Friday, 2016-06-17

openstackgerritRamamani Yeleswarapu proposed openstack/ironic: Centralize config options - [database]
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JayFthat apache :8088 issue in the gate appears to be happening reliably on ipa-src jobs00:08
openstackgerritRamamani Yeleswarapu proposed openstack/ironic: Centralize config options - [dhcp]
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openstackgerritRamamani Yeleswarapu proposed openstack/ironic: Centralize config options - [iboot]
openstackgerritRamamani Yeleswarapu proposed openstack/ironic: Centralize config options - [ilo]
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JayFWorking with #openstack-infra, looks like a new zuul launcher thing00:19
JayFbug is updated, and it'll be patched up00:19
openstackgerritRamamani Yeleswarapu proposed openstack/ironic: Centralize config options - [inspector]
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openstackgerritRuby Loo proposed openstack/ironic: Don't use dict.get(key) in api & conductor unit tests
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openstackgerritRamamani Yeleswarapu proposed openstack/ironic: Centralize config options - [ipmi]
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JayFinfra is going to change their port, but effectiveness is likely on the multiple-days/a week timeframe00:31
JayFso I'm also going to push a change up to change the port we use00:31
JayF4011 was suggested as the port that's listed in /etc/services as pxe, so going to use that00:31
openstackgerritRamamani Yeleswarapu proposed openstack/ironic: Centralize config options - [irmc]
JayFactually, not that, it's netboot-pxe     3928/tcp    # PXE NetBoot Manager00:33
JayFso choosing that.00:33
JayFDoes anyone know the historical reason we didn't use the service already on :80?00:34
openstackgerritRamamani Yeleswarapu proposed openstack/ironic: Centralize config options - [keystone]
openstackgerritJay Faulkner proposed openstack/ironic: Change port used for Ironic static http to 3928
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JayFjroll: jlvillal ^ 330832 is our gate fix00:41
* JayF wishes there were more cores awake at this time pst, lol00:41
openstackgerritRamamani Yeleswarapu proposed openstack/ironic: Centralize config options - [oneview]
jrollthis is amazing00:52
jlvillalJayF, Awesome :)00:52
JayFI was literally about to leave for the day at 5, saw the bugfix to ipa failed across the board agani00:53
JayFasked in infra and just threwaway comment of 'looks like 8088 got ninja'd out from under us'00:53
JayFand then everything clicked and what happened was clear00:53
jrollJayF: +A00:53
jrollthank you for that00:53
JayFthere was a very valid question though: why weren't we using port 80?00:53
jrollI have no idea, I actually missed the switch to using apache at all in the gate00:54
JayFI didn't know if there was some reason (I presumed maybe to have it at a different url than ironic api or something?)00:54
JayFwe don't use wsgi-apache00:54
jrolloh, ipxe?00:54
JayFwe use apache to serve images to ipxe00:54
JayFstatic hosting00:54
JayFso it's something lucasagomes must have added when he did that forever-ago00:54
openstackgerritRamamani Yeleswarapu proposed openstack/ironic: Centralize config options - [seamicro]
JayFeither way, we should consider just hosting that on :80 at some path00:54
JayFbut that's a bigger change and I just wanted to get the obvious fix in asap00:54
jlvillalJayF, +200:55
jrollso my first instinct is that horizon or keystone serves on 80 and nobody could be bothered to do the apache config00:55
JayFwell multiple services live on :80 already00:55
JayFand the infra is clearly there for multiple services to share apache00:55
jrollmind filing a bug?00:55
JayFI'm not sure it's a bug :)00:55
JayFmaybe an RFE00:55
jrollwell, whatever00:56
jrollfile a thing under the thing called bugs in launchpad :P00:56
jrollthank you for helping with finding that00:56
JayFit's fine, all I did was wtf in infra00:56
openstackgerritRamamani Yeleswarapu proposed openstack/ironic: Centralize config options - [snmp]
JayFand they did all the figuring out00:56
JayFif all bugs were fixed by lines in irc00:56
JayFme and you would fix more than anyone else00:56
jrollbark > bite? :|00:57
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jlvillalJayF, Awesome figuring that out :)00:57
JayFthe scariest dogs do both00:58
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jlvillalJayF, What I don't get is why it didn't kill all jobs. Why did most jobs pass.00:59
JayFjlvillal: it's the zuul launcher migration.01:00
JayFjlvillal: jobs that ran on "new zuul launcher" failed01:00
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JayFjobs on old jenkins worked01:00
JayFwhen all of them changed to zuul today, we went to hard-broken01:00
openstackLaunchpad bug 1593510 in Ironic "[RFE] Host ipxe static assets in devstack on :80" [Undecided,New]01:00
jrollthat's why frequency increased too01:00
jrollthanks JayF01:01
JayFno problemo01:01
JayFthere's nothing more satisfying01:01
JayFthan fixing a major bug01:01
JayFby doing nearly nothing01:01
jlvillalJayF, The priority of that bug would have really gone up tomorrow morning for us ;)01:01
openstackgerritRamamani Yeleswarapu proposed openstack/ironic: Centralize config options - [ssh]
JayFheh. I was just angry the ipa fix wasn't going in so i rage-diagnosed it01:01
JayFbreaking all the time is way easier to diagnose than sometimes breaking, anyway01:02
* jroll thinks dinner is ready, see y'all tomorrow01:03
jrollthanks again JayF01:03
JayFhey it's no problem01:03
JayFI lost an hour fixing flights for my little bro so just stayed and was able to fix it01:03
jrolljust read that :P01:03
JayFI'm "off" tomorrow but given my brother isn't going to be in until a little later, might be in a little in the morning01:03
JayFI fixed a lot of stuff today. None of that 'stuff' was the policy spec :(01:04
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JayFyou know what's additionally funny01:05
JayFI made this way worse... by making all jobs use ipxe except one01:05
JayFnot like it matters if a voting job was still broken anyway01:06
JayFbut ipa broken across the board was because it's all ipxe01:06
jlvillalSo I guess infra started that change over around 6-June01:06
JayFProbably so. And ramped it up.01:06
JayFHonestly, this is best case01:06
JayFnothing actually broken01:06
JayFjust a silly thing that happens01:06
jlvillalJayF, I updated the whiteboard01:07
JayFway better than if ironic or devstack had some crazy race condition01:07
JayFI updated the 'random' to ALL OF THE JOERBS :)01:07
jlvillalOkay time for me to go spend time with the wife :)01:07
JayFyep, same here01:07
JayFI'll be in a little tomorrow if for nothing else than to play recheck fairy o/01:08
openstackgerritRamamani Yeleswarapu proposed openstack/ironic: Centralize config options - [swift]
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openstackgerritRamamani Yeleswarapu proposed openstack/ironic: Centralize config options - [virtualbox]
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openstackgerritRuby Loo proposed openstack/ironic: Replace dict.get(key) in api & conductor tests
openstackgerritRamamani Yeleswarapu proposed openstack/ironic: Centralize config options - [glance]
openstackgerritRuby Loo proposed openstack/ironic: Replace dict.get(key) in drivers/modules/*/ tests
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openstackgerritRamamani Yeleswarapu proposed openstack/ironic: Centralize config options - [neutron]
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jlvillalJayF, jroll: I backported JayF's patch to stable/mitaka.
