Tuesday, 2015-09-08

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mordredTheJulia, JayF, jamielennox, NobodyCam: does python-ironicclient support keystone sessions yet?00:05
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mordredooh! it looks like it does00:08
jamielennoxyea, I've seen that code but I've never tested it00:14
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mordredjamielennox: I think I just fiured out how to rip out a BUNCH of hacks in shade a) by having occ do handle making ksa auth objects like you suggsted and b) using the ironicclient session codepath00:21
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mordredjamielennox: there's one part of the patch I think you won't like - but if you have violent reactions to it, I can just write a plugin00:21
jamielennoxmordred: i always like to see less of shade. send me a link to the review, when i have some time i want to get occ, osc, shade and see if we can come up with a single leading scheme to get rid of all these problems00:23
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mordredjamielennox: I think they're all streamlined in shade/occ now (with this patches) - the main 'hack' now is that ironic has a no-keystone operational mode00:23
jamielennoxI'm coming around to occ being dicts only but in which case it shouldn't validate auth params at all00:23
mordredjamielennox: as in - it should just defer auth dict params to ksa's execptions, yeah?00:24
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jamielennoxmordred: so ksa plugins specifically don't _require_ keystone as a backed, there just a lot of reuse we can do if they do00:24
jamielennoxright, do the dict merge, validation should be the job of whoever actually creates the plugin00:25
mordredjamielennox: I think I'm of the same mind - hacking my way towards somethinglike that right now00:25
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jamielennoxand using ksa right? not ksc?00:26
mordredoh yeah00:26
mordredjamielennox: for the iroinc case, I'm jsust oing "if auth_type == 'None): auth_type = 'admin_token' (which is the thing I could imagine you not liking)00:27
mordredother option is ot make a "None" plugin that is pretty much the exact same as admin_token00:27
mordredbut which is mildly clearly in terms of intent for usage00:27
jamielennoxcool, i think that the clients shouldn't notice the difference00:27
mordredo - sahde is using ksa now - that's landed :)00:28
jamielennoxthere is a default value for both argparse and conf00:28
mordredso, consider yourself in production00:28
mordredactually, I don't know that we've released shade and restarted nodepool since I landed that patch00:28
jamielennoxbut yea, you should be able to set a default plugin that gets loaded if nothing set00:29
mordredoh - well, this is different00:29
mordredthis is explicitly configyuring to use no-auth00:29
jamielennoxI'm not sure setting admin_token as default is good though00:29
mordredrather than not setting an auth type00:30
mordredone sec - patches incoming00:30
jamielennoxumm, i had a patch for this in ksc that i abandoned for ksa so you could register your own plugins without setup tools00:31
jamielennoxbut otherwise yea, either check before loading out catch the plugin not found makes sense00:31
mordredjamielennox: https://review.openstack.org/#/q/status:open+topic:occ-ksa-auth,n,z00:32
mordredjamielennox: here is untested first stab00:33
jamielennoxmordred: do load_from_options rather than plugin_class, there is some validation there00:36
mordredjamielennox: but I think load_from_options wants options objects?00:37
mordreddoes it not? it'll just work with kwargs?00:38
jamielennoxyep, it gets options from self.get_options00:39
mordredok. I'll try tat00:39
jamielennoxOn phone on a train so not quick with links00:39
mordredyeah. I just was unclear since it say "from_options" and I'm not using options in any way00:39
mordredjamielennox: on plane - same thing :)00:40
jamielennoxOK, so maybe we need to make that clearer at some point00:40
jamielennoxso why the admi _token default?00:41
mordredjamielennox: it also looked like it expects the argument list to be normalized to o.dest key names before it's run ... so I may need to work on that a little bit00:41
jamielennoxwhat is ironic passing through there that they won't set --os-auth-type?00:42
mordredjamielennox: the use caes for admin_token is that in keystone-ess ironic setup, the operator has an ironic endpoint and that's all they need because it's a no-auth00:42
mordredthey will set os-auth-type to None00:42
jamielennoxyep, standard admin_token use case, but why not set os-auth-type to admin_token?00:43
mordredand then config['auth']['endpoint'] = $the_ironicendpoint00:43
mordredright now, backwards compat00:43
mordredall of the code consuming this is listing auth_type as "None"00:43
mordredand also - they actually don't have a token00:43
mordredso it might be a confusing end user experience to use  a thing called "*_token" and then set the token to nothing - which is why I was thinking of writing a no-auth auth plugin00:44
mordred(the second thing is the thing I'm more concerned with - we can migrate people to a new name)00:44
jamielennoxOK, well no auth would be OK. the other thing is just not create a plugin at all, set endpoint_override to url and authenticate=false on reqs00:45
jamielennoxin theory this works, i would need to test it to make sure00:46
mordredjamielennox: can I do that at session creation time?00:46
jamielennoxendpoint override is adapter time00:46
mordredoh - what's an adapter?00:47
jamielennoxyou can create session with no auth and our will default to unauthenticated00:47
jamielennoxthen it depend how the client calls session methods00:47
jamielennoxif the client never asks for the service catalog it'd be OK00:48
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mordredhrm. I'm not sure where to provide endpoint_override in that model in such a way that the client doesn't have to know to pass it all the time - but maybe that'll just work out - lemme look00:49
jamielennoxi think it won't matter, you must be passing a full url to request() anyway because there's no catalog00:51
mordredso - righ tnow we're constructing the ironic Client differently based on auth or no-auth00:51
jamielennoxoverride means use this instead of catalog when you request based on path00:51
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mordredand in one of those, we're passing in an endpoint override00:51
mordredI'd like to stop doing that, because it means I have to know at Client creation time what the auth plugin is so I can check if it's None00:52
mordredwhich means I can't just delegate creation of all of that00:52
jamielennoxironic client must be doing something weird internally there to handle that without a session then00:53
mordredthe nice thing about a no-auth auth p,ugin is that the code flow for getting a working session that does the right thing is the same regardless. the downside is that it means creating an auth plugin that does a short circuit in an area where there is already a facility for it00:53
jamielennoxsure, admin_token is essentially a noauth already without passing token00:54
mordredyah. so I think this will 'work' as a first step - but I think there is definitely room to make it more betterer00:55
jamielennoxyep, so my only concern there is where you have it is the default for everything consuming occ, not just ironic00:55
mordredwell, it's only the default if you explicitly pass in "None" as your auth_type - but I'm guessing there is another valid usecase for doing that?00:56
jamielennoxnone as string i don't think so, but from cli none value would be common00:56
mordredah. nod00:57
mordredk. I'll work with TheJulia to get things to move from None to admin_token explicitly00:57
jamielennoxyep, that's best longer term, when i have a decent screen I'll have a look at how shade loads ironic client00:58
mordredjamielennox: ++00:58
mordredjamielennox: also - with occ, there will never be None as an auth_type value unless it's added in a config file00:58
mordredjamielennox: so even from a command line, you'll never get a None passed through to anything without requesting it explicitly. that may also be something we want to visit00:59
jamielennoxyea, I'm keen to see if we can standardise occ cli loading with ksa. i was just waiting for it to be released and then to have some time01:05
openstackgerritWang Wei proposed openstack/ironic: Add description how to restart ironic services in Fedora/RHEL7/CentOS7  https://review.openstack.org/22087901:07
openstackgerritGopi Krishna S proposed openstack/ironic-specs: Add out-of-band RAID configuration support for Cisco Hardware  https://review.openstack.org/19214201:19
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openstackgerritWang Wei proposed openstack/ironic: Add supported environment 'VMware' to comments  https://review.openstack.org/22088001:27
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openstackgerritchenglch proposed openstack/ironic: Add iscsi_opc and agent_opc to manage the OpenPOWER servers  https://review.openstack.org/20982403:05
