Thursday, 2019-03-28

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openstackgerritKaifeng Wang proposed openstack/ironic master: Workaround for sendfile size limit
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openstackgerritUros Orozel proposed openstack/ironic master: UEFI iPXE provisioning fails when ipxe_use_swift is enabled
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openstackgerritNisha Agarwal proposed openstack/ironic master: RPC changes for Graphical Console
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openstackgerritDigambar proposed openstack/ironic master: Modify the iDRAC driver to use realtime RAID creation
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openstackgerritKaifeng Wang proposed openstack/ironic master: Workaround for sendfile size limit
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arne_wiebalckgood morning, ironic!07:33
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rpittaugood morning ironic! o/07:41
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arne_wiebalckgood morning rpittau o/07:50
rpittauhey arne_wiebalck :)07:50
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iurygregorymorning ironic o/08:22
rpittauhey iurygregory :)08:22
mkraiGM Ironic!08:54
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mkraiHi, is there any API in Nova that can map to our cleaning API?08:58
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arne_wiebalckmkrai: What do you mean, trigger ironic cleaning via nova?09:06
mkraiarne_wiebalck: Right09:08
arne_wiebalckmkrai: delete in nova will trigger a clean in ironic, no?09:10
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mkraiarne_wiebalck: Explicitly cleaning only09:10
arne_wiebalckmkrai: like you have a node in ironic which does not have an instance and you'd like to clean it via nova?09:11
mkraiarne_wiebalck: Is it possible?09:13
mkraiNova would not know about the Ironic node in that case09:13
arne_wiebalckmkrai: that would have been my next question: how do you refer to an ironic node from nova?09:14
mkraiarne_wiebalck: Actually I am working on this feature which is manual deployment step09:14
mkraiWhich will be similar to clean API specifying deploy_steps09:14
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mkraiSo to rephrase my question, I am thinking how would we expose the manual deploy API from Nova09:15
mkraiarne_wiebalck: Sorry for the confusion09:15
digaHello Ironic09:16
digaarne_wiebalck rpittau iurygregory:  Hello09:17
arne_wiebalckmkrai: mgoddard would be the one to talk to about this09:18
mkraiarne_wiebalck: Ok thank you for your response :)09:18
mkraimgoddard: Hi!09:18
arne_wiebalckmkrai: FWIU, the deploy step framework will be more or less in analogy how the clean steps are done09:19
openstackgerritMark Goddard proposed openstack/bifrost stable/rocky: Use a virtualenv in openSUSE CI testing
rpittauhi diga :)09:19
openstackgerritMark Goddard proposed openstack/bifrost stable/rocky: Use a virtualenv in openSUSE CI testing
arne_wiebalckmkrai: but users will have the possibility to execute certain deploy steps when deploying an instance09:19
* arne_wiebalck better leaves the floor to mgoddard 09:20
arne_wiebalckhi diga09:20
digaarne_wiebalck: Hey09:20
mkraiarne_wiebalck: The use case is allow deploy steps after the node is provisioned09:20
mgoddardhi mkrai arne_wiebalck09:20
mkraiAnd the deploy template works while provisioning only09:20
mkraiHi mgoddard09:21
arne_wiebalckmkrai: yes, that's also a use case, I have a story for it ...09:21
digaarne_wiebalck:  I updated my patch, not sure reason behind why zuul is failing -
patchbotpatch 634903 - ironic - Modify the iDRAC driver to use realtime RAID creation - 11 patch sets09:21
* arne_wiebalck is looking for the active node deploy step story ...09:21
mkraimgoddard: I was discussing about the manual deploy step feature with arne_wiebalck09:21
digado I need recheck ?09:22
mgoddardmkrai: just catching up09:22
mkraiarne_wiebalck: Here it is!/story/200512909:22
mgoddardmkrai: we don't really expose anything too baremetal-specific in nova09:22
mkraimgoddard: Ok I agree09:23
mgoddardmkrai: instead we try to abstract things to use the same interfaces as VMs09:23
mkraimgoddard: Yes so I am looking for similar interface in Nova09:23
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mgoddardmkrai: this is for during deployment?09:23
mkraimgoddard: post deployment09:24
mgoddardmkrai: what is the use case?09:24
arne_wiebalckmkrai: coud you provide a use case example?09:24
