cycle -- that seems like a general question for all openstack projects then?15:12
lucasagomesthey seems to do it, at least projects like Nova15:12
jrolljust because not all projects are awesome doesn't mean we can't be awesome :)15:12
jrollI think all projects should do it, but that's their decision15:13
lucasagomeswe even have a mascot now!15:13
rloojroll: touche.15:13
* lucasagomes needs to send out the pool for the name15:13
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lucasagomesbtw I was tinking about filtering the names, until we get 5 and then send out the pool (but it's out of topic)15:13
rloojroll: is that something to bring up in the ML then? how many folks here are for backwards compatibility w/i a cycle?15:13
lucasagomesrloo, jroll so @passthru or @node_passthru15:13
lucasagomesI don't mind either, I think @node_passthru might be slightly better15:14
lucasagomestoo long15:14
jrolllucasagomes: I honestly don't care which, node_passthru is slightly better but is it worth it?15:14
jrollit's just code15:14
jrollthere are docs on what they dp15:14
rlooi think it is worth thinking about it. it isn't 'just code', its sort of an api/interface with drivers.15:14
lucasagomesjroll, yeah idk if it's worth, it. I think it's better cause it's more explicity and in the docs we say "Node VendorPassthru vs Driver VendorPassthru"15:14
lucasagomesbut either name are sane I believe15:15
lucasagomes(I would rename preserver_ephemeral  for e.g)15:15
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lucasagomesthat's ^^^^ bad15:15
jroll15:13:54             rloo | jroll: is that something to bring up in the ML then? how many folks here are for backwards compatibility w/i a cycle? <- yes15:16
jrolllucasagomes: ha yeah15:16
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lucasagomesrloo, are u putting something in the ML?15:18
rlooi just don't see how we can do development if we preserve backwards compatibility. eg, the passthrus changed wrt their arguments, and ended up with the http-method having to be specified. that would have broken any drivers that used the older version of the passthru.15:18
lucasagomesI think it worths too15:18
lucasagomessome people might say we should do on releases, maybe milestones15:19
rloolucasagomes: I could I guess... Ok, I'll write something up.15:19
lucasagomesbut I see that we should try to be awesome, doing on every patch sounds good15:19
lucasagomesI like the idea more now15:19
naohirotgood night > all :-)15:19
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jrollrloo: we have to break it sometimes, we should just be careful15:20
lucasagomesrloo, right... yeah it needs to think before, sometimes we can't. Like the arguments. Maybe the new argument should have a default value15:20
rloojroll: being careful is different that 'must be'.15:20
lucasagomesso it doesn't break others using it15:20
rloothat -> than15:21
jrollrloo: yeah, we should strive for "must be"15:21
lucasagomesit kinda like the kernel idea of not breaking the user space15:21
lucasagomessometimes they do15:21
rloook let's see what others think...15:21
lucasagomesbut they try hard to not to15:21
lucasagomeswe may want to create a rule like that in ironic as well15:21
lucasagomesdon't break CD15:21
rloohey, so I've been avoiding sending email to the ML. Do I need to put '[openstack-dev]' in the subject, or just '[ironic]'?15:23
jrollrloo: just [Ironic]15:23
rloojroll: thx.15:24
jrollyou're right, want me to update that comment real quick?15:24
lucasagomesjroll, I +2, I mean if u fix I will +2 it again15:24
lucasagomesbut I don't think you have to, only for that15:24
jrollyeah ok15:24
lucasagomesif happens to u to send a new patch yeah fine15:24
openstackgerritJim Rollenhagen proposed openstack/ironic: Support configdrive in agent driver
jrollthere you are sir15:25
lucasagomeshah ok15:26
jrollthanks man15:26
openstackgerritChris Krelle proposed openstack/python-ironicclient: Update README
NobodyCamthat more along the lines of what we're thinking?15:28
jrollyuriyz: hey, I tested the IPA DIB thing yesterday, it needs more than 2gb RAM to even boot :( want to try to optimize it a bit?15:29
yuriyzhi jroll15:30
yuriyzI tested with 8GB ram15:30
yuriyzI think 4GB is the minimum15:30
jrollyuriyz: I'd like to see if we can run it with 1024mb or even 512mb would be best15:31
jrollif we can get it to run in 512mb we can use it in the gate15:31
jrollthe coreos image runs in 1024mb15:31
dtantsur4GB to boot O_o15:33
jrollnah, just 3GB :P15:35
* jroll bbiab15:36
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NobodyCamthats a ruff requirment for my laptop testing env15:37
yuriyzI used old server with 8gb in our lab15:40
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openstackgerritHarshada Mangesh Kakad proposed openstack/ironic: Add serial console feature to seamicro driver
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openstackgerritNisha Agarwal proposed openstack/ironic-specs: Discover node properties using new CLI node-discover-properties
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jrollyuriyz: I'm glad that it works (or at least boots, I had trouble actually deploying), but with that kind of size it's not very useful, as people could just use the CoreOS image16:02
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jrollrloo: thanks for that mail16:03
rloojroll: yw. I debated about whether to list why I didn't agree. I think maybe I should have. The more I think of it, the more I wonder if we even want to try to maintain backwards compatibility. Anyway, let's see what people think.16:04
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yuriyzjroll, CoreOS is optimized for this usecase instead of "generic" distros. What trouble was for deploying?16:06
jrollyuriyz: no, the IPA ramdisk is optimized for space (the container it runs in is a ubuntu image)16:07
jrollidk about deploying16:07
jrollit was late once I got it booting, gave up there as it's not useful to me at this size16:07
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NobodyCamrloo: actually I like the email quite a bit. I love the fact that we strive to maintain backwards compatibility, I am thinking over my reply to the inter-cycle compatibality question16:08
NobodyCamie we're not set in stone in the actual release cycle's release16:08
NobodyCamif that makes sense16:09
rlooNobodyCam: if folks want to strive for that, that's fine. I'll strive too. But it means yet one more thing for me to think about when reviewing people's patches and I'm worried that it will cause more delays etc16:09