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jlvillalAnd stable/liberty via devstack:
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/ironic: Change port used for Ironic static http to 3928
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openstackgerritRuby Loo proposed openstack/ironic: Replace dict.get(key) in drivers unit tests
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jlvillaldtantsur|afk: Need this to fix stable/mitaka and grenade:
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openstackgerritRamamani Yeleswarapu proposed openstack/ironic: Centralize config options - [DEFAULT]
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openstackgerritRamamani Yeleswarapu proposed openstack/ironic: Centralize config options - [api]
openstackgerritMerged openstack/ironic: Active Node Creation via adopt state
jlvillalTheJulia, ^^^ :)03:41
openstackgerritMerged openstack/ironic: Centralize config options - [console]
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/ironic: Centralize config options - [cimc]
openstackgerritRamamani Yeleswarapu proposed openstack/ironic: Centralize config options - [deploy]
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/ironic-inspector: Fix response code for rule creating API
openstackgerritRamamani Yeleswarapu proposed openstack/ironic: Centralize config options - [agent]
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-ironicclient: Implementation of baremetal power state commands
openstackgerritRamamani Yeleswarapu proposed openstack/ironic: Centralize config options - [pxe]
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openstackgerritRamamani Yeleswarapu proposed openstack/ironic: Centralize config options - [iscsi]
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openstackgerritYuiko Takada Mori proposed openstack/ironic: Fix parameter
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openstackgerritRamamani Yeleswarapu proposed openstack/ironic: Centralize Config Options - patch merge, cleanup
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openstackgerritYuiko Takada Mori proposed openstack/ironic: [WIP] Nova-compatible serial console: socat console_utils
openstackgerritYuiko Takada Mori proposed openstack/ironic: IPMINative: add NativeIPMISocatConsole class
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_milan_morning Ironic06:59
lazy_princeHi.. just wanted to confirm that is only consumed by Ironic api service and not by conductor service.. is that right understanding..?07:00
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dtantsurMorning Ironic07:15
dtantsurjlvillal, +207:19
Nisha_awaydtantsur, morning07:25
dtantsurmorning Nisha_away, aarefiev07:25
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aarefievmorning dtantsur, Nisha_away07:30
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_milan_morning aarefiev dtantsur Nisha107:46
aarefievmorning _milan_07:46
wagielmorning openstackers07:46
dtantsurmorning _milan_, wagiel07:47
wagielI have a question about dnsmasq in ironic, i see process is running with all the options, but when telnet port 67 nothing is listening, my instance is spawning but when it comes to dhcp part nothing is happening07:48
dtantsurwagiel, note that we don't manage dnsmasq, it's neutron's job. I think they're using network namespaces, but it's better to ask them (#openstack-neutron)07:50
openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/ironic: Add dbapi and objects functions to get a node by associated MAC addresses
wagieldtantsur: thank you, I will07:52
openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/ironic: [WIP] Promote agent vendor passthru to core API
openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/ironic-inspector: Add manage_boot parameter to introspection API
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_milan_guys, I want to introduce inspector experimental grenade gate. I want to base it on the ironic job from  devstack-gate.yaml jenkins definitnion in infra. I'm wondering how to  make the job enable inspector's grenade plugin (under review now) without having to insert ref spec in the grenade plugin line.08:00
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dtantsur_milan_, if I got your question right, zuul is doing it automatically for gate jobs, hence it's not there for ironic08:06
dtantsurbut it's a bit too early to think about gate jobs for me :D08:07
_milan_dtantsur, I'm not sure how the ref is propagated. I'd like to be able to: "check experimental" as I've spent most my time debugging fake gates :-/08:08
dtantsur_milan_, I'm not sure either, it Just Works (tm)08:08
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dtantsuryou can ask on #openstack-infra ofc08:08
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_milan_anyways, how about we make such an experimental job?08:09
_milan_might make life easier for reviewers too08:09
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dtantsur_milan_, definitely. I was going to ask for it :)08:10
openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed openstack/ironic: [WIP] Testing latest u-c
openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed openstack/ironic: [WIP] Testing latest u-c
_milan_dtantsur, yeah, I wasn't able to figure out how to move on from this error:
_milan_dtantsur, it's tiny IPA08:12
_milan_I tried with core os but ran into different errors of course08:12
dtantsurwe can look into it today08:13
_milan_in result, my fake gate stops right there and that's the furthest I can get right now08:13
_milan_yeah, would be nice08:13
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_milan_oh, and of course, ironic node-list says: wait for callback08:14
_milan_dtantsur, so, I shall post a review w/r the experimental inspector grenade job for devstack-gate.yaml(/projects.yaml)08:17
lucasagomesmorning all08:17
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dtantsurlucasagomes, morning08:22
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openstackgerritAnton Arefiev proposed openstack/ironic-inspector: WIP: Tempest: Use tempest call_until_true
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_milan_lucasagomes, morning08:31
* _milan_ relocate08:32
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dtantsuraarefiev, something seems broken about our tempest:
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aarefievdtantsur: I'm looking, but gerrit super slow :(08:38
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openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/ironic: [WIP] Promote agent vendor passthru to core API
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mgouldmorning Ironic08:43
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dtantsurmorning mgould08:43
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dtantsurlucasagomes, mind approving please? has 3x +2 already..08:45
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lucasagomesdtantsur, will take a look, 1 se08:45