mkraiarne_wiebalck: mgoddard Yes09:24
rpittaudiga: you can recheck, that error unfortunately sometimes happen in that job09:24
mkraiRun a deploy_step "do_nothing" post deployment via Nova09:24
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mgoddardmkrai: that doesn't sound very useful :p09:25
mkraithe do_nothing can be changing a boot parameter post deployment which might need a power recycle as well09:25
mkraimgoddard: Trying to elaborate :) Sorry09:25
mgoddardok, I think we have discussed this before09:25
arne_wiebalckmgoddard: mkrai : I think my story ^ has an example09:26
mkraimgoddard: Yes.09:26
mkraiCopying from the story,  A real-life example for such a required post-deploy configuration change is the change of BIOS settings to disable hyper-threading in order to address a security vulnerability.09:26
arne_wiebalckmgoddard: mkrai : changing BIOS settings post deployment09:26
digarpittau: Sure. Thanks man09:27
mgoddardthere is no such API currently. After ironic deploys an instance it does not really do much other than monitor and set the power state09:27
mkraimgoddard: Yes I know. I am talking about the post deploy step feature implementation :)09:27
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mgoddardI'm struggling to see how we would fit this into nova09:28
openstackgerritDigambar proposed openstack/ironic master: Modify the iDRAC driver to use realtime RAID creation
mkraimgoddard: If we implement this feature in Ironic. How do we expose via Nova?09:28
arne_wiebalckthe story does not suggest to expose this to nova09:28
mgoddardwe have deploy steps in ironic, could easily provide a list of steps to run09:28
mgoddardbut I don't see how we would map that to a concept in nova09:28
mkraimgoddard: I tried looking for similar interface in Nova and think rebuild might be a possible option09:29
arne_wiebalckmkrai: mgoddard: I don't think this should be exposed via nova.09:29
mgoddardmkrai: you could rebuild, but it would overwrite the image on the disk09:30
arne_wiebalckI am not sure the owner of an instance should have the rights to reconfigure the BIOS.09:30
mgoddardarne_wiebalck: with deploy templates they implicitly could do09:31
arne_wiebalckmgoddard: right, but in a controlled way09:31
arne_wiebalckit's probably a grey area09:31
arne_wiebalckin our cloud we basically hand the instance over to the user09:31
arne_wiebalckthe user can do anything with it09:32
mgoddardeven the BMC?09:32
arne_wiebalckmostly for "backwards compatibility"09:32
mgoddarddo you reimage the BMC firmware afterwards?09:32
arne_wiebalckwe should :D09:32
arne_wiebalckwe plan to do that, yes09:33
mgoddardor could check checksums09:33
arne_wiebalckatm there are other DBs keeping track of credentials as well, so we need to make sure these are updated once we reset things09:33
arne_wiebalckwe plan to count the number of admins accounts and reset the pw09:34
arne_wiebalckso, in principle users can already now change BIOS settings (in our cloud)09:35
arne_wiebalckthe story I created was more for fleet-wide campaigns09:35
arne_wiebalckchange the BIOS on 1000 nodes09:35
mkraiarne_wiebalck: mgoddard Thank you for the discussion :)09:36
arne_wiebalckanyway, I think it'll be hard to do that via nova09:36
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digadtantsur|afk: Hi09:54
digaohh. looks like he is away09:54
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openstackgerritDigambar proposed openstack/ironic stable/rocky: [WIP] Remove nic method dependencies from dracclient==1.5.0 from stable releases
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dtantsurhi diga10:00
dtantsurmorning ironic10:00
rpittauhi dtantsur :)10:01
dtantsureandersson: hi! the reasoning was that each hardware type has someone responsible for it (community for ipmi, <vendor name> for <vendor type>), etc. and we wanted these people to define what is compatible with what hardware type.10:01
dtantsurI do agree that networking interfaces are weird citizens here10:01
digadtantsur: Hi10:02
dtantsurI don't mind opening this topic again, but back then some people felt very strongly10:02
digadtantsur: I just pushed patch for removing dracclient 1.5.0 dependency from ironic stable version -
patchbotpatch 648360 - ironic (stable/rocky) - [WIP] Remove nic method dependencies from dracclie... - 1 patch set10:02
digadtantsur: Its in WIP now, working on unittests10:03
dtantsurgreat! I'll check it soon10:03
iurygregorymorning dtantsur10:17
dtantsurmgoddard: hi, did you have a chance to check my questions on ?10:18