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rlooNobodyCam: anyway, I guess we shouldn't be discussing it here ;)16:09
jrollrloo: honestly, anything that won't be backwards compat will likely be in a spec for that reason16:10
jrollbut I hear you16:10
rloojroll: backwards compatible between cycles. no spec may be needed w/i a cycle.16:10
yuriyzjroll, maybe better to use Fedora 21 Atomic after release16:10
yuriyzfor DIB16:11
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jrollrloo: yeah, I take that back16:11
devanandamorning, all16:11
jrollheya deva16:12
NobodyCamgood morning devananda :)16:12
rloomorning devananda16:12
yuriyzmorning devananda16:12
rloobtw, thx for updating the juno release notes devananda!16:12
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* devananda tries to catch up on all the discussion16:14
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* NobodyCam wants to change "black friday" to "the two weeks of spam"16:19
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openstackgerritJim Rollenhagen proposed openstack/python-ironicclient: Add maintenance_reason to node-show output
jroll^ fixed tests16:23
* jroll bbl16:23
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openstackgerritVladyslav Drok proposed openstack/ironic-specs: Support for non-glance image references
blinky_ghost_Hi all, can anybody help me with issue: I'm using tripleo with ironic to boot a node Dell R320 and I see this error on the screen: "ipmitool - can't find /dev/ipmi0 or /dev/ipmidev/0" then the node shutdowns itself. thanks16:37
lucasagomesdevananda, morning16:37
NobodyCamblinky_ghost_: where are you seeing that error?16:38
blinky_ghost_NobodyCam: I'm my overcloud baremetal node, on the screen.16:39
lucasagomesblinky_ghost_, ok so you deployed the node with tripleo + ironic16:41
devanandarloo: backwards compat w/in master w/in a cycle -- yes, we should very much care about this, within reason16:41
lucasagomesblinky_ghost_, and in the node's shell you try to use ipmitool and u get that error?16:41
NobodyCamhumm, is the overcloud attemptng to provision a baremetal node or VM?16:41
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lucasagomesblinky_ghost_, it's not in the Ironic conductor node right?16:41
blinky_ghost_nobodycam: baremetal16:42
rloodevananda: what does 'within reason' mean then?16:42
lucasagomesthere's a ML thread about the backwards compat now, I added my 2 cents there16:42
lucasagomes(thanks rloo for starting it)16:42
blinky_ghost_lucasgomes: the node boots kernel autodiscovery ramdisk gives that message and shutdowns16:42
lucasagomesblinky_ghost_, right, which ramdisk is that? You created it16:43
lucasagomesit looks like the ramdisk doesn't have the required ipmi kernel modules loaded16:43
lucasagomesso u can issue ipmitool commands in-band16:43
NobodyCamblinky_ghost_: AIU the overcloud will provision VM's not baremetal, Baremetal is provisioned by seed and undercloud16:43
lucasagomesYou created it? (was a question)16:44
devanandarloo: we should be testing (and i believe adam_g is working on it) compat in two ways: last release to tip; tip-1 to tip;16:44
blinky_ghost_NobodyCam: I'm using undercloud to provision overcloud, using instack16:44
blinky_ghost_lucasgomes: any good howto to include this in the on the ramdisk?16:45
dtantsurblinky_ghost_, you'd better mention that it's about discovery ramdisk16:46
lucasagomesblinky_ghost_, well like copying any kernel module to a ramdisk, might have a couple of tutorials on google16:46
rloodevananda: the tip-1 to tip tests will be interesting.16:46
blinky_ghost_lucasgomes: ok thanks16:47
dtantsurlucasagomes, it should work as of now too with `modprobe ipmi_devintf` workaround, I have no idea why it does not16:47
lucasagomesu just need to copy the right ipmi modules from the /usr/lib/modules/<kernel version> to ur ramdisk16:47
lucasagomesdtantsur, yup, if the module is there16:47
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blinky_ghost_dtantsur: does it help if I enable debug in ironic-discovery?16:48
dtantsurblinky_ghost_, no, it won't help. the ramdisk is quite an isolated thing...16:48
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blinky_ghost_dtantsur: ok, so it shoud work as you're saying that module is there...maybe is not beeing loaded. It has to run modrpobe module?16:49
dtantsuryeah... maybe it should modprobe more modules... i'm trying to google it16:50
dtantsurblinky_ghost_, any output on the screen mentioning modprobe or ipmi_devintf?16:51
* devananda is less distracted now, still catching up on backlog16:51
lucasagomesblinky_ghost_, dtantsur
dtantsuripmi_si... maybe it is missing16:52
blinky_ghost_dtantsur: maybe I can include the modprobe commands in the ramdisk16:54
dtantsurblinky_ghost_, what if you try to cope line 40 of the ramdisk and make it load ipmi_si as well?16:55
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lucasagomesdtantsur, u can create a /etc/modules.conf16:57
blinky_ghost_dtantsur: what's the file? i have discovery-ramdisk.initramfs and discovery-ramdisk.kernel but they're binary16:57
lucasagomesthe modules listed there will be loaded in boot16:57
lucasagomesblinky_ghost_, initramfs, you can extract it16:57
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openstackgerritJosh Gachnang proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent: Add command metrics to IPA API
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dtantsurblinky_ghost_, well yes, you got these with instack... maybe it's better to me to try patch instack and then you retry16:59
devanandarloo: so I may be missing the context -- what's the concrete thing that is or is not backwards compatible?16:59
lucasagomesdevananda, it was about renaming the @passthru decorator to @node_passthru (because we also have a @driver_passthru, @node_passthru would be more explicit)17:00
devanandalucasagomes: gotcha. the decorator, not the REST API17:00
blinky_ghost_dtanstur: OK, thanks. I downloaded the images from here:
lucasagomesand jroll was pointing out that if we rename it, even merged few days ago, we should still have a backward compat module, because drivers out of tree might be using it17:01
lucasagomesdevananda, yes17:01
lucasagomeseven if*17:01
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lucasagomes(my english is going down, damn)17:01
devananda"a few days ago" -- i'm fine with just fixing it17:01
devanandaa) it's internal b) it's just a few days17:01
lucasagomeswell, it's not super internal, potentially there are drivers out of tree that might be using it17:02
