Monday, 2015-11-30

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openstackgerritMerged openstack/ironic: force releasenotes warnings to be treated as errors
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sambettsp/ mariojv15:49
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NobodyCamgood morning Ironicers15:57
BadCubmorning folks15:57
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lucasagomesTheJulia, NobodyCam morning15:58
lucasagomesmariojv, morning too :-)15:58
NobodyCamhey hey lucasagomes :)15:58
dtantsurmorning NobodyCam, BadCub15:58
NobodyCammorning dtantsur15:58
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openstackgerritImre Farkas proposed openstack/ironic: DRAC: switch to python-dracclient on management interface
NobodyCammorning to rloo jroll devananda sambetts jlvillal and all oters not listed here15:59
jlvillalNobodyCam, morning!16:00
mgouldNobodyCam, morning!16:00
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rlooohhh, yawn, stretch, good morning NobodyCam, BadCub, lucasagomes, TheJulia, dtantsur, mariojv, jlvillal, mgould, ifarkas, jroll :)16:02
lucasagomesrloo, morning!16:02
vdrokmorning mgould jlvillal mariojv NobodyCam BadCub TheJulia rloo !16:02
dtantsurmorning rloo :)16:03
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jlvillalvdrok, :)16:04
ifarkasmorning rloo!16:04
vdrokmorning ifarkas :)16:04
rloohi vdrok!16:04
ifarkasmorning all :-)16:05
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sambettso/ NobodyCam rloo ifarkas16:15
rloodtantsur: wrt, does it need a reno?16:22
dtantsurprobably? I'm still not sure myself :)16:23
dtantsurjroll, wdyt ^^16:23
rloodtantsur: it is a 'high' and critical for tripleo so I am guessing yes.16:23
dtantsuryeah, I'll update it16:23
rloodtantsur: ok thx. ping me and i'll review it then :)16:23
openstackgerritSergii Turivnyi proposed openstack/python-ironicclient: Tests for testing node-delete command
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openstackgerritSergii Turivnyi proposed openstack/python-ironicclient: Add tests for testing node-delete command
devanandag'morning, all16:29
openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/ironic: Fall back to old boot.ipxe behaviour if inc command is not found
dtantsurrloo, lucasagomes ^^16:29
dtantsurmorning devananda16:29
NobodyCammorning devananda16:29
lucasagomesdevananda, morning16:29
lucasagomesdtantsur, will take a look16:29
rloothx dtantsur, looking16:29
rloomorning devananda!16:29
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TheJuliagood morning devananda16:32
vdrokdevananda, morning16:33
mgoulddevananda, morning!16:33
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openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/ironic: Fall back to old boot.ipxe behaviour if inc command is not found
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dtantsurrloo, fixed ^^ thanks16:45
rloodtantsur: ah, ok, looking16:45
rlooding, ding, 15 minutes to our meeting16:46
* TheJulia goes and makes coffee16:46
openstackgerritImre Farkas proposed openstack/ironic: DO NOT MERGE - disable ssl warnings in tests
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* devananda heads over to the meeting room17:00
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openstackgerritBrad P. Crochet proposed openstack/ironic-specs: OpenStackClient plugin spec
jrollrloo: dtantsur: if we have to ask, it probably needs a note :)17:04
dtantsurjroll, already done, thanks :)17:04
rloojroll: yeah :)17:04
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dtantsurthat's how we fail to encourage people to use the ML. it's really weird.17:22
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/ironic-python-agent: Updated from global requirements
thingeejroll: just a reminder that communication for third party ci's are going out today.17:38
openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent: Support Linux-IO in addition to tgtd
thingeejroll: did we by chance appoint people who can answer questions in channel in between third party ci help meetings?17:38
rloothingee: jroll is on vacation this week. he was here a few minutes ago, not sure when he'll be back.17:39
rlookrtaylor: ^^ do you know the answers to thingee's questions?17:40
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krtaylorthingee, I can answer questions17:42
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thingeerloo krtaylor thanks! I'll send an email to jroll as a last chance to stop things. The plan we had from last wednesday was to communicate to vendors the information from the third party ci spec.17:44
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thingeeand that would go out today17:44
krtaylorthingee,  thanks for the communication email, huge help, can you send me the template for future reference?17:44
rloothingee: it should go out today. I don't think there's any reason to not do it.17:44
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thingeekrtaylor: it's at the bottom17:47
krtaylorthingee, thanks17:48
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anteayathingee: can you clarify the use of the third party systems wikipage please17:51
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anteayathingee: there seems to be some confusion17:52
thingeeanteaya: sure, what needs to be fixed?17:52
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anteayathingee: third party ci systems are to use the wikipage, not to announce themselves on the mailing list17:53
anteayathingee: I would like to ensure that information is clear17:53
dtantsurthe first time I see a nearly "shut up" response on the ML (twice for a thread)17:54
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dtantsurcould you please not spam our channel with your discussions?17:54
anteayaI think you are not understanding the extent to which the openstack community has already had to deal with third party things17:57
dtantsurnobody cared to explain17:57
anteayaand expectations that are in place around that17:57
anteayaI am explaining17:58