patchbotpatch 647485 - ironic - Check for deploy.deploy deploy step in heartbeat - 1 patch set10:18
mgoddardsorry dtantsur, got lost in the noise. Looking now10:19
mgoddarddtantsur: I'm not sure about touching provisioning. I don't think it will hurt, but I also don't think it affects timeout, does it?10:23
dtantsurmgoddard: I think we use this to determine if IPA is still alive for a node. I may be horribly wrong though.10:23
mgoddarddtantsur: ok, you are right - deploy timeout is CONF.conductor.deploy_callback_timeout seconds since last provision_updated_at10:26
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mgoddarddtantsur: so the missing case is when in DEPLOYWAIT and not self.in_deploy_deploy_step(task)?10:27
dtantsurmgoddard: yep, I think so10:29
mgoddarddtantsur: ack10:29
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openstackgerritMark Goddard proposed openstack/ironic master: Check for deploy.deploy deploy step in heartbeat
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/tenks master: Fix Zuul galaxy install task
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openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/ironic master: [WIP] Allow backfilling/assigning allocations
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dtantsurmgoddard: sorry, another question10:58
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mgoddarddtantsur: fire away10:59
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mgoddarddtantsur: good catch11:06
openstackgerritMark Goddard proposed openstack/ironic master: Check for deploy.deploy deploy step in heartbeat
mgoddardSo many values for a bool, it's sometimes hard to know which one to pick11:07
openstackgerritMerged openstack/tenks master: Ignore COMPUTE_NET_ATTACH_INTERFACE trait when waiting for placement
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/sushy stable/stein: Change sushy devstack job to python3
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openstackgerritArne Wiebalck proposed openstack/ironic-specs master: Add details on target_raid_config for Software RAID support
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openstackgerritIlya Etingof proposed openstack/ironic master: Add UEFI firmware to Redfish emulator config
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TheJuliadtantsur|afk: any thoughts?12:45
TheJuliaerr, thoguhts on the discussion from last night re driver interfaces and overrides12:45
iurygregorydtantsur, the problem was that devstack-minimal was branched yesterday so they didnt have stable/stein now shows ironicclient-functional and ironicclient-tempest \o/12:46
patchbotpatch 647774 - python-ironicclient (stable/stein) - Move to zuulv3 - 2 patch sets12:46
* TheJulia reads12:46
TheJuliaI suspect people feel less strongly at this poitn, fwiw12:46
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dtantsurTheJulia: oh, I posted something about it this morning. I feel less strongly as well, maybe we should relax restrictions at least around network/storage interfaces12:50
TheJuliaI think that is really reasonable12:53
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dtantsurIt may be a bit funky from the coding point of view though :)12:57
jrollI agree allowing additional network/storage interfaces should be fine12:58
iurygregorymorning jroll o/13:05
iurygregorymorning TheJulia o/13:05
jrollmorning :)13:06
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dtantsurmorning jroll13:08
jrollheya dtantsur \o13:08
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/ironic master: Workaround for sendfile size limit
openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/ironic master: Allocation API: backfilling allocations
dtantsurhuh, this ^^ proved bigger than I hoped for13:10
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dtantsurTheJulia, jroll, please check
patchbotpatch 645523 - ironic (stable/stein) - Prepare stable/stein testing - 1 patch set13:51
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jrolldtantsur: +213:57
jrollthanks for doing that.13:57
openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/ironic-tempest-plugin master: Allocation API: add tests on backfilling allocations
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TheJuliadtantsur: thanks14:12
TheJuliatoo many meetings this week :(14:13
bdodddtantsur I added a reply to your comments in of my sushy patch set. If you and/or etingof could take a look and give me feedback it would be appreciated.
