Friday, 2020-07-24

openstackgerritJacob Anders proposed openstack/bifrost master: Create symlink to ansible collections on install
openstackgerritJacob Anders proposed openstack/bifrost master: Create symlink to ansible collections on install
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openstackgerritSteve Baker proposed openstack/ironic master: Convert root controller to plain controller
openstackgerritSteve Baker proposed openstack/ironic master: Convert v1 controller to plain, return JSON
openstackgerritSteve Baker proposed openstack/ironic master: WIP Remove Driver, DriverList types
openstackgerritSteve Baker proposed openstack/ironic master: WIP New argument validate decorator
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arne_wiebalckGood morning, ironic!06:28
jandersg'day arne_wiebalck o/06:36
arne_wiebalckhey janders o/06:45
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iurygregorygood morning arne_wiebalck janders and Ironic! Happy Friday07:21
rpittaugood morning ironic! Happy Friday! o/07:25
openstackgerritMerged openstack/ironic-inspector master: Respond so Apache HTTPd doesn't think the request failed
arne_wiebalckHey iurygregory and rpittau, happy Friday o/07:39
rpittauhey arne_wiebalck :)07:39
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openstackgerritvinay kumar muddu proposed openstack/ironic master: Decouple the ISO creation logic from redfish
rpittaummm so next open-infra will also be virtual07:46
jandersgood call07:52
janderssafety is important but also getting any travel approvals seems near impossible these days even if things are relatively under control by then07:53
jandersI will disappear for an hour or two but will be back - it would be great to chat about the playbook fixes and the uninstall component rpittau iurygregory dtantsur|afk07:54
rpittaujanders: yup, I was looking at the changes and they seem good,, thanks! :)07:55
jandersgreat, thank you rpittau :)07:55
iurygregorymorning rpittau o/07:56
rpittauhey iurygregory :)07:56
* iurygregory will look in a few minutes07:56
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openstackgerritRiccardo Pittau proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent master: More refactoring of the image module
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openstackgerritRiccardo Pittau proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent master: More refactoring of the image module
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dtantsurmorning ironic08:53
rpittauhey dtantsur :)08:57
dtantsurfolks, can I get some reviews on please?09:01
patchbotpatch 742643 - ironic-lib - Return correct response on HTTP basic failure - 1 patch set09:01
patchbotpatch 742306 - ironic-inspector - Add public api support to basic auth - 2 patch sets09:01
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iurygregorymorning dtantsur09:03
openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/ironic master: DNM try sha256 for hash ring
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iurygregorydtantsur, O.o09:13
iurygregorythat's why I asked =)09:13
dtantsuryeah, but
dtantsurwhich is sort of fair, because ironic-lib is only for internal usage09:14
iurygregoryyeah makes sense09:14
dtantsurbut I don't -1 people for having release notes with their patches, hence the ones you've found09:14
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jandersgood morning  dtantsur rpittau iurygregory09:29
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rpittauhey janders :)09:30
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jandersthanks for reviewing guys :)09:30
patchbotpatch 742192 - bifrost - Create symlink to ansible collections on install - 5 patch sets09:30
iurygregoryyw =)09:31
jandersI'm thinking what to work on next. I ran into my bifrost issues while setting myself up to work on!/story/161801409:32
janderswhile fixing up these issues the idea of uninstall playbook came up as well as refactoring the code to use collections instead of os_* modules09:32
janderswhat's better done first?09:33
jandersuninstall, collections refactor or the steps RFE?09:33
dtantsuruninstall is interesting, but a quite low priority09:34
dtantsurthe steps RFE ties into the deploy steps work and will give you hands-on experience with hacking on ironic09:35
dtantsurI'd say go for it09:35
jandersok! thank you dtantsur09:35
jandersnow that I have bifrost deploying smoothly (and cleaning working) I'm set up to work on that09:35
jandersdtantsur would you have time to have a quick look at ?09:36
patchbotpatch 741611 - bifrost - Expand advanced install instructions - 9 patch sets09:36
jandersit's that doco tweak we've done once but it ended up in merge conflict09:37
jandersI believe I fixed that up but I figure it may end up in the same state again as doco is quite dynamic09:37
jandersit's probably less concern for the other patches09:37
openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/bifrost master: [WIP] Support HTTP basic auth and switch bifrost-cli to it
openstackgerritMerged openstack/bifrost master: Create symlink to ansible collections on install
openstackgerritMerged openstack/bifrost master: Expand advanced install instructions
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openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/ironic master: Deprecate http_basic_username and http_basic_password in [json_rpc]