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anteayaas a development communitity we have had to deal with an onslaught of activity from myriad third party ci systems for over 2 years17:58
anteayathey don't pay attention to communitiy events other than their driver17:59
anteayaand they dont' pay attention to weekly project meetings17:59
anteayathere are some exceptions to this17:59
anteayaand that is wonderful17:59
anteayabut the majority pay attention to only their driver17:59
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anteayaand spam many lines of communication and the developers don't like it18:00
devanandaderekh: happy to continue here18:00
anteayawhich is why certain things were set up, to deal with the spamming and to minimize the disruption to devs18:00
anteayaone of these was the third party systems wikipage18:00
derekhdevananda: I gotta run, but can continue tomorrow or on the mail thread if you want18:01
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anteayawhich was specifically set up so that anyone can check the existance of a third party ci system18:01
dtantsuranteaya, while I (now) understand and share your motives, I still don't think the response was fair. It was we, the ironic cores, who forced driver folks to set up the CI. a simple bit of explanation *why* they should not announce that they did what we asked them to would be very beneficial for future collaborations with them18:02
anteayathat is fine18:02
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anteayamany things I have done and continue to do in the third party space don't seem fair until the big picture is understood18:02
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anteayadtantsur: that is fine, I asked who told them to announce on the mailing list and was told that noone from ironic has done so18:03
devanandapenick: ohhai. have some time today to discuss the claims api work?18:03
anteayadtantsur: have you told anyone to announce on the mailing list?18:04
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dtantsuranteaya, if I was them, I would treat it as obvious. if they asked me, I would say "definitely on the ML"18:04
anteayaplease don't do that in future18:04
dtantsurthey didn't, but I would definitely tell them to do before this conversation18:04
anteayahave you done so in the past?18:04
dtantsurI *think* never18:04
anteayagreat, so hopefully you won't now18:04
* rloo would have also thought to mention to someone to post on ML about their 3rd party CI, but now I know better too :)18:05
anteayarloo: thank you18:06
anteayaanytime you have questions about third party ci just ask me18:06
rloothank YOU anteaya for explaining/clarifying.18:06
anteayait is much easier to just ask me or thingee and we can talk about it18:06
anteayarloo: thanks for listening18:07
anteayathe third party ci group in my experience unfortunately has a mob mentality18:07
anteayathey will do anything anyone else does if they reach their goal18:07
anteayathey really aren't paying attention to the effect on the community18:07
anteayaagain their are exceptions to this18:08
anteayabut they are the minority in my experience18:08
rlooanteaya: I guess we haven't (yet) seen that problem, so maybe that would be a good problem to have, but better to avoid it in the first place I think :D18:08
devanandaanteaya: my experience is that many of the ironic driver authors are somewhat better community citizens than i've seen in other projects.18:08
devanandaanteaya: not all of them, but on average we've had less issues than, say, neutron did at the point in time when 3rd party CI was a serious issue there18:09
anteayarloo: exactly yes, I hope ironic never has that problem18:09
anteayadevananda: oh I'm so glad18:09
* lucasagomes reads that conversation18:09
devanandaalso, I think in a lot of ways that is because we've been able to learn from other projects' challenges :)18:09
anteayadevananda: yes I am glad to hear ironic third party ci folks are good community citizens18:10
anteayadevananda: that helps :)18:10
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* mgould -> home: good night, all!18:10
NobodyCamnight mgould18:10
* dtantsur calls it a day too18:10
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devanandapenick: not sure if you saw my ping ... you around today to chat?18:10
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dtantsursee you18:10
NobodyCamnight dtantsur :)18:11
devanandag'night dtantsur18:11
rloonight dtantsur, mgoddard18:11
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* sambetts is taking off too 18:11
rloooops, sorry mgoddard, i meant mgould who's no longer here :)18:11
rloobye sambetts18:11
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sambetts-afko/ rloo18:11
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vdrokgood night everyone :)18:12
mgoddardrloo: no problem!18:12
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NobodyCamnight sambetts-afk18:14
openstackgerritVladyslav Drok proposed openstack/ironic: Add documentation for proxies usage with IPA
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penickdevananda: hey, I am. are you available at 1300h pacific18:26
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devanandapenick: I need to go in the office for a bit, but I can do that after 130018:50
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penickok, if that works for you i’ll drop you a line18:50
devanandagreat, thans18:51
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/pyghmi: Add TLS support and TSM remote video (WIP)
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openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/ironic: [WIP] Fall back to old boot.ipxe behaviour if inc command is not found
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openstackgerritPavlo Shchelokovskyy proposed openstack/ironic: Migrate to using keystoneauth Sessions
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openstackgerritColleen Murphy proposed openstack/bifrost: Provide dhcp-range even for static inventory
openstackgerritMerged openstack/ironic-inspector: Do not explicitly mention requirements.txt in tox.ini
lucasagomesfolks I will call it a day19:41