patchbotpatch 643656 - sushy - Update model to support ApplyTime annotations - 1 patch set14:13
dtantsurwill do14:13
openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/python-ironicclient master: Allocation API: support allocation backfilling
openstackgerritIlya Etingof proposed openstack/sushy-tools master: Fix Flask config load under WSGI
iurygregoryPeople, ironic can create nodes with windows images or nodes with dual boot (Linux/Windows)? my friend asked me this question and i told him would do some search XD14:19
dtantsuriurygregory: if it's a whole disk image, you can do anything (in theory)14:19
iurygregorydtantsur, ty!14:20
dtantsurI'd be curious to hear if they succeed or not :)14:20
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etingofbdodd's patch reminds me that sushy models are mostly suitable for GET'ing not for POST'ing...14:23
etingoffor example, ActionField object does not capture action parameters14:24
iurygregorydtantsur, I will let you know if he decides to use ironic o/14:25
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etingofironic should take over their windows shop by reinstalling linux14:26
openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/ironic master: Allocation API: backfilling allocations
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dtantsurfolks, a quick poll: how stupid is it to accept names into a field called node_uuid?14:36
dtantsurif the alternative is to have two fields: node and node_uuid with just slightly different semantics?14:36
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dtantsurand another alternative is to have one more place in our API where names are not accepted14:37
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rpittaunot stupid, just not "correct"14:39
dtantsuryeah, I have 3 variants that I do not like :)14:39
dtantsurrpittau: which one would you prefer?14:40
rpittauto be honest, I would keep them separated14:40
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dtantsurso, having both node_uuid and node, even though node will not be in the result of GET?14:41
rpittauavoid confusion, misunderstanding, headaches14:41
dtantsuror just having node in POST and node_uuid in GET?14:41
dtantsurit's not very restful, but probably the most intuitive14:42
rpittauit's a hard choice :/14:42
rpittauI'd go for the most intuitive, but I'm being very practical here14:43
* dtantsur wonders if TheJulia has a minute for ^^^14:43
* TheJulia blinks14:43
TheJuliasorry meetings14:43
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TheJuliaugh, because of users expecting to be able to use the name as well, I think we kind of have to support it14:45
dtantsuryeah, we already have POST /v1/ports that only supports UUIDs, and it is pretty inconvenient14:45
TheJuliayeah, we've had a few people demand/ask it be fixed14:45
dtantsurTheJulia: so, would you have node_uuid accept names, or rather have 'node' in POST, while returning 'node_uuid' in GET?14:46
TheJulianode in post I think14:46
dtantsurokay, I guess I'll go with it14:47
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openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/ironic master: Allocation API: backfilling allocations
openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/ironic-tempest-plugin master: Allocation API: add tests on backfilling allocations
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openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/python-ironicclient master: Allocation API: support allocation backfilling
openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/python-ironicclient master: Allocation API: support allocation backfilling
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openstackgerritIlya Etingof proposed openstack/ironic master: WIP: Add Redfish Virtual Media support
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/ironic stable/stein: Prepare stable/stein testing
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openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/ironic-tempest-plugin master: Allocation API: add tests on backfilling allocations
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arne_wiebalckTheJulia: dtantsur : do we have a reference architecture document for larger deployments anywhere? Quickly looking I only found one for "small clouds" ...17:06
