Monday, 2015-01-19

openstackgerritNaohiro Tamura proposed openstack/ironic: Remove IloPXEDeploy.validate()
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naohirotGM ironic!00:38
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kylestevhey mrda :)01:09
mrdahey kylestev01:13
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openstackgerritNaohiro Tamura proposed openstack/ironic-specs: Replace requests lib to python-scciclient lib
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openstackgerritNaohiro Tamura proposed openstack/ironic-specs: iRMC Management Driver for Ironic
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dtantsurMorning Ironic08:40
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openstackgerritFrederic Lepied proposed stackforge/ironic-discoverd: Add eDeploy plugin
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ifarkaslucasagomes, hey, could you please review my 2 drac patches whenever you will have time for them? and
lucasagomesifarkas, hey, sure will do!10:32
ifarkaslucasagomes, thanks!10:32
openstackgerritFrederic Lepied proposed stackforge/ironic-discoverd: Add eDeploy plugin
openstackgerritFrederic Lepied proposed stackforge/ironic-discoverd: Add eDeploy plugin
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/ironic: DracClient to handle ClientOptions creation
gilliardHello Ironic. I backported the patches which fix the rebuild-with-different-images bugs. Never done any backporting before so I hope I did it correctly; and
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openstackgerritNaohiro Tamura proposed openstack/ironic: Remove IloPXEDeploy.validate()
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naohirotdtantsur: Hi, thank you for the review,
dtantsurhi, you're welcome12:50
naohirotdtantsur: can I ask a question about stackforge?12:50
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naohirotdtantsur: I was think to check in scciclient code into plain GitHub, and I'm in the process of company's procedure.12:51
naohirotdtantsur: Is it better to use StackForge instead of plain GitHub?12:52
dtantsurnaohirot, that will also work. stackforge is just a nice place to take advantage of the openstack infrastructure.12:52
openstackgerritFrederic Lepied proposed stackforge/ironic-discoverd: Add eDeploy plugin
naohirotdtantsur: If I choose stackforge, how do I check in the scci code? I mean how do I review?12:54
dtantsurnaohirot, you'll be using Gerrit. please refer to for details12:54
naohirotdtantsur: I know you are working on
dtantsurnaohirot, correct12:55
naohirotdtantsur: Is it reviewed by readhat engineers?12:55
naohirotdtantsur: If I chose stackforge, who reviews sccicode?12:56
dtantsurnaohirot, currently the core team consists of Red Hat engineers (which I hope to change). But you can treat it as any other upstream project.12:56
dtantsurnaohirot, you :) and people you add to the core team12:56
dtantsurnaohirot, only initial review (when checking in code the first time) is done by infra, and they don't review code, they just check that you're project is appropriate12:57
naohirotdtantsur: currently I'm only engineer who is working in scci client in my company.12:58
dtantsurnaohirot, btw I don't _insist_ on using stackforge, that was just an idea12:58
dtantsuryou can do well with github only (though you won't get gerrit, jenkins jobs etc)12:58
naohirotdtantsur: Yes, of course, I know that. I just would like to know the actual process.12:59
naohirotdtantsur: If there were no reviewer of scci, could I check in the code change into github?13:01
openstackgerritJulien Danjou proposed openstack/ironic: Remove lockfile from dependencies
openstackgerritJulien Danjou proposed openstack/ironic: Remove jsonutils from openstack.common
dtantsurnaohirot, not sure what you mean. if you don't use stackforge, you just check in code to github as usual13:02
naohirotdtantsur: Maybe I just don't know some very basic thing, that's would be the reason of strange question :)13:03
dtantsurnaohirot, unfortunately I can no longer find good docs on StackForge, so you might be better off just publishing it on github and calling it a day :)13:04
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naohirotdtantsur: In case of official openstack like Ironic, core reviewer has to endorse the code before checking in.13:05
naohirotdtantsur: In case of stackforge, who endorse the code?13:05
dtantsurnaohirot, also cores, e.g. we have a group called ironic-discoverd-core which consists of me and a couple more guys. if you go with stackforge, you'll have your own team (maybe only consisting of you) to approve stuff13:06
naohirotdtantsur: Okay, in case of ironic-discoverd13:08
naohirot, the team consists of redhat engineers right now.13:08
dtantsur(just because nobody else wants to do discoverd reviews)13:08
openstackgerritYuriy Zveryanskyy proposed openstack/ironic-specs: Add a new driver for Fuel Agent
naohirotdtantsur: In case of scci, I'm only engineer who works on scci. Is it possible to be a team which member is only me from stackforge's point of view?13:10
dtantsurnaohirot, yes. initially it's always only one person, then you may add more people, if you feel like13:10
openstackgerritTan Lin proposed openstack/ironic-specs: Bare Metal Trust Using Intel TXT
naohirotdtantsur: I see, now I got it. thanks. and there is another question regarding __init__ check.13:11
naohirotdtantsur: do you mean __init__ check like this?