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openstackgerritTan Lin proposed openstack/ironic: Validate the input of properties  https://review.openstack.org/21550505:56
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/ironic: Updated from global requirements  https://review.openstack.org/22066706:19
openstackgerritTan Lin proposed openstack/ironic: Support trusted boot using iPXE  https://review.openstack.org/20727806:20
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openstackgerritTan Lin proposed openstack/ironic: Improve the ability to resolve capability value  https://review.openstack.org/19090006:48
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zigoWhere to report bugs for python-seamicroclient?07:01
zigoFYI: https://paste.debian.net/310789/07:01
zigo(when running the Debian package in Experimental)07:01
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openstackgerritPranesh Pandurangan proposed openstack/ironic-specs: Add a new command to count ironic nodes  https://review.openstack.org/22117307:27
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dtantsurMorning Ironic08:13
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openstackgerritAnton Arefiev proposed openstack/python-ironicclient: Introduce tempest-lib to functional tests  https://review.openstack.org/21670108:18
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lucasagomesdtantsur, morning!08:25
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dtantsurlucasagomes, hey man, how're you doing?08:25
lucasagomesdtantsur, all is well! How are you?08:25
dtantsurlucasagomes, pretty fine. I finally got some good sleep :) only about worried about all that political things around Europe (refugees, "refugees", etc)08:26
lucasagomesdtantsur, oh nice. Yesterday I was playing hearthstone until kinda late, maybe I need some more sleep now heh08:27
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lucasagomesdtantsur, yeah, it's complicated right now. Ireland will take some of the refugee AFAIK, dunno how many08:28
dtantsurI haven't had good sleep for 1.5 months due to damned weather08:28
lucasagomesdtantsur, too hot over there?08:28
dtantsurlucasagomes, yeah, it was like +32-35 for hell lot of time; impossible to sleep in our flat08:29
dtantsuralso, Czech people are pretty noisy in mornings :D08:29
lucasagomesdtantsur, holy monkeys yeah that's pretty hot08:29
dtantsurlucasagomes, how was summer in Ireland? Was it a nice day? :D08:29
lucasagomesdtantsur, lol ah, I like cold so for me was fine08:30
lucasagomesbut we had I think 2 weeks only which temperatures got up to 20+08:30
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lucasagomesthe thermometers here usually maxes out at 26C08:30
lucasagomessaves mercury you know?08:30
dtantsurours is -30 to +5008:31
lucasagomesdamn hah yeah dude it's so extreme08:31
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dtantsurlucasagomes, so lemme tell you a thing: last summer we left a thermometer exposed to the sun, and it broke down after reaching +50 Oo08:32
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openstackgerritLucas Alvares Gomes proposed openstack/ironic: Allow abort for CLEANWAIT states  https://review.openstack.org/20155208:33
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lucasagomesdtantsur, lol wth! mannn08:33
lucasagomesdtantsur, end of the year I'm going to brazil and it's summer there08:34
lucasagomesI will def complain about the weather here on IRC08:34
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* lucasagomes is expecting 35C+ 08:35
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dtantsurgood luck man! at least do some swimming, we didn't have chance this year08:35
lucasagomes++ yeah will do for sure, work in the swimming pool08:37
betherlymorning Ironic!08:37
lucasagomesbetherly, morning!08:37
betherlydo i read complaints re hot weather?08:37
betherly:o :o :o08:37
lucasagomesbetherly, hah you probably will never understand, but they are real!08:38
betherlydoeseth mine ears deceiveth me?08:38
dtantsurbetherly, morning08:41
dtantsurlucasagomes, I'd like to start telling people to call their drivers iscsi_smth, not pxe_smth. WDYT?08:41
dtantsurfirst victim is sambetts with his CIMC driver :)08:41
rameshg871dtantsur: +108:43
lucasagomesdtantsur, I think it's fine08:43
rameshg871dtantsur: now that we have 255 characters as well08:43
* rameshg871 thinks of much fancier names 08:43
lucasagomesI think we should have a template at least for drivers? <boot>_<deploy>_<power> or something like that08:43
lucasagomesdrivers name*08:44
dtantsurpxe_iscsi_cimc? well, maybe...08:44
lucasagomesdtantsur, yeah, well at least it tells exactly what the driver does08:44
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dtantsurrameshg871, lucasagomes, we should probably start creating aliases for existing drivers, wdyt?08:48
rameshg871dtantsur: I was about to say that. I think we should do that08:48
rameshg871dtantsur: but what about your work on dynmically using different interfaces ?08:48
rameshg871dtantsur: might need to consider that as well.08:49
lucasagomesdtantsur, ++08:49
dtantsurfair enough, I plan on landing it in M08:49
dtantsurI hope deva will leave us a time slot for it08:49
dtantsur* on the summit08:49
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openstackgerritYuriy Zveryanskyy proposed openstack/ironic-specs: New driver interface for BIOS configuration  https://review.openstack.org/20961208:53
openstackgerritYuriy Zveryanskyy proposed openstack/ironic-specs: Intel Node Manager policies support  https://review.openstack.org/21465708:54
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sambettsMorning lucasagomes, dtantsur thanks for name suggestion :) btw wasn't there a plan at the summit to change all the names?08:57
dtantsursambetts, morning08:58
dtantsursambetts, yeah, we're working on the spec still: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/188370/08:58
sambettsdtantsur: ah cool08:58
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sambettsdtantsur: Is there somewhere I can link out to from my doc which explains agent deploy in more depth/09:07
dtantsurI'm not 100% sure we have it09:08
dtantsurif not, you can just leave a note, that iSCSI deploy writes image from a conductor, while Agent deploy writes image from the ramdisk09:09
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sambettsdtantsur: even that seems vague :( hmmm ...09:11
dtantsurpretty vague, still at least gives some clues09:13
dtantsurin the long run, we need to properly document it09:13
sambettsUnlike with09:16
sambettsiSCSI deploy in Agent deploy, the ramdisk is responsible for writing the image to the09:16
sambettsdisk, instead of the conductor.09:16
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sambettsdtantsur: ^ thats what I've added to the bottom of the agent section09:16
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lucasagomessambetts, morning!09:36
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sambettsMorning lucasagomes o/09:43
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/ironic: Add vendor interface to ipminative driver  https://review.openstack.org/21518509:51
zhenguodtantsur: thanks for review the nodes-tagging patch, the inconsistent operations is because node-tags-list/node-tags-update are for multiple tags, and node-tag-add/node-tag-remove for individual one.09:54
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dtantsurzhenguo, it's still better to have one command prefix "node-tag" or "node-tags" IMO09:55
dtantsurit's confusing otherwise09:55
dtantsurzhenguo, treat as that we have a collection "node-tags". And we have operations on it: list, update, add, remove09:55
zhenguodtantusr: ok, will change all tags to tag09:56
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zhenguodtantusr: will address that in the coming patch set, and thanks very much for reviewing this again :) it's almost die.09:58
dtantsursorry for taking long - too many things to do before the upcoming release(s)09:59
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openstackgerritZhenguo Niu proposed openstack/ironic-specs: xUpdate nodes-tagging spec  https://review.openstack.org/19293510:04
openstackgerritZhenguo Niu proposed openstack/ironic-specs: Update nodes-tagging spec  https://review.openstack.org/19293510:05
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openstackgerritWang Wei proposed openstack/ironic: Add description how to restart ironic services in Fedora/RHEL7/CentOS7  https://review.openstack.org/22087910:27
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dtantsurholy cow, qemu-img pull the whole Gtk libraries stack on the agent ramdisk10:57
dtantsurno surprise it's so big >_<10:58
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lucasagomesdtantsur, heh yeah man11:10
lucasagomesit alsos pulls libX11 stuff11:11
dtantsurI'm asking qemu folks right now, if it's really required11:11
sambetts:( I hate that with things that use the gnome librarys11:11
dtantsurotherwise we should consider alternatives11:11
sambettsits like you want to use this tiny app, here have 2 gig of extra stuff11:11
openstackgerritMerged openstack/ironic: Use oslo.messaging serializers  https://review.openstack.org/18870111:11
openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-ironicclient: Replace ConfigParser with six.moves.configparser.  https://review.openstack.org/21235011:12
lucasagomesdtantsur, not sure if we have much alternatives to qemu-img11:13
* lucasagomes doesn't know any11:13
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dtantsur[13:15] <davidgiluk> dtantsur: Yes, but a qemu-img I built from source has many less11:16
dtantsur[13:16] <davidgiluk> dtantsur: Do you want a file a fedora bug against that?11:16
dtantsurlucasagomes, ^^11:17
lucasagomesdtantsur, worth checking dependencies from other distros11:17
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dtantsursambetts, have Ubuntu or Debian at hand?11:17
lucasagomescause yeah it can be a packaging bug in fedora indeed11:17
sambettsdtantsur: debian11:18
dtantsursambetts, could you check: 1. qemu-img package deps, 2. qemu-img binary ldd output?11:18
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betherlylucas-hungry: food sounds like a good idea11:20
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sambettsdtantsur: http://paste.openstack.org/show/450111/11:25
dtantsurso, not gtk, not X11:27
openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-ironicclient: Fixes file cache TypeError  https://review.openstack.org/22047511:28
sambettsdtantsur: Not in that list as far as I can tell11:28
dtantsursambetts, what version of qemu-img do you have?11:28
sambettsqemu-img version 2.1.2, Copyright (c) 2004-2008 Fabrice Bellard11:29
sambettsdtantsur: ^11:29
sambettsdtantsur: Full package info http://paste.openstack.org/show/450119/11:29
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dtantsurreported: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=126099611:35
openstackbugzilla.redhat.com bug 1260996 in qemu "qemu-img requires a whole stack of X and Gtk libraries" [Unspecified,New] - Assigned to virt-maint11:35
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* TheJulia reads log and determines more coffee required11:44
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sambettsMorning TheJulia o/11:50
dtantsurTheJulia, o/11:51
dtantsurlucas-hungry, so, we've found the problem, it's in qemu ./configure script. once it is fixed, IPA on Fedora will be substantially smaller11:52
TheJuliagood morning11:53
TheJuliadtantsur: out of curiosity, how much smaller?11:55
dtantsurTheJulia, not sure now, didn't try. But it pulls in ~100 more libs, and gtk libs pull in some artwork11:58
dtantsurTheJulia, I also have a patch removing .pyc and .pyo files: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/221243/11:59
dtantsur(not too much of saving, only 2MB compressed though)12:00
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TheJuliamordred: jamielennox|away: you guys make me worry. ;)  Afaik, the client doesn't do anything funky, the server just doesn't care if it gets the auth data, and if it does it discards it.  My only concern admin_token is that the client library upon load in the standard token path attempts to validate the token and kaboom, but if admin_token bypasses that, then that might just work.12:06
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TheJuliadtantsur|brb: gtk getting pulled in seems like deja vu to me, I seem to remember discussing the same issue with lucas-hungry a few weeks ago12:08
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openstackgerritSam Betts proposed openstack/ironic: Add Cisco IMC PXE Driver  https://review.openstack.org/21925312:30
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openstackgerritZhenguo Niu proposed openstack/ironic: Check image size before provisioning for agent driver  https://review.openstack.org/21525412:38
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openstackgerritAnton Arefiev proposed openstack/python-ironicclient: Introduce tempest-lib to functional tests  https://review.openstack.org/21670112:46
mordredTheJulia: yeah - admin_token is a keystoneauth auth plugin that then allows you to get a Session object you can pass in to ironcclient.Client12:46
mordredTheJulia: which is great, because it means we can get rid of the "if auth_type==None" blocks in shade12:47
mordredsince the logic will be the same no matter what the config is12:47
mordredin theory12:47
mordredstill untested12:47
TheJuliain theory :)12:47
TheJuliaI tested the last idea before admin_token and it blew up kind of nicely :)  Sounds like it will work and be good in the long run12:48
mordredyeah - the new keystoneauth library is pretty awesome12:48
mordredbest mistype of the morning: "git retch origin"12:51
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openstackgerritMerged stackforge/pyghmi: Implement get/set of DCMI asset tag and MCI  https://review.openstack.org/22063613:18
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openstackgerritJuliana Motira proposed stackforge/pyghmi: Add custom OEM get iKVM Key Status for Lenovo ThinkServers  https://review.openstack.org/22060813:20
jrollmorning all :)13:22
jrollzigo: I assume the best place is https://github.com/seamicro/python-seamicroclient/issues13:22
jrollzigo: we don't maintain that library, so I'm not really sure, sorry :(13:22
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zigojroll: Thanks.13:22
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openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/ironic-inspector: Enable colorized logging in devstack plugin  https://review.openstack.org/22129813:24
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dtantsurjroll, morning13:25
jrollohai dtantsur13:25
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jrollsoooo anything blocking us from shipping a release now?13:27
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jrollprobably https://bugs.launchpad.net/ironic/+bug/1493233 hmm13:28
openstackLaunchpad bug 1493233 in Ironic "Unit test failures when building 4.0.0 debian package" [Undecided,New]13:28
sambettsmorning jroll13:28
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jrollbutbutbut why13:29
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rloomorning jroll, hi dtantsur, sambetts13:30
dtantsurrloo, o/13:30
dtantsurjroll, metaclass conflict was already fixed13:30
jrollmorning rloo :)13:30
dtantsurjroll, the seamicro issue is more weird13:30
dtantsurhell, people still use exceptions.args...13:31
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jrollit's weird to me that it only fails when packaging?13:32
lucasagomesjroll, zigo morning!13:32
jrollhey lucasagomes :)13:32
lucasagomesjroll, nop, unless you wanna take a look at that cleanwait stuff to be part of the release13:32
lucasagomesif not, I'm good as-is!13:33
lucasagomesand that debian package thing13:33
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jrolllucasagomes: yeah, I'll take a look, would like it to be there but 4.2 is also fine for that I think13:34
jrollzigo: looking at doing a release today, could you see if these are still problems on master? (I'm also testing locally) https://bugs.launchpad.net/ironic/+bug/149323313:36
openstackLaunchpad bug 1493233 in Ironic "Unit test failures when building 4.0.0 debian package" [Undecided,New]13:36
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jrollpy27 tests are passing for me :/13:37
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zigohttps://github.com/seamicro/python-seamicroclient/issues/1 <--- Issue opened.13:37
zigojroll: Ok, I can try to build now.13:37
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zigojroll: Give me a few minutes.13:37
jrolldtantsur: I'm replacing these ex.args things btw13:37
jrollzigo: yeah, no rush :)13:38
zigojroll: Rush for me, I go pick-up my son at school in 30 minutes !13:38
lucasagomesjroll, fair enuff!13:39
openstackgerritJim Rollenhagen proposed openstack/ironic: Replace remaining usage of exc.args[0]  https://review.openstack.org/22130213:41
jrolldtantsur: ^13:42
jrollzigo: ^ I'm hoping that patch will fix the remaining issue, if you still have them, on master13:42
jroll(but tests pass in the gate so I'm not sure why that's causing problems for you to begin with)13:42
jroll(maybe because seamicroclient is already installed rather than being mocked, testing that now)13:44
jrollsho nuff13:46
jrollzigo: you'll need that patch, sorry for the red herring :(13:46
zigojroll: Which patch? The 221302 ?13:46
jrollzigo: yep, just adding closes-bug now13:47
openstackgerritJim Rollenhagen proposed openstack/ironic: Replace remaining usage of exc.args[0]  https://review.openstack.org/22130213:47
jrolldtantsur: which patch fixed the metaclass thing?13:47
dtantsurjroll, don't remember, but it was ~1st patch after 4.0.013:48
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zigoI'm currently upgrading ironicclient to 0.8.013:51
jrolldtantsur: having trouble finding it :(13:52
openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/ironic-inspector: [WIP] Deprecate returning patches from plugins  https://review.openstack.org/22098713:52
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jrolldtantsur: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ironic/+bug/1488270 maybe?13:54
openstackLaunchpad bug 1488270 in Ironic "oslo.versionedobjects 0.8.0 release causing py27/py34 unittests to fail in ironic" [Critical,Fix committed] - Assigned to Tan Lin (tan-lin-good)13:54
