Friday, 2017-07-28

TheJuliaOh, I bet I know what it is, nova-compute halts hard on startup and won't register it's self because it can't talk to ironic.... because ironic has not started yet.00:06
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TheJuliarloo: jlvillal ^^^00:22
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openstackgerritPeter Piela proposed openstack/ironic-ui master: Adds support for editing portgroups
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openstackgerritDao Cong Tien proposed openstack/ironic master: Tempest scenario test for boot-from-volume
jlvillalRevert landed. Hopefully the gate will be working again:
patchbotpatch 488201 - openstack-dev/devstack - Revert "Wait for compute service to check in" (MERGED)01:15
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openstackgerritRuby Loo proposed openstack/ironic master: Add 'GET /nodes/<node>/cleaning/steps' API request
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masberhi all, my node goes up to clean wait status and then fails (I am guessing because of timeout) the nodes restarts but it boots form local disk. I can't see the deploy logs so I ma guessing this is an issue with pxe boot? I can see this on the inspector logs
masberany idea?03:54
masberthis may be more useful
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/ironic master: Updated from global requirements
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openstackgerritJohn L. Villalovos proposed openstack/ironic master: grenade: Use test_with_retry to check if route is up
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openstackgerritD G Lee proposed openstack/ironic master: ironic-conductor can't report heartbeat to database
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openstackgerritAnkit Kumar proposed openstack/ironic master: Test cases for iLO drivers in standalone ironic
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* pas-ha is back from PTO :)07:16
pas-hagood morning ironic! :)07:16
dtantsurhey, morning pas-ha!07:17
dtantsurpas-ha: have you seen mordred's messages from yesterday?07:17
pas-hamorning dtantsur :)07:17
pas-hayep, will start picking up where I've left those patches07:18
pas-haalso, my patch for 'none' auth has landed in ksa, so this can be used now instead of various 'auth_strategy' options in config07:19
vdrokmorning ironic! dtantsur and pas-ha07:20
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dtantsurpas-ha: awesome!07:21
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/bifrost master: Updated from global requirements
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dtantsurmgoddard: morning! the CI is down still, no much use rechecking :(07:49
dtantsurwe need and to merge07:50
patchbotpatch 487458 - ironic - Don't use multicell setup for any ironic jobs07:50
patchbotpatch 487960 - ironic - grenade: Use test_with_retry to check if route is up07:50
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mgoddarddtantsur: morning. Thanks, I'll stop prodding it then :)07:59
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etingofmorning everyone ;)08:06
dtantsurhi etingof08:07
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mrungehey good morning, I currently have an issue with ovb. is this the right channel for virtual baremetal?08:13
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dtantsurmrunge: hi, nope. I guess #tripleo will work better08:18
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dtantsurmrunge: (there are two "kinds" of virtual baremetal: we're only responsible for virtualbmc, which is not used with ovb)08:18
mrungedtantsur, aha. it's not? would you still have a quick look at this bug?
openstackLaunchpad bug 1706585 in tripleo "oooq with ovb fails with "instackenv.json did not validate"" [Medium,Triaged]08:19
mrungeit is filed on tripleo, I have it with ovb, Lee has it without ovb, it's a bit strange08:20
mrungeand I'd think there was a change quite low in the stack08:20
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dtantsurmrunge: I think bnemec is your guy. Dunno about the ipmi-validate play, where does it come from?08:22
mrungethat is called by oooq08:23
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/sushy master: Add DELETE method to connector
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mrungeyou can skip it, ipmi never succeeds anyways08:23
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dtantsurlol, nice08:23
mrungethat'd be this bug:
openstackLaunchpad bug 1706577 in tripleo "oooq with ovb fails to launch compute node or controller" [Medium,Triaged]08:24
mrungenot sure if it's really ovb related.08:24
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dtantsurmrunge: oh, yeah, is old af, and won't work in some cases08:25