dtantsurnaohirot, exactly13:12
naohirotOkay, I got it. I'll update the spec. thanks for sparing your time. :)13:13
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openstackgerritNaohiro Tamura proposed openstack/ironic-specs: Replace requests lib to python-scciclient lib
openstackgerritJohn Trowbridge proposed stackforge/ironic-discoverd: Allows passing of config file via --config-file option.
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naohirotgood night ironic!14:08
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openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed stackforge/ironic-discoverd: Update README for 1.0.0 release
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openstackgerritMerged stackforge/ironic-discoverd: Allows passing of config file via --config-file option.
clif_hmorning ironic14:33
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dtantsurclif_h, morning14:36
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clif_hdtantsur: morning!14:48
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jrollgilliard: you'll want to ping devananda and adam_g about backport things15:23
jrollmorning everybody :)15:23
gilliardHi jroll :)15:23
dtantsurjroll, gilliard, morning15:24
jrolldid y'all see dlaube's post?
lucasagomesjroll, morning15:28
* lucasagomes reads it15:28
jrollheya lucasagomes :)15:28
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openstackgerritsteverweber proposed stackforge/pyghmi: x# This is a combination of 2 commits.
lucasagomesif someone has a time to review this patch in the client by jiangfei|3
lucasagomesit would be good to get it merged soon15:39
rloohi everyone15:42
rloolucasagomes: I'll take a look at that patch in a few minutes15:42
openstackgerritsteverweber proposed stackforge/pyghmi: add more commands
lucasagomesrloo, good morning! Thanks no hurry15:43
* rloo sad about dlaube's experience with OpenStack15:45
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openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed stackforge/ironic-discoverd: Update README for 1.0.0 release
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dtantsurlucasagomes, would be awesome if both you and Imre reviewed ^^^ as it's going to be discoverd documentation :)15:51
lucasagomesdtantsur, cool, will do15:51
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lucasagomesdevananda, hi there, ping re release ironicclient15:54
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openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed stackforge/ironic-discoverd: Update README for 1.0.0 release
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openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed stackforge/ironic-discoverd: Update README for 1.0.0 release
openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-ironicclient: ironicclient handle faultstring when using SessionClient
openstackgerritMerged openstack/ironic: iboot power driver: unbound variable error
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devanandalucasagomes: pong17:11
lucasagomesdevananda, hi there... Mind doing another release of the client?17:13
lucasagomeswe got all the queue merged17:13
lucasagomesthere's a couple of bug fixed since the last release17:13
lucasagomes(4 or 5, will check)17:13
lucasagomesimportant ones, like the last one fixing the client to show the error messages17:13
lucasagomesand adding support for updating the node with non-string fields (since it now the api supports json types)17:14
lucasagomesdevananda, ta much17:14
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lucasagomesyeah 4 bugs fixed (bug/1402840, bug/1403046, bug/1403491 and bug/1402893)17:16
devanandayup, got it from the git log17:16
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devanandalucasagomes: looks like another minor point release, ie 0.3.317:17
lucasagomesoh yeah, +1 minor17:17
dtantsurmorning devananda17:17
devanandadtantsur: g'morning17:17
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dtantsurand g'night to everyone :)17:17
trowngood night dtantsur17:18
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lucasagomesdtantsur|afk, night17:19
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devanandalucasagomes: tag pushed17:20
lucasagomesdevananda, w00t, thanks17:21
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devanandaadam_g: any thoughts on how we might test the migration from NOSTATE -> AVAILABLE ?17:23