jrolland by proxy https://github.com/openstack/ironic/commit/6186a9de13:54
zigojroll: Package is building.13:54
dtantsurjroll, yeah, I think so13:55
jrollzigo: cool, though I realized you'll also want https://github.com/openstack/ironic/commit/6186a9de :/13:55
sambettsdtantsur: just going through my inspector api discovery patch, how do you propose being able to discover the /v1/introspection/<uuid>?13:55
jrollzigo: also, 4.1.0 coming today with both of these patches13:55
dtantsursambetts, it should be visible in /v1/introspection (which we don't have right now)13:56
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zigojroll: This last one doesn't apply to top of master.13:57
jrollzigo: oh, it's in master, sorry. I meant if you wanted to package from 4.0.013:58
openstackgerritJim Rollenhagen proposed openstack/ironic: Replace remaining usage of exc.args[0]  https://review.openstack.org/22130213:58
jroll^ with nits fixed13:58
zigojroll: From master, I still have 2 unit test failures.13:59
zigojroll: Let me build again, as I lost the build logs...13:59
zigo(when trying that other patch)13:59
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zigojroll: https://paste.debian.net/310883/14:00
zigoThere you are.14:00
zigoBoth issues are in test_ipminative.py14:00
jrollzigo: thanks, will check it out14:00
zigoI'm running with python-mock 1.3.014:01
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jrollwhat version of pyghmi?14:01
zigoThat's latest release ...14:01
zigojroll: 0.6.1714:02
zigoShall I upgrade it too ?14:02
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jrollzigo: I think the issue is that in the gate we don't actually install pyghmi, we mock it14:02
jroll(same for seamicro)14:02
jrollapparently our mock isn't up to date with the real world14:02
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zigoMaybe ...14:03
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zigoI got 10 more minutes,. I can try to upgrade pyghmi14:03
jrollI'm not sure that will help, I should be able to reproduce this locally and get you sorted out14:03
jrollrunning tests with latest pyghmi now14:04
zigoUpgraded to latest pyghmi, rebuilding ironic now. :)14:05
zigojroll: It worked ! :)14:06
jrollzigo: ooo, they passed14:06
zigoYup, here as well...14:06
zigoSo, I'll do python-pyghmi (>= 0.8.0) in my Ironic package.14:07
zigoI know there's been a controvercy about global-requirements.txt not accepting pyghmi.14:07
zigoThough I wouldn't mind having a file within Ironic itself telling about this kind of things.14:07
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jrollzigo: so, 4.1.0 coming today with all of these fixed... if you indeed want to package 4.0.0 just need https://github.com/openstack/ironic/commit/6186a9de and https://review.openstack.org/221302 pulled in14:08
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jrollright, so...14:08
zigoLike: package-maintainer-version-hints.txt ! :)14:08
zigoOh ! :)14:08
zigoSuper nice.14:08
jrollwe could probably do better with versions in there, but hey :)14:08
zigoWell, set >= 0.8.0 for pyghmi there then.14:08
zigoI'll make sure to have all of them up-to-date in Debian before I package the last stable then.14:09
zigoNow, time for me to go.14:09
zigoThanks for all.14:09
jrollthank you sir!14:09
zigoOh, one more thing: I did ironic-discoverd.14:09
zigoI haven't uploaded, did I? :/14:09
dtantsurzigo, is it kilo or liberty? for liberty it's better to have ironic-inspector (the same thing renamed)14:09
zigoOh, thanks for letting me know.14:10
zigoI'll do that one instead then.14:10
* zigo loggs off ...14:10
openstackgerritMerged openstack/ironic: Remove policy 'admin' rule support  https://review.openstack.org/22106614:11
openstackgerritJim Rollenhagen proposed openstack/ironic: Add version info for pyghmi in driver-requirements.txt  https://review.openstack.org/22131714:11
jrollpins pyghmi14:11
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rloohey, is gate failing? that's what it shows on our etherpad14:16
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dtantsurrloo, it's outdated14:17
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jrolllucasagomes: question on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/201552/14:17
* lucasagomes looks14:17
rloodtantsur: ? golden now? should I delete the stuff about agent gates failing?14:17
dtantsurrloo, I think so14:17
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rloodtantsur: dsvm jobs are still non-voting in think14:17
rloodtantsur: ok14:17
jrollbtw, this makes those voting rloo https://review.openstack.org/#/c/219712/14:18
dtantsurrloo, yeah, jobs are not voting14:18
rloojroll: yeah, noted in the etherpad, but infra is ignoring i guess.14:18
rloowe need to check those non-voting before approving.14:19
jrollbugged infra about it14:19
rloothx jroll14:20
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lucasagomesjroll, answered. Lemme know if it makes sense, I will remove that comment too14:21
lucasagomesC&P problems14:21
jrolllucasagomes: comment makes sense to me14:22
lucasagomesjroll, cool. Only the nit then?14:23
* lucasagomes fixes it14:23
openstackgerritLucas Alvares Gomes proposed openstack/ironic: Allow abort for CLEANWAIT states  https://review.openstack.org/20155214:24
lucasagomesboom! done ^14:24
rlooi've got a question for folks, mostly cores. Are people focussing this week on reviewing patches for features?14:25
jrollyou all ok with only running pxe_ssh job in check (voting) but not in gate so we don't break co-gates?14:26
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rloojroll: yup. if check fails, it won't gate, right?14:26
jrollthough check isn't run at +A time14:27
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jrolljust when patches are pushed14:27
lucasagomesjroll, yup, we still running pxe_ipa and agent_ssh in gate right?14:27
rloojroll: hmm. ok, i'm fine. just means i shouldn't +A now, before jenkins finishes the check.14:27
jrollrloo: AIUI it won't start gate jobs if check fails14:28
lucasagomesyeah it won't14:28
lucasagomesit does check then gate14:28
rloojroll, lucasagomes: oh, then we're good14:28
jrollthe risk is: check passes, +A, rebase for gate, rebase breaks pxe_ssh14:28
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rloojroll: but we won't know if rebase breaks pxe_ssh, or will it be non-voting in gate?14:29
jrollit just won't run at all14:29
lucasagomesso just to be clear the idea is to not run pxe_ssh on other's project gate right?14:29
lucasagomesnot ironic itself14:29
jrolllucasagomes: relatedly, we should make a pxe_ipa or agent_ssh postgres job14:29
rloojroll: why not run & non-vote?14:29
lucasagomesjroll, yeah, most projects dropped postgres, but I still see value on it14:30
jrolllucasagomes: don't run in our gate, because our gate resets devstack/tempest/devstack-gate gates if it fails14:30
jrollrloo: 1) waste of resources, 2) do you ever really go back and see if gate passed? :)14:30
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lucasagomesjroll, what makes me feel safer about it is the fact that we deprecated the endpoints for the bash ramdisk (which pxe_ssh uses)14:31
lucasagomesso I'm ok with the idea14:31
jrollyeah, we'll be removing this job soon anyway14:31
lucasagomeswe need the tripleo patches landed14:31
rloojroll: yeah, i'm ok. whatever you do, please send out email about it14:32
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jrollboo email :P14:32
jrolllucasagomes: now that I'm thinking about it... do we want to set last_error for aborted clean?14:33
NobodyCamgood morning Ironicers :)14:35
jrollhey hey NobodyCam :)14:35
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lucasagomesjroll, oh it wouldn't be a bad idea14:37
* lucasagomes checks14:37
jrolllucasagomes: yeah, forgot to put my ops hat on when I reviewed that :P14:37
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lucasagomesjroll, yeah, I haven't thought about it. Cause since it's a operator input I thought he would know that he aborted it14:38
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jrolllucasagomes: yeah, but think about many operators and if I abort one and leave it14:39
lucasagomesbut yeah overall I think it makes sense to always have last_error to indicate what was done14:39
* jroll changes vote14:39
jrollalso if you could look at https://review.openstack.org/#/c/221302/ when you have a sec14:40
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dtantsurmorning NobodyCam14:43
* jroll bbiab14:45
lucasagomesjroll, I;ve seem a similar patch https://review.openstack.org/#/c/217434/14:46
dtantsurifarkas_, sambetts, nobody minds if I release python-ironic-inspector-client?14:49
ifarkas_dtantsur, not at all, go ahead14:49
NobodyCammorning dtantsur :)14:50
NobodyCammornign lucasagomes :)14:50
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lucasagomesNobodyCam, hi there!14:56
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rameshg87rloo: hi15:16
rloohi rameshg8715:17
rameshg87rloo: regarding https://review.openstack.org/198238, I have replied to your comment on how it works in detail.  may be I will wait for you to get back to that and then discuss with you when required.15:18