kzaitsev_wshi. I'm getting 'No VIFs found for node  when attempting to update DHCP BOOT options' Which logs/configs should I check/fix for errors?08:26
dtantsurmrunge: hard to tell anything about this bug with only the error message.. probably the nodes are not ready for deployment (maintenance, not available or anything).08:26
dtantsurkzaitsev_ws: sambetts may know08:26
* dtantsur never remembers why it happens08:27
dtantsurkzaitsev_ws: well, are you sure you have at least one port for each node?08:27
mrungedtantsur, thank you08:27
kzaitsev_wsdtantsur: do I need to manually create a neutron port on the network I'm going to use? or ironic-port? (I'm not yet sure how the two should relate)08:28
dtantsurkzaitsev_ws: an ironic port. a neutron port is usually created by nova.08:28
kzaitsev_wsdtantsur: yeah, sure. I have an ironic port, with node's mac, attached to ironic node. (I only have one at the time so it's easy to check =))08:30
sambettskzaitsev_ws: an Ironic port == a physical NIC On the server, neutron ports get mapped onto ironic ports (and therefore the physical NICs) so that the server can talk on the neutron network08:31
sambettskzaitsev_ws: if you nova boot --nic net-id=<neutron network id> then neutron will create a neutron port in the network for you08:31
sambettskzaitsev_ws: or you can create a port yourself in the network and pass it into nova using nova boot --nic port-id=<nuetron port id>08:32
sambettskzaitsev_ws: during the deploy process the neutorn port will be mapped onto the ironic port and ironic will update the mac address in neutron to match the physical mac address so that the networking works08:33
kzaitsev_wssambetts: i'm going for `--nic net-id` and getting 'No VIFs found ... to update DHCP BOOT options'. Where should I look for more error messages/misconfigurations?08:34
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vdrokkzaitsev_ws: hrm, I suppose that attachment failed08:36
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vdrokkzaitsev_ws: what's the release you're using?08:36
sambettsor you have no pxe_enabled ports or something ?08:36
vdrokyeah also worth checking the ironic --ironic-api-version latest port-show08:37
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kzaitsev_wsironic is from ocata rdo packages. most of the rest of OS is neuton though08:40
kzaitsev_wspxe_enabled is True on the port btw08:41
vdrokkzaitsev_ws: hrm, so nova in newton? there might be troubles with that08:44
vdrokoh, wait08:44
vdrokno, it should be fine08:44
sambettsyeah that should be fine08:44
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vdrokkzaitsev_ws: in newton nova, we did set extra/vif_port_id field on ironic port to indicate the attachment of neutron port to ironic port08:45
vdrokand booting instance with --nic port-id didn't work yet in newton on nova side I suppose08:47
vdrokkzaitsev_ws: here is a list of things we check to determine if a vif is attached or not
vdrokkzaitsev_ws: that port is not a part of a portgroup right?08:56
vdrok(portgroup_uuid empty)08:56
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kzaitsev_wsvdrok: right, `portgroup_uuid is None`.09:14
kzaitsev_wsthanks for the pointers, looking through the code now09:14
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vdrokif the port update call setting the extra/vif_port_id passes fine, then we might have some bug in our update_dhcp_opts code? tho it looks fine09:20
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dtantsuranyone doing something about the neutron problem? it seems that the current fixes are not enough09:36
dtantsuris this related ?09:37
dtantsurvsaienk0, vdrok, sambetts ^^^09:37
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sambettsdtantsur: that error is ignorable and will be fixed by the networking-baremtal ml2 driver09:38
sambettsdtantsur: it doesn't break anything today09:38
sambettsjust messes up the logs09:38
dtantsurokay.. so it's not clear why neutron does not work09:38
vsaienk0dtantsur: complaints about failed to bind port in vxlan network with vnic_type is ok now, as we don't have driver that can perform binding, to resolve this we need to switch to VLAN network. sambetts already have patches for that09:39
vdrokdtantsur: yup, I've seen router not found pops up randomly, subnet is something nrew09:39
* dtantsur expects a lot of complaints about error messages in production09:39
vdrokdtantsur: it's been like that for several releases :)09:39
vdrokthe patches to networking-baremetal seem to work fine so we can merge them and switch some of our jobs to using it09:40
sambettsI think the router not found error might be to do with and
sambettstheir names don't match up09:40
sambettsvdrok: ^09:40
sambettswhat do you think?09:40
vdrokhrm, need to look into grenade logs09:41
