Friday, 2020-02-28

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arne_wiebalckGood morning, ironic!07:37
arne_wiebalckdiurnalist: I find the easiest way to get into a RAM disk is to put a node into maintenance and trigger cleaning. The node will boot, but then stop and wait. If you have your keys embedded in the RAM disk image, this will allow you to log in.07:39
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rpittaugood morning ironic! o/08:22
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digaHi Ironic!09:08
digaThis patch is getting error for sushy package09:09
patchbotpatch 710327 - x/sushy-oem-idrac - Export System Configuration Added code for exporti... - 1 patch set09:09
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digaI think issues is in existing Auth module of sushy and that's the reason its breaking the sushy package09:10
digaOnly tox-py27 is failing09:10
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openstackgerritRiccardo Pittau proposed openstack/ironic master: Default IRONIC_RAMDISK_TYPE to dib
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openstackgerritRiccardo Pittau proposed openstack/ironic master: Default IRONIC_RAMDISK_TYPE to dib
openstackgerritRiccardo Pittau proposed openstack/ironic master: Rename ironic-tox-unit-with-driver-libs-python3
openstackgerritM V P Nitesh proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent master: Fixes error handling if efibootmgr is not present in ramdisk
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openstackgerritRiccardo Pittau proposed openstack/ironic master: General cleaning of jobs
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openstackgerritRiccardo Pittau proposed x/sushy-oem-idrac master: Cap sushy version for python 2
rpittaudiga: the version of sushy used there is Python3-only compatible, that's why the error. This ^ should help for now09:37
digaOkay, then in that case, Py27 job should be removed for sushy right ?09:38
rpittaudiga: well, that depends, if we want to keep supporting Python 2 then no. You can depend rebase the patch that is failing on mine for now and it will pass.09:39
rpittauThen we need to discuss if keeping python 2 support or not09:39
rpittauI guess we need to involve etingof and rpioso at least09:40
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etingofso why would we want py2 support?09:41
rpittauI don't :D09:45
rpittauetingof: I just wonder if we should merge the final support for python 2, cut a release, and then remove the support09:46
rpittaulatest release of sushy-oem-idrac is from september 201909:47
etingofbut we do not have py2 support in sushy master already, right?09:47
rpittauetingof: exactly, that's why capping the version09:47
rpittauso we can give a final python2 "compatible" version09:49
etingofah, you mean cut a finaly py2 release for sushy-oem-idrac?09:49
rpittausorry :)09:49
etingofmakes sense to me, but we should summon rpioso for approval09:49
openstackgerritRiccardo Pittau proposed x/sushy-oem-idrac master: Cap sushy version for python 2
rpiosoetingof, rpittau: Sounds good to me. Why not!?09:56
* rpioso tends to be very agreeable while on vaca :)09:56
rpittauok then we can add the cap first, cut a release, and then remove python2 support entirely10:01
openstackgerritArne Wiebalck proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent master: [doc] How to pause the IPA for debugging
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digarpioso, rpittau  I will ask Mahendra not to update the patch till above patch merges10:16
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rpittaudiga: ack10:16
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openstackgerritRiccardo Pittau proposed x/sushy-oem-idrac master: Cap sushy version for python 2
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rpittaufantastic I can't reproduce the error in py2710:41
rpittaufun fact: changing version of tox will change the result of the test10:57
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rpittauetingof, rpioso, I have the feeling that never worked with python213:01
etingofdid not we have py2 job?13:02
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rpittauyeah, we did, I see the CI config was added 2 months ago, so I tried with different sushy versions but I'm always getting an error with py27 and not with py3613:04
etingofso some newer sushy version broke sushy-oem-idrac?13:05
etingofon py213:05
rpittauI tried all the versions from 2.0.0 to 3.0.013:07
rpittau3.1.0 removes six so can't be used anymore13:07
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rpittauit *might* be an issue with the CI, it installs tox using pip on the system and runs the test on py27 using tox under py36, but I don't see how that could influence the tests13:11
* etingof is confused13:12
etingofhow CI installs tox on py3?13:12