rloorameshg87: thx. i'm going to look at that patch in the next hour I think.15:18
rameshg87rloo: if I am around (should be) and you have time, we can discuss. thanks.15:18
rloorameshg87: ok. this is the last patch for RAID, right?15:19
rameshg87rloo: yes.15:19
rloorameshg87: will be good if we can get it in this week :-)15:19
rameshg87rloo: yeah :)15:20
rloorameshg87: btw, did you touch base with JoshNang about zapping? not sure i saw any patches up.15:20
rameshg87rloo: I didn't touch base with JoshNang.  I have two days before I go for a small vacation till end of this week. I am quite to happy to help with something until then15:21
rameshg87rloo: may be we can sort it out today with JoshNang15:22
rloorameshg87: so you are saying you are around until Thurs this week?15:22
rloorameshg87: then back next Monday?15:22
rameshg87rloo: yes15:22
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JoshNangrameshg87: if you can get the client change (should be small), i should be able to get the api bit up in the next day or two.15:23
rloorameshg87: we should try to get your patches done by tomorrow then.15:23
rlooJoshNang: we don't need to client changes this week.15:23
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rameshg87oh yeah15:23
JoshNangah true15:23
rameshg87JoshNang: is there anything else I can pick up ?15:24
rloorameshg87: how many patches of yours are in the features we want?15:24
dtantsuryeah, would be super-cool to have RAID and zapping15:24
rloorameshg87: if you could review JoshNang's first patch for zapping/cleaning. the one that caches.15:24
rameshg87rloo: only raid and boot/deploy interface split are the work which I have contributed for this release15:25
rloodtantsur: if you have time, I think rameshg87's first patch is ready/almost ready. https://review.openstack.org/#/c/196007/2415:25
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* dtantsur reviews15:25
rloorameshg87: and your code is done wrt boot/deploy, right?15:25
rameshg87rloo: done for pxe drivers15:25
rameshg87rloo: stendulker has picked up the virtual media one for ilo. and I have gone through it once.15:26
rameshg87rloo: I will go through it again today.15:26
rloorameshg87: ok, let me focus on 198238 then so we can turn it around faster.15:26
rameshg87rloo: thanks15:26
JoshNangrameshg87: yeah review would be great on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/218532/. and i need to write the api bit to accept zapping steps and the 'zap' action15:26
rameshg87JoshNang: sure. I will start going through it now.15:27
dtantsurI'm fine with the RAID patch (one tiny thing to follow-up). Anyone else wants to have a look before I press the Big Green Button? lucasagomes? NobodyCam?15:28
dtantsur(patch https://review.openstack.org/#/c/196007/)15:28
rloodtantsur: you are fast. I'm sure it took me more than a few minutes to review that one :-)15:28
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lucasagomesrloo, re https://review.openstack.org/#/c/208924/ yum is present on older versions of RHEL and fedora15:28
lucasagomeslike very old versions15:29
dtantsurrloo, I already started this morning, just forgot to finish :)15:29
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rloolucasagomes: yeah, but I don't think those older versions work with ironic. at least, we don't know.15:29
rloolucasagomes: or do we?15:29
rloodtantsur: that explains it!15:29
dtantsurrloo, I only know about RHEL7 (7.1 even)15:29
lucasagomesrloo, yeah maybe we don't have thing packaged for it15:29
rloodtantsur, lucasagomes: I'd feel safer just leaving the lowest version, what we originally had.15:30
lucasagomesrloo, RHEL7/Fedora 21: ?15:30
* lucasagomes will edit soon15:30
rloolucasagomes: cuz putting 'or lower' means yum works, but we don't know if those packages work in those OS, even if installed.15:31
rloolucasagomes: thx15:31
lucasagomesrloo, fair enuff!15:32
rloolucasagomes: :)15:32
jrolllucasagomes: oh, you're right, I should abandon my patch (.args[0] stuff)15:32
lucasagomesjroll, yeah, there's a bit of dicussion going on the other15:32
lucasagomesperhaps we can change the commit message to tag the bug there15:33
jrollrloo: idk if I answered your question earlier. yes I'll be focusing on reviewing features esp network stuff15:33
lucasagomesjroll, I'm just unsure about that __unicode__15:33
jrolllucasagomes: yeah, I'll take a look there15:33
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rloojroll: good. if i get time, i'll look at network. looks like I should focus on RAID cuz ramesh is only around til Thurs.15:34
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rloojroll: also, wanted to ask/mention. you put priorities in the etherpad, i have been looking at google doc. would be useful to have one place to look at priorities/status.15:34
jrollrloo: oh, maybe should look at raid then heh15:34
jrollrloo: yeah, put them there just to group them together... basically took anything high prio on the google doc15:35
rloojroll: the API part of the spec is good to go I think. if you want to take a look quickly: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/196007/.15:35
rloojroll: but we need people to look at network too, there are a lot of patches there.15:35
jrollrloo: yep, trying to look at both today15:36
rloojroll: ok, i'll look at google doc then. i suppose it would be good to confirm that folks agree with those priorities but i'm fine with them :-)15:36
jrollrloo: agree, those were primarily set by me/deva/chris/other people at midcycle15:37
jrollfeel free to raise concerns :)15:37
rloojroll: I don't have concerns (otherwise I would have raised them already).15:37
jrollrloo: I figured :)15:37
rloojroll: Just that there wasn't any 'official' communication about what happened in the mid-cycle, outside of the mid-cycle, if you know what i mean.15:38
openstackgerritNaohiro Tamura proposed openstack/ironic: Refactor IRMCVirtualMediaIscsiDeploy by applying new BootInterface  https://review.openstack.org/22137115:38
jrollrloo: :( I do know what you mean15:38
rameshg87JoshNang: hi15:39
rameshg87JoshNang: I was just going through the first patch https://review.openstack.org/#/c/218532/5/ironic/drivers/modules/agent_base_vendor.py15:40
rameshg87JoshNang: may be you should also take a look at my inband raid configuration patch - https://review.openstack.org/#/c/198238/. we could be actually touching a lot of common code15:40
JoshNangrameshg87: ahh yeah, i remember reviewing this, looks like we are15:42
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JoshNangthe only major bit seems to be get_clean_steps, which is going to have to change a lot for caching anyway15:43
rameshg87JoshNang: wondering if we need a similar kind of logic to cache the raid steps as well (I mean steps returned by agent saying it is part of 'raid' interface)15:44
dtantsurcan't we land everything simple first, and then get_clean_steps?15:44
dtantsurI pretty much believe that zapping will be very useful even without this API (if we don't manage to land it in L)15:45
rameshg87dtantsur: an  example for simple please  :)15:45
dtantsurrameshg87, everything that does not require a solution on caching :)15:46
dtantsurs/simple/straightforward/ is what I meant15:46
JoshNangdtantsur: yeah, definitely15:46
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dtantsurhaving said that, I'm leaving for a day :)15:47
dtantsurI'll review anything RAID/zapping related that will remain unmerged in the morning15:47
jrollnight dtantsur :)15:47
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JoshNangrameshg87: if you have any 'get_raid_levels' logic, yeah caching it would be good15:47
JoshNang(logic that gets pulled from the agent, that is)15:48
lucasagomesjroll, the api to set the last_error on process_event sucks a bit... I will have to spawn a new thread to set it (as callback)15:48
lucasagomesoh or maybe not15:48
lucasagomeswait... I may be able to set last error before calling process event15:48
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jrolllucasagomes: I mean, callback is ok right?15:49
lucasagomesjroll, yeah but I think it doesn't need it15:50
* lucasagomes tests15:50
jrolllucasagomes: I also think https://review.openstack.org/#/c/217434/ is fine15:50
lucasagomesI can set last_error and call process_event(), if it succeed it will save()15:50
lucasagomesjroll, right, yeah I was just unsure about that __unicode()__15:51
lucasagomesjroll, perhaps edit the commit message to tag that bug?15:51
jrollyep, was just going to do that15:51
openstackgerritJim Rollenhagen proposed openstack/ironic: Try to standardize retrieval of an Exception's description  https://review.openstack.org/21743415:52
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jrollonce that lands we should be good for 4.1, if this abort patch is close I may just wait for that15:53
* zigo uploade python-ironicclient 0.8.0 to Experiental, and will do a -2 release with Python 3 support (going through the FTP master NEW queue...)15:53
zigoIs there a man page for ironicclient ?15:54
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zigojroll: ^15:55
jrollzigo: hmmmm, we have the readme and I think some official docs?15:55