lucasagomesand the fix would be trivial, just an alias passthru = node_passthru17:02
lucasagomesso I'm +1 to make it backward compat17:02
devanandaif someone downstream is depending on an internal python decorator that's only been in trunk for a few days, they can handle the change.17:02
lucasagomesthey could, but would that make them happy?17:03
lucasagomesI mean we are potentially breaking their workflow17:03
lucasagomesif we can avoid it, adding 1 extra line of code17:03
lucasagomesI would do it17:03
devanandayup, then we should17:03
lucasagomesbut anyway, that example was just the trigger for the discussion about whether have backwards compat on every commit or not17:05
lucasagomeswhich I think we should at least try (try hard) to keep the compat17:06
lucasagomeson every commit17:06
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dtantsurslagle, hi should fix the problem blinky_ghost_ encountered above17:09
NobodyCamadded my two cents to the ML chain17:13
blinky_ghost_dtantsur: thanks :) I'll test it out17:13
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blinky_ghost_dtantsur: I have to create a new image after aplying the patch?17:15
dtantsurblinky_ghost_, yes17:16
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openstackgerritNisha Agarwal proposed openstack/ironic-specs: Automate UEFI-BIOS Iso Creation
blinky_ghost_dtantsur: ramdisk-image-create fedora deploy-ironic -o my-deploy-ramdisk ?17:19
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rloolucasagomes: thx for explaining. Although it might be more like 1-2 weeks ago (was it sambett's change that had the @passthru?)17:19
lucasagomesrloo, oh yeah17:19
dtantsurblinky_ghost_, $ ramdisk-image-create fedora discovery-ironic -o my-deploy-ramdisk17:19
lucasagomesyeah I think it may be a bit older17:19
* devananda replies to the thread17:20
lucasagomesrloo, it's more a philosophical approach, but I think we should try our best17:20
blinky_ghost_dtantsur: ok thanks testing17:20
rloolucasagomes: I'm fine going with the majority. I just know that I haven't been reviewing things with this in mind.17:20
lucasagomesrloo, yeah, myself included. I think that after this conversation something clicked in my mind17:21
lucasagomesI will pay more attention too17:21
lucasagomesit's really important17:21
rlooah, just read dtantsur's reply, I like his ;) ok, I'll be quiet now ;)17:22
devanandarloo: thanks for bringing it up. it was less important prior to graduation; now we have many more people counting on it17:22
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devanandalucasagomes: also s/@passthru/@node_passthru/ is, IIUC, just a name change. it's not a functionality change17:24
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rloodevananda: does it make a diff is it is a functionality vs name change? the name change (w/o aliasing it) means that an out of tree driver won't work17:25
lucasagomesdevananda, yup yeah it's just a name change17:25
lucasagomesdevananda, the tihng is that if we rename it, we still break potential users17:25
devanandarloo: if it's "just a name change" then, to be frank, it looks silly if we break anyone over it17:25
devanandafrom a user/developer's point of view, how aggravating would that be?17:26
devanandathe relative importance of the change is not irrelevant here17:26
devananda"oh, they found a massive bug in $newfeature and had to do a breaking change to fix it" --> I could deal with that17:26
devananda"they changed their mind about the name of @thing and broke me? wtf?"17:27
lucasagomesyeah sometimes I think we are going to see some things like, a critical bug that we will have to break it17:27
devanandawhether or not we /think/ someone should or should not depend on trunk -- it's the nature of continuous deployment that they /will/17:27
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rloodevananda: right, between releases. But w/i development of a release, should people expect that things will 'still' work?17:27
lucasagomesalso if we try hard to not break things on daily basis, it will much simpler to not break between releases17:28
devanandalucasagomes: ++17:28
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devanandarloo: whether we think they should or not, I can tell you that there are folks who operate that way on a daily basis w.r.t. other projects (Nova, Swift, Glance, Keystone ... all come to mind)17:29
rloodevananda: hmm. ok. (Just read your email). Although I'm not sure I agree with lucasagomes (I don't see the logic there)17:29
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devanandarloo: I happen to agree that any project which calls itself mature enough for continuous deployment (and by virtue of being Integrated with OpenStack, we've declared that we think Ironic is) should strive for that17:30
devanandawe'll fail some times17:30
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lucasagomesrloo, right. Does it sounds too bureaucratic ?17:31
lucasagomesor even hypocrite since, I'm sure that at one point we are going to break it17:31
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rloolucasagomes: no, not bureaucratic. We may accidentally break it, but at least, I know that we don't want something broken ;)17:32
devanandalucasagomes: in your email, second paragraph -- s/there may be/there are/17:32
lucasagomesrloo, sure... Yeah it can happen and will happen17:32
devanandalucasagomes: just ask J* what version of Ironic they're running17:32
rloolucasagomes: i think this means we really need to pay more attention to any proposed changes to any of the APIs.17:32
lucasagomesdevananda, right... +1 yeah so it's even more incentive to not try to break the guys :D17:33
lucasagomescause we are going to meet them on the next summit :p17:33
devanandarloo: there's a reason the spec process calls out each API, and then a separate section for upgrades and backwards compat :)17:33
rloodevananda: yes, but I was thinking between cycles, not w/i a cycle.17:33
lucasagomesrloo, yup yeah that's pretty much it. Let's pay more attention17:33
devanandarloo: ahhh. ok. so yea, this is a great discussion to clarify that17:34
devanandaalso, adam_g, are you around?17:34
NobodyCamlucasagomes: +1^39864317:34
adam_gdevananda, heya17:34
rloodevananda: cuz sometimes the spec proposes something, the code is written and then we decide at some point we don't like the proposed API. I don't recall if we've changed before something has landed, or after.17:34
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devanandaadam_g: hi! you might want to skim scrollback / read the thread ruby started... it's all about upgrades :)17:35