dtantsurI think I know why this ^^ did not work, our devstack plugin was setting [json_rpc]auth_type=password unconditionally :)09:53
openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/ironic-tempest-plugin master: POC deploy-time RAID
openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/ironic stable/ussuri: Fixes to skip validation of in-band deploy steps before agent boot
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janderswhile testing the bifrost fixes I realised I don't fully understand how baremetal nodes get deployed with standalone ironic. I suppose that's what "baremetal node deploy" is for but that seems to only take config drive. Where do we set the image to be deployed?10:07
jandersbifrost playbooks abstract this away nicely but trying to educate myself in this regard. Hints welcome! :)10:07
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iurygregoryIf you want to change things you probably need to update your inventory10:09
jandersthank you iurygregory. How about if I wanted to do it via CLI?10:09
iurygregoryit shouldn't be a problem10:10
jandersthere's decent ironic-standalone CLI reference online  but it's light on examples10:10
jandersand CLI comes in handy when things don't work10:10
iurygregorythe workflow to deploy shouldn't change that much from (standalone vs nonstandalone)10:11
iurygregoryyou need to set the client for noauth10:11
iurygregoryand use openstack baremetal ...10:11
janderswith non-standalone I'd use the nova abstraction to pick the image10:12
jandersthat's the bit I'm not quite sure about for standalone10:12
jandersI see it appear in instance_info field but haven't yet figured out how it gets there10:12
dtantsurusually, manually :)10:13
jandersis it somehow injected into the config drive?10:13
janders(I mean image URL)10:13
dtantsurnope, just set by a user
dtantsurscroll down to #5 (we should really add subsections there)10:13
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iurygregoryConfiguration / Deployment10:15
jandersokay, got it!10:15
jandersthank you dtantsur iurygregory10:15
iurygregoryjanders, yw =)10:15
jandersthis is called "direct deploy" right?10:15
jandersor is that yet another thing?10:15
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openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/ironic master: Add subsections to the standalone documentation
dtantsurjanders: no, it's different. see
jandersok, got it! :) mixed up two different areas10:19
jandersok I think I now have enough to figure it out end-to-end on Monday10:19
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jandersthanks guys!10:20
dtantsurjanders: there is also this idea!/story/200691010:20
dtantsurwhich will make deploying much more obvious10:20
dtantsurbut I don't have time for it :(10:20
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dtantsurmay I get some reviews on and please?10:25
patchbotpatch 741894 - bifrost - Support configuring credential-less deploy - 5 patch sets10:25
patchbotpatch 742203 - bifrost - Use random passwords by default - 11 patch sets10:25
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jandersdtantsur I very much like the RFE but I understand the time concerns. Big job.10:30
dtantsurI've even started it. If somebody approves maybe it'll motivate me to dedicate some time to it ;)10:31
patchbotpatch 703778 - ironic - Add RPC objects for deployment API - 11 patch sets10:31
jandersI'm wrapping up, thank you for all your help this week and have a great weekend all!10:33
dtantsurhave a nice weekend janders10:33
openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/bifrost master: [WIP] Support HTTP basic auth and switch bifrost-cli to it
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openstackgerritVerification of a change to openstack/sushy failed: Update system schema to 1.10
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openstackgerritVerification of a change to openstack/ironic-inspector failed: Add public api support to basic auth
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openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/bifrost master: Make logging more uniform
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dtantsurTheJulia: JFYI: Sprint 2 releases are planned for the week of August 10th. I'll very likely be out that week.11:20
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vmud213Hello Ironic!11:27
uzumakihello ironic! \o/11:27
vmud213I have a query11:28
vmud213When we use instance images for the deployment and the images are hosted in a HTTPS hosted webserver, what whould be the behavior11:29
vmud213iface.validate() fails for bot "boot" and "deploy" interfaces.11:29
vmud213The certification validation fails as there is no support yet in HttpImageService for HTTPS connection11:31
vmud213dtantsur, TheJulia could u help me to understand the behavior in such cases.Planning to raise a patch accordingly11:33
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dtantsurYou mean, you have customer certificates?11:39
dtantsur* custom11:39
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vmud213So not just in this case11:47
vmud213even in the case of redfish when we create deploy ISO on the fly, we also may need to support custom certificates.11:48
vmud213I see this support in ironic-python-agent11:49
vmud213so planning to add one11:49
vmud213u have any suggestions11:50
openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/bifrost master: Make logging more uniform
