Thursday, 2017-09-07

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openstackgerritRuby Loo proposed openstack/ironic-specs master: spec: Clean Steps that are Available
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openstackgerritHironori Shiina proposed openstack/ironic master: Add supported_power_states field to node APIs
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TheJuliagood morning wong02:30
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openstackgerritHironori Shiina proposed openstack/ironic master: Add supported_power_states field to api-ref
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openstackgerritJohn L. Villalovos proposed openstack/python-ironicclient master: flake8: Enable some off-by-default checks
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openstackgerritJohn L. Villalovos proposed openstack/ironic-lib master: flake8: Enable some off-by-default checks
openstackgerritJohn L. Villalovos proposed openstack/python-ironicclient master: flake8: Enable some off-by-default checks
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pas-hamorning ironic :)06:23
* pas-ha is back from AFK :)06:23
wongmorning/afternoon :)06:23
openstackgerritWang KaiFeng proposed openstack/ironic-specs master: Support node abandon
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openstackgerritzhurong proposed openstack/ironic master: Using devstack configure_rootwrap to configure ironic rootwrap
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etingofo/ everyone07:33
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openstackgerritAparna proposed openstack/python-ironicclient master: Add support for RESCUE and UNRESCUE provision states
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openstackgerritWang KaiFeng proposed openstack/python-ironicclient master: Clean up openstack baremetal delete
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openstackgerritShivanand Tendulker proposed openstack/ironic master: Change [deploy]/default_boot_option to local
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sambettsMorning all09:24
stendulkermorning sambetts o/09:26
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milanmorning sambetts, stendulker and all! :)09:31
vdrokgood morning pas-ha wong etingof sambetts stendulker milan !!09:32
vdroklots of people today :)09:32
milanmorning vdrok! :)09:32
milanheh :)09:32
stendulkermorning vdrok o/09:33
stendulkermorning milan, wong, pas, etingof o/09:33
milan#pixiesay -mrnr09:34
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milanaarefiev_afk, sambetts, dtantsur|afk folks, how about moving forward here:
patchbotpatch 471831 - ironic-inspector - Refactoring the firewall09:35
milanthat would make it possible to land the dnsmasq patch09:35
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dtantsurmilan: we can try10:05
dtantsurmorning ironic!10:05
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vdrokgood morning dtantsur10:10
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dtantsursambetts, milan, folks in RH also got hit by :(10:35
openstackLaunchpad bug 1714944 in Ironic Inspector "BMC address is getting replaced by in the ramdisk data received" [High,In progress] - Assigned to Dmitry Tantsur (divius)10:35
dtantsurthis seem to be a regression in IPA..10:36
dtantsurrook: ^^^10:36
sambettsdtantsur: I've posted a question, it might depend on how the image is built too10:39
dtantsursambetts: for us it's DIB, and I don't think we changed anything around it in Pike..10:39
dtantsurI suspect HPE folks use DIB too, but I'm not sure10:39
dtantsurstendulker: ^^^10:39
dtantsurNisha_Agarwal: ^^^10:39
sambettsdtantsur: have you changed the version of the kernel and the modules might not be present anymore?10:40
sambettsdtantsur: I'd be very interested to see the ramdisk logs like you ssaid10:40
dtantsursambetts: I think we went to RHEL 7.4, but I doubt it has IPMI modules removed10:40
dtantsuryep, asking right now10:40
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Nisha_Agarwaldtantsur, yes we use DIB10:40
dtantsursambetts: rook may get us some, when he's online10:41
sambettsawesome :)10:43
Nisha_Agarwaldtantsur, after speaking to you when we retried to reproduce the issue , some mess happened in the stack and we ended up in restacking. after restacking we tried on two servers and the inspection passed. We were not able to reproduce the issue again after raising that bug. I would recommend you to lower the priority of the bug as we are not able to reproduce the issue again.10:44
dtantsurNisha_Agarwal: mmm, ok. I'll hear from rook first, as he's just reported the same10:44
Nisha_Agarwaldtantsur, ohk. then it may not be occuring always10:45
dtantsurthat's even worse :)10:45
Nisha_Agarwaldtantsur, i replied to the comments on resource class spec. I will raise the ironic and nova spec by today10:47