adam_gdevananda, yeah, catching up now :)17:35
adam_gjust got online17:35
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devanandarloo: yup. sometimes the spec isn't clear enough -- or sometimes we see the code and realize something we didn't think of when reviewing the spec. that happens17:36
devanandarloo: in that case, we should go revise the spec, not land a crappy API17:36
devanandathough I actually don't recall that happening at all last cycle ... ?17:36
rloodevananda: right. But it looks like we need to be more diligent about making sure a 'not-so-great' API doesn't land first before noticing it.17:37
devanandaoh, also a note for lucasagomes and GheRivero -- see Thierry's email about "a true cross-project meeting"17:37
devanandarloo: ++17:37
rloodevananda: to be honest, I don't know if it happened or not last cycle. I do know that I have mentioned/asked for changes to APIs. I just don't recall now if it was via the spec, a patch, or after a patch has landed.17:38
lucasagomesdevananda, oh it's on the openstack-dev? or -tc?17:38
devanandarloo: fwiw, I don't recall seeing any breaking changes to APIs land last cycle, so I think we're doing OK :)17:39
* lucasagomes dig into his mails17:39
devanandalucasagomes: dev17:39
devanandalucasagomes: heading [all]17:39
devanandaactually, adam_g, you might want to look at that email from thierry as well, since you're sort of the unofficial QA liaison (or is it official now?)17:40
rloodevananda: eg, in this particular case, I didn't see the decorator name land, but I did mention it in some subsequent patch that used it, and then brought it up again. The decorator isn't that big a deal, but here we are ;)17:40
devanandarloo: indeed, the decorator change has a trivialy simple backwards-compatible-implementation -- but the larger point is well timed to align everyone onto the same expectation17:42
rloodevananda: yup!17:42
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lucasagomes+1 for adam_g be the QA liaison :) (if he wants ofc)17:44
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lucasagomesI will call it a day, I'm in the office today so gotta get the train back18:01
lucasagomeshave a good night everyone18:01
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rloonight lucasagomes18:02
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jrollnight lucasagomes18:04
NobodyCamnight lucasagomes18:04
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adam_gdevananda, so re: grenade, we'll be testing last release to tip. tip-1 to tip is the sideways stuff that is really only used to test the nova-bm migration on juno. we can probably leverage it to do continued sideways testing of master if we realy wanted to, but im not sure that would help the issue of breaking out of tree drivers, or even in-tree, non-default drivers18:05
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openstackgerritChris Krelle proposed openstack/python-ironicclient: Update README
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NobodyCambrb quick walkies18:26
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PaulCzarwhere's the ironic standalone stuff at?  having a hard time finding docs and info about it19:16
NobodyCamdocs what docs19:18
NobodyCamlol there really are not any atm19:18
jrollyeah, we don't have docs on that stuff yet19:18
jrollit's something we'd like to do but is not quite there19:18
jrolllike, you'll still need glance19:18
openstackgerritMerged openstack/ironic: Add driver_validate()
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devanandaPaulCzar: we don't formally support stand-alone Ironic today. It's tedious to set up and use that way, and I suspect that only a few of us have actually done it in a lab yet19:27
devanandaPaulCzar: a great deal of logic around deployments exists within the nova.virt.ironic driver code19:28
devananda*only within ... today19:28
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NobodyCamadded another name to the list :)19:36
adam_gdevananda, shall i throw my name down on the QA list here?
devanandaadam_g: ++19:41
devanandaadam_g: are you still doing stable branch stuff?19:41
adam_gdevananda, yeah, more so with release management and keeping branches in good health19:42
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devanandaadam_g: awesome. you're welcome to add your name to that CPL list as well19:48
devanandaadam_g: also, I now have +2/+A rights on stable, so between the two of us we can actually fix broken things :)19:48
devanandaadam_g: don't hesitate to bug me if there's a patch on stable/juno that needs to land -- I may not look all that often otherwise19:48
adam_gdevananda, sure. we might want to get dtantsur|afk involved there--he's up on all the new bugs and could probably help identify potential backports quicker than me19:49
devanandasounds good19:49
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NobodyCamcan get folks thoughts on Ironic creating deployment discs (question is comming from a spec to create an iso, but I expect it could be extended to create a deploy K&R too)20:02
devanandaNobodyCam: I've been fairly strongly against Ironic creating long-lived images in the past20:07
devanandathat said, the ilo driver *does* build images and upload to swift20:07
NobodyCamand we are getting in to the config drive biz too20:08
devanandaright - but taht's metadata20:08
devanandafor config drive, we will accept a reference to a gzip'd ISO, pull from swift, write to disk -- that's well within what Ironic alraedy did20:08
devanandathe difference for iLO is that it creatse a vfat image on the fly, holding potentially sensitive information, saves to swift with a short TTL, and then attaches that to the node20:09
devanandait's the only case yet AFAIK where Ironic is /building/ the image (rather than consuming it)20:09
devanandaso I guess my question is, in the spec you're referencing, what is the function of the ISO being created?20:09
NobodyCamits apears to be a deployment iso ... grabbing link20:10
NobodyCami ask because at first read I am opposed to ironic doing such things, but I also don't want to be the "stick in the mud" that stands agenst the tide of opinion20:14
* NobodyCam thinks he could have gotten a few more medifors in that last statment20:15
* devananda wants to eat medifors now20:21
devanandaI'm drafting the midcycle announcement email ...20:22
devanandajroll, JayF: IIRC ya'll said ya'll couldn't make it to EU, but had some ideas on improving remote participation20:22
NishaNobodyCam: devananda hi. Yes thats the spec i raised for just automating boot iso which is required for iscsi-ilo driver and is already done fo rbios mode20:23