vmud213if we want to boot up a baremetal node with a deploy ISO hosted on a HTTPS webserver, we may require to upload the certificate on to the nodes for them to boot up from the URL11:55
dtantsurvmud213: makes sense to me, but I'm not sure what the current status is. I guess you could start with a detailed RFE.11:56
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dtantsuriurygregory: do I get it right that ANSIBLE_COLLECTIONS_PATH=/opt/stack/bifrost/collections/ is NOT enough to find the collections? do you know what else should be done?12:10
dtantsurah, PATHS, not PATH12:11
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weshay|ruckTheJulia, dtantsur iurygregory thanks for the reviews... updated
patchbotpatch 742707 - tripleo-common - tripleo ipa image should use the new ipa-ramdisk - 2 patch sets12:24
iurygregorydtantsur, sorry was in a meeting12:24
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iurygregoryweshay|ruck, /me looks12:25
iurygregorydtantsur, well you have figure out I think =)12:25
dtantsuryeah.. now I just need to understand why ironic-enroll-dynamic works locally but fails in the CI >_<12:27
iurygregorypatch link?12:28
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openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/bifrost master: bifrost_inventory: use stderr for logging
dtantsurthis gave me grey hair ^^12:28
patchbotpatch 741964 - bifrost - [WIP] Support HTTP basic auth and switch bifrost-c... - 15 patch sets12:29
dtantsurI'm not running it fully, that's maybe a problem12:29
dtantsurwhen I just run playbooks/enroll-dynamic.yaml it works12:29
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openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/bifrost master: Make logging more uniform
openstackgerritRiccardo Pittau proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent master: More refactoring of the image module
dtantsuraha, my local invocation had "auth_type": "http_basic" in the module arguments. it's not present in the CI.12:39
dtantsuroh, wait, it is12:39
openstackgerritRiccardo Pittau proposed openstack/bifrost master: Consolidate env-setup
rpittauif anyone has a minute, this should be quick
patchbotpatch 741408 - ironic - Enforce autospec in test_deployments - 3 patch sets12:40
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openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/bifrost master: [WIP] Support HTTP basic auth and switch bifrost-cli to it
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openstackgerritVerification of a change to openstack/ironic failed: Force RAX hosts to run tinyipa
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TheJuliagood morning13:07
rpittaugood morning TheJulia :)13:07
TheJuliasome days I feel like CI just doesn't like me13:11
openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/bifrost master: Correct handling of inspect_nodes in test-bifrost.yaml
dtantsurif anybody wants a good facepalm ^^13:11
dtantsurmorning TheJulia. it likes no one.13:11
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iurygregorygood morning TheJulia =)13:12
iurygregorydtantsur, LOL13:13
openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/bifrost master: Enable debug logging in virtualbmc
TheJuliadtantsur: well, as long as the parser happily groks it these days13:13
iurygregoryfacepalm is not enough =(13:13
openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/bifrost master: Make logging more uniform
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dtantsur"The baremetal service for : exists but does not have any supported versions."13:16
dtantsuroh ffs13:16
* dtantsur has had enough today13:16
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iurygregorymagic versions -.-'13:24
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openstackgerritJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic stable/ussuri: Change non-tinyipa jobs to use multiple cores
openstackgerritJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic master: Guard conductor from consuming all of the ram
openstackgerritJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic master: ISO ramdisk virtual media test enablement
TheJuliaiurygregory: this is the job your looking for
patchbotpatch 736383 - ironic - ISO ramdisk virtual media test enablement - 12 patch sets13:38
iurygregoryTheJulia, aha!13:38
TheJuliaBecause of the iso contents we can't see it past boot (which yes, is a problem, but we should be able to fix that eventually. What we do get is being able to ping the machine13:39
iurygregoryack, I was wondering if we introduced in other patch just to see the result of tempest =)13:39
TheJuliayeah, slightly counter-intuitive :\13:43
openstackgerritJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic master: Add some tuning documentation
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openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/bifrost master: Make logging more uniform
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openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/ironic-tempest-plugin master: POC deploy-time RAID
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openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/bifrost master: Store inspector ramdisk logs by default
openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/bifrost master: Make ironic logging more in line with other services.