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ankkumarHii dtantsur10:56
ankkumardtantsur, Regarding the bug now we are not able to reproduce the issue after restacking. Actually somehow the previous logs got deleted thats why not able to attach the ramdisk logs.10:56
openstackLaunchpad bug 1714944 in Ironic Inspector "BMC address is getting replaced by in the ramdisk data received" [High,In progress] - Assigned to Dmitry Tantsur (divius)10:56
dtantsurankkumar: ok. now we seem to be reproducing it downstream..10:57
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openstackgerritShivanand Tendulker proposed openstack/ironic master: Change [deploy]/default_boot_option to local
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* milan reads bug descriptions11:52
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openstackgerritWang KaiFeng proposed openstack/ironic master: Add db layer support for node fault
milandtantsur, thanks for the patch, +212:00
openstackgerritWang KaiFeng proposed openstack/ironic-specs master: Support node abandon
dtantsurmilan: cool! unfortunately, it does not solve the IPA side reporting
* milan will review that too12:03
milanis there a patch yet?12:03
milanor is it a HW issue?12:03
dtantsurmilan: no patch yet, we need triaging..12:04
* milan might lack the ctx12:05
milanyeah, in the bug, both the addresses are all zeroes12:06
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dtantsuryeah. the fix on inspector side just makes sure we really treat == None12:07
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milandtantsur, so is it actually the ipmitool that is hosed (downstream?)12:11
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dtantsurmilan: I have a gut feeling that caused it12:12
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milandtantsur, may well be, I never checked the assumption here
milan* manually12:16
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* milan afk for a while12:20
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dtantsuryeah, this is suspicious for me too12:34
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openstackgerritWang KaiFeng proposed openstack/ironic-specs master: Support baremetal inspection abort operation
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pas-hadtantsur: do you know if there is a (preliminary) schedule for topics of those inter-project discussions? like in a #compute room..13:10
dtantsurpas-ha: not a centralized one, at least not to my knowledge13:14
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pas-hadtantsur: thansk13:14
rloohi and good morning pas-ha, dtantsur and everyone else!13:14
pas-hamorning rloo :)13:14
rloodtantsur: are we OK with deleting this command now? (there are a few 'openstack baremetal' ones that were deprecated awhile ago):
patchbotpatch 501615 - python-ironicclient - Clean up openstack baremetal delete13:15
dtantsurmorning rloo13:15
openstackgerritIlya Etingof proposed openstack/ironic-inspector-specs master: Enumerate Inspector errors
dtantsurrloo: I'm ok, but I'd have one patch for all them (and of course release notes)13:16
rloodtantsur: that makes sense.13:16
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TheJuliagood morning everyone13:32
dtantsurmorning TheJulia13:33
openstackgerritJohn L. Villalovos proposed openstack/python-ironicclient master: flake8: Enable some off-by-default checks
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rloogood morning TheJulia!13:45
rloodtantsur: do you have time to discuss
openstackLaunchpad bug 1715190 in Ironic "db.sqlalchemy.api.Connection.backfill_version_column has race condition" [Critical,In progress] - Assigned to Ruby Loo (rloo)13:45
rloodtantsur: I don't know if it is critical or high, but w/o the fix, the dbsync cmd could mess up some data13:46
dtantsurrloo: I thought I've approved the patch.. but my gertty is in some weird condition13:49
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dtantsurI agree with any of these13:49
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rloodtantsur: ok thx. it would be good to cut another pike release soon cuz of that.13:50
dtantsurit's easy to do :)13:51
vdrokgood morning rloo and TheJulia13:51
rloodtantsur: I'll try to baby it today, to get the backport in etc. Do we need a prelude or something, *warning* do not use previous pike releases, or ??13:52
rloohi vdrok!13:52
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vdrokor "do not do online_migrations command on previous pike versions13:54
rloovdrok: yes, so a prelude is needed.13:55
mgagneI'm currently being hit by this bug: does it need a spec or not to work on that one?13:55
openstackLaunchpad bug 1575935 in Ironic "Rebuild should also accept a configdrive" [Wishlist,Triaged]13:55
vdrokmgagne: I'd say it does not need a spec, but there is a needs-spec tag...13:56