devanandaNisha: is there a difference between bios and uefi mode, with regard to the ISO or vfat image created?20:24
Nishadevananda: the current ISO creation is just using syslinux which is not capable of uefi booting. For UEFI , we need to use EFI bootloader20:25
NishaIn juno we tried to do this using ELILO20:26
NobodyCamNisha: ahh I think I missed the context that this was improving what we already do with bios mode ilo deploys20:26
Nishadevananda: but it didnt pass the tests, hence backed out the code at the last moment20:26
Nishadevananda: yes20:26
NishaNobodyCam: devananda i am aware that in Juno we were against auto creating deploy ISOs. Since the same piece of code can be used to even create deploy isos for iscsi-ilo driver, is it worth to extend that support for deploy iso?20:29
jrolldevananda: we said we likely cannot make it, there's a small chance, and JayF is happy to help with remote participation20:30
devanandaNisha: I don't follow - the deploy ISO contains significantly more than just the bootloader20:31
devanandaNisha: it also contains, for example, ironic-python-agent20:31
devanandajroll: I like it when I remember things20:31
jrollpersistent memory is nice to have :)20:32
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Nishadevananda: Yes it contains the ramdisk and kernel along with boot loader20:32
kfox1111question. The documentation says to create a net, but it doesn't say to create a subnet. Where do the ip's come from?20:32
devanandajroll: I'm assuming "help with remote participation" extends to non-rackers who might not be able to attend as well20:32
devanandakfox1111: neutron20:32
kfox1111a subnet is not mentioned in the docs. Are they incorrect, and you do need to add a subnet?20:33
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devanandaNisha: so that is the part that strikes me as an unnecessary scope expansion20:33
mrdamorning Ironic20:33
Nishadevananda: i havent explored for automating deploy iso in ironic, but if kernel and ramdisk are inputted to the function it ca create the deploy iso20:33
devanandaNisha: "can" != "should"20:34
jrolldevananda: yes, ofc20:34
jrollmorning mrda )20:34
jroll:) even20:34
devanandaNisha: is that deploy ISO going to be unique to the node? unique to the instance? or common across many nodes and instances?20:34
devanandag'morning, mrda!20:34
Nishait will unique to the node as we do for boot iso today, because then it will be created on the fly20:35
devanandaNisha: why is it unique to the node?20:35
devanandathat's what I don't understand20:35
devanandadeploy images are common artefacts - they should work on any similar hardware, not just on a specific node. Unless I'm misunderstanding something about UEFI?20:36
jrollwhat is special about UEFI where it must be unique to the node?20:36
Nishathe same iso can be used for deploying many nodes if it is available in swift forever, but in boot iso we tend to delete the iso as the node is deactivated20:37
jrollI'm looking at "problem description" here and I don't understand the problem
jrollwhy do we need to put the deploy ISO in swift?20:37
devananda20:37:07 < Nisha> the same iso can be used for deploying many nodes if it is available   <<<< then it should be stored in Glance20:37
Nishajroll: the boot iso is specific for the deploy image20:37
jrollwhy does ironic need to generate it?20:37
jrollthe boot iso, yes20:37
jrollok, which is what the spec is for20:38
Nishadevananda: yes...thats why i just asked if it is worth to extend the support for deploy iso20:38
jrollwhy are we talking about deploy ISOs?20:38
jrolloh, no20:38
Nishai havent proposed it yet20:38
jrollok :)20:38
* jroll will read better next time20:38
devanandaNisha: ah! now I understand your question :)20:38
Nishadevananda: thanks20:38
Nishadevananda: since today i am able to catch you (my night time) , request your review for also (node-properties discovery)20:39
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devanandaNisha: ack. reading ..20:40
devanandaNisha: have you been following the state machine change proposal?20:41
Nishadevananda: yes20:41
Nishadiscovery states are still in discussion20:41
Nishai have based my spec on that spec as of now20:42
Nishajroll: two days back i asked for agent_ilo driver to be supported for uefi....Jayf and you suggested taht the current mechanism for agent_ilo should work even for uefi boot if image is hybrid one and you provided me the link to one such image too20:42
Nishajroll: but the deploy iso created for this doesnt work for uefi :(20:43
Nishadeploy iso is created using ironic-python-agent20:43
jrollNisha: that image was an example of an image with GPT, I don't know if it works with UEFI20:44
Nishafor agent-ilo driver20:44
jrollthat image was just to show that IPA can deploy whole-disk images with GPT20:44
Nisha  jroll thats correct , but the deploy iso itself is not working20:44
jrollwhich deploy iso? did you build it yourself or?20:45
Nishaimage is booted in second boot...the deploy iso should also be uefi capable20:45
jrollI've never used that, I forget who wrote that code20:45
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jrollyeah, no idea if that deploy iso supports uefi20:45
Nishajroll , the Configuring and Enabling the driver section of the agent_ilo20:46
Nishameans IPA needs to be enhanced for supporting uefi20:47
jrollNisha: yes, I know this exists20:47
Nishaatleast the scripts which are used to create the deploy iso20:47
jrollcan you please put up a patch to fix it?20:47
jrollI don't know enough about uefi or building ISOs to quickly fix it20:48
jrollor at least file a bug that someone (ramesh?) can be pointed at20:48
Nishajroll: I was planning to propose the spec for enabling agent_ilo for uefi20:48
Nishacan it be taken care under that?20:48
jrolloh, is there other work to be done for that?20:49
jrollthen yes, let's do it under that spec20:49
jrollidk if we need a spec for that work, but I guess it doesn't hurt20:49
Nishajroll: yes, the boot modes need to switch as suggested in the flavor by the user20:49
Nishaok. I will propose one20:49
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Nishadevananda: i have a query for nova specs (specs required for pushing flavor keys to ironic), whom shall i contact there???20:51
Nishadevananda: reference
devanandaNisha: comments posted20:51
Nishadevananda: thanks. WIll just read and respond20:51
Nishadevananda: i even posted this one to enhance ComputeCapability filter to parse mulitple values for a key20:52