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TheJuliawheee major upgrades to debian to get python3.8 hopefully running14:14
dtantsurgood luck :)14:14
TheJuliathe follow-up ipxe_template change has me really worried that it is occassionally returning the ipxe template instead of the pxe template14:15
TheJuliamakes me think driver loading is matching pxe in ipxe14:15
TheJuliaand loading ipxe instead14:15
TheJuliabut it _shouldn't_ be14:15
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TheJuliainteresting, it nuked my running network configuration14:23
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dtantsuriurygregory: it looks like supporting basic auth in bifrost may be blocked by the collections transition14:30
dtantsuror, hmm, I'll try without it. maybe the old modules are good enough.14:30
iurygregorydtantsur, I'm working today on the patch14:32
iurygregorymonday I will have it ready =)14:32
dtantsurneat! I'll try to do without it, but it may end up needed..14:34
openstackgerritMerged openstack/bifrost master: Correct handling of inspect_nodes in test-bifrost.yaml
openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/bifrost master: Find authentication from the 'bifrost' cloud instead of calling os_cloud_config
dtantsurit may be this ^^^14:39
dtantsurTheJulia: your opinion is highly welcome14:39
openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/bifrost master: [WIP] Support HTTP basic auth and switch bifrost-cli to it
dtantsuryeah :)14:39
dtantsurI've spent 3 days scratching my head14:40
dtantsurwe'll see if it fixes the HTTP auth14:40
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TheJuliaohhh, I might be rebuilding my desktop this weekend14:43
TheJulialibc issues14:43
dtantsurlibc issues sounds like a lot of weird fun14:45
TheJuliano... not at all14:47
TheJuliaohh, an upgrade is 2GB of packages14:48
* dtantsur hands TheJulia a nice Fedora :D14:48
* TheJulia fires it off and suspects when she gets back from the dr's office that it may be done14:48
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/ironic master: Allow node lessee to see node's ports
openstackgerritMerged openstack/ironic-lib master: Return correct response on HTTP basic failure
openstackgerritMerged openstack/ironic master: Adds raid validation for in-band AgentRAID deploy step
openstackgerritMerged openstack/ironic master: Enforce autospec in test_deployments
openstackgerritMerged openstack/ironic master: Enforce autospec in test_notification_utils
openstackgerritVerification of a change to openstack/ironic failed: Enforce autospec in some api tests
iurygregory5/6 not bad Zuul15:07
openstackgerritZygimantas Matonis proposed openstack/ironic-inspector master: More flexible definitions of conditions in rules
arne_wiebalckiurygregory: be nice to Zuul, then Zuul is nice to you15:12
iurygregoryarne_wiebalck, I gave a cookie15:12
iurygregoryit was 5/615:12
arne_wiebalckiurygregory: perfect!15:12
arne_wiebalckZuul likes cookies15:12
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/ironic-inspector master: Add public api support to basic auth
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openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/bifrost master: Find authentication from the 'bifrost' cloud instead of calling os_cloud_config
openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/bifrost master: [WIP] Support HTTP basic auth and switch bifrost-cli to it
dtantsurwe need an ironic-lib release now, anyone up for it? iurygregory?15:21
-openstackstatus- NOTICE: We are renaming projects in Gerrit and will experience a short outage. Thank you for your patience.15:22
openstackgerritMerged openstack/sushy master: Update system schema to 1.10
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iurygregorydtantsur, sure15:26
iurygregoryyay will do my first release \o/15:27
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openstackgerritRichard G. Pioso proposed openstack/ironic-specs master: [WIP] Operationally efficient & fast-track provisioning
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iurygregorydtantsur, 4.3.1 should be fine?15:43
dtantsurI think so15:43
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dtantsurmmm, I'm not sure bifrost can be fixed without fixing the collections15:43
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iurygregorydtantsur, fyi
patchbotpatch 742931 - releases - Release 4.3.1 of ironic-lib - 1 patch set15:45