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openstackgerritAnton Arefiev proposed openstack/ironic-inspector: WIP: Fix tempest test
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aarefievdtantsur: ^ should fix08:51
dtantsuraarefiev, looks good, why is it WIP?08:52
aarefievdtantsur: I'll change commit message once gates pass08:55
dtantsuraarefiev, that will require 2nd gate run08:55
dtantsuraarefiev, you can mark your patch W-1 instead, then you will be able to unmark it without rerunning gate08:55
dtantsur(workflow -1 button in gerrit UI)08:56
aarefievdtantsur: yeah, I know :)08:56
aarefievdtantsur: I was marked as wip because I'm not sure this is only one reason, let see08:58
dtantsurwhen I'm not sure about the patch I usually use W-1, but as you wish :)08:58
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sambettsMorning all09:12
aarefievmorning sambetts09:13
mgouldmorning sambetts lucasagomes dtantsur|bbl Nisha_away aarefiev09:13
aarefievmorning mgould09:13
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Nisha_awaymgould, o/09:14
wagiel@sambetts: Hi, thanks for the local.conf, worked like a charm, instance is spawning but dont get any dhcp responses, tcpdumped br-int interface but dont see any traffic on 6709:15
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sambettswagiel: is the physical nic  that is being used by your controller node to talk to your baremetal (in my case eth2) up? I've found that devstack does bring that interface up by default09:18
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wagiel@sambets: yes it is up, when tcpdump br-eth1 i can see the udp 67 requests coming in, but no on br-int09:21
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/ironic: Remove workaround for nova removing instance_uuid during cleaning
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sambettswagiel: instead of doing tcpdump on br-int can you tcpdump on the tap interface for the dhcp server?09:28
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openstackgerritAnton Arefiev proposed openstack/ironic-inspector: Fix tempest tests
aarefievdtantsur sambetts: ^tempest fix works, job pass09:30
sambettswagiel: if you do a sudo ip netns list, you'll see the list of namespaces, one of those should have the UUID of the subnet your dhcp server is in09:31
sambettssubnet or network I can rememeber which sorry :(09:32
sambettswagiel: once you've worked that out you can do a "sudo ip netns exec <namespace name> ifconfig" and it'll list the ports in that namespace09:33
sambettswagiel: then you can do a "sudo ip netns exec <namespace name> tcpdump -i <tap interface>" to see the packets actually making it to your dhcp server IP09:34
openstackgerritMerged openstack/ironic-python-agent: Fix unwanted unmounting of /usr/share/oem
vsaienkomorning sambetts, aarefiev, dtantsur, vdrok and all Ironic'ers!09:39
aarefievmorning vsaienko09:39
hkominosmorning openstackers and ironicers!09:39
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hkominosIS there anyone online that I can ask about VLANs and Ironic?09:42
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hkominos(FUEL deployment)09:42
sambettshkominos: ask away09:43
wagiel@sambetts: just did the tap int, unfortunately silence on port 67, generally there is traffic but no 6709:45
hkominoshi sambetts:I am trying to deploy Ironic with FUEL. For the openstack nodes ,all the trafic except the pXE is Vlan Tagged. I was told yesterday that the ironic slave (Not the conductor,i mean the machine which I am trying to deploy) must be able to receive all teh traffic. SO i changed the switch configuration and all the Tagged traffic and the PXE is allowed on another port which reaches the NIC of my machine. However I am09:46
hkominosI am assuming that the provisioning works kinda like the provisioning on the machines for FUEL: they boot through pxe and then they get an image09:48
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sbogHey guys09:49
sbogI wanna ask if there a way to use Ironic without other openstack services? Just standalone installation to provision baremetal nodes.09:50
sbogAs I understand I can use noauth to get rid of keystone and use my own dhcp for pointing new nodes to Ironic. But what about images? And maybe there are other problems?09:51
sambettshkominos: Right now, all Ironic slaves have to run on an access port, there is no VLAN awareness on the node at any point during provisioning09:52
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sambettswagiel: none of my test nodes are running right now so I can't compare setups, are your DHCP packets coming in on br-eth1 untagged?09:54
sambettssbog: Yes, totally possible :)
sbogsambetts: got it, thanks for the link :)09:55
_milan_morning sambetts hkominos vsaienko sbog and all :)09:56
vsaienkomorning _milan_09:56
vsaienkomorning hkominos09:56
hkominosgoodmorning vsaienko09:56
_milan_inspector guys: FYI I've just submitted an infra pull request for experimental grenade testing to enhance debugging experience ;)
* sambetts might just disappear suddenly, hoping the thunderstorm going on outside won't knock out his power 09:58
_milan_sambetts, you unplugging mains or risking lightning impact ;)09:59
sambetts_milan_: not sure :/ /me really needs to get a UPS09:59
* _milan_ usually feels an urge to go unplug all10:00
sambettsvdrok: ping10:00
_milan_even fridge :)10:00
hkominossambetts: So the ironic slave must receive only utagged traffic?10:00
sambettshkominos: yes10:00
vdrokmorning ironic!10:00
vdroksambetts: pong10:00
_milan_hey vdrok :)10:00
vdrokmorning _milan_ !10:01
sambettsvdrok: Re:, the UT for validate with node name works, how were you testing it/10:01
vdroksambetts: on devstack :)10:01
hkominosBut all the traffic in Fuel is either tagged or Untagged like the PXE. So you are saying that allowing all the Vlans and the Untagged PXE on the ironic slaves interface will not work since it is not the same10:01
sambettsvdrok: I mean, curl or ironiclient or ...10:02
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vdrokso it gets passed to node_uuid instead of node10:03
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vdrokthe query itself is correct - curl -g -i -X GET
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sambettsvdrok: errr, our UT tests a different URL ... /nodes/validate?node=%s10:05
vdrokwe should test both I think10:06
vdrokboth are correct ways to validate10:06
sambettsvdrok: depends which we want to support10:06
vdrokiirc it was agreed upon long time ago to support both10:06
vdroklucasagomes: dtantsur|bbl maybe you remember ^10:07
* lucasagomes reads10:07
lucasagomesvdrok, yeah, sounds correct we should support both10:08
sambettsvdrok: adding a UT for it to see if I can fix10:08
sambettssigh... now that is duplicated API :-P10:09
vdroksambetts: I mean, I guess we can do it the same way as with port controller, just add a parameter to the constructor?10:09
vdrokof states controller etc10:09
sambettsvdrok: we shouldn't need to10:09
openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed openstack/ironic: [WIP] Testing latest u-c
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hkominosCan somebody tell me which fuel networks does an ironic slave need access to?10:18
vsaienkohkominos: I assume you configured some vlan for baremetal network, lets say this vlan is 333. Ironic-conductor will send baremetal traffic tagged by vlan 333 on the nic to which baremetal network is pinned on the node, lets say it is nic eth1 and plugged to gig0/1 on the switch SW-A. You have to configure Gig0/1 on SW-A to trunk mode and allow 333 vlan. Ironic slave is connected to SW-A port gig0/2, this port should be configured in access mode10:19
hkominosSo should Ironic have its own PXE network?10:21
hkominos(ironic slave)10:22
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vsaienkobaremetal network is ironic PXE network in fuel10:23
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zhs_sshi everyone, I built a fedora image with disk-image-builder. What is the username/password by  default?10:24
sambettszhs_ss: deploy ramdisk or tenant image?10:25
vsaienkoironic slave should receive untagged frames from baremetal network, eg access port mode/10:25
zhs_sstenant image10:25
zhs_sssambetts:tenant image10:25
sambettszhs_ss: there isn't a default username and password, unless you include the devuser element10:25
hkominosvsaienko:I think I understand. So the ironic slaves needs access only to the Baremetal network and not the others (FUel,Management etc)10:27
vsaienkohkominos: correct10:28
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zhs_sssambetts:I built the image with the command "disk-image-create fedora vm dhcp-all-interfaces -o my-image", then i boot a instance with it. the instance is up and running. Now I am infront of the baremetal machine trying to login. I didn't notice a 'devuser' option when i built the image...10:30
lucasagomeszhs_ss, you can't SSH into the node?10:32
sambettszhs_ss: in a normal OpenStack setup tenant's don't have direct access to the node, so the images are setup for ssh access only, if you want to login directly then you need to add this element to your disk-image-create and configured the environment vars10:33
zhs_sslucasagomes:I can get an ssh connection, but I don't know the password10:35
sambettszhs_ss: there isn't a password, its expect that you setup an OpenStack keypair10:35
zhs_sssambetts: thanks a lot, I will check it.10:35
lucasagomeszhs_ss, right, well it should be the key you've passed to nova when you booted the instance10:35
lucasagomesnova boot ... --key-name <blah>10:36
zhs_sssambetts:lucasagomes: oh, right, i can use keypair :P thanks a lot10:37
lucasagomeszhs_ss, right10:37
hkominosvsaienko:when i run an ironic validate should i get boot :supported?10:41
openstackgerritSatoru Moriya proposed openstack/ironic-specs: Volume connection information for Ironic nodes
vdrokhkominos: no, everything is done by deploy interface10:43
vdrokin case of fuel_ipmitool10:43
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hkominosstill cant get a  pxe message but i think the network is set up correctly though. I looked at and it specifies a driver_info/fuel_key_filename=PRIVATE_KEY10:49
hkominoswhich i dont know what it is and i did not do because it was not shown in the utube tutorial by mirantis. is it necessary?10:49
lucasagomesdtantsur|bbl, JayF jroll rloo, so there's 4+2 here, I've answered the comments, do you think I need a new patch-set before approval or just take the notes into consideration when implementing?10:50
lucasagomesI assume none are critical/high prio since you wouldn't +2 it if it was10:50
vdroka tiny project config patch, please take a look, grenade related :)
vdrokhkominos: you're not required to specify it, it is a key that will be used by driver to ssh into deployment ramdisk11:01
vdrokif you're not getting a pxe prompt it's definitely not a problem11:01
mgouldvdrok: left a couple of comments11:01
vdrokmgould: thanks!11:01
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mgouldvdrok: LGTM11:03
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dtantsurlucasagomes, I'm fine with +A and a follow-up to clarify11:05
dtantsuralso morning vsaienko, mgould, sambetts and everyone else11:05
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dtantsurlucasagomes, although I don't think it will take much time to approve after fixing the nits. I can review right away11:07
mgouldmorning dtantsur11:09
vsaienkomorning dtantusr, lucasagomes, mgould11:20
mgouldmorning vsaienko11:23
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vdrokdtantsur: lucasagomes could you take a look at ? a tiny bugfix11:25
TheJuliaGood morning everyone11:25
vdrokmorning TheJulia11:25
mgouldmorning TheJulia11:26
hkominosgoodmorning TheJulia11:26
openstackgerritMerged openstack/ironic-specs: Promote agent vendor passthru to core API
openstackgerritPavlo Shchelokovskyy proposed openstack/ironic: Deny some driver_info updates when console is on
lucasagomesdtantsur, fair enough will do it too11:28
lucasagomesvdrok, sure11:28
lucasagomesvdrok, are you going to put up a new patch-set for that?11:32
lucasagomescode lgtm, but in the release note you said you will change the text11:33
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vdroklucasagomes: I meant the followup, but can do :)11:33
lucasagomesvdrok, right, yeah, well it's easier to just put a new patch-set if you are going to11:34
vdrokok, doing now11:34
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lucasagomesok, I will re-add my +2 as soon as it's up11:34
aarefievdtantsur: hey, one question about this
aarefievThere is new always_use_boot_interface option, why we can't use  deploy disk if introspected one isn't provided?11:35
aarefievin case it True11:36
hkominosIs the dhcp server fro the baremetal network supposed to be in the controler on a different namespace?11:37
openstackgerritVladyslav Drok proposed openstack/ironic: Properly set ephemeral size in agent drivers
vdroklucasagomes: done, thanks for review :)11:38
TheJuliaugh, looks like the client change for active node creation is wedged anyone want to add a second +A to see if that unwedges it11:38
lucasagomesvdrok, thank you for the code, +2 re-added11:38
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jrolllucas-hungry: yeah, rloo said follow-up is fine, will approve11:43
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jrollmorning everyone11:46
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TheJuliagood morning jroll11:51
sambettsjroll: is the fact we support v1/ports?node= and v1/nodes/<uuid>/ports which are duplicates just because of the way it was implemented, or was that intentional?11:52
jrollsambetts: before my time :)11:52
jrollI suspect the former, but I'd bet money both are used in the wild11:53
sambettsjroll: I've already found similar case, with nodes validate, we support both v1/nodes/<uuid>/validate and v1/nodes/validate?node= and the UTs tested one version and the ironic client used the other...11:54