devanandaNisha: does that require a change in Nova outside of the "nova.virt.ironic.*" tree?20:53
NishaThe first one is in this tree only20:53
Nishathe second one is in filters20:54
NishaThe ComputeCapabilities filter will be in nova/scheduler/filters/compute_capabilities_filter.py20:55
NishaThe other one will be in nova/virt/ironic/patcher.py20:55
devanandaNisha: you should raise it in the Nova IRC channel and/or weekly meeting. they follow a similar blueprint / spec process to Ironic, but have a *lot* more contributors and the review team is under a lot more strain ...20:55
devanandaNisha: I suspect changes purely inside of nova.virt.ironic.* will be much easier to get sign-off on, and please add me to the review list20:56
devanandaa change in nova/scheduler/filters/* is going to take more agreement, since it will affect all users of nova20:56
Nishahmmmm, ok for ComputeCapabilities i wanted your/core team opinion here since it is related to hardware capabilities20:56
NishaIt is just an enhancement to what that filter do today20:57
devanandaNisha: do you know how to add a reviewer to a review?20:57
Nishadevananda: no, i havent done so far20:57
devanandaok - for example, on , under the section titled "Reviewer" there is a text entry field20:57
devanandathis uses autocomplete to search for gerrit users20:58
devanandamy id is "devananda"20:58
Nishadevananda: done20:58
devanandaplease add me to nova spec reviews that affect Ironic, like these two -- I would like to review them, but probably won't notice them unless someone adds me (or pings me on IRC like this :) )20:59
Nishadevananda: :) ok i will add you in another also20:59
devanandaNisha: I do not see it yet. did you click the "Add Reviewer" button?20:59
NishaYes i added you in both21:00
devanandaahh - see it now. thanks!21:01
Nishafor hardware capabilities how do we want to go about? there are two possible approaches:21:01
Nisha1. have a capability which can have one or more values, like Supported_Boot_Modes=['uefi','bios']21:02
Nishaif we do this, it requires changes in ComputeCapability Filter to support multiple values for a key21:03
Nishawhich i have proposed above.21:03
Nisha2. Have boolean values per capability21:03
Nishaexample, uefi_mode=True, bios_mode=True21:03
NishaThis approach doesnt require any changes in ComputeCapabilities Filter21:04
Nishabut it means we need to identify all possible values for a capability21:04
Nishawhich may vary hardware to hardware21:04
Nishawhat shall be ironic recommendation21:05
NobodyCami'd pick #1 if it where up to /me21:06
jrollI think we need to discuss this in the capabilities spec21:07
jrollbefore we push specs into nova21:07
NobodyCamjroll: +21:07
Nishajroll: yes21:07
jrollso uh21:07
jrollsomeone should write that spec21:07
* jroll runs away21:07
kfox1111Is there an example of a ironic node-create with pxe_ipmitool somewhere?21:07
Nishabut since nova specs take time to get approval, so just suggested an alternative21:07
Nishajroll: already proposed to Nova for ComputeCapabilities Filter21:08
NobodyCamkfox1111: see last step of
jrollNisha: I know, I don't want to discuss the same thing in two different specs21:08
kfox1111nobodycam: ah, there we go. I missed that part. Thanks.21:09
Nishajroll: wan-yen already gave comments in
Nishawhich is in ironic21:09
Nishashe suggested the workaround of boolean values21:10
jrollNisha: I see that21:10
jrollothers should comment too21:10
jrolland we shold finish the spec21:10
Nishajroll: :)21:10
jrollbut I don't want to discuss this in two places21:10
jrollthat's silly21:10
Nishawe also prefer the first approach21:10
jrollwe should WIP the nova specs until we land the ironic specs IMO21:10
* NobodyCam floods jroll with pm's ..hhehehe21:11
Nishabut if spec is not approved under Nova, then we have to use workaround for capabilities21:11
Nishajroll: thats a generic change applicable to all who wants to use list as a value to a capability21:12
jrollwe need to do one or the other first21:12
jrollI don't care which21:12
kfox1111Is there a place to download some test images rather then having to build them all myself?21:12
kfox1111like deploy and cirros or something?21:13
Nishajroll I just wanted to ask because  i tend to discover properties along with node-properties discovery (whatever can be done via discovery)21:13
Nishajroll: so wanted to know the approach which will be acceptable here ;)21:14
Nishathe above stmt is for driver part21:14
Nishanot for generic one21:14
jrollNisha: right, ok21:14
NobodyCamkfox1111: I'm sure there are. I just don't have a link handy to offer21:15
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kfox1111k. thanks.21:15
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kfox1111I guess we will race for it... started the image build. I'll see if  Ican find a prebuilt one in less time. :)21:17
devanandaNisha: some comments posted on 13353421:18
NobodyCam:) kfox1111 if you do find them lets us know ware :)21:18
Nishadevananda: ok. just reading through your comments on discovery spec21:18
Nishadevananda: thanks.21:18
Nishadevananda: one query i had on one comment21:19
devanandajroll, Nisha: +1 to WIP the Nova specs until we have concensus on the approach Ironic wants to take21:19
kfox1111hah. building it from scratch was quicker. :) impressive. :)21:20
devanandaoh, food. I should eat21:20
NobodyCamfood, mmmmm, bbiab21:20
Nishawith ilo drivers i tend to discover mandatory properties + hardware capabilities. So is it fine to do so. anyway the ilo driver spec is already dependent on the generic spec. I have proposed the capability part in that21:20
kfox1111but, fail getting the kernel. modprobe: FATAL: Module nbd not found. :/21:22
NobodyCammodprob nbd21:23
kfox1111thats the problem. no module.21:23
Nishajroll: devananda thanks for the imputs...and reviews21:23
NobodyCamkfox1111: ubuntu?21:24
Nishawill now go for sleep...very-very late here now...will take atleast 2 hrs sleep before going to office :)21:24
jrollno problem Nisha21:25
NobodyCamI think the package is nbd-server ... but am not 100% on that21:27
kfox1111i installed nbd package. it has server and client in it. but no kernel module.21:28
kfox1111I'm wondering if they build it into the kernel.21:28
NobodyCamhumm maybe libguestfs according to
kfox1111not obvious how I get the script to work with it...21:33
kfox1111all I need to do is pull the kernel/initrd out right?21:33
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NobodyCamkfox1111: ya21:38
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* NobodyCam heads back to the food... bbiab21:39