iurygregorymonday I will have the collections patch up o/15:45
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dtantsuriurygregory: nice, but there is an issue there as well:
patchbotpatch 742932 - ansible-collections-openstack - Do not require ironic_url if cloud is provided - 1 patch set15:48
dtantsurI guess I'll have to work around it..15:48
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dtantsur|afkhave a great weekend!15:53
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openstackgerritvinay kumar muddu proposed openstack/ironic master: Allow HttpImageService to accept custom certificate
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/ironic master: Force RAX hosts to run tinyipa
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TheJuliayay coffee finally16:39
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openstackgerritVerification of a change to openstack/ironic failed: Extend base build timeouts
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openstackgerritJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic stable/ussuri: Force RAX hosts to run tinyipa
* iurygregory is wondering if we want to lowe the VM SPECS for rax hosts17:33
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TheJuliaI'm not sure they will really matter much17:43
TheJuliais anyone able to reproduce the python38 unit test failure on ?17:45
patchbotpatch 739841 - ironic - Add ``ipxe_template`` override option - 5 patch sets17:45
TheJuliaI've not been able to do so... yet17:45
iurygregorylet me test17:45
TheJuliaI've got a loop running now to try and see if it can break on my local machine. So far every test run has passed17:46
* TheJulia tries the old "fire up a movie stream" addition17:46
iurygregoryTheJulia, green =)17:51
iurygregoryzuul is drunk since is friday night17:51
TheJuliayeah, no failure yet17:51
TheJuliais it?!?17:51
iurygregory  py38: commands succeeded  congratulations :)17:52
iurygregoryit's friday night an in Japan is already Sat so Zuul is probably at some party17:52
TheJuliaboom, failed17:55
TheJuliaWell, that makes me feel a little better17:55
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TheJulialooks like it is with-in the class/test runner18:08
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TheJuliahmm the runner it seems18:18
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iurygregoryso it's random the failure? O.o18:25
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/bifrost master: Make ansible ask for sudo password
openstackgerritMerged openstack/bifrost master: Auto-set ansible_python_interpreter when in venv
openstackgerritMerged openstack/bifrost master: Enable debug logging in virtualbmc
TheJuliaiurygregory: yeah, it is18:37
iurygregorysad =(18:38
TheJuliait can happen with-in the test runners18:38
iurygregorygotcha =(18:38
TheJuliathis is often why dmitry or I will grump and split apart one test class into two18:39
iurygregoryit only happens when we try to check if the lists are identical?18:45
openstackgerritMerged openstack/ironic master: Add subsections to the standalone documentation
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TheJuliaiurygregory: more like in-memory collision in the test runner and the class helps distribute things between runners.18:57
TheJuliabecause each class gets distributed to different runners18:57
iurygregorythis is the first time I see this problem18:58
iurygregoryand we do have some classes with a TON of tests18:58
TheJuliaWhat is super odd is that we're even seeing the failure on such a small scale but it is likely just the alignment of the starts.19:04
TheJuliaAnd often this is weirdness around module loading19:04
TheJuliaunfortunately, what is failing is about as close as our tests get to that area19:04
TheJuliaso *shrugs*19:04
TheJuliaI changed things to explicitly set the interface for the test since... we have multiple so we're not trying to guess19:05
TheJuliaso far so good, on... run #27 or 28 now19:05
iurygregoryyeah =(19:06
TheJuliaI kind of view it like the mysql stuff we sometimes see in CI19:07
TheJuliaCan't reproduce it, happens randomly19:08
TheJuliaand there is basically "no good reason"19:08
TheJuliayet it also happens on specific tests19:08
TheJuliaif it hits 40 with it,  I'll just put an inline note and push it back u p19:11
TheJuliagah, and it just failed19:13