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jrollI'm inclined to just leave those inconsistencies to be fixed in v211:54
vdrokmorning jroll11:56
openstackgerritMerged openstack/ironic-specs: Collect system logs from IPA
openstackgerritVladyslav Drok proposed openstack/ironic: Change the logic of selecting image for tests
openstackgerritJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic: Follow-up to Active Node Creation
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-ironicclient: Client addition for Active Node Creation verb adopt
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sambettsjroll: makes sense :(12:08
dtantsurmorning TheJulia, jroll12:19
jrollhey dtantsur :)12:19
mgouldmorning jroll12:19
sambettshey dtantsur12:19
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jroll\o mgould12:19
TheJuliagood morning dtantsur12:20
openstackgerritMerged openstack/ironic: Change port used for Ironic static http to 3928
openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/python-ironicclient: Add --wait flag for provision actions and wait_for_provision_state function
dtantsurplz review ^^^12:24
_milan_morning jroll TheJulia12:25
_milan_and mgould ;)12:26
mgouldmorning _milan_12:28
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dtantsursambetts, are you fine with leaving NMI in ? I'm going to review the spec now, but I'd like to know if your concerns are addresses by naohirot's comments12:49
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lucasagomesjroll, cheers! I will put up a follow up patch soon-ish (after a call in 10m)12:51
jrollcool, thanks man12:51
lucasagomesjroll, TheJulia sambetts morning  :-)12:51
TheJuliagood morning lucasagomes12:52
dtantsursambetts, also please review a one-liner fixing our tempest:
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jrolldtantsur: merged12:54
jroller, approved12:54
sambettsheh jroll was faster than me12:54
_milan_vdrok, vsaienko, jlvillal I've added you guys to the Inspector grenade patches review, feel free to disagree ;)12:55
_milan_aarefiev, you interested as well? ^12:55
_milan_sambetts, probably ^ ;)12:56
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sambettsthanks _milan_12:56
sambettsdtantsur: I'm still not sure, because when I was looking around sometimes a NMI can lead to a power off (halt) or to a reboot, and so sometimes it'll be a power_on to power_on and sometimes it'll be power_on to power_off, and unless we can detect which then in the case of power_on to power_off Ironic is likely to try to turn the node back on, and I'm not sure that would be the expect behaviour12:58
sambettsor not12:58
dtantsursambetts, oh, I see13:00
dtantsursambetts, then I'm not sure how to implement NMI at all... or alternatively we can define some policy: e.g. the power state should eventually become the same13:00
dtantsurso e.g. starting with power on we should end up with power on again (and enforce if it does not happen)13:01
dtantsurbut yeah, I'd probably split NMI away from this spec13:01
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sambettsdtantsur: I've not got any experience with NMI, everything I'm quoting here is just from some google fu into the subject, but based on what I've seen it worries me13:03
dtantsuryeah. I've suggested the split. you can vote in favor of it, if you feel like13:03
dtantsurI think having soft power off in API is valuable and more or less clear13:03
dtantsurjroll, do you have any experience with NMI?13:03
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dtantsur(this is re
NobodyCamgood morning Ironicers ...13:04
NobodyCamand ofc...13:04
dtantsurmorning NobodyCam. TGIF!13:04
sambettsNobodyCam: TGIF :D13:04
NobodyCamyep :P13:04
dtantsurwe're faster :D13:04
NobodyCammorning dtantsur sambetts :)13:04
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* dtantsur looks at all the comments on the driver composition spec.....13:05
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sambettsdtantsur: I'm so sorry I've not got round to reviewing that yet :( everytime I load the tab, I get a internal ping13:06
dtantsurheh, happens13:08
xavierr$ ironic --all good-morning13:08
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thiagopGood morning and TGIF, Ironic13:11
mgouldmorning thiagop xavierr13:12
NobodyCammorning xavierr thiagop mgould :)13:15
TheJuliaxavierr: Good morning!13:16
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jrolldtantsur: zero :)13:23
openstackgerritJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic: Follow-up to Active Node Creation
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/bifrost: split ironic install role into install,bootstrap,start phases
openstackgerritMerged openstack/ironic-inspector: Fix tempest tests
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NobodyCammorning jroll :)13:35
jrollohai NobodyCam :)13:35
openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/ironic-specs: The driver composition reform
dtantsurfun continues ^^^13:40
dtantsurTODOs are still left, the other comments seem resolved13:41
* dtantsur works on filling in TODOs now13:41
* jroll only wanted the todos done :(13:41
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dtantsurthen stay tuned13:41
jrollwill do13:41
dtantsurjroll, there is one logic change around /driver vs /hardware_type fields13:42
jrolldtantsur: I'll just wait for the todos if that's okay with you13:42
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vdrokmorning NobodyCam xavierr and thiagop13:46
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xavierrvdrok o/13:46
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NobodyCammorning vdrok :)13:50
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dtantsurjroll, can you think of any RPC impact in the driver composition? I can't think of anything..13:53
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jrolldtantsur: get_topic_for_node will probably need to change, but I don't think anything major13:54
jrollah that would all be in the hash ring13:55
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jrollwhich in the end looks like dbapi.get_active_driver_dict()13:56
jrollif you're just adding hardware_type to that then should be fine?13:56
dtantsurI think so13:56
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openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/ironic-specs: The driver composition reform
dtantsurjroll, this does not have TODO text ^^^14:00
dtantsurit's possible I missed something, but now not intentionally :)14:00
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dtantsurjroll, the spec is merged, marking as rfe-approved?14:01
openstackLaunchpad bug 1570841 in Ironic "[RFE] Promote agent vendor passthru to core API" [Wishlist,In progress] - Assigned to Dmitry Tantsur (divius)14:01
jrolldtantsur: go ahead :)14:01
dtantsurawesome! the first patch is ready for review, when somebody has time:
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dtantsurhmm, the driver composition sounds like a possible summit talk, doesn't it? (assuming we land it, lol)14:07
* dtantsur will submit14:09
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/ironic-inspector: Updated from global requirements
jlvillalGood morning Ironic14:15
NobodyCammorning jlvillal14:15
jlvillalBig thanks to JayF for figuring out the root cause of the gate breakage last night :)14:15
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thiagopjlvillal: what was the cause?14:16
thiagopjlvillal: morning14:16
jlvillalthiagop, Infra was brining up the new Zuul system. Slowly.14:16
_milan_morning thiagop NobodyCam jlvillal14:17
NobodyCammorning _milan_14:17
jlvillalthiagop, In the new Zuul system they are using port 8088 to allow access to the console long. Kind of cool you can telnet to port 8088 and see the log.14:17
thiagopjlvillal: but it does conflict with the ports we are using, right?14:18
jlvillalthiagop, But we (Ironic) are using port 8088, so anytime our job hit the new Zuul systems they broke14:18
jlvillalthiagop, JayF pushed a patch last night to move our port out of the way.14:18
thiagopjlvillal: what do we use 8088 for, anyway? It's not the main port of the Ironic API as far as I remember...14:20
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/python-ironicclient: Updated from global requirements
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jlvillalthiagop, We use it for Ironic in devstack.14:22
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jlvillalFYI: I updated the whiteboard to move the gate to golden. And moved the information on the gate failure to the historical page.14:23
thiagopjlvillal: so it's just devstack stuff, we won't need to change a lot of docs saying our port has changed, right?14:23
jlvillalthiagop, No, only devstack14:23
jlvillalthiagop, This was the fix:
jlvillalIt has also been backported to stable/mitaka. So the grenade jobs will now work also14:24
jlvillalAnd a proposed fix to stable/liberty, but that has to go through the devstack project.14:24
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vdrokmorning jlvillal14:31
jlvillalvdrok, Good morning :)14:31
vdrokjlvillal: btw -
jlvillalvdrok, Darn you. You beat me to it ;)14:32
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mgouldmorning jlvillal14:32
jlvillal-  - name: ^gate-grenade-dsvm-ironic$14:33
jlvillal+  - name: ^gate-grenade-dsvm-ironic(|-nv)$14:33
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jlvillalvdrok, My thought.14:33
jlvillalvdrok, I didn't get around to posting it.14:33
jlvillalvdrok, But yours works :)14:33
vdrokjlvillal: what about partial? I don't remember how it was called14:33
dtantsurmorning jlvillal14:33
jlvillalmgould, Morning14:33
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jlvillalvdrok, We won't have a partial. It will now be ????-multinode-????14:34
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jlvillalvdrok, partial does not exist/work anymore for grenade14:34
jlvillaldtantsur, morning14:34
vdrokjlvillal: yeah, but I thought that this may match the new job too14:34
jlvillalvdrok, I'm not sure. I'm not sure if it even has the word grenade in the job, from looking at Nova jobs.14:35
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jlvillalvdrok, I'm happy with your patch :)14:35
jlvillalvdrok, +1 from me14:36
vdrokgate-grenade-dsvm-partial-ironic, so yeah, it won't match by that. OK, thanks :)14:36
jrolldtantsur: re-reviewed14:36
jrollthiagop: to more fully answer your question, apache is used for serving ipxe images in our devstack jobs14:38
thiagopjroll: aww...14:38
jrollvsaienko: lol,
jroller, vdrok ^^14:38
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jrollvdrok: also, yeah we don't have partial anymore
dtantsurjroll, thanks, will address soon14:39
vdrokjroll: :) yeah, I know, I was thinking to make it more general so that newly added grenade jobs can match it too14:40
jrollvdrok: indeed14:40
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openstackgerritXavier proposed openstack/ironic: Add Dynamic Allocation feature for the OneView drivers
xavierrreviews here would be great :) ^^^14:43
vdrokdtantsur: you're too fast, it will be a second revision you've pushed while I'm reviewing :) or I am too slow14:43
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dtantsurvdrok, lol :) I'll wait for you to leave the comments then :)14:45
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openstackgerritLucas Alvares Gomes proposed openstack/ironic-specs: Follow-up patch of 8068e1f6d92d22bf25a56b8327c1abd0821b1bcd
lucasagomesfollow-up on the logs spec ^ thanks for the reviews!14:47
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dtantsurjroll, responded. will update when I address vdrok's comments (if any)14:51
jrolldtantsur: cool14:53
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dtantsurjroll, I remember vdrok has a valid question: do we want to restrict node states in which we allow updating hardware type and interfaces?14:54
dtantsurjroll, we currently allow updating a driver whenever we allow updates at all14:54
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vdrokyeah, that is one of the comments I have now, maybe it's OK to leave as is now, and fix as a bug afterwards14:54
jrolldtantsur: hm, does seem like a good idea, but then they can still go through the driver to get around it :(14:54
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dtantsurjroll, true; still it's a chance to make the new API somewhat saner14:55
dtantsurbut I really don't know if it's a good idea or not14:56
dtantsure.g. there maybe be nothing wrong in changing the power interface even in active state14:56
jrolllucasagomes: one nit14:56
jrolldtantsur: yeah, I'd say save it for later14:56
lucasagomesjroll, sigh, good catch heh14:57
dtantsurvdrok, are you ok with ^^^14:57
vdrokdtantsur: yep, OK with fixing later. we also need to decide which ones should be restricted, power should not ofc :)14:57
openstackgerritLucas Alvares Gomes proposed openstack/ironic-specs: Follow-up patch of 8068e1f6d92d22bf25a56b8327c1abd0821b1bcd
dtantsuryeah... this spec is complex enough already14:58
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vdrokah, dtantsur you've replied about disabled hw types15:02
dtantsurlets leave them alone for now15:03
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openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/ironic-specs: The driver composition reform
dtantsurjroll, vdrok, ^^^15:09
dtantsurhopefully I didn't miss anything15:09
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openstackgerritLucas Alvares Gomes proposed openstack/ironic: Add power_transition_started_at to the nodes table
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openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/ironic: [WIP] Promote agent vendor passthru to core API