vsaienk0sambetts: I doubt that networking-baremetal will fix problem with vxlan network as it handles only flat09:43
sambettsvsaienk0: we need to change the network type to flat too09:43
vsaienk0yeah, we need to land your patches for thatt09:43
dtantsurI'm surprised that it's an API test that fails..09:44
dtantsuranyone tried talking to neutron folks about it?09:44
sambettsthats why I think it might have something to do with a temp resource being left behind or something09:44
sambettsor that our is deleting neutron's resources by mistake instead of our own09:45
vdroksambetts: looking at it should be fine09:45
sambettsvdrok: why are we deleting neutron's resources there?09:46
vdroksambetts: iiuc the comment, neutron deletes resources created by ironic because we substituted the ids in the file that has all the resources listed. and neutron resources still left hanging around so we delete them09:47
vdrokwe do substitution here
sambetts:/ oh ...09:49
vsaienk0dtantsur: sambetts vdrok can we land this and I will add networking-baremetal to our jobs09:50
patchbotpatch 448157 - networking-baremetal - Add devstack plugin to install networking_baremetal09:50
vdrokfuck. this subnet could not be found seems to persist in grenade09:51
sambettsyeah... I can't actually find a request in the neutron logs that ever created a subnet with that UUID09:52
openstackgerritMadhuri Kumari proposed openstack/ironic master: [doc-migration] Add configuration folder for documentation
openstackgerritAparna proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent master: Rescue extension for CoreOS with DHCP tenant networks
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sambetts:( they don't log the UUIDs they create :/09:55
sambetts / there aren't any debug logs in the neutron logs09:55
vdroksambetts: I think we can enable debug in some test patch, it should be showing the request bodies iirc09:56
vdroktho it seems like some kind of race09:56
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sambettsyeah I think it is a race, because its the test thats failing that is creating that subnet09:58
sambettsso something is deleteing the subnet in neutron before the test that created it tries to delete it09:59
vdrokfiling a bug to neutron10:00
sambettsI wish all the tempest tests output their request logs not just the ones that fail :/10:02
dtantsurvdrok: could you please also stop by #openstack-neutron to get their attention?10:05
dtantsurwe cannot wait weeks more :(10:05
vdrokdtantsur: yup will do10:05
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Nisha_Agarwaldtantsur, hi10:07
dtantsurhi Nisha_Agarwal10:08
Nisha_Agarwaldtantsur, wrt to py35 do we want to enable all gates for py35 in pike? or that target is in queens?10:08
Nisha_Agarwalironic gates i mean10:08
dtantsurNisha_Agarwal: (side note: there are no "gates", the gate is singular. you mean "gate jobs" or "CI jobs")10:09
dtantsurNisha_Agarwal: I suggest targeting ironic CI for Pike, inspector (and IPA?) for Queens10:09
Nisha_Agarwaldtantsur, if we want to enable that in pike i can post a patch in infra to convert the existing gates to use python310:09
dtantsurNisha_Agarwal: we cannot convert anything, until we have a non-voting job running successfully at least for some time10:10
dtantsurcurrently, it's still experimental10:10
Nisha_Agarwaldtantsur, all the ironic gate jobs?10:10
Nisha_Agarwaldtantsur, yes10:10
dtantsurlet's start with the job you have now10:11
sambettsdtantsur, vdrok: I think failure is still related to the AMQP errors we were seeing before10:11
Nisha_Agarwaldtantsur, thats why i asked should i go ahead and post the patch to convert all the CI gates to become py3 enabled?10:11
dtantsurNisha_Agarwal: I don't think we should convert most jobs to Python 3 in the near future, as actual production deployments still use python 210:11
dtantsurNisha_Agarwal: we need only one job voting per service, that's our goal10:11
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dtantsurNisha_Agarwal: so, the plan is 1. fix the experimental job, 2. promote it to check non-voting, 3. if it is stable, remove it and convert one existing job (e.g. redfish-based)10:12
sambettsdtantsur, vdrok: looking at the neutron logs the not found resource seems to be the exchange not the subnet, and later on in the logs when AMQP manages to reconnect the delete for the subnet happens successfully10:12
vdroksambetts: might be. I see the deletion happening before the api request comes in, but have no idea who triggers it10:12
sambettsdelete here happens sucessfully:
vdrokwhat I was looking at -- deletion happens before api request --
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Nisha_Agarwaldtantsur, sorry got disconnected10:14