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iurygregorydamm =(19:25
TheJuliagah, mock is not even working to prevent it from blowing up if I change the driver19:26
TheJuliaI'm going to go run into town, I have to do what will hopefully be the very last bit of estate paperwork for this year19:27
openstackgerritVerification of a change to openstack/ironic failed: Fixes to skip validation of in-band deploy steps before agent boot
openstackgerritIury Gregory Melo Ferreira proposed openstack/bifrost master: Switch bifrost to collections
iurygregorygood luck TheJulia =)19:37
iurygregorygood night o/ have a nice weekend =)19:38
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openstackgerritIury Gregory Melo Ferreira proposed openstack/bifrost master: Switch bifrost to collections
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openstackgerritRiccardo Pittau proposed openstack/ironic master: Enforce autospec in some api tests
openstackgerritRiccardo Pittau proposed openstack/ironic master: Enforce autospec in some api tests
trandlesI know it's getting late on Friday but I have a stubborn problem. I'm using Ironic (Train) in standalone mode but can't figure out why I can't get nodes to validate. I have automatic cleaning disabled but it's still telling me "UUID or name of cleaning network is not set in configuration "21:42
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TheJuliatrandles: what is network_interface set to?22:14
TheJuliaare you actually using neutron?22:14
TheJuliathen change it to noop and it should enroll22:15
TheJuliayou'll want to change the default in the config most likely22:15's been a loooooooooong I feel dumb :P22:15
TheJuliano worries22:15
TheJuliadoing alright?22:15
trandlesThanks for that22:15
trandlesYeah, thanks, you?22:15
TheJuliano problem :)22:15
trandlesBusy week with OpenDev I assume. I listened in on the second day.22:16
TheJuliayeah, I'm doing okay although I just found out I can't get a battery system for my house22:16
TheJuliayeah, very busy22:16
trandles:( I asked about a battery for the house here and got a very unsatisfying "dunno, ask some other time" from the power company22:16
trandlesGood news is we're _finally_ taking a serious look at replacing all of our provisioning with something like Ironic22:17
TheJuliatrandles: :( about the power company. My father like 30-40 miles south of where your at just wants to go totally off the grid because of the frequent outages... then again they are right in a perfect spot for high winds22:18
TheJuliatrandles: that is awesome news!22:18
TheJuliaplease submit something to the virtual summit :)22:18
TheJuliaif you can :)22:18
trandlesUtilities in our neighborhood are all underground so we don't get the power outages. I'd like to go as off-the-power-grid as possible, especially since our monthly usage is often less than 350kWh. Problem is, our usage is so low that none of the solar installers are keen to work with us for such a small install.22:19
trandlesI'll see if I can get something together for the virtual summit. I saw the CFP.22:20
TheJuliaYeah, if you have the right meter you could do self-install with micro-inverters22:20
TheJuliaThey should be more willing, but there is all the weird regulation around net metering22:21
trandlesSince we're pretty much 100% work from home, the desire to get solar, install a battery, and get an EV has dwindled. I don't think I've driven 500 miles total since mid-March. That's a big difference from my normal 90 mile round-trip to work. I'm not complaining. ;)22:23
trandlesTheJulia, deploying...thanks22:25
TheJuliatrandles: 90 miles!?!?22:28
TheJuliawow, I thought you were closer to there22:28
trandlesYeah, I live on the south end of Santa Fe22:28
trandlesNear the airport22:28
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TheJuliaAhh, for some reason I thought you lived on the other side of the los alamos, but santa fe makes way more sense :)22:30
TheJuliamy mental map of new mexico might need a trek to roswell, and then a bouncing aroudn the state for a couple of weeks.22:32
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* TheJulia crosses her fingers hoping she finally has a unit test behaving22:46
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openstackgerritIury Gregory Melo Ferreira proposed openstack/bifrost master: Switch bifrost to collections

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