zigoYeah, but no man page, right?15:55
zigoThat's fine, just asking...15:55
jrollno man page afaik15:55
jrollthis is probably the closest http://docs.openstack.org/developer/python-ironicclient/cli.html15:55
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openstackgerritLucas Alvares Gomes proposed openstack/ironic: Allow abort for CLEANWAIT states  https://review.openstack.org/20155216:04
lucasagomesboom ^ needed the worker thread anyway :-/16:04
lucasagomes| last_error             | Clean operation aborted                                                |16:05
jrollnice thanks16:05
jrollI wonder why just setting it doesn't work16:05
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jrolllucasagomes: just waiting for jenkins on that exception patch?16:13
lucasagomesjroll, yup16:14
jrollcool, thanks16:14
jrollI can keep an eye on it16:14
lucasagomestho I'm ok to push the button if jenkins doesn't return until I call it a day16:14
jrollyeah, either way, I'll be around16:15
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rloorameshg87: if you're still around, I commented on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/198238/16:26
rameshg87rloo: just noticed. also just noticed your comment on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/216946/3/ironic/drivers/base.py16:27
rameshg87rloo: which one goes first ? :)16:27
rloorameshg87: the one in drivers/base.py is the big question.16:29
rloorameshg87: i think the rest are minor.16:29
rloorameshg87: or /big/bigger/, not that big I don't think.16:30
rameshg87rloo: the line "if not node.target_raid_config, then return", as I explained was added just to make create_configuration as part of cleaning (because I heard people talk about that there is a use-case for it)16:31
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rloorameshg87: when does the RAID's validate() get called?16:31
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rameshg87rloo: it has to be called before cleaning16:32
rloorameshg87: when someone does that validate() API call. I don't know if RAID validate should return true of false there16:33
rloorameshg87: 'it has to be called before cleaning'. do you know if it is, and where in the code it is being called?16:33
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rloorameshg87: it is also possible that we forgot to code it. dunno.16:34
rameshg87rloo: just checking, a sec. I thought before we start cleaning, we call validate on all the interfaces participating in cleaning.16:34
rameshg87rloo: looks like I was mistaken. we don't seem to do it.16:35
rameshg87omg :(16:35
openstackgerritJohn L. Villalovos proposed openstack/ironic: Add constraint target to tox.ini  https://review.openstack.org/22062716:35
rameshg87we call only power.validate()16:35
rameshg87not management.validate() or some-other-interface-that-participate-in-validate.validate()16:36
rloorameshg87: so that is a bug perhaps. maybe check with JoshNang on that.16:36
rameshg87JoshNang: ^^^ if you are around ?16:36
JoshNangi don't think calling validate is reasonable: https://github.com/openstack/ironic/blob/master/ironic/drivers/base.py#L22416:37
rloorameshg87: it is possible that it is left to the clean step to validate.16:37
JoshNangat least for deploy interface16:37
rameshg87JoshNang: https://github.com/openstack/ironic/blob/master/ironic/conductor/manager.py#L895-L90416:37
JoshNangsure, power validate is good, that should be the same whether you're deploying or cleaning or X. management might be ok too16:38
rameshg87JoshNang: rloo: so, I guess it might make sense to validate every other interface other than deploy16:38
rameshg87right ?16:38
JoshNangrameshg87: it makes sense, but i'd check all the docstrings, or we may be breaking expectations in our driver interface by calling it during cleaning16:39
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rameshg87or let me put it this way16:40
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JoshNangeither way, calling raid.validate is fine :)16:40
rameshg87if there is an interface except deploy participating in cleaning/zapping, it might make sense to do validate() on that interface16:40
rameshg87because if you are going to do some operations on that interface, you want to be sure that you have everythign required to operate using that interface16:41
JoshNangsounds good to me16:41
rameshg87rloo: ^^16:41
rloorameshg87: yes, I think that makes sense. Now, what if someone wants to add a clean step to delete a RAID config, but they plan on manually create a RAID config somehow. does RAID.validate() return true or false?16:42
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rloorameshg87: I mean, should a target_raid_config be needed in raid.validate()?16:43
rloorameshg87: also, when do you think the validate() should be done. Right before invoking that interface's clean step, or calling all .validate's before doing any clean step?16:43
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JoshNangrloo: i'd do it right by that power.validate() block before cleaning starts...if those fail, the api can return a failure to the set-provision-state request, rather than saying 'ok starting cleaning' and then failing the node later (possibly right away)16:45
rameshg87rloo: I think validate() should be called before doing any clean step, just like we do https://github.com/openstack/ironic/blob/master/ironic/conductor/manager.py#L895-L90416:45
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JoshNangheh ++16:46
rlooJoshNang: I don't think we can do it when we do power.validate(). At that point, we may not know what the clean steps are.16:46
rlooJoshNang: but yeah, we can do it before we start any clean step.16:46
rameshg87rloo: that is our strategy most of the times to catch errors at the earliest16:46
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rloorameshg87, JoshNang: so before line 932: https://github.com/openstack/ironic/blob/master/ironic/conductor/manager.py#L93216:47
rloorameshg87, JoshNang: I'm assuming the call to set_node_cleaning_steps() is when we know what the steps are.16:47
JoshNangcorrect....if you don't have to boot the ramdisk, otherwise it quits here: https://github.com/openstack/ironic/blob/master/ironic/conductor/manager.py#L92916:48
rameshg87JoshNang: I guess it's other way round. right ?16:48
rameshg87if you have to boot the ramdisk, it quits there16:49
JoshNangright, that's what i meant16:49
rameshg87okay :)16:49
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rameshg87rloo: okay, coming back to your first question.  given this, we would end up calling raid.validate() even if delete was what operator wanted.16:51
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rameshg87rloo: and we will end up throwing an error if we tried to validate node.target_raid_config. right ?16:51
rloorameshg87: I need to think about that. I wonder/don't know if we want to support the case of ONLY deleting, not creating.16:52
rloorameshg87: the RAID interface is for creating configs, so that seems like a corner case.16:52
rloorameshg87: I am fine now, leaving the code in validate as-is. But I'm not sure it is right. but if it isn't, it is a bug. And we need to focus on getting features in.16:53
rloorameshg87: don't know if it is a good analogy or not, but when we have a deploy interface, we assume we're deploying and cleaning up after that. we don't assume that the user wants to somehow manually deploy, but have ironic clean up.16:54
rameshg87rloo: agreed, it seems same.16:55
rloorameshg87: i was being a bit of a devil's advocate before. although who knows, maybe there is a usecase for it. dunno.16:55
rameshg87rloo: but I agree with your point.  we need to help people by throwing some real errors if they forgot to put node.target_raid_config16:55
rloorameshg87: yes. so if eg someone calls the validate API, I think it makes sense to return False there, for RAID.16:56
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rloorameshg87: but anyway -- sorry, maybe it wasn't that big an issue. do you have time to look at my comments from  https://review.openstack.org/#/c/198238/16:57
rameshg87rloo: just looking.16:57
rameshg87rloo: will try to reply now only, and may be wait if you are free.16:58
rloorameshg87: i'm 'free'16:58
rameshg87okay :)16:58
rloorameshg87: but did want to get some lunch at some point.16:58
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rloorameshg87: most of those comments are minor. I think the only thing confusing me now is when/when not to use those clean_step decorators.17:03
rameshg87rloo: okay, may be I will try to tell my point about that first17:03
rameshg87rloo: agent ramdisk may or may not have a hardware manager that can do raid configuration17:04
rameshg87rloo: if we would have decorated that method, we would be running the steps everytime if we have a non-zero priority17:05
rameshg87rloo: but instead, we wanted to run those methods only if agent ramdisk reported that it is capable of doing so.17:05
openstackgerritLucas Alvares Gomes proposed openstack/ironic: Update docs for Fedora 22  https://review.openstack.org/20892417:05
lucasagomesaigh folks, I'm going to call it a day17:05
rameshg87rloo: that place is the get_clean_steps() method17:05