kfox1111a little sketchy, but this worked: guestfish -a /tmp/my-image.qcow2 run : mount /dev/sda / : download /boot/vmlinuz-3.13.0-39-generic vmlinuz : download /boot/initrd.img-3.13.0-39-generic initrd21:39
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openstackgerritRuby Loo proposed openstack/ironic: Update 'Introduction to Ironic' document
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kfox1111I'm a little confused. with ironic node-create, what does the pxe_root_gb do? why isnt it the same as local_gb?21:54
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jrollwho wants a super easy review? :)
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openstackgerritNisha Agarwal proposed openstack/ironic-specs: Discover node properties using new CLI node-discover-properties
anderbubbleI am a university HPC engineer, and would like to use Ironic to provision our next hpc cluster. What is the best way to get started / prepared for actually contributing back to the documentation or code, as we start using it?22:22
openstackgerritNisha Agarwal proposed openstack/ironic-specs: Discover node properties using new CLI node-discover-properties
jrollanderbubble: start with our docs :)
jrollyou'll want to read "introduction to ironic"22:23
jrolland then probably either "deploying ironic with devstack" or "bare metal service installation guide"22:23
openstackgerritMerged openstack/ironic-python-agent: Support configdrive from HTTP(S)
anderbubbleI’ve already started reading docs, and am working on installing Ironic on my OpenStack test nodes. I think I was looking for :)22:26
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jrolloh, perfect :)22:27
jrollyes, that's what you want for contributing patches22:27
jrollsorry, I misread22:27
* NobodyCam is back22:28
NobodyCamanderbubble: awesome-ness :)22:28
anderbubbleI went to an OpenStack meetup this week that touched on Ironic, and there was a bit of trepidation about the usability of Ironic at this point. (Also some in the vids from the summit.) I just wanted to make sure I was prepared to actually help make things better, if it didn’t work for us out-of-the-gate.22:29
NobodyCamjroll: have you looked at a the job that failed?22:29
anderbubbleSpeaking of which: do I actually *have* to have IPMI to run Ironic, or can I mess around with it on some desktops first? (I’ve got 4-5 real servers to test; but our dc manager hasn’t provisioned them for me yet.)22:29
jrollNobodyCam: gah, tripleo22:30
jrollNobodyCam: 2014-11-20 16:32:32.574 | No distributions at all found for PrettyTable>=0.7,<0.8 (from python-cinderclient)22:30
jrollseems unrelated :P22:30
NobodyCamjroll: lol22:30
NobodyCamanderbubble: we have folks using ironic in production right now22:30
anderbubbleNobodyCam, Oh, I know; but it sounded like there’s been at least some dev-level work, at least in the installations I’ve seen. Not saying it doesn’t work: just that it might take some work, too.22:31
anderbubbleIf I can get OpenStack in here, maybe I can eventually get OCP in here, too. Then my evil plan will be complete! ;)22:32
NobodyCamanderbubble: we have the pxe_ssh driver for testing envs22:32
jrollocp ftw :D22:33
NobodyCamjroll: robocop ref?22:33
jrollocp is opencompute22:33
anderbubbleNobodyCam, what does the pxe_ssh driver do differently from the default (and which is the default?)22:34
jrollanderbubble: it uses the ssh power driver22:35
anderbubbleso it runs ipmitool in the tenant environment over ssh?22:35
jrollwhich uses ssh and cli commands (virsh, VBoxManage, etc) to manage VMs that simulate bare metal machines22:35
NobodyCamanderbubble: our refference driver is the pxe_ipmitool driver, the pxe_ssh driver is use to control Vbox,Vmware, and vish vms over ssh22:35
NobodyCamanderbubble: it uses ssh and cli commands22:36
NobodyCamas jroll said :-p22:36
anderbubbleOh, I see. I have a pile of desktops and was wanting to test Ironic on them with *real* baremetal provisioning. They do PXE, but not IPMI, and I didn’t know if I could actually do a (non-production) Ironic deployment on them, or if I’d have to wait for the rackmounts to see it for real.22:37
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jrollthere's like... a log power driver22:38
jrollwhich logs a message for the operator to go push a button22:38
jrollI don't think it's in tree but it's somewhere22:38
anderbubbleNice. I’m more concerned with the polling loop that tries to ascertain the *state* of the power.22:38
jrollyeah, the log driver would make that a no-op afaik22:39
NobodyCamjroll: +2 & +a'd22:39
* jroll is landing all the things this week22:39
NobodyCamjroll: we have a meat-space driver too22:39
jrolloh, did it change names? :P22:40
NobodyCamthou I don't know where it is in use22:40
anderbubbleneed url! :)22:40
jrollanderbubble: if you want to buy some NUCs, there's a lego power driver for those :D22:40
jrolllego mindstorm, that is22:40
jroll^ lego driver in action22:41
devanandajroll: there's also an AMT driver proposed to Ironic now22:42
PaulCzarhas anyone done a nova driver for ironic ?  so that you can boot instances in a different cloud using ironic22:42
devanandaanderbubble: if those desktops support AMT / vPro, I would suggest trying out the proposed AMT power driver22:42
PaulCzaruseful for testing purposes22:43
devanandaPaulCzar: erm? that's something we did, like, a while back. It's been in Nova22:43
devanandaPaulCzar: or do you mean a driver within Ironic that talks to the-nova-over-there ?22:43
jrollsounds like the latter22:43
PaulCzarthat second thing22:43
jrollthat's interesting22:43
devanandaoh. nope22:43
PaulCzarinstead of virsh or vbox22:44
jrollI feel like someone was talking about that a while back22:44
devanandaPaulCzar: look up quitupleO22:44
PaulCzarfor the agent_ssh22:44
devanandaI've pushed very very strongly against that22:44
PaulCzarI have enough opinions out OOO to not want to suffer through reading about OOOO22:44
jrollwhere does it end22:44
jrollif you really wnt to cry, PaulCzar:
anderbubbledevananda, This is the first I’ve heard of AMT or vPro, so I don’t know. They’re Dell OptiPlexes. Might be that they require a discrete card, but I really have no idea.22:45
jrollI'm just now reading it for the first time22:45
PaulCzaron docker in vagrant on ec222:45
anderbubbleLooks like the PXEAndSSHDriver would do me good, though.22:45
jrolllifeless: do you know where we can find the meatspace driver?22:45
jrollslash log driver?22:45
devanandaanderbubble: the SSH class of drivers will SSH to a host and run virsh/vbox/vmware commands on it -- works for testing with a local hypervisor that emulates baremetal22:46