vdrokrloo: TheJulia you seem to think the same?13:57
mgagnevdrok: ok, I'm ready to do whatever it takes, we are currently "blocked" by this "bug" (we previously hacked it on the nova side by patching instance_info in ironic)13:57
dtantsurrloo: we could change the release note from "fixes" to "critical", I think there is such section13:59
dtantsurvdrok, mgagne, a spec because of an API change..13:59
vdrokbut, it should be like addnig one parameter basically13:59
rloovdrok, dtantsur: Ok, let me look at the reno thing and see what might work best.14:00
dtantsurvdrok, mgagne, PTL magic: now it does not need a spec ;)14:00
dtantsur(based on comments, not on my power, of course. but this way it sounds funnier)14:01
dtantsurnow we could use a code patch ;)14:01
mgagneok, will propose a fix and people can complain later that it needs a spec, a RFE, a blueprint or some vote from a secret council =)14:02
rloodtantsur, vdrok, mgagne: I think the only thing missing (and jroll mentioned it) is that there is an API change, so that change needs to be documented.14:02
mgagneso releasenotes there will be14:02
vdrokrloo: yup sure14:02
dtantsuryep, release notes are mandatory14:02
rloomgagne: don't worry, if I review, I will comment if I don't like the API change. So better to hope that I don't review :D14:03
rloomgagne: thx for fixing it!14:03
dtantsurfolks, I could use a volunteer to update
mgagneI'm eager to get this fixed but let me know if there are mandatory steps I missed and need to follow14:03
dtantsurit's horribly outdated14:03
rloomgagne: assign the bug to yourself first :)14:03
dtantsur(I can do it, but maybe somebody wants to..)14:03
TheJuliabug ++14:03
rloodtantsur: what is that thing. isn't that why we pay you the big bucks to be PTL? :)14:04
mgagne17 months old, I don't think one will steal it until I post fix but we cannot be safe enough =)14:04
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dtantsurrloo: big bucks, where? :D14:04
* rloo hands dtantsur a loonie14:04
TheJuliavdrok: going back to the question, I absolutely think it does not require a spec, it is actually a fairly simple fix, or at least was when I filed the bug.14:04
mgagnehurray for fixing bug! :D14:05
vdrokTheJulia: yup14:05
* TheJulia sighs because she hoped it would have been fixed by now14:05
dtantsurrloo: which I think ends up at
dtantsurwhich is a good place to keep updated...14:06
rloodtantsur: is it worth adding a note to our 'release notes', to update that page?14:06
rloodtantsur: no idea how anyone can keep track of what needs updating, etc.14:07
dtantsurrloo: you mean, to "releasing projects"? I agree14:07
rloodtantsur: yeah, that thing. sorry, 'release notes' means something else :)14:08
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* TheJulia needs more coffee
mgagnelooks like me this morning...14:14
TheJuliaI was up silly late rewriting unit tests14:15
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mgagneand looks like we had a similar night too ^^'14:17
openstackgerritRuby Loo proposed openstack/ironic master: [install docs] ironic -> openstack baremetal CLI
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rloopas-ha, yuriyz: do you know if the ansible spec will be updated today? It is on my list to look at today:
patchbotpatch 241946 - ironic-specs - Promote Ansible deploy driver to ironic14:31
rloopas-ha, yuriyz: just wondering if I should wait, that's all.14:32
pas-harloo: probably not today, I'll do my best for tomorrow14:33
rloopas-ha. ok thx.14:33
dtantsurTheJulia: FYI
patchbotpatch 449155 - nova-specs - Ironic: Cold migration support14:42
NobodyCamGood Morning Ironic'ers14:42
dtantsurmorning NobodyCam14:42
NobodyCamhey hey dtantsur :)14:42
rloomorning NobodyCam!14:42
NobodyCam:) morning rloo :)14:42
TheJuliadtantsur: I would also <3 it if we one day supported pulling data off of a volume using IPA and shipping it someplace like a different piece of baremetal.... but that might be too crazy ;)14:44
TheJulias/volume/local disk/14:44
dtantsurTheJulia: I was thinking about it just a few days ago :)14:44
TheJuliaIt has been spinning in the back of my head since vancouver.14:45
TheJuliayeah, vancouver14:45
dtantsurnot even too crazy, to be honest. just start two IPA, and start moving stuff disk-by-disk14:45
sambetts+1 offline migrations ftw14:45
dtantsurbut this won't help the case they're talking about, when the source node is broken (e.g. does not boot)14:47
mgagneso is it a fix or a feature? =)14:47
mgagne(rebuild with configdrive)14:47
TheJuliadtantsur: that, or pull data down off a node, package up an image, and ship it off to glance/swift14:49
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vdrokwell, considering the fact that nova wants to rewrite the code dealing with all the (host,node) to be a single identifier, we might have troubles implementing migrations14:49