dtantsurNisha_Agarwal: so, the plan is 1. fix the experimental job, 2. promote it to check non-voting, 3. if it is stable, remove it and convert one existing job (e.g. redfish-based)10:14
Nisha_Agarwaldtantsur, ok then i will propose nonvoting job10:14
dtantsurmy message while you were out ^^^10:14
Nisha_Agarwaldtantsur, thanks10:14
Nisha_Agarwalok so the experimental gate is passing now10:14
Nisha_Agarwalwith jlvillal's fix10:15
Nisha_Agarwalso i will promote it to non voting10:15
Nisha_Agarwaldtantsur, ^^^10:15
sambettsvdrok: I think this is the AMQP thing still causing issues, even though we're ignoring the exception10:16
vdrokI might see this10:17
sambettsbecause the AMQP thing is "Not Found", but its the exchange that is not found, not the subnet10:18
vdrok, then, then10:19
vdrok, then then10:19
vdrokyeah this seems to be the issue with amqp10:19
dtantsurthen we certainly need to involve neutron folks10:21
sambettsseems like ignoring the exception in neutron didn't fix the issue :(10:21
dtantsursambetts, vdrok: let's move the discussion to their channel?10:22
sambettscan do although I don't know if anyone will be around :/10:22
dtantsursambetts: I've pinged the redhatter I know, he's in Brno10:23
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sambettsawesome :D10:23
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openstackgerritVladyslav Drok proposed openstack/ironic master: [DNM] Test
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xavierr#pixiesay -m rnr hey everyone11:12
PixieBoots\m/ʕ>ᴥ<ʔ\m/: hey everyone11:12
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vdrokgood morning xavierr11:16
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nicodemosmorning vdrok, xavierr, ironic. :)11:25
vdrokmorning nicodemos :)11:30
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openstackgerritVasyl Saienko proposed openstack/ironic-specs master: Actualize dynamic portgroup spec
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openstackgerritFellype Cavalcante proposed openstack/ironic master: Add a flag to always peform persistent boot on PXE interface
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TheJuliagood morning everyone12:51
dtantsurmorning TheJulia12:54
TheJuliasdague: by chance did you look at the log from last night and see my comments?12:54
sdagueno, I have not12:55
TheJuliasdague: tl;dr ironic had not started yet, nova-compute was hung trying to connect to ironic12:57
TheJuliathe check in the script locked the entire process not accounting for later services that had to be installed for nova-compute to operate12:57
vdrokmorning TheJulia13:00
vdrokdtantsur: so, bumping http_timeout seems to work
patchbotpatch 488371 - ironic - [DNM] Test13:00
vdrokI'll recheck once again13:01
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/sushy master: Updated from global requirements
dtantsuryeah, let's try a few times13:01
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vdrokdtantsur: if it does, should we add that to tempest conf in our devstack plugin?13:03
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dtantsurvdrok: I guess so? I just struggle to understand why only ironic CI hits it13:03
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vdrokyeah. also this is the job not using n-g-s, so it should not differ much from other projects grenade setups13:04
sdagueTheJulia: ok, so, when nova-compute starts with ironic backend it doesn't check in until the ironic API is up?13:05
TheJuliasdague: apparently so, i checked the n-cpu logs and it was just spinning in the background trying to connect to ironic13:05
TheJuliawhich makes sense, it is not truly operating yet.13:06
sdagueyeh, it does however seem like that could make for some weird situations13:07
sdaguethat's at least good info13:07
xavierrmorning TheJulia dtantsur sdague13:07
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TheJuliasdague: yeah, afaik we have no way of getting ironic installed before nova, so we're kind of stuck for the time being13:10
fellypefcaGood morning, Ironic :)13:10
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openstackgerritVasyl Saienko proposed openstack/ironic master: DNR try to increase http timetout for clients
openstackgerritHironori Shiina proposed openstack/ironic master: Add supported_power_states field to node APIs
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vdrokmorning fellypefca13:36
openstackgerritHironori Shiina proposed openstack/ironic master: Add supported_power_states field to api-ref
fellypefcavdrok o/13:37
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dtantsurpas-ha: the devstack-gate patch has merged? ready to remove the ssh drivers now? :)14:32
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pas-hadtantsur: yep :)14:32
pas-haexcept for our current multiple grenade jobs issues :(14:32