jrolldevananda: ensure resources available, upgrade, ensure resources still available?17:24
jrollprobably nova boot/delete on both sides of that17:24
jrollmake sure the instance deletes when it sees it's available17:24
devanandajroll: so, grenade will do the deploy/delete pre- and post-migrate17:26
devanandajroll: i'm not sure what you mean by "delete when it sees it's available"17:27
jrollnova removes the instance when it sees the node go to NOSTATE yes?17:27
devanandaah. during deletion. yes17:27
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devanandado we test with a changed nova.virt.ironic driver? or do we test compatibility with the current driver?17:27
devanandaI'd love to test both17:28
jrollI think we decided nova needs to upgrade first17:28
devanandaI think our existing tests will continue to get the "tip + tip" testing17:28
devanandajroll: did we?17:29
jrollotherwise the api has to return NOSTATE until when?17:29
jrolllike, when do we change ironic-api to return AVAILABLE17:29
jrollthe nova driver has to be upgraded by then17:29
jrolland I don't think it's valuable to deprecate that over an entire cycle17:29
devanandamost users are still going from distro releases17:30
devanandaeven if the larger deployments are closer to trunk17:30
devanandawe shouldn't completely break juno-nova + kilo-ironic17:31
JayFWe support integration with different versioned components?17:31
devanandabecause someone's going to be in that state during an upgrade17:32
jrollcan't they upgrade to kilo-nova before ironic?17:32
JayFSo by that logic, it'll be L before we can start using the new provision states, right?17:32
devanandawe aspire to17:32
devanandajroll: if kilo-nova can understand old states and new states -- then yes17:33
devanandawe just say "upgrade nova first"17:33
jrollit should17:33
jrollthat's what we talked about doing a long time ago17:33
devanandagreat. then holidays and other things happened :)17:33
devanandathanks for reminding me17:33
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devanandaso we should plan to start testing tip-nova + juno-ironic17:34
devanandaI don't even know if that works today (though I dont see why it wouldn't)17:34
devanandaadam_g: ^17:34
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lucasagomesok folks I will call it a day17:55
lucasagomeshave a good night everyone!17:55
* lucasagomes still jetlagged from the trip back home17:56
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Nishadevananda, related to we plan to introduce states MANAGEABLE and AVAILABLE in kilo?18:33
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adam_gdevananda, yeah, thats in the works18:40
adam_gdevananda, oh wait, misread.18:41
adam_gdevananda, i think we'd be able to put together a compat job that tests tip of everything /w ironic N-118:44
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adam_gdevananda, as for testing the state transitions, im not sure. the current tempest test tests the expected state changes according to the current state diagram, but we may want to consider removing that otherwise we'll have a hard time modifying the state machine, b/c right now its tested as part of the API18:49
adam_goh actually, currently that compat job would be made impossible by requirement conflicts18:49
devanandaadam_g: impossible?18:51
adam_gwell, as it is now, devstack installs everything system wide18:51
adam_gso any version constraints applied to stable/juno's requirements.txt that conflict with master's end up in things hitting version conflicts in one place or another18:52
adam_gmade up example: juno eventlet <=0.15, master's eventlet >=0.1618:52
adam_gthis is becoming a growing problem tho and may change soon18:53
devanandaNisha: I'm working on AVAILABLE right now. I believe we need to get MANAGEABLE into kilo as well, at a minimum, because that enables both ZAP and INSPECT, which is where a lot of work has been put by several teams18:56
devanandaadam_g: I see. so no projects have testing for partial upgrades at this point18:57
Nishadevananda, i proposed following code review for introspection....states related only
Nishadevananda, for AVAILABLE i am aware it requires changes in the nova ironic virt driver too18:59
devanandaNisha: AVAILABLE will also require changes in many parts of Ironic. I don't have a patch up for it yet, though19:00
Nishadevananda, yes...i am aware...for introspection to work i took the minimum change required which i proposed19:01