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TheJuliadtantsur: true, hard broken, but it is a variation on the same use case. Automated get machine B to be machine A now because stuff happened. :)14:49
* TheJulia feels like this would be a good beer topic14:50
dtantsur++ for a beer topic14:50
TheJuliamgagne: kind of both?14:50
TheJuliaor maybe a whisky topic, it might be good to have a white board then...14:50
rloomgagne: it is both. it is a bug, but the fix for the bug is an API change, which is a feature :)14:51
mgagneok, will add to feature section14:51
dtantsurmgagne: you can even have something in both sections :) just not a complete copy-paste14:52
rloomgagne: yup, i think that makes sense, cuz you're providing the ability to do something that wasn't possible before.14:52
mgagneI'm out of inspiration :P14:52
rloomgagne: anyway, you can see what the reviewers think ;)14:53
openstackgerritMathieu Gagné proposed openstack/ironic master: Add ability to provide configdrive when rebuilding
openstackgerritMathieu Gagné proposed openstack/ironic master: Add ability to provide configdrive when rebuilding
openstackgerritMathieu Gagné proposed openstack/ironic master: Add ability to provide configdrive when rebuilding
rloodtantsur: I just looked at Def needs updating. Iooks like it keeps all the drivers that ever existed. Also wondering what the 'Tested' column means. True/False?15:00
sambettsrloo: if the driver is covered by CI15:00
dtantsurI guess ^^^15:00
rloosambetts: so 'gate CI' vs 3rd party CI, or just Boolean? :) Anyway, thx dtantsur for updating it :D15:01
dtantsurI'd assume any CI15:01
dtantsurwe can see what other projects do there15:02
dtantsurthe most funny field is owner. we have Jim and Deva in a few places :D15:02
sambettsthere was some on going stuff with the driver marketplace I think too I'm sure I remember attending a session about it at the forumn or PTG15:06
openstackgerritJulia Kreger proposed openstack/bifrost master: DNM - Shade test
dtantsuris it only me or is gertty terribly slow today? Oo15:08
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jeblairdtantsur: oh hai, i recently merged a change to gertty master that *greatly* speeds up loading changes with many revisions15:13
dtantsurjeblair: sweeeeeet!! is it released already?15:13
jeblairdtantsur: it's not in a release yet, but if you run from source and update you may see a big difference15:13
dtantsurjeblair++ thanks :)15:13
jeblair is the change15:14
patchbotpatch 497600 - gertty - Speed up loading change screen (MERGED)15:14
dtantsuralso: gertty rocks15:14
jeblairdtantsur: thanks! :)15:14
jeblairmaybe i should do a point release with that15:14
* dtantsur now assumes jeblair has a notification on the word "gertty" in any channel :D15:14
dtantsurjeblair: would be cool, I'm using 'pip install --user gertty' for it15:14
jeblairdtantsur: k, i'll try to do that friday15:15
jeblairfriday is release day, right? ;)15:15
rloojeblair: right, friday right before the PTG :)15:15
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kaifengrloo: greetings, i have a few questions about db, would you spare some time with me?15:30
rlookaifeng: i could try, i'm not a db expert.15:30
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kaifengi doubt it :)15:31
kaifengthe first thing is about version field, when rolling update script add version field to all existing tables15:31
rlookaifeng: yup15:32
kaifengwhat about the new table? should we manually add this field in the upgrade script?15:32
rlookaifeng: what new table?15:32
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rlookaifeng: you mean a new table being added in master? I don't recall adding a new table in Pike code15:33
kaifenghmm, i am doing some coding for node fault, introducing a new table named faults.15:33
kaifengyeah, in master branch15:33
rlookaifeng: ok, in master then. so the table is associated with a new Object?15:34
kaifengyes, a new table with a new Fault object15:34
rlookaifeng: ok, then it should have a 'version' column too.15:34
kaifengthen, when create db from scratch, the fields in should have version too?15:35
kaifengbut why the existing objects do not contain the version field?15:35
rlookaifeng: if you look at ironic/db/sqlalchemy/, you'll see 'version' in IronicBase class15:35
rlookaifeng: so all classes that inherit from IronicBase, will have a 'version' field. if you try it -- create new DB for ironic, you should see that column15:36
rlookaifeng: in all the tables associated with objects15:36
rlookaifeng: including your new Fault object15:36
kaifenggot it, thanks15:37
rlookaifeng: yw :)15:37
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kaifengthe last question is about test..15:37
kaifengdo i have to meet some requirements to test tests.unit.db.sqlalchemy.test_migration15:38
rlookaifeng: what's the question? 'Don't test is what I say' :D15:38