lucasagomeshave a great night19:41
NobodyCamhave a good night lucasagomes19:41
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NobodyCamwoo hoo new gaming laptop ordered19:51
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sinvalNobodyCam: \o/19:56
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NobodyCam:) I get a new one about ever 5 years or so :)19:57
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sinvalNobodyCam: cool19:59
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openstackgerritJulia Kreger proposed openstack/bifrost: Switch to Ansible 2.0
openstackgerritJulia Kreger proposed openstack/bifrost: Allow user to set DIB_RELEASE for disk images
openstackgerritJulia Kreger proposed openstack/bifrost: Change DIB role to default to Debian jessie
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-ironicclient: Add missing translation markers
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TheJuliaSpamapS: you might want to checkout the revs ^^^ which should address a concern you had expressed.20:28
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openstackgerritJulia Kreger proposed openstack/bifrost: Set variables for Ubuntu 15.10
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penickdevananda: hey hey21:06
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devanandapenick: yo21:06
penickWhat’s shakin’ sir?21:06
devanandawanna talk about the claims / search api21:07
devanandaand scheduling things21:07
penickwhat’re your thoughts?21:07
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devanandaI neither want to reimplement nova-scheduler in totality, nor want to remain stuck with the current limitation to a single nova-compute host21:08
penickI’m sensing a “but”21:09
devanandayour objection on the spec, IIUC, is baslically "don't take away my pluggable python scheduler filter API"21:09
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devanandahowever, the Nova project doesn't, as far as I can tell, have any interest in solving for our problem domain. they would prefer baremetal-related problems be solved in the baremetal project (including scheduling decisions that do not relate to VMs)21:11
penickIt’s partially that, but moreso it’s when I take a step back and look at the situation. We have a system that pulls data from one table in a DB, and plugs it into another table in a DB. That’s inefficient and it’s hurting things. The solutions thus far seem predicated on the assertion that Nova won’t allow anything non-VM any deeper. So the Ironic integration is designed to be an absolute minimum of touch points21:12
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penickWhich is what leads us to these pretty inefficient designs. But, if there was an Ironic specific ComputeNodes filter, it would gracefully plug in to the existing scheduling system without any other advanced changes21:13
devananda"plugs it into another table in a DB" -- aiui, the nova resource tracker is an in-memory object, not a db table21:13
devanandaso are you referring to something else there? or am I mistaken?21:14
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devanandaactually, I think a large problem with nova's scheduler is that fetching a lot of data from a database into a python process and then filtering it *there* is a very inefficient design21:15
devanandaI'd like to make ironic's scheduling much faster by actually leveraging the database for what it's good at -- searching through data21:16
penickOne of the biggest inefficiencies was that the scheduler used to fetch data from a DB several times within a call. but that’s fixed in liberty. The first filter will hit the DB, and the remaining ones should just iterate over that21:16
penickHow does that plug in with the rest of the filters we’re creating to represent the rest of our infrastructure? As we build rack/network/power anti-affinity, how does that mesh with Ironic doing its own Scheduling?21:17
devanandapenick: I don't know yet21:18
devanandapenick: that locality/failure-domain data must be stored in some format within ironic, regardless of where the scheduling happens21:19
devanandapenick: could those scheduler hints / filters be represented within the query/claim API we've proposed?21:19
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penickthey could, for the low price of my team writing all of it twice.. :)21:20
penickOne set for VM  one for BM21:20
devanandapenick: how about ironic virt driver converting the nova request into the appropriate query to ironic?21:20
devanandasomeone write that code once and everyone uses it21:21
penickIs this really something that needs to be written in Ironic, or can node selection just happen from a Ironic-Specific filter?21:21
devanandapenick: if nova-scheduler is used to select an ironic node _at_all_, how does it know which nova-compute host to send the request to?21:21
devanandathe primary reason for this work is to address the current limitation of running only a single nova-compute host for Ironic21:22
devanandaoddly, the spec doesn't mention that in the problem statement21:22
devanandabut this spec has emerged from about a year of discussion with the nova team trying to find ways to solve that21:23
penickIf the scheduling moves to the scheduler, then the compute node selection could be a simple load balancing algorithm. Find one that isn’t busy, give it a job to do21:23
penickand integrate that with the claims process21:23
devanandapenick: how does each compute host report resource availability to the scheduler?21:23
devanandawhich AVAILABLE nodes does each compute host report? what about cells support?21:24
lifelesspenick: btw, you have mail21:24
penickWhich type of resource availability? As in, how many jobs the compute host is in the midst of. Or, the sum of the capabilities of all nodes managed by that compute node?21:25
penicklifeless: i’ll check, danke!21:25
devanandapenick: "all nodes managed by that compute node" << this is the list of all nodes in AVAILABLE state within Ironic, and is identical on every compute node21:26
openstackgerritSummer Barringer proposed openstack/bifrost: Adjusted line length to 79 columns.