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rajinirthiago: I missed the IRC qa meeting. Chris mentioned about the Thirdpart CI talk for the summit. I'm interested to join and share the experiences15:38
rajinirthiagop: I missed the IRC qa meeting. Chris mentioned about the Thirdpart CI talk for the summit. I'm interested to join and share the experiences15:38
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lucasagomesdtantsur, sambetts re: soft reboot/NMI... It seems that injecting NMI does causes the kernel to reboot15:50
lucasagomesso I'm good with that being a power state action, not sure if we need a split on that spec15:50
* lucasagomes voted accordingly with ^15:51
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dtantsurmaybe? I don't know, hence I'm unable to vote properly15:52
dtantsurlucasagomes, it's the same for windows and other major OS, right?15:52
sambettslucasagomes: I think Windows just Halts15:52
lucasagomessambetts, it restarts15:53
lucasagomesalso, nova seems to expect the instance to reboot with nmi as well15:54
lucasagomesso, I think it's aligned with the interfaces15:54
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sambettslucasagomes: I don't see where on that page it says it restarts, it says you need to restart to enable a setting in the registery15:58
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sambettslucasagomes: this page says it may restart based on settings configured by the user in the Advanced System settings15:59
lucasagomessambetts, right yeah I think it's possible to configure windows to enter in a sorta of "debug" mode with it as well16:00
lucasagomes"With the introduction of Windows 2000, Microsoft allowed the use of an NMI to cause a system to either break into a debugger, or dump the contents of memory to disk and reboot.[2]"16:00
lucasagomessambetts, but in any case, both soft reboot or nmi requires the some configuration16:01
lucasagomesso, it's same-ish16:01
sambettswell soft reboot Ironic should expect it to go power on to power on because thats what a reboot should do, but with NMI there doesn't appear to me a "this is what it should do" but rather is down to a number of facots16:03
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openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/ironic: [WIP] Promote agent vendor passthru to core API
lucasagomessambetts, right, the soft power boot in that spec does include a timeout16:06
lucasagomesmaybe we need something similar for nmi? To make sure it's being rebooted?16:06
lucasagomestho it's strange... :-/16:07
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sambettslucasagomes: but its down to the tenant on the box to determine if it should be rebooted or not16:07
openstackgerritedan david proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent: Use assertIn and assertNotIn
dtantsurcalling it a day folks, have a great weekend16:08
dtantsurplease don't forget to review the driver composition spec ;)16:08
lucasagomesidk, even with the dependency on some factors, it seems that a) nova interface expects a reboot b) in the linux case the node is reboot16:08
sambettslucasagomes: because if they've set no reboot in windows, is it right that Ironic try to turn it back on16:08
dtantsurand see you on midcycle16:08
lucasagomesseems enough for having it in the power actions16:08
lucasagomesc) ipmitool also has it as a power action16:08
lucasagomesdtantsur, enjoy the weekend!16:08
vdroknight dtantsur16:08
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sambettsIlo has it a diagnostic setting16:09
sambettsnot a power one16:09
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lucasagomesright, but our api was heavily influenced on ipmitool (the name of boot devices and all) so I think it does fit16:10
* lucasagomes is starting thinking about the split making sense now after the discussion heh16:10
sambettsI almost think we should should disable Ironic force power state for that node if someone fires an NMI, and allow that nodes power state to be read by Ironic instead of set16:10
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sambettsthen the node is left alone to do whatever its going to do when it received the NMI16:11
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sambettsand then turn back on force power state on the next power state change16:13
lucasagomes"ironic force power state" the configuration option ?16:14
sambettsso the node will either go power on -> power off -> power on, or power on -> power off -> tenant does nova power on my instance -> power on16:14
sambettslucasagomes: yeah, disable it for that node for one power state change if an NMI is requested for that node16:15
lucasagomessambetts, right, so that config is global at the moment isn't it?16:15
lucasagomesI can't disable for a node specifically, unless we set it into maintenance16:15
sambettslucasagomes: it is, but we could add an if into the sync loop thats like if config force power state && node not in NMI:16:16
lucasagomeshmm maybe yeah, but, I honestly prefer it to be simple16:17
lucasagomesNMI is used in an extreme case where the kernel is locked up16:17
lucasagomesI'm not sure we can really expect a very well defined behavior on those cases16:17
lucasagomesneither I think we should make it super complicated, if the instance is not configured for rebooting after NMI is inject, the user still can go and do a hard reboot16:18
lucasagomesit's not a big deal16:18
sambettslucasagomes: its not that the instance isn't configured for rebooting and therefore didn't reboot, its that Ironic will try to turn it back on if it powers off16:19
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sambettsor will error if Ironic is expecting it to go back to power on16:21
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lucasagomessambetts, yeah, but that's still aligned with what is expected when the user does a "nova inject-nmi" right?16:21
lucasagomesif it's off but is marked as on, ironic will put it back on16:21
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lucasagomesand nova does expect the instance to reboot16:21
lucasagomesmaybe we should think about it over beer sambetts :-)16:22
* lucasagomes gives sambetts a pint of guinness16:23
sambetts;) heh yeah, I need to read the nova spec, because I wonder if they've considered a case where the instance doesn't reboot automatically16:23
sambettslucasagomes: have you had any of the BrewDog beers?16:23
lucasagomessambetts, yeah, maybe some more investigation on what nova expect, all info I have is that spec and the matrix of the drivers that supports nmi injection16:23
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sambettslucasagomes: same, until reading that spec I didn't even know NMI was a thing16:24
lucasagomessambetts, I think I did yes, it's two scottish guys that brew it isn't it?16:24
lucasagomesthey have a tv show or something16:24
lucasagomessambetts, yup, same for me16:24
sambettslucasagomes: I know its scottish, no idea about the tv show though16:24