kaifengwhen i am testing this module, i got many bypass warning15:38
rlookaifeng: oh yeah. but i forgot what it was. you need to have some db thing. does anyone recall what?15:39
kaifengi don't have postgresql, but mysql is installed15:39
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rlookaifeng: take a look at the documentation in the file15:40
kaifengthe methods in MigrationCheckersMixin are not executed, i insert some raise, and tests still passed15:41
rlookaifeng: starting from
kaifenghaven't expected documents in code... i though headers are all copyright thing, that's embarrassing.15:42
kaifengi will try, thank you15:42
rlookaifeng: no worries. i hope that helps. i am sure i have tested the db stuff, but heh, those comments don't look familiar to me :)15:43
rlookaifeng: and/or maybe i just let it be tested in the gate.15:43
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kaifengyeah, better prepared for final destiny :)15:45
rlookaifeng: ha ha15:46
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openstackgerritRuby Loo proposed openstack/ironic stable/pike: Add release note for next pike release
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openstackgerritRuby Loo proposed openstack/ironic master: Update upgrade guide to use new pike rlease
openstackgerritRuby Loo proposed openstack/ironic master: Update upgrade guide to use new pike release
kaifengrloo: thanks for assigning that bug, i see you left a note said we are now using 'openstack baremetal create' for other purposes, what does that mean?15:56
rlookaifeng: take a look at that file, it means you need to delete mention of Deprecated stuff there. sec, let me find the file.15:57
rlookaifeng: we are using 'openstack baremetal create'. but not to mean 'openstack baremetal node create'.15:58
dtantsurkaifeng: this behavior is not deprecated:
rlookaifeng: right now, that command does both, depending on the parameters in the command. so we need to remove the functionality that does the 'node create' part.15:59
rlookaifeng, dtantsur: glad to see that vdrok put a specific date there, 'Remove... after 11-July-2017' :)16:00
dtantsurnice indeed16:00
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dtantsurTheJulia: BFV meeting today?16:01
dtantsuror am I confusing something? :)16:01
kaifengrloo: it looks like it is used for creating resources16:02
rlookaifeng: right, that part is not deprecated.16:02
kaifengacknowledged, thanks16:02
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openstackgerritMathieu Gagné proposed openstack/ironic master: Add ability to provide configdrive when rebuilding
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openstackgerritMathieu Gagné proposed openstack/ironic master: Add ability to provide configdrive when rebuilding
TheJuliadtantsur: yeah, unexpected phone call16:06
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TheJuliaBFV meeting in #openstack-meeting-5 if anyone is interested16:08
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kaifengnight rloo, dtantsur, TheJulia, and everyone ~16:20
rloobye kaifeng16:20
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openstackgerritMichael Turek proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent master: Use LSHW in place of dmidecode for the default hardware manager
rloojlvillal: tell me that I am wrong:
patchbotpatch 501419 - ironic-lib - flake8: Enable some off-by-default checks16:25
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jlvillalrloo: They removed 'hacking' from global requirements16:26
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rloojlvillal: so what is the test-requirements file for?16:26
jlvillalrloo: And requirements/test-requirements is the test-requirements for requirements16:26
dtantsurlol! (but jlvillal is right)16:26
rloojlvillal: so confusing.16:26
rloojlvillal is at the forefront of innovation...16:27
jlvillalrloo: Agreed that it is confusing. But 'requirements' is a projects. So it has its own 'requirements.txt' and 'test-requirements.txt'16:28
jlvillalrloo: The actual global requirements are in 'global-requirements.txt'16:29
rloojlvillal: what/where is the 'separate blacklist' mentioned in that patch? do we need to look at that?16:29
jlvillalrloo: I don't believe so. Basically it is, we don't care what the heck the value is of 'hacking'16:29
rloojlvillal: ok, i think i get it. the blacklist is for requirements to ignore those. and we are free to use whatever version of those things.16:29
jlvillalrloo: Every project can have their own version.16:30
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rloojlvillal: sigh. not sure i like that; would be good to be consistent among projects, wrt coding practises, etc. but whatever.16:30
jlvillalrloo: Good questions though! :)16:30
dtantsurrloo: then automatic syncing will keep breaking projects16:31
