Tuesday, 2021-12-28

opendevreviewTaylorTao proposed openstack/ironic master: Fix SOL releated issue  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic/+/82305007:07
opendevreviewTaylorTao proposed openstack/ironic master: Fix SOL releated issue  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic/+/82305010:25
opendevreviewMaksim Malchuk proposed openstack/bifrost master: Create the log file for the disk-image-create command  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/bifrost/+/82289514:43
rm_workI know it's a longshot, but if anyone is actually here, I would love some help understanding the ironic boot process, so I can debug a grub error I'm getting on (what I believe is the final stage of) a new instance booting15:52
holtgrewerm_work: about to leave, ironic will boot an ironic-python-agent (IPA) image that does inspection15:53
holtgreweon deployment the same image will be booted and - by my understanding - by default write your image to the hard drive15:54
rm_workso, the instance made it all the way to ACTIVE15:54
holtgrewewhere on first boot cloud-init is used (by default) to initialize the settings15:54
rm_workI THINK it's on the final (target) image?15:54
rm_workis there a good way to verify that?15:54
holtgreweIt *should* be15:54
holtgreweIt could be tricky to find out15:54
rm_workI booted via nova, with an image tag for a rhel7 image15:55
rm_work(a custom one that is in my Glance)15:55
holtgrewein the worst case you will have to login via serial console15:55
holtgreweand you might need to build an image with a known password15:55
holtgrewethat is what I needed to do15:55
holtgreweyou can look at the ironic logs15:55
holtgreweironic conductor logs will tell you whether it tried to write the image15:55
holtgreweand you will see some image15:55
rm_workconductor log? I assume15:56
holtgrewewhile IPA is doing its work adn writing the image, you can look at the journalctl logs15:56
holtgrewe*some logs15:56
holtgrewesorry, about to leave now15:56
rm_workyeah np15:56
rm_workI just see all kinds of other images like ipa-ramdisk initfs and kernel15:57
rm_workand a stage2 squashfs...15:57
holtgrewethis might help https://docs.openstack.org/ironic-python-agent/latest/15:57
rm_workwanted to make sure it is definitely booting the rhel7 image so I don't waste all my time trying to track down an error in that image when it isn't even booted yet15:57
holtgrewehm, can't you look on the serial console?15:58
holtgrewe.e.g., OS Xena uses a CentOS 8 for IPA15:58
rm_workthis is what I see in the console log:15:58
rm_workI am ASSUMING that is a broken rhel7 image (the image ID I passed to nova for the instance)15:59
holtgrewesorry, can't help you here16:00
holtgreweduring normal work days the channel is super active and helpful though16:00
rm_workyeah I will own figuring out the image issue16:00
rm_workI just want to make sure it's actually THAT IMAGE that's booted at this stage16:00
rm_workand not one of these intermediary things16:00
holtgreweYou might want to clean / wipe / zap the disk once16:00
holtgreweI don't think that IPA will touch existing partitioning16:01
rm_workyeah clean works, doesn't affect this16:01
rm_work(this is, for the record, in a sort of ... devstack-esque test environment)16:01
rm_worki have cleaned all my test nodes a bunch during the testing process. I guess it could also be possible something in the cleaning left them in a bad state? heh16:02
rm_workappreciate the info 😛 I'll read up more16:02
holtgrewehmm, should not happen but ppl here will be able to tell you more in January when they're back16:03
rm_workyeah, I guess I just beat my head on this wildly and hope I get lucky until then XD16:03
rm_workmaybe I'll figure it out!16:03
holtgreweif you have virtual device support in your server's BMC, you might want to try to boot an grlm image and look at the disk contents16:04
holtgrewethat helped me (worked fine with Dell iDRAC but should also work with HPE ILO or SM BMC)16:05
rm_workthe server is ... technically not real hardware 😀16:05
rm_workit's virtual (devstack-esque testing environment)16:05
rm_workironic is just configured to think this is a real server, heh16:05
rm_workcould also be something with that emulation that's broken, but I THINK it worked before for some people16:06
holtgreweOh, you're missing out of a lot of nasty problems, then! All the pain figuring out hardware :-)16:06
rm_workmy problem is that I'm not even close to an expert and the rest of my team is on vacation still 😛16:06
rm_workI do loadbalancers >_<16:06
holtgreweMy speciality is getting stuck ;-)16:07
holtgreweno matter the topic16:07
holtgreweSo if you're into load balancers you're already ahead of me. You'll figure it out.16:07
holtgreweIf it's virtual, could you not just mount the image somewhere and inspect it there with fdisk or something?16:08
holtgreweThat is what I would try16:08
rm_workthe issue is that I can look at the FS but I think grub is ... special? lol16:08
holtgreweif it's a qemu/kvm machine there are tools that let you mount virtual disks easily16:08
holtgrewehere's a pretty picture of the provisioning process https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_openstack_platform/10/html-single/bare_metal_provisioning/index16:11
rm_workcool, thanks!16:13

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