rpittauI'm also very confused, but if you look at the CI logs, you'll see tox installed using pip and it runs with: using tox-3.14.5 from /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/tox/ (pid 1413)13:14
rpittaueven for py2713:14
etingofis this how the problem manifests itself? --
rpittauetingof: yeah13:17
rpittauthe funny thing is that if I use system tox from python3.7 works fine, if I use tox from a py27 virtualenv it gives the error13:21
etingofis it reproducible locally?13:22
rpittauI can reproduce it on ubuntu and fedeora13:22
etingoflet me dig in a bit13:23
rpittauetingof: if it can help, this is the run with the system tox under python3.7
etingofrunning tox against your patch just works for me, hmmm13:25
rpittauetingof: this is the paste using a python 2.7 virtualenv and tox running there
rpittaufirst: success! second: fail!13:26
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arne_wiebalcketingof: is there something like a list of things that Ironic would need from a redfish endpoint to work properly?13:28
arne_wiebalcketingof: background is that if we want to use redfish on new hardware with ironic we would need to specify what we actually need from the hardware13:29
etingofarne_wiebalck, that depends on the interfaces being used13:29
arne_wiebalcketingof: so there are interface based lists :-P13:30
etingofarne_wiebalck, this is difficult... because even if your vendors confirm that they support certain endpoints, they still might be broken...13:30
arne_wiebalcketingof: in which case we would send things back I guess :)13:30
arne_wiebalcketingof: srsly, I'd think everything that we do now with ipmi would be a candidate for redfish13:31
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arne_wiebalck etingof: power, vendor, management13:32
etingofyes, but the mapping is not always 1-to-113:32
arne_wiebalckI see.13:32
etingoffor example, we have bios mgmt13:32
arne_wiebalckok, so I guess the we could do is to look what we request for ipmi to work (in our specification) and require this for redfish13:33
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etingofideally, you should have: power mgmt, boot mode and boot device mgmt, vmedia boot, more than one vmedia device (e.g. + floppy or USB thumb drive) to host configs, exposed fans, temps, power metrics13:34
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etingof+ console redirection, may be some storage management...13:36
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arne_wiebalckthat's quite a list already, thanks!13:36
arne_wiebalckfrom your experience is that list usually implement or does this vary siginificantly from vendor to vendor?13:37
arne_wiebalckmanufacturerer, not vendor13:38
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* arne_wiebalck blames Friday13:38
etingofI do not have that much experience yet, but based on how permissive redfish spec is in part of what needs to be implemented, I fear there can be significant differences...13:39
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etingofanother completely orthogonal complication that we might be facing is how the vendor interprets the details of the standard13:40
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etingofand finally, we've seen many silly bugs with some vendors (like typos in JSON docs) that break things apart13:40
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arne_wiebalcksounds like a lot of fun13:45
etingofmay be we could ask the vendor to web-scrape their BMC to see at least what's present...?13:45
arne_wiebalckthat's a nice idea ... or even provide a test program that will check what is offered13:46
arne_wiebalckthe main things we are interested in ofc are the calls ironic would make13:46
etingofright, the light way would be to just scrape their jsons. we would have a more precise analysis if we'd try to run some commands that are part of ironic workflow (e.g. set boot params)13:50
arne_wiebalckone could ask a test node and perform the whole lifecycle13:50
etingofif we host such tool publicly, the vendors could self-certify against ironic - expose their BMC on the internet and point our tool to it13:52
arne_wiebalckuh, nice13:52
etingofthat might also ease life for BMC devs if they could quickly see how their implementation works with ours13:53
arne_wiebalckit could also have multiple levels of certification, depending on which functionality can be performed via redfish13:53
etingofyes, like scenarios13:53
arne_wiebalckyou can do power mgmt, but now have a second vmedia device13:54
etingofit's not that difficult to test so far as we do not require a lot yet13:55
arne_wiebalckis there an easy way to capture what calls a redfish endpoint receives?13:55
arne_wiebalckI'm thinking of a trace which we could use to know the calls per scenario.13:55
arne_wiebalckRather than reading the code.13:56