rloojlvillal: which i will promptly (well, maybe 24 hours) forget16:31
dtantsuror hacking has to stal always compatible16:31
jlvillalrloo: I think in the future it will be easier to get people in sync with 'hacking' as all new checks seem to be off-by-default16:31
jlvillalrloo: But in the past they were not, so if a project bumped the version things broke.16:31
rloojlvillal, dtantsur: well, it seems like with the bot bumping the version, you'd see what broke and fix it. but whatever. as long as the ironic code is great! :D16:32
dtantsurtrue :)16:32
jlvillaldtantsur: How many hours will your trip be to Colorado?16:33
* jlvillal is slightly afraid of the answer16:33
dtantsurlemme estimate16:33
jlvillalAnd don't hate me that mine is 3 hours, non-stop. I got lucky this time :)16:33
openstackgerritJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent master: Fix OSError catch
jlvillalrloo: If you liked that last patch:  ;)16:34
patchbotpatch 501440 - python-ironicclient - flake8: Enable some off-by-default checks16:34
dtantsurjlvillal: 13 hours or something. but only because I'll already be in prague (and because of a risky short stop in LHR)16:34
rloojlvillal: too late, I +A'd it! :D16:35
jlvillaldtantsur: That it isn't bad at all!16:35
jlvillalrloo: heh16:35
dtantsurjlvillal: yeah. if I got straight from Brno, it's usually more than 2016:35
* dtantsur is looking forward to living in a city with an international airport16:35
rloodtantsur: ouch16:35
jlvillaldtantsur: Hopefully you make all your connections16:36
dtantsurthanks :)16:36
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etingofdtantsur, there will be two airports in your city! ;)16:36
dtantsurrloo: Brno->Vienna is 2:30 on an international bus (that goes quite rarely). Brno->Prague airport is at least 3:30 hours.16:36
etingofboth international, I believe ;)16:36
dtantsuretingof: \o/ and one which is never going to be built16:37
jlvillaldtantsur: Our airport barely qualifies in my opinion. But better than not. One airline for the most part that flies to Tokyo, Amsterdam, and just recently London.16:37
jlvillalNothing compared to Seattle or San Francisco16:37
rloodtantsur: glad that you love living in Brno :-)16:37
dtantsurjlvillal: both AMS and LHR (if that's LHR) are very good transit points16:38
jlvillaldtantsur: This site says Brno is a pretty good place to live:
dtantsurfrom Brno you can fly to Munich, but the flight is expensive and at inconvenient times16:38
jlvillalReasonable prices it seems.16:38
dtantsurjlvillal: you don't know the salaries ;)16:39
riverHi can anyone kindly tell me how to get ssh access to deploy node. I'm using the Deploy image on Openstack site
jlvillaldtantsur: It is LHR16:39
dtantsurjlvillal: for $1500/mo (like on this site) you can do a lot. just note that average salary is like $800 or even less16:40
rivermy node gets stuck on first boot, and I'm not sure if a lookup call by IPA is getting through to the ironic-api.. Can't find any logs on the baremetal node or on the node running ironic-conductor ro figure that out16:40
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jlvillaldtantsur: ouch :(16:40
jlvillalriver: I recommend a serial console connected to the node. If you can16:40
dtantsurjlvillal: not quite applicable to engineers, but still.16:41
dtantsuraverage salaries affect even people who get much more than an average salary16:41
jlvillaldtantsur: right16:41
riverAre there any logs on baremetal node which tell me that a lookup call is being made ?16:41
jlvillalriver: The serial console output usually gives some good details.16:42
jlvillalriver: I'm not sure how to enable SSH off the top of my head. But others here might.16:42
* sambetts --> home 16:42
sambettsnight all16:42
jlvillalsambetts: Good night!16:42
sambettsnight jlvillal16:43
jlvillalAnd good morning to everyone else :)16:43
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dtantsursee you tomorrow16:52
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jlvillallucas-afk: Come back!16:52
jlvillaldtantsur|afk: Good night!16:52
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openstackgerritJohn L. Villalovos proposed openstack/ironic master: flake8: Enable some off-by-default checks
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openstackgerritPavlo Shchelokovskyy proposed openstack/ironic master: Finalize migration to keystoneauth adapters
openstackgerritPavlo Shchelokovskyy proposed openstack/ironic master: Use adapters for cinderclient
openstackgerritPavlo Shchelokovskyy proposed openstack/ironic master: Use adapters for neutronclient
openstackgerritPavlo Shchelokovskyy proposed openstack/ironic master: Rework keystone auth for glance
openstackgerritPavlo Shchelokovskyy proposed openstack/ironic master: Fix swiftclient creation
openstackgerritPavlo Shchelokovskyy proposed openstack/ironic master: Use adapters for inspectorclient