NobodyCamjroll: there was this awhile back
anderbubbleOh, right. grumble*grumble22:46
jrollNobodyCam: aha, that's it22:46
jrollanderbubble: you should check that thing out22:46
* NobodyCam it never landed22:47
devanandaanderbubble: quick googling reveals this:
anderbubbledevanada, I’ll look into it. Thanks.22:47
jrollNobodyCam: wait, lol, that doesn't even log22:47
devanandaif the desktops you're tinkering with support that, then check out
jrollisn't that the whole point?22:47
anderbubbledevanada, will do. Thanks.22:48
NobodyCamjroll: humm maybe thats why it never landed lol22:50
devanandaadam_g: -- thoughts?22:50
devanandaadam_g: looking at the history there, I think we should (have) approve(d) it (back in october)22:52
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adam_gdevananda, digging for context, sec22:53
adam_gdevananda, yeah--i think if that branch were active, people would have had trouble merging things back then. i dont see any harm in merging it now to keep synced22:58
NobodyCamdevananda: do you know if testtools 1.4.0 is ok? I asked a while back but never followed up on getting the answer22:58
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devanandaadam_g: +A'd23:02
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adam_gso i'm playing with this multinode devstack stuff that people are working on, trying to figure out how we might be able to expand our devstack infra to include a second conductor and more VM capacity23:04
adam_gwe could potentially test hash ring stuff at some point23:04
devanandaI didn't realize the multinode-devstack stuff would be possible in infra23:04
devananda*in the gate23:04
adam_gdevananda, me either, but now it is :)23:05
adam_gclarkb and jogo have it going with a nova-network multi_host setup via some gre overlay networks, wondering how we might adapt it to fit the ironic setup23:06
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kfox1111hmm..... I think I'm close here. nova's failing to schedule due to "ComputeCapabilitiesFilter returned 0 hosts"23:19
kfox1111any idea?23:19
NobodyCamkfox1111: node and flavor spec's need to match23:19
kfox1111node properties {u'memory_mb': u'65536', u'cpu_arch': u'x86_64', u'local_gb': u'1000', |23:20
kfox1111|                        | u'cpus': u'32'}23:20
kfox1111| ccf808c4-b5ed-4ebb-9076-6285679d8eeb | my-baremetal-flavor | 62000     | 900  | 0         |      | 32    | 1.0         | True      |23:20
jrollare you using ExactRamFilter?23:20
jrollbecause those don't match RAM size23:20
jrollsame for ExactDiskFilter23:20
NobodyCamkfox1111: see
kfox1111in the baremetal_scheduler_default_filters?23:21
devanandasirushti: ping23:22
kfox1111I just changed memory back to 65536, and filter RamFilter returned 0 hosts23:23
kfox1111hmm.. let me double check the nova config vs the doc.23:24
NobodyCambbiafm.. need fresh air (smoke)23:25
devanandakfox1111: check output of "nova hypervisor-list" and "nova hypervisor-show ###"23:25
devanandakfox1111: make sure the stats reported match what Ironic shows for the, and both should match the flavor23:25
* devananda thinks we should add a section to the docs showing how to troubleshoot this, and explaining what "nova hypervisor-show" means with Ironic23:26
kfox1111the configs match.23:26
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kfox1111cores 32, free_disk_gb 877, free_ram_mb 63736.... is that part of it? memory_mb 64248 memory_mb_used 51223:27
devanandaused 512 -- that's odd23:27
kfox1111vcpus 32 vcpus_used 023:28
kfox1111hypervisor_type QEMU?23:28
devanandaso a flavor requiring 900 gb of disk is not going to match a host with 87723:29
devanandaalso, why is it showing ANY memory_mb_used at all?23:29
devanandaI suspect a misconfiguration somewhere, but need more info23:29
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devanandawhen no instance is deployed to the node, it should report no resources used at all23:30
devanandacnoversely, when an instance IS deployed, it should report ALL resources used23:30
kfox1111yeah. and where did that qemu thing come from?23:32
devanandawhat qemu thing?23:33
devanandakfox1111: hm. someone was in here yesterday asking the same thing. turned out to be an auth problem -- nova couldn't connect to the Ironic service with the credentials it was given23:34
kfox1111hmm... I'll take a look at that.23:34
kfox1111here's my nova conf by the way:
kfox1111good call. there is a missing admin_tenant_name in [ironic]23:36
devanandalook at the nova-compute log file -- it should indicate the failure23:37
* NobodyCam is back23:37
kfox1111yup. still failed...23:38
devanandakfox1111: what's the log say?23:39
kfox1111its failing authentication when I try and boot an instance. its fine before that.23:40
kfox1111[-] Error during ClusteredComputeManager.update_available_resource: The request you have made requires authentication. (HTTP 401)23:40
kfox1111let me double check that config...23:40
devanandavdrok: how will non-glance image support interact with things like wherein we need a property from the glance image?23:40
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NobodyCamoh good question devananda :)23:41
devanandakfox1111: try using ironic_host_manager23:41
kfox1111there we go. tenant was stil wrong. now its over to ironic.23:41
devanandanm then :)23:42
kfox1111PortNotFree: No free port available for instance.23:42
NobodyCamkfox1111: did you add a port to your ironic node?23:42
kfox1111didn't see instructions telling me to do that. :)23:42
devanandaironic list-ports <NODE UUID>23:42
devanandayou need to inform Ironic of the MAC address(es) of the servers it's managing23:42
devanandaso that it can pass the right info to neutron to set up the networking23:43
kfox1111ah. that makes sense.23:43
* devananda wonders why that's not in our docs23:43
kfox1111hmm.. yeah. its not in the node-show. ok. lets see...23:43
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kfox1111nice. ok. next up tftp config bits.... just a min.23:46
NobodyCamkfox1111: about half way down this page See: Here is an example walkthrough of creating a node section23:46
kfox1111ok. thanks.23:48
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kfox1111sed -i 's/\(disable[ \t]*=[ \t]\).*/\1no/' /etc/xinetd.d/tftp23:52
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NobodyCamenabling tftp thru xinetd23:55
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kfox1111its listening... but not responding... iptables is ok....23:56
NobodyCamanything in syslog do you see the requests comming in?23:57
kfox1111hmm... no.23:58

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