* arne_wiebalck coughs13:56
etingofwell, if you enable conductor debugging, run the node through the entire lifecycle having as much redfish interfaces enabled as your hw can afford - you will get all redfish/HTTP calls in the log13:57
etingofmay be running ironic against sushy-tools emulator would be easier because it's being developed together with ironic they have a feature balance13:58
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arne_wiebalckhow about we put all this into a story? this may be helpful once we find the resources to actually do it.14:01
etingof+1 from me14:03
etingofI can do it unless you do it14:03
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khansa63I am In if there is something I can help with my modest experience :D  I very liked the idea (y) (y)14:07
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etingofrpittau, I will look into the tox mystery later today14:07
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rpittauetingof: ok, I'll get back to it also if I have some time14:08
etingofkhansa, having sushy-cli as functional as ironic would probably help as we could use sushy-cli for poking at BMCs14:08
etingofthat is to say: the more redfish commands sushy-cli implements - the better14:09
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khansaetingof Great! would it be an inspiration for new command implementation? :D14:22
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etingofkhansa, indeed! I've left some thoughts on Zulip yesterday14:26
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rpittauwhat's going on with the CI today.....14:30
arne_wiebalcketingof: how about I start and you add your thoughts?14:31
openstackgerritRiccardo Pittau proposed openstack/ironic master: Default IRONIC_RAMDISK_TYPE to dib
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etingofarne_wiebalck, works for me!14:45
etingofshould we title it "The Golden Fish Certification Initiative"?14:46
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* arne_wiebalck is in a meeting now, will put sth up after 14:57
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etingofrpittau, btw, it seems version capping is not respected - we have the same sushy (3.1.0) on Py2 --
etingofmay be we should use all three digits in versions?15:32
rpittauno, wait, it is respected, otherwise it would give a different error15:33
rpittauif you look in the test execution it will uninstall 3.1.0 and install 3.0.015:34
etingofrpittau, regarding tox from py3 - may be that's OK because tox should be running prior to any venv15:38
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rpittauetingof: I agree, although that should not influence the execution, but it does15:39
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rpittauthe main thing I'm seeing here is that running tox under python 2.7 and 3.6 fails, while running under 3.7 works15:43
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rpittauetingof: I made it fail with python 3.7 too, so I can say that the py27 test doesn't work at all15:48
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arne_wiebalckkhansa63: for the "golden fish initiative" you mean?15:56
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etingofrpittau, so if sushy is not capped, does it change anything in the way how tox is invoked?16:01
rpittauetingof: it won't remove 3.1.0 to install 3.0.016:02
etingofcan it be that reinstallation of sushy breaks something in the entry points...?16:02
rpittaumaybe, but I did a test capping the version for py 2.7, 3.6 and 3.7 and only 2.7 fails16:04
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etingofperhaps setuptools takes part in the whole entrypoint business. so if we have different setuptools on py2/3, may be that has something to do with that16:06
etingofwhat's surprising is that just one (of many) entry point fails16:07
arne_wiebalcketingof: khansa63:!/story/200734516:10
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etingoflooks good to me16:12
etingofwhy would a vendor take the trouble of certifying their sw, unless they acquire the 'golden fish' trophy...?16:16
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rpittaushould we start printing stickers with "ironic-compliant" ?16:17
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arne_wiebalckrpittau: sounds like a good idea, who can resist stickers?16:18
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etingofrpittau, I confused sushy-oem-idrac with something else - the former has just one entry point, not many16:21
rpittauetingof: I tried downgrading setuptools to match the system one, as it's working with that, but I still get the same error :/16:27
etingofhow do you reproduce it locally?16:29
rpittauI built virtualenv with different python version (2.7,3.6,3.7,3.8) and invoking tox from there. To impose a specific setuptools version I cap it in the testenv entry in tox.ini under deps16:31