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arne_wiebalckBackground is that we plan to add quite some nodes over the next couple of months, starting in 2 weeks or so with an additional 600.17:08
arne_wiebalckAnd in addition to unknown issues, we already see that the resource tracker (one our 1 compute node) is getting to its limits ...17:09
arne_wiebalck... with the 1700 nodes we have currently in ironic.17:10
arne_wiebalckSo, one option we're discussing is to shard and scale out nova compute (which we had in the past, but then removed again).17:11
arne_wiebalckIn general, I'd be interested in feedback from deployers that are one order of magnitude bigger than we are, so ~10k nodes, to prepare for the next months :)17:14
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dtantsurarne_wiebalck: we need input from someone like you to write such a document :)17:18
arne_wiebalckdtantsur: I was afraid of that answer ;)17:18
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rpittaugood night! o/17:24
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arne_wiebalckbye rpittau|afk o/17:24
eanderssondtantsur, for sure makes sense17:44
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jrollheh, good answer dtantsur17:53
jrollarne_wiebalck: from my experience, I can totally recommend scaling out nova-compute, it should "just work" to spin more up17:53
jrollwe have a hash ring in there, they will figure out how to distribute management of nodes17:54
arne_wiebalckIIRC, James mentioned you were running with one nova-compute only, no?17:55
arne_wiebalckMaybe my memory does not serve me well here ...17:56
jrollyes, we're also on juno :)17:56
jrollthis is from previous job experience, as well as writing the code to make nova-compute work that way :P17:56
arne_wiebalckjroll: juno is the reason you have only 1 nova-compute?17:56
jrollarne_wiebalck: part of it, yes17:57
jroll(we actually have two in active/passive)17:57
jroll(or maybe more)17:57
arne_wiebalckjroll: I see17:57
arne_wiebalckjroll: the thing getting to its limits now is the resource tracker17:57
arne_wiebalckit takes ~25 mins or so for one cycle17:57
arne_wiebalckand during that time it does not necessarily like to do other things such as scheduling instances :-S17:58
arne_wiebalckbut the resource tracker is serial17:58
jrollarne_wiebalck: right, so since newton(?) if you have multiple computes, each will only manage a subset of the ironic nodes. so e.g. 10k nodes and 5 n-cpu means each manages 2k nodes. the time to run the resource tracker is roughly linear with respect to the number of nodes.17:58
arne_wiebalckwhich is fine for "normal" compute nodes17:58
arne_wiebalckI was wondering if it would make sense to parallelise the RT, similar to what etingof  has done for ironic's power sync17:59
jrollit might, that's a conversation for nova folks :)18:00
openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/ironic-tempest-plugin master: Allocation API: add tests on backfilling allocations
arne_wiebalckyeah ... probably such a parallelisation is not sensible in 99% of the deployments18:00
jrollI mean, it doesn't hurt in a VM deployment either18:01
arne_wiebalckI'm just worried that multiple n-cpu will bring some other "surprises"18:02
arne_wiebalckjroll: right18:02
arne_wiebalckjroll: or you simply configure the number of workers to 118:02
jrollarne_wiebalck: there should be minimal surprises, lemme find the commit message which has some notes18:02
jrollany surprises should be eventually consistent types of things18:02
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arne_wiebalckjroll: well, I think we had some surprises initially ... which is why we dropped to 1 n-cpu18:03
jrollinteresting, I'd be curious to hear more about those18:03
arne_wiebalckjroll: b/c we started with several n-cpu18:03
jrollthis has some notes:
patchbotpatch 348443 - nova - Ironic: allow multiple compute services (MERGED) - 18 patch sets18:03
arne_wiebalckawesome, thx, I'll go through it18:04
arne_wiebalckjroll: I think some of the issues were related with the concurrent move to cells v218:04
arne_wiebalckjroll: and with the fact that we were early adopters18:04
arne_wiebalckjroll: many if not all issues have meanwhile been addressed I believe18:05
jrollah, cool18:05
arne_wiebalckjroll: our nova experts are actually pushing for scale-out :)18:05