penickIf we have the nova scheduler more able to directly access relevant scheduling data, why have the compute node report anything? That’s first used as part of the computenodes filter, yeah? If there’s an IronicComputeNode filter that knows to query the Ironic DB directly to create the in-memory object21:26
penickdevananda: I think the problem is the way I envisiion it - having a compute node report the capabilities of the hosts it manages is fundamentally wrong. It makes sense for VM. But doing that for baremetal means we’re just trying to cram Ironic into a VM shaped mold. And with a few changes we could satisfy both systems.21:28
penickWith VM a compute node reports its capabilities up because a: it’s a 1:1 relationshuip and b: it changes based on utilization, current overcommit values, etc21:29
penickWith baremetal the capabilities of a machine are not as ephemeral. It’s either in use, or it’s not in use. Only in the event of upgrades is there a state change21:29
penickSo, given that, if we accept that Ironic will integrate with the Nova scheduler in a different way, we can remove the assumption that the compute node is anything but a dumb worker that performs a task on a claimed host21:30
devanandapenick: nova team didn't accept that proposal when I made it a few summits back21:31
penickI feel like they might be more open minded now21:31
devanandait essentially requires gutting the nova resource tracker and compute host logic, and significantly changing the scheduler so it integrates with an external (from nova's POV) system21:31
devanandawhat we're proposing here doesn't prevent that from being done later on21:32
devanandabut it allows us to move forward with something while nova team continues to refactor the RT and scheduler21:32
penickIt doesn’t, but it does mean that I have to be out-of-tree until it does, which fundamentally is something we really really really want to avoid21:33
devanandaI don't want (you) to be out of tree (either)21:33
penickIn our concurrency scale test we up and disabled RT, since it was just in the way21:35
devanandawhy does that not surprise me :)21:35
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penickI don’t think the scheduler re-factor should be a blocker — quite the opposite in fact. If someone’s going to re-factor the scheduler I want it done with an Ironic driver at the beginning of the chain21:35
devanandapenick: you talked with jaypipes yet?21:36
penickOn the scheduler stuff, not really21:36
devanandayou might want to21:36
penickI should go chase him down this week and see if he’s got time21:36
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penickSo that seems probably the best step from this point. -If- Nova agrees that, yes, Ironic should be its own filter and not some glued-on thing — would you agree that this is the best way forward?21:40
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devanandaIronic requires much more than just a Nova Filter plugin21:41
devanandaI do not agree that that will solve the fundamental problem here21:41
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penickSure, the three main problems I see are 1: Create ironic filter, have other filters accept ironic-y data that comes through in the object 2: claims API to reserve a node as a part of the scheduling process. 3: cook up a mechanism to select a compute node to service a request when a node’s been selected21:46
penick4: if it’s Ironic, leave RT in the box like a christmas fruitcake.21:46
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devanandaafk a bit21:50
devanandatiny emergency involving an orange, a knife, and a finger21:51
penickah, yeah, no problem21:51
openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-ironicclient: Refactoring and removing duplicate code of "base.Manager" heirs
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SpamapSTheJulia: ACK! THanks!22:05
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NobodyCamdevananda: hope your ok?22:20
NobodyCamhey SpamapS :)22:20
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mariojvthanks for pointing out where the cache is being cleared out vdrok, must have missed that22:24
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krotscheckArgh, I keep forgetting the meeting22:54
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NobodyCamkrotscheck: good thing its recorded :p22:56
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krotscheckNobodyCam: I know, I'm reading the minutes22:56
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openstackgerritWilliam Stevenson proposed openstack/python-ironicclient: Updates supporting ironic-neutron integration
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