rameshg87lucasagomes: g'night17:05
lucasagomeshave a good evening everyone!17:05
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betherlyhave a good evening lucasagomes17:05
rloorameshg87 & JoshNang: do you both have the same understanding wrt the clean_step decorator? ^^17:06
lucasagomesyou too (-: see y'all17:06
rloonight lucasagomes17:06
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rlooJoshNang, rameshg87: Ok. I'll revisit that, the docstrings, etc. for the decorator, because it seems misleading. Ie, the create_configuration and delete_configuration are clean steps, so I would have thought they'd need the decorator.17:07
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rlooJoshNang, rameshg87: cuz the decorator is called 'clean_step' :)17:07
rameshg87rloo: okay17:08
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rameshg87rloo: but that's why I thought off a logging17:08
rameshg87rloo: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/198238/18/ironic/drivers/modules/agent.py - L51817:08
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rameshg87rloo: does that seem an odd place ?17:08
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rloorameshg87: but that's an odd place. the method is called get_clean_steps().17:09
rameshg87rloo: because if someone set node.target_raid_config and then we figured out that agent ramdisk cannot support it, we need to inform the operator somehow17:09
rloorameshg87: i don't really see why we need to inform that operator about that.17:10
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rameshg87rloo: hmm..but it could be someone thought their hardware supports raid configuration, only to find out agent ramdisk couldn't support it17:10
rameshg87but then I am assuming operator doesn't know their hardware :D17:11
rloorameshg87: then they use the API-that-doesn't-exist-yet to see what the clean steps are17:11
rameshg87oh, it could also be because they don't have the right hardware manager17:11
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rameshg87oh yeah, they can ..17:11
rameshg87may be we need to document it17:11
rloorameshg87: yup. maybe after we have that API...17:12
rameshg87for inband raid configuration, check if your bare metal supports raid configuration, by looking at clean steps17:12
rameshg87I will remove the log then17:12
rloothx rameshg8717:12
rloorameshg87: i think the rest of my comments, you can comment on. i'm going to disappear for a bit. starving...17:13
rameshg87rloo: sure, will see if I can address comments straight away17:13
rameshg87rloo: thanks a lot for quick reviews17:13
rloorameshg87: wow! don't stay up just cuz of this. but thanks!17:13
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rameshg87rloo: just a quick thing17:15
rameshg87rloo: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/198238/18/ironic/drivers/modules/deploy_utils.py L127217:15
rameshg87rloo: do you have suggestion for another name ?17:15
rameshg87if that doesn't convey the meaning17:15
jlvillalrameshg87: 'reset'?17:18
rameshg87jlvillal: or does 'change' look simpler17:19
rameshg87jlvillal: actually I noticed that she suggested something in that comment itself. I missed it.17:19
rameshg87jlvillal: does 'change' work ?17:19
jlvillalrameshg87: change would work for me. Or set.17:19
jlvillalrameshg87: change has an implication that it already exists. set does not imply that, but it could exist.17:20
rameshg87jlvillal: okay, so set seems bettter. because it already exists when it is returned from agent ramdisk.17:20
rameshg87I mean change seems better17:20
* rameshg87 scratches head 17:21
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rameshg87right ?17:21
jlvillalrameshg87: You say tomato I say tomato ;)17:21
jlvillalrameshg87: change works for me! :)17:21
jlvillalEither works.17:21
jlvillalrameshg87: But I are an engineer ;)17:22
rameshg87jlvillal: I think I am :)17:22
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openstackgerritSam Betts proposed openstack/ironic-inspector: Add API Discovery to Ironic Inspector  https://review.openstack.org/21506717:26
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jlvillalAnyone here using tftpd-hpa? As our documentation says to use.17:46
jlvillalI'm looking at: http://docs.openstack.org/developer/ironic/deploy/install-guide.html17:47
openstackgerritMerged openstack/ironic: Add supported environment 'VMware' to comments  https://review.openstack.org/22088017:47
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jrollwe use xinet whatever17:48
jlvillaljroll: Okay.  I was looking at the part where it says: Enable tftp map file, modify /etc/xinetd.d/tftp as below and restart xinetd service17:48
jlvillalBut it seems like tftpd-hpa doesn't use xinetd, but has a /etc/init.d/tftpd file17:49
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jrolljlvillal: that said, we manage tftp outside of ironic so I'm not sure I'll be much help :P17:49
jlvillaljroll: Thanks, trying to set up a real bare metal setup inside my cube :)17:49
jlvillalI've only done VM method until now.17:49
jrollyeah docs could be wrong on this17:49
jlvillaljroll: Thanks.17:49
jrollnp, idk if that helped :)17:50
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TheJuliajlvillal: I think it can be launched either way, just depends on distribution default most likely17:51
jlvillalTheJulia: Thanks. I'm playing on Ubuntu 14.0417:51
openstackgerritRamakrishnan G proposed openstack/ironic: Add support for inband raid configuration agent ramdisk  https://review.openstack.org/19823817:53
TheJuliajlvillal: same here, I'm using xinetd, if you want I can show you what my xinetd.d/tftp file looks like17:53
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jlvillalTheJulia: Thanks! Did you use tftpd or tftpd-hpa?17:54
jlvillalTheJulia: Yes I would like to see :)17:54
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jlvillalI am thinking about modifying /etc/defaults/tftpd-hpa file to add options.17:54
TheJuliaI'm fairly sure its hpa, one moment17:55
jlvillalAnd using the /etc/init.d/tftpd-hpa file17:55
jlvillalInstead of doing xinetd. But my opinion can change :)17:55
* rameshg87 goes to sleep 17:56
TheJuliajlvillal: tftp-hpa with xinetd17:57
rameshg87good night all17:57
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jlvillalTheJulia: Thanks17:58
TheJuliajlvillal: heh, looks like I've also got the script, but xinetd is getting the requests and passing it over on my dev machine17:58
jlvillalTheJulia: But would like to see your xinetd file17:58
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TheJuliajlvillal: sure, one moment18:00
jlvillalTheJulia: Thanks!18:00
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TheJuliajlvillal: http://paste.openstack.org/show/3oprAImjo0CpPOIvgx5K/ I have this feeling like user is totally wrong, and I changed it and it failed to work with a quick test, but now I'm going to keep digging at it since it just seems very wrong to me.18:05
jlvillalTheJulia: Thank you.18:05
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jlvillalTheJulia: This is what I tried: http://paste.openstack.org/show/450612/18:07
jlvillalSo my data is going into /var/lib/tftpboot/18:07
jlvillalI ended up making my map-file a NOOP for now. And I could do a 'tftp' client and get my pxelinux.0 file18:07
jlvillalI did a: service tftpd-hpa start18:08
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openstackgerritJulia Kreger proposed openstack/bifrost: Remove explicit ELEMENTS_PATH definition  https://review.openstack.org/22143618:08
TheJuliajlvillal: awesome :)18:12
jlvillalTheJulia: Thanks, but a lot more to go. Now to see what I else I need to do before I setup my NUC :)18:12
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openstackgerritJarrod Johnson proposed stackforge/pyghmi: Implement NTP support for Lenovo Thinkserver  https://review.openstack.org/22144818:29
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betherlyheading off for the day. have a good day all!18:42
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openstackgerritJarrod Johnson proposed stackforge/pyghmi: Implement NTP support for Lenovo Thinkserver  https://review.openstack.org/22144818:50
openstackgerritRamakrishnan G proposed openstack/ironic: Add support for inband raid configuration agent ramdisk  https://review.openstack.org/19823818:50
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openstackgerritStephanie Miller proposed openstack/bifrost: Move Redhat-specific libvirt tasks into file to be included  https://review.openstack.org/22145318:54
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openstackgerritJay Faulkner proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent: Ensure all methods in util.py have docstrings.  https://review.openstack.org/22031319:32
openstackgerritJulia Kreger proposed openstack/bifrost: Revise TFTP settings and note configuration  https://review.openstack.org/22147619:38
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openstackgerritJulia Kreger proposed openstack/bifrost: Correct log file storage location  https://review.openstack.org/21884120:01
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/ironic: Try to standardize retrieval of an Exception's description  https://review.openstack.org/21743420:03