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openstackgerritVladyslav Drok proposed openstack/ironic master: try to increase http timetout for clients
pas-hadtantsur: btw, if/when you have spare time please take a look at moving staging-drivers to hw types (and deprecating the classic drivers in staging)
openstackgerritEric Fried proposed openstack/ironic master: DNM: Test nova.utils.get_endpoint_data
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openstackgerritVladyslav Drok proposed openstack/ironic master: try to increase http timetout for clients
vdrokdtantsur: ok, second pass there with http_timeout 120. now need to think how to do this without having to backport anything to ocata15:05
sambettsstill the AMQP errors are concerning post upgrade15:06
sambettsI'd like to know why they are happening15:06
vdroksambetts: sure I get that. I just want to get our gate working15:07
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rama_yHi sambetts, ran into this error "Refusing to bind due to unsupported vnic_type: baremetal" yesterday:
sambettsrama_y: that is an expected and ignorable error, when networking-baremetal's mech driver is ready that will remove that error15:10
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rama_ysambetts, but I am unable to boot the physical node15:11
sambettsrama_y: it doesn't actually affect the operation of the baremetal nodes in a flat network because they are already statically bound by the operator15:11
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sambettsor should be15:11
sambettsrama_y: are your baremetal nodes configured to talk on the flat network you've created in neutron15:12
openstackgerritVladyslav Drok proposed openstack/ironic master: try to increase http timetout for clients
openstackgerritVladyslav Drok proposed openstack/ironic master: try to increase http timetout for clients
sambettsrama_y: what error are you seeing? is the baremetal node unable to PXE boot?15:13
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rama_yneutron dhcp is serving ip-address to the node; but it gets ARP timeout15:13
rama_yin neutron logs, I see the error
sambettsrama_y: if neutron is serving the DHCP that means neutron is working correctly, which IP address is it unable to ARP? the tftp server?15:14
sambettsrama_y: what is the network path you've setup for the baremetal node to talk to the tftp server?15:15
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rama_yI did not specify path to tftp server15:16
rama_yNot sure how/where to specify it15:16
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sambettsis the IP address of your tftp server in the flat network subnet or is it somewhere else (the openstack control plane) ?15:17
sambettsif its outside of the flat network's subnet then you'll need to provide a route to that IP address using a neutorn router15:17
sambettsor a physical router15:18
rama_yI need to check that; not connected right now15:18
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rama_yOk, so I need to provide a route to the tftp server15:19
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rama_yI was thinking because of the port binding issue; tried the networking-baremetal plugin with
patchbotpatch 456235 - networking-baremetal - [WIP] Add baremetal neutron agent15:20
sambettsthat baremetal agent is no where near ready and is only for neutron L3 network support15:21
sambettsthat baremetal agent is no where near ready and is only for neutron L3 (multi-segment) network support15:21
sambettsthe ml2 driver in that repo should remove the error from the neutron logs if you load it in ml215:22
rama_ywith networking-baremetal and [ml2] ovs,baremetal ?15:22
sambettsyeah that should remove the error15:23
rama_yok got it15:23
rama_ysambetts, any pointers on adding the route to the tftpserver? haven't done it before15:24
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rama_yIn the logs or somewhere?15:24
dtantsurvdrok: nice! but I really wonder if it's a sign of a real bug..15:24
sambettsrama_y: in the logs, the error itself is just because we havn't got anything in place at the moment to catch the case when your using baremetal + a flat network which means neutron does actually have to do anything to bind the port15:25
sambettsrama_y: the baremetal ml2 driver recognises that scenario and marks it bounds for us15:26
sambettsrama_y: the flat network will need routes to the ironic-api and the tftp server, and the ironic-conductor will need a route to talk to the baremetal node to write the image, so there are a couple of options, provide a static no-NAT route from your OpenStack control plane into the flat network or directly connect your control plane servers into the flat network with static IPs (and remove those15:27
sambettsIPs from the neutron allocation range)15:27