adam_gdevananda, actually come to think of it, there *is* a n-cpu partial upgrade test that does an upgrade of everythign except n-cpu. lemme find out how its done there19:02
Nishadevananda, required attention on following spec reviews and from core reviewers19:02
devanandaNisha: please continue working on that -- I think we can do it in parallel to the work on AVAILABLE that I'm doing19:02
Nishadevananda, ok.19:02
Nishadevananda, ^^^^19:03
devanandaNisha: it may end up needing a rebase or two, but I think discovery is fairly separate, aside from the s/NOSTATE/AVAILABLE/ change19:03
Nishadevananda, correct19:03
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devanandaNisha: are those two specs related to INSPECT state?19:05
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Nishadevananda, No. Sorry but this is off-topic here....19:06
Nishathese are uefi related changes19:06
Nishabut specs are still pending...19:06
devanandaNisha: for - is there a reason that this image can not be shared across many nodes?19:08
Nishait can be shared but as of now one has to create it manually and upload and update the glance image to be deployed with the property "boot_iso" which contains boot_iso uuid19:09
Nishawith this change this manual step is avoided19:10
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Nishasince boot_iso need to be of the same kernel and ramdisk which belongs to that OS (which is being deployed), it is better to automate it19:11
NishaIn juno we faced some issues , hence backed out the changes at the last minute for automation part19:11
Nishadevananda, needed reviews on (ilo spec for introspection) +2 from Dmitry...awaiting others reviews19:16
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openstackgerritNisha Agarwal proposed openstack/ironic-specs: Discover node properties for iLO drivers
devanandaNisha: is the problem with merely that the driver doesn't switch the boot mode, or is it more than that?19:27
Nishadevananda, it is that only19:28
devanandaNisha: could you clarify "The iso creation script in the IPA needs to be enhanced for UEFI mode." ?19:28
Nishathe deploy iso and the image needs to be uefi capable19:28
devanandaNisha: sure. but how is that related to the driver?19:29
devanandaafaik, today the driver isn't creating either of those images -- just pulling from glance19:29
devanandaNisha: oh. are you saying that IPA's image building tools don't create UEFI-capable images?19:30
Nishadevananda, there is a script hosted in ironic-python-agent/imagebuild/coreos/iso-image-create which is only capable to generate iso for bios19:30
devanandaNisha: I see. what about the diskimage-builder work for IPA that NobodyCam was doing?19:31
devanandaNisha: would that help?19:31
Nishadevananda, yes and when i tried to enhance that script it didnt work for me for ubuntu/cirros images.... but DIB is capable to buiild IPA deploy iso for fedora alone ...the deploy iso works....image i still need to test because my image creation for fedora fails19:32
Nishadevananda, deploy iso worked only for fedora :(19:33
Nishausing DIB19:33
Nishawhen i enhance the existing script it doesnt work for agent drivers...while the same script works fine for iscsi_ilo :(19:34
Nishadevananda, so i was thinking i will go with DIB for now...but it definitely requires enhancement in IPA/DIB to support uefi images for agent drivers19:35
rloohi devananda, when you get a minute, this BP's spec has been approved:
devanandarloo: ty19:38
Nishadevananda, if DIB creates UEFI deploy ISO and images for IPA, we are fine to use that19:39
Nishabecause both need to be uefi capable19:39
Nishafor local boot19:39
devanandaNisha: for ilo_agent to set the node's boot mode, it looks like you only need a very small change in modules/ilo/deplpy.py19:41
Nishathats done and it works19:41
Nishaust need to raise code review after spec is in19:42
devanandaNisha: great. fwiw, I don't think that needs a spec, but you have one up now, so ... :)19:42
Nisha:) i raised it as initially we required script enhancement too :)19:44
Nishadevananda, was going thru your comments on the spec automation of boot_iso19:45
devanandaNisha: would you be horribly upset if I said, this is too small for a spec, and these are just two separate bugs?19:45
Nishadevananda, just to understand how rebuild differs from deploy19:45
NishaNo i can put them as bug fixes19:46