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rpiosoarne_wiebalck, etingof: Couldn’t 3d Party CIs be used to test fishy support?16:43
rpiosoarne_wiebalck, etingof: Dell EMC offers a sushy 3d Party CI.16:45
etingofmy understanding is that we are looking to have a way to quickly evaluate a Redfish implementation at hand16:46
etingoflike press a button and get a result - fishy/non-fishy16:47
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etingofideally, that button should be available to anyone on the internet e.g. BMC coders16:47
etingofhaving said that, how would a CI help here?16:48
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arne_wiebalckrpioso: the background is that I'd like to check if I can use certain hardware with Redfish, in particular when I look for sth to purchase16:54
arne_wiebalckrpioso: make that: if I can use certain hardware with Ironic & Redfish16:55
arne_wiebalckrpioso: basically: "to which level does this hardware and its Redfish implementation allow me to use Redfish based interfaces for the nodes"16:56
rpiosoetingof: As Ironic features are added via Redfish, the interoperability needs will increase. Not sure how a one-time button push could “certify” a BMC. As cdearborn suggested at the midcycle, we’re experiencing growing/adaptation challenges.16:56
rpiosoarne_wiebalck: ^^16:58
arne_wiebalckrpioso: it could find things like "this hardware does not have a 'system power' entry in its tree"16:58
arne_wiebalckrpioso: which will then help with our choice of what to purchase :)16:59
arne_wiebalckrpioso: the main issue we have at the moment is to specify what we actually want17:01
rpiosoarne_wiebalck, etingof: The sushy CI test suite could be enhanced to offer more coverage. It seems very light presently.17:03
rpiosoAnd relies on an ironic workflow.17:04
etingofrpioso, the thing is that we want to take vendor X hardware and run ironic workflow against it to see where it chokes17:05
arne_wiebalckrpioso: but how do I run this against a sample node I got from a vendor?17:05
arne_wiebalcketingof: ++17:05
etingofso we are looking to have ironic compatibility validation as a service17:06
rpiosoarne_wiebalck, etingof: For vendor without 3d Party CIs?17:06
arne_wiebalckrpioso: yes17:06
rpiosoarne_wiebalck: I see.17:07
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rpittauhave a nice weekend! o/17:09
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etingofwe can take redfish schemas, flip the fields that we require into being 'required', pull JSON documents from BMC endpoints and validate them against this more restrictive schema... that should catch missing fields.17:13
etingofhowever, to make sure that "write" Redfish operations actually work, we will probably need to actually execute them17:14
etingofthat is: set boot mode/device, insert virtual CD, power cycle etc...17:15
etingofit would not be as good as actually deploying a node with ironic, but an approximation...17:16
arne_wiebalcketingof: There are probably two levels here: theoretical and practical compliance.17:16
arne_wiebalcketingof: Validating the schemas is already quite good I would think.17:16
arne_wiebalcketingof: But then we could also have real hardware, e.g. a sample server. pass a practical test :)17:17
arne_wiebalcketingof: I updated the story with your schema validation idea.17:21
arne_wiebalckbye everyone, have a good week-end o/17:26
etingofarne_wiebalck, right! I did not mean schema validation does it all. it's just an easy way to catch missing bits17:26
etingofarne_wiebalck, o/17:26
arne_wiebalcketingof: I think it is a very nice start and should probably catch everything but interpretation issues.17:27
etingofperhaps, except for the commands17:27
arne_wiebalcketingof: what do you mean?17:27
etingoflike we discussed lately when one implementation exposes boot-target-override=continue, but then it rejects to accept the same value on POST17:28
arne_wiebalckah, right17:29
arne_wiebalckthanks for explaining this once more17:29
etingofthat's the second "active" part where sushy-cli can be utilized perhaps17:29
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etingofor may be it could be an ansible playbook?17:29
arne_wiebalckI think we should probably keep the dependencies to do the validation as low as possible.17:30
* arne_wiebalck has never used ansible17:30
etingofthe good thing about a playbook is that it captures the workflow i.e the sequence of commands to execute17:31
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etingofthere used to be some degree of redfish support in upstream ansible17:31
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arne_wiebalckah, ok17:33
arne_wiebalcketingof: rpioso: thanks for the thoughts and the discussion, bye o/17:34
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