openstackgerritVladyslav Drok proposed openstack/ironic master: Add nodes tagging support - RPC objects
rama_ysambetts, ok, thanks for the suggestion. Will try that.15:29
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NobodyCamGood Morning Ironic'ers... and (ofc) .....15:38
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sambettso/ NobodyCam15:39
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NobodyCamhey hey sambetts :)15:40
vdrokgood morning NobodyCam15:40
NobodyCamhey hey Good Morning vdrok :)15:41
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openstackgerritVladyslav Drok proposed openstack/ironic master: Add nodes tagging support - RPC objects
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openstackgerritVladyslav Drok proposed openstack/ironic master: Add DB layer support for node tags filters
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jlvillalvdrok: sambetts: I was reading some (not all) of the back-scroll. Did you figure out the neutron issue?16:16
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vdrokjlvillal: I'm leaving now. here is a workaround if it passes the gate, it needs to be squashed into
patchbotpatch 488446 - ironic - try to increase http timetout for clients16:18
patchbotpatch 487458 - ironic - Don't use multicell setup for any ironic jobs16:18
vdrokmorning :)16:18
jlvillalvdrok: Thanks, I will watch it16:18
sambettsjlvillal: seems like the amqp issue has come back to haunt us :(16:18
jlvillalsambetts: :(16:18
vdrokjlvillal: but yeah, actual fix is to be done somewhere in neutron, no idea where16:19
vdrokgood night everyone!16:19
sambettso/ vdrok16:19
jlvillalvdrok: Are any neutron folks looking at it?16:19
jlvillalvdrok: paka paka!16:19
vdrokjlvillal: you can read the irc log from the morning in neutron channel :) (channel is almost empty, so you can easily find it) hopefully yes16:20
jlvillalvdrok: Thanks!16:20
sambettsI did some digging myself into the neutron code, and I think the problem is that even though the exception is being caught and ignored some sort of callback system is resulting the amqp 404 still being processed somewhere16:20
rpiosoTheJulia, dtantsur: I have a few questions revolving around
patchbotpatch 481318 - ironic - Revert "Wait until iDRAC is ready before out-of-ba...16:20
TheJuliarpioso: on the review?16:21
* TheJulia tries to context load16:21
jlvillalTheJulia: FYI: It might be up to you and I to approve the gate fix later on today.16:22
TheJuliajlvillal: squash the two patches?16:23
TheJuliaand force it through?16:23
openstackgerritVladyslav Drok proposed openstack/ironic master: Add nodes tagging support - API
jlvillalTheJulia: Yeah. That will be the plan if it fixes the issue.16:23
rpiosoTheJulia: Not exactly. More about how I should proceed. And there's a new consideration that dawned on me.16:23
jlvillalTheJulia: Waiting for test run to see what happens.16:23
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rpiosoTheJulia: That -2ed change updates ironic's dependency on python-dracclient.16:24
TheJuliajlvillal: before I go looking, do we have it all documented that is the plan or should I just paste the link to the irc log if I just have to force it through?16:24
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TheJuliarpioso: yeah, and I don't see a new python-dracclient release :\16:24
jlvillalTheJulia: 2nd option seems reasonable.16:24
rpiosoTheJulia: Correct.16:25
TheJuliajlvillal: works for me. I'll be in a car for like 5-6 hours tonight, so plenty of time to push things through16:25
rpiosoTheJulia: I want to update you on my thoughts about the dependent ironic patch. I'm thinking of splitting it into two (2) changes.16:25
jlvillalTheJulia: Thanks!16:25
TheJuliajlvillal: are you leaving for the day soon?16:26
rpiosoTheJulia: The first would only update driver-requirements.txt.16:26
rpiosoTheJulia: That way, it could be backported to prior releases of ironic.16:27
rpiosoTheJulia: Recall that the dependency is a significant bug fix to python-dracclient.16:27
jlvillalTheJulia: I'm here all day16:27
TheJuliaThis feels like a conversation dtantsur should be involved with because of bumping our driver-reqs16:28
* dtantsur shows up16:28
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TheJuliacloaking devices16:28
dtantsurso, what exactly is the question? how to proceed with this patch?16:29
dtantsurwe need a dracclient release, then we can land the patch with bumping the requirements16:29
dtantsursuch change is almost certainly not backportable16:29
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dtantsurwe essentially never bump any requirements on stable branches, unless they were wrong from the beginning16:30
dtantsurrpioso: ^^16:30
rpiosodtantsur: I was interrupted by my boss :)16:32