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arne_wiebalckjroll: thx for your input!18:06
jrollarne_wiebalck: no problem :)18:07
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dtantsur|afksee you18:08
arne_wiebalckdtantsur|afk: o/18:09
openstackgerritZane Bitter proposed openstack/ironic master: Docs: correct expected host format for drac_address
openstackgerritIlya Etingof proposed openstack/ironic master: Add systemd unit for sushy emulator in devstack
openstackgerritIlya Etingof proposed openstack/ironic master: Add UEFI firmware to Redfish emulator config
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openstackgerritIlya Etingof proposed openstack/ironic master: Add systemd unit for sushy emulator in devstack
openstackgerritIlya Etingof proposed openstack/ironic master: Add UEFI firmware to Redfish emulator config
openstackgerritIlya Etingof proposed openstack/ironic master: Run IPMI and Redfish emulators as stack
openstackgerritIlya Etingof proposed openstack/ironic master: Inhibit automatic vbmcd start in devstack
openstackgerritIlya Etingof proposed openstack/ironic master: WIP: Add Redfish Virtual Media support
arne_wiebalckgood night everyone o/18:31
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openstackgerritIlya Etingof proposed openstack/ironic master: WIP: Add Redfish Virtual Media support
openstackgerritIlya Etingof proposed openstack/ironic master: Improve VirtualBMC use in Devstack
mgoddardnow that's more like it - custom RAID config via deploy templates in under 11 minutes19:10
openstackgerritMerged openstack/ironic master: Docs: correct expected host format for drac_address
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openstackgerritMark Goddard proposed openstack/ironic master: WIP: Add iDRAC RAID deploy steps
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brandor5hello everyone: I was wondering if ironic in newton can provision ppc64le systems, i tried googling but wasn't very successful20:22
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TheJuliabrandor5: I think back in newton some peopel may ahve been but I'm not sure. I know we more formalized support and addded capabilities more recently to help enable that more officially, but that was more like Rocky time frame.20:30
brandor5TheJulia: ok, thanks!20:30
TheJuliabrandor5: You may want to try early tomorrow and chat with mjturek20:30
TheJuliaOr maybe inquire with...20:31
TheJuliatrying to think of the name20:31
TheJuliatonyb: You may be able to help brandor520:31
brandor5cool, thanks for the pointers!20:31
TheJuliahappy to help20:32
tonybsay waht now?20:33
tonybbrandor5: I didn't try newton, but thinking about the chnages I landed in queens I'd say 'not without fiddling'20:34
tonybbrandor5: You'd need to use 'whole disk' images, You'll probably need DIB from a newer release than newton20:35
brandor5tonyb: ok, thanks for the heads up... we use whole disk by default so we're good with that20:37
tonybbrandor5: cool20:37
tonybI can't think of anything that'd stop it20:37
brandor5just trying to do some research now, i'll probably be back in a couple weeks when we're actually trying to make it happen :D20:38
tonybbrandor5: but I will do the thing where I point out that newton is well passed End-Of-Life so using a newer ironic would be good if you can20:38
tonybbrandor5: cool beans20:38
tonybbrandor5: ping me if you need help20:38
brandor5yep, we've got the upgrade on the map and will be jumping up to rocky this summer20:38
tonybbrandor5: I'm in Australia (UTC+1000) sodepending where you are overlap could be tricky20:39
brandor5unfortunately the ppc project is happening before that20:39
tonybbrandor5: Well rocky shoudl be good *and* you can use partition images \o/20:39
brandor5no worries20:39
tonybbrandor5: and it wil need to be ppc64le not ppc64(be)20:39
brandor5yep, that's what we have :)20:40
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eanderssonTheJulia, the yahoo way of doing it seem fine. We are just doing that.23:33
eanderssonI assumed it would make upgrade more difficult, but we have to change the driver anyway.23:33
eanderssonSince we are upgrading from Newton to Rocky.23:33
eanderssonI still think we should allow ops to override these constants somehow though (at least for network), but not sure how that would work.23:34
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