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/ironic master: Fix race condition in backfill_version_column()
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openstackgerritRuby Loo proposed openstack/ironic stable/pike: Fix race condition in backfill_version_column()
openstackgerritMerged openstack/ironic master: [doc] Non-word updates to releasing doc
openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-ironicclient master: flake8: Enable some off-by-default checks
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openstackgerritRuby Loo proposed openstack/ironic master: Add online data migrations for conductor version
riverHi I get a lookup_failed error when the IPA tried to lookup from the controller node, from the logs i see i see this " HTTPConnectionPool (host 192.168.66, port 80) .... whereas the Ironic-api-url is at port "6385"17:32
riverIs there a way to tell IPA to do a lookup on a specific port17:32
riverI can't find any etc/ironic...conf file17:33
riveri mean , is there any ironic-python-agent.conf file on the Baremetal node ? I can't see any under the /etc/ directory , using CoreOs17:36
TheJuliariver: so  your conductor is likely running with the wrong api_url configuration17:37
TheJuliaIPA reads it from the command line upon boot or from a virtual media floopy disk, with virtual media drivers.17:37
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riverTheJulia: Yeah thanks for the hint Julia, my api_url in ironic.conf did not have the port number ...17:47
openstackgerritMerged openstack/ironic master: Using devstack configure_rootwrap to configure ironic rootwrap
openstackgerritMerged openstack/ironic master: Use newer location for iso8601 UTC
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pas-hariver, are you using master branch? just recently a patch landed that makes it possible to autodetect the ironic api url from keystone catalog17:54
pas-hathough you just need to ensure your provisioning / cleaning networks have routing to that API address17:55
openstackgerritRuby Loo proposed openstack/ironic master: Add online data migrations for conductor version
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pas-hadtantsur|afk, TheJulia, rloo - if you fancy, here is the blog post on ansible-deploy performance, fresh from print :)17:58
rloopas-ha: thx :)17:59
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anupnHi sambetts: if you are around? I saw your comments but wondering will '-b' will solve the problem, as compiling all source code did happen correctly here
anupnsambetts, does that mean without '-b' it does not put into the correct location and takes the byte code from earlier version of python?18:05
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* pas-ha heads off, have a good rest of the day y'all18:06
rloobye pas-ha18:06
anupngoodbye pas-ha18:07
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honzaAny clues about what this ironic failure means?
openstackgerritAnup Navare proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent master: Build tinyipa with python3
anupnHi honza, i think probably your ipmi is not properly setup. You can check your virtual-bmc logs to get more precise error18:17
honzaanupn: cool!  where might i find those?18:21
anupnhonza, are you running inside devstack?18:23
openstackgerritMerged openstack/ironic-python-agent master: Updated from global requirements
honzaanupn: devstack undercloud (tripleo)18:23
anupnhonza: in the home directory you should see ironic-bm-logs directory, under that virtualbmc.log18:24
honzaanupn: that doesn't seem to be present18:26
anupnhonza, ah i am not 100 sure for tripleo setup but if you have devstack then devstack creates ironic-bm-logs directory in home directory18:26
honzaanupn: cool18:26
anupnhonza, did you use local.conf?18:27
honzaanupn: not sure18:27
riverpsa-ha: I was using Ocata, not the master branch , so with the master, can i keep api_url in ironic.conf, set to none ?18:27
riverpas-ha:  I was using Ocata, not the master branch , so with the master, can i keep api_url in ironic.conf, set to none ?18:28
anupnhonza, you can grep to see is "IRONIC_VM_LOG_DIR" set and where is it pointing18:28
anupnhonza, i have set that variable in my local.conf and that's how devstack/lib/ironic will read that variable18:28
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honzaanupn: it's nowhere to be found :(18:32
anupnhonza, ugh, ok. do you see logs directory?18:34
honzaanupn: I don't :(18:34
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honzaanupn: I have two different tripleo setups and neither have the bmc logs18:35
anupnhonza, because by default if IRONIC_VM_LOG_DIR is not set it will take that
honzaanupn: DATA_DIR doesn't even seem to be defined here18:36
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honzaanupn: tripleo seems to use a dedicated bmc, could that be it?18:37