rpiosodtantsur: But, but, but, ...  How could we get the prior release(s) to benefit from the fix to the significant python-draccleint bug fix?16:33
dtantsurrpioso: we assume that the operators update their packages to the bug fix releases16:33
dtantsurrequirements are usually not bumped for it, only for features16:33
dtantsurit's a different story if e.g. we figure our that ironic Ocata cannot work with dracclient 0.1.0 (the current mininum) at all16:35
rpiosodtantsur: To ensure I'm clear on that, ...  Then if an operator chooses to use an older release, they must manually update the python-dracclient package that contains a significant bug fix?16:35
rpiosodtantsur: It works, well, until it doesn't :)16:35
dtantsurrpioso: yep, in the same fashion as with any python dependency16:35
sambettsthis is why requirements are normally set as a range16:36
rpiosodtantsur: Again, it's a significant bug fix. Actually, fundamental.16:36
dtantsurI know what you're trying to say :) but keep in mind that bumping requirements is a very serious thing. this way you're saying "there is no way ironic will work with versions before this"16:36
dtantsurrpioso: which exactly patch are we talking about?16:36
rpiosodtantsur: The series you just completed reviewing.16:36
sambettse.g. >=4.0.0 && <5.0.0 , ranges work because nothing *should* break between major version s16:37
dtantsurrpioso: bumping the requirement from 0.1.0 to 1.3.0 pulls in a lot of feature-level changes..16:37
* TheJulia reads the backscroll because she got a phone call16:37
rpiosodtantsur: Fixes bug
openstackLaunchpad bug 1697558 in python-dracclient "WS-Man operations fail when iDRAC is not ready" [Undecided,Fix released] - Assigned to Richard G. Pioso (richard.pioso)16:37
dtantsurrpioso: I see. you can try asking the release team (#openstack-release) about such cases. they'll have to agree with it, when they review the next ironic stable release request.16:38
dtantsursuch bump is usually out of question, because it requires all downstreams to urgently upgrade to a version with a lot of unrelated changes16:39
dtantsurso I guess the question is how broken ironic is without this patch16:39
rpiosodtantsur: You make it good point that the new python-dracclient release will contain new features. However, I believe Ocata ironic doesn't utilize them.16:39
dtantsurrpioso: right. but in nonetheless can have side effects on existing features (at least in theory, I haven't reviewed the diff)16:40
sambettsyeah, I think the "correct" way to do this would have been to back port this fix into a 0.1.1 release right?16:40
sambettsbut I know that is a PITA thing to handle16:41
rpiosodtantsur: The risk is greatest during provisioning and deployment. Once deployed and stable, the node should stay that way, since the BMC is no longer performing config changes.16:41
TheJuliasambetts: That would be the most correct way to handle it16:41
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dtantsuranother option is to simply issue a release note saying "versions before 1.3.0 suffer from <BUG ID>, causing occasional failures, it is recommended to upgrade to 1.3.0"16:44
sambettsplus its just a PITA for because any other minor releases between 0.1.0 and 1.3.0 would also need it backported16:44
sambettsotherwise inconsistency16:45
dtantsurthis won't require code change or any sign-off by the release team, and this can be backported16:45
rpiosodtantsur: I'm not familiar with what would need to be done to get a new 0.1.0 version uploaded to pypi.16:45
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sambettsrpioso: branch and then backport and then new tag on that commit16:45
dtantsurrpioso: a release is a matter of pushing a git tag; I still wonder if doing a release note only is the best way to handle it..16:45
dtantsursambetts: the diff between 0.1 and 1.3 is HUUUUGE, the backport may not be fun..16:46
TheJuliaI kind of like the reno approach, let operators make the decision, that is if they actually read the notes16:46
rpiosodtantsur, sambetts: Let me discuss it with my downstream teammates.16:47
sambettsdtantsur: thats the other PITA for backporting so long after the other release :(16:47
rpiosodtantsur: The change is fairly granular, tho. Famous last words :)16:47
dtantsurI'd start with a email to openstack-dev with [ironic] [release] tags, outlining the situation and the 3 options: 1. bump the requirement to 1.3 everywhere, 2. make a bug-fix only 0.1.1 release, 3. create a release note to all supported branches.16:49
dtantsurrpioso: ^^^ there may be more good ideas from other people16:49
rpiosodtantsur, TheJulia, sambetts: Sounds like the backport/release note decision doesn't have a bearing on the current ironic patch targeted at Pike.16:50
dtantsurrpioso: the pike patch is fine, I guess (I haven't seen it though)16:50
rpiosoTheJulia: ^^^16:50