devanandaNisha: I'll happily review the change for IloVirtualMediaAgentDeploy.prepare right now -- I think it'll only be about 5 lines of code, and a small unit test19:46
devanandawhich would take less time to review than the spec did :)19:46
Nishadevananda, so nice of now....will post the patch soon..not now as our devstack systems are down :(19:47
Nishadevananda, i will push the patch soon19:48
Nishadevananda, just to understand how node rebuild differs from deploy19:48
devanandaNisha: "nova rebuild" preserves the instance UUID in nova, as well as network allocation19:48
devanandaNisha: it triggers a delete & recreate in Ironic19:49
devanandaNisha: and a user may optionally change the instance image during a rebuild19:49
Nishadevananda, then it should be fine because itpicks up the kernel and ramdisk uuid from the image in the code ...19:50
devanandak k19:50
Nishaso for it should be same as a fresh deploy19:50
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openstackgerritNisha Agarwal proposed openstack/ironic-specs: Automate UEFI-BIOS Iso Creation
Nishadevananda, ^^^^20:06
Nishadevananda, for ilo-ipa uefi support do  i need to raise two bugs to push the code changes?20:08
devanandaNisha: for tracking, a very simple "ilo_agent deploy driver does not set boot mode properly" bug would be good.20:09
devanandaso that it is captured in automated release notes20:09
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Nishadevananda, raised the bugs20:19
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Nishagood night folks20:28
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/ironic-python-agent: Consistent way to set details for Error instances
openstackgerritMerged openstack/ironic-python-agent: Make all IPA error classes inherit from RESTError
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mrdaMorning Ironic21:18
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jrollheya mrda :)21:30
openstackgerritClif Houck proposed openstack/ironic: Fix RPCService and Ironic Conductor so they shut down gracefully
openstackgerritMerged openstack/ironic-specs: Automate UEFI-BIOS Iso Creation
JayFdevananda: - conversation happening here about if Ironic should be in Tuskar/Horizon/both21:42
JayFdevananda: seemed relevant to your interests, so wanted to point you at it21:42
openstackgerritClif Houck proposed openstack/ironic: Fix RPCService and Ironic Conductor so they shut down gracefully
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devanandaJayF: ty22:07
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devanandaanyone planning to attend the meeting tonight?22:08
JayFI was going to, although I have nothing in particular for it.22:08
JoshNangi was going to see if anyone wanted to take on horizon work :)22:09
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jrolldevananda: I'll be around22:10
devanandak k22:10
jrollalso, that horizon/tuskar question is interesting22:10
jrollas horizon is intended for users AIUI22:11
jrollironic is not intended for users22:11
devanandadoes horizon have any admin-only panels?22:11
JoshNangright. and users can still provision ironic nodes via nova flavors.22:11
jrollno idea.22:11
JoshNangnot sure.22:11
devanandare: tuskar, from their readme: Tuskar UI is a user interface for Tuskar, a management API for OpenStack deployments. It is a plugin for OpenStack Horizon.22:11
devanandaso it makes sense that needs some panel for ironic's resources22:12
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jrollI'm not saying tuskar is the right place for this, btw22:12
jrollbecause ironic isn't just for deploying openstack22:12
devanandabut someone who is not using TripleO should *also* have access to such panels, IMHO22:12
devanandaadmin tab. right there.22:15
devanandaseems like it should fit in fine22:15
devanandait == an ironic tab22:16
jrollyeah, agree.22:16
devanandacomments added22:17
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openstackgerritAdam Gandelman proposed openstack/ironic: Simplify policy.json
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openstackgerritRuby Loo proposed openstack/ironic: Clean up ilo's parse_driver_info()
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openstackgerritHadi Bannazadeh proposed openstack/ironic: region missing in endpoint selection
openstackgerritHadi Bannazadeh proposed openstack/ironic: region missing in endpoint selection
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