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anupnhonza, hmm interesting. Not sure of that man18:37
honzaanupn: np, thanks for your help18:38
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anupnhonza, no problem, may be someone familiar with tripleo can help you with this18:38
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TheJuliariver: the option is actually deprecated in master branch, but allows for the same control.  Master and pike branches attempts to use keystone to lookup where IPA should likely be told to connect to.18:42
rlooTheJulia: I decided to backport this after all, given that there is the other upgrades (ironic-dbsync) bug that needs to be backported:
patchbotpatch 498579 - ironic (stable/pike) - conductor saves version in db18:44
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TheJuliarloo: okay, Makes sense. I guess we can release 9.1.1 or something once we have them all landed :)18:45
rlooTheJulia: thx18:46
rlooTheJulia: btw, dmitry reminded me of this, "Where a team member has backported a fix, a single other +2 is sufficient for approval" (
rlooTheJulia: not that you should +A that ^^, but you could. There were a few earlier this week? where I noticed you could have done so.18:49
TheJuliarloo: Yeah, we've always seemed to wait for 2x+2 even on stable in ironic.18:49
TheJuliaon team member backported changes as well18:50
rlooTheJulia: not a big deal. As long as there are two of us around to +2.18:50
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riverHi I created a user image using Disk-image-builder to create a User-Image, and it didnt seem to setup a default user/pw ..... how do i set a username-password, root access etc using Disk image builder ?19:23
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TheJuliariver: there is a devuser element, you may wish to look at in diskimage-builder.19:26
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TheJuliaif you supplied a configuration drive or there was a metadata service, you might be able to login with your ssh key to the default user on the machine.19:27
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riverTheJulia: I just used this "disk-image-create ubuntu baremetal dhcp-all-interfaces grub2 -o my-image " to create an image... How do i supply a config drive ?19:31
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TheJuliayou do when you provision the node19:32
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TheJuliaor you provide a key to use, to be more precise with nova19:33
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openstackgerritJohn L. Villalovos proposed openstack/ironic master: flake8: Enable some off-by-default checks
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rlooTheJulia: might be a dumb question, on ptg etherpad, does it mean 'research' : "Refarch and Interop WG meetup with Ironic and Cinder: TBD [TheJulia]"21:02
rlooTheJulia: the 'Refarch'?21:02
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rlooTheJulia: Line 88:
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/ironic master: reformat REST API Version History page
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jlvillalrloo: Reference Architecture?  /me adds another guess21:24
rloojlvillal: oh, so it is spelled correctly? seems so odd. should at least have a hyphen.21:24
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jlvillalrloo: That is only a guess on my part. I really don't know21:25
rloojlvillal: s'ok. i wasn't going to it anyway :-)21:25
TheJuliareference architecture folks21:29
TheJuliai do believe a time got settled for that21:31
* TheJulia pulls the email thread up21:31
TheJuliaoh, different discussion, its refstack21:36
rlooTheJulia: so 'refarch' stands for reference architecture? yow.21:42
TheJuliano, refstack, sorry21:43
jlvillalTheJulia: Stands for or was misspelled?21:43
TheJuliait  was mispelled21:43
jlvillalTheJulia: Ah, makes more sense to me then :)21:43
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rlooTheJulia: :)21:49
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jlvillalTheJulia: I'm going to go beg over on infra about your patch:
patchbotpatch 501315 - openstack-infra/project-config - Extend ironic timeouts22:01
TheJuliajlvillal: good idea :)22:01
jlvillalTheJulia: My job just failed due to slow node :(22:02
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jlvillalrloo: TheJulia: Feel free to chime in on infra if you would like that project-config patch to get some reviews.22:08
jlvillalMaybe if enough of ask they will review :)22:08
rloojlvillal: could be that folks are away too, travelling early to ptg...22:08
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TheJuliaor on vacation like we should all be ;)22:10
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