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rpiosoTheJulia: Do you agree? (You looked at it a while back.)16:50
TheJuliarpioso: I remember thinking it was okay, just missing the 1.3.0 release16:51
rpiosoTheJulia: Cool!16:51
TheJuliabecause I seem to remember it changing driver-reqs to a version that didn't exist yet16:51
rpiosoTheJulia: That's correct.16:52
* rpioso wished his memory was so sharp Friday afternoons16:52
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rpiosodtantsur: ty for the ML suggestion.16:53
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TheJuliarpioso: I just had a latte about an hour ago, so my brain is running at a decent speed16:54
TheJuliaMaybe 4th gear16:54
rpiosodtantsur, sambetts, TheJulia: Thank you so much! I'll discuss it with my downstream friends.16:54
rpiosoTheJulia: lol16:54
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dtantsurokay, I guess it's time for me to call it a day16:57
dtantsursee you on Monday16:57
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rpiosodtantsur|afk: Enjoy! o/16:58
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* sambetts also calling it a day here 17:03
sambettso/ cya'll Monday17:03
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openstackgerritJohn L. Villalovos proposed openstack/ironic master: Don't use multicell setup for ironic & increase timeout
jlvillalTheJulia: ^^ Squashed patch17:05
TheJuliajlvillal: awesome, thanks!17:05
jlvillalTheJulia:  passed gate17:05
patchbotpatch 488446 - ironic - try to increase http timetout for clients17:05
openstackgerritMerged openstack/ironic-ui master: Adds support for editing portgroups
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TheJuliajlvillal: awesome17:12
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/sushy master: Updated from global requirements
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/virtualbmc master: Updated from global requirements
TheJuliajlvillal: looks like I get to drive for a few hours instead of ride as I anticipated.  That patch is like " " <-- that close19:01
TheJuliaI'll try to check again in a couple hours and before I go to sleep.19:02
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openstackgerritEric Fried proposed openstack/ironic master: DNM: Test nova.utils.get_endpoint_data
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jlvillalTheJulia: I don't think any need to worry. I am watching it. It passed the first step. Now in the merging gate19:53
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openstackgerritPeter Piela proposed openstack/ironic-ui master: Add unit tests for creating and editing ports
openstackgerritOpenStack Release Bot proposed openstack/ironic-lib stable/pike: Update .gitreview for stable/pike
openstackgerritOpenStack Release Bot proposed openstack/ironic-lib stable/pike: Update UPPER_CONSTRAINTS_FILE for stable/pike
openstackgerritOpenStack Release Bot proposed openstack/python-ironic-inspector-client stable/pike: Update .gitreview for stable/pike
openstackgerritOpenStack Release Bot proposed openstack/python-ironic-inspector-client stable/pike: Update UPPER_CONSTRAINTS_FILE for stable/pike
openstackgerritOpenStack Release Bot proposed openstack/python-ironic-inspector-client master: Update reno for stable/pike
openstackgerritOpenStack Release Bot proposed openstack/python-ironicclient stable/pike: Update .gitreview for stable/pike
openstackgerritOpenStack Release Bot proposed openstack/python-ironicclient stable/pike: Update UPPER_CONSTRAINTS_FILE for stable/pike
openstackgerritOpenStack Release Bot proposed openstack/python-ironicclient master: Update reno for stable/pike
openstackgerritOpenStack Release Bot proposed openstack/sushy stable/pike: Update .gitreview for stable/pike
openstackgerritOpenStack Release Bot proposed openstack/sushy stable/pike: Update UPPER_CONSTRAINTS_FILE for stable/pike
openstackgerritOpenStack Release Bot proposed openstack/sushy master: Update reno for stable/pike
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openstackgerritIlya Etingof proposed openstack/virtualbmc master: WIP: threading server, socket-based management cli tool
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TheJuliajlvillal: ugh, failed the gate :(22:09
jlvillalTheJulia: Yeah :(22:09
jlvillalTheJulia: I was working on a little recheck bot ;)22:10
jlvillalTheJulia: So I don't have to babysit it over the weekend22:10
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jlvillalTheJulia: I did a recheck on it. I'll keep watching it22:50
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TheJuliajlvillal: ok, I just stopped driving, so if needed I'll prod it23:16
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jlvillalTheJulia: Thanks23:17
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