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mat128about NMI and the power states, don't forget drivers like SNMP that actually control the power outlet16:25
mat128I presume the outlet must (and will) stay "on" even during NMI16:25
lucasagomesI've watched it on the plane one day16:25
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sambettslucasagomes: heh, thats cool16:26
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sambettsmat128: I'm not sure that driver would be able to support that power state, or soft power off/reboot16:26
lucasagomesmat128, right on that good info. That spec is about IPMIPower supporting it but def we should make the interface in ironic to work with all drivers16:26
lucasagomesif possible16:27
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lucasagomesmat128, is injecting NMI possible via SNMP ?16:27
mat128I think soft power control isn't possible with SNMP (think of it as a light switch)16:27
mat128lucasagomes: NMI is (potentially) injected by IPMI16:27
mat128but it's effect on power state isn't clear16:27
mat128if the node reboots on it's own, I'm sure IPMI still reports "on"16:27
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mat128so not sure Ironic should try to manipulate power state other than issuing the NMI16:28
lucasagomesthe target state on that spec is still "on" after nmi16:28
mat128yeah.. we're running the other mode (trust the power device rather than the db) downstream16:28
mat128I keep forgetting that mode :P16:28
lucasagomesmat128, yeah, mind taking a look at the spec? I think you have more experience with NMI than I do16:28
lucasagomeswould be good to have ur opnion on the interface proposed by the author16:28
lucasagomeswhen you have some time ofc16:29
mat128oh thanks :) was looking for it16:29
mat128have about 30m before internal sprint demo :) I will look at it16:29
lucasagomesthanks a lot16:30
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mat128lucasagomes: so far, I think SNMP will simply not support any of the soft controls16:32
mat128I wonder if INJECT_NMI really belongs to power driver though16:32
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lucasagomesmat128, fair, if you can please add a comment16:35
lucasagomesperhaps adding NMI to the management interface as proposed by sambetts before is the way to go16:35
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lucasagomesim going to call it a day16:51
lucasagomeshave a great evening all, enjoy the weekend16:51
mat128lucasagomes: you too =)16:51
lucasagomes:-) see ya16:51
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vdrokgood night lucas-afk16:55
openstackgerritAndre Aranha proposed openstack/python-oneviewclient: Test version do not merge
vdroksambetts: jroll iirc I've seen someone proposing that we push the portgroups api to the back of multitenancy patches chain, maybe you remember? is it still the case?16:56
sambettsvdrok: I think we decided to not change things at this point and just focus on getting everything merged17:05
vdroksambetts: ok. i think i'll change the portgroups controller to be like you propose, with _lookup, as it fixes the only issue that I see now with it17:07
sambettsvdrok: cool, I'm just reworking my patches to make the interface for doing it much nicer17:07
vdrokyeah, this way will save a bunch of ifs in current code :)17:08
sambettsvdrok: i was so close to pushing a patch then managed to break my git repo :/17:08
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openstackgerritAndre Aranha proposed openstack/python-oneviewclient: DO NOT MERGE Test version DO NOT MERGE
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thiagoprajinir: noted. Sorry, was on a meeting17:18
thiagopwhich one is yours?17:18
thiagoprajinir: Sorry, I have to go. Talk to you on monday17:23
thiagopGoin' out early today, family business. See ya folks!17:23
sambettscya thiagop17:23
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openstackgerritSam Betts proposed openstack/ironic: Fix invalid chassis/nodes/chassis_uuid API url
openstackgerritSam Betts proposed openstack/ironic: Fix all possible node subresources routing collisions
openstackgerritSam Betts proposed openstack/ironic: Prevent URL collisions with sub-controllers: nodes/ports
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* sambetts -> home 17:43
NobodyCamhave a great weekend sambetts17:44
sambettsNobodyCam: You too!17:44
sambettsNight all o/17:44
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vdroknight sambetts|afk and everyone!17:48
NobodyCamnoight vdrok17:48
NobodyCamnight even17:48
vdrokgood night NobodyCam :)17:49
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jlvillalvdrok: Ciao17:54
jlvillalNobodyCam: I thought you spelled like Pinky (as in Pinky and The Brain) :)17:54
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NobodyCamlol .... What are going to do tonight?!? :)17:55
jlvillalThe same thing we do every night Pinky.17:55
NobodyCamlol +++17:56
jlvillalTry to take over the world!17:56
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TheJuliataking over world ++18:00
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* mgould -> home; good night, everyone!18:03
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NobodyCamnight mgould|afk18:04
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/ironic: Follow-up to Active Node Creation
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openstackgerritJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic-specs: Boot from Volume - Reference Drivers
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NobodyCamjlvillal: thank you for the email19:33
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/ironic: Centralize config options - [cisco_ucs]
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openstackgerritChris Krelle proposed openstack/ironic: Add support for the audit middleware
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jlvillalNobodyCam: Thanks and you're welcome :)20:20
rama_yHello NobodyCam20:40
NobodyCamhey there rama_y20:41
rama_yNobodyCam: Hi. I was just wondering about your patch getting rebased20:41
rama_yNobodyCam: a bunch of my config options patches are currently in review and they are getting merged one by one20:42
rama_yNobodyCam: they are going to create merge conflicts for #27265820:43
NobodyCamyea I just rebased it20:43
rama_yNobodyCam: I thought you might want to hold off on rebasing because there may be a few more merging soon20:43
NobodyCambut I'll hold off prob until Monday then pick up again20:44
NobodyCamTHnak you for the heads up!20:45
NobodyCamThank you even :)20:45
rama_yNobodyCam: sure, no problem.20:45
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NobodyCamTheJulia: should I look at rebasing some of the merge conflicted patches.. like
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openstackgerritStephanie Miller proposed openstack/ironic-specs: Boot from Volume - Reference Drivers
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