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openstackgerritJulia Kreger proposed openstack/bifrost: Remove explicit ELEMENTS_PATH definition  https://review.openstack.org/22143620:08
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/bifrost: Fix doc typo for configdrive role  https://review.openstack.org/22085620:11
openstackgerritJay Faulkner proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent: Make the erase_devices clean step abortable  https://review.openstack.org/20213720:15
JayF^ fixed nits in the commit message and landed it, it already had a +2 from dmitry20:15
openstackgerritJulia Kreger proposed openstack/bifrost: Remove outdated TODO file  https://review.openstack.org/22149020:23
openstackgerritJulia Kreger proposed openstack/bifrost: Improve logging for VMs to identify IPA issues  https://review.openstack.org/22011220:24
openstackgerritJarrod Johnson proposed stackforge/pyghmi: Implement NTP support for Lenovo Thinkserver  https://review.openstack.org/22144820:27
openstackgerritMerged openstack/bifrost: Correct log file storage location  https://review.openstack.org/21884120:38
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openstackgerritJosh Gachnang proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent: Tuples returned by clean steps cause API error  https://review.openstack.org/22149820:51
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openstackgerritJulia Kreger proposed openstack/bifrost: Fix HACKING.rst and canary test for merges  https://review.openstack.org/22011320:58
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jrolleverybody cool with releasing ironic 4.1.0 now that this landed? https://github.com/openstack/ironic/commit/fe2c6207f3ca385e9904d591d064232beb3514f121:06
openstackgerritJulia Kreger proposed openstack/bifrost: Improve logging for VMs to identify IPA issues  https://review.openstack.org/22011221:06
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rloojroll: nooooooo. Yeah, go for it!21:07
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jrollrloo: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/221503/21:08
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rloojroll: do we need to update the release notes?21:09
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jrollrloo: good point21:09
jrollI can do that after cross project mtg21:09
rloojroll: ok.21:10
jrollthat's in doc/ so I expect it doesn't need to be in the actual release21:10
* jroll starts drafting it21:11
rloojroll: oh, i just -1'd your patch cuz of that. i think we do want it in tree cuz it is packaged with the release. or at least, deva wanted the release notes in before cutting 4.0.0 i think.21:11
openstackgerritJulia Kreger proposed openstack/bifrost: Fix HACKING.rst and canary test for merges  https://review.openstack.org/22011321:12
jrollI seem to remember them landing after 4.0.021:12
jrollbut not sure21:12
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jroll6 days ago, definitely was after 4.021:12
openstackgerritJulia Kreger proposed openstack/bifrost: Fix HACKING.rst and canary test for merges  https://review.openstack.org/22011321:12
JayFI mean, why shouldn't we write release notes and land them real quick?21:12
JayFIf we're releasing shouldn't we know what we're releasing?21:13
rloojroll: yeah, which is why deva didn't really want to announce
jrollJayF: define "land them real quick" :)21:13
jrolloh. well.21:13
JayFjroll: Heh. I'm just saying, shouldn't the tools exist to answer the question "what's the change?"21:13
jrollI'm fine with either way, probably notes before release is better21:13
JayFjroll: and putting that into release notes seems trivial21:13
rlooJayF: ha ha. I suspect it isn't 'real quick' cuz it means you have to 1. know what changed; 2. update the docn; 3. submit patch; 4. get it merged21:13
jrollJayF: yeah, but then making them english :)21:13
jroll3.a. have rloo correct all the english21:14
rloojroll: i'm fine if someone else does 3.a :D21:14
rloojroll: and happier if i don't even have to look at the patch! :D21:14
rloojroll: did you want this in for 4.1.0 too? (I know, it is documentation) https://review.openstack.org/#/c/221317/21:18
jrollrloo: I'm apathetic21:18
jrollhow is that merge conflict21:18
jrolloh because abandoned patch, ugh21:19
rloojroll: the downside of making a patch dependent on another patch21:19
jrollI'm not worried about that in 4.121:19
openstackgerritJulia Kreger proposed openstack/bifrost: Allow Test VM RAM setting to be tunable  https://review.openstack.org/22150721:20
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jrollok, I think this is the list of commits since 4.0 https://gist.github.com/jimrollenhagen/13b25f0963448d4418b521:34
jrollgoing to go off of that for release notes21:34
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rloojroll: looks good to me. I'd like to see 'Add release notes for 4.1.0' on top :)21:36
jrollrloo: heh yeah21:37
jrollI don't think "adds release notes" belongs in the release notes :P21:37
rloojroll: i just approved a couple of patches i think. but they weren't important/release-news-worthy I don't think.21:37
rloojroll: Agree, just in the list of changes though :)21:38
jrollheh, yeah21:38
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mrdaMorning Ironic21:38
NobodyCammorning mrda21:40
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jrollhiya mrda21:44
mrdahey jroll21:45
jlvillalmrda: Good morning21:47
mrdahey jlvillal21:47
openstackgerritJulia Kreger proposed openstack/bifrost: Fix HACKING.rst and canary test for merges  https://review.openstack.org/22011321:49
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openstackgerritJim Rollenhagen proposed openstack/ironic: Add 4.1.0 release notes  https://review.openstack.org/22151721:51
* jlvillal imagines circular dependency of 'add release notes about adding release note about adding release note...' :)21:51
jrollrloo and friends ^21:51
rloowhee, /me is a friend of jroll.21:52
openstackgerritMerged openstack/bifrost: Move Redhat-specific libvirt tasks into file to be included  https://review.openstack.org/22145321:52
jrollrloo: idk, I listed you separately from 'friends' ;)21:52
* jlvillal is unsure of his status ;)21:52
openstackgerritMerged openstack/bifrost: Revise TFTP settings and note configuration  https://review.openstack.org/22147621:52
rloojroll: yeah, I wondered about that :)21:52
jrollwe can still be friends, I already did my full-channel ping for the day :P21:53
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rlooI think jroll's friends are anyone that reviews his patch :D21:55
jrolltrue story21:56
mrdaor buys him breakfast burritos or beer21:56
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rloojroll: i have to take off. i'll check in later, maybe 2 hours or so, if you need more +2s or whatever.21:56
jrollrloo: cool, ty21:56
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/bifrost: Improve logging for VMs to identify IPA issues  https://review.openstack.org/22011222:15
openstackgerritMerged openstack/ironic: Handle missing is_whole_disk_image in pxe._build_pxe_config_options  https://review.openstack.org/22100322:21
openstackgerritMerged openstack/ironic: Improve the ability to resolve capability value  https://review.openstack.org/19090022:21
openstackgerritJim Rollenhagen proposed openstack/ironic: Add 4.1.0 release notes  https://review.openstack.org/22151722:22
jrollmrda: thanks for the nit22:22
jrollrloo_afk: ^ updated22:22
jrollNobodyCam: if you could also look at that, would be fantastic22:22
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NobodyCamahh Deprecated the 'parallel' option to periodic task decorator got me .. we've only added a deprecation warning for parallel=False22:32
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jrollNobodyCam: because True is the default, no?22:46
jrollthe point is to not make that optional :P22:47
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jlvillalbnemec: ping?23:29
jlvillalbnemec: unping :)23:32
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mrdahey jroll?23:47
mrdaOr lucasagomes?23:48
jrollmrda: kinda here, what's up23:48
mrdahttps://review.openstack.org/#/c/206614/ and https://review.openstack.org/#/c/209457 are two reviews for bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/147749023:48
openstackLaunchpad bug 1477490 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "Ironic: Deleting while spawning can leave orphan ACTIVE nodes in Ironic" [Undecided,In progress] - Assigned to Lucas Alvares Gomes (lucasagomes)23:48
mrdaIs the first one superceeded?23:48
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mrda(jroll: sorry for bugging you late in your day)23:49
jrollmrda: I don't think so, I think they're both valid23:49
jrollbut not totally sure23:49
jrolloh you're fine, I made the choice to answer :P23:49
mrdaok, it just seems #1 is now blocked for a spec, and #2 isn't, so I'm confused23:50
mrdabut that's not your concern :)23:50
mrdaI'm often confused23:50
jrollthey're both needed to close the bug, afai23:50
mrdata, thanks23:51
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